Whitby Chronicle, 15 Oct 1897, p. 7

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-'J blood renewiG, musce GvuO"i' anu -"tic'es rheUnîati&ar mit diaappeared, barringmfyatceo!fod Milk averagea a eiight etiffnest ilu knee joints, whioh is 85 per cent. o! solid matter, of whlch a gradually going, and lu<ho lait six coneiderable part je albumen. 1< il AEUu inonthe ho han doue mors work in bis this which coagulates with heat, and A£ <»bISisU- t ailoring establishmnfti, han h. had ac- still more when rennet je used. Pots- AÂb*u t pick Son aeok on Thur in loq ..v4ona four vears. tneart o ner cent. moiture. tbough dq mIi M 1. 55plad Old Su A FroornlripleOIttIvO noticing th. when the potato is cooked the sta.rch change in Mr O'Brjiiis conditionu',ked in' it expands. making it seerni MUCl hlm to what hi attribiited bis apparent mnore heartier f ood than ik h. T#ieý good heslth iter SOCh aS lOng beige o!fjl s olid o! the potal o je mainly stardi. noea. Wtbout hésitatioti ho rePlied. That o! milk is divided between case- ,,,Woll, 1 have takin.- ne mediolue in the ine, butter fats and sugar, tbe lauto p mt year other than Dr Williams Pink which is found jin whey. whlcb, v Pille, theretori I ittributo my proient though it be so3ured, shows byba condite on 4o6Y <o their il». T h .y -auoh a god -ueffect iu driviug <hoeat<iti a admresgrl < rbeumnatlsliout of My ayatem and building op nMY -hstterOd oouitutiolî, ************ that my wifo Who"hoaltb wvanot any too good ala9 traud thoep0lla. A few *1?eltqt' 'for boxesa remedied her Ilîneu ansd ah., too,, *0 ,ç4as an lud la. hot pralse of <hem an I am., Mayof My 4.uëmer* asd f rienda who vltneaaed the offetote h pille on My * 27rouzbie8 ..enstttii olgeru W use <hera, and tbey relate the saiue st.ory as 1 have <old PI a0.in uiaWiliiOw an ever 1wautin My hife. Dr Willat. PinkPilla cure by goiug to th. root oai'the, diurnesThey r.uow aud boulid up the bloodt and atrengther stu.Avoid imitadoua bqlindtiug *ma swe~0~ ih<vry 'boxty ou puroti a e 4se a Wt*PPÃŽD19 J>" the fuit M*0 IpéeS h la d Ir @>ttig atter ~ior rewOl MlIues5 MIQ$ ,@à fo«M blsShBU'<* * * * * A la<on rn ..wnta~b'i t O t~ae ôf Hall fr dstly. îI I pi~~~~e. The tt ach eed <oitrb~ ~~ cogodin the imperlcal s h>eiaiU R suspiciously. They wvere flot tpon K a* woe social termas of acqualntattcd and con. b T cluding that the mebe o oth D fl ot a distinguished person bc forth. à ~ u unybc u I ~~~with proceeded to exercice his author. ti ae'as ndm y. 0 ity. he11libiro1en uý and ipoor hoaltii gener- '2 N ..cu cant sit th reOhe sid, tily. T *rO bÃ"e tjof D r jIobbs Sparagta --h se et are reserved for the alI tfK dny pille cured me oompletelly. or it 9dermen.' f'u he b ale -0f tham bard, <bore ile1no- Wlhere can 1 sit, then ?" meekly thiug botter. -A 14.VàN ALSTIN, Jenquired Mr Blake. 64 Toledo fat, Adrain, Mioh. MERIT É.Anwhereelse" replied the ugher. '-Get away up there in one of thoseH O B -0-back seats'agaiflet the wall.' O BI r Hon. Edward gathered up hie hat,$ pru~ >il VrnCI humbly climbed the platforrf anid scie- Iy tucked himeel! away in,"One o! Rot" a Y CPo., i~~ono thoe ac sat against the wall." Dir. Robbe is For Baie tu WHITBY ON r.,bDy thos bak fatsA. I. ALLIN, Cheian sd Drtiggint. Pectoral 1resently another distinguished gen- Chery ectra tleman trespassed upon the special preserves of the alderman and other À Eemedy for Scour Qalves. 'WOuId inlude the cure of distinguîshed persons. The interloper «eryformo fd i e àa e Dryden, P"rovincial Minister of Agri- Scourinq jin calves gives trouble to ,which affects the throat culture. The wary and alert usher ail, and sometimes causes very serious qulki) spttd hm ad ize hi u lose on afew farm. Itijean nfectious and lungs. Âsthme.,Croup, qasckne spotted noimuansdhi p dysentery in the young animale, and ,]roniohitis, WhooPing a seaon e ho nt owuines WOCCUpy frequently lese than 10 per cent. of Cough a.nd othor osimiler .Yýou must get out of there," per. those attacked are saved. The more compaine hve when emporiy drnaned he ustinggeneral trouble je known as white omplner ehavs e whon eri eiîdd h utigscours or gastroenteritis, and moet far- ylededI efore the honourable gentleman mers have a private remedy for i. A yieldd toco-uld :ipleSS bis identity upon the great thini j to prevent scour is pos- usther, he was ordered also to take sible by the careful changine of food AYeril berY Pctoal. -'oe ofthoe bck cat apnsttheand attention to diet generally. On Ayr' Cery ecorl. on o hoWaaclsatlaa-etth ooking through the cow houses on a lleîng unwilling to be drawn into an large Danish dairy farm recently, 1 no- _____________________aruiutw~hMrUhe n h1pe ticed that in the trough irn the caîf rcc f h 'st audience, he obeyed penn there were always two lumps for A KINGBTON MEROHÂNT o fdrs theu numriva n jae the animale to îick. One was the cus- A ILNGSTN DIROXA T i ormer leadetmrmof ie Libead party tomary piece o! rock sait and thè other t onerle of t his bc eatsea at h a piece of chalk, To an enquiry, the in .Oe o tosebak cat aaint helearned professor who had the farm TELLS OF BIS RELEASE FROM Wall.- under hie direction replied that it a THIE PAINS OF RIIEI'MATISM. WVhen Secretary Somers looked upon toke h avsfo e wangso thie platform a moment later he stood inth ee the calve fom ecoming rcu aghat. Te siht f Ho. EdardsaIt and chalk were always easily ac- It Had Afflicted Him for l'pwar4s nif Blake and lion. John Drydeni ittirlg cessible and the calves were neyer or Ton Yoareanaîd Many lie,,îedies Were in the back seats was too much for hie rareîy troubled with the complaint Trje luVai -D Wilîae Liii usai patience and evenness o! temper. which is 50 prevaletit. In aIl probabîl- Pied infVaite D r B isR la ms lluntn heinoetoflender he Higav i thegran ocet and tty it may be an old-fashioned pre- Fromn the Freeman, Kingston, Ont. broughit the two gentlemen down f rom crpacaution, kno ntt entopeoea the back scats to inStal them jin the peae hl sacntteioem Fîtteen yeart ago Mr Alexander sca ts of hoon The incident was remedies for diarrhoea and scouring, O'Brioen, the popular Iriîîceae streot hugelv enitoed by the crowd. bea s otal, and th lose w put i o taîlor, wae oneo ~f the moat athietic young es ftil n hs h u tt mon in Kinagstonî. hoth as a foot racer test would do well to relate their ex- anîd otherwiee. Elevon years ago lie Flower Gardon Pointers. perience, favorable or otherwîse, as the .eomnionnced busi ness and shortly after- case may be, for the benefit o! others. wards waa strîckon with rheurnatisin, _________ar___________ awa whioh oaused hiiix mulch pain, bsof rosi, F)xglcare bcwst a ted awayli and nelg bot o! business. He statea that frkmscarletfolot rs as theirpupich ho tried miany dîotore and many me-li- pink pksdonthroiewhST L TM IC D,>1' cinos, sIl to no avail. Over a yesr go a that color. Thle pure white foxgloves ST LL N 1113 ÇftllUL. frîond advisod lîitu 1 try Dr Williams are effective against a background o! t« - Pink Pilla, and though lie had but littibo dark foliage. when planted ini large North agtiga' o dest Inhabitaut liaiS confidence in thomi, or advertised wedi- clumps, liaving a stately effect. They and Bo.rty. eine-of anyr deporiptiori, at the urgent re- remaîn in tlower a long time. They joi"a Moore., ef BNcroft, Ont., cuis quest o! lIti friend ho decided to givo the~ can bc planted in April and only ack a of tho ol"t atmnd be,t-known res'donte thinning out if. too thick and an oc- of 1Haetliigs ouuty. u boat of woo- casional stirring of the soil. The di.rîuà.t i thu.a vigor for ta s&go- dwarf, otherwise known as the Cali- " AItbough I amn over 84 years o! fornma sunflower, is a variety which âge.,, ho ay,'Itfueas e uug as ove well deserves a good word and a good 1 did."f r-ft place in the garden. Its foliage is 1Ur. Moore. bowevor lied & narrow of- deanando! n atrativ dak geen . r rm death &bourt a year &go. '1 Mt hom in: te v»Sitlot in/th*r.ri W Kalt<blook sud »ait Co iM..Tb». ~~ ~i oub4ew -tho e d oam s<~p tatf5luuber trosha is amusaire DERBY Cigarettes .5 Cts, Per Package. How much of ypur Shoe, how much of it il profitPThe Sho. ~~ you should buy nd the Shoeemoai ~ dealers teli diffet as thes6 propo- ~~ tions differ. Vournext pair WiII have more leather value, ad leua profi1t for the déaler, if you see that lt's, Goodyear Welte, and stamped Ou the sole, 03, $4, Or 89. Parouas 's w «'The Sater he' til ~ Oap sud GLVELET Seod or est o1 old $hop Dundas Stroot, Whi&?' RiwyTimo Tabif GRAND TRUUE AND MIADLAIP No 8, Express Dally Mai ... 5--80a19 No. 7, Local, except Sunday *..8:50 a m NO. le, 1page:oger é.... :::2:88 p rm N¶o. 1, Expres0, Mail diily .... :60 P rm TRAINS 00110 EARTWAUD No. 6 Express, dal.ly, ebcept Sun .. 8:04 a mi No. 4 Etpresoi Il 9:57 a= No.14 Pu"nor8:08 Pmi No* 8, Loca 6-17 pum Xo, 2, Express', Mail. daly.... 10-.08 p la MIDLÂND DIVISION 00110NGÇOSrTE-UIDLAUD STATION Mail ........................ 808 a= Mail .................. 420 P m Mixed To Lindsay............. 6:85 p mi C01110 SOUTE Mlxed Prom Lindsay........... 887 a m btaoil......*......0..... 12:4 p m Mail ......... ..... ...........10 P m DOMINION eANKO Osuptl Pal u - $19500,000 M. W. COLLINS, SOLE AGENT FOR WHITBY. '~~'~ lestba esult for 85y«M utreathe thouaaadiOef M Ir"aonkuova ~ druu, imti Ptluit w.bave disov.ftdth t rOumdd uaz wbc onle"d <o Insuti o nm mptim Mad c altme W o' * Poahodnahas bSooUed .ntOUUiFtilbY hundtdSo osais UI*Iw cian-caes <at eronth.orgoubP4y the <at «« rtgevrtbe grave-but wtthtbe oontlno sud possvrZ06# mo Woodm Phospiile, <b.. «aai bat ia bea gtU oAvr ter wbo Aia gtre u up a ie W Sibi-tb » rM bdY 't. u w lt>ia tw "te Wood Compenis windOi', On. 01n<s Wuod,& Phepbedilà l sebyftPIlA ~S adUUA4 i<I #fUO COLJNTY OR ON,4"RiO Whitby Ageucys Genéral ~a~iking Business Transaoted. BAVINOS DEPRTeNT.e InteremiaIo4 i iseiourrent rate@. sonoteaof witihrawa) r.quir.d EJ. THOINTON, mlanage FAIRBANK'8 Real E 8t ate Colum n John and Byron streets, Whitby. Wi1I b. sold! very cheap. LOTS-To be sold, lots 324 and 958, nortb ward. ROUGH CAST HOUSE-On Ash strict, nortb ward, will b. sold chesp. Cheap. A fine two lotori brick, h*uàt, with brc stables. Situated on Byron et., Whitby, the fineet resideutlai street ln thi town, wlthln three minutes walk of the pit office. There are tre., lots of land, witb au outrance on two strees. Hous. la perfect repair. For particulars apply to L. FAI'RBANXS, Retl Estate Agent, Whltby, Ont. JNO. NOBLE9 -OBffALEIR IN ALL KINMS 01- Ail orders >rfor*altmcube obtal*ed (rom IJO»1eI ?iQEZ, Dondum son'. rsild née. WbttbY 4Ati 'b,Ï$94-. - DENTIST. Co,. mIDg h 0, TREA SURER'8 SALE «OF LA4-ND O FORT B Y virua ofa wist a Çouty f Ootatot si laid&Onetl.e làuth.talc pve : ntkx o iba t âm utch - ssssoitAca, poeqed So mos»yfor<blx &OSdm Lot cc eq pot. S p"**....~..... le >0 t J' 9 $1V800 cou 1 surplus,

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