Ontario County Trade Review, 1 Apr 1901, p. 3

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>I11L5 1901.s..CU{UIXLÂTION lOsOOGa t ti. -- - t Otfiettila aeton >for, the local, erats, s e sIi as' ail tinte cf1 bome ge-os fruits.* ,q - .. ct --.prDcotlas0f spAselt>e la fli asti iisidea sanda. raftis' ia lange stock la uIit anelias. as 5h10l ai roane grain, éls., ant le katittiit la l cbai tratie csieraienis tif seetic tre aie lit et lots la *Mantreél, Pliltan& siobe lcwne lesOShIarlo, Itng'on saof the bass4is - iedieàéa la tiassuection. 'fisaîr IotaS tradb Im5fpriéi. houe anti tai, sd, i,,cititiS ail oVée 1Cx- b ridge amd the auhpiltlîia, towsiups ot'Ittarb Bl, Mshbsî Vurldga. Ooîti suid F lotkIg 1 (ËnýIarmnera Olten- eona a dtictn -0f1,Ë5 ileés, wiiîb their Isietiteate tradS ln floue. teeti, siaedo,- -etc., exiettis lat mas>' parts et lise -pftnrvie. baipgr llieprietripat mItais- cale deelera*la llat Ilhe.' 'iseitire balsia tsi entpiuymeatl le Cor baste astin th iatlpilt tise part èèssom isaï as langituso evpr, sit an excellent tothoois for lise uontipgi srs- sonra. tittitiqa 10ý the ýabove Bn. Blisbýqp ta promnteently emgegetd la buy- tut g W-i -a 5b grade isrer. ina- lut' a epaçtieîl of liSit restitera ton thlie, suppi'1 ef lte braài anti shisppilit tradt. 11 'fise fltior, test. sn gratery busin.es tria carissenret la>- Aic. leiso alesas ysar Ugo.ý w1eile Ite 4"a lai tsanty- fanrýe erà' expreteo lit- isaaditg au- tanli, fleur, (ati anit. grabn, bsttig tarsien' engagée as buyar for A. M. Camnnt ftir tli4e "ars sud- Sas bs-ai a1 résidat tf-lbé setiasi tinas 1,t72. eranunlbaet èfyeare' ie aeOan. se- tissisy Intteiet h iTË llt$lps affaire, fOlisle b dtciassrrativ la pêllîlca and le l ue élof lia<ivé saeana cft e l .' M. clvii mac, du-tétns' a ysarly oanpîon fl'oul tise UilaS Stalai' - ase(taat eince 1800. MtANBli(N Boue. 'f515 ࣠Oaaet Ltse beit-s'stItelt lit flott Ont~0ario 401413' antýiat. ccli - te. est 'Ia ýUmbiti ap Brook atnasl. f10 Librati', Tisé 1isollaino ltle iSs ola(p5 tilir-atary bsri# struurse, fiCu 1Q. stl uliaf lultqlsaa anti bn mati salJsped tiseougsalat ftas is eai.on odtloe 0t bath the local asdti lessissi trnde, being mill lieblat. héaîti anti vOallisteti ..irougloul, Includîng sien- çanltary tansealsances.ý aI. On ths uo- par figors are tu.tI> Oeironts. ase lit fubie pariera anti Oas prîvata parier Ohs econdi flor, mOUse op the tirhit fltiun te lise este, ban, a numnir ai elilint riase asti tise smple rosante 0aus$ oeil OQUbPuuet for thsa travehios' testa. 'fie diiig.roam la eripneoiion lias as avarage. seslting accommoattesion fr ilfiy peopîs, miaule ut mai' aise Ose an- largeti -W11 slidins' dtesce as le tst luI p as andt on apetlis <laye se many s 60 or 0t0 perians lissa beaun DtoTitieti m115 meals les a sîngis tas', mie tarmera ru1-a 1 long tibstancen, trot 2o to2 illbes Is tise townsip« of ÙlrOitge, - SeatI, Picrtuing, Rteich, letosir, Geanebns, Ea8l Gwmlimbury, 'West Wtby asti Seus'og Islandi, éaml tla at bars ces promîsissa ealins' tupsrity ton aliy horces, sts large drivitls' oshed In coesaectlon. la UddtiIs ta tisa ctrylu> tte, tls lieuse liss a igoîdti Iatié front trasalana, andth e business lise oa stases wa5 fubhy asr gant as in recalaI yesre. 'f5é propetan, titi. 'f. Bannett, bsa ba tweiihy.live yean Ccprienta la tisa 0051e busine, eaMIalg It> Uxbigeg iislXn9 years aeo andi succeedeteu tise eitlof the Masion Nouce Imo years haler. ad bis business af ltt yearc !las Osas stest> lierrastng, IEs ne- aisoveti sers trasm MSscser. Rasoir iismaaislp, asti bas bosn a ilfe-lon' nas. Menat tif Outsi'i ceunirý. DRUOGIST AN» aiATIONER, tIX- BRIDGE. ONT. Thbis buinaesas wS .staOiiaieti In 1971 bi'Us th ais Z, P. Ollakisg asti carne ine ta tisa bande ef ils présent ownar la 'f55 store l label' ilîteit up. isaviag baes but ian toé esý, ta mOins il l tint put asti. Is lnes nf tise béai la- calioms -iD the tow5. - Blgit sare "ao lise proprlaer aie- oltatit ta tudi' eadilt andi Ourla, Ibis tIOn bas lisna i UxgOrliga srt littia. Bao@ pgstais bais Métical ex- amristion tbre yeas sea biama taean sL osr la 'fcco>te Gossea boapital asti __ neanhi' 10e Ysan la the booplal 01 Engisat. binas Ila LaSdt prlieihi'y. narîins bi aipstesc lise Onclisas ba baean Manageai bi'p Ir . Wilils, Who P"s beu eonseoli mI4 it t eor etn uitob tam iis ilsa lea f foul. osuilous tiu-iggit, andti e lb.oao -mai' test satureit tUat prescriptions <saii ýfasUlh reesipto aitrustà ue bias *11 le rorrsîtty tlibanet. fsésiles a full etocks 0f dru. rhesai- cala. tiuugés, austirlea anti estent etadlrlasa a god starst a! Ibles, Oi'nt botoks, faacy Sola, slatoseri anti Irehist batiks te te Os louaSi la ats wsi- apolateti ticts etore 'fie tratie la saou- istanih' osa thé IneféSs, let i-ean Osins ont cf thé bsai ls l1 is ït-oy. I. JACMSON. le centralletmes' scnd tier OAt et Fescrauas. *barre ie mlarket #0 provIte ist a1u eaôv»hlsao sd hira Tis i lma.bvo o00 of, tise, jaraest hardwnare hbuloes i n'Uttiritge. renieslly idrateti on tise asuis adse' Of ain sireel, eccupyits' s tirston uabrickit building w'tlibasieent anti iO'Sfîîituse là ceas, the latter asu l 15Asuper flr,biidïg ueti foc, torage tforplue Th ise In tarry a liaLr% tock t Il 1 liaaÉ, ilniiüitg bousie furtasinslg, iuliOrV lardwaïe, to.e m sa icis- sillisa supplIie, * - In bougie futishligsmay OS feud a f ul lies of ruttery, sllvarsaxs6, amp otis, lin anti gaite -are, closes and rang"Sthse latter front the, - Otrnsy- TildeacO., orf Famullon. em . It bcliersi iardwsars e iyb n Ibenetia, gond tock ôf.paints: and elle, - andlng te liseIensIn WiliemsS cîlset palIns, andthie gootia <t iaieut Pesecr'& to., rsrryisg a gtita, stck of lises,"at seli as faimt,! ailSmachina cile antidtciýolIn large eantiti. Ail tintiseof lt5interalsupplies and biali- tiss hardwuare i sao$a.Jlln t blackti sandi caM. i4ge rmsere sup- putâ es uny is tandea f11 s oeif iar ro, bi'eeSbot4, %le bent Càd srt, eic.. Savtnîa goë s' norts n aimal siosfInOstise urrautilg countriy.. In armarntnsutpplies-tisYetry a full ine 0f tsars sire, baiSt tolé. inter tivime ui vesson. anti.atbeagaotis fsr tarai use, tiseir tfaârcole icveng s radiustiff ifîses ailesc laithe tassibpe of Uxbridt*e.Resais, Sotti, àrck anti <tergîse. lnac rooetion silO tser hartiases tise Son acarry a large aetisuý f 1iss pri)er as baiS losèr s"u ppier fieanc, comprhisigMI tigrades froin 6 5 te rnis a ml. miile special ordecsaire fitet tor leaiberetled àor presseSpéiers oison rourati. Wtis.tio-SltitS ast certallIt fixtures n rannecui. 'fl* Th ra por a large sat papas-tleste andt ier épritug stock siM comsprise ceseral i saasd mails. i- Anatiser speoliaity lniii.s spdriin gsadsg, sucs asigains, rifles. -tmùuni- lion, Isadet sials. rartrits. fisising Itia, sic., iln. siiaistis avelasaan ega qullni.t tet la PMo ~ - - Tisgb lmas e-toi r ln tlantius leasing is »ih rci tu(~ ?;re ugo. Tise Teetls e00d4#1 bsansetieanriae gengrsil hadwarte. 'fiey t5femv t tie tram "Whislby ibrIpa e arsY 1 41'lp lfesg if iesidnts <et OniariCe tOs. The buinag estai ea4gi sas soieWilâ baller tbauo ln presles. years,- tud la eteatiuiY grisins' eary year. -C. GRIFFPITIIS, DEALER IN ALL UIfDS -or F34ESM MEATS. 'fis g le oettise langeasisalt ar- t l a xbidtge. locai t u lie ne4t building. nortls aofBrocuis cit.t 'clene lise preùdm*o are sel-i ipei SilOs ail coavoneniesI. lrltlfis"i', trigeesîse aesagre iariineri, e tr.4 alan utilise. s ine esiaiiiter isusi <essu- town ilaits, ossetoite becl t dsuppeit neeuli cf Toronto. The tresis meais bandieti 1re ail homes tulleti ant ii esu, raryli a t1itbi la stork, î% Wel as asntkttia anason, aitainoti prlnetpaiiy fre0 in ri. filon. Ai kintis ofboa-ti sls5 aise>', onlbandi, ad hibe asisantilse are gusranisad etfth10e saIgrade. gR itasaitraite comprises ail n ol<e la Uxiréseeand lvctiti', witb as ex clentIlasie frontthé country. &n4 twIn itsivery wisar es 1n use lun teor ceaqlon, ose for on ansi anc for cous-ý try. 1050 setiers ibtîgcaflieti tktl$. Tise business sas crasunceti liv it. Griffithsa threanti s- hait yearesesg, cire wicis ime bit traite ba;- ien grsmiag teaiit, belng now n ce ,15* largtlaln is lias, klliing trci $ le q7 hladatof lattis Par iset, astihie -oe4ifet lest suaious as baller LOaer, Mr. Orifla sremnosmi- ta Uxlige froint Arora and Si as badti Iirîsse yeare esgpanience as a practiloal ui- chse asdti aItdealer. TOBACCO IN- IRI3LANQ. lit Proen te..5se a PretÉ5iilàt IsISSI la cstmisg era - During Uhe yeas jui loibat s tory extensive andtlnte**ntns' eresf -ext, PSriietns hia10050510culares Osse Osas matei is estent, andthie rainfits Sa fr " a as 0 utigedti Itise mioment are Siosi Sslléatory. il sosearec L"t n U» cl. Evérard, tif Baniiestessa'bouts,oceunIr mombs matis s greaaatocmhingnsming a plot tif tabatro, anti », osnasequants of tda tise Irs AjtuliUiral organisatioa as.. sileti' planngl a series of eperimntss la variaus paris sof Irsianti. TOle teSo) 4MItesrlnat orf agnboiiun ltoo v* thée matter ascii la tLesysar, anti Lter a crerespotdeat ts ilea ombais f ooniaests.i îalaosio sapeitsappoiistet Prt. awaet.,ot toc Grignas AgrIPsI- turisî ctllage, te coparlntendt Insan. In ail I6 plais bave Oes plantaI, tise targasl andi Ost or ail Oint Isat of Coi, Evécard. Wiltise excopitIul ef tisode for Cal Evogitd' plat, tise 5"". liogt sers ait su»Ippltfraon oa nr- sery, asti ment tavaltable until r mentits&fiter tise p(OpSc lionsfor plasl- lug oui. TiIs yisr sxpsimenîs itind la provs tisaItobàMestanuite gramni' s weilinhilIrsanti " lns Use sortis of V=ees, andilil ramainte, toisa sisi miss lIer mises Manuifasurs thLes lait tais of noko-Is5arisvss. ie areavallAb* frea ibis yarcs xpenisient. mili prove Oif g9-diquaUh'. 'f55 expertiietepin00e reat inst ysar. msPtof..Lecrnal llii seiset Iles »lots watirrnge g a th1e oiea culisisle tsisuu-se, mesti.anti vareiti ofat t lie sitaisedÀsct besoti l toisassg-re lg gogt lisef to 0e f i5îýis Fort Ferry sas lncopoied as s vit-le.t îdesgn. Theo firt nal 1 Io'leusetifor, lage la 1872, anti bas nuis a popuî ,aîbun eliesla front; slO SsielletIIPi lear alsoa itlss' runt,i elarse.Th iseiaig- ut 1900. I i u oly aigisîen mie nantis room laeueoas nf lieist in tbe çunty, of Whiuby,. tise ciutly set. andtil seâtins' tram 6naIn76 gesî.sl, ith7as s1t;uated aI lishe ieati f.Late Setugor.- 'asCellent bilîl 0fftretae uoafr04, lte mas oftie int 15 , useach. visn reqUlcèti. .-Tise ilarlerýs on ecctaati Feer,Érry ba, tetrt Wptüpt or are finly toretisheti.sisite lis,, Enmali store,a t tis splace, upsards et 'astond.ani niird floarg contais the Slf13'years ago. SansibUs sans subse- sarlous edroomes, etc. STise entlne bouse usetteated loY hot air quetliy erentedth tiet 1by te sa gitsb>sirr iis.qo gàmuel Hil. snd 1a arge baiiIeSs lastabiî ln connec -tbasa. la addition ta lonibçr sas cannieti an for manyr yesrs. tise cammerciai iradthe b suse. lia5 Tise building tuf.lise rcalma>'front Wit- lars'ecoiuntry patronage frein tiesuro- by e or lFery av ti e. l 1ttr lu eraundiag tucenois, fanmOts otteit 0>'10 unIFery avetis blis plneconning g adialilite t6lir 20 miles, ils niet grandt start rorsardi. Wt lise Tise proprletar, Bn. James' A. Mer- consructien etftisa ralîmay anti Port Sial, isitreed tth e contrlr ueyLear Ferry <mitit mas tise reirmieus age, cemuvins' tram Torntno, wbere Os cenducIed tise Canerton bhotlt for, a aI tha1tntam), tees ots Sent upi15ininiser of yoans, anti sisre isa became valua, anti many subsanaitiel buildings arquainteti mIls many comseciarl mels more erecieti. The Wliby asti Part end tiniera isb avae Bat forgot<Sn 5i - l in e aelocations. Albougis sali' one Ferry alsay lu latIeyeaea 50. eaeaxotFer-ipbs uûei tesidedte.taManlila .uuction, anti1nuS buipoinelbis eitpectations, tbheitieof forlis part or thse liidianti< division ofthtieisolai hasing ianeasçd- fuli>' 60 par tise G T..R.: saffatiimg-direct commut- cent tandon iermaagremeol. 1 sicallaît mitb Llmteay. asçd il, pointe sortS asti set., PORT FERRY LUMiBBR AND UNIO0Nf As a resuit of 1he lnspsiuc it receisveti FOUIS 1IILLS. tise plate n. a tes yearo greais talit prezsai proporttoio,itbiilte fins arbôl JAMES CARNEGIJi ; MitltiIAIT 10010 0gb andtiabliqciliieîisafic' 1mu ILDEIIAND) LtTMIE:Ü etîlote, touvn bal, twobsnbs, iso is-BR'AOI tels, 150 naepapersi , sIi sitocetibus- FACTURER - i1ANUPACTIjR.flt liiegoa*i es s naillJises of *tristie.anti (0FLATH, SeiïNGlES, FIà11t1TS5 s lerivsareu imt>cieiniaua ollanBlleis OOTS, SASH, DOORS. BLINI)Si ditI, Mthodiet, Preablit0rîsfl AllOitOIS i FLýOORIffO, PLASINCi -1EST anti Catitli-akllseul aiteniai., Tise BRANDOSO0F FLOUE ALWÀIS varlous Industries comprise sais anti ON ItAND-G ISTIIOQ AND pllg mlleo, donc, aia stind soen CEOPPING DONE TO OUDrI)13 duor ft5corieo, flOuJnn' tui, .siýe5n ptuip morts. iamese anti. colitcortis, large ttiunsny anti Maritime $aosp car» hsi ieoiyssmi O 0 kdage sente and tihiiers o aiînor lum- Ferry anti South Oniarlo causti', ad le Portance. On tise vaious streete are a meS lOratet in-itWaler iteeèt narlis, on olimber tif fine rclositaaell. andtvti 0 î- thesahane Of Late ScugOg, isserea nteS legs bas a gooti sobunteer lire sispat- prembieos roser an aires tof elgbi acirs. ment,'and- le lighted- mils elecîrlo iglais. .IcUdings'tomber yards, sitb X!ceilneh Prince Albert-le onîy a iltîtis oer ane separale building la front. mitées euthis ani'tbeé sof5 esïtotlant Thlicbuilding useti as ia fldus habIb lea drîvec la tise sîrîntîy anti. sînng tise largo four stary tructtine 0ffl wiih sore eot Laise Scugog, siticliturlmg aab anti doar tactery 6xL1-stJing, recent yeans hisse bcantequit* a a mvar- Aiseabrick boller astieglnerompet Sg* île« racort ton louriste andisumster vieil- Tise sais miii ta she mchs- i-tbiwlàlea ora. Port, Ferry la au, excelent grain portable mili, seing Ou i cicler » SW 'marktln amietipping patint for grain, ad otiser rnascltori,aiop14 l. bonees ami cattie, eoraeaiisaors. pumpe, ateam poser wit a sacti' et 120M mater sheels, satitlery sartisare, iunt- tntOf lsmisar pan day ',anti, Oe. tirnOaet sic.Popuation -2500. shingles Tise Production« un tisatýin5h - comparise ait tintis cf pluie ant;i lan-r MADISON WILLIAMS, ioog timberanàti 11éls aastCi -tise latter beisg a epecisiti'. Sslhîpmle«îé SUCCESSÇOSTO PAXTON, TATE &' 1u tbisllinsare? matéila.tati' lois it CO., FPOUNDERS ANI) MACHIN- misoieale luaiberar tision ireogthe,50 ISTS-' VULCÂN,' - p'FErEC unti'Y, mils a gooti local traet ffoSI TIOW l'AND» 'LEIPWEL'I TUE- isba surrosnding townships, asd ti aI kindc Of cusltsocias' gla doue t teser BINE WATER WHEELS-LAI4E for farmers antd otisers, CgIRUL A0W MILLB-SIlN- Tisis flouer mlît la ssi eiuippeti for ODER MILLS. GUINI0DN< MILLS. tise Viol.se, ttcbg six double ente ce1 ÉARIKMILLO ETC.robe, "andt tsa-ren- eët atne focr* ti1dý siARF MILLO, ETC. gIqtii. TFie tiaiiy caparetif.rilits' mio 15110itrres. estosa.lai1 'fOsse are the ami>' uudry anti ma- chIse upion Iport 1Ferry, antiOeaof lthe 9ýrgt l es 5ecoDat ,ia stisist eh lë épetialii' beligtise Of-e~ e 'fishe plardt on Notha pat<ey 51(5 -40âsi ai14s), - oinsfewsea ima e orr lisiltIng>t fôbtingý0- 5et -an 9'err btretrbandi sxtemtineg. 1bo tet lanetfli mils maiuisen ehaul-la frontandotiniosis -lasisop o 00gbila resr sdolsning- mainS bsuildingt aeo a brick btier ant ilses glas roont 2535), biacktebilsabi) (Ihix4Ot sjoinosenanomrIs aida. ast ani atitional lbilng - luthe notis (tâsloltiOotsaansi a sait storeyir. oeti for arasQujes, uitis dry ktu ln esapi- ateOulhtilg, hais-a rapaclty Of 10,Mi - tet oi iuebactl outoe anti Irna bousesonoupresileca. A .frce of 25 bandec anc emoboyei asti a large fauntin> business la dons la casi- Ingsion lurblitee ansi sas Miii machin- er>-. tie productions romprins' Lane -ebeculas-an us. ailesIagîsmills. bonis ?srtiaml turbine taer niseels. anti hObses, etiseenh>' karireasufactur- ing tetibataer sisals lu Ontario rouaI>', Thle plant la sali eqobopoti fac tilOs'the leaisst mort, mater misels peoig matie lit Laisesafront 6% Ilces la 8'teles n tiaelen, tbe latter meigis- lai 12 tope. -Tisir teurbine waler misais hase biais aitped toa ahparisorflise Doinion fioa ttise Atantic te eParISle; sa sot GrefaI Britin, andt bee sors have turnati out more turbines tisas ail 010r ntsnuratrrseor turbina,*slnCanadai rsntOined. fTheY are son ha one nt ail1 Use principal saler powers, Inludlng1 aseoripI t Jc 3P. Boolis mulle n 0-1- Is, misa Oas uaati mers turbines tisait aos' tiisr tan la Canada. andi cpsake 5<5e tise ieie ais e isgbst tenais.j Tisa> hase pt In Baverai at Batit Ste. -Oltre andI 015r ponte la Onario, a large sumben lu thes Province ait Que- boar. a l liaseprincipal paois, ad asy la hle cscprovinces. Sas amille iasvs ascabeau sOpped, la ail parts af tise country. principal>' Ibcoagisoat Musinata. Nanisara Ontaria asdth10.Province of Qociter. Tfiai1 aitssa emaesInlitsimIes, varyhas'1 fron to 10015bosrne poser, andt bse i mante are onparod la Sit ast saw mOtle completiclusiîsg angin«s.mas-j oishieri. tracte anti appiancse. Polis1 sas mlldanti refaires aes oaufas- Iuedan&i Set on Santi. tannyleis'a large aaset 6frepalm ataggégliag 100 boas. À. large buinesle donsela smail urden. mwiîsiares recausée> 10113' tram ail pai ti f Me ountry. This !ta oas tien of tisé beSIequippedant&piot0f ts 5lnd saet of Tronto, bog *up la dise.' *, -'Tb& businoesmas tiret estahlishet sasel>'40 tsarsag a" y Fautas, Tale & Co., maIls iarriat l es ton 86 ysara e. r ISictleon Willams secaehd teOthe cee- troI tOns ysars aga.IsnBas.rnbtr, 1M.7 enoviqe tol mihus lis badpavseraih yare «portiace as & peallicaislahielt anti Osa bain a lB-ions eitissi 0f Font Paury. Hic businessenhas cn wan targef isas ibat cf the. lopravi- eo yeas,anit is ivulîsertheIbs ea. monslete la fuI>'equai tota sIof tant year. Mnr. wll"BauewoJasa ltiqruaint- aura baib les Durisam&.s-niOtaria aoonil.au as mil as ilS tia 'amraI troets, Ma h ses fillngbl ietnctaees as village touitultor andtehalaima ebar- usesof lbe bqcd of maiaganof tha i Jobvis Frasltelan risurtO. 'f3051), PZ CHLABLES MOTEL. &A E .MRIIL.FORE 'fOR. LATW 0F CAilLITON notf3l, TORIONTO., Tb» eOsosa 0of tise bout isiape hosiWbislathie roonti andti tinsti L. - pincfpeaa iesssat«a inhiUai section trs tnsenttInde. as wmcliexas she s 'fhesBt..ChalnisMtlClaa las Ibr» te. 9lory stuoturs, Obu* aletbrickla eues-i.. stuantili' tf fret, sIç.,Mi-11 avavîte branade of flous-, teé a se Lly Wfttte anti- ne Cesbse xi pcelentP rsepullaial, bisangsolplli - te akétrop bu4tS1mode-train P4sMtxed"Ontérno Oli MaitbaOs seit,:anti ere iarieI ae by tise famllstie aillisu-aes'htis lsection. Alange itualaaisle table *11 tannrtaeIn cualt m ilins'. lsiluiisC gristîns ansi cisppîns, ibacountry ratie coverins' a radiUs af fraies15 ta1 10 milec.s, pd th ise sIpriceasara paiti ton ait lnsofetgrabis.. At hiîsPhanlas'm a,'hI, - Isiiansuup- to-lelats taclory, *beits' eaqulppst for the purposa, tbe productiostomn- prnce a ful lfine 5fdones, sab, blinde. mould-lngs, stlrle ont. porela columme, extenbai' ans inleti- Ionish15 etail diescripticns for tlis uppli' 0f tbialocai traite ai lrouptut thisleellitl, tiM. Camnegis h" supSe&t les. pterhotlin- ais for mais>'renideshtes Is ]0f t Ferry andthie serréanthas' toons anti ricois- try,.wmile dooes,%Ah, asd ti lterdrees- ed biltiicg mulerisiliaaa Sits ippeti le a #sumbeefthenibseghbanns'liins. inecludlns' Wiitby. Ohawa, Broatlis. Columbus, Myittîs, Blaeeck ati eLiar place». Al Snda of lois mark dons 1ert'ovnsailosn, ao<iisas plitlsg, ntstcitg, serait sasing, etc., andi Is tise dîffaeat Unes a forue of S5 baads ans emnployasi. In adtionllr. MCarnegie lealise prIn- rIpai propiée of atise PotrIerry Bisc- trio Lis'5 pisat, wbbeis lS atjlsnn boillrandtiengins room n amiliibuild- Ing, ati comnprises tisadynaamo», ans are ansi ans iscantiserst, lise latter basins' s capacll>' af trent i00 t1 0 p lights. Ms le nos auplitl thishteen arc IIgi u n lise vaniore cînees and a lange ausfber etfIncandesenet ligis tirsagiost lise tomes, asti tis e Isint ton electrit ighiî las' n eatibrlitl- Tise suaieau aestablisel by Mr. Carnege about fcstnie reacsrge, shîbe ho ab» ad 21 years' exparience trs prsetal iilas' -andth0e .uaufac- tiiî asdoe ns ta entend: use itron, shirt lu maliiy derlved ftram tbt towvnship et Reacis nditae .ven e;'roet townasipe, Tis ankassrrles PP a'oserai issokins' busises, dis- ttohltng commercial papsir and- -ad- -inn lain ta frmera, manuifacturera, d to etc., but, as may becisupposed. bul eut ftise business a isciseti ,Xt t oss on promiesoncy soles ta ýferitrrs ln tise cici agricultutai district chi uccounds tise ltn. Te manager f tise acenry taen. I. 4à- lfitties.n, mis, lboug'isa 3oung1 ,atti as ba i mustue hOlais fourteenj ttc t oansnead depuits arc steadiy1 Oroi lng, andtihie gencrai business ln-à -teteins'. Tise reàsanable tera sskedi ci oude tise bank poiular slt ber-j JESSOP FURNITURE (CO. '.J. NOTT, MANAER-011ALER N AMERICAN AND CANADIAN FURNITURE - SPECIALTIES, UNDERTAKING AND PICTUItE1 FRAMING. tA ong tise promicent tUr-itura licitesln Part Ferry maer- Osmentiioseti ti c f tise Jessep Furnituce Ca. (W. J. Nocti. manager), inrateti lntise leÊssp blott. sorlh idota0f West Queea street, songt leuo are, wmus morbsisnpln geai orvanieerocnm tac repairins'. pictuee fretolos', etc.9 'lic alok carrieti comprisese o f1 th i bra linos sf general furuturs la 'thbe county, ours as parler antd boti-1 900in iutes, renter anti exte-izian1 tahles. ant I al otiser gouda for goýneral Use Isigis grade. meditum anti rises1 .lei-. Tue bouse bas a gond utifroiuo, trade (rom tisa uroundibg tewnusips. covering a radius of frasi 15 ta 20 itles,1 Sottie ursitare ls atten sitippeti ta ditt îpoints. One sectalty teatise undertaktins' de- eartimeni, being one of tise Pnest ln utn fthIis aise ln tise province. learying a rostplete assocîment ofta- ecal fucitainga, uvlis a fine Ittarse and casktlwagosnIs manneriion. end <uccrais are oflens attsadeel ai long ditances. Tise Manager, ttc. W. ., 4Ntt:, bas isati25 peacs'e iperiencese as Procileai untièriaker andi furnitora deaier. anti le sosideretion sash etis a tiSerbanie and fumerais drectars Ilta ta -section, Sastary eMblmIisg teàaise duesby tlie latent pronome, anti day se night caltie ansmsred tpcomptly. Sincs tise business mas crammencet lIn 183lti 4>la gross tufie present dimensioens. tbe outputltiis lMot season bcbng larger thsonsever. GEO, JACKSON (PORT PEtRET). .LICEN13ID AUC'TIONSIER FORt ON- c TARIO COUJS'T-DEALERR IN FARM IMPLERIINTS, CARRI-1 AQES. WAGONS, Sf.EIGHS- AGENT POin NOXON MANUI. FACTURING C0. Ha huieofice asti mareroues ns ,-ti'ater eîrret dîrecri>' opposile 0. T. R. gIttin, niere Os bas a substantial ,blidisU tecsutppee> fer tise purpos ,ad atoeti suis sa. totO lias et Impie- ,moef oc tise ppins' Icade. Isctiding ý,iiow@, barrons, dure harrame, cultivai- ,2oru, seeti drille, cool puipers, seuSboers, pàIratn anti enetiage ruIlera, suases, ,bsloders, anti otiser iarveStiig inarbîn- ey.Tiseagaads are oitained pincl- palty troal lise Suxan Msnufa.tilrlng 1 ZQ I sgecsaii, axceptIng plows, eut- g bovese, tc., isiscis are tram lei s onseAunera. 71b Speigisn sagon,. t fMarkbsm. te thU peclalîy ta- titat Une, anti rtrriageg uwll robabby 0e isandisti tise rcming 0 n. Vi col runtry tratie la ibis lins cavera a raidius of framn 10 ta 16 miles la tise townships ef Seugog, Cartwright, Dant- lngitoa, Wb$Ltby, Reacis, Mariposa anti Bxotci. ant i te business tise past ses- pou oaioaeti a staady increse, brins' qe Èet t$4.s est lu hie lies. M Ilacceoneestabiisseti lbis inaes lài Port Ferry ona ysac ago. anti bas Oses an aid esiaent « ftisaI section, wietsly knonsstisougistise ceunly. c'~ onneiteln silO bs h ie pîcteeni businees be la sole agent ln Port Perry for lise Flymnooth is ler Tmtne, icis te lsatiied la large qiantities. tise rut- put blsd sease raggn4gating betseen 65flOSanti6,0000 ions, Inasdition ta lise aisove. lie la a llisae> aurlioneer for Os)taiceunty, *uotioesaies 0f farai stock, ceaielta, 1$n*e liese, ioussisail gods, etc., 4ng handiet lit o c aation ticougis- Cti1th ie caunty. aile>Mc. Jackson bas "d tontesyear' experlenre Ila tisaUne. 1% rerenl>'attendeaita ntise tapacity Ot< auotclorr at tise Provincial Psucion saltiOf puce breti Stock.,ielt i aICltpis. MMsi aise efollowing otek tteodeti ae tluar sUai tGOtawa, isotis cf nisch am 5under lthe auspiesosuttise Domin- tlm dàaule. Sieep anti mina Breedlers' aqelattoo. andi5t mitee a ntier- stand blis services mesentlrely Fcatie- ftory 10 Ibhe association. T. J. WIDDEN, SftAPLE AND FANOT GROt'ERIES. BOOTS AND SHOES. In.t' 0f liambane aftiheibout atiihutidgin m an ie fsrase le ePo t Frr 'Oel n s 0 elsupuig la 1U-asti bas Ossna resîdeal of ta ary05 houss at tiesa sendittibroinl sel tionfor5yau-s tise Curree Hart.coomer of Qssrn andl Forn »Vomri yeareuts as bin prant- Osrle ainsois. tera tise salsoroisi la hini'liréeinlamunicipal affalres, #pll lorketi miS s full iUme cf tapbe lncSeint iae uerme as rounty nrosin- aI"fane>' graciels; tise later Incluti- dcilo. ant i n '18U15usd use affiue of 1« 9 fililiasetf'ailbtornosdriet teruits. sarilea for Ontario rassIr obus O aIse>»dfreahritI n season; a0100 ail formeèr Ysae se mas a meecier ofthe itita. oftisome groma truite, sicci as localscisa Os d ant/t a s ile as- ers, aPpis,Pluma, grapes. sîrris. caisr a IR rIsstai andti aiobo Oss*14setc. Cannet asti huttiet i sl coamUsa, as mehi as nany parts outhmie &;* isadlInbuai varlls, aostefar.ry country'. 11OlihLs, ceaticsrey andti eoas;- lu adition 10 bis$stber Inteetse oIDMI*«tniof breakfast erreale. oaiî Re la assai' anti prapietni' oftt i M164leSals, rouandsaicrarised wo Oal, 'Sttaûg5r.'w tbcis11s us4het saly tin tise POstaI eAd ~ barleytc..siea-eabse lomber ttq ion as2ke Sougag for îam fIOcr eAnd ebeat ftour frn ocalrutnitier. tag oga 1014;5r.eand, Sas abai large nosi On&é epOniL4LItY le ustes»asdsofties. e9aas interestulit15PFrt Ferry sAtdsI-isacS4&Oati In hepiscipai brandet. hie silisiti'. I554Ctm lelng Baladia, Nuae LIishuuianti Lkt*"ia la pagjigas. Japans in huit, THEEWESTERN BANK O>' CANADA, suphpies asti 25btrcetust Irico rla romiutilen, buter anti aggs blsas FORT PEIRRT AGENCY. ttAIEnlis exchaogr a nyasti înîîy. The WsternBaakof Caailàtcha i ts surplus supplie! n sisoirssie ho>'- iente by ast af patilanent, mtis an A fss9iasarinest ofut 0sf1 i ineos aÙuorlti capital et $.ithOO as badt l eseclian. comprsînt ail grade an agebcy eUalallid hera for oser tes' idtse, ensirsud cihitres. e tisisn- ttitees.yesec. Iaeung talion aven the .5 prlnclPaaY tresi Garolde & iW'iter. itisébaasof ths 0515140 Bank la Marcis, sait tisantAmas. Nolden & Ca._ hilr 1558 d 'tt ag- cmiilonla the Irame lOe'Gebby nsbbsr la ll>e cpstiiy. proneses, la wbst sas Dtina uoum55 c0.i'lg & 90dsck of rubser guotis 10. 0Rtss block.' buill isi tisalaté 0f 4il destniplioandasitise iouqe bas AsOu aRaeou a at a t f$10.00. and 5&AIf& choc tcssls Staple rronisery. cenultirs Istbest Ouli locS inta t 91 giesesiAid asIlsp gouda Is consîse- nom. The Western Bank. aftee resu- tIcs1 asitprarnt telisers aslatisndetu lss'g t fton es arrs. baugisItisa hilti. "Y Stiuu-CsIn Fort Psrny Iite o day. bas' anti esmod*eitI. Thfice i a Iriow 55A-flec a day In Prnae Abert. OeleIlpesO mis s atoera stae i et Illéboasaime a ecat ccountytratie Seeprasaivault anti burgIar proat csaf. comusris a&radius cf ten tites leIr.te «iLe teMS ifflmp-Oetpattern Itro 5lPO t Rouch. Sageg asti Cnet- Thse teals ahove thse baltItIaesa r ' k~. a.ti4lie business lest cearuis Satsipetiby 5e ierin i aealafr Ir" btter tOan .ver. aa5rLmflnis.i. -Wldden 5bss s aresid-t of e ThInsstitutila la slS kuomanti àýh sectians fer 4Civairs. coameu- bW1Y t>' talt Of la Usa rouma aa W busnresston pe&ma«o~ss. and bas sty079thn puAhIIiýcuon"e=ncs.Tisa1101t'-1114 nearly PM yaem'expérience intes fra cou[rtesOf thUe mass-gar ut ab«» liese. NOTÎTO PUJRNITURE WARIIT10MIS. JOHN NOTT. ýPAoPRIETOR-CAiuI- NET MAMER-IMPORTER 0P AND DEfALER IN FURtIT'RE- ItONERALS FU.LLir AUP10LIED. TOi.lu liseheaidest furni tute bouse under continuons management. ln Port Perry. estaiseed, by the present rrc- prietor, Mr. John Naît, ln 1847, isba bas bsat!neariy 56 years' expereieease a praçicai cabinet rmaker and. turniioce dealer. Tise premnises 'ln Ackrma's block, tiret door wet of tise St. Chsares Hutel, on Queen street, comprise EL une saiesroom with îvorksbop ln réar andi upper fioors for Mtoragle et turue and undertaking. Hie fucait.ue s.tock comprises a toil lins of parlerseuil lied- rooco suites, couchsez, loungen, sectre- tarte% ibcaries, sideboards. cerer oand extension tables, bail raclai, epctsgs. mattresses, stc., wmus picture moutl- loge; ln consection, dolng sa glnd bua- nom ns nPictore trainn. Prîtes of par- toc sutes range rtam$20 nup, essionsr suites front $12 op, lounges. front $4. courbes fromt $ Up, and otber giostis tn proportion. Ail klInds et> repsring aid upbolsiering dose ln rannection. siýE is country trade covers a radiuse of ien miles ln lise townsbips of Reach, . Peu- gog, Brocis. Cartwright, Mariposa, nelst and West Wbitby. mbile farmera ocras- 10maI13' toms a distance ef 1l miles. Hia5 fumerai deparîment on noper tlour ls issu equopped wltb drsp cabinets. etc., and stotiseel mtis afuliUneo0f casisets and tomeraI furnisingw ln ait destgnoi, wltb a fine beacslu, canner- lion. andl fuserais are oflen altentied at a distance ef 12 or 1$ moiles. UEmbate- lng la aise donse ben requireit, andi day or nigbl calta ansered at any limte. He reports a fait business last aeaeon ti ailliUnes. Mr. Natbas beens a Ilie-long rs1- denet 0fPort Ferry; is fatser. theise William Noit, tostos' tiers ln I1843. misen tise surroundingw e esail Wands, and wmaives, deer, bears etc., wers pieu- lîfol. andi Mr. Jobn Noit heiped to taias lise tiird building ever erecled 10Ib e place 1n 1043. Vor many yearslise Oas laIton an active inlerestl b municipal affaire, bavins filles tise oailles oftax collector la 1857 ln lise townsbip of Rancis, snd bas ince aI varlous tîmes 11usedsuc- eraýi tereeS lntahie tlamacounait: sIeno several y"ams Othé10publie scisool board, wbite for over a quarter tif a century be ltas 9fiul ed'of ices ot counly' magistçate, durlng Sel elsdisposd 04 about 700 cases, Oly faur ef miîis A Thrfvlng Village Tisa le tise latent lnc0rpocated ma4ldtz' cipily ln tise cousinyande>la a tbrlF- log village us theBeaver r(êiné thlie townsbip of Brock,.0 l nii.ortisOsst of Toronto. asnd 40 nons ot Wbtttsy, tisa cOu5ily ceai. tt possesees gaoisd'.ana- facturing taciltien an&t e a station on tise Torouito. ns Midiand divisionn<G. TR Tise village wasipcsrilacaled. about 1874. andi contalits fleur, sais. uon an fd pianing mille, laonery. fouxndry, cresa- ecy and ti ter ioduttrleged aise ostitsaa nuuociset otsubslantil5 bitinee sas ueà ln varionUn ies, ai& enjnytng a proaper- eas tracle; oes rarlered and omseriv- ais batik, imo goadisoteis a) ti lie weekiy stesepapete. Thiesvariose ciseacries comprise Anglican, Presbyi. lterian, Baptisl anti MelisadutTbsre are aise gond scisooia asti a publie tis cary. Tise vilaea taprevîieti ti en-. tioa ligisle. Siipaneî comprise grain. live stock and prature., Population, 1300. C. il. AMS]Y. bt.IUWAC'TIIRER 0F THIE VIC- TORlIA PIANO, CANNINGTOI<, ONT. This la lise only piano fartory' ln uhe sorliseco districtlof Ontario. anti laeili loraited ln (Canntsgion ai tise orner of St. tubs and Eatact Cmeron etreqts. et- rupying a brick buiiling seilicqiipped for lise purpose on leeser iloor. mIsh sisnsronm ln front, mrk elsap and. mas- thitne sisop la rear. tise latter bctng ooisipped inis a fatiliUns of SOi na- niinery of tlent551pattera. A. uni- ber of expsrienced sorkmspL are emi- ployeti, aod speriai attention ta gîtes ta manufartartng tise "Victoria Pi.ano," whicisla a liteS risse instrument maies n tbese styles-Nos. t, 3 anti 3. Style No. 1, especlaliy. le a secy fine Inutru- ment, ilnisised ln rosewoi, maisugaly, sabout, Oak andticaselan walseat, tise latter, se mcli as maisogany and ross- wmoud biel'used for tise filestinistra. mente. shiirscomisine ail tise itest lm- provemtents In piano rastrie.tion. Nos. 2 anti 8 are ala fn 1e Iistrumentst, and e>lieVictoria piano, misîrisltins ieen tteiy Introtisceti. basbeen islcty ce- tommonded by tise musical inade. andt promisteat professeasanti teautuece rogisOutishe country., Lavlsg gîtes perfect satisfaction. And amaag otisers may be mentitised tise roiiowiag testimonial frontaise Cas, adias Jubiles Singera, mbitS Mc. Ameyrcee iunsolcited: -We. tise Casadien Jubilee Ologers, asing atour concert oa tise eventng ef ihe 205 of February, 1902, ai the Metit. ditl ciuctif, Canlngton, tise 'Ivctaria piano, manufattured by C. 14: Amay, et Caninglua, endurses t very isigisty.asd roasider ilsperlar teanay ne bave uaed durng oui tour, and esiuat teanay of tise iigis grade pianufecteq. Tas tons. bars aand lnging quality eeaUt tiai aay cuid desre.' MSSl. SADIE CARTER. WALTER LAWRENCE, Piantter. Mr. Asosi as iseen engages Inl bandlilas pianos andi orgene for mnany prare. isavias' aad long expertenre la tisaItisne. About tiscer monlise ago Os rom. torta Piano.* aha a stoe tuWd ti a luoriser of innst0rumnts fur tise eiippiy or tise matenm lads lna tisec. -T lit-e-y titréeg ant i al carefui drivers. 1Iatulunbo lud rasdies for use sup- lis teCtgl of ivecy rigs cnmprisees a puy ot tise ruaent tratie anti dealers les fuit inoe et open anti top bugge,150 i th iseeicislorlog villaes, ant ieis rade harki,. two an5t trse someti tarniages. 5 misuhlethe<aspeut seassn aisasmunit anti aelarge carrysl. ncarcyiog l per- lorger tisa the previsus yesr, belas' sos.mihbaggas'e wnln incs ect- crie of the Iargsst un hua llae. lies: atýiowagon tue Direct spriniitslg. hIsr. Brandon saaissen a ilfe.iang etc.. Coing ailIbatclsae of mort la tise reoient ut Cantingion and vîciniti', village. alsIo caries lise mal te0asti bains' sideIy tnownm Sella In tqwn anti frointiG. IT. à. station te cost olie. country.__________ He as a large Jvery traite frnmBtNTHU traveteresanti ail Manes. gisins' ape.- BNEIrHU bla aticnuto tlabie transient irut . J L - n PORTTR comumercial trips Oisg madetien ail M .AGIE RFITR aise nUruastilme tomai, Includins' tic- NEWLY FURNIBHED THilIOUGi- bridge'. annagon Sustierlsand. Myr. OnUI - lie, Biacatotit, Brobkibe. Wbituy. lai- TbOleatise langest hSaliliDCaOung- ana. baommaneile. Clarmuesiandtonte, anti une tif tise principal baudt- Cibler ptaoss isitiie s.radiusof 25 re. quarters foc the camierciai trade, Os- A gondi Ouainofria laqaise, dose lit fur- lng wiupatronisel bsy trassière asti nle5itc osriages for sesiitoparties atiirn. asti tuteraltu la tesnanad country. fous- Tbe buldIngr occupteti ls a iarge esncd anila being ofien atîradetIllyrienestory brick structure, osl équip- aIt aistiancé tif lb or 13smile. A gonti perd tirougboul sitisaah convenisOre,. transîsît trate la estyi ln season biens' isaît b>' bol aie firmas ad froint.ssoeviitera 10elise sarlosilgisiesion il flotra iii' aectnIl 18501. rescle.a* hie itseny busines as a On lIheripper ice are 25 Ostroals, ln- shosIr;i(lisetaissaeit la bat section. ristins' tes acommetrcilmre.on sec- -Tise bu 2lseans as rls'inaliy crur. ontfloor, mith Ima psarr@la canner. meacedtîwenuy yesrs stllehy Mn. Jarn-t-ion (bayth publ ite>n prtvat5 ael ssIi tenon liitishe limte cf luggage ad fins>'- furislaed. witelsen tise lase Ponare lus', In theh bait etllil iaos a gaidt atie. tisees aaiplerecrets.aime bar,. office. 'feisclit-trbuibosas su atriiss fise readins'mrr nd aitalarge. tining mot yeone $Inde,. anti hie tradetetnt eason seaias'76 peaople, wisiitislBatteafluie> wus areè etts5n y provieus year. on rogutar tisys,wsites on spelsi tisys. Mr.n. iscieoleaunn et-id eat t f nclstiing publie iolliays, meais base Port Psrts!'Etiti iaisw ide -acquai- Oses (umnisisetifar cevaral l IsUaratipeii- airseail tlirough irait 1section Tels- pie lte. single day. Excellent tarese Oions Ne. 2. -alwaySesadi'. mliiiebanquais andt tp- pere are preareti misen rnasireti. an mv. as~g ~ . ~ eaithe ltale supper for tlie lacal MW" 0b hatige. plates wmeslait for6iL'foriain. N G O s il aheulusurle fttelsausanfurt- nisiseti. inelsutiteus yatersae.Tise in Brléilc Ottifelomv'd" -"apper. prepatradti ul Iis ho Br~ck ôwrssIRS ouSe tis aosaI ialen, wua ie 'eaU MI1trllmsmlnra r .ylms'a complets range 'fi. ieurre heusa large tarses lise. cf ailtihe Iste nosellieg. tise flewesàt ovortag a radiais of front loIS20 silie gouda bicîs'pureisasatiauoseronseu tiey lesBrook, MarlliOs5.. Torais anti Oser- appear n tla l et. tadîsa furnis- 'glua, -mite travehenu' isrsent atten ccrns îngs of ail -deeriripîleai are largei s. distante et 0f Iand 60Si mles, andsthe1 isastiîeii, pciting istocne, arirîs, teet bars laii, totIe ittblie reody.mcde iwrapps 1rs.niite ean anti srivng shedss adJotiniog, boss ample ail kbntî <of, aXiIl 55e. iiapity for 60 teaisa. Itaddtion tise? in boasebltigonds sot0e 'rsentIon bave a gotit rasMC a e frnteat et a fins stock et stapir gouda la car. ctissaisantiltae Ousiiaas le îteatilij la- pets, curtalustalte linons, biankptS, ecreausis'.- apreatis, ec..;,aieo carnies a large shirt Mr. Algrâce rentoosti ta Caniwgou of sali papef compriains' tul>' &.M fronm aisaaoser osane a sa, pre- rois, asdti egist (rnstisae I cent 55300-te 55005 b. w«eliqMgS l lbh pspseup t1Dh tante a rail. Wlesdom isolai baiinese la WhistO3 Ca&tiuber sisadotu, crtsîn point anti filtures plastes basins' lest long eÏPsfeteobla bandieti la n eaction, anai tbe I0c1useBil8 lin as wéil 06 Ossecé geapai ba agoto> *0i4 papan trotsand matisse e es seaittaSitsla usa Asolisar <ipeelIîl te la boots anti partentr Ottarleoce5y- sos çrtg eecatstock ln chaa ANOS0T er ýdu i negrades, . oineti uC. - - SS GW tie?50sae bla fss1. D. Klag X (t.RAIf ANI)» = -I & to. and are up te date. Witie tisel P1 T' ?FIE FR - Carrya ful is tset fscais sand ciailti- eAfNl"PS 0F CSIlIFORAI Irenvis»borné:aise rubor goode ni ail KID PrN OUE ,amsoD descrrlpllonn frt- 'sa. soens anti SIAL .fOl 7 S AL AOR U- clilÎ'en'c sar. Tise iseuve bas an ex- dA o Ar 09 1r deseWeis oe tmatie.asily>'Intrear- CH{ANGE; AliO BRAIS, SHORTS A gosnd busiesla 5danlllimsens fur- Thsi i l tse nol>extielsîs e tffl 011 sîshiagi a, orylng the laent Deventbiz inCanninglon. tecabtetthé Lesrnser 0o lnIe is bfito, tien, roilare couise, bansWest 'Casianon andi Allastrestte, eon- caos. ste, A fine assortelm of mena pyinr a brick ibuili' gisteilfg 116 abtînga blncasnertion, camprisins'a fetesilnt tepls, sareroosi astioafire lit fuli tir u emetît ansi impntetifront, test imli la roueea. The lat a waslendi, coi tOir fise auie are ail eqiuippf mi sui a Joliee sIdle grlater. mate.,iaw expeniestesi talios ns lthe operatid Oie esericitY. 'fie p raOut 1055, Wilo erifront 110 Up. A goadti tons comprise a full In i$5 tfoarse 4054 stockaoerati-satisaantirmer-.bic choppoti coca, cls, pos,sIc,,tura- rIais Mr ien c, boys asticisiltiren aise uing cci a lange quaality la tissu lin isaatit anti ibis isuase geaanites witel ail kinsio f ruglan grinsila i gSue Srsoi ortmaoship la ail et dona ln Oamnontial, ne ati ldeiafini Pu Itebsrlltitus. teins' oe il ptreuisat la htisabgoet pricls fer ail Mats af ISat Illeq. grain. TOsin grain «-sarhaussst G.'T. Tises 4ocry tiopartntent tea tocised MR.station has a tapait' tif II&tO wiOttith- tjI ise o a blesisand fantliy baeiele, anti grain le puinta.aiedlargely sappliinite sanasticoffeai, siriat inulson Cmisislionirthnli fentof nsg & 4n4 lg'tiocs undries, tesiusilng butter Littls, Mariposa statititrissade a ebdtqea5 wcicO are punçisseatln large largo busineuss chipiiing 10eiSateri eattbie. loopIng oms waoanonantise pointa andthie expert traits, grain, b- rosa ~ad M liste summen gachinnseggs uns' parsibseti b>' ht iIim aI tou-tesa libre ",*thecountry, anti surplus godle otamsln lise Midansi diatuici. are iàlIppi ta tTorotoans inLldsay. Th iss irtof-m. G. Smitis Co. bave Th ise l54 ba alarge sounteytrais, ex. a large banal tratieun Canningisa ssuit Iendtite Irisa 10 la il mites Inthe s urrosnadlng coantry. thiaincountry* tumssla4e cf Brook, Saniposa anti trade coverias'ma radius of ittass iles, -Geoaiis, titis a gon o iist tatie ln anaff itlhi e oms carry a fiil CanssU.n. stock 0frbManitoba anti Ontario met 'fie busienss masr onsiescet ttr- floues; aise ail ktae t ie easi fcoea tees rs age by Brandoan &5 tItbî.such au cmarted ansi roliati msasl. Who 0WOr.- urroeti dby Mn, Brandon rollti asIe, Farina. Mollna fiaie ar s- sîri Foarsaze. wmUsalise parcisastiloy, spll anti fistealposa, pas meut. bis pectei- iinleresoadantibolias littind pulsi tibanisr. ant iaiear rereéle.ý life-liratrxIpnce itisantiuins fue, lalai ucit aspastry site>puseate floue, ton - lenchabiutor. Hieisas aise basa a ife- any of wbicb tise>' lab cale andt mieat l oas' r*Mdt icof t'anmlsgion. isavins' a ltic sasg, anti carry sa fullitne ot w idae q6eqoitae ln mas>' parts of tise prodluitot ! lair milit aI esiosi NothtOntarle coanty, ant iei outIsn oisluaiiig coarlsq feeetc i. Cisser scoil OVt tr otuto tl leseh in9pouitr>'and stock touai. Their flour anti obRed ine mIenst urins' tise pus ei iafosti iusiness " s mbol laduofettise yeses.tbent in Ontarto cuousuty, anti Manitoba lIN Ut - sroerla parcisasti titrant tramisManitoba IIN YBRANDOIN. mliiiun car iota D)EAL.IitIN GItOCERIES, PROVIS- Thes Oribhave baeseslenablichod int 1025S. BREAD, CONFECTION- busineasela Canningtonsciscs 1978, lthe aft« ,PASITiS. ETC.-WEDDINtI prenînt business Sasing bOesu contaient- Ct4.lf id A BPECLALTY. cd twoctours age tantOctoer. Tise 'floeti tusoftlite prominent isaken- Icatis ias t ols s hean grsing steaiib. lesi b.Ccteitiii. locatetion an neson 1he outptuth1e past neesusabotsg moe clreeisai heho Oatofut S. Johnso src.tui tiratmuisilo tisai of th irs tyear. occupylliti a commotiioce salemcaii. Me. Sith. et bic 13cm. lm an cîti rosi- stockeai-th aal linsof uroceolos, Idtent ot Cannitgtaa. ieraia easrs 27 bat4 glre.tc«. theasformer compcis- yeauroago astilas a miteacsqoalatance Ilts'a ti line o canard anti heitiet aUitbreugis BonIh Ontario raaaiy. tec&Icraslitteac astiffcras, un tis e i.ct- ln5 Mn5.aett h,th la package ont bulisi . J. HOYLE,. stiltIXýctit tin 5c enta a pourrd. Ail klhSa ou f- -tifetîcnery. ioda biscuits DEALERIN 90BOOKS. 5TATION7IRT. Qn4 5cb,crft ticîrcats ln runaîîciois. 1ANCT GOODiS, PATENT IOEDI- scii > ai-cketi andirlird toliat. CINES, ETC. -relsUvt . nos-ltipras.poct adPearel Tisis lte largeel bout anstatsion- - 0rlo5r. --i,. a toc paaîcy anti pacakee ay tone la Canainglan, ticatati r.arst fleurst. i 1 t heaut icur fiosu theolocal cida et Camneran s cicaut.ansi te gtocluet ils, en lmtiroiots mai bie aentlun- sis a ful une s teeosk, Ftaion- et eda u itîe tif tard, chersa, butte, scy. tablaIS, etc., aise BIbles, albumis. egfes-i u Orhetltter tuai t rebango prayer boots, isynnaIsa etc. TIha To. i My qatti. ittltsurplus sObatiei ronto tiaiui papiersanal poular mage. ta 'for-t.. tiindLLidsay. A full Utisa is eare isantbin lis ctila; alto of drýird cn srrrcfratie sastiled in rarries a full aasoÙntS fins cbtna. seesa n hl ltter i,imlirlOtitgO.;engeF. siveritare. jrehery. uhldlten'toya an4 Iseat- vîî.îna.c cîctrpesosetr. peuca doa. Berlna onts, etbcaitacy,-iltks, ast..a iitae cn. itfi ont catstvi.i aHBttenberg ansi Ronitos tarea. tampat geai yrýrr ti dr meStis, dulisc. pUbs. sishass.file», Crie -tit ý t-ttht biait-t le- olikos, etc. The ibsurrebas a langeltra* pacresu- ri t ui-insone ci-e lna crn SiS inail limes bols n tu-as asticountiry. a l ofc-tii i-o taS4W)lrge t act .imîludins' patent umediscines. parfumer>- tis. 5 Tc tii'.aioitu oimils ail sic..occrylos' a gausiseik cf tisese sad kbla4a i i brCiii h i d t a . icam. lishe bosinsiatast casse s sanooiat crUas'. l- Iihîmr.sade mind ara- boîter Ibala Dprivionus peara, i l iii - uti-abeanti pastry Lns ail Mr. IHoyle hac been sstsleilisdi n v&At- q, tng ttrrn Onte-ICannins'ton torne5arly 22 ecfs. asti le e t . ~ - ,O! t terce aâaldanud nîly tWa oftif ge 10,c sitY Yeacs, formerly Mc.. Ni tank anactive Inteceatitn temparaudO mokcncsCn10tlOù wmll lise Sons et TepmosýSi ane>lisse aiso for mss>' ysar-t iseu oas ufthle taduit memucers of th- o p of Eelglisiid, L O. O. F., and A. F. and A. MI, J.4MXR0ÉON'à LtVERY. W. tii. feJeiIEON, PROËMtITOi- ri à$T-CLABS ]RACKS AND CAR. ltlAUIq BRIADT AT ALL NOURO --,n;OilX~IG le CONNECTION- TlEtLit.HONE NO. 2, Thi.o10 tisa argeot llvery in Port t'erry. centr*allY laratecl os Quesn slceci. ûddupying a substantiali bath- tnt attiointig Castadien Bank ut Cia- mire,. wvveis eqntpped toc tise plicpuse. slthO "ae and, repoeitory in front andi staisting In rear, tise litiriaas amipte tapaGiiy for a dozen horse«, teu bead boalas' at present on hsand. ait livîry iwagonsIis m'use mire sIL wet Ibrougis tisaco)airy, gods iietig cc- liuered t*Otistineigitiserias'villages, lit- cluting Ostisoat, Little Britata, Mtis.a 111 a& stioliser pointes uuitblp ,a radina of tram 10 ta 16 talleS. Ha bas aisea agood tuon Icade, ln Cantagian tram ail classes, anmdctie uperilt>' la lnie trea'l=nd nystece ln sassasn, tisalatter binssgsale> in hUi ln any îaasttiy for lise suppIy of par- ties anddsourl gatiseringa. At bis par-; lursisntetonnectiot sesatlng accoistia- lion la provideti for 26 persoas, tie creant anti ihlg unches telng se'ed n seasos, ana aystersIn asy styla. Tise to-e ceses iandied le made iargàiy fr011 tise puI.crae, anni te ai.supisiieti t Party gatiserbtgs la Ray rqu5utitY, 5hW ire crean tansi syster irade iîeing oile of lis eist ln ltai section,- Tise business waa rommesîsti by Uri Brasndon oeariy tisces 3eas ago, presi. eas ta, obicis le ias sogage in tahis manufacture cf eonfectilnery for ovai 25 >racrs, ansi ls stîlI engaged ln manu-

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