Whitby Chronicle, 24 Sep 1897, p. 7

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Before Retirlng.. take Ayer's P'illa, and you will sleep better and wake in better condition for the day's work. Ayer's Cathartic Pis have no equai as a pleasant and effect- uai remedy for constipation, biliousness, sick headache, and ail liver troubles. Trhey are sugar-coated, and so perfectly prepared, that they cure with- out the annoyancesexperenced in the use of so many of the pis on the market. Asic your druggist for Ayer's Cathartic 'Pis. When other pilla won't help you, Ayer's is * THIE PILL THAT WILL. KIDNEY TROUBLE OURED.1 A WELL-KNOWN HOTEL KEEPER RELATES BIS EXPERIENCE. lie Sufferd Greatly From Kidney Trouble and Indigestion-H. Doctored For a Long Time Without Gettijng sny Relief. From t!>e Standard, Cornwall. - , h ______________________________________________ 0*4 ue t met The.boy, 'Toui Murphy, w, vatoh froiniJames maienq, 0: turned up butêai the. amylumni Constable Qeo Clark teck bit on Baturday. Re macuo theft suda w il) probably b. Industrial sohool st Mimico., seuil W The Saado acoldent. Mr Bande, the. blaeksmitb, who wu #0 sovercly burt lest veek by the o nnewr accident, is nov able te b.ý about hi& vyork, Lhougb stil! somevbetat àif f iom bis bruies. In conneotlon with h i&i ruatLer, Mr Arthur Oaiverley informeusnu tbat the . tatement made last veek ta&t' Lb. owner cf Lb. broken nig intended suing the injured inan for danmages isaen- tirey vrong, as the person in question says ho never made suob a statemeùt,, and bad ne intention of sakiugMn Bande te Psa any cf Lb. damage. H o neider- üd Me. trouble vas purely occidental. We had the information from vhat ve considered e thoroughly reluable souîbe, but thougbt at thé. ime there unt be some i.understanding, as Mr Oalverbey is net the porion te tbreaten e poor mian with damages for an accident that could not hoe voidod. lm ri ni t! di ir is bý T Il d c ti n The march cf the woridis progres is forcud, protraoted and coitnuuus, tho comîpetition for supremacy in keen. The mainof business imuit koep rank if ho wouid socure eny covetable measureo f Auccese. The watchfulnsa, vigilance aîîd thought involvod in modern supertin. tendency producos a sevore @train on the physteal and mental powers cf modemn business nmon, and exposes them Lo the atinetkm of certain diseasois. Considering thât nîucb deponde on health ini thia etruggle, iL beooves those who wouid ho vict,>rious, te guard against the firat ap- l)r(icli of disoase. Nogleot (of oarly aid- e'justmient cf digestive and kidnoy dis- <rders is often fraugbt vith dire rcsult.s, added to ibis ln the unpardonable trifling with boaith by experimonting with i ixanner cf vortbloe decoctions, It is sîmiply invaluable te make tho acquaint- ance cf a safu and effective reiutdy such ais Dr Williamis Pink Pill-t. James Mtac- £ herasin, hotel kouper in the village of Lancaster, Gflengarry county, blas done busineiss for e number cf years in Lan- caster, snd haviug suecessfully caered for tho patronage cf tbe travelling public therefore in favorably knovun nt only et ho me but aie ebroad. In conversatio with a nevapaper reporter le enumnerat- ed some of bis ailments and h e h. v cured. About tvc years ago ho seid, .my w bole digestive apparatus aeemed te becomo disordered. Some days 1 eould inovo aroDund, thon again I wquld b.eh limed to go te bcd. I tnied sêè.ral thinge but vit!> indlfforentsocceas. -Occauional- iy I felt relieved, but lu a day or tvo th. ,old syniptoma vc>uld returu vith anse depre-sing effeot. This kinà 91 10 'vent cin until I became trcublod vît!> wy hidneys. vbicb vas a veý7 annnyinuad- dition to My suffernugu. Iswuneatlesa, 'ît!> a sensation cf sio-kues st the stoin- ach, vith inîtenrittent pain in the amali cf rny back. 1 vas miereble euough wben I consulted the doctor vh neob- ahly did nie soins gecd, becauso 1 feit me- lieved. The.doctena Medicine vas tatou and hie directions obeyed, but 1 did net improve. I bcd h=sarde Liafme cf Dr Williamns Pink Puis. MY vife belovOd Iin themn and orged nme te tny thora. I arn lad I did se fer after taking eue box I ffat bottier, and 1 contiaued tsking the pilla until I vus completely cure&. This summer I lad an attacit'of theUmrnecou- 'plaints and 1 fouud Dr WlIiaus Plut PsuIsa effective as before. I bcd tiai advantage, my kuovledge sud belief lu the pille savod me frora ostiy antI ted- joua exporimentiiug ncb s I b.d under- oene previousiy. 1 May forhhor add that bôh Mys.lf and Mia Maopberscu ave derived muchbfbeofit frein the Oue c Dr1 WIIliama Plut Pilla, and IeaU crdÙIay reoominend thora t tus.Who are suoffr- iug similsrly." Dr Willisma Pinkt Pilla cure hy1 going te thbe root of tii. diuse. sTbey nenev 4ud build up the. blond, aud strengtheu 'tubêeores, thus 4t'lving disas frein the s*"toe Aoid imiwtations by lilnog thatevery boX yOu purcha» s la0no000d .Uln&a vpper besing tb. full) trade mark,' -Dr Wuailams Pink l'ill, fur l'ale People. KfUtkeiKZOO by lMo*len omnla out of ber element un- she Is acquaintcd to a certain ex- with tube sciences of bskcoiog. Dlagy. stitçboiogy, sakeýooy sud &l>ogy. 1ow oftendow4* c iers buslly engag-d- lndomestlc Ïi llke a slave. lu order -tuut tii. tho Cm ew. The co)uncil bas peroeitted the bell-'ý inger to dispense with the ourfew and ng instead one blow of the tire alarm. rhi. action je causing much unfavorable JîDmefiL, many people claimine thst if àe curfew did flot have th.effeot of riving children off the street it wu ow- ng to the laxity Af the officiais. The ,nging of the bell at 9 o'clook vwu a oun. enient rnethod of reckoning Lime, and it à to be hoped that as no saving le made ýy tbe change the old order of things will promptly b. reverted to. The W O rU and kindred sc'cietieà t.alk of peLi. ýioning the OOUDOil in regard te th. mat- ter if tlhe bel! l àfot rung as heretofore. ls Worshlp takes a Ut* Partbér. Hia Worsbip, Mayor Sade sn.fot evoting his exclusive attientian tg muni- cipal matters this week, but la enjoying a weeks recreation of the highest order, in company with the lady of bis choice, bar. ng been united in marriage on Baturday norning with Miss Madeline Gi!!, daugh- ter of the late Daniel Guil. The cor. mony tooc place in St James cburoh ai an eariy hour, and was perfornied by the Rev Canon Greene, in the presenoe of >nly the intimate frienda of the contmaoL ng parties. Ma' y or and Mns Sanderson ef t on the 8 0o- 4ock train for Buffalo, Niagara Faills, and other points, and tbey are expected home the latter part cf nudt week. Heres to the health of Orillias worthy chief magietrate and bis cbarm- ng bride, wishing themn abundant joy and proaperity. -Times. A COMBINATION o RARE, SEARCHINO mS POTrENT lEsseriTtALDsrnuwnrons FOR 1UMPLA5MATION Loi EXTERNALLY For aul Pains, ACbos, ame Joint^, Spraina, Brn. BSada, Burna, Stnga Bit«e &udChIbblaàns. INTERNALLV For colas, Bole Thnoei, Croup, &athma, 00110, Dlarrboa, IPlsuriay. etc Bv as.L Dsaere âmDRAM$ MsOI ». âme0". MM. .VW Tas mm SM(DIM ICa lumm OT. Dalry and Oreamery. We exported te Europe last year 21, 9U,000 pounda cf butter. Thi theLbu tessson for dairymen tW bu y miii ford t lesat ther a it year. The. millean ecrammod viL!> vbeâansd grain and the. ril! men vaut te mcilithbs ccv food te got iL out cf the. vs,. Couée queatly Lhoy viii lot IL go ebeap. Motter youn ready ceuh>and take t tote mlii. sud you viii get a bargain in foe". As a ruIe it in cert.eniy not vel for cova to rominin lumt c&U the ime. WbcL la gaiued in one vayinlaest lunau- other, asud the constandly miltetI ooca yinld vil! no e ho groat alter oei#lne as that cf th.e ue v!>ch uan dry a *âb lu very fine butter thon. la 80 ot n of pure butter fat. The otb.nrO»pot ie mcdo up of varions other ao1iW udWbl andI vater. Canadien butter rates ihlger eboswwer cially in Eurep tuhau oum .Tboïréso is t.be Canadians have studio&, eO.tmll th. taatei cf thbe Enmopéen irait MW suited their butter w là vhilaiv. bave DOL lu smmer, vho"no esbua00od ,Up tb. night klnd oft mrtu. huer. heèMd *ràbly more profit inlu4, cg rosa*Su butter. The uigid etanchion rerlsi u w"tt ed uddors. THE UMIVIUALM W8 Es ubeen naeljd by the. OIarkîb<ýrg band to P4lyait thlata ts the boy 40r- net soloitf 1frj Walker, cf Uxbnldge, ha.*ltonaa bdu in uDao. & Cosagoncral store W. are giabl Mr Albert York le net go Dag te leare ont' midat after sili, ash. bas bougbti the James Tboxupen fsrm ad- . olibRg the north end cf Lbe village and baIns already coinmeno.d feUl plowiug thereon. The Rev Mn Ragor bas roturneti froiD bie vacation looking refrembed. Ho Oc- cupled bis pulpit ln the methodiott cbereb on Scnday afternoon. Rie members were &Hli igbted to egain bave hlm back vfth thon>, jndglng by Lb. mauy warm baud shakos ho neceived. The ladies ef the Ladies -Aid are an!. loue te have the eburch trustees of Lb. methodit ohurch enîuurie the Bnnday echool roem vbiob la fan tee amail te aocommodat,. Lb. 115 te 120 Who attend tde Sabbath achool every Sunday. W. hope tbey vil! succeed lu induoinu theru te go rigbt te vont and add about 20 feet ente tb. soutb cf the> proeut room, wbicb would then'make oeo e L.bout obool roomu ln this section cf th.ecountry. Scott townsbip bas not lbut iLs repu. tation for productuR the finest samples cf vmains, as our notod p rises inner, Wn> Iiynai'd, bas &ain t h l fa!! b6nried off overGlOOin leosfrom t!>. Toronto Ex- hibition on te différent samples cf igrain exhbited by hlm sud grovu ou hie mode] faim, 1* miles eust cf the village. Mr Bynard La eue cf or but sud neatoat fermon lu thîs township sud deserves great credit for tb. part b. takes lu ad. vanolugg agriculture. H@ aime bcug!>t on. ef theboa et ahoop tbat vas ahoya at Toronto Le, further ixnprove hie foot. Prepared for Accidents. Almesi olony Ma» lu Amhsmbs0sra.dl- <estive trouble.Whou mmseol,thea tlng ueualy ia, *'Well, hec arm you r ' de- velepos b.altb taLk.The mm vho bas » hbel e orMwkaobo ta eia cuioslty. Tr-jble la mms a& » m oan t tbonsevus TI>ey est as tbeugb tbel b.d c0ppanswausoh AMd boes!.cf brasa.81 sd by, povumorked »m tnbol. Thoncoebuadices, urois- amssa bdblood, Ilion aud kd»yme ublu.Dg Pierm sPinasat Follets fuiulb hep teS 0s- stipation&"udtorpid lites,' siot sd blle.. becdachs, dlsalesa. sen ", oisb les ia le, ldttion. on dyspesiaWc4 dy elW . b» en.,Paios sud diarasaaftS wet lt, »ud kladM ddemummeot b.e' , etommsu d bovaes. Amq osp c btme. .DBRY Cigari 5 Otse F Pac ettes er - -kagé. 4< liow much of your Shoe la frather,-workmanship-end how much of it ta profit? The Shoe, yousholdbuy And the Sho. moot dealer selldiffer-sthese propor- !~~-4tions differ. Your next pair viii ~~ have more leather value, and leus profit for the dealer, if you sec that it'. Goodyear Welted, and stamped on the sole, *3, 04, or 85. OIALVae.ou pas "The Siater Shoe.» M. W. fCOLLINS, SOLE AGENT FOR WHIITBY. Mis E Main.e peut Suuday witb friende in Cedar Grove. Mrs Dizon, cf Toronto, le visîting witb ber father, John Kirton. e - à very larm~e crovd atteuded the eongM f d b Th service at the cburch Sunaay eveuing. A Cook <Zo., WidsoryOT., good number had to lbave flot being able Cu ctreiCo, Wido, n., te gain adrlittance.acuiDetoita, M rellble 1The choir beld a water-melon social on oyumeld nown sawhi le among themboives on Saturday ovecing ranthy lu <'/An ih ld ies, They migbt bave finished tb. peelingsi o <>, Ee ~ ry lady vho rcads and left 'tînge looking better for SundaY tisisrqustdto încLoe tvo poat- It is getting rather daugerous t.ravell- agsap, thhrddasfo ing on ont' streets lu the evening.ý The junior bicycle club practises nlways bei- veu six and eigbt o'elck. -No accideutý -and P v il bave yet oeeured but the. ditehes are get-. und by rour! ail n l" la " aaed ting filled wit> dlsàbled wheels. Exces. ,envelope. mlve use i. $1e.only cause. au oid lplysiisn, 3Srae COU- Not alone is tbe junior bicycle club, ai PT<I* U.I5I W.SSSo vork fihiing the.diteh«et as o ineofw1 *&:0, and the. meior club ver. t h I i..,, ~ eub yetrr on Salurd*y' tlgt, the unfortucat. bein# «~ Wm g SIne»lMrarnsd 'ubo e dgrtR 0%esuA t vvteil~n o ig ai., ohe il>. vrsking both wbftb,&aMdpoum ug >fr II.ge.unerMr. *sioausca., av Sinclairwalot 80 wI&b a v.r.sý>aklg .C-of, u 4ta.a o u wu. CALeVERLnt, Having moved Into Ournt'no promnises0, are prepared to extend the range of business AUl work pertaining to the harness-making and saddlory business vii b. doue to meUs- faction. Collais a opeoilty. Cmii and isea MI slhop and stock. .W. OALVERLEY,- secon 4 4oor West of old slhop. IDunds8 treet, Whitby Railway Time Table GRAND TBUINK AND MIDLA>YD TSATItI Gozzo WEsTvAIW. No 8, Express Daily MaJI... No. 1>, Local, except Sundey . . No.1la, Passeuger No. 1, Express, Mail dally... 5:.50à a 8:50 a la 2:83 pu 5:50 pm TRAZINS 00170 SA5TWAIID No. 6 Express, dally, esspt Sun .. 8:04 a m No. 4 Express, d4 9-.57 a mx No. 14, pessen g n 8:08 p in No. 8, Local 6:17pus No, 2, ExPiess, Mail. daily.... 10:08 p m MIDLAND DIVISION 00110 NORTE-MII>LAI» STATION mii..........................8-.08 am Mail............................ 4:20OPm Mized Te Lindsay------------...8:85 p mn courue SOUTE ized Frora Lindsay........... 8:87 amn Mail...........................12-:4 p m mail--------------------......9:1Op m DOMINION BANK@ 1Ocpital PaId up, - O1,500000 surplus, - i1950 000 Wbitby A genoye General Tran8aoted. Banklng Buaineas SÂTUIOS D«PÂTUENT. luteroal allowed shigbIioeurrent rat«s. liouette cf vithdraal roquied E.J. THORNTON, manage FAI RBANK'8 Real E8tate Column. Small Prame Housea. a. Lot, corner of John and Byron streets, Whitby. Wil be sold very cbeap. LOTS-To be sold, lots 324 and 258, north ward. RÃ"UGH CAST HOUSE-On Ash streete nort> ward, will be sold cheap. Cheap. A fine two "tory brick bouse, wltb brick stables. Situsted on Byron st., Wbiby, the finest nesidentill treet ln the. town, wlthin three minutes wslk of the post office. There arc tbree lots cf land witli an entrance on two streets. House iu perfect repair. For particulars spply te L. FAIRBANKS, Real Estate Agent, Wbltby, Ont. Str 6-a rdon City TEKS ,TABLS FOR WUMT8Y. Fniday trips to Toronto Leaves 8.45 à.vn.ý Returnln¶lIeve. orouto at 5 p.em., arri. vin: t hibyet7,rSp.af, j«- Round tblp ouly 5o cents On $aturdays, rayves Torontoe t 2 p.ue. viitb. amud74 Dwwaatle. fàaSL-Wbkby to Trmoto and remfl Tuos Nuxàr<, Manager. ln&G. JACK8SoW Nos sud .&Le WbaL Dyes are alvaj AndI lu our eo»tLqi Wbat Dys are atm Andailvqo 4" toi~ p #k & 4 y 4 l à fWA 4+Zý Fim-i ý4 )Cýlýi lMý IL is aiveys vol! to b. prepered for accident,, for we dont knov vbeu they vil! happen. Everycue sbculd keep "Quictoure" at band. Iu cases cf burns, samide, cuLs, toothache or any pain, iL gîves instant relief, and cures more quick- ly than any other preparatien on the marktL. MutAlibert Mr Arthur Carnie is home for a few days. Wm Jobuston lu home from Brace- bridge for a few weeks. Praut 8ummerfelt, of Unionville, la viaiting aL R Summerfeits. Misa Tillie Kirby, vbo bau spent the. summer at Jaoksons point, la viaiting with frieuda bore. Mr H Rose ie vory il! and bas been un- ahl. to be out for a weet pust. Hoeià ne- oovening. Mosans Oco Haigh & Sons wollen mille are nov ruuniug 14 beurs every day witit an inoreased staff. Mn and Mms J W Elliott, of Goodwood spent Sunday et theb omne of the lattera parents, Mn and Mrs B Long of thie place. Mnr Val Brooks beaves this woêk for tb. Rainy River District. Heo goeu as far as Dryden and Wabigoou and vil! spend a f.v weeks looking over the country with bis brother Thomas, wbo luet week left for Moes Jaw, NWT, and wil)meot bis bnothèr at Dryden ais ho returut. It vas unfontunat,. that a manniage notice appeaned uder Lhe head cf this eerrespondenoe lu lut veeta issue vhich given lu good faith, but vhie!>vas the onteome cf one of the parties interesesd giving e positive statezuent t. cour inquis- lU,. ttrieud. W. thereforo, take this op- portunity of denying lut weeke notice sud mate apoicgy te the interested par- ties.

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