Whitby Chronicle, 3 Dec 1897, p. 8

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110W DOES' YOTJR WATCH RUN ? Pýi RING DOES, IT KEEP GOOD T1ME P RARE,. the Watdli Spocia1î'st, Can Repair it and Guarantee Satisfaction. Wl No- charge for examining Watch. 3 Doors North of Western Bank, Oshawa, mA -. IJL:RE f New asigha tLtet . New boxiug glovos et Lîttles. Crokinole snd othen gamnes ai Lttes. Xmas carde, calendeno sud licokîcte et Lhules. ________________________ jCnlmpled paper. dancing girl breud, for ____ -lsmp shades, et Litties9.1 OSHAWA) DEC. 3t 1897.1 OSRAWA PAGE! Miss Hyslop speut the holiday wit fieuds lu Toronito. Mn. Gias Jacebi speut lait Thursday with Wesion friends. Mn Chas Bail visited wih Toronto rela- tives last week. Miss Lizvc McLaugîlin le visitiug with tiends lu Ontilils. Miss FIe McPhersori las neurued trou ber visit lu Barrie. W S Atklnseu bunted Up old tieude ln lowu fast week. Mrs W FE OBrien and chidren visiteci lest week iu Torouto. Art Courtice speut Thaukogiving wllh frietîds tu Ottawa. Mise Lou Thom as, of Toronto, spent ast week with her parents. Miss Minute Steuton spent Thauksgiving vith Toonot relatives. Mn. W P Stetlcker epeut lait veek i wth Miss Stsnicket, cf Toronto. Mies M Saundens, Toronto, vited viti MieseAllas Hobblia lst week. Mn W Ellis speut Thauksgivlug wlth bis cier, Mis M unroe, of Tomonto. Misses Sarahi aud Geor gis Saunders, cf Whiiby, spent Saturday lu tevu. Mns Barclay, of Port Hope, epent lait week vith ber sstor, Mme Byhsu. Mmi G Leek, et Toronto, "pnt lait veek with ber moîher, Mre j Philippe. Mus Geo Burt vas lu Toronte lait veek atîeuding the funenal cf a relative. Rev j P Wilson speut a fev deyi lest wepk ih hie faiher in Napane. Miss Mary Nevton returned last veek from a menthe visit wvhliwestern f iends. Miss E Wmlgbi, cf Picton, spent a ey dsys fast veek vltli hemsilsier, Mise F Wright. Mm Jas Thompicu, sttendlng Commercial Collete ai Belleville, vas lu tovu for tlie holiday. Miss Besieo Ma y returnei tu Tomante Mondsty ater speudlng a wook vlîh Mme W l'homnes. Mr West Barcloughs many trieude are gisd te velcome hlm back trou Part Hope, chershe liesbeen clck wvhl ever lou <vo menths. Mr Ecivard CarsweU l ies se fair recoverei tirou his ent (fIine»s a. o h. able te attend tlie grand division of the Sons of Tempet- suce vhlch beld ilu 48t et' uilamssintu Toronto ibis veek. On Sunday aiglit Rsv G McColi wil p recli a sermon <o youug .woen«. We ioe he churchl viiili dby female wbo vili nu doubi p refit by the gond sivice Mr MCCl vhWitendoavor teu<lys <leu. OUI citizen. cho have býea suxious for higb chaisenîertauueuti, vil l e pleaci o knev ibsi Rev Morgan Wood, the îaleotsi aud cloquent speaker soi lec<umem beenbo etug&ged te lecture lu the musk bell Tuerdsy velfDcaist on "The Averw Hn icirelatatRouli as Mi1dua.rvusby the cîisos lu vIil be folUwesi a%,-itt s duilng <lie sessoby ota iue ebemasetr.1 Tblcn Tbsnks0vlug wne vin, dis meut providedIbfo.peopla te esjW <hein- m'lvue ves <ey » a. cUs. la *0b aBer nom00De Wolff* Uscle T- ViCâbleave mtinft aud et .1g b <ah sr suce in Bosbsry uulk ai. =*W Sp5 lia tuunos cS, ebichla l tsaùm.e1 T'h.ecoupauy tavela luitee4e palseta sud carry vo o 0W bWbds chaiha Ibo. &*n lcd* uwh Tb*. reusoaleu t ei v M oussa t. km 1ord opina b. qoega$ <(pufflie <o uW *P«« ur.t4 wvt. kMrteu Mies Grey. ef Port Hope, was the guest ef Miss Ruth Hastings. Mn Geo Pediar, s., bas hote aevdays lu Montres] ou business. Mn j Holmes, Toronto juncticu. spent lest week with old fulendi. Hugh Clark, wbo lias licou speudiug tbe summer- in Manitoba, eturned home lasi woek. Misses Gertie Steveus sud Gertil Foley. Maple Grove, vers the gusts of Mise Edith Kirby over Sunday. Mmes P Thoruton left lait wsek for Pinyer, to spend the winter meutha wlîh lien nisce. Vine Thos Herbent. Couductor Sniden who lectured in Sirncoe st cburcb some few yeans ego is neponteci very ick st bis bore ne uWindsor. A koverrmnt surveyor was et Oshawn iarbor lest week me Jng a survçy sud tekt ng soundîngs vith e vhew te improviug it. The minetrel club lad s practice ou Tues day night, but cwiug te the abbence ot tht leader, Prot Geiger, very uitile vas doue. Rev Father Jeffcott vas lu Torcuicu Tues- day sxîendhug the funerel of the laie Fstheî Re<idin, who died at Toronto Gars on Sat. urdiuy. Thougli he lise beeufslling for smre trne, ysi the newi et hie death carne vith a a sheck te bis mauy inonde bers. Foui veers of bis piestly lite vas apeut lu Su Pauls cburch, Torouto, . vere le vas uni versally beloved by the people oftibai pariai The Thatlksiving ouppen lu the cinian chu rch wss net as veli attsnded as iu formnet vears, ne doubi ou accouni cf the veather The ladies of this church hais made for tbsu- selves au enviable neputation for getting uj> «coaci uppers sud tii year thsy were cou- <rat ulated ou evsry aide for the excellent ipresci. AMen t' dl a been sa<hefled tliey e- psirsd te the cburcb. where a <ced pro- gramime vas given by Missese L sud R Moore, E sud M Rice, sud Mu FleiCliti of Torouto. Hou Jno Dryden delivered an addrees oun Thaukfuluoss." If anycus bas not1ced auy ope'cial hilarity ou the pari of <ho usuberi of a certain town chunch sînce Suuday hi uay not bt; amiss te attributs, it te the sisteusut of thie clergymen vho pre.ached, Who said le isd net beleve thers vas a matsmial bell. Clotgyu*u vbo sentrtin <bis vlev vilB ln future, we trust, klndly refrain trou giviug expression <o i iuOshawa unîi sucl imue as sutecrlptiens are cash lu adwanco. The tievipaperi sud the clsrgy sbould stand te- h ler lu support of theie <cd cld doctrine., vhthout 1< <ths clergymen, Job la <on. sud enhecrlptlono lu arnarse a aesi asiet.- Vindîcator. The coucert givea ly<lie girls guill ef St Gerg cucti tu <bekau cboel teesi Thau ing ight vas a grand succesi. The place cas packted, no more eltlng Sm belng avaliable. Tiie Peste eleerse ec. crowniatu r eof t <le eveulng.Tii. cou- isted otéigli: people *bosunsl aose<bey saIca won <lys vea hIg-cas concert.Tbcy vers nadir <b. directIo f Misé G Joncs, vbo etmii (tir hosself <lie»mre ofbli cli. mou rarpi talker lu <evu. ,Si. carisi out ber par tcepedtictl aMsud Ile <h. audIence wee coavae lti lsmgter mli. sIi tslked on club s soier tam. The storm et applause ehlcli (ollovsd siter t<kiltpet- br"nft ucev over mili ripeholie» g i ts tWer eactes. A <sature oft"<bistope cao 0"e< camnid <ein ove musical lastruments <h temn ees ingtof eto Us.viiplemo 14 %bero e <i ansd tkm cuw i b. Feakeohitre lrougit (ontiebanmonbous e*mais. Mr P Hl Pusuhoo., .isswu*is favorite liliOsiawa p vu. ibres lunubers. tMais W. j P Owin. Kemp *sU Msé-s-Mt u tisce-a"e colW. Mr Ralui miM iss ardIs ga recitetlmn s e besaty ti i km*so respd *u. b.0«e eut sbi. Noeo. bdae.lt.b. oldsterudu It occurs. As pisynsaus <bey were.ai' wa e et cran other V a c terome aboe. nt corne home at 6 ociock the parente, feeling. anilous, stauted oi <to makir fe s. lmey soo 'n -Jearosi thai,.tey,.*Oïé sien ou the pond and sosssrb aty atedeh grappllng Irons and anten u ot veres o ai <hopond. About 7.30 ibO Place was discovered whereîbhey had <hOue clown. B>r tbis. time hundredi vers on the scene to giv. s belping bond. The place vas ilg lt usar the sboie. Georile Horn vai the iet eue brought out and about hait su boum later Guy Robinson wae found. The parents are heartbroken over the sad affair, Mns Rob. huson le confined to ber bcd wltb a baby e week old sud the resuit le teared for ber, while Mr Robnson buried hie tather oniy twe vveemo ago. The parents have the heant-toit sympathy of the tcwn lu <heu end affliction. We hope this wiiI lie a waînlng to the boy, < o keep off the ice util they know i hosale. -000- Oshawa B»uaea DWr.ory. EC L. VICKRET.barber. Binooe aussi. BROOKS' LIVZBY, Simobe treet, nouili. WM. BOLPH, harneis maker, Simoos lireet. V!. B. MOTKIERSILL, butcher. Ring St,, West. On. PAl-raioN, Dentiat; office over Rowesl @tore. &~. J. STÂLTUIR-DornnOn piano$ and organe,1 Simce earssi. WILLIAME J. Dxài.S, Dominion and Ontar>C' Land $urveyor, Civil Rugneer, Box 57, Osh. awa. OoMuamcuz, HROTL-J. C. Woon, proretr. modern hostelry, nustaind comlortabl> equipped. 0. Id. ToD.-Caterer for Balla, Aembllem, Wed. dings, Suppers, etc., etc. AJec ai kinds of taors. los, Bouurnef - Wbitby-Oshawa stage lino Leavos Oshawa At 8 a la and 2 P M, and Whiby at 10 arn and 4 V m. f oaN Baawxi, planter and decorator. Dealer in vail papers, oeing decorations, painte, oil, varniehines, brashes , wlnoow chades, etc lè,.uo PELLow, dealer in 'stoves, furnaces, tin- ware, etc. Large stok kept constaxstly onD band. Jobbing a specialty. Simooe stroe norili. Ci. K. MusToN, B. A. Barrister, Boliciter, Notary Public, Couvoyancer, &o1. Money tr lend. Ofice over Dominion Bank, Simoof Street, Oshawa. t'ULT Bics - Watchmaàkers and Jeweiere. Dealers in watohea. cloche, jê3welery, oliver- ware, spectacles, etc. Engraving, gold anc silver plating, and eld geld rings made oer. Finewatch , ock, a.nd Iewelery repairina £ specialty. FPOLET. Tbanksgiviug ih over aud we are sthlI thaukful A Mr Brad.ey of Hampton bas moved ont( the (}rlerson farta. Mr Jas Burton bas gene on a visit te bis brothers in Michigan. Duncan Blair, sir, baî takten Up bis abode i tbe tird boeuse north cf tbe pest office. Mr D Craig is spueading hîmsif. He ha. ineved wesit tbe Mackie faita, but Is gelng tri ru the oid place a"s. Kedron S S le te have a gret big wboppeî Xrnas tree Dec 23, Everybody welcoe. More particulais later. Open te ail. Mr and Mre 1 T Hanceck have retumned freom a two weeks trip te Drayton and othet places, vlstlug Irende liv the way. Tbey wert independent of railway uonopoly. Tbey drove up. Wlnd mille are becomhug fasionable. Mr Bain and Mr W. Betty escli bave a Chicago raliand attachueunts purchased trou QGeo Allio, Whltliy. Mr John Davis 'lias given bi eider tor a rail] te Mr Pluie, Brookiu, and vil have i up shortîy. It would be a good ing if ioue one euid lovent imm'e hep fuel. At vood saiesiibis feul one lealmost afraldîta ook atIt belng sold,tom #m ar e sng clarger a fée. Ji acres éeUing tor $35 ta Un. or frou $:eottaoWC er acre. li wculd bse deaper îo buy IsdA: 1-It fi amrebleste gve <bau temoveP So salilithesorptuesi, yet vs eeumore rdy te practice <1e eomeclug <bauegiviug. I1like te usai <lisnees trom umffrsplaCI.5asd 1 «as îbiukiug hat a lmotme lsCmeorNcLut m rspneuamuet jpu 1viiia< uptbe nova eTb= 1uh. Thon tvsllà ijSta lictie fou sc" o=4 ud chat a lit of lutorm- atla msd mttauemt fius scursd.Thers ame msay items of uu<osi la evuouz bebo Ici mcm.osen <e u. wm1'Iymv om -mm n"te u ~but poshap»msoseon a dis <suc u<aybave == eelmele t <bis villae o - --i- - Aeed veu li e ely to. <lad lm "b oecela <b. per. (Write agin, BD Miss KertiaMus , tOfshavs.su WWIle Reyeldi vie reke bis leg s ekogtlm «0gote "able e a agt mi'13W ammle sud vitern alul meti 5n#dbma V* 600 uut.n mors. oAbpeut v Pied ïWaier of btonftvole gno* rlgb< band mnu <o )Ar Jobs A Roover. .Mr W 1, Monliou spent the thanksgivlng ,bolclays là Toronto au4 Mimico :Mt Mr. P. R eesr ol Msrkbam vas lu town on Weduaday on business relative to fire lueur. Mi sMdMMe Young of Toronto spent Thanks. ~vnAt Br H Ropers wlîb the form mother Mr, Lovuis Raemer, cf Allia, accompauled b> bis sIeuré Viola, ot Agiocourtivsied wtth friendi liste on Suoday, A number trou bers braved the Inlucîheut weather eof rlday eveninq and sttsnded s perty et Mtr.3 Davis, er Bloulaton, Mr N Howard wbo Isîely teturned trou the Neribveit sud ias been vistlng wlth friende bers, tsturned to bis borne lu Barrie on Monday. Mr C Madhli and farmly are rnovlng te Swuuff ville ibis wsek. We are icrry te tees an enter. Eprising citizen lke Mr. Madili but oui lois willl bs Sîeuffvllles gain. Mr Bd Williams, until latsly a reeldeut et Stouffvlel, la remevlng te Norwich. Re and hie tamily peut Sundey et Mr. H. Yakes, and hsft for t bir uew berne ou Tueeday. Mn Maurice johusiou of Big Lake, Manîtoulin ls!aud, is vlsluîng et Mr. Wm. Staywaids, Mn, lobuston sest ibe sumrmer around Wcodstoclc, and will speud the wiuter with frieuds here and iu Scott. Messrs H YVaks sud A. Hoovst wers up lu îhe nontheru limats of Wbltchurcb hunting on Thanksgiviug We believe the mcii iutçresting part cf the hunt wius the searcli for tbe rosd borne. The latter vas amazing ly acsroe in the dark sud the part îbey did fûud wai decidely out of seaon, A mass meeting cf Riugwood and Bloornlng. ton endesvor secletiesud Glasgow epwenîh leagius was te bave been held with our endeavor socieîy ou Thurxday sveuîug luntechrisdan cburcb bers. Owlng to the hucemeucy cf the weatbsr Glasgow was the culy soclet7 uhat sp- peared. However, a splendid meeting vas held, led by Rey C H Rainer, the exercises being in terspersed by selsotous (rom the Glasgow quar- tette. We would lis teo se another union meeu ng held, vhen Ringwood sud Btoomingtou snd other suroundiug secletios cen be preseut. Eagotevlfle A namne e oueonr hascmethiug te lie deslred. Se much our forefatheri had tbought wbeu they glave te our notonlous section lis namne. Thost *ho are huusested lu hlstory wiii probably kuo%% thai about the year 1841 we lied s goveruor lu Canada whose narne vas Baget. Now, lu was about <bis trne that our huist bungh came into prominenoe sud tbreateued ico rival our grexil commercial ceuters. Our graudfauliers tbenefone tbouglit tbey would do great bhor <o the gev- eruor cf our cotutry by giving <bis tbnlvlug plact his name. Tbey did do houer te bis uame, toi aitheugh w'vsceunot beait cf a large clty we cen pide ourselves lu good tarmns, snd tanuhouse Illed witb stalaat sous sud beautiful daughters, Borne sportsmen trou the uoted tovu of Whit by cameu'out the oiber day fer ashunt lu oui ipenismaus paradise. Afler meme scSutiug aud mueauderlug siouud tbe bouud gel ou the trail et & tex, wbicb lie pursued with great aasidulty. Preseutly neyuard caen ieasclearnug sud vas saluted by a souerous volley trou oeeoe oui aforesahd iflemen. Mb fox did ne: ses fit te ne- ,unu the saluitation,' but made bis exit wlîb at] speed troun the forcit acrois sorne open field.- closely folloved by the swifti sd graceful <mey houud. But tbe sly cernuivorcus*'-qusdruped bat oeeu wouuded, sud, hecomlng tory wsrm vili 'lie bot clisse, he retired te a bols, whicb lie was aufotunate euougb to ses on the way. TIers n the seclusion of bis peacetul chamber ho made nie viii sud remgned himesîftotebie fats. To his iuveterats enemy ths bound lie villed lite fiesh, blood sud boutes, sud te oui assidueus huniers lit-conxmitted bis glossy fur. Pickesud ebovelb soon brouglit the brute te the liglit cf day, vbere ilis puriuer seized hlm by theth<roat sud lield hlm till be breatbod bis lait. I m I I I I Run Over and iChJed. A sad accident occured uer bers on Tueidey, by which HeMNrMavbee, e boy cf sixteen, lest bis fle. He was teamlng woed trom ilie fourtb conession cf Break w> tbe villags, and siluing on top of dhe lcad. Wlisn coming arouud a turn. about two miles front bomne, ihe vood on which be uas ulîting gave way, and lie vas throva lie. tveeln the bose sd le waggou, the ubseis of the latter passin g q ver bis iboulder, chest snd ribî4 cruahiug hlm tarfùUly. H. lay tbore for smre tiras botore bsing bonad by Mr P Keenan, agent for thie Mauey-Barris Co., wbo ai ooe plked up the poor Ppry and haseued home wltli bun,, wbere eerthisa possible vas doue for bii. but ho expkred iliortiy suier 6 ocicck bi ee. The PmIEi es. ilb. Grovu autliorities bave decided c«ao1 puris aMy l0ongr <b.investigation laiethe siatemi n zae by Sre a sley. of bMunt Albert. bat i e vas sbbed sud bdof $6o by tv» bIgliayume. la glVlsg bics IoeY 10 the Crowrn Pality wu able <o sconut for Vlieze b. got d» mm"~e. p"odbis clotbtag Wu. Peibat ly ois, esospi b. ue ns 0( "b. tos, sqd boc" no efflaoe ai <bers baving lieu *elalee Dr-A.,r1ouso.v o asled P&W5eyo nid um"b v=I, M bqoqw ou p«U t * bod 4»wbîc Owongbave bain sWf.îoited by àvfbbaod d ms,,Pulbmy 1 SOUTH.,O1NITIA O Office of B. B#, DICKE~Y Clerk Èth Div. Court, Agent for best Insurance Companies. The Sicen Medicine Co. Dear Sire : I-I-ImIj Forest, Ont. Oct. 12th, 1897. About two yearse go I snffered from Sn attack of billions diarrhoea which bosme obronic and threaten. ed my existance. I ueed several kinds of patent medi- cines and was trested by my family physicien but wae flot cured nntil 1 nsed your Sloen's Indian Tonio. Lt helped me st once end I continued to IMPr ve and now enjoy perfect health. I cen heartily recommend ilt t ail trcnbled as I was, or in need of a general invigorting Medicine. R. B. DIOKET. For sale by ail dealers, or add.ress the Company et Hamilton. Price $1 per bottie ; 6 for 65. If Tan Are Liig for an appropniate Holiday present don't fail to inspect our large stock of Watches, Jewelry, Silverware, Clocks, Spectacles. aud Silver Novelties, at ail prices. suitable fot ail purses aud people. We have no Old Stock. Everything uew sud up-to-date. Corne and see us, we wlll please yoti sud sel you goods cheaper <bau yeu bave ever bou ght the anme quality betore. Juat a Word on Watch Repa.fring Are You Aware There are more Waîches -;poiled by Iu- expenienced wiitch-makers, theu by actual vear. Reniemnben vs sic hemý querter for Presentatlen Goode, Loy Prices anxd Weîch Repsiring. OVEJS,-+ The Jeweler, and High Grade WatCh Specialist, silccessor to J. I. BOYD, OSHAWA. VOL. -i L ~Xllx~ P orfi K N w 6Set Our Win of. hese gc WD'Ask fc Sachet PC newest tiij Boat, Rail or Ocean,-', CALL ON W. P. STERICKER, Oshawa Ry. Co's Office, OSHAWA. IR. C. Carter, Agt. Granby Rubbers Are ont again this season in new styles and hI ail the new Shoe Shapes, right up to, date, but with.' the same old "lwear lik. tron" qualities that has always oharaoterized them, because they are honestly maade of pure iRubber. IBE SURE YOU GET GRANBY'S THIS YEAI Stoves, Pari9 AN»Do~ FOR A LL .120( i WLn WeIR usuAIW W -viili e fie Feb 7, 14~ "AIE i t (£#ront*tlt.

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