Whitby Chronicle, 3 Dec 1897, p. 4

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.THE-@ Leadlng Drug Store IN THE PROVINCE. W7We have one of tite heu equbpped "rug Stores in the Province, and oun stock of Druga, Medicuoes sud Chemi- cals la the beat that can h. produced. Prescriptions and Receipts A SPECIALTY. ()UR PRICES ARE RIGHT. (WR GOODS THIE BEST. de E. W/L LIS, CEIEMIST& DRUGO IST,1 MEDICAL ::HALL, BROOK BT., WHIITBY, -WKITBY.1 DEC, 3, 1897.1 Short Noé- A discussion la going au ln the ewspa per% un ta wlîy men do ual attend church as numerously as wmsan. We shoulti solve the question by claiming that mn are quit. as religions as momen but tbey do nat mark at it as sîeadily. A mas said ta us recently "I amra stsrong methodit ; but 1 bavent heen working at it lately." [t te perhaps wontb offéring as a solutiofa the question that mien do not attend chut-ch au much as they would if(they dld sot find that religion interferes with lb tir crooked methode of doimg bustness. Sani ecas use the chunich for a cloak ; others cannai l-The pefectly logical mimd of man teila hlm that it la morse thas mockery for hlm toanire a public diapiay af religion whlch bc only pretenda to have, shîlat he knows is mheant ie black. He would rather face God with. out tht. atpaclaus hypocniey than with it. Oui- churchetsaita do good but ai-e a littît maridly asnd brsides tbey cau auly accept sncb memberus as mili enroli theuisehves ; but mes outaide the chunch declib o tajain ts niombership because tber despise niany af ts sumbers mibose secret lives sud part of thel,- opes- lies are a standing accusation ainst the profeusions tbey make. ores are saturally religions, pure aud good--at lesat fai- better than men. Having ta do with mamy short comînga in mes they sf11 the more readlly bear with a aluner and Jii the chut-ch to t-y sud do good, oves though they have to associai. mitb tuenr miho are not what tbey prof... 10 be. 0f course It shoulti be added 1ha1 a mas easil y fisd, au excuse te evade bis duty snd wil adopt a very filmer pies te shirk il, even though hc ous. that titis mtiig of him better judgement mii ouly make hlm sp- pear the morse before Qed, mita kuowa the thaugita cf hi. heart. Whitby Tons Losuls. St Aundrews day brought six luches of beautiful white anas. Mr A. W Smih cf Toi-osto usiversity sas home nver Thank.gbving. Mr- John Bath Jr., of the tominbe left 1ai week for Britisht Columbia. Mi- N H McGllllvray cf Knox Coliegle, To- i-onto, spmt the holiday ai home. Mesurs Howard sud Titotpupoef New- mai-kete ver, ln toitn ovr eTbsskeivtsg. Mrs@eCareu aud MsMW ICIare O Ot taw misaegu«esof bina Thtdc biGlllivray. Mr I-lutb Daituell manager cf ite Toron- to miandi coi-potao speut Th"aksiving ai home. Humbuge, itumbuu, itumbuga aitlTodt, Saturday, baigais day. gcts pet pousd, t-eg- talai- t5 cents. Mr Wllmoi Pîke, of lte Woodruff boume, mas lu Stoutlville visiis bis moite on 'Tbanksgflilg dey. Mr Samuel Burd«ie, 0o! Bomanvil., sas te guusiof bis daugbtu r u Tod for a es day. s ee k. Mrt-Dick biougomer, o0( Seabgt, an employee lu the CH aonsîcLuonfce 30 remr ago. sas lu towu titis meek. Mr G Etisard St«e" of Toroto.,spr Intendant of york Lois &ud Savinga Coin- Paeur for titis district la ltaISsu. Musansd Mis, Dautueil imes Waure snd Mir Wilh Lamle, ammestd os lb. Pro. ramme O lit %ieorges bsrv « b cnetsd &uPPez at Plkedug o« Tbaasksgvîugday. Prof C l'Da*is«91 b. ait *eloyal ohe unsSaturda, weokUtoUmm ii aflare- pieasedfe r ooul dc« n ÏÏà- bir j» îUssuiS. e!T««to ws u elova ettdiu ow 01bisaehv Our Rlelso, shbo wsu rpet rt#rer00 Tpu4ay. Pliions art belug creelaw dla vattous1 ù( the em e #ie ta4on l MWIa Et PwM ,aodsgoe PAsd o a the bl4~~Myetb ethe a to- tê II b htdl suit i aimote p$Ith sudtîgIvbu ~ a ,o*MtqbtW.1bt' cf returntvg t h rsa, utm geedM reued hmteMoe thtW aoller hou niomîha pvloualyî tavy =lsd t& ihbs snd iooh awav lbohrseé.lThe. mug traie held fi a oacasMà aoften sd dis mlssed tihe malter, l'h. McGilI Unlveilty, Montres>, swnounc- ment for 1u8g-% la cut.lu lte ssouof 1"certain change lunlte regulationa W,1 Inlto force, Except tu spectl cases, uo candidate wili h. sdmltted to the firat year entrauce examination unies. b. la at ieait i years of age. No candidate cau become an undergi-aduate cf the tii-si year, except by passing the j une or September entrance examinatios of the ii-st year. The regulation for Normal school sud Ontario candidates wiil homiever still 6e valid Thene mlii b. no .peciied examînatlon as; heretofore for lntermediate admission ta tbe second year as an undergraduaîte, but ln certain cases the faculty may admit ta the second year candidates wbo sahl be deemed hy the commlttee ta 6e qualified. Far (ur- her particulatrs send for announcement. We clip the followlng from an excbnnge: -"A clergyman miss very anxious to Intro- duce anme h Mn b' oka into the church, and arrsnged witi hi. clerk that the latter ws ta Itîve out the notice lmmediately after tht sermon. The clerk, homiever, had a notice of his omin miih reference ta the baptlsm of Infante ta give out;, accordingly nthe close of the sermon ; he arase and announced that - All those miho have cblldren miham îhey wish ta have baptised please ssnd lvi ibeir niRes at once bto he clerk" The clergy. mani, mitemas atone dea(, assumefd thpt the clerk mas givlng oui the hymn-book notice, atnd immedlateiy ai-ose and said, "And i àhul -ay, for the beneflt of thune Who have not ary, that they may be obîabned of the vestrey any day (i-om 3 ta 4 oclack-the ordinrny iy 11e ares aet ane shilling eàch, and the speclal oses with red bocks at oue shill- ing and four oeuce"1 i A reformatbon bas recently been agItated ln one of the haunts of vice. A gneup af bar room t heologisusnet-ee expostu latb1ng on thei r etennai destiny Future punlsbment sas the tophc cf discussIon. 9bme lguored the terific figurest.e unquenchable Or e and the worm ihai dict nat heing asmured in iheir omin estimation that itnfinit. Mercy mould flot consign îhem to eternal torture, othera %oi that me muat 6e caneful that se do fier utdd ta ai- take tram the revelation given î rom Godti t mati. Futur. puuiohment miul t-e perpetual regret for rcjectibug Christ. ten thotîsandti lmes more Intenxifieti than i-e- morse of conscience for miademeanor ln ibis tife. If the phebescite milI 6e voted an at the next general elecion an averwbelmlng majaritv nt public opinion sili 6e poured ln on the Dominion parliament of Ibis coun- try. Prohibition w111 h. the result. T H-UNT. Lent meek me (argot ta say titat George Ciai-ke of the Burke% Falla "Arromi' mas home to hclp est Tbanksglving dinner George la au olti frbend of ours aud we are one of the tirei people mitose privileige bu s to mîrasp bis banti ou bis home coming. Bunkes Fails otmoopitere appeans ta agi-e wtth (ibenti George for he la iooekIig sd andi has gos id cf aitaîtlu bn iswalk b. had shevi takiug up hle ahode lu the nortit country. Te Airasw cornes te hand escit meek sud se emgterly assit bts comlnq andi then canefullv scan Its pages aimayst-m mt (ar sud lremb- ling, thlnking that lu the silds of the north George May have come lu contact mlth a grlaaly sud got te ma-st cf the fray. Geo. le mechaulcal supernuteudent lnte Art-os office ant iel panticulai- coie la the devil sWho r'casbonsllY locks thte safety valve cf the botter sud shen stesm bas riscu te 130 Ibe Pressure munouncea the fact sud b. aud Gen theu go out sud stand behimd one of thc numerous trees in the back yard and sait for the thing te ocool off. W. m-arnetiGeorge net ta fool mt teotu or anme day be mîlI sudieul y esnie Bun kes Fals for gooti. Lent micek the A-os dîi not make It, appearauce snd mie attributeti lis absence le George net betgltere tii matipulate lte machtnerv or Perbapewsite ssay the suos shich is deep lu titat cousnt-y sil the year round bad se. cumulmieti ucar ibe (roni dcci- sud pieveni- cd the Dper Coming out. George basn e-- lui-d nitBurtes Foilsansd mie are deati aune t et el t. At-vsiis me.k. w C T il bam"ar Tise ladies cf(lte W.C.T.U. cld sasale Of fAucy sud Usefut articles ou Wcdmesday aftersoo n butieir roozua. A sgumpluous apIesti is asenveti sud a (air sbzed crosti partook cf lb. repasi. lTh. mfair sas fatihy successfui. Panser.stltetamUsées«. A meeting cf ils fat-mer. initute viilbe hel in th 1e lown hall on l'nesday-. Dec. r4t11 s897. Addresses VUSi h. deliered hy Lieut. Col McftaeNUlm Laura Roms and Major J»s Sitepherd et u,,,» and 7.30 p-m. and ut CEai-e- meuRtou TUUsdY Deccmbevazai tis te saine bout-s. A god atteuidanee la requesietisud a (aill and Ire. discutssion la sauted <o zuake te subjects pt-chable. W. Rade" M.la heb.Wes Wu Huaisbacsbetilu ls ,«proberw yoS "u fma."#Wm jury sho a l Brtl oumbia. sýnisgboni.to soin. friegida seotins <bat b. mmtWm Harvim te Britis Qlumbia. bUt- iarais as a tmeMO t c M-Wm Gai, sui livet ou tise tlîm is.betuem bbysdplchiug. bi »wm fsthlgbdua st remiv. te batt ebol mls ife b uth. vmea- st-y o!o ffreueu l« a s.b*ý - Ceaubal aiet of i".S a dîseis Ti.ioeraIM~ di iiii «Md mm 'o bave sstaudy Be0"sesM4sa d hisht tt b uoI. bbee i o saue. 544 ome do m seS.b ltarSe udeei MmnM Ti. tsIuqo! am it es ohmasa *mm .bil ils. ! sM . « CH itic to10end or 98Sew CU sNCC id Wk y G oh Cnztowbt<zeand Weehly Rail ClitoHierI*and l"atu1Ili Harald CaoNîict, end Parti and Plreside CUoNiCotLu and Parmlint (weIsly> CHuotoqCtlt and Partuers dvocate cIIIIt iîcLlansd Motinreal Wltua CuïoNICLE sund Toronto Wortd CitiortteLle and Toronto Dally Star Cuaot;tci,u sud Dally Globe Cu*oNicLit and Iveulug Globe CHRoNICLE and Daiiy Mail CiUioNscLa and Eveung Mail ;%IAgentib or the CHIIONICLI Willl mials a note of the above rates and cordingly. T'he Crimninal Code of t892 enacts jet. that any person who selle bai-ters exchanges or otherwise disposes of Iottery tickets for dis- posing of any property or aids or aisaists ln snich a sale or other disposai of iottery tick- ets ia guilty or en Indictable ofience end liable to two yenra imprisotrnent and to a fine flot .ixceeding two thousand dollars and thst the penalty for btîying or recelving Rny such a ticket la twenty dollars, the only ex- ceptions are the division by lot or chance by persans having a joint Intertst in property. 2 raffles for prises at any bazaar held for a charitable object permission having been firat abtalned (rom the municipal councîl or (rom th. mavçr, Reeve or other chier officer of the municipality but the articles must have first been offered for sale and none of them are2 to exceed ln value fifty dollars. 3, ditribntion bv lot among the membera or ticket boldera of any encorporated society estabiiahed for the. encouragement or art, or wvorks of art produred by the labors of the members of, or publlahed by or under the direction of such encorporated society. The Canadian IHomes journal. The December number oi the Canadian oiae journal la particularly Interestinq and well and pro(usely Illustrnîed. ln the antcy work page are Illustrations and directions for a complete set of table linen ln holly de- sign, ar'y or ail of whlch would be mont suit- able for handsomne Christmai; gifts, and any piece of which can be abînined through the Journal. There le a quainti written poem, covering a full page, by W;m Van Buren Tiiompeon, of sonit (arn, elaborately and atrti.tticatlli llustrated by Paul Caron, And poussibly mont Important of the journala con- tenta la a page on the newly organised Can- ada clubs, whlch, as the Idea unfoida lni each number of the Journal, will be of special In- tereat ta every Canadian woman. The cur- revit issue ailso contain.s nome receipta for de- liclous candies, with full directions how ta maire them at home; sa page by Mr% Joy on the Christmas dînner menui; Christmnas glanres and gare..for the children ; the lat- est fashiors ln mid-wlnter fura and gomina; ,bree pages oimuaic, and a number or ather nueresting articles, ail beautifully Illustrât- ed. 1.90 1.90 110 3,00 2.00 450 3 50 4.50 3-50 pleame act ac- AUCTION Of Valuable Residenîlal and Farm Properîy beiongiog La the McGiilivray Estate. The undersigned hau received Intitrucîions tram thp expcuîors af the LATE GEO. Mc GILLIVRAY. ta offer for sale by public auc- tion. on THURSDAY. DEC. x6ih, t897, ai th. Royal Hotel win he Towin of Whitby. the following valtiable real estate : Parcel No. z.-" inverlynn," the reuldcugde of 'he lare Qeo McGillivrny. Thii property, pan- -iets of lots Nos, 4s 46 47, 48. 49, 30 aiidt. ,in Wallace Farewell and Keliera plan off part of the town off Wbitby, and contat ne2rly 24 -tcreslTheme làan large tua storey soltd brick -esdence, as iI as good outhuilding, on the property. There ar-e aita three apple orchards, a peui orchard, and large garden. Parcel No. 9-A gaood fai-m 5 miles rom Whiiby oonsisting of the nortb haif i-f Lot No, 34 ilu thé 4th non- off th. Tp. of Whilby. con- taiut zoo are.The imiprovemns utaidtoUh f -4 «i Dat and aiaf stoey frame dwvelting gond frai-o barn,. wlîh atone stable wadernaîh and a uiew diinlg.shed. hooepeu and bhen. boume. Ail the buildings have Just beem put in good repali thi-ougbout. This <aiowilIi b sold wbieut in a lemse 10Mi-Mato. Parcel No. 3-A good soo acre fan», 3 miles froin Wbttby tomi, sud constimg of the aotith three-quaitei-softLotNo i. in 1h. 4th COU- cf the Tp.of Pici-irtoit u the soushi' j of Lot lute e ofWbîbi. l'isii aim ta eamiy aM hable. There i odam tmg, asgond otbullding». Possesao. w h. given on April zs",, Ise Parcl No,. LtNo. s3, la th. 411 noum Of te T %i D ooatauWiuig MO &ares. 4u acm sou the uonb ed of this kgot a eaed. aad theme l a log bouse sud a loc bain erot. ed Ihuaco. lh.. se about zOo acresun. "read, and costains gues: qwauîîtle of gond cedar. us meli as spince, lauaack ani oter wod ,Tbis and iss ite dcow se coopeSt- offmce sd Wmuilvay Terni-l'eupeu cei. of ibm purebote musey mout e pald ai btih e ci tsale, milieo 's~ te rnieu lbal"S e e t rused. A zoeiYamuwsg on morpg to boar lutsiets Fer hM" puialaus ad cOudIdots ue, e y so <b. uuSuulgsdo ort bDo,* lie 4OMw Mu Wgod. * p Mpro mmw ia .11* ubeSoMutise gau'ea tan st to1 wlnd up te at. ,LM F AlRBANX&, Whlsby. Dm. sud, z8g-e. 925 REWA RDu e o « WhibRt4 lafowuatiubiesWMi kato the «**lioe o! Usape«M aor Pet- a"* *vhs wurlIt d4estvo be bade tutu COL b*whp f hib-*M.M b A D I B Fancy Always One ýDon' Bnyý aCret BEFORE SEEING OUR "4SF'ECJAL Thi Cose wa puch. aedby u sI reduçtion, the regular at a great 'IWas $125~ which enables us to seil thern a price At 75 CtSe~~b No such value has ever been -o-fered y'ou will at once be con. they are a Bargain. them anldy vinced that ;Andrew China, G roce ries. me Ross, Here M8 a Good Thing. Qua/i/y thte Choicesi Prices the Lowest are the three points which Iead the FUIRNITUR] Re-upholotering done on shos trade. i-test notice. E . J. JOHNSON> Brock St., .wWhitby. FARMf TO RENT 2eo acres, seau Audley, bu Pickerinmg toms- SbIP. Good land, suitahle buildings, plenîy of mater (nom selleandastisream, goati or- citat-t, no unustard. Poufflion t lepomi at once. Fuît possession nuit 'pi-tmg. Apply te Tugo A McGILLIV AWhiîby. Sept PUMP for -Bale Qoed chats pan. e ufor saie Apy a TESOFEC are paf Stastec 'lnid sugge goid -or :fees ofb à that an REI or made ove than twlce the ordinar have bcéna this kind of with the des engraving fu 4iver Mounf > ack Brushc Canes an-d lion eofaMM FRIDA Loci Rev Ed McBf lasi week. Mr- nnd Mrs1 Jvig in Port -Ha M r. A. W.1 Thavikagiving a Mie Florenc Sunday muth rf Saturday ait scotch chips ati Mm S. E. Sti Jng ber parents, We aire pies Clarke la couN lînesa. Géo. McClelI Bommastille. a -st home. Mn Wm Rlch Wednesday mlg Trhanksglvlug Saisi-day at 'rousted-(besî hi- pouud, -regular. Miss N.Saun SaturdaysG 'former atudonti Madili Bront of found everyti * W* au lur B.C. lImesSmu Orl y of! ibetovu lie nuauaextes ,vlst boute sud 'Whlîby -sud Ma 1im taur .as -mvintluh Galion.F More, SINCE advertising to remove to Ayr, we have sold the '-entire stock in Ayr and have ooncluded to remain for the present ini Whitby, to which place we have moved the~ Dry G 00dB, Ready-made OIot/dng, Boots and Slioes, Gent?; Furnishinge A nd Groceries 0f Se H. Hahn C<o., of Hanover, Ont.j WIliuCIfWK PLRCHASED Dy AUCTIOK AT 54~ ontsi a"udesthl. wwI O&ru rthe I ALarge Sitock o~ Dinner Setts, Tea Setts, Chamber Setts, Fuli Line of Fresh *: eliab le. AT GIBSON'S. Chance We have secured variéty the Lariest.1- SALE them at i t (Ëkronitlto

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