4 -9# ,1ý(t i*c1i OSHAWASEPT. 24, 1897. OSHAIWÂ PAGE 5BHAWi. MIss Anderson or Yarlcfr le vlsltlng ber sîster Mr& Dr Cross. Miss Irene Hyiand of Whltby spent a few davo wltb friendu lu Oshawa. Born, lu Oshawa, Sept î8tb, the wife of M r H Ashhey, af a daughler. M ro Siemmon sud Mies Watson o! Win- field were the guets of Mrs. Hilop hast week. Dr and Mrs Cross were at chu xcb service on Sunday sud are recelving friends this wee k. Mr Borqberry bas given the order for piste glass for the sboip fronts in the Music Hall block. Miss Mira Flenderson who bas been visit- lug bier aunt Mlrq John Hyiand, returned harne on Saturday. The Couthard Scott Co'y are enlarging the conîipsnys buiness office by an exten. sion ta the west 20520 feet. Mrs A Chisholm of Toronto, a resident of Oshawa fourteen years asgo, is in town on s visit ta het sister, Mrs Wigg. Miss Velma L A Gould let on Thursday lest for CLicago to pursue another years, caurse et MNoodys bible institute. Word bas been receîved from the Rev Mr Eastman that lie bas reached bis destination Meaford, and likes his new homte. Mr Cockburn, of Guelph. occupied the pulpit ai the Presbyterian chu rch both morning and evening on Sunday last. Mr Lesie Harvev who bias been spendlng bis bolidaysi in iPeerboro, was in town wbile on bis way t0 rebune lits duties lu Toronto. Rev N A Mcl)iarrnid, president of the Bay of <Quinte Conicrence, will be at the hrrvest home supper at Simcoe st methodiat churcb touight Priday,) A peculiar circumstauce lu conuectle'n with tbe goiug out of the ligts in the Sim coe street churcb on Sunday niglit was that at the sarne tîme a praver was being oftered for the tbing most needed. The membr of tbe Oshawa Golf Club sre playiug Ithir handicap matches which are a erles oI îhree gamues. The first weie play- cd on Saturday last. The second to-day and the final on Saturday. Thîcre are tbree prizes. Fred Cowaniselkely wo win first place, makung what le known amnong golferis as the vogie score on Mouday, On Satur- day, Oct. 2nd, Rosedale wlll play ou the local green. Thse (armuer w-ho bias a potato crop uns!- fected with rot Ibis year la lu luck. Re.- ports cormefroi mauy parts of Ontario thal sIgna o! rot are apparent sud that lu soute cases farmers are not diggiug their pots- tocs, so infected are they. lu other cases, the tubers are dug sud tmarketed at once, because they bave no keeping qualities. Thse bligbt le similar ta that whidi destro- cd tht crop a uniber o! years ago. Iu Osis - ava potstoe are quoted aI 50C. per bushel, sud uat ver-v plentitul at that. Tht rot is said te be cause o! tht high price but as yet the crop bas ual been gathered. Tht resideuce o( Mr Walter Chubb of tise Elora road, tast, vas the scene o! an event Weduesday afternoon Sept t5 wlîlch always causes s ripple o! exctemnent to paes tbîough auy commiunily, being thet marrlage o! bis daugister, Miss Eva E to Mr James Allen Fraser, o! Hovicit, sud the marrlage ai Fis daugister. Miss Ada K to Mr George Mc- Ilitosth, o! Carrick. Tht ceremony wu s per- formed by Rev W A Harvey, B A o! Clii ford lu tht presence ai about seveuly gurats. Tht kuots vert sccurely tied. Tht brides vert dressed alike, lu pale blue trlmrued with white, sud tht groomauttu vore tht i- gulation blackt. Tht youug ladies vete gîven avway by their father. Immediateiy aller tht cercmony tise guests sait dovu tc a sumptuous wedding repasetset out on tise lavu. Whcn tht guesis hand ail doue Justice Io tise gond thingo, Rev air Harvey proposcd a toast ta tht health o! the brides aud Mr Wut Fraiser sud Dr Crandaîl responded. Short sddresses vert deiivered by the foi- Iovîng gent lemen: Mesalrs Drummoud, Dr Elîlot, M Matheson and L A Findlay. Tht brides vert tht recipletîts o! msny beautiful and costly presenis, testlfyînq ta thse bilis respect lunvisicis tiey were hin uthse tom munity About seven ociocit tht Cliffard brase bad d reve out sud sereuaded tht happy couples. Strlnx muit lurnisbed by Mir sud Mis Eglcsbam sud Mr Wm Taylor beipcd ta w-ile avay tise lIme. About mld- nigh ht he iluests returncd Imeicr homes. bsvlug spet su excellent time.-Mildmey Guzette. A Business Mens Association Oshawa requires smre sert cf business meus assoçiation If w-e had such au or- gaulsaîlon lu cood work lng order It would usake a Most astontshlng change lu busi- nes", ta the advantaige of ail concerucd. Tise (scieries of tht tovu are aIl boemlng, luisacî every one cf them s l beiug ieulsged every yrar. There bas been a steady gmwrocf manufactures, unymgs1at1ng tht empicYmeut Oclan lucrcascd number o! cm- pic t es ectisvear, until lu may lbe safeiy s.ai tisaI neyer lu tht hiuiory a! Osissas wert se msuy men employed in lu' Indus. tris. Added lt tis Oshava ls surrauuâded by a rlch farmlug counnt-y, tht huhabltunts o0 w-icb have ne otites very couveuljeut tradlng point. Ont vouhd suppose trousal ibis tisat businesosithould b. bootalng. But sncb ts ual thetucae. Be far rom there be- log auj marked prrspeity amen;r the bush. nes men, there se the very reverse. While tht factoriels are itives et Prospelty the Shepktepers are siralued te deauls for mney te psy iheir vay. AlnOsi every persan Who bals a ll'-tle mumey ahead run. sway te the city tO spindfI. A gso" mays"end MOUC ty utip s te Toromasd alter pes- sures Wbe bave nopait! accouaits lu te sha&va tores. A bmaInesmes, asocia-, tion, tuubraclu bath omerchants a»0i mau- factrea, -old )argehy semedy ibWs Ilautacturesbave Ia' machdemistfs. thei te" PrdOapr a a ayoyasst If tbey cid . iadced !tcee c qCi l et eâe idt be mrc anis a Plias rouIt!gma bc arMftw.d * w -m.Lo .mtwl .tl .Wilh me t U i t Ogtt EVi%15y1 andG AMUtI dape-Ort Sthtand 9tIi, Dr MCL.Ia4 tI ofthe Nprmal Collge willtake.<batg., luspctor KceBrieu expects every teaChr t Aattend. -There are several cassetf lver at Cedar Dale. Mr Coppil, f(reIlbt 'aent at":tii. Grand Trunk, ia lu 'the Tor4nto H-ostùl, for treatenct. Wm Saynes le &ase dow wtth It and tiser. are twe cases at Prospect] House. There are other cases and the cause of It seemo te be unknovn. Sorne parties brekte a door and smasbed a wludowin l Mr Mallorve resturaril at tis lake aud carried sway a laisp asoie uohl. The thieves ne doubt îhotgbî there were gouda in the sisop but 16 thîs tbt y were dis. appoluted as there was nothlug la the place but some furniture and disises. In Darllngtens, o.Tuesday, Gertrude Prouse, sged 2 ysars. Iu Oshawa, ou Thursday, Sept i6ts. Pearl, youngesl daughter of R H and Jenni. James, aged i year. Iu Cedar Dale, ou F'rlday, Sept z7th. Daisy Walcb, bcloved wIle of Jas Ceaimer- ford, aged 24 years sud 9 montho. Iu view o! the fact that there cases of lever tri town, the Board of 1-ealtis bas engaged Wm Marks as Inspectar, who will make an inspection of the town aud surmmens those wbQ bave not complled wlth the Instructions given asat spring. The Board bas lîcet to sorte expens9 lu instrucrlng the public as to thelr duties lu this Important malter and wbo now proceed to enforce the law. John Corner bas leasad Jas Hyhands farin lu East Whltbv sud %Ir Hylan d vil i move to eiher Whltby or Oshawa- He bas muade bis lease lu termes that will encourage a ten. sut to give the farin good care, by providing that for as many acres as are put under taummer fashow, the rent per acre shah) be deducted off that number of acres. Most tenants bave ta psy rent whetber the soi)l i produclng or nol. Mr Hyhaud lhinks that is un air to the tenant aud that under bis ease the farru wiih be kept lu gaod order, the tenant will be encouraged to work it welI and the farru will aiways brnug a gaod sure rentai, fôr il wilI yleld good crapa. The streets sud impravement committe bave purcisased the six ton street relier from the Austin Mauufacturlng Ca cf Chicago. Il is the same machine that was exiibited ai Toronto (air aud vas oflered at a price wbuch would have made it neglegeuce an the part of the committe nc)t ta purchase. The councîl hart practically placed isescf ou re- cord ta buy iu the spring. Tbey bave oui> anticlpated thetlimne snd saved money ta tbe towu by closiug thu deal nov sud tise rouier wili be ou baud for work ase soon as the fi-ast te out cf tise ground lri the spring. Thse rail- er arrived ou Mouday. The la now a chance fur the t vu ta gel good streets. The music hall wheu ftted up wil) scarce- ly be recoguized b y old frequenters, Be- tveen 2mosud 300 latest chaire have been ardered for reserved seats. These vil) have racks under the seat for'aovercoat sud bat About iS feet fromu the stage the fon vwil) beglu tormise sud vil) have en ascent o! three-fourths af an inch ta the foot until the entrance la reached. A furuace with a ca- parily fer beating 125.000 cublc feet aI space w-Il) be installed ru rh e northwest corner o! the bail. As the hall bas but Sa thauaand cubic feet space it la evident that the pre ut- ises viii be veli heated. Mn Borsbery bas purchased tise- gasoline fixtures af Sîmcoe street ruethadist church sud will instahi the l aut lu the hall. The place w-i be lighted y clectricity, but ta provide agaluet tht etwergency o! higbt faihîng fromn that source lte new system o! lightiug known as acely- lemu gas vil) be instahied. This wilh be the first introduction o! the ight lu towu [t wihl be soute w-teks yet before the work ai renovation vil) be comrlettd, but when fnished the 10w-n viii have a music hall that vili equal the public balls of ebny place of sîruilar size in the province. -Vin. W C T U. ThetCCtiuty Convention of thse W. C. T. U. vas beld lu Slmncoe St. Methodlst cisurch asat Tbursday. There wss au atternoon sud tveuing session. Tht ogaiîIation is net strung lu tht country, ouiy uumbtning four unions so that tht number o! delegates vas not large. Vet thse discussion iufused new lUfe sud purpose into thase presetl. Reports vert read ron tise diflerent branches of the vont. Miss Hamilton, Port Penny, rend a pe opn ouwomau as au Evsngel Htnaid sud ss Peai-ce oi tise saine place a paper on thse plebeacie. Tht ladies decidcd te cultivate tht practîce of systemsîic guving sud hold sem irannuel meetings. In tise cvening au open piemiorut meeting vas heid. Tht Rev. J P Wilson, pestor o!f te churcis, prtaided sud addresses o! velcome vert delivertd by Rev Perey Fletcher on bebsif of tht Royal Templars. W E D)yti- on behaif of tise Sens of Temperence. M re Rutiserlerd, of Toron. ta, Preident for te Dominion W. C T U. gave a very interestlag addrcss. iBbc bas an appearence of plalnes upon Iaklng tise platfortn, but as the progrescd lu ber ad- dreas, sht devcloped a citarmlng persouahhy aud a pleaaîug appoa-suce. ý41er deivery vas caracal, expressions w-el) chosen sud pointed. Tht audience gel a good vlev of thse pur"o.ansd w-uni of order. andti ie statement et the close aofIbe addresltaIt ti vomen were working for thé. goodoflte home sud mur native landi bu wen iMMl-de- nicdth ie franchise and badt t depeuti ou their busisd an sd brothers toa sen thita t tise poilis w-heutse plebeste w takteu, vas patisetic snd appeaied te mens better nature. Tise meeting closa!w-hit- thse ususi vote of t»a.-Vliidicatar. Dryde Vs Sulh. Meurs Halaseand Paîmllo Tosorto so1.' ctors fer Hou John Dryden have seutleh followlag louer to the Vindîcator wb" i pb. lisbes th -"Il u islseof Mardi 3rd. 1g7 te jour report o! tise »Dut el Sulugoà , Couserratlve A.apocatio.codestr ud. --*A Serious Charge."1W. Sskut hr. John Dryden w-tu hlag ur«te Rtglar 01. fice," jeu pobllmedtise fokw-lug "#Mn Smith, eo,Member of tisa rtdtq wua thon aadIn bqprem&u inpobr- 0 0 H. e dtW isiOne o! tise =coatug caumesof bis deteatgo isua lWews tbsaia :'thseRegstrsry fOSes lu li Scas g "Ste Canservti,."sudMaiuo i "On b"ofs!o ii.e tîUrIsDy..'i Feurgum od aitym u vu saff ir am"",ls DUO o ie*as m"é5ltu L boewlt-,*bat oc Md~ isbr les*. xenLnn - wmuby-Oobawa otage lins. Leavres Oshawa et a a mi nMd p M',and Whitby mit10 aM a ndd p m. loin Bauvu, pafuter aud dsocrater. Dealer luw -vfapoe, eilng deocratle, paais, cOù, varthines, brushe, wlndcw shados, ste. 3awus PiLi.ow, dealer lu stoves, furuace, la- vm-e etc. Largestock kept ocustantl7on had: ,obblng a speotaty. Simca. omet L. K. KvÃŽ%Toix, B. A. - Barrister, Sociolor, Nota"r Public, ocaiyacer, &o. Monoy to lsnd. MOie over Dominion Bsnk, Simoos Swrel, Oshawa. U'ULT Baos - Watchrnakers and Jewserui. Desiers la w.iobes, dlocks, jewelery, oliver- wmr, spectacles, etc. Engravtng, gold and silver platlng, and old gold rings made over. Fine watch, oiook, and iewelery repatrlng a OIID*E DALE Considerable barley goes to the ele- vator at the lake. The remnoval of the Scythe works trom here did us no special harm, for ail our houses are occupied. A few families have moved to Mont- real to Chaplins new shop at Cote St. Paul, but the bouses which they occu- pied are tenanted as soon as vacated. The Dominion government declined to grant the request to assist in main- taining a light on the dock, because the harbor and dock belongs to a pri- vate company. Wm Petre sowed 4 acres of western corn for feed, with every hole of his drill open, on July ioth. On Sept. I4th he began cutting the corni with his binder, just 65 days after sowing, and it was to feet high and 6 tons to the acre, a growth as rapid and as great as in any part of the worid. TosoNTo. Huridreds of Whlîby foulk took sdvantage ai the Gardes Cîtys last trip ou Friday tu da soute shopping lu the city. Walking dowu Youg St 1 met scores ef faces 1 knew. Sauntcriug îbrough Slmpsons, Estons, Mbir- raysansd Cattos, 1 observed aur good 10w ns- falk taklug advantage of Fnidays bargains This la but typical ofai iai being doue b% the inhabitants o! every towu withlu 30 miles sud more af Ibis quetu city. The people by their patronage predîct tisat the- deparîmental store la bers ta stay. It la use- leas ta argue taI money sbouîd be spett where il le m&de, for persoa, w-hase con - sciences wouîd b# îartured vert they t(, miss church ou Sunday, lose no sheep over tht question whetber their merchant-ue'gh- bor iu tht towu ts getîlnig a share ai thel, customt or ual,. an long as there le a cheaper marktet in Toronto than in Wiitby. 1 ven- ture ta assent that tht store af tise very tient future le the departmental store. Il yull not be long before the smail retailers wilh be an extinct species. Wbat with the development lu mens of transport, sud tht extension ol tht mai-order systern. tht ciseapest marktet, thougis distant, le brougist rigbîta ones door. I beisooves the thoughtfuh retalier te adopî bîmsetf to the cisaugiug conditions of life, sud ta ptepare for the time w-heu the bir, store w-hI bave swalhowed up thu w-bale of bis business. Alian Adamts Intende entering Wycliffe coliege as a reaideut student ou Oct rat. Ht will také lectures aI University celege, but wil) roout muid board ai Wyclifie. I met Mir Thos VAtes on the sîreet the othes day. Ht lu hooking vell, sud telle me, ia dolug as w-el as se expected. Hie famil%- are ail velsud counfortabhy situated or, Bolton Avenue. 1 am sorry te record tisai Mr Michael Murrayt[s ok in lutht bospital vlth a lame foot. Up toe tie oefe bis illues he vas conductor on tise street railway, sud a mort genisi couducter Ibere w-saut lu tht ciy. I hope tteec hlm around again sean. Har-vey German, w-boss face aud usme arc familier te Witby, bas won the distinc- tien e! betng thse best lesme phayer lu Can- ada at lits positien ef inside home. Harvey bas iately graduuled ftrm Osgoode Hall, vil) be cal.d *ta the bar lu Nov, sud "-I lnl *Il likIlhoed be offleid a partnersblp lu smie clty offce. He bau dansw-eU. Mr W C Micheli la ulccly ensceu seda cssicai master l[a arvis St colegts insu- tete. lie amkes shome eai ai Part. On. of thse Posaible surprises al tise sasson wIl) bis appearance ounithe faraud lin* of O»sgodeag fflby-pl e It l Io i- ed tbat its vil! dou tha hiaet sd viite. ThtOutrloJocky Club holda ite. feu ae tbeWoodbiua begluig onSstur. day ii. .51h ti Somas amus stings of bosueaa e-.pres. s a uciti.g urne 'f jS wat a good laughgseanodbheurW7 H - Rota4et tii. Grandtri "Tita Mye- Mi 8o IsIa,'tl. leaclaver coiaOUY. Ify"ejov sxe et g bUlartous and »« no ceatake a ofreiùuu sMet athes ejo# 1 hava run acrose boys et th. ub.uure *ba usa4 to livei alu - 0« or sn year-*go. tr (yt tekww hât Il scblave a W. haveAainudjibïà Ã" nlghte *tfroî,t Még"mtt r Zephn bau, Iatey 1ben the gllftt-0 f MW ee -Mr lues Carter bit lately been spendlng à few d<lye wiîh frienda Il -Streetaville. MÀr *irm Windsor and bis çon Thos, or >Woodstock wu wlî frienda and relatives berse lasI . weelk. Mr William Major was In the clty last week and contracted a ver y sevet e coîd Wvhlch he bus bardly got rld of y et. Apple packers have etatted packln g fruit ln tbis section. We belleve a great deal of the fruit la net first clabs thîs year. Meusrs Hawkey and Tbornton and the Misses Bearr and Thornton were with friends ln Ciaremout lasi Sunday, Dr Rankîn cf Scotlsud was at Mr. Alex. Armatrongs hast weehc on a short visit. He bas been attendlng the medîcal convention lately beld at Montreal. A Mgr Moody of New York city was bere for a time the other day. About tbirty yesrs ago lie was a shoe maker lu this place, and bas flot seen the place since. We are going ta bave another street open ed eut, soit la sald, but we cannat see what use to the public it wiil ever be. The land could be much marte prafitably occupîed growlng tatles. Altbough il may be an unusual thlng ta see alike claver sprlnglng up ail aver the land whlcb bas nat had any for three or four years, still there are lots of fields around bere which are now fairly green. The Rev Mr Bosworth of Tilsonburg prenched ln the Baptlat church last Sunday morîninig. He l8 connected witb tbe bapti-it Grand Ligne mission work in Quebec. Helt delivered a most excellent discourse. The township cou ncil has paased a by.iRw which should interest tax payers generally. Hereafter those wba do not whack up by Dec r4th are charged an extra 2 per cent, and Il flot paid by Dec 31st 4 per cent. Mr Ed Hawkey, our popular teacher. bas handed in bis resiguatioti so hie can resumne bis studies, but we believe the trustees have flot accepted it. Mr Hawkey is giving ex- cellent satisfaction as a teacher and we would be very sorry ta loose so amiable a young mani. Sulas Tool, a son of Mr Geo Tool of the 4th concession, accidentaly got shot lu the knee wlth a rifle wblle out coon huîîîlng last Sat- urday uight. We canuot ssy wbetber it is serlous or flot but at tirne of writing Dr. Hutchinson bad not located the builet. H-e walked two miles to bis borne aiter being abat. So w-e are golng 10 bave anoîher vote on Local option before tht end o! the year. While ual doubting but what the auties will be defcated again, stihi ve would stronglv advise the teruperauce parly ta gel thorough- iy organized sud give sucis a sweeping mii- joriîy that the Hydra-headed monster wilI be sulent for evex- lu Ibis glorlous township. Erastus Winmau iateîy advocates the abol- ation of the iquar îraffic bccause il la sup- ported mainly by the workingmeu aI a great coat. It la a pity ise dld ual laite up the temperauce cause hnstead a! annexation, theut bis latter davu wouhd not bave been 90 full of dissapoiutments. There le vitaliti, lu the temperauce cause but auly the dry boues are let of tht aunexation movemeut. Balsam £&MutZVen. Messrs jas sud Uriab Joues vert visitlug at Pickering village on dunday, Miss leunis Wilson wbo je laid up with ty- pboîd lover is slowly lrnpraving. We hope tu hear o! ber speedy recovery. C Hewitt bas rented a tarin near Stotiffvilhe cantaining about x5a acres, wbere he wiii in the near future reside. Succesa Charhie. Mr sud Mrs Pile, o! Princeo Albert, paid Mr and Mrs 1 E Disney a* visut on their way te, Mlarkham to set their son Wihlie who ls ibere gettiug treated for tumors. Staff Capt Carnes, ai the Cntting Baud Brig- atde, wili lecture ia the noar furureat Mt Zion on the.most iuîerestiug subject a! tise age nameîy, love-caurtsbip sud marriage. Ail veicome- admission free. MONDAY OCT. 4 :-Great clearing sale of catîle, sheep pigesud horses, at Catsvoid Ridge Fanut, lot 9. con i, Reach, ou Mou- day, Oct 4th., ati o'clock, belougiug ta, Jos Ward. Over roc hcad of !eeditig cat- tIc. Tearns mccl mornlng trains at Ux- bridge sud Biackw-ater. Pau P#At Pelioving les alistof tisePal) Faire ta b. iteld la ibis viclitly durong z597 Belleville .--.....Sept. Bovmanville .... .... . .. Central,Ota . Ceuirsi. Peterbero...ë...01 Central. Llodsay..."4..." -Wbithy......-.- lIdo. at WoodvIlle...." Broct uSuaderad--*' Paulpoue-Oakvood.".... Tiseris at Beaverton'ý- Oct. 171 208 21, 24. 270 239, 21, 30f 40 tg Oct. 4 4 #e ANTED. l Cada s Roy»al Quart*l)M o V 14 dlivnss. Ci To *Whom it uMýy 00Mw?:n v L..Wm. , > ftomedb _m Jumt ROéiiy*d 2000 RolS Of those very beautifi-l A merleauiPaper8, Wlth Borders to Match, whicl will be sold ocheapel' Also a, lot of ]RemnantsAb.. whioh will be sold at cost and under. Every Day 1$ Bargain HWlh us. P.B. Day1 WARAM,51 FA RM TO REN T North balU lot 23 in 5tb con., Whitby. Speclally adapted jior dairving. Living water and railway station oýn (arT. Rerit low to good tenant. E . R. B. Hayward, Whitby. June 3rd, x897-tt. MADE ME A MAN elè AJAX TABLETS POSITIVLY CUBE br uor ot Vit Fali»lac or dors ltaMsu for stu _, bol or marriffle ten snd efeeou" JEWho"Siot upn avias the euise 0 ' emt. T osdthoutssansd wlI1cur70mL e gve s poe- lc:rit ee etoofewtê ous 1GoTSin Psof; M sx pkau (WuI) sstment) for y sUnai D - o ce. me Pt ular ni wr~er.gon ecelof9 r 1 1*I Chie% ahD For Sale in Whitby, Ont., by JB . WILLIS, « Druggist.1 Farm, for Sale. Part cf Lot 1 ln 7th cot. of Pickering, con- taininu 40 acres of goad land, erected tberean frame barr, sheds and stables, gpod bouse, kit- chen and wood shed. Good orchard of apples pearu, plums, and grapes, etc, an abundance of hard and soit waer. Alsa xa actes of timber land composed of maple, oak and basswoad. an lot i, ln 9th con. of said Pickering. Wiil seli to- gether or sepa rate. Must he sold. Teris easy. Apply ta WM J COULTICE, Clarernont, Ont., C. T. GARBUTT, Box z8, Claremt, Ont., or T. L. SALTER, Greenbank, Ont., executors o! the late Isuirs Copi. Claremont, 1lUIY 318t, 1897.-. OSHAWAI - ONTP, sud supplY Parts, and repuai l ma- chines rmade at the Josephi Hall M'fg Go.,e Masson Co,, and Dingle Estates, having bought ail thela- patternsl, forme, etc. JLoOUp isstock: Knives; and sections for Most any niake, mower or reaper, Iron Pipe, Steam IFittings, (braas or iron.) Rubber Beltingo Facking, (rubber, garlock or rope) Thresher Teeth, rMost all kinds. Repa.ir Bicycles, and supply parts for smre. Engines end Boliers repaired, (e.ny imake.) flepair Machinery, any descrip- tion. Machinery Steel, aiso Cast Steel of varions sizes for tools. Pea. Harvesters, R. Woon & Co. Apiary Supplies, Beehives, Sec- tions, Comb Foundation, etc. R. WOON & CO. W NED-SEVEBAL FÂTFUL Mn or Womon te travel for re- sponsibie establtshed bouse ln Ontarlo. SalarY $780,. payable $15 weeklv and - x- penses. Position permanent. Reference. Enclose self-addresséd stamped envelope. The National, Star Building, Chicago.-J7-8. FOR A LL 1TI G E Boa t, Rail or Ocean, CALL ON E. J. JOHNSON1W. P.ý STERICKER, LEADINO UNDEITAKER, BROOK 8TREET, -q WHI TB Y# Oshawa Ry. Co's Office,- OSHAWA.- REL C.' Carter, Agt. For the, Shoofu osu WE HAVE A FULL LIN-E 0F. P ou'der, CZeaner8, lut IM -veythwg8 lat--is Wl VOL@ A.I- WIRI Geo.j sen the, Intending p Mill b.cfore phu an agent puta can gel tht G galvaiiized,ii More o:ibis» than .sny oth cdaim tbey We Miii eutfits W, Ail styles, 0 sale. Auy info=i will be freely1 Feb 7, 1897-6 john Ci -pesoc Ras Just R A Full Shipu LAM Ha Bot Fax F ULL LE Chi andI SEE OUR For FAIR Wl