I president Polk lte u Wt.tos os, Doth eebyotIua en orne to govera and Oise tWheu. And, au à preideut'. power ut *ut sometlmes dptuds a u v-pii, M~r. Polk took 4ye4o Pille 1 trov For hie ilver, 80 Y.BtS Mo. Ayer's Cathartlc P-9- wero deslglld tg supply à model -purgative to people who had no lon~g injured thomalve with griping Medicines. Being oarefully propar.d anid thefri. gredientea aduated to the exaot nec.aaftie etthe bowola and livers (their popularlty vau in- etantaneous. That thia popu. lairyham basam m taiusd ia veli marked la the modal awarded tliese pilla at the World'% Pair 189. 50O Vears of Cours.. OORRESOPtNDENOE ORILLIA John GBrien, aur many time show- man, ast week purchased from Thos Stanton s curiosity in the shapè of a four-legged duck, - the onhy one on earth,'" hee sys. A brutal assault A brutal assauît vas committed on the person o! John Tahaney, o! Mara. lu front o! the Club hotel on Tuesday night about i i oclock. Tahaueys as- sailant vas Jot Williams, an English- man, vho gave hie address ase Toronto. Both men vere under the influence of hîquor. Without provocation of any kind Williams jumped on Tahaney. When some bystanders pulled Williams awsy Tahaneys face vas bleeding as if he had been stabbet. Hie neck under the chmn vas cut badly sud tso vas one est. He also bled at the cars. Wil- liams appearedtot have emphoyed no veapon. H. wes arresteti by Nigbt- watchmau Cotton immediately after the. assault sud in the police court b. p leaded guilty and vas sentencet by P MLafferty ta three monthe iu Barrie jail at bard labor. Tahaucys vounde ar'- flot seriaus. Blk la aoelstsa Chas King sud Robt Loves made a etrange fut vwhile cleauing out the cie-7 teru at the. resideuceofo!14r C Moore. Brant etreet, the. other day. At the. bottom of the. cisteru îbey uncoveret firet a rake, then a poker, sud lastly tva bundies o! cloth. The clatir tbey divided betweu îthem sud took hôtue. When it vas washed, driet and the first fev folils vere cut avay, the. ma. tonial wvmsdiscoveredt ta bc tva bundles of the fineet quality o! blick sud shot' silk. Mr Moores lfamlly, of course, cannot oxplain theýflud, sud ir Io sup- -poset the. silk le tth. proceeds 0f sanie- bodys theft, thec thieves#, ta escape de-: tectiot, hiving chosen the cisteru for a hlding place for their plunder. The rake and poker luticatea tuat an effort liad becu r>uade ta recaver the. silk un- Thnrda~eveingbetveen four aud fioococ.-Eva, the. t" -.aro1 tiaugbter ô( Mr sdudn .Wm Neye- hani, corner of! Colborue sud An4rev strecta. vas drovuietilu a tala barroet lu ber ,fathers yard, TIo Hutis ou. vas mimietd by her nohur shorUy airr 4 oclock. She hsd been plaini w1th a, pet kiQtea' onthe _'da.The; niother vent outt vo look for ber lu the; yard u v fiorror-stricken on PAU- Ing the vludow 9! thbe dinulu<kooux 40 sticklug out tro thce mi*.wa*# rmt which wus sunk lu the groundd ullg1 of wat*r,. The ehild idkla ummoe.] stee heni capturd. Master IQCO Hilta, of, irport,,,lu a plucky Ittle> oIlow, as aXi hieî frWisd bv avrbt the other dyh~e surpassed tii. xpecttotls cf his fft ,sanguline friends ln that connectlôn. Hewà -s driving dowri the liII -totardsJ the bridge wheu he ost onc e ante.in the horse started to run away. Saie, parties %*bo were watching theaffair tried to srop the horse, but Geo. told them to keep back as he could attend to that littie matter himacif. When the rig reached the Western botel the littie fellow pulled the frightened animal into the shed witb the one Ue and stopped him. t was a claring trick for one so youngîr, but it worked. The harness was somnewhat damageti. Mary E Embery, wife of James Alla- way, after a lingering iliness, died at the general hospital, Toronto, Monday night. Deceased wae a sufferer from abscesses 'and had undergone severai operations, resulting only in temporar- ily relief. She was 34 years of age, and leaves a husband and twa stuall chldreu to mourn her demise. Much sympathy je feit for the bereaved ones, and especially for the chilâren. The funeral took place to the methodiet cernetery Thursday afternoon, where the interment was made in the pres- ence of a large number of friende, who were anxious to psy the Iast tribute of respect to a ýood neighbor aud an affectionate vite At last we are asured that a citizen is possessed of enougli enterprise to start a skating rink for the amusement of the youug folks during the coming winte-r. L Banks has for the past week been figuring the matter out snd has decided- to erect a . waiting room and enclose a plot of ground south of the Gordon house, on the bank of the river. We understand that the guar- antec he asked bas already. been pro- vided for. For years we have argued that a rink would pay in this village and now we will have that opinion verefied tiiere is no doubt.-News. ame s Tt m vasa motiier of a- tghbag, roi- e, tlim ahe a$Iem. a «adU su"d, fonu Wb the ne"ouo .néreiâa r. ex- hausted vomen âsufer train ocuaitpatlont dya.mkidney dieue, tiper,.oublet sud pmotration. They are we5s, tiredt ilo. , ils-, thon that e vroig! wo ià ïùb -delioab. orgwûimi begluL. When "ousdess u iater threaten céls elyCompound should b. uBSd- tithout ýdeloy. This marrellous, modern medicine vii quickly impart trength 40 every weïk organ, snd restore, th. gresteat blessingof f- heuth. A few woeksnue, of Pains c.l. ery Compound vil give vigor to -the nem- vous ytemn; nutrition, digestion and every speial lwo mntelyfunut.ion ,wil bi natursl snd tegular. .Romýy oligeks, spamkling eyea é ti thoes. uof youth sud beauty always follow theiwdth-giv- ing influences of Piem Oelery Oom- pound. Ou Tuesday, Edgar, son o! Mr Thos Lambert, con. 13, Brock, vas severehy lujured in s ruuaway accident. His left shoulder boue was badly broken sud conalderabby bruiseti. Dr. Bing- ham was caled lu snd set the fracture. The boy lsdoing as wehi as cain be ex- pected under the circunistance., Jos Nia, who assaubtedJacob Robin- son at Mrs McDermootts saile lout *eek, appearcd before Mr T H Gcdnig on Thursday morniug, and 1 PIeaded- guilty, suddvas fined i Sicanti comePr 3o days at bard habor, et Wiiitbhy . i prefered ta psy the fine,, whicb heledt. Owing ta a runaway accident causeti by s lauti-roîher beiug' left on, thec aide of the roati, Mr Obed - BagshIaw has', througli hie lawyer, Mr T W Chapplet M. P. P., served a notice for$o damages, on the officiaIs of thlo town- ship of Brock. Mr, T. H. Walsbe. -the obhig nsd gén~ial -township -clerk, assisted by r,- r John Brabazon, jr., bas bein filllùinu notices to be serveti on parties aIp'peal-, ed againet, sud' requtiredtot appear at the judges court wbich vill 4e held ait C.annington, Nov, 11 th, sud Sunder- laud, Nov î2th. Appeals 10 thé nun- ber O! 327 have been made this year, agaiust parties ou the. votera lista Of Brock township, go by the. Conserva- tive party sud the balance by the Re- formers. James Wilams la lM this veek. W Baitton sund vifs are withliMouds lu thila ueighborhood just nov, Mm, U E Bateson bas boen i poad for a short tîme. but là e nov imnprovlng John Philip wbo i l1 lunDakot le, somovhat linproved nioch tte umtis., faction of bis. inonda hexe. 'A Wnu à n'has tiovéd tço E'Slacks The-'cax,tt eer patients iitbis, Mrst-WSdà er., who has been 'ill for Mr. Walaà cej montrealshlpped foigr hèrmes fromb ere ono day. 'Mrs, Edwà rd& s ahavîng lier housi palnted 4n4,Ohriernvtd S Bray sud hiemdaughter, Katie, .#lsited with Aeihburn friendly recently. Ira Boyer la havig hie house te- painted and placed upon aunew founda- tion. gett are framing a barn near Pickering village. T. B. and Miss Hughes have te- turined and assunied their duties at the station. Nellie George, of Stoufîville, is here with Mrs. B. S. Palmer and other frieude. Mr and Mrs W Henry, North. Clare- mont, were with friende lu Uxbrldge on Sunday. James Milne, sr., of the 4th of Ux- bridge, le very i11 with inflammation. Asmashup occurred at Haveiock on Moiday, when au engine and three cars were ditcbed. Grahami Brou, have purchaseti two hackneYs of late, and then sent thee and .fourteen other horses to Chicago ta comnpetc in the show ring. We shahl expect to hear a good account of -them, Sneak thieves etole ten jurs of fruit from the celhar of one of out citizeus récently. . -Alek. Smiith, wha lias been conduct- lng a bhacksmith shop at Ashburn for the past couple of years, has seveïreti his connection With that. Iown and left lot, Beaverton. He and bhs family vwent through lie on Tuesday ta take 'the train-at Goodwood. We vîeli them, succees. The young fellow who 1vas so fear- fulhy fmangled here by a freigh t train a short time ago, aud shortly after -died lu Toronto, was the son of a widowed mother. 'Hie peoplh lsttIi. remainis sent tg Amesbury. Tliey were expect- ing hlm home w4ien the word of hie death reached theer. Tuesday afternoon while Misses Procter, S E Evans land White were driviug north on W Cochranes aide- road, their horse took.,friglit at some pigesud. upset the buggy into the- ditch. 'The young ladies vere severely bruised snd terribly frightened. Thet horse sud, buggy diti not aufferer any GI EN' AItE ~1 { voa mfore ,paIiat1Ia na' ,4uiJ Iii ýthtuncookêd ,state. Thýrôper ýMON TH etiiher'iat the begifliflgofa - eil or ewefmeal yer h.o4e a4Mesl and exeta the greate% laxative effeet. Taken -at the,- conipletion o .ael dilaites thé gpatrie Julce ,and tends tô enibarafit digeoii.ti1,'-TTs'ideaýis-n An accordance ýIith.the EttWlish ctte 'it beinng ~aItnostnatiônma practice ovr'there to serve frui t at the end of ».the meal. Your Groom' iIlgiyoujà c'alAti or drop a ~oitas t L ECVZR E IOS, Llmitod, Toronto As Mr. Jacob Oppealiemier and hie man, of Oaunington, vote drivlng a mpmn cf houmes into our -village on Frlday week wbçp &bout hait s mile noth, 'by tmre mean uukowuto tbem tIi. front'aile brêkot browlng both mou ont, aud away ,went 4h.,hommes as liard se tliey conhd go. Tbée mi thmougli-our village, turned th. corner st Mr. Parka hotel, sud nover let op until thoy lad min to Mr. R., Bammys ard Soapeople amo wondombng loy i was they tan theme. Mr sud Mrm MacDonald bave etnined te their home 1daïan, aftor sponding *th. aummmin aubISte. Mamie. Mr. Goo. Doalu jr,., lias mturned. froinDetroit. Mme Msggie Ocyle, of Toronto, la visite ica hiem father and fionds. Mm. Fred King and hiesster,.Em nilsd Mise N. Bdwamde, spont Sunday in Qauolngton, the guette of MirT- Woodward. Miss-.Bairdpur junior teacher, bas be ouaqod for another yeai. This i b. Miss BaWsd thirtnini uMaullla. Mm D> UsaQuen b las au - bon onaged for principal tosober In cor public sohool. ONE HONKST MANý Th oma llon s teindst godwlth pupils of Utbos ohool for Oct. -. ,Olama -"P Defoe, 491, M Johnson 484,' G ýBout be.27, M i4lédd3, FRnu806,R I~rodoic ,8", i md s301, cOg(ino . 8fl,GLatn 51Ropr2,r Mm T B WlIi i.eoly -but isuý m4.i proIng luhes t, 5h.wilthé about '! 183 JbatWli oli oconvention a siito trm BmoughauUioP.. WX7A14TED-TRtTSTWORTflYAND-ACT- VI IVE gentlemen or ladies te- tratel for responuible, established bouse inu-Outario. Monthly $6S.eooand expenses. Position steady. ileference. Enclose self'-addressed îaniPed en- veWolw The. Dominion Company. Dýp:.1Y- Chi- cage. 41-81n. 571 ST. PATRICK ST., OTTAWA, JULY 31, 1896. ,Ta the Phrenotine Medicipt- Co., Ltd.. Ottawa, Ont. Gentleman. -t- On the advice of a friendt i tried one bottle o! your. famous rheumaticé rémeiy, Phrenoline, sud ta rny surprise- it - cured me o! theuma- tiî,fi-arn whiclh av ufeeifor uisny yeara. - It atao cured. me. of. -dyspepsas. -froni whicb 1I vas suiff.riÉg at the titue, 'so that-lifel nov like a.newv in., 1 have, trieti several' remetiies- for rheumadtst,p om.e o! which -titi ie aà certain smouuto go but t»othiu that I have- taken bas done seo ý,-1üë formne as 1your ?hrenolià e, aid 1o nincl pheaïure inu tecommentiing it, .to other sufferers. Youri vey truly, (Signet) JASÃ. CARROLIL, Foreman of Works, R-'ideau.Canal.-, ýmanufs.tuiied ou Honor sud sod on et, soIt lu Whltby oaly .iy- &L M~ ÂLZNI - DUUGIST"& they vereflfty we bave caug But ve hav e les to prila ourseli do the piraisizq more than villi Us through otb je how we look wholesale and:j Duluth, Mini, quarter of a cel vation writes: «'I have sold.à rilla for more, both at wholesw and bave neyer1 butwords cf P Cultoies;fol Plaint ba» ever believe Ayer's be the best bloc bia been introdi eipublic." flian who bas mc dozena of Âyer' is strong testi. only echocapM the world ove ý'Nothing buti for Ayor's S .&WdofbtaboutWi It 1Wb1,doubtu m OiR%.. J.C. Ai Town Met Mouday aigut that an action for dai ed sum, was to b. tW on account of injuri hors. runuiug away 1 D Ormistonm reidel liciter wau instructe defend the smre. TI weto omderod te lN market property-E cil -and look&a for i Allia, methyhated qp coal, $11.40 ; Rolit. and sdputting Onua an ?ipoiementa- 82.6;Win. HOPP, Bravender, do 85 ; etc., #8.67 : W. E., vomk, $10.13. Reli ningo 5 weekm kçepi W. R. Warner, mn Noble maid ho notue kat report, au itemi #i tenders b.d not b manded au eaplaià tenders made had: Depaty SSot said a coal combine saisi Uned been laidc plaiod that mi od 'to *uppy ai audio inte mem 'Wamone sceai' Robsn malti that WYamnr Noble vsat The oee~ lut.. êe.s