F* - Yrs AS*. ?,resident)#olk.luahe WbiIte gonzechailr,l Whilé isýLovgll vau Dotor Ayer; motS #ere buiy fer humas veut titto t.vti$ide ste heal. &54;"à s s pref4debtespower of viii "gfletthne deelie on a lver-pil. îWn. Plutook Ayer'u Pille 1 trow For hie lirer, 80 YumsNp g. Ayer's Cathartk Pills vwere deslgned to supply a modal purgatiVe to people Who ha4 Bo long ln5ured themmlves 'wfth grping mediainea. Boing oarefully prepared and thetr in- grediento aclJusted to the exaot necesaties of the bavels and liv. thefr popularlty vau in- stantaneous. That thia popu- UIarty hasbeen maintained la weUl marked lu the mo edal1 &aWarded Che pilla a ttCh e World"s Pair 1898. 150 Vears of <urne. OQa RESPONDENX LINDSAY tb bs wib d fqsiIiOiu~idn et," ie s omi, s n lasl tondition ipi wl eDotaUks long togeS6 in nacwgeae. Any'cis o othi~ a nap finit himself',"-'Now% Letter. Mn William Lloyd hau neceiveti a letton (rom bis son, MrnZW R Là loyd, at Dawsein City in the. Klondike. Itis dle dîtoMWè tomber ith, and inehetibre lusVek MNi. Lloyd bas aindiy permitteti noi 1 make an extracti frointit:-"'Tnie id a grots tanp. There le reat ezciteoeeP' hoes. They arao ooe¶ria in frem Inal perte of the world, and it ujs fearod 1that hundreds vîli stMM andi perish on'thoir way. Thon. are frein four te ire thons. sud over te stimmît andi loti% that wil net get thon. this Yeur, &0 tbey viii have to buid bouses wherever the wioten overuakee tbeni. Many of thent haire very littis to et vith sûsin. Lt ie aloc teared tbat the bouts.00111 not got np thbe river this fali, as it le naow lute anti frepte- ing. Thons i. thret inohîs of ico in the orna pools cIreo'mdy. Il the bouts dont get bore thero. #ill be hundreds vithont provisions. à t feanedti tat tiiere vili b. t;tarvatioti aUloven tbe Yukon. Thais country it gettîing jute a bcd etate. Thoro baes been two cases cf shootiugv alreLdy. Bot-b mon dieti. Lt vas for st9aiing. Soenal have been drown&ed ooring dewn the river. lt is reported &bat a large glacier geL loses on the way to thé suminit, anti killeti a nureben cf people. W. have net got partieulars,- ecine say foty, corne leiu. the preseut @tita of affaire is uotblng te what it wIl ho noit year, aà bouts enough canneS b. but Le supply the peple that are coi ing. Tell anycoe biS tthinke et ccming bore We etant ccnly in the spning. anti nel take lise tien one yeas roviions. Lt ..w coetm $40and 850 a bundredto te gt Whlii the orew tif the Lindsay and tbîrn 'paoked' over the summit, Wbereili Midlud wy ft«)j wee dong o noly cest $10 bofore. I have nothInR Otinting in t" ycrît et Midland. Tue- morete uyunise it is thut I do net ad- <i' worning Ue;rr*y ,Zaland, et this tow vise auyone te corne in boe."-Pckot uratortuntiattsy liadiiim r naht hand caugit -u tI iiiikitia s e(ut )ihnt, recoiviug injuries whivla iuade t ns fo.urona dootor te aputate twu bungert4Hie accident wtIl lik-v kep ittu frum dui!y for six or eight weOs 5ACkI& rom Nipiti £ gdistrict.V Mr Jamop DtI)inoui P L.S. cf Fenlon l'ailis, returned TueRdav (rom a menthe snrvt-yiikg trip in the Nî1iiissrug district. lie- eutietd by way ef Geargiau bai', wlttrt- lttpicked tni) a ou[tand thrve - helpers andi tutQrgeltllo.)civilzation by A nither aalways way ('t Mrkstay. Ci>'l' e %%Y§ the. nedy te sacerlice hon-k trp aitwl uore t1iien nstally fatizning &W.-self for her bsb7. ButS inizL to thë î it-Er bing Axcpoýnalty nature dees lmot oftet oevere. In coming ont tbey feunt i~, cmali for amy asncb neri- ae^ ,ary Lu crus -a tep bây ou Leýe . On the eontrary Nipissing, and feund it a muet dîfieuit inature cille upon every 1 fýothe1r to careflly pro- tasi& to br.,ak a Pa,-eaie for theair boat tel$henself and in that tiîrouizh the îe4hich wts flot sufficient- WSïte proeter baby. Iy streug enongh toL bear tiwe voi t.ht; g the cnitical they were oblige.l te persevere, however, mothen od, tht e 1ie owing to the ehortuens of prerimions. sud give 'e tttnder huitt liff W te d . s fnaily suieceeded ian forcing their way. eun"' oaùer cvi I.tef Mn Di oaties that aet various points tbhen PaviltPks44n on thoin route meose vene utet itit, andticn in1te , by Dr. PR . V Cosli sca te thse luvaii IOW too einereaultim rupidly in nuumhprR as aansd sttu f 'IBueao, W: Y., resuit cf te law pneibiting thein des and soldin ëdaers la .edilé& - truction exeptinl the case cfottiers ai dAil the of iet notherhood andi mou Indians short o!feod, Que niornlng of isi Pft l~du5mforb ti rentlreiy banished hy e ofe this rare 41 promerp wlîilo standing knee deep luntte snow ad.tien." Il wl'sa -tie airesft m't jiîstiug ens of bis instruments a bord of healthffil vitalitr to esu seron, led by a rnuaeifloent bull. pasteti serve- centres ibvol 4» wiihiu lf-se thîn 450 yards on their way tu TIthi hfiil 9bendi rtlà , ît~it the bah botà by5,he ta»iuted c a "Yard" iu the woodA du)e by, the tnail the emot e a o te viticit resembled t a mde by e lange the chil$là e I1nb nmber ef cattle.1tfiapf Amgbty muter. beth. No other me Mn John W Middleton, of South Venu bexpress pis .dn ]nm, va. in towu liet veek viii 4 Cau- .trength 5te i à adlieu lynx poits, wbieh h. duîposed eftot othen pý one ef our fur buyons. Ho wa s Bee l' what digap inted viien told th&#, le vs anabe ne ntse te a couunty boniu)$ Bb nsinem llg~e bcd been led te boelievs. Tihemntfaie &îgivennoie chaptueof »r. wero sisot by Frank Freswuli f al s arintbounand-a Wulrmted book on the 081lw" -rosdl about ire mii]. ple's Comason Ssii.mdi f rm BbDagen. ,ïn bi eoyof hewbh e nsent trte p ..... (iln n m oaYROOO. <lnd hestiny et iboe st of cuuloms and-?mailm kuIJn« l so,. vat ntenîtiig. testmps ; or, cloth - b- on jl is y borna fi-cm a vipit to, a 114i11- Addethzet Doctor s her bis dog tted the parentsensd tbrse.________ you Que@ n ua thiekes abou; on. bon- dned yards îbead, anti mcciiafter tbf-y W4h loft tbe covr anti madie for a lares trees(7bis tata/or lJ" issîe.) standing in th. opf n, op vbieh tb-ey A couple of yougladilea callt e quicklysecrambleti. Freemnan hat bia ton &abernmts etftiiohïrobmuehteaUq 414: -a rifle boned te serve as a libota- butilonl nit ojt bm ii oosy but hati oniy ont ohar@@ cf amumonltiln, tii vork fhisotyl anêea. end takina Cartful atm a& Oa ditao. *of Xoffl' iuu, ,y-no I o bl m e, wbi, about (60 yards hoh althte iti 4ftiOi t ar a.eoing no f the i Are $,armltua t-lfou0 511 the grousti, wbere t w»s vorrietiby X i U7 T$pp l atl friende 0a dog. Vie kgt eltedt ai eaIlu animale to c bleh pltob, 0" a two of iltitu sti"" Oraloe4 a% , oflepadlng ahi tienlet he. tou, buot b. do# 1l1e* 50U Wý III> OJ ot*mo, wurma - l f alleunen& mdthey rood up tie ttirç bik b i os'n a n* " Pfim"e2 to 10am agate. Pnesmaa %ffl-o8 »i*Ut 01 a0- £ra% le Wablg.oa. MI* Jà lm I muniton lisa mte4 tai lilua. ibit WUa*d.oia wbo aMo #Wd4est %bé -sa utrali that& . mtirlt 0 t. oaibs". M.t e b*e~aebus ao.m do*udbelton to liulabits aba bpon.< sm n, b4 e cold ablho e fled aw.y1 brsW .John of.1 8âx va rei nto*wuml from» hhprai, . t - At fIat a looky tbowqht IVr'U*wu8 d eê S abs o d» emttom de eakaihluhg bcuutir*"-be re ; a t aesit ad iae ieeWtbt bled i lmyêkiait _tArltýï bb.hê 5 eul batiti of a bImehor-kolt, *d Ibitb. dinug .v>p4W*mr*W.. epeeulyOUvete& oi.trn.n1armh. Ur 1, #lap e#jli4t but debal, -00 « bt cu. a1bÃœ4 104 - YW r4 0 i oôff ofbem i si Itn nà itstbreeuia.« Ka*AaSio1otpftS# of.aa6th et b young, mi pot, , Mf* P iiiSurw Pl.1*q ç ogfotan oearb.uglig bmitneb d Mmasohn à I uttisrcatabe ilmp baWéd uvie4 In. gu I Y li~f pak . Ã41k !or ait Ãhat viiial w V .~p viii g*deuû.,ail eh, greens. -Iiie Fast Diamnci eyoftard. ,,dieing *otteh and 31 u ~ood I.., t ot1'Cardinal for co tnd4ilg in tý doéithti fait te light anta î&p. 01 Cardinal for one pounti of buLLon or Be flot decolved with crude Ãmitation. or eoap gnou.e dyes. Aîk for the "Dia- mond' andi you w*l alvayî have suocesa. P-J Diliingham went to Toronto oni Wednoiday, wviie oho vili have hie oye& fuithor oîainined anti treateti by an oye specialiât. We ail deeply regret ùtha Robert hie euch troubie uf lite with hie sight. Norman Rlani, ho ban been in Mani-, toba for the paît fev years, hie written, hie friende that he bau takon %p a geotiou nf land and bas aiready bult a hnte and othèr buildings thereon. Anothier piece of Informatin that wiii be highly con dueive tô the ploaeure of husý-friends, le that ho wue married on Wodneday of laut week. We extendti teMr andtIgre [Ham, ihose prosont îddress je Sydiney, Man, the congratulations of ail f riende in Pickering and vicinity. J A Hilta wai auddenly callrd te Now. castie on Wednescday te conduot the funeral of hie neice, Mary, the t.hree yêar oli daugbter cf John Gibson. À fe* day. ago ilhe little ô"a got eolne toatohai anti aucceedet in uigniting thein. Beforo a"tiance arriveti hor clothea cangit fire anti she vos ueverely burneti. Ail that could ho vas donte reliove her, but to -nu avail andi ot Wtduesday she mucoumboti to lier injuries. Mach syoepathy is feit bore for ber parente, botb of vionare veiiknown. Aithongh It i. ecarcely more than tive weeks until tie 27tb cf Dasember, the date appointoti by i-tatte" for holding m unicipal nominations,, vo heun of very litti. rumer in tibig townîhip ai te a oa- test. That, the. pnrete wemberçucf the. oounch I viiail ,eseit ro-oleotion, w. feel aiiured, anlestit'bo FirsteDeputy Jeies Richards, and it voulti ho a source -cf nucli; gmaification t e h bo*1ic endi' if h. b. rob4at enougi to go beforo thee eleclti for anothar ternu. Whlté-thert do"oaô net appear the. fainteat.sg tl.horizon, cf a hot et* ha miy be ornous of niuch, andi erenIf eaoh of the préeent meniben sgolfy thoir intention of standing, a conteat with pet, hope a fill ti cket fa aprobablity. -News. j-Th4 kAhlet '4dc1 Mn Reco*t euid It. V4kes People WUWei te Preaci unl Three tmonihave do à atnighty vork factdira 11tho human race, ]Right Htonorable Lord Lister, Pnetu. dent of the Ë1,yai obciety Preiftesor Eti- v ard E Phel 0 r ~o DrnùhCl 14Ã"-1 bdPrht C hartes fticket, iof thî Iver1ýy., 0parie, are menti ta ieto beeitmaninid. 'Pi'ofeei7, Ei irïd 9 ?blps, vie av0 ho~,laî. gon o te 4,i$ eil ourno ine- wmtdbut he gnetuMiine etili us mnu aInd vemroen, evsry k4y,'Theusande Iiîée todey who ove lifo, heâltb anti vigor %to p'aine» Oelery OonvMpond, 'the. mghty qieee -bà nlaher. The wéak, nervous, tisoçpîseç, nhdtlt*itie. titeuraigic, d»'rOptic à dilbnâtipated' are jO4In[Dadohé , èanti anti kidney troubles.-aie quickly tiuuaipat- .ed. Thore les nov no oouaity for continu. ing in agony and -daager-*ion nob ha nos- cuing e Pien Oelo'y"dotpound in held eut Pe slIbi'm. * ?inà , celôiry Coin- pt~nd ssut~ély cur s tthelstude cf mnificent ttistmitlinluthie p4stare sufflientprf. aêentiiit Miss Clana Bilans. eibas beom viiitinig (iende ln' l4onIand 'during the past tivo weeke. Me' Donald A MeKippon cf lb. "Muei kolcai Navigation 06'.," 'Ãeturneà .'borne, looking balé ani hsarty getor bis smn mers ojeuin on thi.Muekoka lake. bi' Jas B Wà rret p~ai4 Biteehin a busi- ness ýViit lat tnidaâY.; Vrery little intest. wus taken bere in the. recent bye.eieoti in Centre Tor ente. A few snan- bot# were maie aud- won by a decil gante sport frein Poffen. Mn Arch .tus8ale hm e à cepted à aietua- lion in Cameron & Camerons- dry goode MiPs 0Grnnt, of!Woodýrllle, bas be viiing frientia on town during the pait week. $ 7,800 lIVEN Ioe persons 0 tnak( number cf wrda but "Paen Atoâ~ey wedQ P,1t1 a&ie iw'he NEW IBU-S: L lArMEET9 AtL T R, Firat dlaisaccommoda"In.Ordeirs1 attended to. CJuta.!a~e left al NewpCli l ivery or carn oppoite poistoffice. WM. t*Ewp ,prietor. Whttby, July Ix,9...rr iY~t Dg Up a iring the ..ite ci e wiIi CUP.# At the &Dr, .ueting of tbi FI Id 8 cf the profby ' an ohurob heid. Thuya'. day weei1<, eefolloWid'g ofùr re vere ele 41,10Y1,»8 Pr rlent a. . Somnepil e ;le% vioê,pre.bi, Mn ea.sk; 2ulVvice pr..., Mns. J. Allin ; sec otary, Mut MggieMoMilan~treaeutprMi. John Stoie ; Oi'ganie t, Mdà w -HL iik. Trhe controversy on, the quesîitoi of baptiam goua on as briik as e*erý Mi son andi ou& of seasoù tbo *ol worhai4 fime~ honored argum4auî are twed bee boit pârÙ9iouaid if thé pêoplé I iû tl ,0alfi# do net know &Il thons te about b4ptiazIi f i. their own fauit. 'the laet two Swud4A*yao Mr Cameron bausj*eached to lAIge con- gregations on the subject and it wflJitait. t*<é or three diooôüiraee yet to ýwf~du the queton, but b au deQide4+__I_,ý74éfer' eth reoeuining untU the new y*t the Bntptist service on 1nday ~trO~ lait Mr. Joseph Watson- occaP*Iéd ibe greatur part of the timoe-in- givingý 9 taow for the r kith thât le rf Id Whlm I à ü theé Wb,# &-a'a hér.fore ot the cha , At the ohurch cf Englani the pasibor4 Mr Reid, lotnred on the snbj0ct the. lait two Tueeday eveningirdealing alMoot en tirely wilsh infant baptiom. The attend auc, à ~i~lll~ tt<'rdthe là à t meeting, th. ar e. bildiig being packod to its ubIaýôSt. rom apedo.baptiit s"'nna- point Mr. Lid madie soveral splendid pointe. Ho wil deai witb the-moden cf baptium nett Tuesday evenin&g. The The TJxbridg Journal; bas for sevoral weeks boom publiahing a number of col- urne each issue by' correspondunts who take the auti.!baptiet VIew. Anti se the fight gogos on.