Whitby Chronicle, 15 Oct 1897, p. 5

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GoId Filled Spectacles and E yeglasses, F 4ted with the greatest akili ta suit t 4 iglit and give the greateet pas- Bi comfort ta the wearor. Rand- iso ry~ finîshed with the rîewest style , m~tples and sprii nge d the vary botquality of leuses, and warranted WEAR FOR 10 YB&RS.1 Ja se Barnard, JEWELER AND OPTICIAN, BJye Glass Gua.rds in Gold, Rolled Plate and 811k. Thermomneter .. Bye GIaes ... OiiaiCouaty gn-LrOtCircula- FRLDÂY, OCT. 15', 1897. LOOÂL LAOONIOS. Hart-y Tailor, of Montreal was in town over Sunday. Ladies jacIrets at exceptionaîIy low prices at W G Walters. Mn. Aunes antd Miss Maud Aunes are vis- iiing ini Port Port-y. Keep Tuesday eveuing nexi fan ibe pst-ior concert ai W G Welters residonce. Mr E Ricisardson, principal af Sunderland public schools, cas in town Saturda>'. Miss Gordon, ai Toronto, bas been lu tocu tise guemi ai hon brother, i K Gardon. Reporta ai auculout sales show tisai tise> are hignly succesul tism year. Titere are ual Mati>' selliug out. Geo fi Sonloy this ceeS slaugbîered a caif led by i-enr-y Boys, ico miles ,sorth ofiown, wbîchis egied -îio pouncis. Speclailieno nu 906chilcireus cashmere hase, double Suces, dou hie heois sud double Sole, 25 cents ta 40 cents pt- pair, ai W G Walters. A pat-lotît councent will ho giron ai W G Welers resideuce on Tuesday eveuiug lise toth, ut'der thse auspices af Ail Saitit.s Sun- day scisoul. Admissionti ucts. Mrs E j Hopkins alter spending tise sumn- mer wîtis hon parents, Mt sud Mrs ina, Bloc retunneti ta Matreai on Mouday. lit-Hop- Sun 9 is occupyIug s situation lu Boston andi will be joInet iere sitortl>' b>'Mr@ Hopkins. Mn E R Bloc reque-ts us ta infonn tise public tisatlise Dominion Express Ca ciii recoîve and lut-yard, vciîloui chsargo, uny contributions oI moue>', ciotbiug or ailier supplies, within tise limita ai thein lacitlules, i nteudeti ior theosuiffers b>'tire lu Russel Cou ut>', stdrossec ta tise Relief Commnitie au Ottawa. We entend aur beartieli syrnpatisy taelins )no Gibson in tise loss ai ber aul>' chlld b>' cdenti. The absenci ai Mn Gibsan mairos thse trial doubl>' difficulit ta heur sud foc there be visarste capable aI carnfanting a mouisers heant under sucis ttylug clrcum- stantces. lits Gîbson bas been culleci upon to follue mauy relatives ta ihoir last resiing place wlubin s comparatively shsort lime, but this leai bloc le tise ieavit-siaofa&l. We teed sure man>' Slnd finonda diliunite ciii uts lu exteting synipatis>' tlins Gibtuon sud ber ageti math er, Mr@. Hicklngbaitait. Lîborai $.,osrvtive Coavenioni. Owing ta îthe volera li court ut Oshawa un Oct i2t, the Liberal Canervatlre con. venution cilii ehielti at Wbitby on Thut-ada>' Nov 4iis. GuyBas Minut-ais. Tbis campan>' croc an unustiaill largo cnawd bore on Wudnesday nîgisl. sud gave a programme cisicis cas considet-abl> lu ad.- vauce af fat-mon ycara. Tise Guys are gel. tiig up lu yeas, but contiuue ta give a ver>' good performanco. On thee clug. E Stephecnson, Witby, bas ticbened te ,followlng ibis ceeS : Mavr James Rut. ledgo and vile Whistby ta Newburg, N Y ; Mn j W Brown, Wiitby ta hngersoIl andi t- tut-t.; M G E Shaw, af Clucinatti (mgr Ami- erican Ca*ett Ca) Wihiby ta, Peterbaroansd returnn;,lit J Hamer Grecucootihtby ta Petenhano anti return ; lir J P Cochrane, Whitby ta Part Huron aud Cansonvillo, Mich ; Mn Gea Cormack anti Mn W V Rich- at-tson. Wbitby ta Bracebritige anti rturn; 4liraJas B lac, Mr anti lis Wbltlleid Loe anti lis Mathiats Mackey, Whiîby ta Brace- bridge anti nturs. 'Town Br-lav ru bicycles. Tise oui>' bylaw cvrt pasmeti lu ths.tact- reganding tise obstrucitin nf sldecalks by vebicles, wam dateti Fobuaty xthti 855. andte i.signet i 'James Race as Mayor. Tise clause chic hlasnov iultib>'nmre as, belng applicable ta bicycles la as folowa: "No rpt-on sail ride or drive su>' bot-e or 'vehicie an an>' sitiecalS, encept ai tiseon- trance o! a gatcc.ay." Anotiset- vcrj pecul- ar sectin Lay : 0"No pet-sou shah eai- lowed ta use a whetbarrov, baud cari, eteIgs or cagoa- on »Y of thsepublic side- 'w'Ibm of thu toMt, veiicis uued for tise bt*tisandsudaring of cistirne souiy encepted. 1, Th libicycle cwu uoikm«owt eAat tise lime tbi'bylav v as smade, but by a declalon ai tis ourto aiseegivns tisebicycleliseltias bot Ca.vhic1s, wl&tbbriogs h- under tise atttclase quoteti. li boaa lie aàesty qaé tis g 'o 1dig'up anif lusted btase ii: ppîy..îit te,%articl icblctsbad sot h .,Ieottv Wh te tibylaw caspsseti cWh ï1M ou1 "lybe adeto appT>'bbier- on' #üt-cisli a t i xdht o rde Asâ shocing bac uitile thore is ini bummun strongth or human hope, vo may mention ihai Fred Davey sud Frank Shav, senior snd junior champions aif1ai y cars calleg-i ite institute games, ciii attend thse gainesi for 1897' to day pale snd emaciated from dia - ease. each having suffet-et a severe atck o! fever. On Mouday afternoan Herb Casaidy ai tise Tousisi cycle club 1d tishe Don bridge ai r.56 p. m. and wiltiste aid ai a sîrong souvesien, pedaieci tocards Wbitbv, endeavot-ing ta, break tise Toronia.Whitby record, cisicbho did b>' anc hall a minute, atrivittg ai tise Whiuby house ai 3.23. Hi& lime vwu 1.27. A train ai Pickering detauneci him- about tht-oc minutes. The îovn has rested for a long timo ii tise show lino, but cas biesi citva this ceek. snd bouceen $200 sud S3oo cas sent oui of town. Peuple have plenî>' af money Ion amusement, even if tbey are short on otiser things. These travelling troupes taS. every precautian nut ta leave s cent li tiovn. They ashow the smallesl possible raie ta hoiels atnd draymen, andi bring ail ibeir printing with them. H uniers excursions gaing dates Oct a6ths to Nov iti good ta relurnt-niti Dec 14th ai single first class lare. Penetang, Midianti, ail points Severn to Nartis Bay, Argylo ta, Cobuconk, Cameron ta Haliburion, ail1 points ou Muskoka lakes (via huais), ailà points on C P R, Mataca ta Nipegon and 1 Spanisis river vis Narths Bay. Sec Stepisen- son (oppuite 1-atcis Bras) fot-tht-ou gisicketsj sud full particulars. AIma ciseap tickets ta snd from England. Ireiand, Scotland, B C, Manitoba, California, andi ait V S sud Can- adian points. Anychere, everyvisere. Choice ail steamsitp linos andi railvay1 rouies. See Stepistnson, Whitby, before1 travelling. St Johns Cburch. Har vomi Homo service ciii b. helci la ibis churcis on Fnîda>' evening October 22nti ai 8 o'ciock. The Rev Prof. Cody, ai Wycllfte Coul., ciii be thse preacher. Holy commun- ion will ho administered attise close ai tis servtce. Ail welcome. Finait-ans Fortude. A Wiitby audience is always ccli enter- tained hi' an Irish play, mucis cas tise case an Tuesday nigisi chen Pinnigana Fortune catt pneenîed lu ihe music bail by George Almonte and cumpan>'. Tise iesding ro. "Larry Finnigan' ca cclisusiaineti by Gea Aimante aud Miss Doliy Titoohait as *Kaiv" highly deligistec tise audience. Tise comedy ibraugisout cas vrty Iunhly andth ie audience wero highly deligisteci and weai acay wcou pleased weuh the nigssfunt. Scisool t-mmes.- Tise coliegiate and public scisool games ciii come off aitishe Ontario & Duritamiox- hibition grounds ths (Friday) aliornaon. > Tise iollocing evouts cll he t-un off : zoo ydm race, juniors aud seniors ; 22o ydm race ; tht-oc iegged race, juniors; runnlug higis jump, seniors sud juniors; runuhng long jump do; X~ mile senior cbampionshlp ; put- tiug tise sai, seniors ; standing long jump, seniors; i mile rela>' race, coliegiato va model ; j mile neis>' race. juniors; fatigue race, public aud epat-ate scisools, senior andi Junior citsmpiunships, 75 yards public anti separato scisool ta yrs age boys ; 75 yds do, zu yrs age girls; 5o yds do, 7 yrs age boys; 5o vde do, 7 vrsaugo girls ; 5o yds Infant clama race. Quiser events nia>' ho atdeti. Methodis Tabernacle Auzillry. An open meeting of the above Society WUi isei t aIira Clankes on Tuesday atet-noon. A largo number vas in attendant-e anti aftet tise business portion aI tise meeting cas-dia pameci ai tise ollovlng programme wcas t-s det-ed Plana solo.lira Aynes ; duet ailti guitasccarpanirnent, "I vaut ta gel eloMs ta Jesus," lira Farewelant idlra Mat-eh* vocal sala, ' Sometimes. somnevisro,"Mi Powelli; plana sala, lira Ayres ; duel cltb: guitar accampaniment, "Tise beautîful hum' lins Fat eveil sud Miss Miss Mat-mb; vocal solo "Al Ibhrougi tise Night,11 lis Pocel,4 piano solo, lira Ayrem. lira Stephessos4 visa cas tisetielegate ta the brancis metlsi ai Peterboro, t-atendamtinluiresting mrt sisocing the napici progresa the W. M4. S * l making. To Carrespoodents J. B-We at-e ai opinion tisai 1: Is a fat f Use a tht-ce cent stsmp ta fluci out. TisaI h te ami>' cay ce cmii take ta find out for yea M-W-Vaut- mernonial linos are ccii In- tendoti, sud do your iteart ciedit, but trio s lieran>' stantipaint coulti cause crIticist sud amuscnienL For Instance "Iabave# dcci nat risyme cis "lavuti," anIstf i d you cannai use tise sanie nsyse wor#- 10 every sasnzs anti tuse yaur pelymoo ccll.lit couiti siford us great pleure la priaisarnie sceet, lovhng Bueqs about t"t dean liii le anevisa bas g ose *ay to-» tsti but thse sainie rutes chic h gavons il *H Ot lîtot-ar>' roductions bave ta l1e a*Wied to niemorial verses. ou aboutd i te ivoIre syliables lu anc line and oniss inh tise lune tsai isota rhyme cis Il feoutVtyl meesureti as cat-efully as satin. EwuP the niait comiesi or nonsseseal ýproduetib bave ta bue ub:jectid ta thse trlctuet' rale versification. -t The Gante Lawa. The oui>' change madie lau liii ,.la Ï of 1%7 cas tise eu mito.f thesC forlaiid tut-beys, traInIe 1kn mt phesasMt 119» me dthe p F0MMI1' MIe o!f iMd wodMes ofqu ii **ego Ii thae aI lsputan eu ttpg MW $W «eaMonfor ail erimlaap Na, si t s ah. . t aâMt ~ W -uG.uwalt éraé;p~y Mra JElPort-y,&sud MutrJon uti Cls areM, isititfi Mr Peter Iert' Iroïtu", Ask to mec out double f-ta îwde4e*t dress goocie, aniy 15 cti a yard, tiW iO Walters. Tise report ai Wednesday itieting ofthiej town board of educatiou wili bu publithed noxt week. Tise nsrning service will bo canducted 1>1 Rev Drt Haro and tihe evcning servite Re G W M:rvin M. A., Ph. D., lu thse Metis, odlb taernclenext Sunday. Tise conclusion serm-alniitiste c9ursé ou "'The Parable ai the Sower" wfIl bhopt-ech cd ln Ail Saints cisurcis au Sunday evcslog neit by tise Rev J S Brougisail. Inspector Fer*uson and High Constable Caiverly visied Greenwood. Broughaansd Claremont a few day. aga, and searched tise batela i tiss places for liquor but failed tp find anv. Do nat miesa the greatest treat of tis mca son, Tise tht-ce Bostonians. uider tise aus- pices ai tise Ontario ladies college, on Wed. ncmday evenlng, Oct 2th. Admission 23c. Plan of haU ai Willils drug store. Messrs W J H Richardson and P S Etu. nions took part ln tise programme Mt Motmnt Vernon meilsodisi anniversary on Monday night last. Tise talent ai these two young meni l weill nougis known here ta requit-c no comment. Tisa auttsCOUS Ou -t tO cesS mite tise ~ h uuhbIiUboewth sase fait-notes, Il it cliki It Mati rMO«t at Mess,. Wiod le s rutod C amw thm5 to 0be paldtbeti tI5 fot rottttig bti5e ,tise tU«we p14, ,W* tm t t clib. pemuiy ça tba te a Fr » pd r. i CM gel fS* canet0et v OW pa W *itdr tr0etbes.râm MOM'1 i saw t» s âuy. We dout ", tatt h inve,1 iLil[m élitim spoud* a c Ï _ e* 1rbatI% sÎ 4mWWiblo th Leatýe:ltrt e I t a. 'w. G . WÀ.LTERS' ODDFELLOWS, OUR of Jinterestin.g items at niait interestiug prices. We mention a few in thisi advertisement, many more: Every departîmeuit offers Uesomable Autumu sud Wlnter Gooda thatj vestigating ; you cati do no botter than give us a cal.. What tise LADIES say af aur W~MANTLES WLITBYO BLOCKe but we have are worth in- 1>~ ~ ~ c 207 h~f fOliver Paicai, of a son.( wee Wlotit xc al l(Prcs Ut' and Mis T G* Jackson wiil takce up NUIrt ridédku for tise present ii int-s nowelia isousi, aise havhng deided ta go tOuth -fortheiswinter, 1 Coansd enloy a picasant evenlng ai tise PatIs3r concert at Waltors reidence on Tues- dey eyIeun next. Musicaud t-efreshmienti. >ogNeadmision 5cts. Mies ibsot ei York.nswho bas beon riihttt n tas ie past fortulgbt, leftfor liaâOit0h -Ohtt esda-y, wisete ais 5tise guest ailier bis ter ira Warren. ,The liquar case agast Chas Pet-ty vill b0 hffrd bene thia aftersoon All thse offi- lisOf thse Garden City haye becs summon- ed atg wltniese, itss$etat- Perguson beiug deteMusted ta slft the thing ta tise bottoni. A womnuwitb a very at tale went througi tise towis yesierday selling papera >f Pins for 5 cents eacis. Sisu afterwards tl COMPAuY wvus a mas sat la a vrty prom- Inuit Place on Dundas att-coi and tise tvaol isemu realetion a paît ai beer. BY tise Globe we sec tisai John Brigist, 9 lYttie ; Jobn Vipond, Brooklon; R R Mow- bray, Kinsale; Edward Cooper, East Whit- by aud John D Hoction, Whlîby, ail fat-rn- ers, at-e icorpamîced as tise Fanmera Hedge and Wire Fence Company of Ottawa, Li mii- ed. W. undet-stanci tisait-rCiappie or Ux- bridge bas been managîng tise legai part of Lise buisinesa for tisen. Mrt McPhce, afIowaa, la again in thîs vichniîy buvung stock. H. bougisi four of tise besi Aynsires at Guys sale an Wednea- day, payung gooti p ices. They ciii be taken ta tise stables for breeding put-poses. Mrt èIcPhee bas become ccli known In ibis vicinity ; ho pays gooci prices and by bis sîraigisi desling commando tise respect ai ai tise fat-met-a af tise cbmmunlty. Theo Dominion and Wnrldm Womanm Christian Temperance Union convention wcii b. ielui la Toronto, Ociober eoth ta m6th andi will be a gaîhenlng of distlnguiabed t- presentatIves from ail parts ai tise vorld. nonnW.C.T.U. deiegatea ciili accupy ai thse pulita on Sunday, 24th Insu; Single <ares on aIl railways, tickets gond ta reiun until November 9tis. Clieap rates for board- Ing may ho isac by writing Miss M Creighton tg Metcaife ut-cet, anrlMt-sWilson, 5 Lactse- avenue, Toronto. Reserveci sesîs for the taut- nigbt meeings ai Masaey Hall for $i. A young faermer af very close texture who lives veaî aifttis îown, vislted tise towu bar- ber shops tht-ce monîhs ago and tried ta stand theni off lot- s iair-cut at hall rates. Ho fmiled, sud isacita pay regular rates. The oison day h. tîlied agai n ta secure ion- sot-l services on s prefèrenitlal b amis. In anc ai tis mops ho bantered bard, and kept up aitithe sanieturne a forward movemeni tocards tise citait-, in which ho pianted hlm- self stili holding oui for apeciai ternis. Thse bar;>er ai lasi cieclared tisai ise ould nat cut bain ai les iban regula- pricea. but tisai wher. pecopie couici not afford ta psy ho wauld do tise cark farnoaîbng. The younR (arme- arqnet noluttier, andi bacihie cool shon, after chich ho sail urnes ce-c toc isard fot- hlm ta psy, and walked out, leav- Ing tise barber ta make bis living où banest Anniverary Services. These services wili b.eitl in tise baptisi chut-ch nont Sunday cisen Pasto- J J Ross, aI Uxbnidge, whli preacitllte monng ai ii and in the evening ai 7. A mot-les ai special evangelisîic nicetings follow dus-ung tise ceek, bcglnning eacb ovening with a sOng aer vice ai 7.3o and lolloweti by preacs- Ing by Ut Rosa ai 7.45. Tise cisons af Whitby and country are cordially invitcd ta attend these meetings. Coautar MeMilianTransfer-ad. ~ Conductor Jahn D. MçMullau bas been t-anmferred ta elleville, froin cheuce be vill conduct the express bctweu Bellevie and Petorboro. This cli prove a surprise Party ta the popular conductors many finonda, and wyl cause thse removal frain etown ai anc oirour bomi citiz.ens Ilsevory Bouse of the word. ConductQr Milln iss^ bies bere ton yesrs, and whist niaking thonsanda 0o& cartu fieuda be bas nover mnaeàsosingrie enemyv. As a main dealing WWDRESS For smre 5 yemrs since we fit-at started ta import aur Dresi Goods direct from tise manufacturera ce have enjoyed the reputation of currying the most complote and ahoicest lhues of Dresa Gooda of any bouse in this county, and considering tise exceptionally high chai-acter of the goods, aur pt-bes are ex- tremely lac. We have DRESS GOODS, double fold, fr-om 15c. to $2 per yard* HOW IS We show exceptionally good value in Ladies', Misses', Men's and Boys' Underwear. IIà Every Saturda~ Tourias aSleeping Car Route Commencung nort Saturday night, and conthnuing every Saturdav nigbt thereafter, Midland Route tourlat cars cen route ta Col- or-ado, Utahs and Califonnia wili leave tise Chicago Union passenger station of tise Chicago, Wiiwaukee & St Paul railway at ta oclock, running aver thse Chicago and Omaha Short Lino ta Omahsa, thence via Lincoln, Neb., Calot-ada Springs and Lead- ville, Colo., Sait Lake City and Ogden, Utah, Reno, Nevada, and Sacramento, Cal., arrivitng Bt San Francisco ut 8.4,5 pm. Wed- nemday. As wili be noticed, th&is route la Midiand througis Nortben Illnoifi, Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, Calor-ado, (through the heart of tise Rocklem), Utahs, Nevada and Califat-ais, affording a perlect panoramlc view of prairie, mountain and coast sc-enery. These popular evcry Saturday Caliiornis excursions for bath fit-st and second-clama >aages(not forelgu emigtrants) are eroaiyconducted"l by Intelligent, com. peetadcourteous "cauriers" wbo will attend ta tise wènis of aMl passengens cen route. This le an entlrely new feature of tout let car service and wiliiho greatly arpre. clated by famuli"p or parties of (rfends triqve1)i9n togetis , or by ladiles traveling al6ne'." Particular attention la paid ta the care of ciildren *110 uaually eteary an a long journey. Remember tisat tise Midlatid route tout-lai cmaire sleeping cars and are suppliid wiLh .11ltthe accessorles' necossary tamike thse journey comfortablo and piea- ant, and thselepiïgbottirate$ lu but S6 (for îwo pet-sons) rom Chicago to California. -Ask tise nearet,,tieke agent for a toutlit car "(aider." giving tcomplets hnfonuation about tise Midiaid route, or address "lEast- et- Manager Mldlaud Route," No. 95 Adamia att-cet, Cicago, Ili., or A j Taylor, Canadimn Passenger Agent, C., M. & St. P. Ry., 9 King att-cet east Toronto, Ont. P. S.-Eertis resot-vitious are mA4de>j»tise ordtr, recclvcd np to a eci Satoiday mot- lng. Fit-st corne, ficst served. SEE OR WRITE JER DOWN EY &O. MdarketDuIIdI#4, -Wkitby, ighcat Pdces Paid.- Specw pes for CaslosdLo Tho Cor-nor Groasry -IS THE- Rlght Place te Suy FirsI-Olass U Groceries, Fruits,' and Provisions. Hanie and Bacons Fresh Butter and Fresh Eggs. Our Teas at-o praised for their strengtis 1mad flavor. Vegetables fron our Garden Tie igstplceFreah Every Day. Th yitpauc- W.B. ta gel good value_»~ PReyiNGLE & Co* ALWTION SALE Of Sisort4sorn cattia. draft bot-mes, etc.. the U 07e1 -,e, hé laie JNO CALDER, cm FR1- AV T-nd, x8g7, at Loi 93. Con. x29 Reauh. ,Houaçs--: brown boise,9 yean acid; .1 baybaôrSe, beVY draft. 4 yrs 01<1; x bay bo«-. besVY draft, 4 Yuaaid ; bro u mr, saged, suàpascd tu b. lu foa) t Eruhin Style ; 7, baynlmro, 5yra aid; i he"ts ou t . z syr ,oi slî iv Bar-fron (ordo. Catile "Short- hors--: bil, yroaid; 7 CO*& $Umm.sed' ta b. l l-,àbelles,, ja yua dit, due ta êal* la hli CSfred, 6 mus ld; x bul r.',s sO* O g '11,ff W i d4 r z-mitaioMa f e r e.cent te ana.esr."ald aVt wMaw idinal 10O SI[ IS 10 DELIEVE -e..- WM. TILL and ho couvincedti ta an Xlegant lise of FURNITURE -AND- UPHOL8TERED 800DB is being saiti at away dowu p vices ta kcep lu tanch citi tise ARD TIMES. HAVE IT DONE NOW Re-Upisolotering andi Repaliag befoz'e the rush commçnces Prices very chcap. JUST RECEl VED Baby Catrliagea. 1 .5 'o $15. Prices from, AU other gooda pfo- potionaily cheap i IUverythlng sltte useful esud ornamentul. Rtepetlu, psostr -MORTGAGE'SAL.ý Lands -14 '-oi,-O* # BT QU STORE IS FULL GOO D S "omo YOUR UNDERWEAR ? i lac Tha&t aur Mantie department stili leade in its vasî variety of Novelties and splendid value of lac prices. That oui- Fail stock af Jaakets & Capes for '97 is, if possible, limer and more extensive than ever befare. That among its 200 Garnients every figure may be fitted to perfection and every taste sutisfied in the matter of style. Ladies and Misses Navy, Browni, and Black Serge Jackets, velvet collar.... ODly W13.50 Ladies Black, Brown, and Fawn Jackets, latest styles.................. Ony $&00 Ladies Nigger Hea.d and Ourl Cloth Jackets, in Brown, Navy and Black, Bt-aid Trimminga and Pearl B~uttons .... .................. From $5.60 to $10-50

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