Whitby Chronicle, 9 Aug 1901, p. 3

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achine. wlsleibvo.to do *its -tc kl"0 " a: good(fnikllr, and'wiîen the 10 tlîà woy 1 et I eaesoeds'><ce noiti, RUOKEI, bsentroas.; Watcr, disait. liivfdual record'J laIp t g wus thoaght of it. ono nslgbt, ~ Thse formier Who regards sa tm large ba.lance ligoant ber. aflter thie éthler chilldren osera ("t aisttiseiseîtis0f ~î "Par. Thora are osastea, lnnunecrablo ,5 one"eep, theog twç avaire !asnd soltly _-111laboutit knowcvory the wate lie. hero ln only CcYln)g osîti thoîr arme about ech %9 TE TAI . Cod 113UoC nid kaw'batsi Tia klter on us. et- dsioverfingi thoe,, tsant other. Wilîe akd thé Causa. thae, cda t pir.ss thèlsoe. ToantioW l b -àproportcn Of bocIkkeep- NaeS- they "osasted te li 11010. ' Uselilgers Cet Glimpses of the esl t g. ItI kilo dran thsce. o aJ nt Oocosaary that the1 SsaIepalngî ILwas a. casaý ai simiple Pi.mrea xoiin jekaow h e tisa orc 'amd fr111 fri b.haoad lpo saekns, the, deaiconsiapas <,kindJl tî ra h ce ie tiioo gaetl thosg enasoaatl e ét "de creçuit aceaunt asowing thil sr e ho ta roole up tiÉ mlads jW>.e v n gliatlytbigs ne sincinlcilébatandrevnuela t , t bat le to> stay and enjoy tliemsolviso as tiésai til ome osîthin the zona af aecs taken train *allé and1 cltoits- requlrod. Tbsre cas be th directInlueanc axpositi rile ofwth deail~~~~~~~~~~~~~ aa! recos.mco lîkntieml l feos ...rd af Other dici. Mut outih socceeSÈng dey uilamircn Expoisciion spiret aw ia Yats, gplipets, etcs Pilha a g tbI sa n lî asas . a tcrn mauxlus inàdis frain the gres and glorloua apecltacle ya>siag gollixs, s, , tuWc« e of-t ts acsielvd trecsdai. Ast lest the yaoger sieter lîsaif, H urroundisig tha ooUting of asci tsig lacd5 0 ba osaiif i n bohe rd caa bc5 creslitod ofleis iearconldcç tho. trouble te Osa' Of ,tsa tisa expositionc thero are numeoua Rvicti tisa ste Osuc oy tilse 1,on- mile praduet, iaad'cîargod, aviLis ber1 doacoseosea. thôugs allainot tisa lpra- featera tisat wiii rivai tise attrac- tIivllage.e Ilciard. Tise resit detrien enht- testatios af tisa aider, osho iasistèd tienst, Oegetsowfrpbi ha il btent ta captinue isor in tbe that IL o fsil o4r' atiloi n seilyJ hstu It boliôocVe the fermer- fresently daiy bard et falttei lber far tisa oughit ea'aul n~r'ae itsle a sral stsst ta examsine lei aater -trs gkd'c tOis hel-oi* >certain fields, partcular-. NOT TO DERPETD et, 'aaials. Tîlere in o great- ste hlsei f hlr ebio fi aytoel he ieiet r r 0# moirc wesderful oyo-Ceast In tise tise rallleg açg' avoded landig av1- heng' tried can ha treated -in tise' I aPPeared tisat tisa day isofore ýworld thon tise l'ala ai Niagara, tisa tiai sîlsS vallays naleu, a' s nt av bc nts roI rls tbey tit home tîelr fatiser hsd beau hiosiîtl gorge, and tci d ashiieg Lu- livinîg strièesn 0f pura osatoîalroady on certaia cran will ho aertaLiod. erraes! fer sorne suppascd complis suteous waters fts Vsrpn léxtot or' May ha foinun If diligently. e a acarcly ï' farmer' in the~ clty in a labor troubsle, asd at tsa Itapids, If tleey are alert. long ho- saugbt. province wosa working capital le tli tbey leoit home tisa examneatia adLsu rinsosa igr And woa boeld nt Cdirget tise fai-in lsLian a tbouSand dollars, whthîa bd not been beldi, and tisey did not Và.llsl pa.sýergcrs evoir tise Grand iivo stocie as large. unius niO wa.tqr.. tiaaorag faae' akta a x nos> theresaIt.. -Their..aatiser is.d -rul 11issy wous copi e l sîglit ol We haioiva fiaris tilà nlaru siideees iâ ases' anSlta furii le proe-sed'ta 'scruta e sa as It th4SlPtglty eberrvation ta-Ver'tram -ta, aneS nt tiesa'iosdi of tbs gociciM mns nneesnahl' tu expect tisait sIînul c il lnasvi., hsntidd nait dans wMtc secechifliit signala avIlI ha fariner avlIl recelva. ates thgI atssleîna'cse l coolaî s toltl oe sr aun tlash~ed ta tir Eirctric Tawer ef tise .gonsegls for huanse,' 540 Lot runi et hap-iasard- aitisat, books or 0leu fine iith prison. Just ExtutOb o f tahae aowcas pIc- Ua ma pçntcet tisîs important, mafite . cons Tis eriat avisa osit isow It oauld lîelp l5otters for tl!elaLttts cn tts oetlpo es aatar on tisaftares fer batl. Ln isait tise capitalwst oetk at ea ootiyccsinS ~,liamil endii Ot. tayv a tear and heast that tactis msay g3t 'ah1Il isO auact, lishnal tisé aiphàisd but thlacr'luttli earte weac a c Ottoc) la sl ieantl a! ',tiset.. tdspIsàIQeaJX1 ila-"' ts- iuclsi iietoot a aar0ôe£b tsqsght e: t Ii îseers a (Li. e anid grmting to tisa lncesnlg wtoc liatu a.r1s W0eno lmWttNs.. ...... 19l"a ,5Nll -nse1 ChassIa bc __________________ f'ils~ anecloas chisîci tiae-ra , 'lna tisatin aýu she'sats laiits f Y I'Sa aies' thel .,umndo grg tet th thoor. a va g t atr bu"hOao.È.na tot hkfriayfro s cul hie assîem-Oet h ilI*1 carry its paasngars la Clen ot yur iseri, wlleMor:ncestàtsati at il4eit asiem tId n 1iser felI 0 thé l'ails 1i Niagara and auprlega. Proteait aimi areasatt basin tri tblaoesat' cd wasIacing tieilll0oRpdoils tise se- tasaaatoe.busiess bu tis tio roebi oçaidable, and ut wau decided toi balesi lsarkteesîs gorge WviI,rtc uto WASTIlN ~malles the' moat of bié farea ists t-cl 1sm tieîetdy tw eltiec Bide o« tise greatcst resllway ONTu I'A do hcka and i busisrds .muait bc 1'ù l'oy aBise tise bosr consu for. leav- steel arcis bridge la tise sorld. Tilts Positionî iroms actuel leneoslçedgo ta igtscotetsatseecaeaabridge of thcs tIrn Trauck ltilosay IL avaneS h laitarestlag, althougs diacard tisa asprôitable lines, add. toi O.ncdoia tbi saa otsii I.oa aî aoeo h s parisalc very picaimpt ta Osttkc tisa payjng oiles ad, Boa inersasoe hie' o elsit ef tishe sieisaplneae aor rscr.. af ti an estiioste o! tsa asouat' Of Morley isusilies ila i<i'ýnovlee fan ha noo tise terr loosed clown tir itlcee;dI clthe doreatucg au oatoi an "bsa farame unl Ou" proos- obtuiiironly hy asng a syctelo ot cheies at fic t.hcugit ci gaung 1(îII Ed ca d th tiser min t 1 itace duriagi a lilÉayear. IL tg Bse bo-epn.'Thie are rubr- way, ebougis tiioy letill Insisted tisat 'Uiij osad, t a ortio ic tis ta aay.-wtisast tise etlmate-tisat leabietseuhoiibts rOoi tey mucet do en. tise cduetrlal boseS l the Anglo-i thisa asautwccsd reprosent a very efth51e Carne may eaeiiy ho wastect liecciag hconse sic oa Isr Sari uion thstfre araia iosderabla potc s'rvne oso irs saca icposee1.atiser b.d heen aceieitte4. ansd osa tii filet no motter on wsiicis side oft Tiesio atie caa'efal, itelligent tormer tiset -iivery successîsl formner ost' et avork as ulual, and thse neothar; the ' péan s eio s r i avio .isas bie business in sani& Boi save for iil. forgettlsg lier promise ta avrita. biad Am.'riculs- alnearicans. sndzr a setrict Aus apasilon sameme tsisen tisa opportusnlty ailarded. by ni' Iè" uhe loyibtltl ho cbildrcoas abssence 'ta go 0aosay A heagbttle droppei is tise Un*go uaqiaaaed for, tlsae 50 ifC7I f(re ncreepdtli tle o g Gui1 .4trean osilI sroes tise Atlanticf thos thoug whoe bndethe esut orant or lieelsa cf tise burle of la 5bu IÈ30 daya. of tiseir labons area coicsitantly eaks srraos and nnxiety abc b.d lnflictod tmga ami avhco isaee'. arc. ach tisent pIl 2' IT AT an tise sensitive heurts oft bier6 Icrogece lolnîp0eilt l~vao1tiete± I~IiIIJi~ Iir ui R ebldren.' Tboy lie taeL tise bat le, a waata tLhae *ut pu t OOve days of their acting,' bat tior tast anef hifthosL Use. >Iz ai- gaie- - atisr osas neot Ii prisan, .and tisat I\ltDE os LsueINfpIENT. itr b U.Ima. as WitO'l, dev>1 tou sacl= cosoelc theas. e\lI'LIMNT 'lan to imm'un 'pafAclar-ropJOIMVyITCUE,, V"MaI YAIRD McMULL,ýN. lwl5d toc Bs, etüntiuI ofeiuarca OE LTEM 1ARliEZ plflg i atho4»t, Ont. C sets are i wuh,- u ta Jee.v* raaul for tuOI>S Z~E PLN > TEE kAyszitl'S COURIET. osas enres' or inllaunnation bya laps Gls ci tse reaeetaiataa. -M '4ARID'S LINIMENT. coine froain toitueaL spend mone lTings Tnai Musa't Da if-Yan are %%&eh Ot.'.W JHS an needed improvemeata. It la , One 9f tIse Thousaad Similar Ces. a aten.1wsCrdofn ilerigab 'à oitde wato ta apend Lime In orkl- as ta .O5tario--A Çonoeut1ru-' eiet racIcSa aIlNaaga osn, î wti neaciîery.- tiat la cen- la Aznozsg F&3cmere-ytecî4a ITiscre ara mary thiage l'on muet M l50 AW'Sý LINIMENTr. Ètautîl gettiag onet of repaie. oshe= idsssy Pille Iavatal1y Cesse It .aot do If yen have aioder tise Ensper- J. N. JIAILEY.P à ne auintlitecoutl b purhased Ceuly, Ot.,Aug.5,,Il i1 or William. Fcllosing arc Ismo 01 J' rkadalar Ont. a ocs alisitue gule hopurhase Cieoly, îît, Ag. 1.-arvestiaig theo restrictions In Berlin, eoumorat- viLis tise proceéde oC tise timaloct lIs In In fulI swving and t1he formera aiof 5 ielC l .Seve' oi __________ iooklang, up repaire ced isavtag tise section ara isard. nt It aiariy, un dm a th ulioi,.antiLe Oimpca bok plaiss tarepl es. lcWia hoa.Iien lote. For Lava steady asoatis c 'Tbrea Nationss" :-o hundered anse llfty-fosr out afi tise sit la a certain naSieSd is ilot in osil ls bc sorig harder tisas citsasnutios eso 0' r'Y 10.000 sonviets ars caicstantiy condition te piaduns a certain swap other dtags of mnS la thea courâre ci itqn Muet nlt bn so ta. tisa isîgluist perfection, it la tima. Proh.hely noQ porlaeS af tisa yer la cOnthon ont of Wvindos go that tbey Iv iioapltal. * laboe and.iaae avasted Ji aaownaiLis so tryîag on the Carmner asI -tise Isso bcsnai tesrc. Yoa must t tn age i.sie ý_*00 ReWarci, 8M). ,tiaS particular'secS. It la bsore tiset Vont neoison. Tise management ofa shr hr et i iresu f tr*etc tise farine- neieds ]lis farmigist and Carne, neveu' a lighL Lunk, becsin.aee 0hr lonresfoLsoVo- v «Ilc lt=I aIlI ho llaced le iej aciîuaintance avil -tise conditions tnebly iseavy. ricicass.Ts icles ta pas, andS in otisers oîiy' se tutau.eî .,dcasdîidea.es oris oslut. h itis tise consent of tise astupie ops"hal.« abI. te eure la &Il ilse ai tise golf. l1e shauleS hacos wat actual manuel lober train daos ta eie hs ic 1Pvmn- M as& Ocasacb. Haire. tacu aci et lisi elds le haent adicpted f0o'. dock and somnetinses alter, la ats isard pyieolaepsec ae en 4 ycu la els AU iv ec sos ..,Wk... ta an ieovif ui h oil h iipo-au a nian con stanid. alre; l'au muet osatcis tise bsorse, ïstoaS c.Oacaacch bac a coas. suiLio Lo ais Lise bout use ef oasis. iL in neot surpriaing Iliat Carmerasrsohl h aete Ual a auIim 1 scaatatàta There otré c uaceiua ways la osîcîci effts break downi cîttsr the th«îgA asieS s bc ise dc aise ocuiO ' 1 spors tisee baia.tr tise frter!o mocy siay hoe ated bu over. -Plane tucceavi out." tisa mi5tt scar up. tac culIt csa. Iflie cytais by diae Te avold the stistes le one o! Lie Bystelli le apt ta be un a Ios ysae- 'n ýaccldeataly ,brek af theottloan isigist attcilnts of agricaiitural encd condition aviîsî tg eanifyLîraî jug in the stree you muottl ori er ly a he e. en mtmg = üW brdail thse acle-ce. ifealtis n ot ce luchu tisa out o! order. Tise iiceya ossîl showa gatLber as' thc plisses ase taois tisee snt, Th p suaç =: o meulec taitb la resait oi acumulatiole on h0ev. o ou- the sigu of ut firet. Bcleacise avIll sorti. Il ycn stand n h pave- 1= 124 ostbqt *7 afeele s ne nsy. Il la cul. the mn osho earnes prolbbuh tise.firotsilgo ni tb kId maQt l'au must Oave rnus féot Ler ij3de t - ma.c.frjàetOu Lishe uciat ibit beccaies osaaltbiet; Dey tesujele. acse>mparie< hl' a bricks 'PasiaýÏ apaso., tfer Lils iL la ra, li!EdC~ TOLcEDO 'I js ho avis savez aviat lic nifte,ý dîîat ssdImentý In tise urine. Fnom tisra ni-lmxt Sc.n ta avis does noL aate hIc substan&ce. tis stage IL lu but a short atep au YOa nuisit not ciisargeo lireormas in«0tebtB Wh'o scotalira Lias IttIa isncome ainâ Luaîigo, avliiçb la; ébronlé Bacleabisit tisa atrait, sacr soot aiti craseboosee d uses It ta Lie Lent advants'ge. Blig ý'ls Lis cOnarctioli the letter ci aise bleospipes. A vrEN 711E ENGAGEMENT OSAS crassat ara USClesa iitisa iseneentaeeg jOhU FletCeisre e. faritar secur (liss1 "I f dild'eu make a noise in tise ýBEOKEl. seLci, or net uLillcoi, oshicis la tise ley, avili bc faunS u0eÇil isooing as Otre.t tisr Parenits cea ho pcnisscd, NeS--,So aseci ruo ta roture iser sýauce tlcisg in ont el prepnrtla4f Lo it sinon, tisas. DodS il Nidey Puisl andi 'rsabling shout in deacvea' le kttserse. t'le oiicoanust eseil Le good advantage. lîal' bc reliaeit spon for cases aci tis faridie aller ciayk-l- Iloge tiset ani- Iàack-Well, diel you? 'l'ie tiicdency ta epreai iseoperstin Mil. aay pseople hy harking are forbitsl 'led-Gis, yea, 1 roturned iseins. Andcie over ton avide aen orna. ia one of tise Il hava been troublec i ml honveat,", ces allY aitter 10; if yaa toisa yosei, 1ilopposi Lbrae or four traim éther ne eis agamnst wliicls tise auscesataul hae welles, 'aviLis Lsmbage aneS Kid-! .iog cetUL i tise neareat Policemesn gi08ls wi tis tem.a fa'rciner' isto guare. IL ie botter ses' treuble. My' urine osas of o ver3. heurs deoso ên l'au aad saks thseai tii saltiveete elle litre Properîl' aneS net 0lor. 1 aissltei Lise bc,&. nemi- StroCts avIish yle f Ta o geL ail tisaS le possibeo out et ut, Ical decttrs fls tise country but tisas alslt-noatk oli Ilg thonsa orj toi asens for wla. colS e elp mle. FlualiuleS ~~u got shonsid ho gct out ei one. Qiceatille saine Dod'sa t<idaey Pilî ia n rantas ANt UNSSTEISLY FLINVI i.eniiiiog. oisons Inenîv atiic short ClIon nes buis She la Pretty, aisi tiseyog uilicn eoeinc h a f aiaxiuito stase on iovie îa opltl gn p loi;iin tevr sI iacia e Maimumnl seP of a as Weils an elosr and tise ICldaey mon, but Bise Insu 50 vio~II.Y 14 .M YF7' tetility atnsd toreg it-osithis eary dsre atcmltl oa5 u.mo- vcstisi intarvals ut course-ta yiold Y es. ansosereci Mise Cas'cnneI ta IL, o.niesL Jimit. Tisereaboutit NOW DON'T ASK U$1 THAT AGAIE cae't belp avoadertsg isos sise geiots.e 4/4 î.ec la aa oscle lac, ostheicr Mis Waoaln-Wiy ca to' i hack irone Enrope, aviteut having Ilotbe ny u t Pl s o th laissit rssCmdc-whydo he' haeSnty collecteci on her'os a asrk pif etiis more tisatbsessuld ha 1oçil tst d4sp creuse ia tise neos T'aunal a rt. ci,< gocnds on tOn msreeant'r iui ves. bats ssui mn AMc oserla?- a -- Ail landl, goit an~d b"acS tus, 'co- Mr-. Kaaosas.e-Wiss, that rapresan c ptitiote thsé lar*mv'a lavasteid capital this 1eanamu% casaiu. - f OhhTT tPwdor «250 Priiiting Jiatorial I OeFour RoUter'Cgmpbel! Pressi front delivery, bed 431956, $1200 *One Four RoUler Campbell Press, bcd 37x53.........1100 STw- !l qat Brown Folding Machines,ý each ., O Two Rgr'a Typogaphs, in first.class order. each t5 "'449 .tqng M&ohine, Stonies, Stands,, Body and i Daply Type. * Plan& thé aboyi Maslinory andI Typ wlfl b. iiapod of at a Harldce. sIThe Wilson Pubilishing Go., of Toroijto, I * TORONTOC, CANADA. Tisera are la tisetfnited Kingciane aver 122,752 Places licenaccl ta sal Intoxicatiag liquor. The Tranefthte Nertere racine wilh ereated aucis a. turinr dnesg its Censt, seaon, nla1900, le again sooting hasis anil orts acronsetisa coatinet in aIl tise glary o! its forma- er days. Thsis Crack Train of LIce .N1ortis- 'owst t. oot entiroly 00w-fer 1901, Is thec epitamo of moern passeagor train canstruction. Tise siniog Car ovit is ts a 'la carte breakifast and lanchi, oad tablaeShate dinner for $1.00; tisa sorqualei Touriat sas'p- Ieig"cor ot 16 sectios. mcml lava- tories and l ectrieIligiste ;thise rg,- elass-'irawleg Stase 1'Ollsaîs stis tava eectýJislcfghLs In caisectionî with stoýs sising roan, Ibuffet, hac- her ahos', bath, lubrary ci 140 vol- uneos. torrent mogazinesc, ladies' par'- i1er eaed observation plattorni. ail ta- rgether forra o train ofaUnueal rom- fort, excellence, andeoven laxanios- lisens eveciin tLuis day Ot lUXarieS Of coure. brooci vestibules, olcane 1 boat andilsteel piactfonîs are tisene, andl tisieeare eaily 100 rectze ligis on tue troie, tise baggege car ail cieîy coachies heuîeg tis ligbtcd Th'îe teraun ruso ftes St. Paul te Portlcand,. Oregoni. passiiig tisroug Minneapolis, Nargo. lioceman, Butte, Missosia, Spoksane, Seattle aîed Tacoma, Connectionsî frtram luîts anS Saparier andilfor lenea are maode en route. Send te Chaiý S. l'ee, Central pas- saager Agent. st. Pasul, six cents far eVanderlanil 1901. a royal bookaisiav- Iag a ciicptsr oic tiis rayai train. On an average 1,700,000 ut tisa avorlils Population aae alietaiitly ciloat. gifluli touIU011 Mcures Oro Ile cml. Tiee prenent g.-imath of Loncionea ppuationis 2,1500 a mentis, on over 80a day. Fac Ove inFfOy Tears lie. Wseaxew'a os?0"OarIsser hbe ts sa slinaof seflfeat, e olc oul bLluset=Mel titas thie alici.O .cîlaa M&S.lior ae.5e Vind iait-as, nit anilMM laid thina5adeseses, leacii Bs it Die Ou. We.aa'sassausfl 0r,98" oie aermany ns 742,000 ocras Ini Lentral Americo. with 20 million coflec trees. MInard's Liniment Cures Coide etc The Monte Carle gaibing casino made $4,500,000 last year, ut aluc $2,500,000 son. elear profit linard's Liniment Cures flistemper Tie railway coinpanics of <Great Britain pay on an average £1.300 a d.y in compensotion foi- clemage. llnard's Liniment Cures Dlphtherla The Suez Casai1 cobt $925>000 n aile. Tie North Slen C.Xsal camne next in prise, costing $725.000 a il. 014e N0%, ABOUTeý THIS SEASOIr$ "S" 9PEERqLESB gae ot esa loi Clisis Moi~ USE IOA XIIgoESE Who a eau 9 mr141hies Cia le W ' C103 QÇALVER7' QARBOLIO' F«i ail si aliment-eu saMuPeuxe 0o., METAL ROOFERS p. Brass an Ins. rumasS.onto , Dr ilolmauS EVERT TOWN GAI CAVE, B -ANC lomihl*mî Lino Stoa1hp -0 OI etableg *'MOmsuAVEIGIAN DYgIuNO%0" bMonlreal,Toronlo. Ottawa, Quobec, 0»Ii Tuc, e.lO0lOTLl-N LgIn mal1dnbs. ci VL . e. " laaaaes4 iti Waer et hoq OANADAKS PREMIER COMPANY wim Tu£ E LARG EST aia PER1 CET. PS'U AZNUX la =b1tClyr tawblca lacoe UNQUF-STlONABLE SECURITY. 7.11 paglieon applieaOOai. TUR DANMIAPEEtAigEnT Trmte amt eto.nea --Io

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