Whitby Chronicle, 3 Dec 1897, p. 5

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AI Iltr te,. ailday. Mr Pred Taylor, o! Boston WaU tiers, on Friday attendiag bis fathers funeral. MieDartueilland Mr' Guy Dartnitel, of a~e mo t atk ecite T«uMt t t bankmgivinget borne. aee mos app ecited Satuday borpindayaitTode, huambuga ln ibre Savon ast 9 centa a pouad rogular are those which show 'S cnt& the greatest desire on the Misses Sarin Gmorie Sanadere or Pat Of-th giCr o sit he hity jnctoq jjdj.ýfrienda la Oshawa part f Uicgiveroansut theday and Suaday. î a«te of the recipleat. an4 L Msr areoîyDre n ont Id sou et that morne aid bei àrlo M to te anceF011 a e e sd ono al t nenlokithdacinId or -silvor or perhaps morne ait Oshawa on Thaakaglvlage ve. o hl s of broken- gold jewelry or old Rev Dr McDlarrnid preacbed a epecial that aRre lying about the bouse if sermon ta young men in the tabernacle on Suaday night. til devoted th. moast of bis MIOD LE ime ta an argument showing the fallacy pf ]REM DE L ED nfidelity snd unbeiief, an ro nt hc many rather tooa mart youag mrn are vont or mîade over vould give more pleasure 1 ta dr fruarerp. no ta than twice the value expended un tlweloramestkowtt they are lia bIc ta a penalty of 8,00 If they (Io not re, the ordinary style of jewclry. WCe port at once to the Minister of Aulcnftrue at have been Oonsulted by hundneds about Ottawa any indication o(tubercuiosis la their tbis kind of work and ail are pleaased stock. There Io danger this winter of this wth the designs, the worknanship and disease becoming epidemic, and (armera cngraving furnished by shouid give a carelul inspection of thefr stock pretty otcn. Mine host Schiller of the Royal hotel la ta LT N E~I* .IUJ he congrstulared on the spread he laid for J. ~ ~UDINU 5I1 Si Andrews supper. The haggis %vas good, B arnardU,~. the "hot Scotclk was excellent, the waiters were attentive and the noble scions of theJ bnowny race were comfortable Up tu the JEWELER, neck wîîth ail kinds of Scotch delîcacles t Mn Chas Calder, the Conservative Candi. Il W ]B[:[T ]3Y dt, expended a considenabie quantity ofd elthow grease in town Saturday, ahaklag q ilvcr l'ounted Ebony hands witlî ladies arnd gentlemen whoni he iack Brushes, Mirrors, wotild represent iln ihie next Provinical legis- laiive assemîi Mr Caldelasno novice ini >anes and Umnbrellas. elections,thaving been twlce elected by a majoriiy 0< i, a tef experiencing a d esperateh siruggle on each occasion. Ev idently he la V flot orie who looks (or big majorlîles belng satistied with any old mnjority w hcardes9 roni CIL he seat wîth it. Candidate Calders grest V pojîularity in municipal maltera commetced --the ver>' day ladies were enfranchised, ad 0 he has ridden on the crest of the wave ever OmiW ota uaty Organ-LargotCa Oroula- sînce. Being a single mani, ad never hav. B tAon of aapy local paper w au ada îng been crossed in love, and havlng wealth E -to__1 burn, he stands la cgrry the strength of bi he fair ones into eveny fight he taktes part ae FRIDAY, IEC. 8, 1897. :In As- his line fence la also Hon Jno Dry- bx deithey will be able ta do ail their cross H tririg over the barbed wire, and when they ln appear on the platfnrm a mutual adniraition Sg LOCÂL LAGONIOS. comnipetition will be in, oider-and will of Rev F.d McBrien was home for a iew dn>-s answer as well as anything, foi people vote Dl lasi week. îîantv no motter what the argument le. Y, Evervbody dlaims ta have principlea, but st Mn and Mrs Will Skîtch spent Thianksgîv- t hese uîr rnc pies are laid down; by their party Tl Ing in Port Hope leaders without no much as a blink. Thene Mr. A. W. Devereil of Toronto spent is more make-believe about polîtics, than Thanksgivîtîg nt hone. there sq in a theatrical performance. D Mis@ Florence Mackey of Kînsale spent The Otd Time Te&. o 'S ot Sunday with i flends n town. Remember the tea meeting la the tabern- 3<w Saturday et Tods. bargain day, butter acle this (Fridlay) evening. Tea (rom 5 ta Di scoch chips at 9 cents regular 13 cents, S. Good program. Admission aS cents. lai Mrs F. E. Star of Monîtrefil has been vîsit. Thanksg-vsag Vimtars.l ing hen parents, Mn and Mrs j B Powell. Misses Gertie and Maggle Eastwood, Mrs iii We are pleased to state that Rev j~ s p H-amlton, Mns R Snow, Mr Allan Adanis, wi C'larke ta convalecent afler a rather severe A E Christian. Miss Barclay, Mi"s Smith, be idness. Misses Giendennlng, Mn R 8 Starn, DMr Robî wc McBurney, Miss Powell, Mr Bert Abraham, et Geo. McC'lellan o(f the Standard Bank, Mr W m Bryan Jr., Mn W S Ormîston. le§ i3ownîanville. ate the Thanksgîvîng turkev Tabem-acle R L of C R Wl ,81 ome.The officers elected for the next baîf year Po Mr Winî Richardson sang in Peterboro on are the folowing -Presîdeat, Mr. J. S. Bar- Wednesdal nighit week and ln Oshawa o nar iePe n .W ako o.t Tlatukay etTodîg bagnighay . sh ecy., Mrs Brown ;Sec. Treas., M. Harold 1 Satrdy a Tda bagan ay,(rshjeffry; Pianist, Miss Le Woodcockr. Fxec. M roesîed (best brand) peanuts at iîi cents pe-r Commîltte-the officers and Miss Morris,M pounid, regulan s2occenis. Miss Poîwel. Miss Harper, Miss Shaw and Miss N. Saunders and Mn. Fred Burden of Miss Harvey. thî -Bowtnativîlie were the guestâ of Mn and Mrs Dont Més t-Sons of "SUland, jubiles Supper. 1 Tod on Thanksgtviîîg day. Sussex iodge No. 5, S. 0. E. B. S. annual O Mn. and Mn,. W. E. Wolfenden, of Grand supper wilt he held on the evealag of Tues- 1 Rapids, Mich., were in town over Thanks. da> r)ec :4th , ln the council Chambers, dr! .gvng, the guesta ofMr and Mrs J. E. Fane- Whithy, A good programme lasbelag an- well. i anged. Speeches, patritic songa, reetta- hot Saturdays Globe pints a photogravure n< tions, and musical selectloris. Mn Barlow lai five young ladies now in attendance at On- Cumberland, Supreme Grand Presideitt. ana eisn. Wben hegel1 stlefudwili now corne outi manv tbousandà,ahelHe< he would have t e t90 a bus (ro oe Gbeaides bés valuable pan.Wecoeau. ct T 9 Station in tbat town to another, for lie bMn Lowell upon r«cchng sucb a favor. I1< vbîch tbe change was tea centa extra. Hisable turning point la fortune. MW -ticket did not caîl fur e[tnas, Aad b. en- Michae Too1071 Case Miard. TI tered action againat the G T Rt to reonver Before Police Magistratje Harper on Satan-sS the arnount. Ciarrys case vas aon-atted day sfternooa lae MichaelTooley, hot1el m butli h as appealed and the Divialonai teeMaheur a brgdvsbv ' Court et Toronto bas reaerved judgemont. ing passed a st Dornintop note for k~ upoa<ténu irviag-Hatcki Nuptial..1 Young tman narned PisSe, of L,îhbra On Wednesay afternoon a very quiet Tooley and Joc MicMiIIaa, Port erry, go. wêddin ceremeony ok lacetai b. reai- uIliy spoken of as One Of 15e tinker, vieledtp donc. of M H atch bore, .g lie Marrie the plovtag ma" tch at yeo on Nft sti, k If M as Irving, Toronto, 10 M3s1« JE and hrought Uerc VUS tiss u4i (hea rHatch. The ceremony was perforusd b>' 'w "qe0' 'à DomialUon oc» tes, WhI ifCS ROeV Dr McDlarmld, In the preseace o( the bac tam1pls îb u esn tise var' ear relatives oaiy of the contracelng parties. oaostpancgrbos lhe bride vas nettliy sulred la a tnsveIllag 118m oftr the ou n iSe nomal.,o direms of London seoke color, and vblte paeg"n t. noteseas lys tber »Mu hu id »On avent. The cerernony îock pla1ce et .3 [heir thumbs over tise pnlnted mise.PisS sànd aller partaking of <i ved d m"8dre lto thse àKrtie iteld de.ts ail ft te apycouaple left by the 3: a atooon la questlos aborne 3olck es»d do will be apent. Umtrade wlîh a Ma tiser. teeS7e lueis> Murmy Avia~lsa Is.. 1go isSer ad akd fii oodtrd OtTue.dayaîigbî. Nov. siatý Charles ac. Cestdas Auo . -cnutrcalied OvesofE&emIîver vatcha. codbtPi0rvol aeolag Dao f<ic ve. Toley eaIlOro. Wb« a rreOsîd Murray ba*W dtisbe ftcislu cAd hadeut Oqu'"tiebciMad Wade wbo threwvt 'IMM du tis eu, Mua-. poed 43 soi., bodt«iag rëy vus sent to the Castrat or i3mu"16%eoff la eh oe r rsumbaiTnourmc.Aus .*id Waid, .111 grec» tise o&mae mameMllsme p j .. Thereau mte or c bu fo i, s6--.oî mm eet eAow«wvroee bor.1 e la .atie 0" e "tuet Do àN«arqtâaliâed vils Dock Mayrmys blsery, and casgss byessbIi - oatciuu a ilar h Woodtbeessueu orM et mw*epe.uiwpsu tiu~be e pu e!a(thse a ,?M<M but mm ou vm au à A " bi w M o tr&49 tl.g'.a« 9ime hm for Tbankqgvlîag,; mlés Shawof Toronito bbmen 1 ator 1iie 8cbuller A t ioRoyal. An~~~~~~iu ebagh.arebah ensodd tis a a wouaao cai'bi aà «track aooti for' tb#seMb e ate e bhestIva", rn-ata uftdÇa a ired -girl te cook '1orber tlayad Ayouog tetlow (rorn pc.ring calld Toote wase lcdl u lbr on Satur> daynacareolaat He had bien la ed a0ayus u weead anppoed to . urd.HO was bornemoetins.and wis apparently r1d'of hie trouble. One alIght lest we.'k h. auaâcked his brother Who was ln b.d sleep and belabored lue wlth club. ear19 that he might do bodlly barra to "Me Of the familly bo wu plated ln mil ber* and will probably be reniov.d to the A ylu bR nds.fhi eý okn Napa... The policeof thst towa notifi e the localPolice <bat on Suaday bo aloi. s iliver buntlng case watch witb a gold chain attacbed and $i.3o frorn a board lng bouse where ho waa uiopplng. He alta raised 86 on a gold plated wsîcb, wblch le supposed to have been mioen. He gave bis name Chas Anderson, la about 45 years of age, 5 feet, 8 or 9 inches tal spare man ligbî mous- tache, acar on left cheek, wears gold rimmed gsses, blark suit, cap, llght fawn colored avercoat, carfies two valises and cdaims 10 be a member ai the Y.M.C.A. I-otwenTw fWib n onln BnKitn rovneWtyoandlov fa n anea Th Kinsî neraadanc stofegs for as byameriia. T hRder w ficaner . nns b> IehitsParONC o'ie Ail Chgîas Pare neetdi odn Ahil tmas. whoirare ieruested tlatholdnga metnhnist heq (airiare req esî t attend deeng a t 8 counihme o hsFl ItrukeD wlth Appoplex>' On Tuesday aflernoan while holding jptens list court at Longford Muitla, Hie -onor Judge Daneil was sticken with ap. poplexy. He waa removed to Orillia where he la>' In a cnilical condition until yesterday, when he regalned coasclouanes. At time of Roing ta press wc hear that he to somewhat 'cIter. Mrs Dartnell went ta Onillia on Ib for Xxîas ai Home. Sec or w rite Stephenson. (opposite Hatch Iras.,> Whîîby, for cheap tickets ho and (rom :ngîand. Scotland, Jreland, British Coium- la, Manitoba, ail United States and Can- idiat points, -anvwhere, evenywbcne," at, rail or ocean rate@ guaranteed rigbî. le sella lhrough tickets toaad fnom Picker- ne, Toronto, Mynîle, Biooklin and Whithv. cee Stephenson before travelling. Cholce ) ten boit ocean uines includlng the "Allen" 'aominioti and Beaver and ail the best New iork. Philadelphia and Boston ocean lines 18e Departure af Dan Taylor On WedaeSday ntght veek lbe spirit of )an Taylor took bts fight ta Its makrer, and ýn Frida>' ail that remained that vas mortaI vas conveyed ta Its last resting place la St. ohna churcb bunial grounds at the ba>'. )an vas a familiar figure aroîînd towa for s rge numnber ef vears and vas scarcely -iick dey la hie 1hie before the last illnass. AIli rabh la proue te, disease, and the deceascd ras stricken witb pneumonie about ten days rfare bi@ deatb. Na anc ever said an evl eord of Dan Taylor. He vas klnd and biiging toaml and nov [bat he le gene h. -aves behind muany fniends vho sympathîx, itb the famîl>' wbo are Iefî. >rt Whltby The Goldring fleet le laid up for the vla- nr. Mrs Souch, of Bevrnanyllc, li a guest at r J no Blows. Mn John Taylor, of Toronto, portook of iaksglving turbo>' at home. Mn jas Cînnarnon, of Oshawa, vas a gucat Mr Frank Murphy on Thauksgtvlag day. Principal UWaugbîa yacht, <he Yolande, vas y-dlocked b>' Porny Bra, a fev daya aga. Port Whitby bas organixed a junior 3ke>' team with Jacks Watson, jr., as cap- Mossns Chas, Frank and Alf Perry bave on werking with a surveyor at Oshawa nrbar. Miss Whitney and Mn Seymour Whitney, Part Penn>', vere gucet of Miss Whitney îer the holiday. Olne of Ncvports bus honsesas ulnjured ossint the mail ro*d track ou Thanksglvlng ty. It vas thouglit at finit that theb.bst 1d brakea Ita log, but 1< provod te lie a About 2,50 men and boys aaaombled et the iction hotel on Thanksgitg dey ta take et la the sboo<iag match vhich was adrer- ed to corne où <bei-e, The shoot vas stpoaed ou accouat of thse unavonable atSer. The womens suulltny ofSt Johns cisureti Id à socil lu timsebiool honee on Thanka- iag nîgisi A (air alzed audience vaes la *ndance. Allen suppen a good pragrami m readered, coneiseing ci mtasic, nefta- vis, etc. Mr Joo Kemap, o( the buteelineb.d thse efortune te lmaieMsogeaakWo, s;ys ago. asdl g a cuîîîng-boz mmd thse roller, ehiait bis ha drdevLt leac&d bofoe caad holielberaied Seho aut Iaithe MSe Timonmmb club Saut a dam. md ober hm i vok. ProSSa,.y Gongtamd de Camera. edsweM serinsof WiC on Î~vol the ut ado tise boys tee rie Tisai. vo ceeld ipgo dicg theb iy um««.did 8vsowite 9Se athes i lied -o M m * saso. oveler Pearson ;Lm- tisep"gms s ti nllI :tboe mslon tise john Wtaey. Bs. e tie useelmg iso p tfe boys vieed Wa-ua t *Mod isllo, ced amnd im rd bu ceout debeatCammedore Jckson lue Cauut selerSultis, TSepMe- it neeOmmd tisai iss Sd sev" qepplcit- for ummbcuuhp, sne Whvou vesJ m ry. Ho aadSbd IW me» Pesuoal* te, john, b bac isegsitisi .cod 1h.n I*mIt PM gaisd8sS e haut h ru of bts luwmm t cs cd osg rd by butI uny. BMeismg va - nw dimbt Ih. Ctaosjc&x 4 t sceut c s u. ýf t »dsa * re=w <%rn1h. and f:lsplay QofMantlel Our stock ci Manties for Winter Wear le now complote with, ail the" lateat and best styles for ladies and children., Buying in immense quantities, direct frons the great manufacturera, for Cash, our trade in this particular branch la the largest la the town. We are always in a position to offer our garmeats at wholesaie priccu bore and still make a profit. Wînter& Overcoats Brown F'rieze tJlsîers, siagle bneasted, with fly front and velvet collan, noboy and warm, only Brawn and Fawn Frieze Storm Ulsters, c double breasted, 8-mn. collan, reduced ta-.... Boys Double Bneasted Frieze Peajackets, to fit ages 5 to 12 years, anly........ Black Fnieze UIaters, Storm Collar, good value, only--------------------------.... W.G.oWALTE Commenclng next Saîunday night, eud conti nul ng vey Saturda v nght theenefter, Maidaud Route turist cars e n route ta Col- orado, Utah and Colifonnia vill leave the Chicago Union passeager station of the Chicag, Wilwaukee & St Paul railway t i0 oclock, running aven the Chicago anid Omaha Short LIlacta Omaha, thence via Lincoln, Neb., Colorado Springs and Lead- ville, Colo., Sat Lake City' and Ogden, Utah, Reno, Nevada, and Sacramento, Cal., anniving nt San Francisco at 8.45 p.m. Wed- nesday. Asn vîli ho notlced. tia route la ldiand îhrough Northern Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas. Cplorado, (ihraugh the heant of the Rockies), Utah, Nevada aud California, affording a perlect paaoramic vlew of prairie, mountain and caast scenery. These popular ever>' Satuday Californaa excursions for bth fint and second-clas passengers (not forciora omîgranta) are 'épersonaliy conducted" by intelligent, com- petent =n courteaus "counlers" who vilI attend ta the ants or al passengers n route. This la an oairely nov fature of tout tst car service and will be grestly appre- cated by familles or parties of fnIends t ravelUing,. together, on b yladies travelling aln..aricular atenion la pad to the cane of chldrea vho usuaily Set weary on a long Journy. Retember that the Midland route toua-ts cars arc sleeping cors and are supplled vill ial lte accessonles aeceasany ta make [theJouraeycomsfortable end piea- sant, end the aleeplt berth rate la but 86 (for tva perannal rom Chicago 10 Caiforaa. Ask the aareatticket agent or a* touit car 'folden," gtviag complete Informnation about the Midland route, or addr.ss "East- ea- Manager IMidland Route," No. 93 Adaminatret, Chicgo, ni., or A j Taylor, Canadian Passenger Agent, C., M. & St. P. R>'., 2 in ICareet case, Toronto' Ont. P. S.-Dca tb reserv*tfona are mode tn the order received up toeadi Saturday mnon- log. Firat corne, firstmca-yod, SEE OR WRITE J H DOWNEY & GO., MArk-et. Buiilig, W4Itb.y, BEFORE SELLIN SEAII H ai eat P r ices Palut Speclal pi= «cs or arId Lome ANTHRACITE i 8£* f#vu Y=u atlou. Write cm forprlceo. Do you want Good Tofe ? Do you want Gureod cfee ? Do y wthPueSic? Tryer t ocri Dorwtne Raisinsy Do you want Fieasn rs? Do you wantTOelean Cureantî Doyou wathe Bs el Trnerti oei. Candies, W B Pringle & Co., MWEam aus ~MW matcwoejW 68 Mwm,.a"b.éam «W ci 3.050 -5000 R S, Cal SU1 on RIV and b. coaviinced that m an fl lise of FURNITURE - UPHVOL8TERED 60008 is being sold at amydown Prim stsi k..> in touct i vt BAtseRD TIMIM HAVE IT DONE NOW Re-Upholitcrlng and Repairing before the rush commencea PriyCes vry hea. $5S RECEl VE Oranges, Lenions, I3LQOd AUl other gospiu- pontioually cbeap' svrytbigattabble, u s l l t m u t o u u e THAII J WÏII 8.11 'D H D0R07 74 4 livem SaturdiLv Tntiri.b. ci 1 1 ourists Sleeping Car Route to if 1 1 1 b Do you want Good Tea ? JUST RECEIVED 1 IM-1 Prices from. WM, TILL

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