Whitby Chronicle, 17 Dec 1897, p. 3

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(-Stth ~ ,o s il ni en t. -lis ' r IS tiltana 1 train there at But thi* end off wà,ý beg tias45 iue R. At the firet atoppin.. ,ôetlig 1îct !rom Eusion we re haif a dozec tetegraws atitinu nmtbrea k fast an and othere reached ns a1otha mn ro 6(j for t. My Our ent$ wero oonçtant1y atsitiled hyf 1 a 3 yetspressîpue lîke these :-'No foot like OC I rn " O ld foot,' ' Weil ite -not May or Deoemb aifour children and . Who savo mnarriage i@ a failure ?' and thfi(- On gregat -onllot Of Other ChRff, VRriet by an OCCRiiOt ais rmrIrv a chemiSt, loVe ditîy. At our iflrst hotel we w( t(t a i n namied Mii,~etdwl fuin nomdta n anv btl meçsSnow. I sm Oiitighad boeu RannounOed RIMI ahn . 1Coo INl father was to the bridai obamaber. Ws hiad a fli 'rdni\ nîan~rdfather WaS a eent.erpieoo,*bearin« the carde of Biol MNv u if es nane was Nash. and bi. fellow conprators, andi we wf it1rrà d br Vhen t redcpb gased updo -as thongb museum attri tr s;op .t a hot e"' tioDs. Ih waa simpty unendurabte1 îppr(i. The lotng~ nosed n*n either pf us. I chanRed our route a hlni for a mnift with in.. eut otf'og' tormentors, but the trip w f rn Isked in a dissatisfled Dot a eucese Whon Blobbei andi I meý there le only one Of us Llîat spealie, a] Nrsukr great-grandfather hogïla, ,Id %.;u ce p'. Congh Cure etopa atllive sorenegit, andi si rlungse I>rîe, 2.5eo s Kldney Cure seeduly curt- e back, loins or groins mnd al rîdflCy disease. Price, 2,7)c. in's Ileadacho Cnrs stoptiheati three rninnteg. Price, '25c 'on'[ Pile Ontment posi.lîveiIl formes of pies Pirie, 25r. .Iyon'ii BlOod Cure eradicatea ail rrtr es ni the blond pnîci, '25C al)vone Female 1(emediee art- l boa:. iinyun's Aptlirma R.medr)es relieve mî -tutusk antd cure pertwanevtly. Pric- rlvirrie ('atarrît Reiiietilu- neî'er frail. tir rr ('rirv pre 25crr --oradi cri! sr.i-' rit ro riu thm systeru. andi tht tir Yoliet Ncrrvp ('rire liq ii wotiderf Mlv rj crîlletters to Prof NMuYn1,il Ir"e luelinaLMdvjoe for any isirje A L HALTH mg tank bookor mson iy, W"I ë aLpbWvdatedi 1ruakhmmo, bave bec,> rusîored to perfect man- -rt iane niLved Irse, lu plain maire- rled. Addrea ie Autbor- 1.B- Z, e 4 nnrMci ~GLAaumONT Nicha J > rton is îjsposed this 44is i oopcr 15x':stng with 1 r cn t1 arriston. M i- 'itchell bas been 111 for a II tmqO, but lanow much better. N1r,.r%(ico. Gerow and F), Forsyth Ce o -C tOt>flviIIe on Tuesday. \*nîirt& Russnell ship1ned a car- ý«'igs fromn here on Viednesday. M i' atterson, Scarboro, is visIting Il:m Litte, cur popular junior '~là4lie Leslie, Pickering, return- ri iu on T*sday, Alter speirng a r wee.î sith Mr and Mrs D Kennedy. RLW. Bunner, Mvrtie, preached in -c ,ithodrest church Sunday evening, lii bs discourse was mnuch appre- Ai Tract for Her Pains. / Rubt Ward enjoys himiseit thesc ,,iN-s with hourit andi ferret. He bas a'ready bagged a large number of r-ab- ire Re-Suit otf Spikîng t' ;tri t d its L-arîr il, arn l-Iev,.itef rrim Wrn, Hendrehan, who has been -1uhr.,- .îrktd the tail grrl whio hi,id trorkîrîg with Davidi Ballard durng st (]cc(-ec the- cevated ,îilr ,f lie the suni mer, left for his home in rend whon sire rut-t lt tie i 'er. Nlchiran on Saturday. lrr 1 look lik-e ans' particular kîrrd oi A bet on the result of the- election ini probrîte > l-Wu air ve k-e ust heen Centre Toronto was the excuse for au. ken for rie. aindr t he motral rtf rit ail 1.1 nyster su pper at WVilsons ho't-I on Fni- rlic, 'l )Ont vOluItr ter an%* r ntrirriiatin Iday evening tast. Tht-ne were a num. strarigers tri the' cars.' - ber of sports present tram Stoufivitle. Th en'r, takirig pny upori the- utrr1î B3rougham and other places. r.'strîjed expreasîrn uporiitiitre The hockey players say tiiat they c ;îlieged icprurtate proar ectf el( t.i cx- are unable ta niakc terin's wrth the' àriA the situation. proprietor orf Caledr riian r n k, andi Xo'(u sce," she saidl, 1- - erîtY- tht-t rntend having an open ria'k on Ir-d street a nac) loçoking t id l.afv got Fio 'rs'tlis pond for t he uiinter. The tr the train andi happeried to St d'rwn plavers aind tht- manager of the closed File. noticed- that Sire wair-hed rtiik shtîWd( corne to ternis;, as it will lrN station sAglab il site werc âfraid flot pay eîther party to have an un- c Uouid Flot Rit out at the- righit picasant feeling perpetuaited. r ,andi finaIIy wheh we were at The haçîtist choir furrîrshed the tiFifty-ninth street, 1 thtflk, she 1patoth rgrine tte r-the' guard to tell lier th ict tarest musicral ato h rg rrea h tint ri wSt'vtnt~'ourt(lien Ma or methodi-to crchrt anniver- rtit o en to avni four: Ss net. le 1Irna ~e ii '>cms iee rii. pay lit c atenio e-ar itng arose ýiit the time of w(ul b p lie ft tir' rt- -irmi jou rn ey a rr as î. result SouII r.itt~~~ I1riii r th (i: rhotir hati trO vaîk lirnle. - - ir i (rîr-nirmî 1iiWilc school i~ ~~~;ý -ihti\r S'lclass-WV if M ir-i~I'.tbt Stokes. -- La.ita Sharrard. Franik n and trri ate Micheil. \v, it 3rd clas. --i-rrr t lames Pain -Killer. (Pain? DAa'.)i A fure and Pafe Remedy ieevcs &»d e'very kind of Bowel ionmplan",Se TblfIe1 intement 4n mni It an'ib ndetoo st.rong or too emphatlc. Itss l'empls, afê-â-d qulck cure for <~,spe, Coug, Iheumatlam. Cfllds, Neuralgiia, tru Toothache. iTwO SIZES, 3C. and soc. The Firat Time. ta tJ IO eoe at or 'fiO l e P t o ýenLy cif beddin sis a _e. Shen weleave matt~ unips;1 we see that sohe~ neÇ .rie, which she often does, osj- ,tiIy if she ie a young cow. We not remove the caif imrnediately tifter birth, as some people do, but ,f )Pave it to suck two or three times at l east. If its mother is an old cow we 'let itsuck it suck tive or six times, 7pat care that the yQungster err ---t too much miîlk and there- getwcsours. We thon put the Ute caif in a in a pen in the barn ex where the mother can 'see it and not an wor17 over it, ainW troch it to, drink ber, its m0others miIk as s1on as drawn, for- )I a week or ten days t en liegin feed- Iere ing 9kined miik with about a table- Our spoonful of giound flrixseed sealded by )Wu pouring a littie boiling water over it ra mdc letting it stand a few minutes be- bi' fore niixing it with the milk. Af ter ,re about three or four wedks the ration ra s e moe nieyo kue al forlecp0e etilyo hm dmil 1r jand ground flaxseed. wâ Being placed in the pen with the et, older caives it soon learne to oat nd clover hay and grain composed of equal parts of shelled corn, oatU and wlteat bran, which are fed liherally. We feed the ground flaxseed in pro- ferenceto oil meal because it contains m)Ore fat and ie the best substituto for the creaRu taken from the milk that we have ever tried. Alter the caif gets to be about ten or twelve weeks nid we substitute oil meal for the flax- seed, until the caif is weaned froni nmiitirely at the age of five or six mionths and then add the oil-meal to the grain in a dry state. A caif neede its grain ration twice à day for a year at toast beforo it is turned out to grasu alone. Twenty-seven yoars have pa-seti wav since 1 preacliet my firet sermon. I ca*t hardly believe il, and I am. reluctant tû admit wbat it implies andi enggoas. but the record is made np, anti is unchange- able, Noarly every professor in tîhe col- loue wbro board me that evouing has re ceived the flnai snmuans. My dear oid father if wa:ting for nie. Several of thé. " boys" who beard mue have gone on bo f')ire. Eow different life, and the world, and ail haeemnwf.a 63" e-4.4J..16-..... witb which thon my yonthful eyes in t'eered theni 1 Tbey are indeed realities now, fult of intense aud smored meaujug, but etrippod of the glamour thrown &bout th-am by rny boyish imagination. What romains ? Why, the very thingé, 1talketi about in that first sermon, na.oe- ýv, Clhrist, IL&ts uirliasd the freeoeiti izives n'sand the oeo4a * vI'ac wuusi give letoîthe world, au dci, ~ Our own im orfeet ï""enre absotud aiRain entanglo us with the yoko of b#nd ige. Whatever the tort, this wiil prob 'r.bly b. the substanceeofnuy at,s il oertainly wue of oey firet sermon.--Frorn 1 >r John Rlmoy Thompeont 6"Fixut Ser- wuo"," in Witl canetons Magaaîge. Funny Thinire. Newsbov-Say, dey i. îwo wowen fijrhtinu dowu thîe street. OtiBcer Clancy-Mind yer own biznneu, y. lîitIe raseal. Ntewsoy-Dats a&l rigbf, but one of de wornen is orewit o. Odficer OLeny-Then --avec belp the other one. Site ffrrower-Theun city fellers aunt so dem b saari after all. D'ive Delver-Wpant they bom dotsg Sile H &n-owr- I jest seed eue on enu a setting hie watîcb by the old towD cook. "#Thig extrîiv"«nee," said ber buahand gvavcly t-o bîiaseif, "requir-e a e«k" Aftor thîinkîng tb. matter ever b. wrote a check, <nd sud uothing ta ber &bout it. 'J>>eyoabelieve wbat la tO e b.Win Y" ? as&d the asigui" lv mat. 1t do Dot even believe .hat bu. bonm, h Do vafl-.-OfleCay ia w..tulu èI.1 ~--e'îli-batfor? !inowait-Wbyb. armt.d himisi heattog his o#wifu. Mrs Lake ?rost-I4Wuo HaudilSma MMs Lko Frot-No, divoeoo4. Ï%4LOJ nid ,q Ioo dror DIBOHARGEO$ KIDNEY ANDBLADD R O!iASf A'n~VnWq NEBV(S ~I ~6diftt; wesk or deblltatd trd nrunOî, vrnb Iflqpiorlpoor; eBiifatIude#. mi tabfr~ i pisiple=on face; dirulîorna & isaM iwel;u AIRAANTED OR NO PAY-CO.NFIDENTIAL LU UC ~~~A Wmoiugfoi h J -4 E IL 1 66b.d habt" fTie ou he.oru1bEzçen1a, 0id dvdn ILte.tL Ibe4hm~ Xfrendlioae¶ eured b no.*Kenuiedy 1,&lrjan ly oured. wu t ~hi<era «0. 4e now marriedtud hÈv. two hea1tb7r ~~1tA~~ Ã"'vBYicoceIO made liefse slq. Ivm, weaktgnd IIW1Ui»U eye suak"ib 1ft i Imyhartin IL P- y hn i Effle tii.tRTEf heernc 'liedm SYP1~ILIS CUR y e otàe ur wy or. ft esrbt hds Kamm b ited, han lo the- on thosilc the motisdo baurbed theGNewT krirurri t7of a ndK* thre. l Sugbre p *w une~ tc. y ohr,à oha fThen ou wu iiitew WiGS lou- t thakJm, îo na Thlaterrblè bo t hoe eauw i iyou cm on elat Rad 4" UMM nefor to mm t ithe db t~tuIun;itreeet ilIauwe. u e on e 80 8 fR! ." h odn M nt ré2j, 88 Wi.v « alen Çin ~th PRI.".O t6u, boe i onI,ntaî ues* tion Mi rt.t an d boS t in a toER AN, NLte= 14Vetr c h I -ult'on I Is invaluable. If you as'e,Èatn Sdown, as it Is a fooci as wel.I as ja medllin. TieDe & L, £tmulslon u pif your geèral heahh la Ils the lst sud niçit patatabis preparation of Cod l4 â Ver01 geeiaig whhtemort delA- Chie sàoiàb~-" - srescrb y she la lm hyieao f a awfi ufieb produer aimdwW irelv I anus appealie.., i&Oc. S& pUme Ut Lm besonJOhnsOD-Weuld 705 b. <able to 'unpp vb dangbh inde style, b whioluC eh hb beenustoined ? Jus~Takao---aI.lalt déad .ortain bout dast;-butî 1 fé't' 4,-hub 1 coud bah -oemd toetle Id b. abie te suppot her in. t' A <s s r'. 'r Juat Rocoxvod 2000 ]BOUS of those very -beautiful Amierloan Papers, With wdr8to match, wbich ullbê- sold ohespoer than ever thie year. Also a6iot of whioh will be sold a cost and trnder. 'liii .~~î'r-. - Every Day és Bargain w itk us. Day r' 41' "rt ib

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