Whitby Chronicle, 3 Sep 1897, p. 2

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j Do You Use It? It's the best thing for the bair under ail circumstances. Just as ne man by taking thought can add au Inch tQ his stature, se ne preparation can make hair. The utmost that cari be doue la te pro- mete conditions favorable ta growth. This is d oune b y Ayer's Hair Viger. It re- moves scalp, which j ust as dandruif, cleanses the nourishes the sou lu the hair grows, and, a desert wiil blossom under rain, so bald heads grow hair, wheu thé roots are nour- ished. But the roots must be there. If yen wish your hair te retain its normal color, or ii you wish te restore the lest tint of gray or faded hair use Ayer's Hair Vigor. QORRESPONDENQE Vamiula uDcci Hounds. Durlng tbe past moutAs some party or parties bave s.emed detertniueii te do away witb aIl tuhe deer bouards in evu. Several doge were poieoned in the suuth wurd and L[at week tûe nortir wud add eti iLs làt. Conjectures are nuweroas as tu te b.gtrilty one and tire b notera have taken te lb. war paili wtb sncb ferocity that s il iigo bard vitb tire.who rmn igaistutbee. t i. evitieut sme one ts dusuirsous cbf hýaving a "&cmnci" on thbe but tubi fini. Waas.ifor Theft. Devey M Pearce secureti vork last wbek tr 'Curtis faras iu Ops. Daring Mr' Ou a absence on Sanday, Peurce stole cles cf vearing apparel, and la weai'tisome cf thein. obief BuLl bau a varsaut 'sut anti is looking for hlm Peurce ta 2SVeare cf &go, beigirt5 (eet, 9 lnouchsfaw complexion, esun builti, gi'eY eyeSs Milheavy tiark oye brows. The top of lb. isanb cf tube left baud la mlssing andi twgtlrgers neu itanar scar- reti. Fonelon Falls bat a bit cf s msti-dog meure on. day latéy. Ltseeome thnt Faiber Nolancf t ltace soecond, dur iug a receul risit t<> 1'stig a large St Bernard tiog. That do& wva smagnifi ent specimen anti vas ie admiration cf ai lvie sav i, partcalarlyiu u er, vise olaitueti aUl og virtues for a: ant inlu pite of tube repeateti oonîradicious cf bis frieuds, deelareti thatu iLwuva quiet as a iausb. Fiàther Nolan bati just -'akeu thbe beaut hume off thbe bout anti hainp ce- essieu to a lertube bouse, Iceket it lun Wheu ho retauceti, eutering tbe front doqor, lb. St. Bernard ftow st bis f4roat andi proccededt u devour i. Hie r*ver- oe mate ism esape, hovever, aud r"t ing &round tue*tube baçfthketub bouiç, Mrabbedi a gon andi plankêd a dose of eoI4 iea into bis autagoisi. The animalt boitent for pastures green andi vion lest sesusvas -scill muunîng. A neigirbor vin> vitueseti the epimode raisedthe i. sarm cf mati tog anti Isno proceettiugs wWr rrtlcaialy iutereuting lu tirairionity Warmsnt bfr mis . John Barett, thb. mam V"revas fuod for msking a dîstatbanoe ou boted Lb. Atl.ic thel catir. coio eftl pic o0 baud exeat sioni on tire ISturof Augut , l agisr trouble. On Týburedy of lut' e: be bsgua tiritbs fWrerengo aansi the Po01Wt-Who .ffiWodbbis anus. Ze ma e lo bit u i riaanais. ir'bmae aso& startetinluto nmb 'a "*mofiàtat tire Beussu boueft oudwansblugir rvoir- or' sud girlng .a lilsonsIsgag ii op oac7iemumus ,at tender sucetit l &"Ig wY, his talten eut for iris at-nt. bok a hies boveverastuseroti bbmureiLT. *"Or V'euiug b.ee."Weda irnieau 160"Is b 9vI la"tie lsnye of se S. L1Z d U V -8V9.,of W.vw.*4vsi Wwn on mo sia M i, vthe. ?dboa-s Mar Jïohn Jordon blas êitsbc at" o f tore tha'oa. Bqulire joh* Bockiey Is able te attend bill 4udu oaditi. Mima 'Mary loveit vent te Maniito'ba witb the laut e:entsion._ 1fr, Tipp andi famiyoare vlaîtiug ai lb. residence cf Mr 'H Fàrrow. Misa Berry, cf UMaunili$ pontaa f»tw day. wits M n Riehard Edwardis. Rer Mi' Brown, Methodist ministor, calied on many 01 bis Congregation. Mr' Wm Gordon, cf Queteuss otel, Udoru, paid town a flying iit. Mrs.Gea. Duvmon and paughter, Mimn Florenoq, visièed friandsisnl Tborab on danday. Thre Misses Lee%, cf Toronto, were vis. iint . Mr John Francis during tbe past A nuruber cf the yonng ladies bad their phâotos tlen reoently by a cern peteul artiist. Mi' Barry Fairfielti anti sister, cf Can. nington, passeti through the village San- day afternoon. Mr' Andrev Le'ghton bas led the (ai'- mers this season. He is uhrough harvest- ing firsi. The greater naurber will finish this w..k. Civie Holiday vas Spentinl a loyal way. The sports especially enjoyed theinselves. O tier. went buntiug anti secnred several groundrovs and a parcu- pins.. Mr Tbou Medoalfi s going te commem- oraLe the Queens JuWiee by takigugno iinself a better baif. Thomas la a boy with beys and a geuiral favorite witb the ladies. Mrs Chas Forman who has tbe con- tract Le haut the inilk ini north-west irook, roporte the new oaLs very ligbht as hit hermes have falied ince lie commenc- eid te fee t hemn. Mr Rebt Jordan wus ahoeing a herse, wben tihe animal becatue eteas and struok thbe ehoer on ;be ribis. He took a ew day. iept, sud @peut thre ime in vieiL- ing bis tiuugbler, Mi'. ThostI3ugsbuw. Mr Thoes Ewert bad bie stable burnt- The orieion cf the fie is nnknown. He is ut quit. a loe. Mm Les Cliii, the genial agent cf thbe Londen Mutual, vas on band next mcmning viewing the. ruine Features don't nat- ter se mucli. Most any features wiii do if tire complexion is Clemi, thre eyes brigbt snd thre lips ro". Hearty, healtby wbole- somenesla better tno mere beauty. cf featurea. A face ful of tire glow of geot bealtb-ftall cf thre kindiîess anti gocti humer tiret healtir brings, le boundti t be an attractive face-a face tht viii make frîends. Thre face tell& tire story cf tire irole body. 4 4Murder wMiiot I -anti se vil "*female veakues " ati nervouaness anti cher diserders pecuiar te women. If tirere lsaadrain on the systemn sd sxtreui>tire record of it vilsabçvw.lu the ace.If .there la nerve znogg'Dg "baig-dovu"' pains, dragging aud pýniugaitire moat sensitive organe' in a vomau's body, tire face wii show it. Abuseti nerves dawUnes ci cam anti worry on thre face. Nervous -prs.rtin viltea Its wamning on tir, face ogbfr it cornes.. Sieepiessneés, nervorranoa anti debliitatln drais mnake more wrinkie tiran age. Nine-tentir of thre sickneu cf wcmu cornesftm ommeredçrnrmet orgu distinctiy fnnneof-tnb Mt sîckn.sscmaubteurent ani avidedthe ii Use et Dr. PI'nee' Favorte Precrpton There le uothing -miraulous abottre "Favorite Pecipins-c uape- .L ua the resaitof ratonal tirou auôed twyappie o e uieùre for itP¶buIMd&C ègn and u No. 2 aseuOntarie. 1.. Mr Geo A Blair, Box 15, R.nfree. Ut-r E L-,Goodallï 229 Wollingten Streett Ottawa. Wlnner of -GoId Watohes. Mr' Jno Hughes, Box 136, IPresoot Mr' M DeBunsey, Peinbroke. Mr' R A Smltb, Newmarket. Miss Lisale Dey, Moose re.k. MJius Millie Coesanti, Box 92, New- burgh. The abova oompetltten will bu continned each moaîh of z8W. LEVER EROS, Llmft.do 23 Scott Street, Toroento. OUILLIA 1 Druak aniWouuisi. ThomnasJeunings, whoe ias lulb. siti week cf a tirunken spree, was gion aà chance te seber up on Thursday by P M( Lafferty vie sentencet i hm te 80 dayo in Lbe couuty goal. Jeuuluge was partly1 disabled, owing te a vounti in bis lhigb,1 whîcli, b. sai, h. hati receireti by a1 moving tr4in wbich bati eauglit hlm npà wbiie walking on the track. Hlam moryi wus that hobe ad been dragged some dis-1 unes andtthrown off. à. Hoe.Fadorj. R D McGifiavary à Co., a firm of Toi'- onto brokers, want ta locaLe a factery in Orillia ici' tihe manufacture cf seamloe iese. ilesides sbey vent a bonuse o # 5,000. A eemimoaicatien te b. cenil to tbnt effoot came op before that body for consideration ut a special meeting on Fridup ufternoon la% anti a comn>ntee conssting cf Lire mayor, reeve, firat de- pa:y euve and couuoillcrs Black and Se- cord was uppointuet to go over thre maLter a.nd make tb. béat possible proposai on behaif cf tire iowu te secure ithe MeQilli- vamy & Co factomy. Winl Bld fer the, r.fngt The concl is gcinu te make an effort te, influence 1h. Connty Council to bud ite bouecf refuge in Oriltia. Ai a spec- tel meeting in tue ceuncil ohaniber on Friday lust aur oLline cf wbat Lb. Lown eau offer lu the way cf inducemeil wu mentally dmuwn up, aud Lthe fuceswil1 b. offeredto te ubec ty eomsnisiouers for ounsiderution before thi. selecturon cf a site is matie. Tire are said te be thrie sites lu Oillis wbicb are pumebasable These are the Kean property, tb. Smeith faim anti the Shannon fàrm. The mayor sali taobunderetootiWartien Sneatub te bave mid lasuweek tia'. eShannon farm vas lie mostu tesirable lu bis estain atlen that the oemrnittee on selection lied examineti. Other niembers cf the coin nriltee are sai te havée eprebe the saine opinion.-News Lutter. Mr& Knox, tube mother cf Thomas Knux, of the.Brook oud, celebraieti ber 9th birtirday on Wednestiay laut. Many cf her olti trientis calleti te ceugratuiaue_ ber, among then tire Rev Mr Mc&uleyt who prosenle-ed bervih oeefethtue nov nrmais cf tube Presbyterian oburch. Seè a upossession cf a&l her <soulies anti does hem ovu corresponding ye. W. join lu wishÎng tirat car good Scotch friend zay eebrny retumna cf the day. On Sauday about 4 oclock iu tube moruiug oui' viUagems vere amouseti rom the. quiet alumbers *alrurcfhis fin. bell, anti on follovrug tir. noise mn4 confusion <oud tthhe b.raamla hOÏ6i ou EIizals ,etittlbelougin g lIrs. BReid, of Torouto, vas neary eousuaaed. ié vas morne lime befum e a.u*&et inbohê et tire wèdtntarespodeti te thliea U for- hirlp teittu order to soi the streani of vaew ovrug tire dam auBub * two builigs > irli» 10fetlt thé i z I i~curewured Unr Murdocik anti Mrs Gerow are vii> LocuSI Hilfries. (* P'1îrà. h, ff woîl t proseattan ieceas bas been te blamo. Mat, 6a amnesuf iStouiffrile, la ber. with b aü unt# Mré Dowswell. SMn,.Wm u-drdock returneti frein Win- nipeg on Satusida> for a riait, Mr' D Forsytb àbd Mr andi Mi' D Hep- per were in tb.citiy Ibis week. Misses Roblason andi Geulti returneti rrom Bundys camp on Friday Iusî. Miss Nettie Gibbons, cf Toronto, i. horne with ber people for a sojonin. Geo WiIkin broke bis weeel lately by running over one cf the canine specres. Mn& W J Grabam bas been indisposeti since th.W garden party cf last week. 1fr. MoKay and daughter, of Mark- ham, are hure with, ber son, A M McKay. A Baumon lias the oouiract-of piaster. thé bouée of P Scotts at Agincour. L Bowee la engaged with hlm to do tb. lathing. Graham&a bu eieun rau "Y y row tb. lb. station on Sauiutday morning and stopped at tb. svamp. No damage was done. The Brook rooti seeme a source of ug g ravation for tbe ones wbo have teo travel (m Claremont te the Elinuaîon road. Eapeciully along tbel7tb and 8th conces- sioe the piteh holes make irs very bard on a vehicle. It would net be a bàd sc to have the wbole road supervised by a compéetent mnan. It i. said chut omnic Lbhe béats bave not perfommet ieir tue labor yet -News. TUE TA.oF DEATH f &0s .& It begins at the Throat and ends at the Grave'iP How many a human life is unnece- sarfly sacrficed. .>s &.î There are nmy remedies on the market for the cure cf consumptfon, but consumptien, once it reaches a certain' stage, cannot be cured. In prefessing, therefere, te do what is impossible, these rernedies prove tbeumeves to be sîiply huçpbugs. Consumption is aý disease which destroys the tissue cf the lung. Once gene, ne medicine can replace that tissu. Oood niedicine may ar-est thec disease even after one lung is wholly gene, as long as theother remainsond. Oncebath are attacked, however, thevicetim is doemed. Just why people should, itsi their lives to this dread diseuse and go to greattsxpnse afterwards to checkit,it is hard toconeive. It iuxnuch casier prevented thani cured;. Throat troubles and severe colds areîts usuel forerunners. A a5-cet boule cf Mr. Cha sSyrup ef Linses miS Tarpeuttu will drive these away. It is, without doubt, the best miedicSo for the purpm o e uad.anywhere. Reev e MoMîflan saud eenciiIr Proctor of Bearerton, vill attend tire Convention ,of Mdunicîpaloffice. to b. hld lu Tor- onte duungtire eshibitlon week. Tire pncipal tapiec f diocuseo iiie tirat à uniber cftube <aimera cf ibis- local- ity am eoxperimentuiug Ibis seaso-viti thbe angam'beet'. SuferaI' il Liradoua e«- co ingrwelh Tire restait of thre Oxpri. niet wil s ei*tlawroit "asitisa P . sllSiiuaq' ïtean, eateaus i.gmWvair ttire hut on «tie popes. cf the sauu&nrIge of saupr.. ~is £ o% :10e0o tor f lre .ug., wbe4. hl boa bon n e "11, *dcaeleCau 'with bis parents in 1818, settling neuf Lundys Lano. unde resnovigng with thein mari Yyeats was . connecteti wit bihl brothera in oarrylng on sbe businescf brewîng tnd distilling on die eusl bank cf the Don, a businesa that was rnaugui'ated by bis <allier iu-l820. Jast 6.0. yearo, go Mr' Heliiwell"renioved to Hlgb land Oreek, wbere h. lived and died, respected by al ,who kuew him. In 1887 ha wus undor urmea for some turne in,~ defence of bis; country, and beld a commilagion sas cap- tain lu the York militia. HA was lu 1847 appointeti a Justice cf the Pesée, and in 1879 Inspecter cf Fiéheries for tbe oounty cf York, whicb positions be filled hoor- ably and wlLb oredit te himself. A good stcry l4 told t aai atanat Jaoksons Point by tbe camlpers on four oltisens of Oanningteti. The story gees that these ellizens hired Mr' Woods boit, salleti ont fie thé lake, drcpped anchor and oomwnoued fMing andi continne t l flsb for sorne hmff**Ithont onucb succes. Tb@ quartette dectddte change their location arid consequefltl3yralseti the sÉl vile twe commenceti row'ing but aftet rowing 1 heur andi 8 minutea--bi actuel connt-they bati only mnoveti about 1001 yards. The. iveat vas droppaf freinm tbeir noses andtti e tbougbt cf remaiUlnig on tbe vater ail nlgbt began ta staird before their vision l1k. a niglit mure. The wboie trouble andtihIe only trouble wrth tbe bout vas that lb... modern suilers buti neiectedtit take in tb. ancber. If your tif. le net Insureti, kindly do net mention the aboie in tb. heuring cf any cf those citisens or yeu muy "kneuti" the assistance cf a ",goose"J te yield yen from a close ,&have" for life. -Gieun r. The grain la nearly al barvested. Mr annd Mi-. Jno Warden, Courtice, aperit Sunduy at Mr' R Pasces. Mrs J F Harîbut ila naking a pro- longed vieiLte Tomorâto and Owen Sound. Mr- A Washington, cf ZDon, occu- pied the pulpit on Sund"y hast. Mr J F Huribut treated' the band boys te beney after practiee.. Tbee were four lots cf threshers with their engines and cleaners- with- in crie mile cf bore last week. The Vermine MIgiw. When s pouitry bousde ig foun.ti teb badly bnfttd viLlipoultry mites or rermain, Lb. fi-st meaure, i. to exciotie ail the obiokens, forcing theai teo MO th ue open air ýif possible anti pisciDg' large quantities cf air slak.d lime lu the' tipet lu whicb tbey wuilow.. This viIi' scnu riti tube bens cf auy mites tubas may bave remaineti on tueti sud vill aise olean- theai cf auy ether lice te whioh they are sobjeci. Te clean tuhe eibln houge firsit rench the f cor anti r oîtievitis "kerosene enini, sien. Use uoarly fuU setrngtmh. la aiftrv heoursalLer Luis lias hem» applti erape the roos tlut- n et ais4 hum alth strav lu tbhéimestua #n, hae tire florJ coat cf virltevasi>lu viner a eson ef carbolie a idi tuea allon cýI f th',évuéb bas been uriugied, applyiug tbckly tO t.ie erery sert, Erery poultry bouse, irotaIt a pear.. In thïeî emse tire 8noQPÈrrg 4osuli 4b. oriped lup andi removed_ -ery sucoU ii dairying muùdoPend flot ouyon bavîng cows able ,to give a îib- eral mess etid kee at' it, but aloo on. the kind of rulikes emPloyed. A careles lazy urtiker will easily lose mDore than bis wagea during the. time h. is employod. Not only this, but ,he wÎll quioklv convert a really good Oow inte a por ~ne . The milk which the carele58 iilk,3i' louves in the udder is always that w hich bas the largest aniount of butter fats. If it laflot , drawn the> fât le 'reabsorbed into the f cow and helips te dry ber off. The difficlity in getting help that can be 0 deedd on ia the gi'eat drawback in =uril a large dairy farin. It is aliîo no light job te milk ton, twelve or more cows twice every day. Lt will inake any mnaa anda tired until he beconies nsed te it. Valae of Brn S nd Oluteil. It il not possible to fix bard fast values, relative or otherwise,- for cattle foodas. Ioesof the. mre clasa tnay b. cornpared oni the. buis of the relative quantities of digestible dry uxsttei'-ifl 100 pounds, but this je net true -of unlike fooda. Gluten meal is a much more nitrogenous food than wheat bran, asud so tohes a différent place in the ration. Igesides, the ternu g1luen meal is applied to Éuterials Vary. ing 1ilthb way from- 20 te 36 per cent or more of protein. Aocordiig, to resultis se far' reaohed. Buffalo gluten feed, which 'hsually contâins about 25 per cent cf p'rcfelnq in oonsîderably more digestible tlratr *he. bran, the proportion of di- gesLl6le dry matter Ii th. two being as 75 te W4 rt is probubly possible t pr chase th« e narial ingredients cf a ton of wheat bifATifoS about $8.50. Those of' a ton of Bu*elo gluten feed would coat,- on the saine bauibk not more than 09.26: If gluten meal oeutaining more nitrogen were purchased, the. manurial va lue would b:larger. Ih value cf the ma- niurial residue froi t.hese foode dependa, in part, upon the elasa of animals to whioh they are fed. EVERY FAMILY SHOULâ-p, _9X rtqà&- leo.o hgou& Tis?* Aèe ut.'oI Ja t4Ue.o» ~1u~i~aiu ~ .v~u. 'luIbo *Wheat I W here wheat la the plowing shou about six week and the plowing and barrows with' sooner the better,' the soil and solidi more effectuai tha a day or two after every shower of ra be repeated to bre conserve the mois a long experlence such timreiy tillag wheat crop, and cost of the work. beep delayed tilln cultivation shoul as practicable. Wheat after oat mended as a rule. in good heart we crops of wheat in make it a success thorough. The plowed as soon as the roller and the the plow immedia the following day. ed, cultivation sh< days, and especial of rain or rainy land is dry enougi crust should be p~ the surface and ti fectually kW il w the growth of oat out in harvesting, to grow, will rob much moisture ar take up. The, spring-tooth cult to good advantag< thisties are sbok* broad f eet may b but should -be fol to level the ridgei implement. 0f c pend upon the w( of rainfaîl, wheth got into fit cont plowing bas bees August there wil] preparation outli cornes ta moister of the plowing b ed the outlock will flot be very if the plowing ca till near seeding and the land is t a good seed-bed reasonable grout crop. Wheat Mu the land is ri?-.h expect a paying ation will be en outlined for out ing and cultiv nsenced as early remnoval of the available it is b top dressing and~ by use cf cui Farmers Advo Regular meet sent; minutcs 0 conn frmed. ment i -n the e uurkaovan--] 1, 'eu PMrip la ý -* é,ý

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