b»Our pel,,oue vgtu$ s Wp imui». the but rmulte On tim land orohat ois ~ *i1 ! r g,.ebi ii~.e wt$ e ertilizecl, but ih muet ho doné g.1ulob#i>oTult)0n of-sbug"#, with car. mand judgementt au. etpla1nâe das onuof uIii i,*4tt. -Put th in The. Farinera Review. Excesv eai tt chIn uêt eôù.I w36lr o1vîgdisslv wpplicaticiie of stable tuaflutr oth $ithecreoun to e froU , b tii. whlt < ./" ~~nitrogononfl fertilizer aboula ..lwelii1», of esU n&m b hht ~ ,A avoided, especiail>' after trééa reaOii otnuthe getati là 16 eo 1ô4for, g rmty YOMrs go bearing age. Such applications induce* Minutes, add th -Iii.ugbr,,b4 *tusW afboub a rnksapy gowth that mak« pjea stétâ*Ér'ftl Mmlik, dd the flevortu Who eoiuld Imagine that this should be re ie mr al oblight o.nd Ithee m ad egga.. Beat the. ml1ttffl rupaewe el eghteen alnetythTOee ils. ycrtigof U1 oll.Pur over &asponge cake îhat' "hot pcwhe, «l&w .1 ofarch and u IY destr~uctiveri g h.b..,, baked -In a uelpdtifl.I't Tbam ie wtdwodthe atone fruits. With aPPles tuer. thI e ii hi. o rm, to prevent crumbi' Bhould shadowthe nations, polychromie... jelegbs danger, and they may be sately, ing, ,into ai round disi, ellowlng tie il ere st the.Pair was the prise conferrcd fertilized quite heavily. Excessive sonilopa oso ItI tp hnpu u higon -tSlla. by tiia.reord phowed wood growtb la, however, nover des. oreuu into 't; and you have a dii fit for Chlcgo4kmtht s ecod sowirale in a bearing orchard of an>' a king. Siae ~<'kind. The trees ahould bo carefufly Barian ree.-A pînt cf aveet watched and be given auch treatnient nilke sa haîf pint of hot vater, a pint of as wll gvo acropof wll dvelo e bppole rao21ofuls & o ugre ruit, and at the sanie time a moder- ftneasonforeol of varilla a upfulic Ayer's Cathartlc m ail te growth of well mantured wood, chopped EgnglisIIvaîntuts. a hai! boxfual The leaves shoû1d alwaya ho of a dark of gelatin. Dimoire the gelatin in a. 'have# Ù= mthe Umne of theit rich green, for pinclied yellow foliage tlt t et as will cover 11. Lot it soak sucooe wlt tTactbsicfÂod Tarmers sugar and boil ton minutes briskly. Re. that mnean tiaat yeets IPilaacs orm0oe fron tthe store and esld the vanille aooopUahwhatis pomind ad cream. Set in a cool place, and a. andoompliOne Maylesve oupthe wad for hom;theycurewher Fia is eryexhaustive te the soit 50011 a. it bogtinis 10 forai stir iu the fruit vthors tag. It was fittin.. mure your buildiuga againat cY- nuis, aud on taking from the mold de therete that the world-w1de clones. corate with blanohod almonds. standing popuarlt hoShallow cultivation o! corn should thotn upright in thbe main. Koop in a couart f tlee P'1lle hould b h ue cool place until sorrod. be reoognised by the World's riaewî retyice. i White and Iellow.-Whîtes o! 4 ezgu, Draiagewil gratlyinceas t'e 4tebbepoonfuls o! fine, white confec- Pair medal o! 1898 -a tact valu e o! wet ground. tHonore' sugar, 8 tablospoonfuls cf ourrant whioh emphaaizOs the record: Roots cannot penetre.te a subsoil jelly' Whip the white& o! the eggs to, a that is as hard as a stone. froth, thon add the augar and jelly, beat 5oYem o Cufl .well togthr, put in amat disho roady 50 ear ofCurs. The silo will enable the farmer t t serve and pour around a oustard made - keep more c0w5 profit ahly. freai the yolke cf thei eggs a cupful of S.AVED RIS BOY. In sections where Cyclones are like- milk and 2 tabloapoonf uls of sugar. Add ly, a etorw cave shows wisdomj. a tittle lemon juice te the custard. Tehired nian should Le a gentle- Spaniah creem.-Let a pint o! milk, AMPLI. TheTE tNTcFhomeM. part oream, corne 10 a bail and stir in thé A 113r PLAI ,[TAEoD, OTFROM m ilanaMIIong the cbildren iiithhoe yolka of .3 eggs beaten to a cream with ROITMcLOD 0FGAr. We do not like the barbed wire threo fourthis o! a cupl ul of. auget . Lot --fencé and would not have one while this corne 10 a bell, thon add bal! a box Hie itte Sil aa aralzedon ne the feningcanbe ad.of Izelatin whicb as soaked in a litte Hie itte Soî Ws Paalyed n On oter fnclg ca ~md. k for 15 minutes. Lot this aIl beil Side, and Doef or Treatmnent Did î When the surface bakes after a, up thick, removo fromu the store and stir Flirn No Good-tlr. WVilliama' Pink rain, a lîglit harrow should ho used, in the whites of eggs beaten stiff. Flavor Pilla Were (bven and Effected a whether the crop je up or not. with vanilla, pour juto a voL motd and Thorough Cure. 'Eighit acres, intensivel>' cultivated sot on the ice. This 15 often used in - .. .¶10acre under the. place of ice oream. ,F ront ico Gait Reporter. .,io oftein loose systeni of farming. 1 Mr. Robt. McLeol in a gentlemantt ell w kuowu ini the towil O! Gait mand îhrough- out the district. lu conversation with a Save AUl The ManU1re- zkleniber Of the Reporter staff receutly - lie oonseuted to tmake public the facts r ude od ftetlos csnceruing the illioe anad reetoratbon b O tr ude ieo b eib healti of his little boy. Ho aid .- tanure could b. mde « insuy farme -Vos, I believe that had it riot been <W-bore à i i. 0w aliowed te go te veste), for Dr. Williamis' Pinîk Pille my little boy troin fitteuna cattle, a hers& or 1w-e,1w-o te would not have been living to-day. fout hog8, si hundred bous,- the kitchen Willie, who ie teli yeare <of &go, w-as taken sink and the water cbloset. F111 *vory with au illness that developed int par- tivailable epave in the bâta with lent alysie o! the le! t ide. Ho hs4 the boit mould frein ther Woods, muai frein tbe iuiedical aid withita my reaci, but noîîiuî 8wamp, dueL froua the rosa taken ast the seemed to betefit hini. Hie pot so bmd driest turne et the year. If tlhere la ne that a pin could ha run into hie left haîîd room bintbe bar n mke a place for il. te tic bone without is feeling it intei Make a trouai fout iuohea deep behind lemet. If ho attemptod to walk ho coulad tho cava and herses. IPl1 w-i t tii dry only pet ever the prouud by dragging bis carti mnd as ooon as it beceinse saturar.od tcf t foot behiud 1dm ; lhhd no po e removo and fIl epein. Tè. vetuebte it whtever. Oue night 1 was feelinglqidm ur ehuprev.d dl a protty blue about him. 1 toit that ho good condition for pplying t». the landI. was going to be au iuvalid all hie "ife, and Deposit fifîeen loadu vîthin 2l>hé of tIIe I viewod thiogi in their worsi light. On kiteohen sikand rue as nut to IL Put this particular uight I put on uîy bat ovory bit ef ses p suds, dis ateec, with tho intention o! poing out te toe a ente tuai. Whlen one spot becoules wet quiet walk, but just as 1 got s(, the door 1 'movo tt another untit alil lufrtilised Bmw- lyinp on a sîep a phamphlet. 1 pick aliko, thon romovo mnd put iu some More. ed it up lislessly, and aw- it vas an md- Gi vo the pires al îbcv uneed in peu. and verL~in bok c th8Dr.'Viliani'yards. Cover the ptat!orzns uado,..,tl. Medicine O. 1 eely romd a fev vords chioken rouetsi.Tîcatod yri whnteconviction seizod ime that bore absori, tbe manure from flfty fovîs and whnsen n t ih nsil ee the. fertiliser resulting le the bost lobti"- fit my boy. 1 ai once vent dove to Mr.abe Ferrahe dru store and purchased a box ,f tie pills. B-y Lhe ime lhe had talion HBehl revities. two boxes the. color bied corne back into his baud -aed arm, and by the time h. e.cfe nepessol .kp had taken hall a dosed boxes lie wavas mîcoe ad atie or glas ail b . cured. and now h. is btter tien hlieeor alo i. bcled i rg asi h wu. before ie bis ie.. and a. hearty and tao es eproperly - essalae. eîroîîg as auy boy ini the tow-n. Yeu, air, à Aorlb viiih hir niettreas adibair pil. I believe Dr. Williams' Pink Pllbe are e loy la fer botter for a baby then s cre wondorful medicine." viti feather b.d and pillow. liard vatet may b. uoftme"byýad1"î A ModetEstlnitimt A well knovu pouk-ry man se>', h. considers 90 egga a ymer a gooti aver- age ln a fiok. If more attention would be paid to thi.e eIetion' o! layera, we ceuld secure a race of good Iaying fowla. Re fin&de ibothe .Apil_ hatcied pullets give the Most OU$g* in their lifetimoe. UH.>helieves iii getting out Lie pullettus eerly, andi for ùto purposo uses inculators, The'titon w askod hlm if be-thcuught it adn.- able te hatci Lii. bre.ditig and 1ayn stock artificiall>'. "I ouddldove *'ù the business," repletih14 "befôo would give up hatoblug 'w!tl1 inçub- stors. l'irai, I would n*wE-s*e tith patience te botier, vwith t»iîng heU14 and second, no mian could oUtt4td -hani dle ouough bens to ~o R p lots we nêed erer'yy.ar." Hethon$bht that 35 pulets from 100 .gge stvwu a gonddrmoult. Ot nf't! 1,00(tý b pute in thoelt4Wb8dît11 $11e~!7 secures 300 pQlfet4t,. ir sWue 75 per cent of the chioke hatcl*11 and' usualy haIt of te».are pull"% borax 1 11. Tht. vil msio vrniou s$4 glotbes witbo*1t, jung thttnlum', AUl vatertta to bb. tu"efor driOk- ins pupse hould lis bolIsd sud ,OlIed by elsug plaOed beelde iith iseat Colonillsivervars, wis>opies iii. oiation Il I.je esIing froua aIl quaiem Wbeu unfnt-nSeotb«ugh 10 s8011bot tb. top OU-a cdre,hi 'itendéw t ,one». T 1i peatsitii. Wodfrom , ubeirbiag tii. 9rem". w"his»ýton b0 ,*Wy u e wo.8 .pIaw1t éafiflý uONID PYNY -PECTORAL and liealing iii léliadocts. W. C. MaCcmep R & Sou<, Bauichette, Que, ?TMt in alUftt t a yVeobbol e ad;ýmm i (arctau u( .Àatirut r l tu cbt.U<nl bmunciial t 941 sd asmo eced W. G. iLOÇitb.et f longetaucdiflg voi. Mlt. J. H. HUrrr, Chemiat, 328 Yonge Si., Toronto. wt1W«f As U=eru cuugb &ad lutig yripP71af 4" ia.ven the uuttot aiet d1 à t.aul whu lave tid h1 , atvieNng sliab.n toe tel tentIlt eiat vd lmt l a ssa u boir tNmlil.. Itla i. u{taIIe tr oid or ro.ttg. beng plesmaut i tha et"Ei.nle witilb e ailbPeunw.mderftL su aind mu flr.onumtd t sa wNa rtibe o0ugh aià na& Lawrgo D@ttle, Us CMi DAVIS a LAWVRENCE CO., LTD. sole Proprietore About Grafttng. Au llinois fermer aaka Prairie Farmer the questione: "I vent te do a litle itaftîng tbla y*sr osk peuch, peer, plum aud appt.. Wbeu e sbuit lime tb eut the scions to b. greftecd -uroota, sud, w-bela the .but way t*0 p rit t boîà until and after grafted ? wIet kiud o! rootswvould yoeu advMes for.Ioratva riesesud vien, -o you ililol the-. . "em,tu do -he work Pp Ker.iW Iie mCu sots dute-,tii. les'.. ï and oS col à «thç,r mts l ine l8,abox of dry foneeleavss . box;ou«,. <o md a ~data# "ùaf mpeboupes.?Fesue m gritedon apC,1:~oteI bum4o weI on ps *oot.soM latitude 40 sss oboWt due Oséaioule edl ot Us se how»itahofIt ispf<fitP TheehPoý yoù Ãshould bny*and tUic Sho.moat dealers gel1, diffcr os thoe propor- tious diffêri ,Vour nexct paîr will have more leather value, and lesa profit for the deailer, -if you sec thit it's Goodyear Wéted, anid tà mped of~t the Sole, 83, $4, Or $5- 6 "mOus ,,The Stater Shoe.»p M. W-, UOLLINIS, SOLE. AGENT F0OR WflITBY. A change. OfMI t ,*fing moved ltie eut aiev p"dot5e.,rom adbidlet b s.. ii edone $o sst la.t1on. Collera à pecl ty. 0.11 and se =y~ Ohop mdstck W. OALVEBLEMY, Second door west of old shop. Dundas Street, WhitbY RiwyTime Table GAND TBUIÇK ANqD MIDLAVD TRAINs G0zzo WIUTWABD. lEfS fpesDail &y Mail .......5-.60a a No ,Local, ozcopt Sunday .... 8:50 ar No. 18 Pasmenger ' ... 2:88 Pma No. 1, Exprens, Mail dally....... 6:60 p m~ TrAnà ts 0010e ABTIWAIDI No. 8 Express, daily, except Sun .. 8:04 à m No. 4 Express, «4 " fi8:08 pns, Ne. 14ý Pamuonger 8.8p£ No. 8, Local, " " 6.17 P m N,2, Express, -Mail. daly.è... 10:06 P m MIDLAND DIVISION Gozzo NOTUI»LÀND sTATION ... ............. ... #e .« am Mai ......................4:20 Pmn Mixed To Lindsay ................ 6:85 pm 71EXD1tSSIOII I ou xo SOUTS N mail .... .............. ......... 12:4 PM mil....ro....n.s............ :870s Cbildrens teeth aren oftn scnlice b> ~DOMINION RANK. Ob h»ft u &ba. extracted before their succeusruap ofien =cause neediesa suferlng. very mothahboumd have tu Capital Paid up, -$1500000 Dr. S. 1. AncIres, Montréal, amys; "44'Qualckcuu'e, overcoues the pain qnlckly ; gives relief for10te tiieees-pà ecýly valuable for chi1diefla~t W ib pereCBfet s!.t aeet al aP, sad do.. flot injure the. teti asmany - other remedies uaed for toc clii do. " A*k your druggit for it.tet hc hudntb x ce ni hi ucsosa t1gd S --.WGeneral Banklng BustneeU ________ Q I URE -Traneaoted. SAVlOS DBPABTKEMNT. tnterst allowed at highest ourreut ratai., ~ W .. 5 ~ . m sm ubb~~ No notlc. olf thdriwal required . al Wood% rIO$poflOlle6,The Great Rnglish Remdy. E. J. THORNTONt in the remait or oirim55yers &tr aghouuand of cases w-lUiail knwnmanage 4ruge, until at laut w-o havo dibovered the eau remsdy and trestetnt--5 pmbination that wS» effeot a prompt and permaenO i Urslall 5t&SU Of A N SeuiDebIl Abu## or .Eced, NervousW gse,.mkgioiot#mmAti FAIRBAN «heh S ldtolnamUiiYCýoflStîtofland a 7rl rave WO04S e I 8tte ClDn Bef« ore akg. phophoditiO ha beon used succensftlly by hundroda of cases tut meîd le 1 E tt ou salt eleag-,=ssetbat h"~ been treatod by the moat tsented physk cascssth"t vers on Lhe verge of despalr anl nsai-O188s that e tottoerlng over the. grao-blt it fh the continue and pemvlruig < unemI ofii~ua tclLtctte Wood,* Phosphodine, these 05505 that had been glveii up te die, otO 'P John atit.lon tet WLty. Wt1b rsstorod te msà nly rigor and heeth-Reedr yen need nô et op-ut Mato Johnd B onceap. sWity VIb ter w-ho bas givon yen up as lnomrb>--the remedy le rnoOT-T b aldiott34 in 28,nol r.ach. by ie use you n ehoreMtred to a lie te !usefulnecs s appioe LTs. ward.los 2 ad25,no ceio, oespo$1e, IMsx packagems,$5; by ma lfiee et Postage. ad ~ O W/IaseuI*uar#kfdD U7'PembiefrW0BfV5M~U. T * ROUGH CAST HOUSE-On Asi stteet, Theu Wood Company, Windsor, Ont, Caa'da. Portî waid, w-I be sold cheap. Wowds plirnophedlmlà pod by gaipeesle hol"eIîand retalidrgglità It64 bM1laies. Chea.À fin. two ster¶y brick.-house, w whbrcstables. Sîtuafed on Byron t» Iwliltby, thits ut ttà eWEbtlal etreet lu the 1Xà at and Drink ini 014:%gland. Loi According to Obsucer, the more ed91 te do Of the worklog olueee vldensly Tbtr* apeul aa i'ast deat of Urne at tbe publie &c î 0a 1 bouse, emdnug and driukiup, tellIùg Idie ïe bt MIeS PISingas akittiea whenthe w*" tour moi the wa =,slngtou ryhmes o! "RUobin Eoodt i or listenlng to fiddIers and pip i; onl or to, gleemen and 3angls W .of la to may, bnllad Si»p'ei aud profeasionuil ha. 001of .tory tell<i. At bigh prime-tb* bouir lab o o i n t ii. m Jd d te o f . t h e fo re uq o n mà e n , 'g r r , o c e t cultural work broke Off, a08 jt *ii4o, to rie est and ,lig<htirneei-Lang ý o au laid speak1ae i.plowi stadisig frua the- ld while the plownien mtiti $le and sing " 164,411- olI-" ?b ooek coms oit itvuoru cW ý"Roes 'ie-f ot t" sý&d tuh.'lêwlff ïmé P!* n pof baf-asdhalt by pournga doorsilere le pstt foflod l, ;ffl mu from Btorlng Wheat. d enhonilesin ,. gegcu'turab te eiTrbuse onoeýrbng the. JO mellng Dew w-but froni *brti. ut 7 omw'e r keepiog Stg a delone 60 'centi.L tant fonmet à <uretary o! the OOua agricultur ifi% kiDUewg su ' se ýfthe cao! o n eh id, 4buded tuat d r' i V Ik l ~ sta bes bouti#5t et 'l repaîr. For partkîlsBppy to lml steAe t, lty, Ot Str. aIrdAKOnC Itetuentels e hvw*Toronto i -'P M, $rd-r --ll at htrà 'i P*M l i An ,Aj lynchiuge gotten t. tbe victivu and thet, agooti ail il p os frm stéring wheat.