Ontario County Trade Review, 1 Apr 1901, p. 2

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f c f 2 esse~, e. bohm ra àu theseaete ~ S l anonEýiW À 4tr 9 , ec he -late aigp LR. Tbe.office of thie îenspasy a4~ny quactity, ,ll-i nta,,f 'lapi6lice et L. X, burten, %w",t frçeA frui~ts aiso banied ir seaion.' Thhae ogýe the Only flourbe 201115 usI, wale are et.,the @0tlihtt *1d r Thie <Orociiery stock la lu~ adjolinng Oshaawa, locatei on West ]<iog etreet. towna on..Oahaywa creek, on pr ~aOL e la cml o~it ~aa ao4ppn rive otocy, ,bulldinÉ 40db., oeei by Bi. S. Iedionston. àwdta i Oshawea. çoopriisînW a :full assort- aupuci wi.th a foul relier pracesae, opi- comprises a brick anl eton au Ilfn nient ot donestie and limasorte ivocires, erateil botht by watcr and'Kteam- pow5ri two storeya, with iron roof, il- 1e~ baâth for' table and. toilet use. Hia lom- al isese one'irun ot atone for cho'r power usied ha water %%,ith seamiiix otdgnsaebaxidrc rr pins ed.ec The productions ln iiiary. The equipsaînt cossis o f Éwo Germasy, Francs anid' Engiançi. witi ilnur comixariso five brande. knownt as& 4,amper£4 60-iight bail dysooro. ' ad cboice .apaoeé warea ln connection. tiold Meiai. itreelsior. Brideis Loaf, onde 800 iilght Nqja a1ternottri Toi and' la fan-ctrocîcery especialîr his Strone'Bakero ,and Yukon. The oeld thia iiaus e y hees added &. 2,6Msok atehu eeid !ay Medai ln, mcde elitirell- trocn Ontiario ib idco a tntor of the ii.S. C.. full Une nt giaoawarc andilumcp godis wiircha.white the Exesirla type, togetiier with switch boards eand *ic ennectie; ase jardinieres, eartis- msade tramn Ontario spring whcat, the ail atatinary esiaipouenta. The,. éir- eneesce, etc.. snd hie reports an ececc- Bride's Ornai froni mixiel Ontario andl cuita throughnut have aise, bien.l-rs.. lent'crýoéher>' iraide. ManItohaý abrieg Wheai; ths lltrsng vSonpsd, née', S. K. C. transforuliera One Mpeciaiiy Io ln lielR anol gardies B alaes froni Escitoba wheat exclus- havlng taken tbe place of ai] nl'type aeils, this stock being in, eonncoilos Iveiy. an4,tiseTukonr la a paten-t flser transformera, and a tisree.o% Ire dii5ti0i. With the crsckery, asd comprises a alan malsd frsm Manitoba, wheat. These blition bath for primuarien andl B4"id- Completsetiasartonent of ail varietces le bra.nde are aIl uned bath for the ahlp- cries made tbroughost the tovo ýTIi sesonanil hie ceea trade la une ef the Ilin ad local traite, and have an cx- above dynamsl caPacity iii PrOvId, hast ln ihia ectiion. In connéction colent rçputâtion, capeclaily tise oel for oer 3,000 lighta. There are, snne with, Uic seed business hie hach]es ail Medal. Scesisiolr:asil Strong Bakeras 21 miles of ivire ln circuits. k iinda of dlower planta, Ii pots, etc., .Tise dlu> capacity la 125 barrais aod A oyiten ef altersatise are 1iaMps, wlsinb are ln excellent demosil. sbipmpenta are, aade in car lots ta siierateil froc tranusformerai au W411 as The bonues ban a gsod farn trade, aastern points for expert, wbite a large a large number of 1ncandsentsobpvye covcring a radius of acerami miles, with local tradte la donc ln Oshawca, Whutby bean aditel tir the atreet iighliag abihio a gCod town ralte lu Oshawa frocn ail ad the neighhsriesg villages and. cous. nient. The wbole bias hecol Pattaed cilafpe. ti,, baving a ila-ge fari trade wilbinh upon by the Ispectors enspiove4.by the -ýThe buiniess men rocmnieced si-cc t, ten miles iradias la eutettn miliing scii tswn as bcbng second te nocile fn tbsýh éiïis -eario ega hy thc prcoantpro- s. gistng and ciuopplag, turning oul a Province. pitr r .E ets -obsbi L' full Une of cracketi cvbeat. grahoam long experience ln the groccry 110e fleur, and, tend of qait dlescriptios. . MARE. Md c hâte bec a realilent ai Oabawa for Wliet in alas purchased froce tara more tisan 25 years. asti asera dealers for consomption (Successor te W. J.,Hors)__________ st thae milita. MANUFACTUJRER 0F PO RH- 3.OH YES SN ý.The b>uauusea la eue nf the shicat lnON YE &SN thia lin ln Cacaal, bavise boe esiah- PAIRS AMI> 0ENERAL Ma-- Ilohed séevent>- years cgo. . INER>- CASTINGS. D UILDERS AND> CONTRACTOnS- Mr. MetLaren suçceseed ta the conteol iMANOUFACTURtER$ 0F FLOOOt- twp Yeara aign, reznovlng freont Rcnfrew, This le onc of thc principal foçicîarias INO, DRESSED LUMBER. and bas bail a life-long,,eperience in ln Oahawa. located an Weat Elrg street practicci pilii, ssveriog a porloil og cl'joicing Coulthard il Sort 'a;-. MOULDINGS, SABRES, DOORS, fsrty yeasa. lie reonrts a good huai- wsrks, wbere the premisea o'f'g a BLINDS, ETC.-DPIALERS IN ceais the peint secanom andi bis output twa story brick building witb c04e ccd .AiLL ICINDS 0F LUMBiEOt FOR ibil ssson, wli ho double tisat ei tant machine sbap ln fract bail fOÈi~i UILDING PURPOSES. Itear. rear, whlcb are weli equipped lbs, chinea ndco appiascea, espeqI&IWthu -$ s tish nrpalgnlai ~. . OWKJfoundry, with faclitiea for tioning oct ilh nd araorly plain relaitandl IrOWKE, ~ casting» any Saaq ttw', 59 n do atr I saa o -weigbt. 'K1 caeuyiu cnsAt ad wo-sn building e CIENEIRAL MERJCHANT AND> PRO- One spieciaiiy la in onu o ;'wpg~ h one c n srne andtooDyb il- DUCS DEfALER. 1110W repaireancd ger s=h io ocescaidySl castings, doiog an exclst Sb"t~ .0 c 1.0 eto îm t&UAna tise large and pesmltent that line ald basc a -aU titeî fIriM have ther uc-s roll- bouse isndilsng. Xiogerat. merchanlise, theaneboat that sectin ra are fa Iicgoo einir witb 0i. T. R. la Osisawa'mcv lie muentionel tbat 0f made for al kinds of marh 5i7y, for T3rli _cor esci eipe ci .p. L, P'ulwke. eu lClag atr*ot, chere the factarica, tbreshine esefinee a i. T tol weonkeqi e iachinay preuiu~c isa oc iiiliilagextnil i'aii in f is'lveband s cIel b>- ateani powvor, and front 12 bactnt c delit of 100 test, sis base- cd. 1 t 5bneaeepoe ntebn -ment aaai0r eqtire dinor, ad scresnuse The busIýess n's eataisiishià b> s1 ud r ciyd 0ts u> (fe utorscs). la rae, The iosaue car- W. J. liare îweaiîy Yaes ag0ro, - pç.aa ries a luge ait of ganceral dry gonds, aoececled Jinot 75cr b, hia e0#4 . P. Tineir lumoben yard, adlinn la wel read-mae ,ela orere clthig, . HarewhO111ât iai- n&rt a Io at1îakles witht rough lumber. Includinie rentd' -minh o boots arheres, c.hîe E.parne, ln ibas bl neadril t - Pie, hseuahipk ccd, bardwool lomber of In geairai dry. goda liç carnies a gool tst sessonVis, fuliy ". e1~ li. dacriptines, wiie ci their abeil *o "it i eng~ dreb gaodla ccd preclaue >'ean. 'Mr. Ma I mat ha foucil'a full lise of lreaied. assortucOn ctud tombncer, lisorint, silbo;, ccliig. etc., Indien' furclablsge, ala& nocaiiolti liifclOg raslideet nf Wi and la and cc l ir tiresoel materiai ls ail thor- t gonds le table tirneent lace cartaies., wldeiy bnn 1 t gh ibý Oatl uglsly çasaned.e table ahti flon ofleinth, andi carpete ln Ielrstrestayhn ah Oeies ha TlE IngIMArna ESTABLI ENT, li Uet 4f easeil building uaatcricl--lora, On. upelaly lale eai' fadai - aab, blinda, Mouldinga ef ail kllula. loges, caeTryc a fuil lire, e! ceebsecer, P1.> BE,~ BOUSE7 DEd0>P,,JTOR atair wncb, pnrch colonne cod ail Metde S naderiWar, bate, caps, ae., aia real>-aL male suite ad overecte for me, A M ND PAINTER., o f fii uhati exteriar anolinterilori. î hoand fcl ipdrc showc is ail gradies, - lUPPlybcg muiat af the baillera ln tosen ccl ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ E etnaoci eca ag IN WALL PAPIDOB WIN- Wltis dressei materlal ced thla Suoim and ~ ~ ~ ~ - btrsebepi« ag ave auppîleil thc interor fioni for atoi n danel sl-upsrtei5 DWSAE.CbNO' POLES. man realleoces anti ntber buildings la loge le coacection, Ibeirý erlere; eu ROQE MOUSLDINOS. , PAXT, 08101,W&ancd viclntY, usine boti pis haltoe, clit maie stpyle epe cl ouI. V.&eitz UESm, uri,80 AND ad isarîcanis. A goal buainess la telbors, slth llacti. cT sus cittsi OlLI0-ALL IN ne' 0F na ln Planing. matching, aceoil sair- tagIeaaifctib, by pr s CALt lIig al c inla nid ofob woda, anti their goal tonde le Cthat lesn P genta' PAINT8 tIEI> ON glbnyW~ Nq country, Irailes ln reased cateicu, etc.. fuuIli loandou n celstsoc. E ý attenods ta eiverai of the neighboring f of ail gmâW5 la liat ca a rabier BRUOSEas LÈNT ON; aI1* vllUas Inciudlng Wbitby Pickering, ail BrOnkIyn Colucbu, Raglan anti mny a:ol .. _I tots e etaIçaid frc POLIr POSTINO NIDGlT rat fWs alnga a atat dii'eet -ucsats anti prtes, of lNdI PRtOEO"I ATT" PartTs. c f Wetb tescelignadp aten l~a'aal e~Sp oea eosatrou . , One peclit> lanl building aci cair- n a 1 5 . A m o n t t h e p p u a r w , 0 t e a s ti t r a e t i ta , la W i h c t h e , lç a ,v .h a d i r e s bauge~~ ~ ~ noer 10et 1 s Va Xperisaite, Mr. Jolin SIOkes liavlna t Oti ~ Wbît~* rsp ~ l tiis~lifor hciy tOIXty a niat sow érd Il Y*=bn tSoadst ractia bail- the gqgaisoa t Ctsb=ra le tronlp oi 40 and exîcal lc ,Onterbo esun-., iearnlng tise building as.~- latie tis outJili Mas taaa est le dopti ns a. fins triade ic ungiant and ecigratýei ta zu Mlrge ast aVen, leesnn supla cano ad- Cenacla la tia fait cf 1842. vison le In. Ou>cldtto M. F noti. ifiaent jointcg et back and op ln roe. catedln1 Oshcaa batit, one of lie pIe- - ' 0f ioialuw &Jes.. anil Fcolucc Co. Th stcrisaipp tise sprbes noes o! the town. Me. So'kese cuéS Vlalsuido ofile a grOaa ain ute, s traise su1 comnprse15. trolia, hund- mnt of the business blachos lu, Oshawca, cal 500 lu large, aoaatluiaa, Thi ilng &l grades froa two' soln a Sait ln formier yeara: ciao, the Setecîfs, WwAator (up town) basu a capacit>, i cents up ta ne 1o11cr a u'iM c-hile appt-, Street Metflit cisurci, andi quite a $9,00 buigisln. [l orlees con fll fer tIsa veey finest nrumber of ive-dos flouses e bai e Mr. Powkas la alun aecnelary-tresa- grades vice reqU>irast 'Osare atock yeara. and contracte are taben for ap- 01 Uran ai tisa Osisawa Harbor Ca,, semas o! peints, su1% glass, ptty. clvnlow tbleg Xcn ths building lise seilh catin- - levatars have a combIn0I tapaacity cf saalc and cueucai flotsre, in conne. aIes fuenîshed. A 15,00 busiels. botis et wieh are wen tioa, ald bis c- :tait e jup P e lahoe Their basîcésas a sebois tant s«.a. OMaIPPa witli islating maebiner>' Oler haet in Ibis setion. son was foui>, s. large ce In peevloso ciel b>, elactrtcily. Tise cmpasiy en- Me. Patte sas th*S fitst'Oeuier csac- Yeare, speobali>, le the tins ni dreasel te Jo»9 an extensice ahlpplng tendte la Ilalied, le ibis lino e i e'oction. ci- bIu ldlig mateeilandso this lirmaire tl ilsat lics siti esiler» point% asti paya memicng busicee tblel5'y"ea ag0, and loreuarel ta fueniais &nYthing bn ths 81 the biaboat niarkest prices tre fanases bas bal a ltfe.oag expoëtcre as c lunibeu Une for building parpose. l lier aIl Mides of grain. proluce, amil 5001 practical painter and1 detoalaisr. cover- Teiepisone canection. ri the 1ltter litins hataidaX i lage iiuan-. Ing a psrlod ni neariy= caa scrv-f titles danlng thes eavon. andi their lot bis eapprenticaahfp l .noEnt.. OSMAWA TANNERSANDCRI WOOl varehouas lIs cOoneuctln with anl emigrateil ta Cage"£ ichn 18 AMI CURI acatur) bas ample capaciîy for over bie sattierl Xc 0siicsa eu> esaialiol ES SUPPLY CO. at 100.000 peundia bi& prenant bud1neàss,ý Me. Feseke lias been a l1t0-iong rosi- Hie traite han afines trie te it NAIOUFACTURIDR 0F TR LAT. al dent of Oxlaca. ced te cas IUulag tus pressacuinins., apId train aix to EST IMPROVED JACKS, FR5. thil trnis.sucer i isetsw, chua sve allel lasatiÉ le 0 uay sason, DIrE ROL4LERS. CORKC BOLS-b ho- has aise fillil several other ofices, sane contracta fer* iwil> pir icaglngr Tl and1 bas a c'ide acquaintance ln macy painuting, Iecoecln atii sud lains are TERS. ARE BOARD13 AND p parla of Ontario ceuety. taitent for l Mille of top1lcnces col TOOLS Op' ALL KON1ISpcIRST. of In PaiUces ise la a sauncb Lîbeeci large buJinga, li. Patta >ar-lng lus- CLABO MATERIAL AMI> WORK- 4 and la coventions an ieevorai limest licti 00cM>r &li tise, lrga. -bcd publoe MAN13111 qUARANTEBD:. fi booa apobes of as probable candidate buildings le Oiisava, inoludng tic In- p fsr pariiameary bonora, but wchite terfoi af Mr. IOorey'a osie bouseona Tis la the ssiy caneer oflu thla kind nel lucsing a aneifesi aptitude far publiec Simesetreei. Bvrtts" end5 Gleny's on5 un Canada, anti ba bec csachlisilnu huminés, cali et be Indarsd teonet". King atreet; as tisont icirO of Dr. Ohw foavniyar.tahui cc the polilcai arena. Menry'a ncahldeice ssin enrok otreci. isavIng haoe commenceSd esely ln then Ths n-ee ail fIened lèiqt motion and seventtles hy Me. W. ZO. Jaynes, who e ~. ~. UY & '(5. ere amang tise Ilaest la totron. aurd lias iac c lifs-lant experience un menu- J. 0.GUY Co. conturacte are takei 'or ArzILhlSng ln facting tols o ai l Miode. e COMMSSIN MRCHNTSRA1, bs ine la Oalsa*cp aeul' s 'R'ty Itb H4a preaulses are Weil acoulippeil Wt Y4 COMUISSON MERHANTS-GRAINeltimatesancd àpaclïllctioes furnlsbied.ai esa-y& lan«frtleng 'o PRODUCE AMI> SEBDS-CARt Me reporta an exc*ieÏed b40noss the ai etaciet mppines fork toillsougte LOTS. piait acsnon whîla is oluitllo tonhe eitc. the fatoris -ntl ildn . cmin wesonte ull M..0o asloi(hIe apýcliy la in manoiacluning lx The office of thie lieai on Eat King prves yecam. pbl olr dmcie o an etreet le locatol durertly oppostte In addition, Mn Patte-ila >cec l- o. ebisa ti onse bnti maciei forat- Msic Hall. cîth 'aneiiss la rean. teratedla b» eai estate. buylng and soite or the taran beaing aseltl cde- basIng a caparit>' et 25,M buabela ccrd bus direct &Il il aid et 6bg PrtPrY. cd for whebbthegater lar sifaet ilo- ta Wel equipped %Iuh clann mchn and la osner ni aserai fies fotîdenes orsaa ge. stie rneller ae u for lsbn eyopersteil b>, alectelo motor. on WSIccIa ateet. Me buas nto soi - and finbahlng, and tbese gonds hava The fIem de a large commissian hai-e rsi propenties for aals. b' I 1cr ',b 'o- iota been langeiy usei! b>, taonnes Ibroaga e«a ln grain and seess buying le large a nd 1n-eIlsg hbouea, Ie fanliir ranrg- th onr-uIgth at8 er Qoantities ai outsuîe pointa. princups.iiy ung frotte $76, and tis atet' ota $600 uto> inegtsIatMya 'and upwlt eas teme e, UréItglý,F oc aperiait>, le c aille jacka 'for ci Meaford. Cimeetea Boinaca hp ul a> emat Oh~5t poilsbing scy kual ai leathen. 'l'is ville, ciae froc dlesaie otuer pointa. Seing an aid reallent, Mr. Patte basa chn a o uati yM.Jy« spctalty le cuide of large sxel c vle acqualotance in tbig suetound. hoc a aet ad asnlirnl peas. pilncipal>, the White Èye 00cr- ice couintry. ced ha.. Il theorr'c tcrouactny b>, tonfaitg tsntera. MHe oc noscrat. bandlîns opsrarda of 100 *oen ce a membr ai tise is5itis board, In aie tona oui c fine liai ai cnrb bols- 'Of bouaheis lurlng tie esson. Pera arr ciollng Uuree ysars as ciairn tr.am or@ lcorbnle n l shîppeti ln lange qoaîlties ta thse ex- toise oi ail bindai cor searlina le leetse,. ' Y TRAfl~ a r a -ntscas os r set, cou- exfgla- hmas lmeiWýygri e ne la i'ng 40 fret lnce*.r, Tie fil floprtlsdo- praatica li.ý&c a ta jew eer 'notsti(0 the.getÏersiustock eo0t trnit re ie s l - Ioc.et'fi la hàtioni anti panne, kaiutea.santcohce M esswthf,é, Ics literau>-PI&itLà loungas, secretarco. eid bsanrds, chirs' 4te-, lie icsi ods, vOthe :iiàtteo rockcers; eprncg, mbtieases. -etc.,-'sli Impiig lenaeeal- tfraes, enil outil for cash at close prIces. PiîtfeLeccrtp op e lsc r itll franing, fueniture repaîrins adiuip. uicéeeag. holaterne le dons un, connactisa. bac- Mn, Broneeisnaw* a gond Ifrade le ung a lme c-sahsp one opper lioni< ail uloca, llale rlillo n atuses. h!iefueoture trae bla sdiesetabiu. anal jeser,, bath, ln tonndal unr, cil bath le roen ald coantry. bis IQus- is ceucry traIe tavernlea radios 0f n>- traIe covorng a radius ne'tIenfo.1 ten 1fit laen miles. -MIs buaiiacse mil., sat»eadil>, lnoreaàdig And apécial orlers lisundertaiing. deporiment sic htr are fulel foan ythine lfie Iscli.ns ai ton-Or faoon laseul etocaral-ijtrirpiatlng onravies,fIne jlselt>, Ioe. clastots anal fanerai furniahinga le cil lesgna. A fine iseanse, colunîci'laers F. LAMBERT & SON, %V. tn lor an>- ang funceila ere atneetaydistans ce rekid- L-pe balcming la donc b>- thr laIe procèena &J ITHE LEADING T AILORINC AMI> rails areassereI et an>- tlime,. uHicGENTS' FURNIBMINGIOUSE buissteslat season Wsu-bOSmeseisl OFs*OSMAWA. better Ibas le previoua yeaes, svlItb a godoutiook for-tic sprnsg Incube. T sias bave the Isegrut anti one, Mc. Wlgg bas heem a llto-lang ceai- ot tihe best equippol 'ltloelog house" le lent nifitasection, and alae ide as- Oshawa, locatel twoa «Oora .eal sof siualctaoce beh In leonn counte>r. I Commepcial bauoal oKng çetracu Tic stock oa ine cinge toc tise spning M1. E. MAT, trcreo sel beas-complété Au aven. cose- - * prlslog a faIt une of IMportel cod dé- DEALER IN GROCERIES,- GLA. S. -,roeeibc sultinge. Spécial AttentIon la givra ta lins Iccas culte.,isLsing turc- WARR, CROCEMET, TIMWASIE el oui muni, fer proiesaisesu anti huai' AMI>. FANOT (i00DS-PIRE secs mon n a asectiol, wilth a lange TEAS AND> COF1mEES A lSO'BC- J raIs uln belnar>' fins suite fronaIi l iae n Osawc anti leurréunting IALTY. couny, covernag a radluios if ficen Thsis lite langea gffeer>- n onci r.h At the tailoning apartienta on u'per, Oimncoeltreet,corener of BonI-aer> aslor e fuit forceofs!banda are employel. nhcre the rrocses comrelrse tivhlisbora chite th ise ln dethe In own ctUting, andl basement, niti sareroamne (fon savusg hadlluaog 'sperilace anti Mn, surplus enockaery)>In reen. anal .n bîdu. F. Lambert bhanbeen, engaeeI n lie ilonal wseereocile rear Of same foc i alinng uaine fIoOslissec icc 1it. etong beavy>-geacertea. Tie préent parteaislp %ras ferassi Tbo bouse canreo a faull amie kOf len on tc'eiveyesrs co*, nd0 ca lîr tCri1 evrrytiisng un tie grogery fine, mating Ibas Scen staill>,grovîns"iaIn' oec- a apecatlofnite""s lnilcotises. Pisaeelion wltb thée IdIome gbuies the>, are, beellel bn tise leadlng branla, Igis- carry a fuIl ausorîmeat of Conta' fur- Ing 'spétial attention te Balada ackl- alaînge. age toc. n-hich lias e large scie *linon 25 te 60 cents a pousil. A fins uIneîçif RACKET STORE. Java and Mocia c fes Inlecannection shîci arreoilgroual on tic prémae1 .. i.PARK.' PROPROBTOR-DEAL. In csnnedanal table géoe e5s ailth tcstaple varietîs;aiséciaotac>rblé. ER INTONWARB, CROCZRY, cuite, csniecUaoncey, dried, Calîfortiaa GLASSWARE, FANCT GOODS, fenile and frelu fruits ln, seccuon. boCi ETC. tropical and bornsgrosen, ta ua i ch h Surs c fate traie., The Ileg lIcries ai This Xseanonioftise promirient bousea breakfast céréale are bandil un 49- un une achose iXcé, iQcaedalibesdoc.u noeîon; cie* provisions Ile sncokel east cf post luffice, n-bers tirestockarc- hbao, hreakfast bacan, long, ean. ,rIed camprisesaullfine ef fine chine, bologeaanelpeck sausage, ceesea , C ril onder-, glaaa5cre, ciliicen' a ysandci pourle>, lnsecuon. butter andeggs. l laIl, notions andlormait, ares',aitan ln1 lange quasetitîSt ' and granite n-are, qgurlinni suppllias.;ýbin In ceacter>,as> ha mectonal a. large ilbets, swriting inalerlats, etc. Mcr.'a siock ni atapis and fane>, gooda, a4sio uoderseean, oversuls, pan-ta, eta, ertienae, isasware, ltcnps, etc. 'A hScedlni connection. The gonds hcnd-o trod astckaf sucal vaceale n*ùîoc- te.ldans seul cciiraly ionrcsi tIclose lion.,ussnbauciildreen'.la, ey5,e(.. prîcea, iavlng a sood Inrdel.sutaîlis- tisa> iancy >'crns. îtlta. crocheOt cottepis od bath ln tosen cnd country. ahIt otior fac>' onde, ladiesvnts, The bsineucsasua-..omnncol b, Mn. bosten>', dli. :'--' - Parlanecel>,oe- ycce cgo,.ccl, his The entiro basinessglyc.eiuloy- jteale bas sioca haseieasoreings. Ilela cent btey iaIds, and tise mottéocf anald résident ai Oshawa alnd-île- tbe bouse l19csh and ion- pele. , Tlir iy tnewn botS ln tbs n d country counte>, traIe covee a radius ni' ty an 1501elvmieles ln Easet and Waat Wh oy cnd Dariinglon tns 1bbps, n-i9i M. IRIPATRICK & SON. lasil uontraIe ln Oaavc n-h fonds se pompîl3- laIlveritt - MANUFPACTURERS, OS' WOODEN Tise propriotor, Mr. M. 9, May'lMS.EC ion- been ln bsalne! a tiClip- ou"4' fon fourten yarandcl-liha sis g A Thais Il rm lsse tise oniv pump snrks lent s! Osheaacedsisiiity. ior Se44Oshawa, loaslId os Soolth Simeàcé Case. He reporte s gaod basIneWt nd Salibea dm1.1 ýwbre lia>-hase ac zàs $caaon,son-whet better - aeý! sApeltlat buiilin aoupplicd i se s uit- peeviaua year'a. able ipiieeý tîci rilýbIr., Imttom oinog. etc., ùIreP o.j! to4st i.4a.aey. PAINTER, IDEALE 1R IN A -bses.érçUtnçf urnelshlta.fée PAPER. CB2ILING DB A. eop.çlte vMien p'qyilrld.'.. 'theSacodauc. TOOA. AlES, 110, tsi@Intiis Unc' oaprnealift P up ai1g, ail% e kiaudeflul' In aticqmt>', qate NISMES, BRUOMES, WINDOW e a um'acvcf n-ics sees lis aatogs. SiADES, eCURTAIO POLE. oultishaI Ssotioo, and IaI givins god ,GLASS, PUTTY, ETC. satliboton. -Me. M. Ktrla'rucick fi**ad cinnîry Tisla oneosfaitieprincipal housesa 4,lonag xporlencc,"a t patcal ln the steve linln Oshawa, lo pAýte bùp maso.n, na bas been a résident on Nort Silnco e sreete; it -uag for 47 >,cea., Mia présenutj satcaroom la stoctel sica a fulîliUne or u sacôcmençedlaut spetas, bas ATaecicarand Canalise sali papera lm aine laeetire"tlng Ilclig c goall aii ensias frao 'q" 60 cents c coll trado un fo*n cml cooct>,' the latter( rible spécial oraiers arc filel Cor Lct. extendîeqfrtram10 t18 iniles, Aedsai cl ter grades lcling icathePettea ta n ld o s qt rs alipAiIsing poneei>' presesad papece on an>-diog. ia pDroaspt a4tq5slov-. spreuir stck of wattpapr wil tconpni Suai" rospuecta ter tie 00anns eaffo5 neveal houcnd elié an wil bcail irsbrigiteértan i eer, accd sella ara received is>'Aprîl iset Aise Pot dosan-bs» reqairel. r In connection may be, meolîscoti e ful lins of scinlan palots, cal, ar- alaiSee. glana. puotty, etc.. aioaseîwntise D>Ait DALZO TANNERY, i One apealt la snlepaincing, do rr.'JAMMP OOON A SONS, LEATUER 1 .hIng cod lintesiog residiences and ail 10ANUIrAOTURDR, BLAC ANI> lage buildinga, hie business bl tatinas CO6RÉBIEL " ftWA reung as largo as ccy, anti amocge îs CLRE>BDtEAIEt A Prosususent buildings Oiiscd d urbng ias AND>FLEXIBSIOLITS. past Ces rear nay>-hoc eiocet ,ilerc Tlalnubv ls n> snr'l oi tise laadleg ceaitiences l isaacu. hso ràhaeteoi tneyl aId nIions tinougi the country'., mi Oshawa andul viIt>,, iscated et Coerf acîîtîe fr tialg cntrctaun n>,Data, about, 00e-quarter ni a mile be- fcti ti oc an>,, r ct ln a y sOW GT. R. station, wseeeheur prèrn- Il cer ut saperloneti bande dariog UnStesicoonecieti suita.thetanner>, caver è sa. He han a peaeau a nuucîco 0 acres. Tha plant comie»asboit ac coracte os basnd toc tis prng uvattd ul aîîis.bnule i î gctullng painting, 0-ait pascer anglug ailOns, 175 >fart ln iasgt b b>'42 un 2i eliasbig. tc. bi oolcs ir- m é iloli; aiec a'bide boue4Otsa cuses, s spiuiftralo bcbng as birguilas ecr nal sreral oIson builings ased for li Me. Breesson s owisbeen estabitil. alareione, ecepenler sbop, imachins s ad lenIla lice le Osbaw-a ifornea, us:10311101, etc. Tbe irent ai thc main bul-I lare, cnd bas lad a tufebasg x 1 Ile atii-n te 0Tya liaheontirashre arce au c prartiral paiater and dr-m, fiosdcru hacg usselifer cornlancd fin- ip atsn. halog ene of thsases ies s-rui siM w. siI timienng ldeparunent ln thc p iren lnu iualice 1 5h ecucoc asd ,lîa large one star>'.bolduing laroée., singec oe c neaileol ai Oshawa for 4diy.,,,,%100 single V"dand. 1- ls, cnse>,ln 1, squilppl vititu Iithe a lentsiappliaca el sel machriar>'.anti operciel bathl by si COWAN & cO., valser anti01911poser, visit rouas50T -to 40 banda rn em1ployei. Their, led- t SMPOBTERS, 0F FANe> GdtîO ing #pacltla are la manufta;rucg il TOT. CIRANITE',ANIt. TIN- bhîa .bcalqeaIaiseleathera, n-ax WARE. MOUSEHOL> SUNDRIEtIandcleiaxbia apHite a"titheir yeariy ouI- cA pst augraget oser sfflOtat un sale. l NOTIONS, ETC. The &M se &U démenta,~i 1u - ur Tis flm avcoo0te a uopot. p,, russe iccîUng amalia-areas Isba t, bccupylaff a dine ealesraam aartc rade' >f Sttna alcesu ses.n-boa-c the rc mecolmpa-ises c fuil liUnsof 'hins 9OVelt1es. sisassare. ISetiloCcres a. ac>c eses. lin and granibe cane, situe and, mda coosis, iair andl botS actttî.. anrs, ninslesuasan ter saîl a m-1 ano penannai use. siti tabbets, s'ib, Iens. wrIIing mateelals ced acisol i .p les0 lu coosdntioi, ail sîi t fraca,t ose prises. BDocie osessat lut fte, DttCnbeng gooda, staeotdlcs il ai fuît Ue af fccc Sobuda- ectn; aisechilîcen's Ioys. r. anses andI suber ausoltîcaior e ,hiSaa lete, îporting goudeo urd alldone gamnes IIn aecaon. Thc buoIness sas nnbp cadaccrt,y rua fim six mant ega, anId bor art ans excellentumarie, sucadi-y -csalas, baîm lni bsn and rouncor - I a outest>-tecla extendlag turu adtu> everal tulles. Many>,oaitueur gouda Mportedliect 7sm Manufacturer.,a .e Unitedti stea, and Pedlani froc ,-h eigbbarng villages sanI contry - uppliel n-lit a>-taing ln liee i on Di. J. BROWN, IACTICAOa WATCMMAKERi JEWELER KING STREET WEId. &Asosag bie lnonsisesi je-dlry hbsot.q m Kbcg streel MMM>, Seictionai lt tDJ. J-Bross U l10t» enry bl hot cilceaf 15 sasontU, Emîluienia". oiiei' pointe, &sOtiar bideiioaeisacn tise preili i su etcalva>, station base ample alarm a coisll. TbaOf proucler a Cappied tle n-Iola- ale aise . Msiacturers In leaiie cîtias lis Ontario asléQuahee. caooisave asoe eolari Irase slii(creai litaic, sieOltheI'in Isale ln bs iat lieo I. in- erecrios. Prompt attention la gisen la mail oriei's. vbic are helog necelvel laU>, troa il)leilesfpaunts. Tisé isslnSawna itahitneelb>,Me. Jams Bobdoc B6peas ago, uthe pras- sot panlnsshp havIn eheafnal cid fes raes aine, tic firicmemhara halas IJames, Frant W., sol Chsarles Roheon, aU nifvisnsa have icI lang et- perasse, Mx. lamasRobasse basing -beau senga.lla ing le talaection ,fon 41 veara. mWisabaso a etrealdent ai OasaaimI 16. halng vidI>, knose thsougboit taï;ctcie s assiias vîts tas laatisaer.thUeagisat Canada. Tise pasuacibutitiiea" cc lantiset-re puselsafl t'W*dadla halityeara &go ald lttqtiup apsalai>' fac tisapurps, an4tirl la »wvnaenifte Seat eeaulp- paleiat P130fetatla bnlnscanua.a MES.B. ». 1ASBLET, OSEJAL DEAÎLECR IN OROCER- 055. patVhSoOs, FLOUR AND WIr>D-.TEE!(SCA a. Ti in buamsof tise prin*lpai stores tcllggmLi mirubmisl A C~la 2tom andI et bisealeath lât Auirlhi»' m ýh*atoci CercleI comi5mislaua tinta' SortmOro o sa»ls dry gaula- ausis, cotIons, pelota, glitIsiic, nlensei liolcer, etc., aie table linenirtt-W Sial Iaiatn ieun isvei teathbe su cery ilepantaset, narryîng a -lf. Ii nf tablé anti tanla-suipiea, 'cann g joluin le itvarlelles. Issa ncottef luai cltise isadliglirersis (bhl iie age cnd bslk). thé forcer Inclu(ili $alada, Ludel le.,GrendI IblguS au othera balla tocs le. greens, bla et Oti. of 'OfJOProsperoi Ti finlut soltnoflise site nitistact OS Uabrldge n-as heok'en b'yDr. Be wiet about lit, sien omcca butid bis e swmli andi 'sI-ul.ccii aiteescel cama' Ict lisosheasiona, 'Joaeph Colline. Ti. intlia score 'ope2 aIed bb Ic uctl- 1804, sien lie s c oldental>, kllied'iitise aaw -mîl. Tb mills seestlin1 renteti or leaseti c shaces, iii odcuptoti au cceslvejiy t vanlous parties tui a831, b>, shcstic bath rcdli buildings' n-ara necriy ' ruin. JobhnPP.' nkcbma la fr1 'Yorkh aLI 1 825 cnd buelti 1c 11(4 tramne tavsleont bot $0, on -the sovafl onesion; being th ise fot, 'houulu public entertalnnîenl, laitla .asrte buili crhof bnilie I:tigsoc roctille il conty. Tise village. cI htisa Iconcp nstel ai tise 014 grli t551 eaMW ille; C sud log hocco balnngles ta ltse Csulir properte. and PlLikbs tase)n n. IiiM John Lyouns, a bati1b~etul tise village, moiîng an Impotant addi itoun. 182Ou M. ?tank. bougisi oc Robent Wllasc'S fara (sîci n-as ti cliellsie un laIderyeara ni He u 0011 saW aM il ndlo ie çtory; ahdIbIul a sas cl. leIn 1880,CciocIyeli tua aYoung cs,4 aaft Ieflerwarla.ý .weU-knonnmrla o.twitu cie. 5rf Wbby, brougist 1n L smic stockaof godls. Mn. Plamila iuit ia'O stoefor lithe auturOua >Youcg mer coln, asol iI asaaill' la hathe firs s tore openal Ic North (letacIn Mn. Plank was uiniorlunate tablae mil apoculaldony cansid aut (both ill an farci. 10 Me. Joeph (Pould. Tise Jla tee, whitaes a n"cf Ishevtbutina.i aiîtea.nd nimusaiseoei'sv ccldbnter pelas,,son e rulit ths uauim cittere SdinCa seossen !aclary, andaluin Ir '44 a nen- ase miii, I lb 46lhe hulit & lare loaurleg Mildit tsiossfrl aperaivas.ânssié teV g ase tisa vil. lare a feash iipe on lie; onward piiaech lui pnigres. 1"4 lie baIbght the nocuitan pr.opact>-.30 soroa, wqehtuli cliaiel niesnl>,ait-thse village pOot.,-Tii ibQesicscilncýa e' i evillage o aip çet>- m@atie Mr,1 'Uuili A, lr>, n-alau Iln. Ma Re aS lie liat Cassa of' Lic- bridge, aall tkse iraI prasonal w'Cl$ei oi Ontanlo. ospts. ticulgde usn- carporate d aÀ,village un 1871. A tan- nie>- sus hulit in 100 acd eaboneral store ahoiiutsheame >,ear. Tise:ùis asiscol houq afs, mllI ln 1810. lia -lire Place of wosabp can lise Quaken medt log bouse, bII as fer bàck au 1809 Abosiu >'dýrs aitarearit the,. s.4 a second meeting bouse bult lancc-ei- taence ni lîvisine isving trsen ln tsa Quaker coamucît>,. Aile arIbacme a kirk bîli lii' lie7 Preebyleriana. Tie Opcapai cisucli n-as put ap bru 1814 Tise firaIpost Oblice, sas l ln 86-- anew ce sas bolliissanty yccrsafterwrd b>, Mn. (toull. rc 1844 Me. John Énbalalc cavdla aed buit c suore and Mr. PiclalIthe ame >-eac mapseIl lm bis îov brick: botel. In, aubséqoent yeas buildlag cent on mat re ne los, apily, anti town iota hegan ue he salI irom 1864. Tir building soflise railsa>' Cave Us. lige cocsdalleeImpetse.amd 15.01>- >-ecra &go se liait ut mdii es Population cf 2,000.,lt hasnos plon-ty if seli-bali stores Xc ait lnos ni teade, bieas, seseruliluduasteles atidusle l tacu a prouperous busbcesa tanter. tYxbing a s.inconpoated as e iown sn 1891. &nàl la alpuatel 41 tmlles auorlb- tacft ni Torontso n Beaver creala, seicii suppliea Poser, acocn SieMllanti ti. vision G. T. R.,, le Uxbilge towsip, 22 culas eortiwctebt ofWbttby, ths Caunt seau. l centaine sMW, fSotiestl- ICIc enS soOniceills, foVCetieueande sachîn i sops'a. Oer>'ada large PIlDO alulndegan manatfactîr,. The tsClousaa euriies comspris ebtoiiI, Pnesbisterlac, Anglican, Caliiolie and Preshylselan, Anglican, COhIioast> -redit to lange loVes. Tise oaacauloaai suteraIs ara canoftt ' Mattea In- 'isdong bath igs and Publie ucmole replo>,ing c staff ni i-aise tescibirs. TadeM lae80a sMechanica' leatuta. Vwo hache ald (vo eell> spapers, th JOurual a North Outanin Timaa* The àseliccieu Inatitihe (Public ib. rr) esoicie;over ef,» svomes seud la tansautheaJoeph (onu le stitote, wclaIstise fineatlnlaNorth (Ontcrio osent'and Onaeis( thefiasafl sorts et Tocojuia. Il 555 presentesil eta ls n y lise.litJoseph (bull. *'visooe saule a fies gîft to tIsibilgemai 52,N0, ths Intereut aifshicb wspa la mexa. calai ansail>, for the banenfite i Poe. Thae lcea ab sipaseetascomprise rcmber. floue, graIn. oat etesaIaber, arcitura, cugsa, ý meicry. planes eld Oege. .lsessock.peoduce and lSesOldOturast Praucs. wi l gs dis lu pi 'vret îfâncy alaultp al'Cn mte onY i"ÎÜ du . as~, C. >,&iç5ltt0oMS" laa -rc'bhazlil*atI1î'OfAc . Of, Wre' c a- îaso retbt oeîs elslF-Onutaocoup i. b lit cK.,- , o Sfiose. sal pecae, -palm>'. anal hem illIeulcil- other .OqP&,llioa l t r ~ AU kinuls ni standardl- . <f* 'or thle >oli e lla e-nO% Ii i nîîg - jgroasé ruIts are bondled l1 e-bslrttrie I~ilI lhlt lei u. i, , 'hible mn rviions ma>,be ms- Me>ate ni the A.-.SF.candcA.,' M. fi ts au' tiàlfbd c atull asrtmect of Saa, Toronto alstrbt."and'la aise preataloci -a, býac ,esaitpark, sait rabX,..adtIaa, land. ni tise North Ontario Aania.llurai svo- eIt lxeÏëe. pOOlte> ln cesasonbhtter aad el>,. -"' - este In largo quanaits. lias brec, 114. .J. deul (vin u, CIeaare. delLsercil ta an>' alîrosa mniager oni t1h'iiaelnkýa n e5for 00>-ral as Il CuIse tDale-and Oshawa, havies an >eara been',neeeor0fthse Ccvii s UX- tie exellbent -bsec tradee 10 aujparis aifbnlgo; 'alooa fuel two ernsanLIM. p. tes -(lbta . . cilbcat ir ta locl hca4aè, and lnlpnoOs dilinga k nd Ii useteOribeia tasrte.listaetani teitm - 'mcnijaalo0fthea]Do- 'e uje' aealan a ir tie tam' icminion pcrtnulucesL'Bis otheutbrçathe, Ml. fou te>-andtieocsonner sialorOsud MrI. C. (saulI, bas.ion. aseeai yccrs, 15laitavesso esemaion. lulîdith ofcetfI9Ce ai Uiritge lêiisip. sivls' tiiélr icen,* tise lais Joehs <bal, sas tise lIrat eevaoî, tiat tonship. aiseahelieiica4nde codliM. P. or Ontario Ioality. BIDEPIANOAN GA Co us Twns n tie ContySMALL McARTEIR. .PROPIIE. TORtf-M-ANUS'ACTURIRBS Or mn 0t.-tis Uxheilge branccitac elevesu PIANOS, ORGANIS, PIANO a-. >,scrs, AthIe SIachia ganecai huai- SOLEC te omsa I.ons, 1050e b6tng Madse» oncr- TOLEC Us etigai papar. cobîsteeah, fermera' Oia ntés, etc. Tise savintehant ilépart- TisaCompuany, n-as niginlol>,or. of nietleoulsfipateniseil. Donsitandstigocisl colnd1uporacIdCi der 1is S- inu'aigehRbnge la sie, laguol on aiX peesent titis <i tlie UtinigeOrgse anti tq-",Ilng pointaenCac 1tsUntlPiano Compancy,29 years St, s$tl a ,' . c i iLCnea, hcente caittal stock e0f lioi000. -neuri>,ail paiti Eseoe.In. About asIt yeces agO Me, C. W. 50 - _______________ Omaîl purîbaseil' bie pat and altocS Il ' .. on isand, coisWuins tise bulînse onder y3 UX»nbIDOB STARROLLER MOLLS. bisaow s S ianeaspraprlutor i bise Ut- is - -' ' -bridge Piano andI Organ Casapaçi> UnîtM 'a QULI> BROS.. PROPR-hETORS- 155 and -a liait years ago, n-lioMn. la -MANUFACTUREIRS OFS' FINEST J. A. McArlbue n-ataiteil n la e-iant- S GRoADESOPOS ROLLER FLOUE- ner, isavifg albeedonS basins.. unular le' DBE EP.NAL1I O*' -e nrc sce of Sail & HoArtsuerths ALER) INALL INDSOV frme atl1bieng ownno f tislaatacl th RAIN. '555DS. PRAY, POTA- and plant afrilie compan>,'ancd Mn. of - TOMS, DRES«IBI MOS AND> Soali lice been' engagat te tise maeu- d.. OisMERAL PROD)UC». GROC»R. facture i pinons anti urang fOC tisirtir lie yeaes, basing bil nsaéiy aàlie'iong ex- îa OS AMI> PROVISIONS. panidoce lnta is île. Thme PromisesaI tise corne ni 5ocla ,e TRis fitrabasee Cia aiflour milleandaSFranliuin stiaes. iiave a frontage 11n DaIrIlge oni Of wîcis, c touret81017of 400 fect oa the. latter. ccl caarly 6 sils Mt, la locati oen Torono thae gspmcdistance ce Srick street. %.LdDmte treneswcile tucother oan isc vehuildings, includîng à ardes in 2111, , Viaicila titi cme alse, la facîber ilirea Snte>, trame builing ai tise 11-i rtis on Mata Sàtreand cl iti cilla 'iront 10x00 u'sd for mchine cacas. Lit aeleqoippedti tienlglinul-lis a anti Cas makIngd abrick butidict hIfuît causieprocensandsol pealdb>,6151x40, tisese atoroesacola banament, ie - *ater>wer, stilSing dive double set of usadilaesciv lenlise nusatfaclure 0f 'a roIslaI ai nseasîlI ced aixat the olice. pianoa s. t o alan>' trama buildligs n-1lài lie daiilc ciposcity atauccbmilI f 6OtaO anti lIaiS OctspetlYb. usi Cele- w1S ares of dlouxrbslles: s large guse. cipail>, for aOeece; Labrots. ongie ald h. Uty , ce raedtisieat, graiSun fleur, baller noua PCgx4üe ajoiniig m*tpImlil- Sf051, sit. icg. nlai dry>, llîn, -lumber Oedua, 010. o_ T'leirproductions le flos$r compris1 se nilectIOO. Li te foltasîns brandet"IdttI" "tar.' 'Tie Plant le velu Solipped wiIisail Ln a en"andî traiChI Itolaer," Ilie ici- modern ancbery', haies up-to-laIs, G e t ojn intcae tran>pure Manitoba accltha lacue>, buildcingsacrs bea"te r-Whodl,'-bhilthle Star àcol-Ideai branla h>5 steatal provie let îls aple dira t are 'made r inue laIl Ontaria and Prectuion, leelinga goal salIr saua., RaMààIsba shecu cend tise ger tram pi>' troc tOnlvsuli'orks. The>, air@ DurS, bueii ect t Prenantol aploylns'* Shoul 50 blitis, - .oa79tcitoc due sascmieaciirail eatperiedel'wictmen. coul haie pro- - 1 -...s.r ' asauexelen ultiens cmprite ce excellent grade dof t- akeesrun UXbrldge anal tisesurpomi- Tpians rgi ia a shandela t c.re n iOg tein eitin a radiuof ni26tor T80 llno rsu tieniueeliton, tuilos, aWile taseIdealandlSt a desa yles nowces. a s ewCeeoiny, Celo Ar ü«A cce balt Onte otabola adsle Mes Cçatuac . aaclal>', 10À a vr>- lis In. p loir ts l aipiesue ibs, A lae ul Instrument couabinlcgail lbé latent luià- neas>a gIeItC aal estiina s Ise lrovemists Ilii pano eCoastructioni. Ot la %,UIonicesarr, n-hn sten coramecdîsi-- leylnaut ~viuî aac> le ean çf froc l to un lmles.ald cîep- adlocie, eil'i lit as a auparbt64ti. 1- ped e0-on> casanal pea, as î%voitîu ci nd.lheneeinaîl, ohib>' prmlne a obrun,, lalddinge. etc., are. ctomai- sut tlb.'musical traIe. - TiS (theon stylI« ln largs quantiltiea. 6 isave sa a'aàmtolces rapotaîlon. ta4las Thisai ieal ailien. Mn. James a.ea-rleexcellentdimsl clssIelbt -hciii. Ibbal ad i fîsen yeara cx-'litathe ralaral Woola ebîvo eicilel, se Pesle, le p tic&i miiicgn-ibId tie 0Intans lby nti nsice IheIinsl'a 0 -_L aIn iuipatlnssUanid. cth isa lient cîxt iqg pap q pa - 0'511 al yias, lavios bauenlon and cispcu. lise lutter eè. alliyf wf(u ta i riieJpb mlt luthélie ng for Miula>y, iibadsog% hre a -im' Inc rilui. poftbn. Outiput Iss u pblic balla .beieg m*la-ln is ffeeit tescna paw ea »ase vai', sies tesuit uSa popoicu' demal, he --They &saca do an extensive business argases esaiaoii atlI nihe iletiiè ln usgeais ni ail kinde, ship la IsPue- varions poptIar sonde of valaut. ma. ti Cissuel tnom fiemerre la se> sisanityI>-, is an d ULel a.and lare blgily re- it sndthaie gi-ais saraboues bah~an anr-fOmmncbelh>tie musical ifle an it ec cpdiacty tOf 2ItOlO ushalai., Bbbp- wselaus. caIcal pilite risoosh lbe cemnts ln tliaI lae are made ln car lets Cuntflry. e. ta, esuicen Pointea. Tlcr Présentsuteput le abau .t 3W a A praipsiceeOtaelt>'la ln fiel sol planceanal600 orgasia vr ear. ind -gardéb»Oie a sisichim are ieelatIen- ,abiamente aca maIe ta>' slolesc anse ilvêl>, bols au wlosseeundti aII, retaitl haloe r bugistha eunotry, thele acsrryîng c&'lane stock ai thae n-wans-trais axleading 10 tisaese4tti ros- a bouaeM, tmce ~On bath Maie and Srock Incas. lnclullng Nova S8mUa adhNes I. êtraste, Sald lnAdditianto tbe lical Beunavicâ. clii a large Irbd i la1LItus v itaîs sîlpoceitt ni claver timaIS>, principal dowsandced tiea ln Ontar'io i andI othat ilseeléarsesmaIe le rat and Quehils; cl a 5 501true laa Xc Man. vlosste Toronto and ti îe pointa. SciaI loba and tie NartChet !oritories, - h,>boyluabanîlal bn large quentîles for A lareabualeeisa la dIse Ic mail athe auppi>, ni tha ceatoon tende, and orlers, cuîi ce ecelvel 1411>, fr0,0 atala fIca ara ,extensive uealers le ail pointa eppias. patstes drogue&linge, ttc.,.Theotput Icutsasin se. largar a upplyle balli tie local and shlpplng tisan 1» Prévsiua cs. anti thaîrnons- Icade . ýpellB eroitiis siasana OtrsI are bal.- - Tise gooar>' clnour spd fnsaatone teran lcnse. Theie businassIn ladu- 0c Brook atreef (oppoolle post office), I la t' boreasng, hing isandl>,ahi.la Ose Of lie licestlin Umtijge, anal a koap up w-l h uie orîsea, ccln a fns thlî sarerodsme laurtet'of gurocer>, lilatatsld ciolar, glng a. fuIl M ay ha feundaafull ine 01 tua produe. descripticn oi the vanbougstyleis oi tticea qi thair Mclnfle fur,, food, etc.. Instumentas tgmall 10 otisaetie ai lnciuling pamuCale. peste>, andl sial an>' alsOceseunoaulIcattbn. 1floues acp 411i tlaiuoai crsai food%, . siicm as FdClnuqacQubae Octa.Rai- 1 Itn's M"Ial récate, mlel Led ceaccueî A. T. BUTTON, - beet, crlil Oats, ,dteaei, carn e ai, iPlu Pet,'oI acmi Peari lSnale>,, stc. DEALER ON STAPLE AMI> WANG>' - Tie>t ais sCucer>' tisa argesi stocvk oi DRY GOODO, GENTS' PURXîlOR- gracei« la tisai setion, compiuubing aIl,, EA» An CrIMN lion aif table Isiloscles, ceas andl NS ED-Al LTIG b tiflesa 10utise IOatiing hndaand Ibis iBOOTS, SIIOES, FIE R OCER- 3firu baspantteterownenssu in lange lES. ETC. qaaoultlag dirct froni lie Crn-reale Indîsa andJapan. Ic taonc' biscuits, Tila itlie largesu genaalstore le coifeltispr>, vileeXCSiiinrMlafruits in Uchlîge ccd Oet&nconnl>,. cntral>, ceaton, ail varltîesarsn eeuleul. asocatelaSoIsh ileo f Brooketareet. well àAn a cmplOeth ue of provsiions, ebere the pramisas oeOupiel un bis owc ln berna, issao, 4IdichOeu, long cdean, buiting comprisa tva diocteccd bas- sit part,@Ait sadnil efish, polîr> mect feOntàng d0 test on Piailla aINsI, la neasa bulîhar and egge In' lange sol eatsallng 80 feet lanlalish. QuoostitiOM, lise latter bohalac a appel Thea laser flat In diviedloto 150 de- te Pricehoro snl Toronto marktet#, bc. PLI'mecta. lieeosat aile stoon helag Int ane oai tae lIngeoi sippera le tisai la-clteil ta sreelsureliler>, ole Tir ct ntrytra -inandi ahoa@, ancbti he allolXpg eSloroau >-Sie10011 IrIslagmetOe'«, four10 drame gboda, atpis el ndgicla'fur- ca and ie, Sesela, ae., foyers a radius of nîshnig. Tisa bougs carries a.large ricelse ér lic« e ls In the toashibps Obonk le thas e" is, ansunsligdes ai tftbtldge. Sfott, Broca, Beach and soolali i i s té oegeI igles ccpat. WltchObiis lsudmea main- cuasmera taras, &1iaotgait nds eflad"ie, ' fllch- iTra tMUa ellillg villages loga, ltecluîleg blouses, hIrt . , secp- The Émécir businss vsas taiiliselpera, etc. lit lOiS, cad hetraIs as a vbnie lias 'MeBuilannetl anti mt deetii

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