Daily Times-Gazette (Whitby, ON), 24 Oct 1952, p. 13

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'g 9 1 (~ t 1~py ~s Kuhu i syVaughtan là F. LDwbati CAmSt Sis cran-nt. owi sBE-IPO CJBC-Nowni spots Cenit5whd CTflD.Nswf i *0sl wan-ran 1ALUYshow WWIN-Tuchdowa il" 4.483F5.& iWERN-Tbreo.-5ar Ilstrs i.0 F. CILB-Nou a s 5 i. Folow u w Sani -KEv-Ntwe. salrosu CMII-8.se'iml be CFB-Jck flh Owr CDL-ltosd Show i.m r.14, (KLII-Oreai Muai. CRL-Armdaîo Chorus CKFY-QUiai'isrSsCUCI b ci-as-clublas WD1CN-Worid Nova WOR-Olub 1à I.U Ir-. C-portamlea'î m lJDCmslees M - 1. CKZUV Huaî M.Lai WEEN-Your ait parais ie;gzer. Tisen 1CCBCtaDes Net Par iCJsC-Troaswre Troll vO-usanuai eUBL-iIoU,'ud Opos Rasas CJJBC.Perd Thestre CINIEY-Nowai au% TmS CBL-Rythals Do Feaut WBEN-Sea Ploya WOIR-mrsI. uNoues WGS-T.B.A. CTat-Pi<siia Paras. CK e-ve CriS-TU.tà WUEN.IU Gaaoe Caliai CKTY.Nfflni @ort& CstUMay Lieu ass" WUUCN-Wm* <sla t10.00 cjSQ-Nsue ToUsse ,r.ai. Muair Im waoftei Faw ca mu.45 .M. crRI-arn #« Toaalf ('IL-PoteOUW e CKLS-Nswî uSuV OWG-Y1EWMC tue mtm r'FiS-Ne.a. Spofad 'Voit-Nue WUEI4-Ne" CJUC-U.N. .a Wag-aportsi tary5 te Drouet <EeNwlUFaEPb* 7crSN.u umquiz:asïw'TsU SATURDAT bMORNIG 5.55A.<s. CKN?'ou.a5psN POS-asi 40" W8E-1ar, Looref CruS-Ne»$ 1 V s w .Oe a.u. CTR-Moalg MledsaWOeunUi5liNews ICSUL-a t W ccis A.14. Lm.N. 1 c - 1*0M4 am CKLD-Newo les KoUs'r MCKLuass kqiW WIMMtsds*" cKEv-Noal îM"0 I* CsoB. uo~winA.os'es De CFRB-NwDrasPo"010. aM WOl.Nsu1aalObe 1-1 .NeW 1 iL otoo.l j Ies m C sC O &f ow ý WDUN-Not u Nageai 5 LU."w»aA-118 toau 55r stAN. 18.5 LU..4« apNe CKLSY-Nowss KuUal (iar eéo CF*RB.Nowau Da»s F51me1C1"w8-owsi T~Vm as vane,,bta-uai WGFiueai CNomha Nu 1.Mumai OeI Sse2PSoie WG.b 7.exN.s= N U4M . ste KoN.. Ls«enCIC.NSebeel Doskia4 JUW <I46 â *e PSU MWa tu-N.azCseosl w5ENNlosir wag 5mIla~ »C-Tost ud Jmhles CI l-as Jai ('1lb Issu. S'V= i u CIETNeug Muical Glase IMod cHI-osTp'<o CIS'es O.O s asseA ~ TO de.st uis 3CJam q. YdlIM5.s, ou WIEMwi.s ('Isi f iW -ls. a i... 2 NC'lù=t N cis T4ýgO Nua es o 7,5 eNa. Ma WP4S TELE VISION PROChES le-Fat lttle1k" W5 7 s..Iai>- us ilm r -ama i cavo q-CSOPSh Fayua 1 -e-'Tbm.Toc t.S- miNom Camse o 0.-MaMSa a »--"u .saeo le; *-.OVes4 Fi0& il eab-WS.es Wsa 1? il *>-aesTOP aa ar. wal sa ea 1 lo -luram uem à Ptmout (CPtI-4 & msd"o 1 k aio bd» sbi the OaaOWu Vouer Ourpormiet. Tb@ MW tam et Iwamis'rl moisuatm pelai rsplaed the -adDv clustar lm DANCE I 9~ 'Hnters Dé Eds F1ockTt siaIN cmsswm Hzzi Young People Are Needed Dui F or Active Church Work AC * .Erbium le.Deard of rye wA b118. H. T30UPSON visitera wMt Mr. and Mrn. Roy Sm'enish s. top#s 23. A basket CorepndntBow adfail.atone C Mosem earried by RIAGLAN - There was a umali WEIID PARTY 8 gyod ttt1P. ez fa u gather1flg at church on Bunday af- Dont lorget the halloween Party womnen 1. 14#rd of burden Ie te ternoofl. The acripture lesson %Z 8 be held i the hall next Thur&- 9. Smnall drum whales 24. Girla& namne .t taken front et. MattheW. 8. G. Say- 'déy *veni.ng. October 30. Cone' 10 A %ze of a- l4aving a 35. Prickly en. TscOor ai. wefl brougbt tO US a mesage of lad brins the farnlly. t)yPesnotable velopea 1etnay the 15th Gencral Counsel of thei Little Linde, lute had a birth- 12 Ptuhlic history fruit cburch, whiCl he attended In Ham- dey prty laat 8aturday. Bbc en- 13. Maie 0. Romnan 3. Lamproy iton som-e weeks ago. He express- terts.ned a number of friends. Lin- 14 Cin (slang) garment 29. Perishes ity sw ldpup1 ed the great need of young men da opened ber Iovely resents and 135leres of 31 uboe Mt 30 Wide-awake at ns and womner for ministers and dca- thanketi ail. In the centre 01 the land 13 Blood 31. Deere U £enOins iilIct conesses in our churches and itable w5.s a lovely birthday cake 16 Sn co U Collect by 32. Painful spots (ot h u Chrîtstian work. The choir sang,; holding ibret candies. The clUldie 17. Rpheis asses5m@ii 33. Plant ovu'c 39 MAaie @duit t0 Percha --i Wau Glad." Regular service at ail had a good Lime. le Sioths le pet* 33 On@-spot earde 41. Fthtr Mr*.its the liotr 0f onle o'clock next sab- Bverley GI.mblett attnded thle 20 Htall, Tlp s bath. The choir 'wlll slflg ai Pros-'Junior P'armers banquet held ai l, 1.Tiny Mn. Lloi pect Suflday evenlng at 7.30 lt be- ic Genosha Hotel in Oshawa on 22 Ha\' ng 3 4M r o ing their anniversary. iTuesday afternoon. hp(Se D Trhe Wema'l'5Association met ai MAJIKIAGE GIFT rcl omte the home of Mrs. N. Blrkett on A presentaion W10k place in Uic projecti*OlSOn their Wednesday afternoon wlth a good 'hall tat Thursday evening in honor 25 <-îexo-2 310 Toi-onu attendance. The meeting opened by of Mr. andiMmn.Lorne Bray, on l ..Litechild '4 n ý,nging hymn No, 379 followed by their iecent mn-i ànage. A short pro- 29 owng " us the Lords Prayer. The scrlpture gramn wss enJoyeti by ail. The 29 %fîscellanyMuryf was taken from the lSth chapter bride and groom were called to 30 Breathietsaiy of St. Luke reand by Mrs, Moon. Uie front 01 the1 il and %% e pie- 34 At hor U"Bl The president Mrs. Blute read the ,aented wlth a studio coucb a mat 35 liIS MmaB< %tory, "Christiail Brotherbooti.",and an electric kitchen cdock. Pre- eri s -d a vitf The seoretfry's. treasurers andi sentatioil wa.s madie by Rory Brown 3MFe il der M 5 0lelville1 Sick Corivner reports were heard on behalf of Uic conîmuniy Mr 87 n'glester & and rol eil answered. Discussion at r.Br>25kd i o ht <aiîr was mnainly. plans for the bazaar, giftà in a lew seil choben wordLs 39 W-g whiCh s to be hcld on Wedneaday Regreahmenta%% ert served to briflg 40 31 November 19. The meeting closeti a happy evenineg w a close. 41 Walk.d ba*30 - th hymn No. 351. followed by the Mr. and Mrs. Walter lIollîclay anid forth . benediction. There waa a short pro- and sons attended a receptbon for 42 Pa,j*e bi-rnm enjoyeti by ahl. Refreshments'the former's brother. A)llan and his M 3- were served by the hoAteas and bride of Watson Lakte, Yukon 1er- DO Adult conmmlitte in charge. ritory ai the home or Mr and - -Cub7. PE.RSOfNALS Mr& F HollidaNv of Brookl:n on country Pernil Mr and ie IAllan Holliday of Sunday atteinoon. 2 ceip.M. Wati;on Lakte were Monday dinner Mr. and Mrs Esrl Slute and fam- 3. P uCRAn. gue&t.a of Mr. andi Mrs Walter ily spent the weeikend in Burketon ai c- - - - RA T Hollday and boys. with Mr> and Mis tD Gaichell. t.N Mr. andi Mrs. Varnuin and son. Mr&. Ivy Ormiston calleti on Mr. --. - ---- U of Oshawa spent Saturday eveningi andi Mra Dan Ormihton of Oshawa'atneiUtbnutginb i oot pn b ekn ih Citr with Mr. andi Mrs. Norman Hamb- lait sunday altarnoon. teddtebnutgvnb r'oot pn h ekn ih Cide lv. Mr andi Mrs W. Marns and M r iW A ece 0idn f the, Mr. andi Ms. Noras' mitadsM9.30 - il' Mr- and Mrs. Frznk Fox of Rich- andi Mrs. L. Mahaffy andi Gordie1 eea Mtr.1famUyj. ieueE mondti Hll are spending a week were Bunday afternoon visitors wlih Mr. andi Mra James Latimer. Mr. andi Mrs. WW Fieiy Ofet & with Uic latter'@ sster Mrs. Rott. Mr. andiUMi. T. Manne anti <Srywerc 8aAWrday eveninh gusats 01 TrentOn Were MOnday t« i 110511 Bryant and Mr. Bryant. 0fBuo sat n vnn ir, Mr. andi Mn. Norman Hughson of 0f Mr. s&W Mms. Corg Mr. Ken Keef e ot Toronto was tors wttiu Mn. anti Mn. Richard Myrtle Station. à&a. Nhlwood MARD et«" I a Sunday gueit at the home ef Ml.Main andi famîly of Port Perry. Mr andi Mrsý Earl Blute s&d andi Un-S L. Miahaffy atiled a Art Cla and Mrs. Roy Nottngham andi tain- Mr. andi Mrs V. Hawkins of To- famlly at*ended theIc MKeen-HlesSshower Iu Port Pari-Y06STlIU811ui«a-" lly.i ronto were Tueaday viaitors wltli - wetdig in Burteton on Baturda* *"ienins for Misa Dorothy hwlfl. i M S-.m Mr. andi Mrs. Cîsyton Miller andi Mr. a.nd Mn& A. Plîkie aft-rnoon. àa bride-to-be.Tal1 g ils wers Bunday gues&a with Uie Mr- and Mlra. O. Luke anti tam- PLEAMUNT TEA B(VN»Ar 1118mTOE tterls parents Mr. and Mlra. G. ly visited i wth Mr. andi Mraý Joe Miss Jean Ormiston attenieti s W. andi lra. Oco. MU13oef 11- 8A Bruce of Port Perry. !Tobin of Lndsay on Sunday troussesu tealsein eonr o bu brdse were sundfay vWstora wttb RendIse Mr. andi Mrs. Jackt Assistine andi Mns Hooper vîsîteti bel sîster Trudv Otteubrette of Wbltby on Mr-.MA[11M-l A. pilIki. Racres butanns of London were Saturday Mns George Twine of Oshawa on BSunia'y atiernoon. .lMr. Roy graswn ttendedthe 11 RD- pousre avernliht guesta o! Mr. andi M-s.ber mother's departurt to ber hf:me' Mr. and Mr&. Roy Nottinlghamii 17 Iy unchOGII et WeUiloemo . MW @Io 0.10 Jack Bright andi gWs. lu Northu Bay. Îanti fanillv andi Ken Keef e were n Oahava on Monday. WhWil Mir. H. Colliset01 aMlltoà and On Tuesday evening s nurnber Sunday t1ges !lisd m is ed the I>s'enlU 0<«LImace E. Colins of Witby were Baturday 0f Raglan Red Feather canrassena 5S. Notungcaham eoa iMrti'.nds. Peather Drive. Mr, andi lrs. D. L*nc or Whtby. Mr. snd lMn.. Fred Hardinssud&W "n'and ti friad Stsula s-3iy of Oshawa cal at s bs At eeBundal vist ithe 's1ALSd OIC lt v"OU Hambly home. tS Jaiam meon&Otda. Mir. andi Mn. J. Brevater &W WW ltaI b@1Iul # tt ed s& At R AIgLGirlso orhsaw ee$n T4'r btOf tt*PY WstN 930 e CUIS 1011 a CI4UM 3180 a CXOC 1180 Jack Bnîgbt anti girls. ld mGri F-11 1dbz CKIJ 124 0 C WKIW là» 0 CNYC 1600 M&.Gordon Corner'al10 Wd. t i-OTS am'i15110wu Mr. - ~~nenasy ith is. Mores' SDI tt. M I. Gtbh= IlMSOhILA bsiomUo5 aceF5410progisa <ssupm oy5t»185 aividiatte"Tlu Mr. MacDlui!anti Marare. Mr. and Mnr. 4 »iw1$ aes* T 'm-t**t 3IIP<utaPe0gia 6rOdFtS e6" b»# s<Ui O5*ibz&Mt misMr. and Unr. Es-rtBlutea&anttm. Bsaurday wlt barn. aW nt r.' 1. deesDotaSbD. ,epo51Mlt~ es SFSUMotS~ ly spent Wednesday aftars'oon utiM M USUi fii1i09 1$Pe V. FRIDAY MEVEBrwnNING à wM sd S pen aoeeUI d gWW a." FN. Gi1.OR. MUarvdg lun. Colline <WlMy 5~wstow 0854 taLli Ma0a 81 0< IW~ ass aesp f~aîL~~mw Mi.ADI i~'~rteIrI CRI UDMAY KVENILNG - Btrengtb andi HeaIU 00 - 9.00 p.mn LU Park NA. Banquet. 6.0 lee.u--gsClub Social Ev.- TURDAY MORNINO en - Boys aud Girls Oym. L.30 *.m. Harvey Dauc Cias. 9.30-- Lhp. 9 30 9 11.30 &.m. errft. 9.JO - 11.3m s&m "a. 980 - 180&.m. gars-Bhtcbmd9.0 TenaIs. 9.30 - U1.3JOu TURDAT EVENIO 1Park Banquet. 6.00 p.M. &UoKI msUic AiJr Eroadcst ed by 81BW mIt. CULS. eci-booti Assoction BQUan. BoD#&, Raimas UtWA **mscu DB**N TRE DAILYT JMES -GAZET'1 >inWellYWCA 0 Ponds OSHAWA CHESS CLUB - ti BACK PraOm W hobby club meets every Friday lin. Merle andi Bob Wray have evenlng; Uiey have coachlng for l rstUrned f rom their trip 10 the beginners anti keen tropby com- i .Jnrie provinces to help with the petition for advanced players. 8.00 harvst.Pmr. hareP. A 8HIO0N ILLUSTRATION a Ms-ny of tht neigbbors paiti their COURSE - open to ibose inter- respects to tbe late Mir. Billy BrMru esteinl learnling how Wto raw a wluo died very sutdcnly on Sunday i ashion figure as'd bnw te draw nigbi of a henni at*.ack. 'The funeral vartous types o! clothes on a fa- wus hcld from Lb. McDermott Pu hion figure. 7.30 p.m. nerai Chapel In Port Penny anti ART zXmnrrT - Open te thc 'burlel ai the Anglican Ccmetery. public s-ny Uime ihat tbe building -Blackstock. is open. Ail day. Mr. Brown bas lived hbi entire BATURDAY. OCIODER 24 Ilite In this communlty andi leives BAT-R-DAY CAMP - a club pro- te mourn bis wlfe anti eue son. ýWSUy <t home, The floweru bore grarn for girls 9-12 years o! age. alient tnibute tote le yep< ti-mHandicrafts. gaines. tolk dancing. relatives anti neighbors. club projecis. parties, s k ILt a. etc. The lirati snow flurries havear- 10.00 &.mn. rlvcd rather early In Uie seamo YWCA BADMiLNTON CLUB - feolns thecolti wiDd3weex ibis club is for ySugmen andi nid. ite trees art simoSt bats womnen id lbe community. N e w of ltavasanti many locof gom meinhers are welcome. IHelti at are sécu burnying tot Bitnmo Hall Gym. Ragisiter at the The tiuck hunters are lrns g"r*. 3.30 .30 JOp-m. much better luck a3 the colti wnth- IREMi HARVEY DANCE ACA- an bas brongbi the duck out oftheDEMY - afterncon. takte to thelr msny favorite pôs'dg OVER4O CLUB DANCE-a s-round the mai-stuc. weekly club dance helti for thoue in te cmmuityover 20 yearset aga. 9.00 - 12.00 p.m. SIMCOK HAL L FRIDAT 7 00 p.m.-Golden Age (7hab Launize Rom Archemy SATURDAY 900 mro-Speech Training laasse Piann Lem.ons Accerdion LetSons Boys',aiutball 9.30 &.M.-Publik Ubrsry 10.00 aa-e-e Boys Cadet Corps 1.3 pime-Golden Auge i LotingaRoom Intiustrial Ba*ethal Làagua 8.30 p..-YWCA Bdmintm 'g, mai4&, osewm st m0 THEAW GUIDE. isgeMaI.-"ftd Mou""'ta. 1:35, 3:35. 5:40. 7:45.. IAst Mcern- Pista show 9~.D 5.30, ¶0,930JLL complete show, B -pi. Liltanee-"ýOk1ahoma Anail" (Col- or) y *8. 3M9, 6.03, and 8B10 pa. "*Ac ThTRe Wide MWasoe" <'I'ohnicoWo), 139, 4-% 117.3ansd 10»2 p.m. Laut complet.shoW ait 9.03 p.. Mauka-"-eTé th e as etofTripoli", 1:46, -4:35. 7-:26, 10M2. "Braser Doubloon", 12:30, 3:20. 6:10, 9:06& Luai complées how *1 9:00 pi. Breeb. Whiib7-'«Walk Euat om Beacon". Shows at 7 sud 9. Bat. urday ov-enlng show asUris ai 6 p0 lem.weA iuoeuoeuumuuuuuoeuumu - I uic. a Date R E GU LAÀR Y.A. BINGOI I ~1~1M>~I'~1 t s * - IRONS' s -~ smft' - mmIaf~bIII1~ s A a I *RDAY NIGHT A. Houl, 4m Bond $t. FL 253c CASH PRIZES 9-Attend th# U(.A.W.4. Mano mcond aMi fort itwdav Of each monih, $ 'I >1 t ~ es-sp-j itir- on au - ay mornlng attendance o!36. Bunday 4he usual hour of 11 Dcxi tcê ios JoyceGrs-aam lblrley sceol on Thin-sds-y t. 1. Everyone welome ,p)a are u.sing Uic procceda Is.zel Costes anti Velma mnt lasi Wcdnesisy witb id ShIni Seagrave. Muf i retajrneti ,n iids-y Mr honcymnoon anti callad pmrnts before returuina to. d Uin Clarence Moutjoy. vene Sundasy visitera witb ètty Limbe antiMn. Grant were lu Tomonte on Sun- Lamibe. ,e Graf strikeg DG à 141 Ar e ocoing te wl.d uith.. E .OMT >MENT 4 KRj .VeLLC J NEW POUISH j~ HALL 4 leS * gou Mais' Godwi*t V8L.Au Cams "ill 6& 1 *dahu

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