The, HurfLedTozing 'V». ~ and 1Ijr . pti t4Dg,~e , Triok RisBot Boer Neotat Sur- Wt-. ~ C44, prises ait Stomacb-ThO DeailLima.li1z Ia a' Reacod. hitr er ledI ab6ït t 'tt., i kuéât ",Well, a package came up for yon Ibis e U8t ii.tiÃœ li Q.Ievi'drp h alernoon," said M no bow er aftr dinner fte . w b C . m d a ite~ e o e the other eve»iný. i suppose its snother but h. dld Dot propose teà go baOk on his fad of some sort. 'owfl root hier wiCh Mrs Bowser watcobung -w hou aid yoe ovi kncw of wy mn- bimf. But thon s sudden spam nseisud ning afLer fade ?" demandid Mn Bowsîr him and h. grow whieand groanod: as lie turnod aon ber. "Say 1 Why, you said à t was nectori", ',A bundred imes. Ill wager ité somne "Nectar be-hanged I1I1rn duubling tlîîng for your taven or aidno or luoga 111>wîtb Pains in my stomacb I Gee wbiz --sometiîînq you bought et an Indian wuat shal1 do ?," doct-r on the streot." -Mr- Bowser, root beer nover borts 'NrsoBwser," said ho aiter a turn anybody," ebe saîd, with ber baud un bis about the room, '<yen are yrob4bhy aware back. "-Didnt you fail tram a trie while of tii 1'u't thattiB is je priog?2'outinW Lb.woodb?*" -, Y e - ',"Fall I Tree I Woman, am I a fool ? -A~nd that after the cold weather, I tlil you 1 amn a doud man 1 1 mue> ),tvfood, overhoated racina, etc , the bave steeped up some poitsionousi-coL WîtLh liiimaii q s em nquires tonîng up ?' iLaL confonuded swilll There it oompis -A\ilVou have sometbing Ltetone ~"agaiti. Great Scot1 - hailve. I have a feeling of lassitude. Mrs Bowser goL hlm ifito the sitting tý,1jn-t lovyon. If allowed to run any rooni and on the lounge. A muatard jt-Ukttll of tUe, bihious 1,ever wo,îld Lie pIaster wlu lild acrose him, tbe oampbcr tiie resîlit.-billous lever and perhapc boie wss held to hits nose and as rub. tenth Tit- impending oalarnitY must W ed feet and bands alternately and it\ rt 'd.I. heau eagily be done, ani in doted humn witlî brandy. Slie inpisted tI118 ptckage je the moans to do It.L I that he muet bave had a sunstroke or îrý' ays we wiill bol like new liuman tumbl<d off the fente or over a îag, and 1':s 1nn amn going to prepure a farrnly Iwice sie ollered to go ont. and bring hiw I dont quartof znectar if ho feiLt thrsty. lBe -The 1 ontwant any of t ut, sie aîwply gromned li reply, and now and firiîîi'. roplîed. tbeu fetobed a 6bîver whibixi ade bus i u vo nedut take iny. If yoU toes crack. It was midnigbt before the -'l'hu N'Ion luke pwlig aTo apin disappeared and h. eloTissleep and I liaivc no objections. A.s for me, 1 pro- MIrs Bowser roused biu up and got bim ,>)m os takte cars of tny heaith.1 hava iLu Led. Npit morning be aeemed te be lu-re a lot o of bol ich r bougilt mil rigbt, and as Lhey st down te break. direct froin a fariner. linots ma1ke root fast sie fooliehly aaid: but-r. Mrg. Bouser, and. root but-r i he'When 1 Went ont te look at your root êrutatt-<'L tonie ou t-artki Ev-ry doc. beer thie morninq I found four dead coti. tor ' ht-va nw bu lyinq aronnd. Dont you think you made -1ýit hat10VOUkno abutroota some miitake somowhere ?" 'vtrrî tn r111etr, tiesrot ido, unadaun," b. promptly replied Ilcots !You jut tshow m ro 'YOu w@" Ã"PPOsied te MY MRklnRit catit teilivou ith naine of. 1 may not bf You want.ed to eeso[ne fail, W lien my murh of* a farrier, but when it cornes back was tnrned, yon tbrew arsenic or d4wn t roots lm nrugît on deck wiiÀî snNv strychnine or something into the kettie of etti Tha. what ws ttant, MIrs. BowIV. and 1 jnst ecaped death I This je tlie Rer -a harrel of rooL bt-or -creamy, fizzy, tiuinit, Mr& Buwer-tbo dead lino. I will d,.-lcîue s prurmg and etimmer toute. toiephone Le my lawyer toecorne over and Tlints wlîat muade Mothuqolah i lve to b.' arrange thinga, and tomorrow you maý 1-t74' vears old, sud thate what1l keep us. tari for yoîar moers-for your motheré ..., . c. r . bl... .uht " .,,--on the alternoun Li'in : --i cant tuaké ut, antd 1 know you catit, and 1 wuth yond give t up. Therop a rit-k of lueinêg poisoned.1 -13 tiii tIcon ruake roui. boer, and if you are afraud of it dont touclu it, he vigzor- outely re[plued. "I need s tonic and Pro. poeto have ont-. As thlis us tht- cook', 1t à lu . out., 111 slip into the kit.ciean d 1d 1.-gin operatiotus. Have we a 1arýe ket le around ?2 -I1prusuime 50, "ehlip aid as &ho lookel ver the contents of the package. "You c4ein to have sev-traI sorti; of routa here?* (trtainly. *lloot heer canit be made of OUA' root, ('&fl ut? I(dout thiuik I t-ver baw any root8 lîke tht-se bt-fore That lo"lre like the rout of a Canadian thistle and this -M ro Bowser, 1 amn ruuning thia root booer busines 1' ho interrupted as ho stootl ber aside. -I gmt the roots, mokas the- bt-r and take ail the chances of b.- irug poiaoned Il yon have any more etrosi, go out and t.alk to tbo lamp. pot 1 , It was a fixed ides in Mr- Boweera mimd that root boeor wrs ruade froïnimoats l'ut he waent quite sure of the noit stop After gotting down to the kitchen and t.hunking it caver for awhile, hae deeided that the rmot-s ought to b. boiled, and at once folt happier for it. Thore wu aa big kettUe under the sink which the oook uneso ccaion&Uiy on ooruab days, and hat wus the very tîî*nitfor h.ermcts. Bo went te veri <dcean it ent. and itter laboring for livetmionue .deidid Liait w bat little must wua loft dhngîug to thbe aides and bottom wouldut do any parti. ular hurt. In tact, t woald probably givo Lh. bor the rigbt sort cf twangand bolp iL slip dcvn eaier. ais ducped' Ãe moots lnto Clxi tub and soused hina vitia cold, but wa careful flot to gmt thena to c dea. Wben ilvas res.dy, ho put tbem ilo t e. ttU., ponred iu feur poils ef vater, and eated up theai o.. The aprin gtoute vas t ait noder wmy. Hie wsntîd go tk Mr@ Bowuer boy louR ut Ought Ce o ui, but as ah. bad tak.n up a book and oseemed te bave ne interese in hie proomodings, hi deterinin.d toi go it &Ien. .Attât hait an boum, bovevor, s»d jus asbi cià hmbd begun ta boit, abe cameo mie the kiteon toa ask: etWbat ars ?OU n oing te put imue Ch. boer te make le work't "*Hu)ww ek ? ' "4Why, ikm gar La forment or it ven& bave apy lite to it. I believe they use yeast, bïà t W. havent get sny.*" He usadIY reoemb«e.d te'have bisaudiabonty pesa ounnecUeon viCia ot boeer lbtý, V4*abahie ovesmu4pieyhe veuldat gI« liW 41Pooplh who Vet u ti thr rooct boeunbamveit,",h. sMW 4 ho.aUugoè VP teS.en aaew. '1am omitnà a mot '16 oabé, &WeIa"el sigo, *homeu " Inlicoots; btuse bte Wzc<tb thé »M i, Moi. fou «»v o f 14 hos, To make Good ButterI one must have good milk and this comes on ly from hbealhy cows.' The j blood must be kept cleman d pure, and the digestion good - C enurthisg good for this purpose as Dlckt EMBOod Part- lier. This prepam-aion a spe=-. fically vmmdc for naîlch covuand possesses rmialiea-lt and powcr to 'do what is clairnd for t. Çivena regaWly wM hgood jbod it *111-ecinvert a msere hide an& boucs structere into a.prolible Slemep ense hva&utl ban cmp the bai f esbodupy.t houp ied cool, nthe b nBe is Iaey aia, nud t ed the loodmo tc tbl e etw'rntie ttce hysildproblem of th epleos. le ta Intereating to note tduiqg luep a great number oci bo dlyf uëïjý continue quit. usormaly vichot Inter. feda ing veh lecp ha~i . .nd',herefère 'not s0 profouemy digét- ro san ake,> tio 4bli nt~ peared i a e&#» own of auoi 1% net trimnied wleb polarbear skbi ad earo*tab ôf seul. ..Mxs"J.' MotInie PéiVey was'bandsonriely atrd Ia s:unning creation of bher own'tniake, '-the skirt baving Msix goea m1ade ot armny blankets, trimned~ with, agmkrrk and spattered Wftlý .gold duÃt, The WaiSt was constructed. of jute baggng: witb a fichu of crash towelIing, the ladies presenteâ,an -"alyfine appear- ance. The fav<rt Weréof the uselul kind, and cdtisisted of doal, sod-à crackers, and a delightful variety of canned vegetables. It is hoped that we shall have many functions of a similar nature during the coming sea- son. The horse show which was to have been given at Yukon City has been abandoned. owing to the fact that there were only three entries. two of which ran away on Thursday evening, and the third was unfortunately needed to supply food for its owners Thanks- g;ving dinner. We regret to have to say to our patrons that money will no longer be received at this ôfice in payment of subscriptions and advertisemeuts. We have aIt eady more gold than we can find roo~m for in our limited quarters. r3eginning with to-day aIl debts owed us will bc payable in food-products only. Five pounds of porter-house steak will entitie the sender to a sub- scription for thirteen months, includ- ing our beautiful Christmas numtber, which, owing to the dearth of paper in this vicinity, wilI be printed in four colors on muslin, cotton, and window- shades. The managers of the Dawsonvillei hospital wish to acknowledge through] tie Gazette the receipis of sixty-five bound volumes of the proceedings ol Congress f rom ex-Senator Barbecue. who bas come here to restore hiý shattered fortunes. Thanks ta thest bulky and inflammable documents, the furnace fires of the bospital have been kept going for the past week. Other generously disposed possessors of good books, suitable for feu], are earnestl% requested to send thein to the man- agers of this worthy institution. Wbile we condole with the citizens of Sitka Corners on the destruction by fire of their new and handsome city hall on Tuesday last, we congratulate those who were present at the burninp on the opportunity oflered to get thoroughly warm. It is a pity that conflagrations of this magnitude can- not be forseen, so that aIl may reap whatever advantage may come f roui the disaster. We should ourselves very much bave enjoyed being present, and no doubt would bave thawed out sufficiently to take a more hopeful view of the future. The Klondike milk compaïiy is doing a thriving business, an4. bas reduced' the price of milk to 59 cents a hundred' weight. New-comners lind it-difficult to get used to the idea of havi milk served in solid frozen blocks, but when they realize the advant.age of baving that necessary fluid prèsentecd ln sucb a way tbat it cannot be spilled. tbey one and ail welcomne the change fom the methods of warmer latitudes. The thermometer on our office stove registered 97' below ýzero yesterday at noon. kt was a pleasant chzangefrr An Unthiking Mother. In a dry goods store a littîe boy yet in dresses disturbed the peace of hun- dreds of shoppers, mainly, though, be. jause there secmed to, be nothing they could do for hlm. Ris mother, a welI meaniug woman of small judgernent and experience, was buying a bat. shriek as if in severe pain or frigbt. The woman tricd to soothe him, but he screamed more fiercely, upon which she spanked hlm. A crowd gathered and an attendant pickcd up the then thoroughly unnerv- cd youngster and carricd hbu kicking and yelîing into an anteroom. Thete he struggled and gaspcd until a womnr put some pin-k candy in bis hands. For a moment it attracted hlm. Then be ciumbled it fiercely and cried by- stcrically again. A peppermint froru a third womnan impressed- him sligbdly, but be cdid riot gain seit'contrpl until his mother asked hlm if 12c wanted te go eut of doors. Like a stifling animal be sbrieked, "Ycs! " The woman told me she- could net understand it at ail. He neyer had such an atfack before. Net by way of exptanation, but incidently, she added that she and the boy had jus: landed from the Teutonic thc day before. He had been çtick lu bis berth for six days. Poor child! Poorer mother! Not to sec any connecejon betveeh six days ef sickness it a closed cabin and a ner- vous fit in a close store on tbe seventh! She neyer knew, mixe said, lie had such a tem per. T Tki ~ECU a IÈTS OF TUIS No Naine on Earth ftoFains-N knoa~ or peul~rl. onmitrnosd or iftd1~ hie~.d t thie .word à aes W"ssand Ont Ptomuieintly and fauton, & i te. emcry. le continu four letters, but ocly two letters of te alphabet, Everyone knows that the firet kidnéy reniedy ever patented or sold in plil tortu, wu as aed DODDS. Their iljsoVe ry tartled the medical profession thé worid over, and revolotionised the treainient of kidney disease. No imitator bas ever succeeded in con structing a name pooAsossing the peculiar ity of DODD, thougb thoy nearly ail adopt namnes as sitnilar as possible in seuud and construction ta Chis. Their fooli@hneýs prtevenest theni realizing that attempi; to irnitate inorease the fame of Dodds Kidney Pilla. Why is the name "Dodds Kidney Pille', imitated ? As well ask why are diamonda and uold imitated. Because diarnonds are the most precious genis, iold the Most preoione metal. Dodds Kidney Pilla are iwitated becauae they aà re the Mnost valuable Medicine thë .ivorld bas ever known. No Medicine was ever named Kidcey Pille tilîl yeare of medial research gave Dodds Kidney PUileto the world. No cnedicine ever oured Brighte di-ease ex cept Dodds Kidney Pilla. No other Medicine bas oured as many cases ci Rheuastimn, Diabetes, Heart Disease, Lumbago, Droptay, Female Wpakuns, and other kidney diseases as Dodds Kid- ney PlUii have. It is 'uuiversally known that they have neyer tailed Lo cure thee élipeases. hence they are so widely and shamnelessly imitated. d cii au tatt6a ugpolo on the rS o ebuba1I,- Vbmo* Dle Ud4saus A6ol.ptlv, 1as th-w tbehu= twwti j3mâter, tc. ',eÃ"Ch. O0oïm Blroc 0ok, rok itreo, fb G.yoUNG SMITR.LL B.,- Li&rrlsteretc.,-)Monoy Cc Loan. Ise of Marriao0 LieiueI. Office20- 8ua*wi s Block, South Of iMarket, ey ck St., Wbf'tby, D)ow i euGllIVRAY, Bsrrjisters, Solctors tu Ohancery, eto, Office in Mshlol & laWktno nsw block Brook St., Whbitby, south o1 Ontario bank. W. E.ANLDL . Oo0unty Surveyer ana Drà lnage Engineer, Port Perry, Ont. 'th e teabn $~~ Canadianpr f~i htt time schbemeuhv b" à .)j1~1 ê5 t!,ýhers for taklng up ethfî b.-ct1ifa prâctical way, butas;yet'th0rèsil4 have not been the moat &tiifactory,,tOi those who have the subj t ýAt heâit-, During the past twenty-fivt, yeatt IAIC teaching of agricuilture in Oitiiriha11 a: different tirnes been both 4ýôMplëÃ"'j and optional, but the Indiffèrent resulta attained indicate that In the carrying Out of both plans there has been some fundemental weakness. About ten years ago the OYitario Agricultural Text Book, prepared by Profs. Milîs and Shaw, of the Ontario Agrictural Col- lege. was issued, but teachers did flot take it up enthusiastically. Trustees Were given power to mnake the tèaching of agriculture cumpulsory, but this evi- dently had not bebind it a sufficiently advanced public sentiment, and since many teachers were unqualified and in- different this proved futile. To re- medy the defect of inefficiency on the part of teachers the Honorable Minister of Education for Ontario bas arranged that teachers Wi attendance at the To- ronto Normal School shall spend one day each term at the Provincial Agri- cultural College and Experimetital Farm examining the experiments being conducted on the farm. the work of the laboratories, the dairy and other de- Partuients. Besides tbis, it bas been arranged witb the faculty of the Guelph College that a course of ten lectures be given at the Norm~al School on the subjects of geology, economic entomol- ogy, botany, etc., as they apply to agri- culture. The Ottawa Normal Scbool is situated within a short distance ol the Central Experimnental Farm, and on each Monday morning the teachers in attendance go out to the farm by street car, and by observation and lec- tures become familiar witn the scien- tific and tosome extent the practical aspects of agriculture. A competent knowledge of agriculture, at Ieast tech- nlcally, is necessary in order to obtaini a Normal School certificate. Before the opening of the schools lnSetm. ber, 1898, it is proposed to have an elementary course in agriculture uiap-* ped out for aIl the rural schools.-Farm- ers Advocate. 4 Dr8f Warren ~Moe J. J.1 M(ore,M.D., .Wsrn Whitb Office houfl' . a. M. -j-prvaie Telephonec mmfi#0s D. P. BOGÂRT, gDLDS Physta, Surgeon aud Accoucher eto. Office anld lCesidZioe neui Ce Anl Chureh, Dundas Street, Whutby. X. B.- Dental Surgory in ii l1 branches prem1itt attended te. Ofices zourz- Uk Ce sp.m. W. A DAMS, C5ýDENTI ST. Roorno over John Fergtle'5 cloihi tore. ReaidlaCe-No, il, TIi. TerraeS yrotsSt Whltby. jan. a9th, zSo. Over os aGag'.WIb. la" Open evegy kW~7ulAt WWt . 0< m@4TheU.Wib * innd".1l, wit y ie losu. #])e . Bs. Wibji Mk Jon ô - aX- J 01 Iï&sauý $ As the awiit s8t, milforma .9pare bowat-yuLhls col haIrs à ,~ay the w~mllooka as ifjb hair haa adtblfom fallngo ai 00~m 10loi (:-Imai color to g, bLi by the use or ~~ycr'sHali >rs W E Vanswai W ýadglas: weck, thi ?of ber j#oui gersisterî inld was a strong. until ai few niontha g vti _'4t0nsumptiqN Meja become gradq X uttwo oclock i~ freigh: train go: stuc st w tof Dubartoi wrtVffuaIa4re e --tain could 'lot 1 the -train w à e s,ýThe -driver- MO; SaW the,train ln -t êh2 sec ond man did i e second engîne p t-on* from the r 01hurt, but the eli iýcked* The trac çlty after dayligl Ofc resumed. The ë nly oway.of preve slow t Oo*oboe 11h ounce nugg«cm oathe unal-de Th wound in ade wu vM ypaint ai, M#d ve irc akiog septo scerain who the inhumn vrech who bas donet tbss thing nMay be, During one of the scxrmagc p> tbe Yukon uwisvrsity cIcei moan actaIt teat» froap Daw.o Çity tU ield *fWdb"0iý lO r4mao oùaiat it aLcd