Whitby Chronicle, 19 Dec 1902, p. 1

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WHITBY, a per year in advanoo. Opening Of -the, ~Hoiday Gods SATURDAY, D.éc. Our entire huie of holi-day goode will'be on outoabovt«O d.. clotli Bruý-hesx Cigar and Tobace'o Cases. Webb's -Ccnfectioucry from $1.00 to 10c. Cigrare and l:Pi1 EIanging Lam] Hall Lampe, Standing Lam: Chocolate-s 'in e i e e e e e e e e lSth. e display 3 e e )es, e e ee i B.xes e e e e ~ A H.ALUIN, Druggist- lI * TIIE COIRNER DRUG STORE» I. WHITBY. NEW..^GHRISTMAS -FRUITS. Do not nmke a mistako and buy last year' f ruit ta. mao your, Xînas cýLbes anc4 puldin(,s. Oar '-tiarantea gces witt! every pound of Ciirrants, R,ýaisînz, Pcels that tliy are al this ypar's irpc.rt anïd: Next Tuesday 15- fair day bocre. 190>2 -J&r. Fran1cDl>8topg,. 0£ Manitoba, '19s Dont forget-I the Breoklin- -christ- dayl ma fair na xt Ttesday. la th -For your cbhristniaâ fruit cafl on <pant Elliott.- .lie bas alartge stock. i pm Mrs. and Miss, Potts , have decidedled for pot to go to the cdity.tii! ateèr Christ- - Hqni Mr. Potts, of Mon-treal, i là sitin- r with bis mother anld sister this> week. _2M d V1 If ypa car.'t get what you want at151Z El1iott'S, you. iilI -bépretty, bard to i please. Miss Mel3rien, of: Prince Albert, -Ladyj spant'Sur±day, andi Monday with'Bv M. E. and Mrs. Wilson. 'pc The Whitby ar4 ,East W.hitby Sab- t1!F bath Sehool Association will Le- held at Brookla on Jan. l-4tb.7 À cer tain youxg aman from MentrecIl is bomn,, and. a certain 5OuncD lady or Brooklin. iis lookin.g r>quite,ýbapiy. -Mr.. A. C. Elliitt expects to have bis- ful l ina- of chIýxsLnas- goods in. and dispIayed by the end of .Lhis iveek. Theý Salvation Army will have a musical eItertainmnent and- christmas eLree in their-barrac-ke on New,~ year's- la Mjr. A. C. E-iliott's sovertisement e~ will . e seen that liis m.aking a specialty in christrn.as fruits at low There is ccrtaiLiy goïng to Le a big crowd at the BroorJiu ~cbristmas faie, iso Le aure te çome ami -meet old f riends. Aý C. Elliott wisbes. alite visit bis store -before making christmas par- clisses, as he fa sure of Leing able te; supply ail dem.ands.. W. have received this week some beau tiful. gooýds in fine Iiiien. They are markiâd at prices, that. make tbem sell flut. iHoliiday Bros. A cumpLete f reali stock of dried fruits,! nut9s, oranýges, cozifetionery, etc. Nà one catiLeat- us ?na qualiti or close selling. Holli4arBras. Farmars. The'rigit -pace ,to bring, yourfeed grindiug lat'àtb Ui flookIin-. MIS .The, work ila-done right. *Tbë charge 4c. pr 100 ILs. is' right. 1. . Elvisa. The pizes "QueeCod for1 competition at the. BrookJir£ cbristmats fair are large r thaji Isat year. Just ,ma.keau~ entry'-and ciipture seme of- -thal bi 1g- Fou ri Turt 41, 2à 1,2n4 2nd 50 2nd 5Q 50C.1 Best Bes t 1 id$, 3ri $3, 2n&d irse.s on S'y rs. id 3 rî .lg 150 FLQg, [st 82,- flU it' - tîgbtHind.-,Quarter7, lst-$2, Riglit Front Quarter, lst $2, liest Lamib, is- -$1, 2W, 50c. ýssed Lamb, lst $1,: 2nd 50c. s-Best -Dresse~j Pair lst $1, Best Pair, lat '$1,' -2ad, -5Oc. Parst $1, 2nd ý50e'. Best ekeps-, ist 15,2d$. ýs-Best Turkey.cckelrel,, Tt ic, Best Turkey ?ullet, lIst >De. Zeaviest Turkey, Thst$1 Blest D ressed >T urkéy,* lst $1 Best Four Tnrkeys, lst $1.501 eBest Pair- 1902, list> $1.50,- 2nd )c. Heéaviest Pair,Ilat 1, 2üd t Dnessed Pair, lst $1, 2nd 5ée Lr Geèése, lat $.0 n 1 -Best Pair 1902, 1-st $1, 2nd- Lviest pair, lst $1, Lad SOc.ý sse4. pair, ht $1, 2nd S50e. r Ducks,1stà #.50 2nd $1. -Be4st A 14Ï:bla crogek -Tlt- à 11, 3rd 50C.- Beat -10'tlbs.in prInt.s, Tht $.50, 2n4 $1, 3rd 3a 5 IiLloierock, -lat* $1.50 .3rd,50c.- Best 5 Ibs in . oMl -lt15,2nd $1, 3rd..-60c'. -Prizes-Al articles to Le- .popperty oLthe ~donors- [ba&ýjutter fin-crock, roUa sor ..~.,,..- Q~$ ýPâi an tron Peel.... Oookinig Figa, new. Shclled Alniond Nu SheIled Walnute, ve 1A full Uneof BE .~~~~...........-ct1b : .'15 et&.lb, .18 es.-ib. t~~~,~ 0c yb0t...........40 etailb:. rybe.............;30 cts.lib. : issncis..by, the dozeci or in botte. (Jheap, for Cash Store, Brooklin. For -'i81 Christoeas BusIinss~,. For mouth w. havehad the Christmas seasoniviw -ad have taken advautage of .every good Qpportunity< to select beet offeringays ofjý home and foreign priduetiou, and to-day havé the- Lafrt.ost -and Firno8t C01,tiln of gouda, in ail linos, that we -have, ever shoâvn. TQ -tiose wbo have seon ounrformer displsys no fndther word. la noces- sary. Ourco>rdial invýit ation j1e given to slI tp now visit our ,mporium and4 eRjoy a look thtougli this big sck. W.e au suit every taste and supply any ordinary demýiid. ~FRESH ARRJVA'LS F&ney Chinat and Glassware, Toys, ,JewelIry, if liâ te cure.. ne. E.W 4frlove'a signature la onecdibo3x. M.AC.Eiiott-7wli. have bis large and choiee stock of cbristmas goodsa fully dispîayed by iuext Satiu"daY,: ase he la very busy ila that lune alhthi3 week. Mr. Elliatt Is makin;g a spec- iality.o! ebristinas fruits. Rev. De. Burwasb, -of Toron to,- îsetx-, pected te pre-ich the annual tbaak offerin g sernions ina-the Metbod- ist. cburch hbesnext Sunday.- Bey. x. E.9iWilson wi preacli'.-at Blàek- stock Full attejadance fa requesteid. -Mt. Zion ledge No. 37 A. F4 W& A.M., .elec-Led these. officeces - -W. M.,. 0. Snowdon ; S. W_. Obas. Calder J. W.,- F red Richardson ; Chaplain ; Frank Scott ;.Trea.surer, A. Ketchen ; Sec retary, C. J. Sfpencer; Tyler, R Haynes.K MaA.etchen, tax collecter; pre- sented a ,fery sÉàtisfaeto>ry report at-I the mesetingof - the - éuneil -on Mn day last. The -total,- amount o ae te Le ollecoted. la #12,7043 and, o! tis: anLQuut lie bas colie 1eted 99 per cent.'- or al but 8127. Mesurs. Hlolliday. Bros. are cýýrtain-. ly te Le congra¶.a!ate-,'lupor, their' fine dieplay et, cbrLrstmas- goôds. The'y have ýeverythinùg, and of the very best at that, and' have it displayed in sucli a way that oÈë- could not-hslp buyiui een it Lbeyý .did not want to. GoIo oilIilay's, and[ w«oate sure yen. WiWll esatisfied. AsMrs. Gilbert c-.Qtezàplates- leav- îng. Brooklila for,,Oie wintler, any o wishing tLu purchaob any et ber fi- n1iture,- lousehold'goois,, etc., wtt! eal at lier fatherlisresidence -at- Mr. R. Moore's, *here ohbs will selit, by pr-- vaté sale, any or the gooids advertis-. cd in among our ncw, jkdvertiséments la another coIuma. Everything epl latent desig4.aami nearly new. la, arâotber -colum.n wtt! Le found the. pnb L of îthe Brook in -thrist- mas ,faitý. T i-directors-arc striviog Co make teUIcra,,- Very great 5ucce'se agaia this yea. AIC know.. what they did 1lust.year, se Ébat, ouglit to-satis fy everybody that this-iycarla will - e, another great asceas. Be sure and comme te the >B1rooklja, -hristmas. fair, but do't one witlboutyour metheii wvi.f. or 13Lstaer, 5andif yet~ i aveDet. a wité, why - Liq 'er est'glirl. Mn, George, Pringle bas decided -te' open à. barbe r 8h01) jr. the corney-store, but lie wishes it, underOtood that- Ieh witl ouly 13ejprepared for busiaess -on Wednesdays.ar.d-&aturdays- all-day ami ever.ing on'tbesic days-when hae m bL & D9, f Wilson" agent. ilk spring 1903.. - Havie - doz T. IlI. Wld Roses to e 13deliver f resb lihens eggs,1 failty> medicýinca Ly RIMES.j Nd enïtryý fee for members. £Noni Jmmbe rs -wiUL e chargëd -an entry, ,fi$ of -$I,.00 for *te., 50c, for single rig, 251-, for each' entr,ý of dresàed meat, 10e. for each entry, of _tpulltx'y S butter. . Exhibits to be Ia bal! befo.-e il a.m. and bot to Le taken ut before,3 p.riL Any horse that bas won publiqmon- ey as a racer. barred excepb in open class. Decisiorâ -of -the judges -t o-Leb final. No article Le Le exhibited,,la >more than one sectionf of any, clasâ except Lest dressed"hog, lamb, ami ýbutter. J. Vipond,Pteident. Dr. jas. Moore, Treaisurer. H. T. Larîgford, .Secretary.' qST ARVED OUT7e .Many a garrison.bas been foreed toý' ve u h l-'htmbang' ont the white- weakened the -inéèn -pùt ail power to- continue the_ struggle. f _-Manv amai. o ute nm for strength te carry on the struggle he turns bis store over:to an- ailier. Dr. Piirces Golen Medical,,,Discovery. cures diseasesmof th*e stoinacli and other, ,or-! strength to!weak, nerv- ous, run.-downmen- and. women.- "About tes yers ago 1 legan Wte £gffiëtd *t stoiaclitroube hiso <iar- f rha," W-rites Mr. Wrn.J wultersof Aaatirn, Mo. «l, Wàwanfweatber it greW worse, utitl it would t1irowu me ie oa eramping chUl. Vas troubled seâ,ften that -:] soxuetimes thought my -endhaid corne. Triedma=y remediez, -but -thiegam ouly tenpor-.terelief. ltqA Novemar, z%ý, th >oukht 1 would try Douter Pierce'u Golden Medical -Piscovery. I got i bottles and took fil sui tbourhtl1woffld sait -for -a tlue tône lefL - Sam, fo%,n&T 1.e'Adt.. --;~y ed- cf -husineo& lac k- of w - cennisnmas saason. uxr est lier ki-à- gloves, la Llaer, or'- Lrown, :' aizes, regular ?1.25 'a pza4r, for,41 pla~ec>ae. wihere, 'Mr. - . J. Il oraL ts- former butchEbr abop iso*ôdS,- Xeato S E-4Jc0 a cerx ~ bt flyreward -ect for bis païk2s ln :t Lzg to -do Lis par- inebl hin Ïha L-nhj ouof-& ta.1 and wcaid Up a1 hi:s S lxi t vc;.Q n Z( t I -e acM, " 2 S _cl ti1 ý were reated. teo-an'.oys ter É per tL the SaLben't ouse- ~eeve i- 'an-CImdal thEcghly Xxnas&rcb.The. J3rooklin math ,,at.Sunday sebcool wiiI bold their finluai nEt:tajnu.nt -and X-mas Ar'e- the-v MkaSOnie Hall, rookia, eh :XI DPialogues, Recitations, Chorusea, u las.etc., by the, acboot, alter w1 presen ta f roui-the Arcli wil le é trjb1ited. T m cie t-e wisb Prms to-b bo ugb t ia as earyas .poffai Doors open -at 7.30. -entertaînn toi -commence at 8 o'elock. Admisý l.owiàg. lEst i.. bsxasLZfw he, wiù ihave ready fcr c:L 1-s durh-im beifer, led by NW. Jef! -lirookia ; oa durh-im beiter, fedi I. Davids-G-a, Bals~',, M, P à~an~ erted by W. UejBrien4 : 1 sl;thee- yorkahlre hogg, by - Johný 'PalLister.ý Kinsale; lamb, fa by . BrrisAshb -wlsiebacon-, eurcd by theý flayies Ce., for their expeort tradý.7 Mekndt!y aitrron44ie7 this waci Rev. M.- E. Lad M11< sai ce tt honme" to thoýe mcm o!f wMir cxgagVaaru cttie nd,-thp Occasl.O*n L.gL;fifte Manyavid Imevirdap -w'obut . ubýte'yman--ty M Would Lavîa 6.)se t ot- for the, tiniavorable, we$' " -r ili evening. MiàssMaric'LkiidaY< gMs wbo opa:]cd thed:rinlc the gue-, sa D M_ s]i.2 a PrneAlbert, aSSiSted MsnLý. Wil9b * satertainiag the xlrswJl :Mpere prcdsidetd ver hatacp Xissés Cazipboài, Coakwell andVaj -alse sisein athi an rORI. EMYRT LE XM, Thc Gre.at Intern.at!, will Le beld ut 'Myrl Monday DýeezuLer 221 D raujeht borses-Beý 1459 ]Ls. or civer, Pir, Frost &- Wood seuffl Mothersili & Smnith,N ner to paLy $3 lu cas] 3rd prize 82., Best al under 1450 lsTt $ Beat- general purpoi 2nd $3, 3rd $2. le-si over 15 1-2 hànds, le $1. Best single drivi ba-nds, lst $P, 2nd -$21 Lady -Drivers-Best 83, 2zxd $2, Srd $1. wbo bas - neyer won 83, 2 nd$, 3rd $1. Pôu1tryý-esL- pair 2nl$2.- Best pair tui $,2nd $1.l- est pair $2, 2nd_ $1. Beýt Èpi 2nd $1.' Best pair di *1. Best pair cbicker -Beat coleitiopi of Pol flogs:-.Dest dresae 200 îlb., lst $3, Ènd q fat bgunder -200 àILs Beef-l3est nîgbit h lst- $3, 2nd $2. Best1 IsU $ 3, 2 nd r,..Bes t $3, 2nd $2. ltur....Riuf10 1ht Étales inu hW ,XL, .1 -ý1fl txbýu Alh

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