Whitby Chronicle, 17 Sep 1897, p. 4

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and' Weil:Si tdStock:o 8 Sheets for et,, FL Y POISON PA PER in 5c. and it>C, pkgs. FII4EST QUALITY INSECI POWDERe, oo cents per lb. de E. W1LLIS, CREMIST & DRUGGIST, MEDICAL :HÂELL, BROOK ST., wHITBY. QL~rtnnctc. WHITBYI SEPT. 179 1897. Shsrl Notée.. The British ammy cf Indla le teachlng the Mad Mullah 10 contmol hie tempe!'. The Dominion Trades snd Labor council bas takeu a stand in favor of woman suf- frage. Within a year ve txpect ta see good agri- cultural horsts again seiiing for $2wo aptece. Buyers are paying f5o ln special cases now. To tht United Siates politlcians l would appear that the dictates of humanlty cali for th. releuse of Cuba from Spain, and tiaI the lsland sigu with Uncle Sam, It would b. safe 10 popheey that more money will b.e pet tin going 10 and cnming from the Klondke tisa viii b. taken from its mines. Undoubtedly hundrede o( ives may b. iost as weil. Stilil suci escapades illustrat human nature.1 Are you nga of those men vho have ai- ways declamed for total prohibition but agaiuet ball-reaures Iii. the. Scott Act or loal option, sud did y ou mean viat you isald ? If se ve bave a lob for you. Theme ia a plebiscite tb b. taien. The United States are stirring up a var witi Spain ove: Cuban troubles. Simultan- eously cornes tht neye Ibat the langesI Yankee warsbip, the Indiana, lae almest nue- le», sud for yeas reporte have been con-. tinually going that tht bomemade American varahipe are no good. If tht proposed vwer comesoiffthe naval part of t illiibe very in- teretng. About 23 Men vertkilled lu suppressimg s labor iot lu Penylvanla hWs Friday, sud vithin a vomi or tvo fully as many more haie been lynched. None of these menmbaad amy judicial trial. Ail vert murdtred lu cold blood. Our Anierican friende cry te Heaven agaInet Wey ers atrocities lu Cuba sud a ye ttmtIly hie record for a fort. night ln ver tiene lae qual to tht kllllg doue lu th. United States. Admtting liaI lhii le a yean of pieuty, boy amcve to mai. a bil-of (arevliout petatoes sud appies, thou eataples of life ? Buall il b. oatuteai for breakfast, turmip pie for dînen ad pumpki uecfoi anp- rniacuutr eenurg iti vealtb ront t, la ?ntA ng Ifide could tuceverybng geM by àa bnci, but wial dld 'Il &Ilamoutt 10 bmn ver lhîng turcto Wod liaIt tuced bis lips, andhneound b.mself oStavlng 7 ou MAonday Comy jutAge mormaOf To- routo gave a j ndgiuemh vilci sould b. mot onl7 a esson but a proteetham W m=uy peo- ple. AnuagentMme a contvac vitb a pet-- son topureiase from time totiteirtbelma whlcb lte agents Irta u ath mp" l..m au Iuducemeut tW boy vitiont sU"et tinte toe exmine lb. ute rt oflioods. the. aget exhbl tit of firt ami ..las Who' ver. nsiug themi. As noue of these "tueve oli the 890m elomtr bme te, Jge oro ome 4 li aI the comInit vaa secuned«by meaem *of âùseboo& 584 vu" Ail of the Toronto papota oeckedop b lndutriel xbItim »otgItkvu oer_ Nov tiaI lb.e ovda hav corne ad #mëi, anM bave aglet tIb u sb tg Tomato# *Dm of lIvety pgs4son are maie sa 0lhSy> tapo m ingr M 0Iet iseMe. t w trmeu dwm ou *"am >ân m te dâ au t Atla edmitted tbhâtjituetWtioP- 'bot fot*ver, #t thMléiee41w, &terttyi ki. *bd Zýl*trX&en4 " ett l #r inter ontweaulobbied tili sUnteeI"msd thât two thirdéeot theimembers oloo t ndte vote the. luttmre tU<ttht"c Inm4dil 60 vole. It tupat lowtb. e r*-er liaI 8fr W1ltt4%a tt, as alfeady e hbtotbra npla't.voe h1nteW dd que> 1 tilis Of taxat7inWbih wh lm ie tue test practlCa l"wicb ap ean lobe Mitenîly1 atia&etory te Messa ie ansd Raverson, wbo belleelhe prohlblseite eu b. se oom. ulicated éas W friliten people -ftom voting for It. T'h. domtiolinalliance'bas aloies mmd a circular alling ispon ail tem eranâce soclet. les of efaci commuitly te unu lu formn à leagne of workers t0 e okatter tloal Interesta of prohibition. Thie churéhes are te b. ashed tWjoit 1h18 league. IUs von wili b. te k. defimte action t ecure lieth election of members of the IcltiIfe as,. senibly of Ontario who cannot b. lobbied by liquor mien, te see liat ail prohibition workers bave their mres placed oit tbe voters liste and We take measurel Wo educate and Influence publiec sentiment. Thinge are iapig for an Intellgenit ex- pressiot of opinion on the question of pro- tiitlng tbe lîquor traffie lu Canada, and nothlng should b. left undome by those in tavot of purohibition le secure euligblen- ment onti e issue. To present the plain facto the Canadien people will b. snffi ciet tu secure a rousing vlctory lu favor of prohibition. lu the meantie it goes wltbout saylrg that the interesta of the. liquor.trafflo wi'l' b e well looked alter. The enormus profits of tiat business enables il 10 hure expert law. yUr and iobbylsts b y the year, whose sole dut 1.1t0 hînder thé enactmrnt of good Iaws and ta stille thte eiforcement of sncb almost useless lave as we now have lu fore. Knowlng hile evtry advocat of prohibit. Ion should vomkiguccealngly to vin lie figit., al ways feeling tint the eemuy bas Ils secret entlssarles coverlmg every luch of the rround. Tie ilquot pecopie are worklmg bard, and wîll neiver lt up until the at vote le polled. Tie iundrdds of millions tbey expeet te bandit of pefipies bard eatu. uzoney cannot b. given up wthout s deati struggle and notbing but an unceaslug- fight by picblbitlon lots wiloffet thie. -W. sh al b. ready ta discuse some pactkcal pointe wben the proptr Urne come. Whitbr Town LotiRa Miss May Gieenwood bas returned te Clu- cinnatti. Mr Geo Hillary returned on Wednesday to McGili college, Montrepi. Mm Geo H Hevis and Mies Hewis are vlhh frlends tu Chesley, Ont. Mr Chas Darnes, cf Chicago, la ln tovu visitlng hlis moth.rr'ind brothers. Chas Burden, of University of Oregoni, Eugene City, le vlsîilg aI -Mr. Todis. Mfr P j Richardson le havibg hie reeldeuce cieaned and bas Mrt A C Wlson etuployed there Iis weei.1 Lire Andrewsanad Vies Lewis, guesla of Lits Hunt have returned to Chicago, Ill., havIng gÏlned a favorable Iuîprtssion of Rer Malestys gresleet colony. N Thteldewehi ou theest side of Brock et. and rumningasetifro the ee.e Iîgit plant la muci coniplsined cfs»d is lu ýb&d ordtr. W. vould bave calted attention îa Ibis altter befor. nov oniy tbal ve- unde r- stood t651 tb. contapitet ltends belon. Wînter to lay a nev vali on lb.epposte uidt cf the street iud viU taie the à ontou avay tntirely. A social viii b. beltA Mt Lra Tamblynt on Wtduesday ev.nimg. Sept ut, ude the auspices ftheW CTVU. Tee wiibe a %ood ranime, anid refwebmenta wIll b. ,rv<Admuission 15centai. Tb* hàata Mir andiLira Tamblyi a"dhem c. barmlng fsusly are. W move to, Bovmsmvlle au the end cf tb. moti vii dd W 16e Iloaet Of tb. occason, vhlch viii b. a mso f frevel Party.- An -entbuslstic vheelmeu,.i iclesubanlb bllaoe.meu bro 4, r... oahpé ut "kai d mnyes wbthala, soiI aoctbibgtuWlt, lover bod 0 sud osier lut* ibe dre MittMsa sord ewi op atoveppea cbspler 6ommtïm :Co statuts., r@sds*1158 07 a horstia slmdetwutCoh*e tlng tdmmiaeg or Iuuula a fe loable twua féeo<ss d >cm vbm g remlm. *». tr*lM,1 w"va teUdle wl*6 tresça :U orz UVIlI *Y)n uicI na y ums #o W*l iber É*1ieb tb&t afw thei tl 11prpoeeqd ,lt'dIgIributïs theùseîs, or the ald4.etas.d tutg 1the peronas eti UUilbe théetoi b*,lng regrd only -lutht âs abtIred tdtii. sald adminis- trahit *111 lot, b. hable forthîe maltAassets ôr May P' prAtherete alypo pem r ' S ot wbm id e -Wetet das âtiie shall mot ba*e be tmoelvtd by ber or hotr soUcitors, at the t1g0. itoi'esild. bated aI Whbt ythis :316 day of Septem- ber# A Dé. 1887* D)ow & M4CGILLIVRAYI Brock St, Whitby, Solicitors 16f Admlnlstratirir. CHARLOTTE COAKWBMLL 1Admlnlstftaî, *bltby P 0. N. B.-Al1 parties lndebted to the above estate muet settie such tudebtedneSe on or before October ând nezt. C. COAICWELL, Léundreas Wanted. At Ontario Ladies College apply to the Matron. Sept. z6tb '97.--lin. FOR SALE, That desirable residence. "<The Shelter' itbated on Centre St north, next to the English church Sunday scbool. Al Modern convenlences. Apply to MfRS j H PERRV, Witby.-31n. MRS. CROSBY'S Millier Opening, and THU RSDAY FR1 DAY, 1SEPTe 23îd and 24th. AUi are cordial/y irwiied. E. CROSBY, DUNDÂS ST. 40. WHITBY.1 Central -Canada Fair, OTTAWA. Returu tickets iviii be ,sued, XYRTLE leOTT AS fOLLO- sept** 20 for .. W 4-60. Sept. 18 to 24 for. $67. AU Tickets good for relunli RWUPtLSp e,'owý> stick Pi, New Blaok 8erges, in Pl an adgured,,New - Tweed ,Suitingsi, Heavy AU Wooi Shirts and Drawereadie10 Uner ontebol e 1ii01iosb er pari.'j 75e and $1, now seiling t 500 ati 5Mn 's, W.oIgBocks rn1yeFpue pair Meri's extra value ehxnere Sockli only, 25o per pr Hev TwldFanete for the. neit'two weeks 7o per yd. sseeessassseas5555eUie~eSU Our Âssortmeut Of~~E~ is the largest- and iQIUtJU 5UL"À '../UUUiULirU andI4LL5sor'J best in town, ana we can furnish the best of testimnfiale from those for whom we have mnade olothing. We guarantee a fit, good trimmingoi anai firat-olase workmanship. Mr Wm Sinitch bas charge of this department and we arepeae to say everybody je satiefieti with hie wo4c since he took charge, Ail Goods Warranted as Represented fl, or Money R efunded. NDRE Fanoy me Chi*na. A Large Stock of"«n Dinner Setts, Te&:--Setts, Chainber Setts, Full Lîne of Fresh 1,*Àlway8 Groceries. : Rdi#2~b le. AT GI1BSON'Si GiGNTI SALE RO Here 18 s Special design prizes for At] gaines and sci .. SaBî OIiiCaunty Or, tonof any lemi FRIPAY, 81 Se a Good Thing, Vamie/y the Multyte jLa gesi Prices - te L owest. are the three points whieh lead the FURENITURE trade. Re.upholstering done on shorteat notice. E. J. JOH11NSON, Brock St., Whitby. * i LOCAL Mr T S Arnold, of on Tuesday. Mr Bert Robisoi town on Sunday. .Miss Mina Wat'I beau hoiidaying int Miss Eva Edmun Sunday at the mathi Mme Dr Piatt, of1 tht methodist parsu Mr Harold Addisc day in town tht gue Mme Burnham le 1 She wilI sptnd lb. lion. Mr Wiil Arnod m cuto on Monday t ances. - Mme S Burden, ai muanvîlie, vere thti on Sunday. SeM WColi Satqmday. Sept 179 Rev R P McKay, the Pesbyerisn inext, morning and Mr W H Greemi by the public seha tlionc f the. Hmal Mr C-Getzic, f facturer of pianos position viti thte of Toronto. jubilet stamps la to say, the e tht stampe fmbI stances or authari *,ater vomiesst* ouAsgravialloji clonc nnder thetd. Toronto,ý and 'w Yen: a. Mi Rae, of Kào tary for tht Catit a liiItt1he m ad ,dreésed- 1he. coreanu tnto k -w -!,- ma MW 1 lý

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