Daily Times-Gazette (Whitby, ON), 24 Oct 1952, p. 10

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Io Tm i>Aur nmuoAzrm ""Y. crs RIMP . an rsen Gcilt Trounces Jr. Rôya1 Ron Murphy. To Tcike 2nd Spot Aloi'. Back to Bfita fly mm CANAIA l -us The Gaît vin gave Qt ienssoeovertîme goal 'number tvao ofthe ,N"W 'TORE ("P)-New'York aid seS oW!the Ontaro-Que- possesson of, sqcod place in Utiagit for hMm. gave btctueateRangers of! tie National Hockey be unior A Hockey League sare Ontario section. two points behlnd vin. Cazme lRenmi also acored League dtSPOUe4 of forvards Jack ptkling on, MonralRoyals. Barrie Flyers vIlo have Ilan&MtMo, one 0f tuein» aeflnheiWUicgane Mc.Leodand BRS Murphy yenter- Teunhappy Rays bave sta.rted tva pointsa ahad of Guelph BiUt- into ôvertime . daY and added centre Andy Bath. six gamsest ts seaon a&W only mores. laut yearls Memorla Cup Raymond Si..CYT. Jeat-GUy QeD- gate and defenceman Harry Nov- managed o vin one. Nov they ar-e champions. droitamd Claude St.. Jean lbult Up cl Vo thiieu roster. ln the cellar of the Quebec section,' Tbree Rivera moved into a firut- a S-1 lead for tic Reda before Que- IMÇLeod was sent ta Saskatoon six points behind the leaders, place Vie vit Montreal Canadiens bec madle their comnebas-k. i Quakers and Murphy was reiurned 'uaaOenerala ta-avel up ta Guelphi Vouut for a etWli 1,11551 Their latest trounclng vas at ua a resuit of their vini. Canadenrs rday night action wil sect theVo Guelph Biltmores. wth tic Bilimorea. Werd coàics out of New York t.od&Y thât the Rangers' Montreacalhast nttffit when Qait were idle Thuracday. two Toronto tearns. .8Vt. Mlchaêh'a Murphy, Rathgate. Howell and an~ golng o keep AMdy Bathgate. top-noi.ch centre, and Hs.rry ellyd Black Havkt o! tic Ontario sec-' John Bleaver and Rich Collina and Mariboros, doit a qte while Deati Prentuce ai s V a r r e d for tic ruigcc defense star. Ron Murphy. OHA scortn< mc lasi season. tion waflopd tiemen84cazb scored two goals for Gait. Oshawa Generali retors Guelpi's Guelpi'a Mernorial Cup champions cores ac VoVi BInsoesforsue. ea Prntie a~ VII o ~ Aiso Tiuisday nit Three RLv- 'Tony Poeta, Bd Bwltter, Frank visit out carlier la thc vei. St. last year. The quartet vas brought come paed wlthe ViRangra tior ur.hernit i heixstdy oe s l ein rs Reds had teir troubles vt BMonnello and Jiz» McBurney got Cathlarines wlh[aide Barrie vile up for Qirce ganses because o! ln- tdutéd as tic besi' o!fUief oursme o0 that indicates that he tSo may Tic visitors vere dovu 3-1 at thc Kenny Nmylor. Claude Ecaupre, va agansi Kitchener - Waterloo Batiigate maid Howeli wlhl bc stay Up there. Nowever, if the teaxi get tic ides that because BilIlioMe end o! tic second perla but found anld EddY Seartzack scored for tic* OI'eUsluiità. aigaed Vo pro contracta vile Pren- bave 105it two or Lirce et ther stars, they are going te bc'.Pushovr" the range i. ttird te UeticetcRoyais. Tenx cinO h he"Uehstw ae eann e the'dbeterbecaefl. We Iiad tic Ides that a f ew of Vie Geerai ganse&andgo on te a 4-3 overtime Roland Leclerc vas thc hero o1side viii be Saturday wlen 05.1V fore a decison must be macle. had that Idea here Wcdncsday night-and look what happencd t hmWou of s~ v ~~5 Pete r[s escieda ueb + + +Murphy abla is hly regarded Generals as-c going te Guelph this eveuing wth grim determina- r-îGa eAMbu lowgacneec it tloa, ta wlpe ont th. stigma of! uatde! eut hrIflALil(deli Û 11 Nele3 Genes-l anaernkBuhr terminatlon" la goag te aternate on rtgbt-wl"tau " ndif ltheOgawa Swa M beat r a im £IîLUA as decide Piank Bouh eres ladls could pull eutm' a in on GuclphiIce, ticy would be right ,M ll ~~NEWyORK (A? -Fer-l3 ain.; f as nor Murphy te relus-n to Guelphi. [n thc good books of the local fans. Net liai liey arc Ia anybody's SP RTSArerlean League battlfl king. and i f bail booksa&a, ye-b.cauac Wednesday nlghi's game here was 511» 81d Gordon. who hit oulY M2Wln a vcry llvely and lnterestlng hockey match. Cornes Saturday nnlht st-ACHES PLAT 083UWA National Leusue compeMtiio , ere -For DaPimlico Special Ras andtheticGencrals are ln action, rigit bmck ai home. Windsor Spt' TORONTO <C? -ToroIo amy tsi n th'«~Ue jrlsn3dr lte odimrofteo nu IFiUthM tch Race rires are ber. tomorrow aight. We heatate taesMY lt-muid wWtliBeach of the senior Ontario Rugby 1btisteah e 192cmajr gusBur-TIMORE hldig o. Ahlmatcha vain telie embera of lic Generals not te read illth1àîd l F~al non s'tl pay an ey- I ýAssViaPe ss aisisdis- bîe mer~ aace. fifth ln tic îlatory of tue read the sport pages, mnyway-t Silfeare.moush avn biingns îi saaPIi 11c o Special, wms ridera o! tbe intermed4ate 0-R -F.T3. cloe yta aa Oya-l Oial al[ aokl.li as and wiii be oui te gel one this week-end, would probably pref ert ee Sa Piladelphla Athietica fis-t baue- Wednesday aibI lhe Brooklln Bad'. assurcd ycsterday wben only Cen- wia here ln Oshawa more ihan any place too. Spitz are ln Kitchener 1Thc Beaches vere orlglaally man.-ane u 5bs l.s[ snoiCu tncdtcbi olugea1 SafadOeLtrwr toigl paybr.tmorrov nifbt and back in Toront.o on suaday ' gschuledVoplay Windisor Ravals 176 triPe in aro-Ig lPaytto enLd for -thc 1952-53 season. ntered of!lclalhy for Saturdayis ufternooa. li n thesenior serlca but UicemMU- rt.IcLA&na eags&U d v it Temeigw r ddoe Teaot pc ab nia < * * ~~~agement of Vhe Windsor club re- mrknu by P'rdymdnut Ti eet on va preladd -~wne-acalcas njih rive pemisson romtheleaue aerae ws M. ýLion oniY. mand tic 1 3-16 mlle Oshwa ocky fns avedevlupd Rtred fr SturtiyGordon. veteran 1BOUtoMlBraves' liter Uic mInutes of tue former event la beini raced for Uthe101 action nd no doubt the mttndance st the gamne here tornorrow algbifor tichest o0! thie cason. oulfielder. t o p p e d tic National meeting hacl heen read. a vriy fav- Umie ai Pimllco. wlll be better than ever. Oshawe Generalà want o whlp tie Spitfires' WI JU104E T [£ League batan a ates-dark af- obeTesrrsrpr ugv h o aosIohte8e an gl wnnn srek oiin.In thc only Junior 'A" ganese t 5 ~ >~-.~jvnisfaira vit i .1sid collected 5oabeTraurrsreotWa g wTca 0thnsotabloehmeetin- -and gt a wining sreak rlling.ORILLIA (P rla uede aetes la 189 a mppr.nC5 en, starta ic eaeuon on a sound ehcialv as intaleeetingx nlgt, aliBlcIrHaws theicMontreal Rayais lown n otscahave added anoter lacrsoa.UU e Mlckcy iantle. vWith a = IDfunca1oti[n Adirai 8erlcit teat.d War 8-3. Tonigit !lnds Mariboros playing St. MIkC'm mand St. Kittà vlatIn te the already Impausive liaitiat 153 tries. vas nit ietlnd Pain It vus dcclded tiat some o.! theAdiil inroleIagrl Barrie, ln addition Vo the tva ot.ier gaines we have aiready mcnt.ioned. bas come o the town tuis yeuxr. intheAnseican L«e a n.fuide wouid be uacd 10 posohiase a SPeiala 1937. + + + Owen Sound by-passed the final T ~hbilUant young outfleldr. a ne. net and stadards d a two.___________ BRIGHT DITS :-"Slxtv' Coosba, a Lindsay iornebrev mand former 1series so theCOtaris-toacTO5se .311 over-an bitte-r, played [n 40 Man counrtice comprlzlnuo! John hoceylunlnry wil oai Ve ugo Twns Jnir B" eas Us iat»D avarded thc CrOWD 10 nigit gaines. Medl&an d Bil McAnleaa vas PCL Cuts Waiver hocey o na D w [n coaorch he&grId an 's b lpov B es'l.buam hs r by default. Os-illa aow hoida Gardonsac 1bosae aitconspetitiSiiput [n charge o! aclectinu muid pur- tOnson.. o wna!lcnobo r, vePth e rfn boru o r.t ag clashit h~e Ontario interniediate A con, came from iRchie Astibuuilspccdy chasing o!fsane. Thia new eqoîz>- Prices on Players toorowatenenthre he Ptrbrog Ofust&gl it t*theZEster-n Canda a c a nor -B puhdelphla phillies' flychaser. Dment shouid be qu hand Voestar-. LOS ANGE= -S(AP>-Pac[fl Cialiopin' Giosîs, ln vu-I eouid bc the crucial gain e e lLkehowctzaxnplonahip and the miâge amd uburuà i t .33in nîgnt gan eseae oà*CaiBaeal egeds-ea- ORFU roup ... Calgary mand Edmonton -restase their Western Caiq8da juvenile B mand C cbaUiPIMÙsiPS. costesU. « potM bes- tia b A etiiscusiono!he nerase&-bave reduced t he vaiver ps-be seail-final playoffs omorrow muid the Sta.rpcdcru have a 19-point lftd ] RC IMw w final batilaS figure. aon, vas conducted. regardlng fees. fs-ens87,500 10 38.000ami taica Vo de!end, thanks ta ticir 31-12 vlctory la t.he fisst ganse on Wedxiuday. FINIE IACTUIS WNI8T _________ln__the__le& il looks as il thc Staiupe are perhapa iLs-anges- Vian tieyvc ahovul. ail SDIENA" . .(CF) -Say getrngo « .ec u -yeas-, - illes bave dropped thein spoulorshlp ef lie Bradford Jeans fesmfDOlCd1,5 n< ai çOC [Y mI'as S oc tdin hne o- 4 iydeic ctra itv lth oyLeague ...CiaoBakHwst dCnde - btLe.'. «I vnrOui tihecmpltimof o!ailbusiness vers must be obtained on &aM lug4 lCie ag adton..Ocago Ba.c ar 5 tied anieso ens 2-2 ait fron SouthPorcupine, On.. -te"eo obaso hecmn lye rmàmjo egecu in hîag an Rckt Rchrd bi vs-iesovr Il à i ~fractured vs-lai aMdvill be ln- Br TEE CANAD>IN M'K caitM otorsfrte- etore he oaa b. sold !aq toe, t court caseli setctled sud tic flue pald--scored both goals for the Rb&W, active fora a omt. ReSVas iD. NaU.aal gâeag e elo i.JonMcd- major club from wvicihoécme Vo move iivith rce o! Nels Stewart& ail-tipis pro mark . -. Re u ed Wednesday dUrln gn se«& 100ru aCsim 2ylad. declad Aio e, pnt t. or Le. scored bis 400th goal la Englishi Leagu. empetlloou MWdWay VU t lOtttaUDISIDIdff. mw5 esite hred eDt &M fU= Mlie olvu Tic irm eto ai ed ctam nigbî . . . Bill inlckl h"bas einsent dovu o the Pltt*busgh Roretà LAINRANDEOMM yru i.1ut. iLm"s 2 actaimed to the oU Nr= plapar siened for a P.C.L. tean \and Conny Sxnythe la quotcd as saytng Viii "WUld Bill" yUlnevcr vor 1-srnde- __ NRra a swurtUrml as 8ectffyby a niajorleagUScout. 'lA Maple Les! sweater agaîi. Conny-"«never, la a long timel r '!M. r asktoami niar * Que.,-s-tpea ecndyc.r A Piul Laiande, star';ri 7 6&at Clgry Tu*m last 7051 Vitai -mboo bquu . mmnuto 'iboOfI8lm".4 COnuaIto compraungot neMns0o! Aie Quebe eolOs er eo! Helen Grilla kd L.S.ian»saotiU le4e. yuterday slgad is 1»53- VaIlifId 3 à MLoWIWI4 vua lected »MuiJohn eldvi CONSERVATION CORNER ome 191M trs.LI t u b. tih easOm pidy vis= h.la GlaceBay 1 Baur"i 8 il ueai. ~wsvt EVERYBDD"EPIEFITS provincial veati depends OË wi aheoVod o muneu> fnfll l WbsvCu" our tst o( . un r*ub- alfla ~1le8etennal vigilance o! the eurga l sl a uitca.SeilosoàMOatem*-il,! Mei *M fait n onstcfowrêàts o!W oato 1m0 u teoeW tOisn iadet 85 per cent cf -,the rvnia42- 1155DPr5O ~ .N~YUu u T M s 1 Wlobufrudt m .u. -hIw 000 square miles laiied "inl thed FIGETI FUMIN 3WSJOWMTO.I csown" and admInistered by tie 'DeparVmcnt of Landsansd Pas-caa. TOR-ONWQ - DOPstaue Ot tbers isn't a. Perso n hiOntario Lande and'om iç *ho doose't beeuft. îhm istheIU1* 4BufIreda ! ý v61 ls o ut oratflrcs [la êo nt bone and for export. Lumber tOnals, Ia a nU.Mbeof !intac«, ~oes InVo tiec co -t on Ot bllild' bot, o! Ugt"tg vilc aoeouipsn- giraib*ay cas-. g ips =&d bar- imi raja itou-niavei. atrW«Mi-e. luor , works; boxes .sad otts, Tovas-dsevelig, as Aie rais bu-a truokg. bernASand fusaltos-e; sli-ed 10 ano,, lie fi= glbIoua glea, bath, bridge maid mine tins- ed. .. -but thé 5rangegs-sM-me 4ers. Malîay tics. telOPr&pî and tutil tbe lait4&anges ua wu telephone pOles. ome saviniblsPut -dead out. provide stock for &pools, sud bob-; So -f as-, ortunately. Do Sriotu bins fs- tic, textile trade, legs for fanforutent s- lastrd ii 1211Up tables auid chairs, s-lles-s fer nsaPS in Ontario. But Deîzau-tmt et and winclow shadea. mund hia.idles o! Làuand P orueta razgera have. i many hindi. Excelsior os- wood even startM 10 peck 1W tbes-fr. wooi, long nasrow cuuly shav[ngS fliUSquigent for Mors«g. o! wood used for pachclng fragile y>rs-ù M fa.lI e&sons tmc bave articles, are madle in Ontario uiills seen too mlaay bid foruaitirs by a machine ici acrapes short break avay frons unisely &«, boît& o! vocvd. uauly popr iti, ýcleau-ing fi-es and tie ak'andonmad sharp steclipass-. causpfires t9 elesabuter. wiqd fbour, made hy grilldlllgTiat'a vliy tbe prs-cwaJ r@u uiavinga, saWdust and otier amy- pir e gubMatoaa ereexadd mili refuse Vo a fine powder la an seves-al yeas-a ugo. ta oman Important Ingredient tla n- 'Y eOflet froua Ars- m"I ul la prodctssuc asdynamite. lino- October 31. P 1 o iet . beuns sud new pastio produco. is<.ad~rs.rcr - Waste puoduci of sîvmIls (the veailiaIforeUt fases cn 00M s awdust, amali cuttinus s&d defec- ou-en Ln chili Novoesis . . la tive piccea of lumber) as-e usod as tarm »iaM oreM tàsa« l e Ihel la homes and faotou-ea. 18 iwd t <reMaa ume.tl=aiMe sose cases as Insolation, as s-W aces ot 1«0for.tla NoveaiW. maVerlal for pubs>, aud for dosonsOclhu- seve t ! uegisgi v.@a-o o! otlier poipousa. South of! Ai. Norlibsj aetda .Wood pulp briflgé zillons O!itrici. idollars Imb le Prvince. Plpa Iltaies. #4Ulm, Mabo tiflg pr1 o! vakinds, meolianical pubs> o! wam, du-y "48. ~ a qtgroundvOod), nîanufaclured hi o! dnuod . eutlouve u mt0M@0200 pe4im g blocias asiasi lb.efoor fs-ensbaardoods r«le wm8 î I» ofa « ioddito, AM dbranch em odfoe&Wam eino çbMcal pulp, fornscd tii-cookins lng aut or souha« wM ua cislna çertoz ui bemicals. ed w1j s Co uilu Ia yveon yreflned ciugaet. m« A« 'aMe14 cdla Uic Manu- IlDlMOWelycugus-, n I t* e o!frayW and cellophane. staefor« ea dvaa Wedfibre la used cxtenalvely la One t i temanufacture o! cosruaed houaipst-sb~J'rus fibre - board for pack- %e~ i- ' se w~ s ad uidlabuilding amd hi- tiligt b. Umgly t.quoi.MeMes _ boards. Il la directly or stu- lue vm-alin& mila vlswâm '* a source o! mates-tal for mu»u t mluFM. m expboive&. &us-r, alco- buIN teod bu. ts sa vaiWu nttain sphoto- " iri»lag and mu é4h« pro eenam o asozed lncrumalgIm- t @X g W Ohouta o! venus- as-n .mal: u am 'bY ctes-revaivins a ~ ~ a 'lonu tatloaryuale TACOMA. Wa*. <AP>-Calgmu-y and UdmoMmoovifi ioom emn ben et tua-el A s Il WsntuAc uumaloutNsasenLa lugsIa 7 ezmmadlalt,to a lMuaî chru*. Acbost Abel. leage *Odsisut appreved franchise fr tue Ai boula elIleaby Iceninute bis CALI& i mA"L SALM. Na. (P-hdu peu 311 McAaay et«ism vaihi Record st-Uydu vu do a aCI= sov*bu lee * wua veibave s-twate. &T. Io=31 AP.4jý. q ens etâA*soresla~ tom a ,i.Ws 7- > Prt Willim câm dwmus NsaS3Tu 4 ps-e- CeN»i riT OM IghU. Jfr » W otier UAl. abat. lbuDeswb at Q ao IMM 9 -huIb c «~ fouom nywlm i es la ir. TIs II: mouao Amri=. - k s ao1 aslN Èe lu-m. 8P4- U.. j iLS " àik I~~u &M Oumdstic Ineetedl ineewm0 mim ai w o4onUt *9ola Ai. phio wêShy Lm. 300'Uazk Uts ée , asMe <is- et be 304-- A * xsmln 0.0b uiteml -tit bootid boSse Ao vIn- 1WUi OS 176#4t"y an ou tus dar olvwhie. U tKM imr aeVun raciM, =48 14,Jui Wt i..I ...,..*. s,- ~ S - - ..*. 3 T. .,.. 4 .),'...4. I 5;;... I ichard Ties Hâ-ks 22- -In Chicago hl IR c d i h b ~: -.~ Was somebody asking what liad Rols and &IL 5:31 lie ;sent the appened Vo Maurice (The Roccet> Canadiens lato a 2-Dl 1èad«cwih an Rilchard? asst golng Vo Butai Bouchard. The beetle-b r o w c d Montreal 11fr Hawks matched È4lchard's Canadiens saarphooter who un- performance ln thc final .piod loubtedly wl become the National wlth Doc Couture tie marksman. Hocktey Lcaguc'a greatest ecorer Hec ounted at 5:45 on asslats from bis season. hit bis Peak last night Gus Bodnar and George Geu and as Canadiens wcrc held to a 2-2 tie again at 10:30 with Gce and Bill >3' thie Black Hawks at Chicago. Gïadaby heiping. Richard scored both Montra WILLIE 18 RACKC goals. his first of the season. , While the Hawks-and Canadiens- The much-mallgned rlgbt-winger were battling to, their tie Managlng had oniy three assists in six games Director Conn SmYthe of the Leaf s M fans, accustorned Vo aeelng his announced that Bill (Wlld Wlhhle' name up with the scorlng leaders,1 Ezinlckl would return Vo the Leaf were wondcrlng what had corne organization, but would neyer get over Uie usually-rcllable Rocket. to the big Urne again under Leaf He supplted an ef fective answer colors. last night in thc only garne on thec EzlnIckl. who left the Les! train- achedule. 1lng camp this fail whein he objec. NiEARS STEWART'S MARK 1 ted to the salary terrns and -a Hia pair of goals gave hlm a minor-Icague clause ln his con. lifetIme Votal of 321. lust Vhree 'tract. wlll play for Pittsburgh Hor- short of the ahl-tirne N.H.L. rec- nets. Leaf farm club ln the Amern- ord o! 324 set by Nels Stewart îcan Hockey League. and It is concelvable now that l "He'IL neyer play for the Maple Richard wlll surpass that mark Leaf s again. " sald Smythe wbo bas long before Christmnas. been irked by "miaderneanor" of The Vie out Canadiens in r. thrce- Wild Willle ln the past. He was way deadlock wlth Detroit Red :secretly marriei ln the middle o! Wlrrg.smad the Hawks for flrst!a season wlVl'out lnformlng the place, mnanagement. falled Vo Vurn Up aV Richard scored is pair in thetralning camp one fall and was fIraI period in shlghtly more than;found on a. Winnipeg golf course. f ive MlnuteR. Just 27 sc..nds naft'r Vor the lt'tter hr was ba.nl-,hrcl the openlng face-Off he whstIed in to Plttsburgh. sold to Boston, then alone to beat Hnwk goalkeeper Ali returned Vo Pittsburgh. FIGHTS LAST NIGHT ClgryGWn WHL 4th Spt FAtAL RIVER. Mass. - TiPPY By TUE CANADIAN PRESS-9 Larcin. 144. Garfield. -N J.. out- IaySapdz ovdit PoInted Maurice Jenkins. 148, New- 'calrySaner3mvdIt ark. N.J.. 10. t ourth Place in the Western Eoekey NEW YORK (Sunnyside Garden) 'League lai ntight by defeat.lng --Johnny Digillo. 136, Bayonne, 8aakatoon Quakers 3.1 in a, bris- 1.J.. outpionted Sarn Anderson. Ing contest. In thie second perfod- 1130, Plt8brgh,8.fine penaltiles, four of thern majors were handed out. Grand ]Rapids Tops Frank Ashworth, Sid Finney and S tamiord Teriers Roy Kelly were the Calgary marks- NIAGARA PAILLS. Ont. (Cp- imen. George Senlck accred Qua- Grand Rapids Rackets scored three kers%' lone goal. goals in the. third period to defeat Tacoma Rocket3 posted au easy Biamiord Teriors 8-5 In an cxi- 6-1 victory over Edmonton Flycrs. bition hockey gmne last ifit. 00Fdy XIerr fi~d BillMatthews The line of Parent. Burcha! and each seored goals for Tàcoma. Parker paced the, International Bart Bradfley and Wlngy Johnston LA*gie Invaders wlth tour goals. notehed the. otiier two. Bill -Eay 8taznford plaYsi the Niagara son- beat goalle Dorug Stevenson for, the [or B loôp. looe Edmonton goal. One of the oddities of this wçýeek's édition of the Hockey News isa abasebali advertlsc- nient. 1Yep, we said a. baseba1l ad in tic Hockey News. Il goe' 's i a FORP *SALE . . . (,uelpli Senior Inter- counzv Base-baflhFriinchise. in- cluding pl-% ci' cc.ntrýacts. (quip- nient, etc. Thîs m cuid be a reval nîoney make; th pr-opcri Plo- -motion. hruerýested pat tes mnay obtain full parlicular>. bý mrit- ing hî further statrs UIat 'A replie" tretited in stric:est con- fidence." WVluiî gives One fiosyto VhinkaRs one Againa (itistie Ilt-o jv. uu it)xi- hath does tîlat au 111V,111 ' ArV(elfl Leafs on the financiiu vrks> That ag IUne."xi tilt Pioper proîîîotion" ittakes une tlttnl thîcir crowtih hatventl been up t oeecat ' hs It possible Inat' 'vtran- chine coulch be sbhlfted fr-on, that clVy t ils 't (Certa inly t ho e chants have heen u'yin9. for enough yoari ta gel loto the iritercounty -. . Perhapstheir- board o! governorn would look with lriVereàt On Rn OAIInwf franchise st51 this r. AllID i l thie ad isnit CXaCtlY a shocking plece o!foea-s. EveryOlle ha@ reahized for somne turne ubat the Intercounty Sen- ior Clubt have -been havingr their troubles meeting big paY checks from amali gateS. s"'>'- I- Ti Sc of o sa Mda Md Uea fit mrs tu r oes, te-oas-e i iau0m l micde up 011 o> 701 I TL1AI01 M <P-K5-vinugve tes- log~ sud -ael'ou te &My oClS vsu maOR hiidoua aeil muo tic aide for 'tue aiBoxlng *Club. IVwomm be bettée-ta ar. itolit dlatlntioO. 5el W5 fe&l -he, bout 47h yul be se!' Ii IAr rêSIGittu coutu-y.- ibb - t6hoe & Èrât deal a *en!'tich& me lIdA li a pU.Tt b ieo, ouitolf d "** tgr ne olo s à ia Who Dit l tirl&o5 r 1~ i f -t, ..........

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