; OIÂOFÉIDÂY DECEMIBER 8,.1897.# In mouldlug heurts tejlutic sud good v-u, Fanclng wlis heaveniy br« eauhi pure desire, Fdiliug the seul withs patrioic fime And wedl bu s Souud drunk bis spirit truc, "At fi lisuoth e cther-beUs ttiste esoff usra, Or as the blue.bella drink tbe momumtain dcv, Or as thse tisistie oftbe moorlaod bore Drinks of tise sunlight 'mit tis mmmer's BAR EL 0F! '10111 *pelr Pint hâlu-i faPisPared vith great care M &Y bu rel a pon by physiciens *4b.rM 't» b. of the best quaiity, bfont Strong, unpleasant odor M" obmp&ny inferlor qualities of H. ALLIN, C1itblIST a DRUGGIST, b'j , . ONTARIO. INDMILLS AND- IIE FENCE. Oell e .Genuine ÂER- KOTOP., of Ohicago, and ti he laanWI1e Fence 104tudiag puueisaers sieal examine thus Dil buffpaplc g heir enter. Do sot let i913 ageta l mimitation ou yoa vises you M 8 mth lieentaine Aeu'motor, thoreughly JlWà pW aIad d wamrntaI, for tosttuoney. itfr Ot t&Z u lii. soîl lu Canada te-day SuSY. otb«MItu 'IpiThse Aermotor Ce. FIA a retent st Iylasoff Wood sud Iton tumpe for Aary lafi>maîtomn mgsdisg tise. utfits ,11 lié bonuy givea by wrltlng ta GEO. ALLUN, W ifITay. O4K F CANADA. 4tby, Ont. BOARD OF DIRECTORS. bw*4 ýq-,Proedent -Reuben S. _q. W F Covan, - ýi" . A. Gib- 111Tht. Sulo SvaUntk SMat D8 . WAiRREN, sMAs«aO,( WbIîby Brascis. etluu atait gtvint MrW accoutai ale lafer im oice, L, I na P. o. R&VT OR ELL. LOCAL NEWS Iflls isMitchell et Teronto ýla vilsè here itib Mixs Ullie Mues.t MesuraWm ed sud l Munrf. ere ln T«tOnto on business lust vek, Mr Tisos Graham Spelt tbmalgiîng wlîh relatives inla Blelle sud ttaue,. Miss MaryParkiu off Tôrmoiespet Tburday off lest veci e vus ber h«panais Mliss Moud 1Speace retulueut boue lami vos) after baving speat a few veekaWlîg laToto.. Thi. sale off standltsg tasserou tise estate af the laie John Graham u subeen vltidrawn for tise present.. Mm anti Mm. E C Hoso. of KeoS», but for. mer resideats cf ibis plage, ver mnvgM c- quaintances ber. bLut wsc. Miss Nellie Speuce, B. -A., TotSte, sd Miss Fraukie Spence, BBA., Veoro eu t Thatsm givIs here vutisteir panais Mr Ben liaitby tqf Haros Co. l& vistaIt iere! wihbis fatber Mr Johnflotrb y.'liebaW pur- chaud a arm isn Jagsrgo»Mtb~W lltge Ca., and vii lacmete i-,ic. W U viS hm evwry succesa. Tise entertalusmeut given borelait Tburada evenmgbyMr W T o d*%s Pwlasetend cousrqueuce thereof a full ptigrà mme sas no Riven. Tise preseet spea),highY of tishaov. It Mir Hodite sholid cSse tiers gateaMutyear, ve prediot a fait bouée, Masieeter lu te bave o%Çbrtussm fai tt ysar aud tise date appoingd l Wedneday, Dec. 2and. Geod prises are olhered snd hlu is oped there may 12e a large egisibit, lu tise pm eatoy ordinary primes sere offerdit is e fosl sud& ba,. ter classes, sud the article becaus posryoff donner, 1: lu ne longer tisas. Co u ussare given and the exhîbîtor etas mtise einsb iovu Special arrangemes a tbelngMad& to have gooti bu y rs preut if tise exilatt ssb.oeidl and Mr Jas Bard, avtloaee. vil nIrSeof charge. TheOofficerS eleotet fâr tise yeam are Pies, Tos Baird ; Trees. D1)pFHagerman ; 'ec"0 P C Gram ; .Direcora, Mesars (; Keeler, M. C Tooley, W Spesce, J arsn. IV Christe, D J MeLeaD, W Thoapos, R M Hchthy, G Lyle. W tu bsud P Christs Mr Neti Levreno la bay eugaged vitis Mr Wagoner. Rev Ciare andti amll apent Tisauagvlng at bas home dowws eut. Misa Florneo.Macioey speul Sbbats vw" friends lu Whtuby. Mu-s Jua Lewis bas net entimely recôverut ftem ber lie lluesa. Miss Florence Noble, vise bas bees vldsg lier fatuber dosamut for inn fiveekua, bume- %Wmyed home. Mr Ward off Oremwod officleted bmoreo lust Lords de,. His diecourse vas a very tu- teretlsgas sei as Instructve eue. Rev Clame changed pluu t Sidy,,* Service nes tSabbatis iiil s beel la tte evea- ini et6 3o. Rev Clate la Oilm 8 8 SSiUlhe beli at tise usualheur, za«och la satraooui. Tihe isevy fiesa of lam bave canua active service on tise ferme toeoes.,but au om visser la the ptodictios off aIl tise vSeatr vite tu car mîdst. Meny atteuded te speeb la bgvtsg e, vice in Brookls motbedtcbsrcb sad alilet- pieu ttsemseves as 'ssispleasel Ustise song TIse cmat tuaI isgr(3J .bevemaabau bous claimeti by aMr Pasrot« off Rescistvéi Adverulala utbeise aonicLa sever ltt fisd an evner fer lest Cgoda. Miss Mity Tripp lam w es tsidnas beu boe in tbe village. Ma icmet oosbest aured a*noti " hoibe yong 14odv e ber back ioKlmZLeW b4r Fred La;toa, i 9W KCM&* sb« vis buateeareaédrnraas Pemoarokeé4a»d OWgagl a a ii"l bs mi i t s bauggb cor lm ta Greenwool, visae bo 'vilntaIm filA Gremats Isead mille. Pnel a me of thes y revlable ad go abmtd imt sa Limne lias coe d » Ieeo eba*eat. Tise tovnibip ecoW bmtb ce Mo*s- day next. Mr John DeSart off Tré*toý via bis friends hmro"laittos Tiseamber off Thang*gMahg vwitors wue leu, ibis ym t taa USU4l Mr H T LooVoed ia Swoinutwathe rooma oves- thue hbom tatoq jotlm a cated by Mr Wilson, Mr Wm Wibn, 4fuIpiy4bmvc umoved to WWï'* r rWiolsnas about to opn & b*roeïe*obo, Th rak lu x t ffassy for tlt skatenst buêIa&lý,,10 gOot Sla*tlg cS Ibe pond fort"I &itis wulrý ail sutim*t. Tt 1 1 ami MrGWArold bas id tbèwod shpweutof, Whkby, whftethe loto Mr Coakw iïl *orke 4 e Ho b as not bettn abieto0 gela hoc ne-har lte ahop, 110 -bas rented 0one W iu y nd ii tendu mo¶tng thero wihbis family at once, Rev Norman H Russel, a missionary iateiy back from India on furlougit, wii give an addres on the country and the vork the missionaries are enguged in, in the Presbyterlan cburch on the evening of Tuesday, Dec 14t.h. A number of lime 14Mgh views *iI1 be shown, to illustrate the address. Mn GCeo Macd unaid dîed on the i 9th inut. She had bedi in poor healtit for several years, but the news of ber de- cease came with suddcnncss to al her frIends and acquaintances, as it vas flot known that she was worse than- usuai tili ber death vas announced. Site had becs a resident of Brookinu for neariy fifty years, and enjoyed4 the respect and esteem of ail who knew,. her. (Balance crowded out.> W. A. H Bs.ld.uu oppoama TowSanl. Brookllu. W A UONEUti. 3D V S.-Ormas. ofthe'. On. tato Votermnuy 00110g0,Toronto; flenorari meiiber of the i;Ouso Kdite ooiy. Trtau 1""" 40 1. or*stca. 5hlsbytlb.incetpo~d.ho.Am and dantity. DB? ,or b4lis brpI a#suend 5%. Omoé an& eldnsasob Ontario. We [lave BLÂNKE'rS, ln vbltesud gre>', wool or cotton, at prices ranglugg frein 75e te $4 per pair. Sa8atchewa» lfllo Robe&, 'Goal Robe Sont Elakets OvR3RCOATS, tLT9TRs sUItSPANTs readjsuade or teo, d7er. Large stock tseetfront, and. price t tat ame right.1 BOOTS &ND RUBBERS, ai firul-clab coods froin reliable makems, Sime a pstOm CentInuaîVr CAsh. OP-OC13RY DEPT.-New RWaint, Cu"r, mota, Peels, etc. 1Q ~Se . Ilb. Ced. fish, Se 1b- 3 Ibo X dEialtsa e. Standard Qraaulated Sugar, 21 lbs ter si Cash. Bright, Yellov Supar.uÃ6 Ib.' PQ*deu for 50 per IL. * - Izotgwoic"For. t HolUiday Rro8.,- Brooklln',, M 8E9Brlggs.0et SeelBdggs* Ccpsay$ Torooi. wvas e at bera Tbiek*gvmlagm, Docuor F. A. Baies sd fam4) ttiI li spea FuIay oftklest UnMIWUDaiMU uasa Ut fRWd, Botluqut m« Muin RIhardBl"as lt quig,tl stuaM-P*a or lm ghu. alrais lasts s i bem A*ies. be w*llag**Mit badsst aiPreapscsSu». bfi. md MU& C. E. Plis Su C ase, e. tfbg ahs 44bwni utsapbous m lait 'dt égIÃnst lis t Charles hôtel fr i14i lor te minr&.. Resuît 4$10-le and btffl. Wha a i. blt M 1r Sebert more thth.li.ie i the-fact that lie cm 'mot fsd out #bo laid étieimfdrattôn. Xeep cool uelg be t ct.. St à 41êwo Supper Gclrt Camp and their many friends béIýtel4 tiseli onaI upper at the Orieutal btelou Tuesday evenlni, ef titis week. lthblelun'thse flne dlulng hall vete iadeu w th~ ie delicatles of thesem ucao; Mr, wu ir. Brooks hate becs blghly compli-' meted on thse beautiful spread. Afer so tSpeeches were gien by Dr Sangater W t , .M P, T C Potinanand otcr. Alto*etber th e mon ut ccessfulsuap. #,e uby lencatru Camp ; it vas estntajtbt fom 100 to 150 veto present Yëâterday moming, Th ursday, at 3:3e a in our ettizens were avakened by tise Mrof ire iud the dong of the fire bell. on afit- intgst tisebusiness part of thse tow, it vas fou04 tbsat C H Alilsitus drug store wau on flIre idao fat gone tidmes vèe.burat.ý tâllt oln hefrônt, test and root Théc lre-. mcii were seconoutise spot aud dld good vDrI ;t'heccitizen, vorked like Tr ea s u ubrassisted Mr. Hîscoz lu beipitag to SIsproperty #t th est su ad tbey Suc- oeekdIasiessis very stteali. The 17lgla kuovu as thse Niebolsubock and î4as occuppled upatairs by Dr 19 Sg. stetýitud W A Sangater, us a dental e$fce,, and iie irs eor lýy C H Alilsen, s a drug« stosM Dr Saugiter bad $0'na uc; W A !ým terýfr isnrace sud t 1H Ali. â ü w ,: b o i d s u t e ; e a c l j e u e v w i i i l o fe a.yover hie issurance. llgw tise fire st i l a my4tery as evcrytb'dg vas ai ýiIfffwbceai eç oe lcftlbie Place tbeise befre, bot 'It lu s ongî t th itere e froýï a dofetdvé tue. sevdrwl lat. iluÈS ou lite ppe sé al i deo f lm th e elt ver. crseked lu thse Cordecok;- P Ob~i blecIr, Joute block, McCaw block. Tlie la the firsi fic.-lu Port Penry,"iw, -any, mahy 4% ' ct*ber, lise mm newbgr ,"nfredsof1 te H&aruIs Itirchý one S cti<o -Islnd. - took stops tO h&4e lhe 0 r citwchtbÃ"onhi etqae;a sibecrfpti on last vaBopned vhi-$3.asbsrb d,,aud fekinecu cou nae 1tise.renir&.The chgreb las uotr. çotupltd, su presents a very coin.î s p r ap e sud lsa a credit 1 t he -nciuibers tr klt Id itmd l à io. Tise' e ;o1g servces'ere beld lest Snnday and Momy. Sunda mrng, thepatoi, aï; TW*ailet, cuîucted the:.ervl 16 the ilbfu m - n d e.wau r h e Sh - I* W ,4 <«a-s St Audrev Sermon.ý la -St. Addrews churcs on Sunday aller- upes ROv Dr MAcDiarmîld preached tise an., -sa sr of a the >St Anldrew.s ociety. It Wà s à ost inspirlng patrlotlc sermon fram tise text James a : , "Truc religion and un- detled before Getansd the Father in this, Toô riait the fatherles and wldows in tieir affiction, and te keep flimsclt unspotted frn tihe warld." TIvO things ore stronigly Charscteristîc off ail men: Belief In God and thse Iinet off woréhip. Conuceptions o? Goti lu the hlghest Ideai of which tie. mmd la capable, wbuile the thougiiî that wôuld cause eue ta doubit the utllity or worshlppirsg God li one aroisiag front as cvil mmd. Exper- (suce has 4hown that lu thbohurs of death aud judgmetit athis iar vi benti lis knge In supplication. Beeldes the vwo sîreng char- actenistie ef mani rltady mentione] there lu another almost equà lly strang- love of countre. No people havermoreoaihis pat- rionitistastise Scottishsrace, Tiser. lune need ef treatinR apon this trait of the Scotchmans character, nor to use flaîîery las enlogising hlm. Thse sublect for today Io thse religbous sud b4~evolent aspect of the mat- ter. Thoe. vI love God are thse only peo- ple who reaily 'beleug te the brotherboor ioff m im. ira min declare bis love for God but 'retise 'to love bis brother ise shall have no place in Goda sulvaîlon. - Wbat lu a mans religion wortb 1(11 vwiii pet cotupel him te love bis fellow mans? It la yours ta scattcr a large portion erthtie otple meas gives vos te thse sedy oesta iswoni you corne In contact, sud ibis thse Scotch neyer fail fo do. 'et neyer yet saw fi Scotch beuigar,"i sald the peake..' " Receuîly s man came te me sud,,sld, 'If ycs rlase;*yer nivereince, Ou a milbodis.#" I"oia speech betrsys Yeu, ait," sain 1, *4Yenî are tne metlsoffitg# we m ist havelovo dass 'h à ýesoveloce, We tut tisedeligsi a, i UC"soff others.qW. ,miit t lok ttpef*thelrmsafor- tuteà vltb a Pitylng seul. Nea we must bavie Cbsra t , iW. uet,p toxourselves unspotte4 befort the vend. t tian .1char. Acter cas bois thi e otlnd t tise ae lnthe (lret trial. ' PQrty la 1se greateet farce lu builhg'echater. '"Putify isakes the good turins tâce te a*bine. Ve are to e .itatorg eto(Godi Wali l--tubis footsîeps and de bis hoiy witil. Omjly as w. are pure can we sp. peafrbelote Ceod. Our purpose la te foille Ch ist le lM ar leader. Ho bas, gene b. ,froj1O #litour batie, Mis cmli là üsua lise -ci o r Bre ut Bannockbusrn. Whà ii ever you bear tise butit cali Christ-lu le pa_ Dir J(<O)larm»ld embet1 shed bis seus th' l 'Ati Ou CIO&k p m tis Ipalou dînut mall'et tise Royal *as tisrovna open sud sos dion liad butin provIdod <or abo"& vo b r o *ia à a s n s t s @ 1d e û t o t4tatd. NeySov bèklot .te. .a..h"ÂW "Goadahis<~ *a~jey Tut iiUo, O Uv Mo m 8ufsreî in u sP*o bd lm W" Ob= Wni o "4 4vo* ~ bom SW@P tm * buu m4t à aya Mr. s dW4 a obWvdas4 O'tOç( 4»bâki go OM00 oui»Mm bu -Feb, 876o z 1 1 ! ý L ! ---Mwwmwmâ 1 ý -MjS'i'Qý -- ' ý - -- 7, - , ý NO* 53' And, drinklng tiss romn the saine fount off trah As drank St Audre, SSotasd bas atuaiued To noble manisood, sud ber sens forsootb And daugMsers tee, bigis statue long have For sMental <ripo sud ssu ef moralrigis:, And love off native land, aud gospel ligisi. And love et Qace4, sud lovme niiis mife, And tbrougis tisai rae te g ave t0 otiser lande Truc lesognsearsed lu Wlsdoan'a hagisest scisool, 01 boy the nations jeîned by frieodsisip's bande May resUsiBsar t00ommnnBrotlaerbood, As oftsparlug of one Fâtber--God-îbhe gocd. Thae Scmoismen sud tiseir offspring vide vorld O'er Have made thier mark lIa every spisere off lite, Tise klit, sud bax-pipes, aOd lise braad elsymare Are embleims off tiseir ardottr in tis ttife, Of iardih" ad udieroisis bold, U OdAuntedcôurage..better weltbî hau geid. W'8 ueed set epea),of deeda et long ago, Normeen sti tise shaeet ofWal-oo, Nom wake ube ecisces sete tise vaiers 1e )own tise long Mile teoutiet la tise bine: Ut: th. Sphinx vatol wh vIserbadeï of beroes aieep ; Tise dai ses dassa o'er Egypt's darinsee deep. Look but sfance vieeprend Dargalil gii, Crowne4 vutis te.jeemang, valeftetiseltis, Sisoals tond defha0mo. and viti hiov 0(< tuags Hurladlowa tise seil-almed aist Ii ounde and khuis, Ali, isten nos-her brave'Mathuauak Ti.Gordon Highladers viii th ie And eil toek lt, wi~e i eigh wuawonà ; 211dvh reit1 Netot »s alosae aa tgiSt teoi "-tise 'Nut 5cota atone buiero t ite ty And let usiaser jMtore-thee iserees grd, o nt ftaras, btnt thtsé uaswr Xave ld'ýond thierarir, l'etis eta abau And isravely foughî ise à bat"thé bmLaid. AuiuSAndkrevitgeUM tO lie liglu. sov, Ila bi f. lé ear ollt sts . 0 j9mois -1w ý ffl7$