MUNV Ayr' Cherr Pectoral cote More bï-tis utir ue1. ciues. But then it cures more than other medicines. Mostt of the cheap congh unedîcinea merely pallitate; thcy afford local sud tempo- rary relief. Ayer'ip Cherry Pectoral does net patch up or p--Ilhate. It Cures. Asthma, Bronchitis, Croup, Whooping Ceugh,-and every other cough, will, when other remnedîcs afil, yield te Ayer'9s Cherry --Pectoral It h»n a record ci 50 years of curea. Bond for flic "Ourebook" -free. JC. ÂyerCo., laowel, mas. OORRESPONDENOE OEULLIA à Tonosto Wedsling. Miss Jeanie Thomsson, danghiter cf the late John Thomeso, Lougford, was mat ried ln Toronto Iset week, te Mr J b Miller, of the Parry Sound Luinher Ce. Rey Dr Miltigan ot St Andrews Presby- tnian cbnrch poformed the unariage c.remony st the. tesidence cf tb. brides mother, Jarvias éreet. TIhat Oshawa Outtag. There lea a cf dispute juet non between tbe G T B sud mie 0 Otîlila Pire Brigade sud Ctizen@ Baud. Tiie firemn elains that the. aununt cf thoîr @art of the Civia Holiday excursion teceipie te Oshawa ie 684.20, wbile tbe railway coin pany figures it out that Lhey e th Brigatie ouly $18.40, The firemen bave raoeived a check for that amount, vbhich was net acceptéd. The différence in the ameunîtsis. $15.80 sud thie firezuen *ay that if tUe rsilroad takes it tUe brigade will be soma dollars in the boie on the eutlng. Tho G T B cdaitus that thé fire. men tiid net reokon on the Oshawa stroat raiiway companys share cf the excursion receipts. There i. a tendeuoy auuong the brigade mombors whiob favors a recours. te thée division court te get their money. Bettry OStSena. A very pronounceti type of fakir did a fiouriabing two bouts business on Peter etreet near thse Sheppard. MoCorisiek blocks, on Saturday sfternoon. ais stock lu trade cousistodof an illimiable apsort ment of leotrio boîte and Lhe braconines. ef self assurance- He soIdthte belt.. for a dollar, A tiaimith coold mais. thein for ton contsa t a good margin of profit. lu addition Mr Fakir tht-oeut a hait &long wlth the firtstiait dozea puroisses. Be. fore the iret belt waa solti Wn Qrant stoppbd opto tiie bandi wagon sud aiketi thse fakir if ha wus the.porion wbc waa reported le tthe Saturday p pore as hav. ing fleecedth i.eedulous citizens et Col: lin wooti anti Mealord eut of semmatin. refad odd dollars esniier m i" weis. Grant addressed the. crow nti iwsmiag tarers, sdviin tbexn to bave nothing to do with the, alicis gent nor bis boita. Tii. effeot of tus4 warning on the eleots-o boit trade lupais fadiug eut. The fakir oiti 86 o; then sud tiien shut up miop. -News The Dow ustm Thora are at p rosant beiug bilît lus dit faorenttatsfetThorsb twouty-fi'e Silos >f varylng eapacity. TbIs la an> evidano othow rapidiy new ideuau retakl ne c. s.aaîouof car faeraer anti. hov tatO'lli- gonsly tiiy are proo engta uake tii. Mest of tiseu». A««u aIIbs lefflew. While Millisa Young .0w on 8»&qa xnoraing 1fr OharlesNapier, of Yb"ota street hadt b. mlaortupe tw b. violti orstunned by theub. e mild ni tp n Ons ariulug lhe ounibis srmbi b. dislocat et Itise shouîder. Di. eu" prmply eplacetù»th bb.i à tIaeked bye s> On Saturday aftesoon a yoauns Ouicf Mr Tho* Warren or Thorh alatus dortocis to daiv, a boar plg frin thep t1to fild wben tise nimal twus opSi hlm. Xu th*. strogg4.lo h euss"Mealb lad recevedt Io u417 ge>.*m lb. aà nima i aaou n uthe % b ofthé,lois log bdaus! s,.iohe'leU* ai itesu itieWosiA ts t 'u soon b. aouaisau.Eps Tii. vaJ*ablê Iim,,,ttSck sid!4 0 nients etc. 4 btiongti gtq, ýï.he ïtiîê'W Wnrt <)rmisbon-t (dmccd),, viii ,,be sold on the tsrt-dayof Ocber. Rala div. tons of temporanco ln- -sndhoIdng an open dVlsiôïý on tu'b- 7th October, A good programme haé been provided cousisting of reading, recitations, îvocal and 'Instrumental music.-a41» a fgrçc cntitled, Advcn- tures ln the wrong ouse.» E ý'InfIIdà div. Is expected -to taise part. The public te cordlily invited. to attend. Silver collection to pay expenses. Mr Foster returned on, Thursday from Claremont wbcre he bas been vie- lting for a few days. Dicd in Raglan on Sept 14th, Clara C., second daugbter of Mr and Mrs C. Blanchard, aged 27 ycars. The Rev, Mr. Tonkin, pastor M. E. church, Col. umbus, conducted the funeral sermon, and delivered an appropriate discourse. The remains were followed , tothe Groveside cemetery, Brooklin, by ilcr- rowing friends. Sincere sympathy le feit for the family in this their sad be- reavement. We are pleased to see Mr. Nather Groves is able to be around again after his severe illness. Word has been received (rom Mr M. Martin who is in Winnipeg and vicin- ity, and reports good crops and a fine country. Although living on the fat of the land. we believe Ontario and es- pecialtv Columbus is the apple of his eye. Mr Ed Holliday, merchant. bas sold his store and dwelling house and in- tends clearine out uis stock of dry good and groceries at a reasonably low figure. Corne early and secure a good bargain. Thse trouble with ne aewadays la, that1 we do net lesd nat- um iriives. The fem- laine portion of eut scciety la especially culpable l lntiia way. Tt la reaily a weaderi that women are as healthy as -they are. Very few womnen get auy outdoor exer- cise. Very many get ne exercise ai aIL. Modes cf dressing iuterfère wlth tise proper muscular action aud with tise circulation et tihe blood. Ail thse hy. uieuic iaws ara bro- ken. It lslittlewon. der that aine women lu ten are troubled wîtis semae derang'emeut or irregularit ilu thse action of tise erganu' distinctly femius-le. Negiect sud wrong living wiiI show theun- selves fitst lu thse mst delicate organe cf thse whole body. With sncb weakussaA~ sicinscs se prevalent, it is te b. expected4 tisat the bearlng of cilsdren would ha fraugbt vth dread and danger. It should net be se. cf course. Nature navet meauit it te hao. Tisa performance of thse higb. est function of which a woman la capable hould net ha accempaaied by pain If perfectly natural living ware thse nue, it would not be se. As lives ana liveti, soea thing elue muet ha donce. A remedy mauet be found. Fer aven thlryyaa Dr. pie has beeu chief cesulti'lgphysician te ttha Invalide' iTotel sud Surgies! Institutp, of Buffalo, N. Y. During tisaStinme he ha treateti thousanda cf womeu.Rea bu feuud iu hi. " Favorite Prescription", a never-failiug speclfic for female complaluts. it strengthens tise whele body sud wlseu takea dttri ng gestation. shortens thse panlet of labor and mkas childbiftl wfl.ulh pahuless. It aise premotesasu abundant sartion ef sounlâiment for lb. eh"i (Too laie for l"stissu.> The. annual S. O. T. memon a Me coinluthe. methodiat eouelu atu erzdwh veaing by the oRv D X 1c- .Theo Rev John Ro bentaon, 1D D, the eSottiali evngellt psor cfthe .gay temple, OlGlo, a aioit visitu lu hi unole Mr ohn Ià lt woek ':At But ià vas hopsd that b.ho ld be. hlo te rommn sd oempy tub. papof0tb. proshyteria ohucol on Swdu, uty % dayg uwye tffg u1a thoee autpv« bromte"u"p bu ivt *b vas ui.y f.4 u lr... >rusulpr Viait bOsd ~ .pb~ybb 'lii 8 The wlrtor1» r Mb.w4i q*uÎ A ro 1wards <Aa4yIlot F v > ww ~we VM' aflu I n.ouvs th?.e aml , ôo t'Dr IHebbs Spatagua JCdney ?IIlAt thé time 1 bad on hand an old patie nt years old who had bien troubled with ptoataritla, irritable bladden, sud urotha for y@&r&. I p ut hlM down on the. use ef the pille, wbich have workedilikeaà oharm, Renow suifera ne pain. snd ineteadci f baviug tW go& up to urinal. three to six imes during the nigbt, he now testsa&Il night. Tii. pillearse net aIl gene yet, but ho las mu9h relieved. 1 speak « of what 1 know, for 1 amn the doctes, J R Drrscà .i rOawfordavîlle, Imd. HOBBS 1111OuiS RVDY 00 . Posou, Cuscso. Dr. Uobbs Pin% 7ornSae lu WHITHY, ON r., by A. B. ALLIN, obsansd Drumgit. (Crowdd oui lasi week> Mur catP M Chapman sud I À Law- rence wheeled to Toronto on Saturday. Mene Bray anti Paul Lawrence, of Claremnont. wero lu eut viciuity for a few days reoeutly. Peeple et ton tbrow brokea glass on the. rosnd togeLt iti ef it sud cf course think iL will g t paoketi inte a bard road sud me help ti.rond aswell au tititheni- selves cf it. But sncb stuif jeavery detrimental te pueumnatie tires and a kindly person woulti ec that tiie flinty tubbish b e depoeited elsew bore. Sherman sud F'reeman Brewn, ou tiie 8th, who are becotng quit. important as fat-m managers, spent Suuday witb their parents ber.. Thc firat literary ef the esson wsu held on Frida7 sftetnoou iset in the achool. bouse, wîti Alile. Weatney as ohainlady. Ai those meetings are a great source cf gooti te the pupil.s, as aIl porions of ex- perience admit, the parents ought tý (os. ton a kindly feeling anti interest with the pupils. W. are sorry te loaru that cur good neighbotaq, Mt and Mrs E Maddafurd and family, are about te reniove (romn bore te the Pont (atm, which they have ronteti for a terni of years. Accidents to Childi en. Chiltiren, iu their play, are apt te get aptains, bt-nes or cuti, sud tise pain thèse littie eues suifer before relief i. btcught tu thetu sheulti couvince niothers thut it in uoceaary te be ali>ays prepared for accidents. "Quickcuu-e" ia a hialér, tisat acta quickly anti renioves pain a& once, W H Meticalfe, s fermer teaciien of t.his placé, bas beeu visiting frientsin l tbia section. Rev Msr Logan, of Moatreal, basoceeu- pied the. pulpit here ton thse puit two Suntisys wisb great scooptauce. Inspecter MoBrien viiteti eurtsool lait Monday. As usual here he o funt evenythiug iu à fiottriahng condition. Mn anti UnsPorter are viaiting ln Te- ronte. Mn J ohn Terry loftu for Minneapolis ou Thu"ysda st.. Mrs J Y Paisley. wbo litab..» visita mng Mu tablevIcinitay, Iha.retuured WtéiM - neapolis. Mr anud Mr& A Corde, are about te lma" for Tononteoviser, MI r<3unie ho a gooti position. Mn Wm u OuvorweIlandi famasilybïwe retameud to beih*ae, wheme Mrt culv »ei - ias rentedth ie houel aI4 ser W. egreot tb reporelâa4m E ra l fat- frout w.ooveria-g -(frosibist V10081 wbioh bas ov derolop4ioa.M -atmok on dIy tê1lè ;o Warran, son 0 lb arî-4 Wýwu, _ýo1Cý b owronca. #il. wlh e otoraeS and-wagon for, p~la tet# o hie fathotaevaporator 4?hê boit ëaru' ot ofthe b.wlfietro just, M.b op I.erery bUll uar Bo*-~ Revi;'ý"ng h hrées tw mn away. Wbie nu1011the lnue cai. out of te 0 olk s0dneutlas tel got over the tauelng the. wagon te resar np aud tbrow. lug~ ~~~vn 'bak u.~RVD eeu la ... r 4 u a a y lg p t a # u i y " c k ' h là o n t o t 0 Ilinos Sdand soed twstop the herses. t» .mou4thrucaway with.a «oodI 8bki o p. Durlag the past tht.. weeku there bas been Do loge than moyen accidants iD ont, town. We obronicled, tht.. lu eur lit issue aud w. bave fodr iu this issue. on Friday of lait week, cor ceunoilmau., Albert Oolwill, who 'badl loe.ded a bull on a wagon te taise to exhibit Bt Bowmau. ville fair aud driviug out of the gâte Bt bis fra, the. front wiieels droppýed dowu into a hollow throwing the animal for- ward witb snob force tbat it kuooked Mr. Oolwll outteoftthe wagon on the. ground. The ball aIse f.ll to the ground just miss. Mr Oolwill by about a foot. Ia talliag, Mr Oolwill stinois hie bead apaiteti whaol cracking th. èoansd outting a gasb in-the aide of hie face, The llood oosed from bis noie, xnoutb snd es. Ou ing te Dr Farucemb belng absent aud Dr. MoNangbton being eugae.dl witb another case the services of Dr. Ne Lanoblin. of Bowmanville, was securcd. The. Dr aya if Mr Colwill te kept perfeet. ly quiet h. will b. ont of danger iu two wook.-Tizues. Dr. CHASE CURES FATHER - CHILD @kwth affilotd with 090»M& of a very. troublesome type &nd oCuMd Blna remarkably short whlle by Or, Ohasws Olntmont. 141ss trobled for tan yean with ecema on ena e;thitching was omething terible~ nouti crachuntil the. blood cama. I{owI came te know the valut cf DOR.ASK'8 OsNTo MIENT, I bave a little girl two years; when aha wus oua year old these arne disease began te soupnler face. It wssnt long before ber face bec literally covered with ht. In order te keep ber from scing It we bad te band- age ber bauds up. 1 tried severui dectons, but Ro orelief. Seeing D8. OHAU'S DINUENTs. bighWy advertised 1 made up my mind te pur. Chase a box, which I did froni ona of eut led druggists. Thse first application I noi9a change Lt was then 1 began te týink about niysclf With four or ive applica- tions, te niy surprise, 1 amn completel~y cured, ne igu cf the disease, and my litile girlsà face to-day ha dlear of ail the scalis. 1i ar only tee &glad to inforru an yesn what a bl 'sing DI. WIA8s INiTMENT bas mproved itself,"5 "HIRAM FREY, "Wheel Malier, Norwood, (Ont," DU14RAIRTON Pierce Brea bave completet the. ncw atone atch on the Kingston read, wcaî of bers, aud trafflo bas resuused its fauniliar course.ouee more. The job lseoxceetiing- ly well doue anti tefleets credit ounLthe contractersasai eil as upon the commis- ionera. liaso Piser bas been awardod the cou. tract of catnying the. mail. betweeu Rouge Bill anti Toronto for thc next four yeara. El. asaumes charge cf tiie &âme ou Fnriday next, October lot B Obrew bauboit the contraot for many yesra sud was anau p plicant foi tiie positi on aspin, but car .%"0 Wnou ti. race. We saah expect a nov bus now. There la telk of two stages, but tat onît only b. fooliahou as oeesa do ail the business, anti meke a fortune for ne eue. Bonis dîne during the quiet heurs cf Monday ulght smre person et persons vxiteti Samuel Xian barsn,nr tue rail- v*y, md a iti off somo ýoae lthat vere uncla*d u ildon te baru ioêr. Tii. thief b.d a demoorat and i anohote,, nould apea belestfonh trite a f ntbe hfost ext morniage Thu4 la o Mlis.e ly 'offense of thse kW, rejporteil arotant boeeandit vswout4ld b. u~lse"lf he gIhy~rs *de'i The following are the wlnnersiIn District No. 2, E.tern OntaneO: Wimners of Stearn's Bicycles Mr E N Goodaîl, 229 Wellingtonl St., - Ottawa, Mr Wm C Porter, Powassan, Wlnners of Gold Watches8 Mr R A Smith, Newmarket. Mr S P Hempili, 247 Wellingtoni St., Ottawa. Mr G A Readshaw, Gravenhurst. Miss Geneva Platten, Port Perry. Mrs F M Fisk, Lorneville. The above competition will be continued each month of 1897. LEVER BR08, Limited, Toronto. ;0 sud about Lindsay' a crusade bag been commenoed against the practice of town marchants erecting large a igu boards on the. public higbwaý tw advert tize their waree and asthe o.same time scare every hors. that cornus &long. Thon. are a few aigu boards on smof e the roade leading liet Uxbnldgo wbich do net add materia.lly te the equanimity of cither bots. or driver. Couri t fRevision. The. Votonsalot for the township of Ux. bridge was revised by Juilgo Dartell laut Wedneeday, when over 200 appealfi were taken op. 117 appeals were entered by the Cocservatives aud 89 by the Reform- era, aIl being disposed of exoept 82 oft te former sud 17 cf the latter whiob will be taken op at the adjonrned sittîngo to ho beld on 24th lit. Ont cf their 87 ap peals the Reformera were sncoeesf go5 far witb 45 naines, 19 dlsmiasod, 5 2~e inal changes sud 17 -names adjouned. The Couservativos ont cf tbeir 117 Sp. poale were sucesoefal wlth 59 appeals, 8 dismiîsed, a few changes sud 86 namea adjounud. Tbns Censervatives ha~ve made a gain cf 15 appesîs so far and are sure te increase thuir gains wben tb. court resumea, te, betweeu *.80 snd 40. T W. Ciiepple, M.P.P., leeked after lu- Lereste etfLthe Reformera, aud Col. Pater- étov, Q C., sud S. 8. Sharp., wbo apent much time ln prepsring the appeaus look. ed after the intoroste of the Conserva. tive.- Tinies. PYNY m PECTORAL Positively Cures COUGHS and COLDS gi&srrltnfg yshort urne. tsac. enhitcran tried and tmie, soothlng and heallug in iha affects. W. C. McCoum gi & SON, Boucbette, Que. reWI t a eter hM Yc-Poctomi eumm tabo, sdrma"u W. (. MeCombr of à Mot. J. H. Humn, Chomind 5a8 Yove St., Toronto, writes: Au a omi mulabaO lang smp P=rT. 1m$ella a mmo usivtl mtLr lmaa7ka..,, ejo itM» of the IIl s. m haf11 aIbtgplaustet eu se a soift iCma DAVIS & LAWRENCE CO., Lrz,. Sols Propriaen Agtaton lia tii. wor of tiomoepathlo medi- éuies ha. boais lus sol of propsa, am lu polessu»d opinion andthe ti.ndîilduslIty otm* bave bomeavt. ta, the i. " ioh, ii. otancèr(4 usasl Wîom - have, uop .ev*s4. & with Molstor- f iams Inibt ostod tbswpr 4n», .tnsdy s. o «"ald*lty a4 lmgour "OUIDINO aWlna.*-ýed vhlah. ýwhms nhs.In Do You Lise It? It'. the best thlng for the hair under ail circumstances. Just as no man by taking thought can add an inch to his stature, 80 n0 preparation can make hair. The utmost that eau be done is to pro- znote conditionis favorable to growth. This is doue by Ayer's Hlair Vigor. It re- moves dandruff, cleanses.. the scalp, nourishes the soil in' which the hair grows, and, j ust as a desert will blossom under raîn, so bald heads grow hair, wlien the roots are nour- ished. But the' roots must be there. If you wish your hair to retaiti its normal color, or if you wish to restore the lost tint of gray or faded hair use Ayer's HI~r Vigor. W ANTEIY-TRUSTWORTRY AND ACT- IVE gentlemen or ladies ,0 tralvel fcr responsible. established bouse lu Ontario. Monthiy $63.oo and expenses. Position s:eady, Re<erence. Enoioee seifaddressed stauiped en- velope' The Dominion Company. Dept Y Chi- cago. 41--810. Rheumatlsnî & Byspopsia Cuîsd 571 ST. PATRICK ST., OTTAWA, JULY 3V, With Mu H omoeoi You ca /CUJR E No Guess Wor - No Big Rernedy1 8o There A Separate C -At ail Cenl Mra. Hardmaul Xork O)ntario, Ci for six years wi~ Ulcer on the leg but ail uru.ucceua begin the ufic of, they m-ere a pet~ Way. I give L hope that oLhers efi tted." Mtuayoru'sRhý failr, o relieve in ciireN in abfew da, Muon's Dy' cures ill fora( acil 1trouble. hi1 Mfuuyon s Cold monl ujalid brea~ bours. Prici., 25i NMuuyons Conk5 nighit aweats, allai ily iueal18 the Inng Muuyon's Kidz pains ini the back, forma of kidney d~ Munyon% Hea aohe in three min Mnuvon's Pile Curps ail forma of Monyon's Bloci inipurities et the Munvon's Fei te al women Munycus iAstiî 8 minutes aud cul $1. Mnu)vona Catai The Catarrb Cure- thé diset. from t tarrh Tablet-pi beai thé parts. Munyen's Nenv, nerve tonie. Puie Mnnyon'e Vitali Price, 8 1. Pereonal letters and 18 Albert st witb froceruedical Missi Pardn i bMiss Lillie Bretho Miss L Dodds h her hume at Port', Miss Rodd cf uister at MIr M Uni Mr Marr of Moi and decorating the Visitors te Udon the improved app duriug the. past house... etbuildu seema people are they have doue i Mr N St John ai Sunday. Bey Mi expected home il cougnatulate the,~ on the. floral dpécoi wtiich shows thati net feît beir. Â îi the bright appearat les. 1896. To the Phirenoline Medicine Co., Ltd., Ottawa, Ont. Gentleman, - On thc advice of a friend 1 tried one boulie of your famous rheumatic remedy, Phrenoline, and to my surpriste it cured me of rheuma- tism, fiom which I have suff&red for many years. It also cured me of dyspepsia. from which I was suffering at the time, so that I feel now like a new man. I have tried seyerai remedies for rheumatism. some of whîch did me a certain amount of good, but nothing that I have taken has donc sur DTuc1ý for me as your Phrenoline, and 1 have much pleasure in recommending it to ot.her sufferers.' Yours very truly, (Signed) JASL CARROLL, Forernan of Works., Rideau.Canal. Manufactured on Honor and sold on mnent, sold lit Whltby ouly byr A.H ALWN, - DRUÙGIBT. MM 24, WwýM-M