Commonwealth (Whitby, ON), 27 Aug 1857, p. 2

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nc~ i~ y ~<1JGU.S1 'I 517. c: A ý rreonandebteê to the. ndîlietd, J qlther by' otc, IBook eoutorfpga. 711 rihpIéit ail-a"d4 èttlie the' samxe , it 1ahtn iillpIease penthew saine for liquidation. t4.fl4ýCaèhapaid If:.whaat as USUIl. M Offiçto Let-L. C. 'rhoiùas. Farmî for Salt-A. Annis. Notice tb CIergýènen afnd,MnisterI. Bureêau of Agriculture and"Staisties. 'Notice-C. gspr ýOatmêehl and -Crôeries-J.'Lsnib. COMNMONWEALTH AGENTS. L. S. VAN ALLAN, of Gréenbank, Reach, JsOdur ataalo Agent. for that section of Dî,CAMPBELL, AUctiOnieer, Townshîip of El- don, l utuautborlited Agrent OP UYL FTIIE ANGLO-SAXONM The, Anglo-,Saxon arrived bore about eigbî * >ocloekthis. usoïning. aTbýý Northb k -encan arrived at Liverpool dbut 2 oclock on tie I2th. * bck weaffbe r ah.d.tieîwnds nearly aIl the titue. lier course bing too far no;tla she saw -'ii0'tËln gof L.Athe i abelet - LÂTEST-THE. 4TILANTIC ÂL Thé work of laylng!dotra: thé Atantic Tele- graphiec able'I. golng on up to the preseul tima as satitfadtorîly,- -is itebest friends -tan autrre, nealy thr*.hui4tred miles have beèn auo.situliy laid lnthé sa. The.depth of t water into -which iL i eing submergea je aboutIYOfoo tabome, or bout two miied. The t1afli5issoffrom té lb. blld-wto the greater k deptii was effected d, iio0tt_îfculty. The desir. - Thé'- chips £rei saling -with a mode- Waely fair breeze, and plaMigoout'.àtheii rate 'of five miles an hîourli4ýesages are being ronstiantlyinterthaned beKtween the ships and the abs'ores. AUl are wel ci board and in ex- Celicutaspirits, and iobiiry becomingmore and Inore truatfitl of suce*s. Tie i. Epcrqý knd Emprusa had returned te - Franice. *Noth Ing ncw front India. The. non-receipi of heIoda al7gnp1b icadu to an impreeo Iblat ti the .mi rm acaay'again * daye been ditaited by' order of the Gor.rnos -Geueral. Tii. last- and *preceding steamoni werdýdtie respevtively tbur days and ont Tii. trial of Spolcu closed yesterday: rhi Mfr. l3ritbt ha. beenrtrned for Blrminghani #ithoat 0ppCs1tion. - In tthe HoustefCibmnorPaero. ln rteply te sorne reiarks 4ront r. btlàraeli. stateduhat il was quite tb-hp tie erbd been ttlfèences- *i opinion -between lb. ,Govern- Imn*, f tOIàud 01 d Ftae, not bowever wiUh regard t* tbennion er non-union of .the tWý frtoiinoeu of huldarlà and Waliacbia, but with regard' to-_the lrreguliity Wf the reesal .bo 'reoeut.iusuri-etion ia Ando-j - < Th etiià tounerstsdingsoifall Ides ai-Constantitoptie, anA ti-plomaume relation avere about to ho auspýetded, b>' t4ompresenta- ~ s1niÃŽ, Milssa u rn. The-eont riait ai tic Emperor aoftue Frenchi la Oàbonnc, accainpaaled, by, hi. Muhiiiaten aO Fore igu Atteins, gare aa pîatunit>'of con- Lriug avtli- thé Freatcha Govomniut an the Iiaibti been agi-ced iViat uiero areeauleast pnieca fde roanhilfor' Infcring tic inregula- - - rit>' of tiie ele cioas, muid ithuad been decided tmo reeompaènd teSultan tea auaIthet. T hcre'Nyýi* gooi reatan to beieve thantibm - .utriau Goverumnent would concun in ibis course, and tintMie, Sultan secing tItat therr -' . w~astbgni t ttcompromise hie diguity'o Thons wrers tua grauinds for epprebeainthai -iut>' strangernent of gaod feeling avomid take place betaveen bthc Goverumeels ai Englnd - -and -suce. L=VETPOOL MARIKETS. [ Front MAHenr's Circuler.] 'Provisions inactive. - - - Breamhsltu->'s moderatély inactive. - - Tii. wsathen continue3 braken. min At Tmeasy's market, trnsactions in ha .toaht places a a decline ai 3d. per 0 lbo.. Fleour mas lu active nequest et nther lamer 4rates-, -Indian Corn dechinod la, with 1f ttle doi.g. White « >snadîaý asheat 9£i ta 'Ds. 3d. per 7O Ba 4 d - ed Sonthern 8as dda-eOs: Western -Ca- nalflIeur 30saSa 15'Phulladeiphia Bis9a 32, Ohio sus aiUi St. LouiiSap a e354 G ;muxed Oaa aa 36a; Indien, Cota, yellaav,3Se a39sa6d; àixed OS,-a e36& IWhi.e 'Os &a44a. Prime meus I'ak,ntav ut, 9U8 a 95s per bl. Lardseling s'owy et 70a nali.1s ;,-tlowobeady at 60s.- Otmnolsfor tn>'88j aD1), Affoanuto1)0 IIÉ ' ORAÂNGE MEýUMBERS 0 rARLI&AMENT. *efeel coniratcedt-biat even>'Ornugeut - .h~t~t Uatic1e-i l q fr" c ge ialàIdepec is 4t*,w cispw lte issue of the GIobe;f musi lbinaiwith shiaute s ut feojih hbeast"Wvewilb! indignation - etbeduplicil>'oai ha'se Memibers oai lb. -.Aubly mtmp proiess. ta ropresent bbc - Oraâge Aàit4nhioi ofai UppgrCanada.- WC wore qüite prepred ta blier. thiat maen, f inte oxciterient ai eiocbionta ontesis, would so'metianes b. led ta pi-ais. -spport * ta-rniensures, miei t Ieim otare- mature uudgment nfteruwnrus lid àte'erDnt tire1y t promoe the pubjuic goot; me *Oe Irena1red to oLeî cre quit. -ci i. tie art upt;in$-f«auj paticular-àIrEfons ièreiiaiýus morship, sgneeisg ta vioté s-ma>' Mostyvi'ot '4h,.upaî'.f eituil1plces -aiworsipl - - unne9c,,l0uWa~t:O5,&c. i e aers avec - - pp~~>t hein'qi' en lsê,hia yb tiiei vths Ad-opeec . es a j'lIme oawould - la do the iri> work ofi'the 1atir tut thons bas b4 ý - dY .' popisabllt on grant praposed ->L bâ.y -w. coà agaiâ, titis awe were unl prepared for. Nor do>-w. suppèose* iaSt àbateguoni, if il mci- not*,fortifieti by tL arangest proofu. . Uniortumntely il is ta truc. Oraupe iem mw iii knowît bbcth muen tic> Lave hithortu -fnisîctiaretmambli. les. Titat, -wbilut pu'ofesslag ta adni' anti revCrnedCprotestant truti, '1a folior in the faotsbepuof tos. mitasucceedeti in uprootinglte ppasn' iuhbicmth. %ouutry, la be tLe ardent supporters o civil anti religions liberty', these mcna Lare at ail tintes becs amongat tihe aout ilisg ta vote ama>' the public uda Ion- as> pupases tint Ramenuîght nequire. Rias Raome ebanget 1i i ate cineb oa ioeof lie presert day' a tigèent cLum-ci ta that wmicttlit tLe ires 'ofSntiid asti brougit deatha and 'destruction aon men mer.I>' fon calling an lbhenaine et. God in ticir owu mi>' t « Has bthe' iran notioa oppression wbîb whiich RanebLa ruledthbb wanid. in Lyggne ages, ciwpged te asceptre af more>' in tI a t H.Rome, ater tien>'- ing foi Past oclunte e of aithe Scnip. hores bu îlieir vrmo ongue te the tait>', sud enjoiuing apon Ibet a blind dtipenticnce upon thé, êhureh, uddteul>' tait 'Lefore tienti au ,6pen BiLle, and Lasiug, ber daims,-tpo that, esleti apait bet tntte eiuta ferce agaînat lbent1Do.. tLe net ratier, b>' her élàiit te iufilliblily, raha up att ber -crime ai .iistori-Lor murders, heu' impositions, ber oppressions, ler oppositions 'ho le tmuth, ber dteermicet Latredt il t tit tan froce'aten's isufritignorant super., siions-anti assentiog and apporing oef illttliese, prote iteracif ta Lelit. situe nom as ever, lie"gi-eat apastacy,"-te,"m-. lien ai barbo-ta." If the Orange tuembers ai tic Asseombi>' bce Protestants - ci te * night - stamp, wmi foots mou c Lntimer, Hidi.>', Cranter, and3 a hast ai tiers,rnlbo seatedt hemiraci- ment ta protestant trutha, andti em atrnc. af 1papisb error, miL heir blooti 1 Walt specimons ai ingratitude tust thie Itaiant, ai the present day Le, mites, if il more sot forFronci tIroôps, bbc>' aoulti drive the Pape and bis Jesuiticat cnem out ai the country' Dut me apprebendth (aï condct sùclÃŽ #s ibat ai, licOrange members ceds ô -y ' b became knooma ttgtacet iL usivensalýexe- creaioa nom lit." members aif'tL. Orange Assoeeia ,l W, doobt "nnt thiaï atiklI iL., geuho 7!fyul4»d îjrnta , yheu bbc Orn&e âj àcon iaa ih mcente a i iathîe hanss aI liiemissar> ai Rame. We Leieve ibat îLe love o truth, oif, 'eedaôm, anti oi pure religion, bm-na' tee L-nbigbly in lte beart ot .ever>' OtanLetan, t tuaus-luit ta o bbcdmkue tu, th; Hanti hBasi. DEÂTE 0F EZRA ANNESS ESQ., MAYOR 0F WHITB'T. Lure tihast end Qi tic gaadmanilapenceil ouncalmb is exilt! .fight's doms feul not more geutyt the gnou-d, Non arean', main ont winda expire se soft. ielid hum in the eveutide oa i e,'-, t.. life e mlispent-waosc sari>' "sit L As His riper years shiauld naL upbs-aid bis green. Ry> InperceîM ddegnoos ho avegas ava>; YeL 1ke the sama sesuna larger et' bis seltia.g. -Tii. To'wuef Wtîtby las hast1 ils ýchief oficen, anti aneaifi4u Lest Clîbets.- Ezra1 Aunes. bu nom a note of tic past. If aughîbý can iiis day lessen bhe grief ai aur Town fol- ltetous ai anc afitis oltiest andi moat especet ebizens, il is Ibat the, lii. miieli lus. juat sojur closeti leaves oe mety 'incat- plete. Yaât1ce mijong Maoure bis bs.- Na tam mas ever twistedtuta is millii csr mas tite tigbt ef the peanest suas-îi!-er;,*an- et ificet by oc's Lreadtb* iot isa&- wrantizemntu. Twue. ires ot asmn, m el 1 es,rlo eau sas>'thatEzra Aunses irorouiget utta for -bis entime existence mas devotedto ta I cause of logat autionit>' anti neguutted Pew;- er W. ackbmvain ion hasb ae,Aciaus stoW'of esIetpihiî >' ywhicb allier âïe have asequired ml1tuillionsa metîm In lae thmlé-icer uits fmdia tn&'gbtlis? lILa itohu; a cnas it. L li ubs toiterprit'b WîLe fleible- organe mf iitor>' dlean y aapet ta eue rate of publie duIXl as utniiyoe passioa-the lovô i<* anmd, uve loeMlIQT asà1ý1e so dean. -Wiîhýiii itdyaiuilinienel mel Smpathiusefret aur, liparte. We out iru>'y-wIL h e -pott; irtei myandbitfoibluiàaav.," It wu aur intention ta tiaire-a cursir) glàea à. Lspubliec Bcan cer,»Il lsaJIu on M'inday next, the Élecions o'f tûe Centre Ward wiii Le cailed upon ta dlcci ioànciltlo Il 'tlt tb'ùV âtiej ~ oaictnsa'e becoming venf Importai -igusd1 b. pade. &trsJeiaJco sistent advocae-'oiti.PotWib so Lakte Iltirgn eai4w3 imutýi by ail pueap- ùe eobeti. ONTARIO BANK. - Ti.Stockbioiders in lte Ontania Bankr ýwiitbeu' int ind at Monda>'oeil, tic 3st iot., istic -day appointet foribbc ciét- tion ai the. final ]irctors. Itis-cupeeti, àatBomanvi1le, ltatthiere vmiiiLe oé a tuta attendance aifté - StockhLiters., Panliesi gaîbg, iront Iis section, eau taketie mona- iog train, andti nelub>' tLe train iront Motrcai un lte evcning. BARNe STRUCE BY IGt!iffrÏG.-On Wcdnesday lait, bis I9thinsmt., iluring tic heavy tbundeu'sta'm mhici passet aveu' luis piact,î;at ,bmrulcngiuîg ta Mr. James INIitch ell, mia residea on the Town Line. 51it Conceession ai Pickeningt mas stmuci b>' ighalnîng andi totlhi' tesînoyeti. Tic barn containcit abaul 6 Ions ef bay, a maggon anti sereral teigis. 1Mn. Mitcellhirequcaýts us ta, retummo bis sineere tiankg ta ubose ter- sons aria mere su pramphi>' an thue spot ta neoden it assistance, as b>' bieimoffQm-ta be mas enabledtot save 'the atijoning vatui4be buildings. W. are aequesbed ta 'state limaI a public meeting mutLb e leatthb ie Ilcor>' Sire. cSeoot Ilouse, un Friday evcning nel't,,PÏ 7 o'chock, ion the purpose of tuaking pneu. munary #srrangcecnts for -holding a Sceoi S3oir... W. are giad ltat a more ai Ibis kintiis an foot, and truist ltai a ivel>' in- lercst miii b.ctuanifesteti in ibis uotiertaking 1parents anti ail otiers mia eled-an iaterest in tic cause ai educotian. QI-EN Aml PirEACHIýN.-TuC Rety. J. -. V Byne fa titis Town, mili preaci nexi Lorti's Dy ullernonn, antial-pasi luxa o'eiack, io DuntisStreet, near thme resi'- dence ai MIrs. Peter Penny. Tic publie genenaît>' are invitedti t attend. F*ÂLL kssz&s,-Tlie Fal Asizes -for- the Catinly of Ontario anilbechueiti in tie Toa' gi bby on Ma-nda>'te 21s1 af September, theUa lo.Mn. Justice Richards presidi'ng. - We undcrslaid lieCit3t Ceuncil of Ta- routa _Lave, decaieti pupmpacntugaee- rai itolidayon rcceivin« mtabie information tic Ahilautie Tetegu'rapli CaLte. XVoùlti it Do( ~ mcitonr Ï'Tomé Councl u ebintai"d havba ngetacral liatm Yh-eç4- Decisiott othe abae.--unig (Fron thLe Globe ai Tuesday.) At thte Police, Court yestertioy roia' Moses IL Cumminga mas brougit tpagauu an the change ai nabbîng lte Bmatîcti Agéne>' uf lie Bankt ai Upper Canadia, ii tle Paniament Buildings, ai varions anti ai moue>', Ite prapeni>' ai lis ctpia>'ets. G-ca. Gurueti, Eq., pnesitingrnagisiraie. anti Aident-on Brutiet, occupie theli benchu. As ilt ati been intimabedt ttat the dcci- ton af lte Magistrales bu tuis case.vt'ot4d te ic pentiis uunonin,lime Police Cotat mas vetr' mueb .*eaded ibi partiestc îi a Jeep intereat ina the, ptaceeetungs. Mr; Ganetb thon atitressed, Cumming- "Belote - comuuunicatin, og 10 >'thle ouffnsel, ant.i ajthte parties concernet ini [is case,.lte decision at mtichilte Magiso- but-l'Iaà a aet e a'itêcisioi It. did sut telil it mv ni atIFII PPM ; b ii mine. uaetsamucii, et thie e*ldenbctabib h fi-aLLer>' h ý-raticu' inconctutaive t, prababl,as itilésafids tI -en ri4ioà>yétý4hIi ýi"mptivcerv the gulb t- ttheo#nitit-fr'~c sncb a litaIbIis almost inpi bi ný le umtp' f" iia yajS'are atl'on y iI4d ire f' oreanoivanee-he mas, ire mid, a a efaéudten la lite Bank, -but. i .0 ermas la bç apprintedti l u'Llno mea- t in ectikbf i'tus addition', me bave tic md 'ai bis'droming hsefre b&uuatperiot wlch moulh iae iees red fanrlte -purPbsès of îbeBànk, ils itis. owgthrat il i.not umtail ho par tLe lré-mtfÃŽl. astday aif acb moih- yetivefid bteprocuring a soin ai £1,500 ogthe 29th; sud ea liter set in f£,5100 on 'bbc lOîh. -Taking althese ltinge mbt cousidýratiO% Ire feciltati me annat senti tina fth tu, lie monii, Lowever derinaut. wéme a,,y i. tat hée shouiti dean imqelf ao thuefW itclire oai abLery ; anti heeefore. fircu' thé toastreful consitienolion, asud lue liest exaininatibor a teé evidelýce b. rilus, uvýï e ieet d ur duii>' ta senti miuu alla br tribunal for trial. Tre nezI q î"ue4liouuw tauue :5 a. as important onc,w ortkoweauttoa*dmiî iti, tia bail 1,-; - i jt t9isconclusion ta t teoientîbneti, the ,thé Jeauffpte letidence af thée ÃŽ, 18 -Pr t, trop£, as 'ta oblige lisa o ' O mboilihm antrial,, on is il q flCie* ttta f 4'Of aius46 dilit it tu ai WJitsever difference ai opin- ionmna' bave ànis u lntiis point, tic Ma- trates Laàe'-4cide ot assume the mosi lenient. courseand,- admit tic prisonen ta bait. Thé ' Ïeliîestiomtici arises m- ta .be.tinoptnîoai hat;bail 1 Suci shoutti octby Le, I anagin,'eSbiiQabed Lbt aLani- telde aif-b#e, Lî# bt intlàen by tic wcught ai tbe .,erideamagai t hbie pihoer ebangeti ii thé. peran ai thé aci ; mistever night -bethexugoi ie, we shoutti Le sotel>' guite-tak*~ti&btef authtity itan aur oa-byul l b. testimon>' Learing upan te suiject. + îýe1 -Iat it f6 veny question- able whethbu4lhtilleice uwill cadtu taa conictirn- t sja.brut V-et-y douLtit-bj_ Avecon!idcn il aun Loount- Ju'by la 4ià h. charge ta a igher tribunal. but l1w evtdè&jueing so, tIr>' otioful, mi' wîtt adiitI p icused part>' Ia lessa bail tian m *, gLbâ pvo under strano'er testi- mn >'; me wît ke bis omo ecognîzances .Q.1 àOQW-*so sur'eties of £500 ece. Mr. Read iâ t u 0cai attention la anc point. . lý,r Worship bas sîntedti la you feýuùd o e ~r decisico on tubsacmt- tînt yau coula 'not untierslatid mi>' Cunt- mungs abauli bhave drawn manies fron thbe Bankt sapa. dayabefore they m enu quired. Aith tcsamhtîb f1ý hre-îs no évidence be- f~i'e iii 'flea4 t etausl théo fact, ane ma> luab taléteu beue course on a previamis oc- casioni.,- MÃ" ver, bllc jngn.y -was gîter, ontb>' tlefl kmi large pancels, auJ il wm- tuleqif' lne lime ta make them up wiamaUse9 ô equsmtç for paymenbs. MrýGU __L 4ýis a point mibim "ud te'-rcb'er ta an bea- a11i. I leouitcpýray, at lt.e close ar li ïe ina n, riàe&s1MNIr.Garoblel a s- .,ffaappytael t M -Court ant i oe, 'anti tie refuseti,.s Iiog that Le wisiied tii speali ta Mn. Gurodtt, 4od Ibis, aI tbe lime, I tol- i I dislikd(AeeediogtY. Subsequeaîiy 1 met bit audekè bi t if lie Lad spaken iu eferýnsce bo *W, caïeto your ,Wor3hîip, 1antie tesaid te - Lad, sud - s deep regret, as 1 onstiered il verî mran1 inài exceedingl> ' dprolfessionai, as il; wa, not.rigbt titat lie abaul lolti a private con- versatian mîit h iWêMà-gistrates, ant i nake 1_ teuut Yai2e . Iirs -ul pesnt a rpl 10u. të Uee04ne, I*iepe,-nppl>' toayui-0 ne fto y'o luutgeoe at5lmasot fit ta -uanin ou thbi Uec ha siiazl icUr- maunoité'îsêU4aaq, as Iihpr$ght 7iuitt iîl msi n>evi&de. lt as, oint. -Mf - - MnZendT4ud,-ùûIosmp4certainl>, have res;eos. Yimr.,rmat btlty mag-& ýrate, I meuit not for an ùttOtpteaiite le Mu'. GxUntl,- Your inieroce moutti, I Mn. Gurett-Ii 'I bave giten- , - wlog; ~l~*o, 'ou have a bigiter îtuial'- toasp-j Afier same furtiter conversation ta flie ,ome oc, - M~r. Read said-Will youm Wonskiwgt tb\uprusaner same ttmb to g3aibail 1 Mn.Gurnes,--1 sall be ver>' gl!a4> to-d saLant1 givît t'om -tiree days. * Çumimnugs ias accondingly ,rémàn4d until W'editesday oeil, ta give. bu luise 1< I et bail, i( possible. FUTURE POLICY 0F CONTI- SNENTAL EUROPE. ar' as bi el gi Tite Landau correspentient of te Near Io York"Conrnz-ecia1, lias lte flooingin af -.Cifencce ha the probable future course af Pý Europeun events :- a rTiene seeîns ta bc no doubb îLot Per' sia, acting unde mcili knom inspiration, Las laken ativantage cif lte matent la dismegat-i tuer receut ireat>' andti l reluise tLe sumren'- ter ai Fierai. Titis, itowever, is an ativan- loge, nattier thtan a calanity, sineit expiose.P ber laittlessncas anti malice, anti iem suîb- t serviene>' toa apoawenritose tesigna area patent ta ever>' expenicoceti statesunai, bill wlicit possesses' mondenlul akiinappea * sin ta the wondwi ail te air ai injumeti in- .oeencc. Oi tours. if r uin %mere împentiio 0 it lotit,, Pensia mugit exercise cansîderable' influenuce in acceleraîing il, but aessipe avili troitabi>'be tisappoioîti in ter-cntcuiatians lien lasilit>' aili Le simply cootemplabie. For tic lime, ioweven, it may bc mani- festetiW'mlh impunil>'. Hem ltte occauýnt cas mciliLe leli la b. sehtidmiten'otter tifairs are tesa pressing, antia n sh abol retain aur baiti ai Busiiire, andti ali coû- c tinuetaslaocuuupy il, wmc all bave aI lie proper perioti a.ver>' goati point t ta al tram - 'Wter Pensia miii bore imialofs, is a prablenu upon irtici tan>' pensons itave ver>' cicar vîcars. Ttce amîi miii be sur- prset ilt ithte numier oi quiestions tulai miii nom tue apened muthu Englanti b>' ailer -itales, oant wbich im ii serve as open sores ta b. aggaraleti or poulhîceti justimn pro-C Portion as îLe'Intiadisorden ta>' increase -) ointe. B>' o singular coincidence -a rtuplure betmeen France anti Turite> lias 'ut iraken aut. Untess ie cao carry ihi- nom a n thte Subjeel aiflte eiectius in te MUoitavian priocipalities, lie Frencht Am- bassador, M. de nthorennal i quit Con- itanlinapte. Jtîdeetiu li as aireamt i>'sîÜck lut lag. H-e avili nta, hoaever, net precip-t ilatet>', but m-l rentain a fear tinys la gîte te Turitisi (Jov4ment lime for cansider- ition. Tii.>' iai aircati>-matie agrt concession b> a anodification inoIle MNisi ry, but this it appears is insufficient. Tii. ierils ai lie who'e question are ratier obscure, but il secmnsltai France is supportei y Russia, Prussia, (uvîmici may Ille î'eartict as tic sanme as Russi-a,) anti Sardinia, against Englmmnd, Ausi ia anti 'Furkey, the union on non-union i lme principalties being lime suhjectinb dispute. I has Leen gaîiiei-ingl heati for a long ite, but sitgultam enout bas nom braken out çvitt groal virulence, uo hnt thle lime of 0 ti n Inasurrection, but ,utamul yielais> iit la Qucen Victoria., Ita- befone been obsertedti tt mhenea'en lhe E mpenor s absent, apparenti>' im poitecal canes, saunle important complication arises. L.arâ year thie Spanîshi coup d'etat occuirreti jusi muile te maslal PiombieÊes, îbhinking, a course.of nalîing tut lis tèniti, andtihie ienjoytepl ai epase irais affaira of sae. IL, is ýsaiti, also tint tiec Spanisi-'Gov- erameot hav .e jnsb ounti outthat tic> tusu witidma them causent ta tb'ç arbitration of U- qgland anti France in ticequarrel mitti Nlexico.'rTe nema recciveti romu Mexico b>' tLe Inst steamer is siletigeti as tlime neasen. Au approacli ta an auicabie -udemstandiogr 1 between-France andthti King ai Naples is rikemise spoken ai, anti Engti t a>' Le happy' if 1m ramer salundem tiecîcrent- stancees, mercifumît>' eit-aa ront însuiltitt«ber. '[tfe Greeku tiave almeati> begun bu tht (anian Islandes,,auJ doubtiess tan>' kiadreti i inorements are in contemplation. Whethmer - hey wail i* caine toia auybliog mUt Je- pend upon te tespalcites b>' ce su -cessive- îtegnàpit mot sBombay,. Iu t1iose tdcs- pat Cb," you mWithercfart, Laye lia. ke>' à o. ail bbc futm efoicy oai.Europe." - Lous nm1 meMkRÂ~~ QUsisO.-ýCAMADI1ÀN STn&AXRSas-It b' n cli undeéti Ib tat tbc- Osmego uaiüriketl ,LYNCHi LAW.-A BOY SEIOT. Ayoung l ad' named John Harn, son ao îr. Alexander Horn, ai Jlopebown, Lau- rk, ivas siiot on Maonda>' cvening bat ba îe-MattliewJ3aird, a former* resi-ding tient. 'lie lacis, as f-ar as ive bave bee9 -abie ta trcerbain, are tiiese :---.Thé e peape tciding n. bthe neigburhîoodfei- çadl fit tated,- etthe mner in wiuch --J3aîrd lia iset bis mËmi1 j, thc deta'ils ai whit are too )rutal and abscene to appa ipit One ývenîin;ai Fnul, a- number o i men,,, t ,ces Idaeckçned and ti hirwisé .disgtîiseci, ,epai edto ta3aird's bous e, seized'an drag- ed liffi out -rode iîim an a mail, anti gave hnacenat ai bar. For titis ou.trageBaird odged a coiniStaint wit tbe auttorities itere and avas, taking mensures ta bave., severai parties whioni lié suspecteti bauled up and and pioecuted. On Mlonday evening last, anumber ai personq tisguised as Leforc, again avent ta Baird's iou:ie. H. manne item notta enter 6r te voutti shootalienr Joain Horn, lîowever, ivent ta îhe door, and from the nature ai lie wauod, it maulti ap- pcar titat be mas sbooping tiowo, prabab> o meçannojîre, avion Baird discitamged' a i pistai aI itim;t;hle bail airuck lut on àthe cii, passedti hîough tic lamer jaiw, dama lhe neck intathe stiaulden, tinough the. left "u'g, anti loudget' agaiust the shouider blade on thte b Horln immediately feul, mien >all r l ti j m pe ti ave n bu i oa in tt e bouse. Fýlic "parties'inside titen ciosedtihte door anti attdekethie intru-der. Titose oulside iîenr- tng thte scuffie, brake open the doon, and a ,eneral mee enstueti, du ring irbicli Baird receuveti a severe beating, une aif bis bots wsalunast kiliet, Anti a girl itat ber arm broken. The intrutiers lben' decampeti carry ingofaIthem mwouateti campànion. ; .Sncb are lthe lacIs oai luis meinnciioly affair, so far nsire tinte been able ta leamo. Trefate ai yuun-g -Hum, -tboff- irktie prime aflife, shiaulti Le a wamning la Young men ta 'refrain fmot e"gatiin9' in nets of iaarlessness anti violence. Na malter liOn bati n man Baird nuiglit be (andi if repais are true be ik unfut ta run at large), stili no one tati a rigit o tiniaafuiiy enter-bis bouse or- abuse liii . If te canmitted nets ci violence lie siionit have been inulid up before the autiiorities andi punisitetior bound aýver Ia keep lthe peace.-Batlturql Courier. TE4OÂYINTERRUPTION N0'4qTIUE GRANDI)TU.NK ItAILWAY: On Saturday, the violence of te storia togelher with the unusuai- heigbtai the wa- ter of the lake* swept nwvay about fort) yards df the Grand Trunk Track ait Duel flarbour, about liaif-way between For Hope aud Cobourg. On Saturday nigbt,; train was sent down by Mr. Martin, t( mneet the one côminZ up, ai that pit;an( the passengeprq passed from one to île:other The same tbing was repeated an .Sunda, rnorninly. This (Monda>') marning, hosw ever, the train vras enabled ta pa5s as usual t he breacb haçnng'been sufficiently repaired No injury te any person or, propenly goinc ,iong- the road resulted front ihis teînporari interruption. Siepa uili be taken, ýve un, der!tand, to -Prevent a similarinjury bo thi irack front the water infuture. Several of aur m'eibbrnèr farier front the townsibips-around, witik wbomwî have had an appo'rtunity af conversin1'ý reportinnsi aoai"f vr eci of graîn ; and sonie "tenture te predict tha the average return of wheat' thia- seaso wiii be nlot less titan 64l lbs tu thý bushe Oats have shQt int ear.very rapidly, an tlhe tull mlllky ruip b now rounding ir xînusuil .weiglit and, plunpess-IIay, 'vlaij partiaiiy sufféred wbere eanly cul will,wi iire ateured, * be amply coinpensated foi as a good second crop bids faim u on nchi Ute meadov land. Ail 'o'fher descripliot of lodder are abuudant.- A bligit is spoke ai in potataes ; but tiis bsa very iitui and in fact ani>' appreliended, that we-shoui nat notice lte oport, but that we wisb-i remove ail fear witb regard to that v ïl u a b domestîc escuient. Thc weather, bitiiert bas been ail bat the .tnost.sangiline .agYrictiù turist COUid dt!Sir,-sunSbline and sbowI have been the -alernaiing z-'bousie af i weather for :saue lime pa',giving sitreiiÃœg ta the eed- and ipening tLfent to the gnou and sitouid tii1s favorablie seçason contin, for another - fmnight, but very litie ofit bai vest wiii tien. remain, to be gat beneti. Akýfew samipies of fait wbeat ba aieady> be inAi ti akesdsold for 7:* Gdto 8a F bbse.- Ctz>s -- - A!ýitingfmo Creéikba al 0 el id Fe n- e. [Id de r, pt ni1i jVER.i JocI Bigel( * whitbk-, farm, catir snith afgel In the. 2a WhiLy,-' i aient te tIi lier,- éITHE ClR-AI~~~>.Q TbèamvaLt4Ii fdt,ýésterdiy,«béj ~acht"IlCbnrtter- ,"front New York, frnisbe,* a -Itr-king. prfoaf a.whist panse- venajde bilanphiuxa ad 'Io&w ta us #Ïgià bthe sort of sit fl"-r-trnsuatii cousins aie 'clade of. The " Charte Oak" i»a iittl "e'el, 43 'feet long,,13--feet- w*ide 5 feet 3 incbes deep, and measumed twentjy tbmee tone. SbÉhewas bhiili6ànAio'gedb ber -caplain and ownriip14Mr. Wàdb, l Connecticut, ad bytijunduJ ne .tiitI bnangbit safel>' seross lb. ýstormy 'Àtigntjit in titry-sevea -days.'-Si. stortei with thre captoilh ani twI6 un, but one of them Wsr t'nfàrluna.teîy bat orerboard-'the final day. To maIst- men, iiis- wouid liave been entUugb to frigiben tem off titeir perilous- enterprise but ýour two undaunbted nayigatona (one of wbom Lad never lic* a asea before) iverenot' -frîgtenee.. Withont a chmo"imet& '-(for no.-oô<ne woutd-renture one 1. so fi-ail àaconïeyance,. andth ie caplain w5âs baG pon b obu> one), without aj cIar of the cost tbey were si .'erIn for, thesé two.,maf pursued tîLëir "dai-ngeraus way sarugis'vè sialrms, asd neeiLiter- poOl in the limementioneti. Suci are otan deccendants'! Sbouid Wé e ashameti or proud of tb ema I'These tvet> Amenicaca bavegv us in tbis boid enterpnise afIthIns an epitome. iio ta t of the next hundred-. But peuple wîli ask wbab î attaches Io te namne hisîro>' of our Iowa caunîn', eandi we n viauai rend iL ýT*ilb pleastire auJ viit féelings' ci regret tba-witb picasune, 'tat one 'of otan inonarcbs deviâting fieonttlà usual fivoiity caotdescended for onceto.adôpta wise polie>' towands so'me oi bis Coonie'îs and vwitb regret- thai aisuccessor s%)uid bave playedti ti.bulli' and: atieunpted. toý=ary eout a policY - *bich whiea 'pursued inii ter Java, led.'t the sepà,- ration Ite, States frou the Englisit cro wn -Lvepl a er - The M* ed bouse, NÃ". 31 Bond street N;ew Yor, is vacwted. Thi. Misses 0w'b- uinurtînniaire. na longer ocespanîreof il ihe' P urniture bas been neooed by the tradesmen wba-aupplied il; andti ua asôund ai present Ilisturbs the »seilude-ai lb. premnises wl>ere Dr. Burdell "ai uràdred 1-from wictiche nzrruage paàrt>' -repammeti ta Rer. Mr. X1arines-aad -Wberé tbc Bel1leïue baby - ras a secondt lime homo. Ticé1 Misses Cun- kAvonuewil enin- heti POSTU R IPT. By Muonimeal Linp, <G. TULR, Opanmtor. Tic steatsbip, ul Ameica," arnbvet ibis mihen ab;out 350 mile s et f ir he'Irs1 coanl. Tic ships rnesurneti la Englanti. Fu'cuwhutà m Fým N ,ew Vent 0- Livenrpool remnaun (li..W het( i hheain alips bago it 3d1 per bule _r '-l tclisý.ctîauro BS o - iTrad tie,&v grades ai sprmg ment Lirve beco esiabliabéd ta ie denommoateti 49<Extra Spring" andi imslaes n Nea entsan lsaacive, tbe smaIt supplie& anti, imin of, 'a LaIters re- striçiing opérations;, Qutaliona -, are, $7 87j fon Pêt aud -$7 81JI for Peinl per bdi. Cana ifté hîs- iront Osmego le NevYork ire 24c on fleur, 10e os mbeat, and 7&ë on carn. Inuber hte-Ie ah a $3 pet- M.-. le>' latspring,' bas' stiuulaled exteuti- eti p roduction,5not o*nt>' b cana& but, iii .811l îeWegsterq Sbateps. P ices arte x-.- pecýet».ui t mul om.- Tic neeipbs aioflumibeu' b,>' îLeNoiitc "ruoinatiuring tic peat meets arce6 M M0 leet.- 'Th me. totil rékei ptsabîe el imeécoma- mencemênt of tibe5"yar-are 22,380,000 icet., - -TliSeioueMad,'ira Pei, sailed 04, Ma-nda>'at, froua Detroit riyeu' for Liv'er- pool. A despniel iront Captait Pierceof'ai te bank Ç KJzersuw,'-of the . Çhîcago anti. 1venpa4.jjae'- dted - beiow Qucbec annnnes hiirdcaarnrefrntLiyerp".- ne.wl si.e kte inu referoe 1SD maon ,wbC Ob lntarei Act of tht. Session, , Lsirg rci a Cap>' of office b>' i 'it b>' Mail- Ister Witt î .-tumcctàine sncb Ci, teetq ,ne lank*Fou Vlenk of il 'af dsra b«eset euAhied wo date. Office Ciai whitt,'. Aond fc AND 'b anduied bJinplc culire-, tered Uni Lamer C lnet camanada, frona eac.t aund-Loin "is aDe suzehlimec -ite raid,, qûmesaaet verutieni Year tlmei tisa in twty 1 hAvaeuhý day af-a fair w

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