Daily Times-Gazette (Whitby, ON), 24 Oct 1952, p. 16

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- -alb AR!MIODGE 10W OPEBAT9) AS HOTEL a oc yCn =t tw wr days o bousetàà astwng f lendaMpa e md 15oradasnbtcbyC - sta « efeseindustries lAd.. bore. roulances blosamcd into i rai Mortgage andi Rousing Cor- thla building hOlts my bappy I atrlmoey. The building bas poration andtisl usuafly fledti memnorles of former-cimy. Ma"y I been eompletely renorate. andi capacity. ýMutucl)J At Ajax porr>- Aas vasulMe om th scodm ibtInalid test of!la Punitions froni shaa. Wblt 3Brooklln, Fort erryEaut w loa APi rlganti A»azi,44 0d4, etes ai8.0 on l'huris MvoMiCg. To. uet-pva» idoala the w le ktbY bundrod fotot ohmbrc ver"able to Li ast Wpmada presa or t1ao a = Of a84lime a *ootiAvé. parekInelt w" a ma« presure o! more tbuiman10poo T'he distaoce ta, vel)over a ~ua o« a Mue..<o"va Pir m liii Eloi)t vau dehgshted viiimthlb. sulta, anti wus partlulrlibaW vii voryevident eNluulastlg operationof aul Ils Ma. After lime tuttthentau sont ye,. em-edreoimet the Aor Lotige by their hosto, AjxiDVei, id bere a ï, al ia usmsi ofthe oo~dnlç tire flghters.of tIe aeateckpi Cc! w u wt18la la cbir$ lthe achuu ofor the Lekeohm eAr Deputic.riutr saa alataMN Ft-Chiof Rai M»*oo Leosentvlth firenes. UIWot In s ixabmm WrtrIï ui ma 1Ud - Tests Oil Stove Successful Causes Fire be- 1their eputy Chie!, Chie! Gore 8 I I '»Chig te! Il -In K itchen charge of lthe Port Perry lunit. AJAX - (Timea - Gazette Staff Ithy. nbe tu astetiW tht-c quartera o1 Reporterý - Pire reaultlng f roui ocd- an bout and Ih la M edtt a 1000 an cin stove threatened a cottage u-t- gall onso vatie vere used Per at Squlres Beach. Pickering Town- day Minute. ship at 1210 p.ni. Thurstiay. RoUi ati Pickering anti Ajax Pire Depart- cie ments responded. Mr&a.Stinger "e wsfting lithe oilstove when It ose urs Int flmesignlting the floor Pin Ige l a pround tUictve d uS54Jp PgtlY MWagage Mra. Stringrer wvlis o l cc £a>- âe»_r~i<Mggate Staff vas unnerveti by Uic experience mie porter) _,Mn. BossA. Mut- and ttunable tW give any inorm- Wb sopeUin !W aisAdo ton. Mn. SUIingen, ber bubaWuit a Withe PreshytenlanChut-ch la Picket-aivr. t-- ag àmmw«-t, a hu mai T193sW tsUIrdcall for lie b. hbei bon S Qy be25. a&x Tire Briade In 24 boms. p i pnya I la expetedtilt a borly an 00 o'àpn te mae is.a %éu eet agreement o!fumutual aid la -f igim- »0 w, b4 om vmbéi i f1«t-es viiib. arrangdeti eiee du wtb Ste b lm vemeat Disx4 trio a&x tbe~ ler « 1ssb lm UnoyCO«Oo An agr-ement di axWlbeiveo w l t cpm be li ,m »v ly C M Pani Pckering, but no agree- on» notilo but boùe lmak-the Inipivemmgn District wltb 1 « lue, boflum COD&y. *~t" lo»erlngbut Q lCAMlis e thie r«a ti b*a . po~ ndtepars.Wpot at-" have boum resmoaded la, re- le t" sotieti ta&tvesalii #MbYAJa. - dtrimm vua va el115for- on. P&rAw The Ladies Auxllry 10 Eragch M3 Canadan LeglonAjax. vere guesta of the Wvhtthy Auxllary la#t Webdady man. An cajopable prograin vaspre. sentet witm Mia. C. Pisser as soi. oiai. GamnestMcontesta vere en- joyeti andi an abundant am nt it- clous lunch serntI byhobostes. Plana are nearly efslppete for thc Legioa Auxillary'aAnnuM al SS&. slways a PoPilar eyat.t - Besides &U te lime siwarea la lie soiti. a love ltfK0wood blalic. a pair of aheeta. anW a pair of pIllOv sips fiNabeti WlUihanti matie lace.viii b. drawn for at tic close oCdlthe day. Tickets MaY be hati froinmnay Inmbor. The date la Thursay Nx«. 13. Membera oetUic Auqxluyarm s.sked to ho sure la brln Ailcoin- pleteti articlesand donatiotheUi next meeting la lic helti ce Thurs- day Nov. Oth. The ladies are hol4 las a Eucebre party In lime Leston Rail on Thursday Oct. 30W ai 8.30 DiS U SN CMRAbE PENETANGUISENE (CP> Chargea o! arum aiat "WIlliM Radati andi Robert MIllâoe. bo*a of Toronto, werc tialsmed bly Magtrat. lÀA. Canironyestcr. day. The charges wqré laid tfe he burnlng o a« muedgaiéleva- 1cr at Pbetoo. hlr Emmin.l Ang. '2, CrOwaý " wltneae cumei w men laft Iidad' cr =1 beo the lfr# àbroke out M an# n tbie dIrton O! «*tWU4«vto. Defence cDwmsel salti10e vidoce bboo aubanitotd orealgg , lime fi"~ starteti ,or la confieot Radad ti i* u3wo <p)-mg*rare ew1 *iieu$ *&m ubw ato ui samtton Science Mmm i a flgui moer Tuet a PA bfom im. succeua )attoempê te f y Uic At-. MiON - n. Joti Haijit vu eWh.ellas.,-West Virghni. reelyWlm e Savation Arnmy Mr. anti Mn. 6Amnson Dlmn, memhmont aml.,MmW. anti Mr. GeorgeSoiile>'Mr.Ted Sonley anti frIenti, T ii;- M anti gfr. Aubrey Hlrcock.an Br-ian, Oth. ava, ýMr,, anti Mn. Pey Bryce. Toronto **te recent viators ai Pred CaMerons. lir. ant Mia. Ment- Dant anti Kenncth. à&. anti Mrs. ManaGels- berger Mumde th ie Plovlng Mitcb ai 'Cta"anient on tu Ottava anti tirtg p&uPark. Mi0ss Joan MoMaster bas thc Mn, a&W Ms. KeIUtaito were récent vWstorsataiHaroldi Wgi- «oMes, Oshava. Mr. andi Mis. Fred Carnet-on viafleti M. wMimM. Pe#cy &yce at tim cote aI Muntain Lake. IMsa 3dbMore aDent a douple çi dan is viUi ce Staton. Mrt. andi Mm-. Ros Dat-t anti Judyï SSatbot-o Jet. spent Uic veekend ai Hent-y Da.t'a. Mr. fnd MMa. DMIUl johnaon. nMseRouhan ti alShaw. Osb- a"a vere Sund"y gucsat MRUS- Mr. «antiMn. James Walton, raantfod vere recent gucata ai Aiu MONmster. Mr. anti Mm. Sanlev Coverly *W mu. mmneser;un. S. tel". ibsi C aè rton. Whmt by. MWi.-a"d ýç, BW Preston, Courtice:MmUa. =OcIheriPlintof and Bt-ian. Kedrogi voee uday visîtons ai Wes Canieron'a Mr. &aNtiM-a.Lloyd Bahlitay anti !ammiy attendeti the ycanly 8alva-' flo À=m Dongres.aithe Mutual Ariena. Torout on Snday anti ai- Mr. &antiMn. Tom Westlake anti famly, NumoiniMr. anti MU. limer Dovu, Eheeer vere Sun- It vatmaiPerey Davldaon's. at I Robottziloe . i. ami à&*a. lai Dat-andi Bruce. 4UWos 11 ie Tmbsday 'VIstera ati MmiyDat-t'a. Mr. Anti 3M. UarrayB]W=eanti t8àdW. Oeiava voi BonAY sp- par Viol to M eo u es. Mr. matilis.Wes Dennà«tMs. Jini B bo -MoulesaisGraba. M"a. MassUtointon. Ms. lh Staistal. un. Rosseil8fabn*.< mis ora"ce SaIntm i.un-We. Rsuh 8hgw Lt uMn. Leoard 8Iawlsl-", Ohwo nd even- 1 he chureli vas nieelAy decora4- ed by the young ladies vwitb ilov- en- and fruit for the Barvest Home Service on Bunday aftcrnoon with a fslrly gooti attendance. The Rey- erenti D. J. Lute. Tyroe. vas the speaker. The W.A. Ladies chotr furnishedtheUicmunic, W.A. Ladies were ushers andi also tooli Up col- lectilon. Misa Catharine La.ller. Oshawa, Anversary Will Be TakeR By 2 Guest bM. .. NEWPORT Correspondent KINSALE - The Kinsale Wom- en% InStItute vili holti a cuchre Party on Wednesday evening Oct. 29 at the School Bouse. Ouest speakers at the coming anniversary October 26 vill be Rev. A. Bainfùrd of Dunliarton in the mnorning andi the evenins serv- ice vl be conducteti by Rev. Mr. Lufiman of Baltimore formerly o the Oreenwood circuit. Mr. andi Mrs. w. Cooki andi grandclaughter 8usan of Orlla. Mr. andi Mrs. John Rita andi Mr. Theo Gray 01 Toronto were ail re- cent viators with Alvin andi Mrs. Hooker. Mr. anti Mn. Philîp Lovick of Newmarket were Monday night v1àitons with Mn. andi Mm .M. Mr. James Newport [a in South Porcupine on busines. Mr. andi Mn. Elvin Brawley of Orangeville vere weekend guesta with Mr. andi Mn. Jacli Rocker. Mr. andi Mr. AI Hobden spent Suntiay wIth relatives in Minden. Mr. andi Mn. Due. Fyke and f amily vere recent gucas vith Mr. andi Mn. Dave Hockaday of Newcastle. Mns. Elgin Coinfg andi sn RandY o! Peterboro are spending the wcek with tic fornierls par- enta, Mr. and Mui?. A. Hobtien. Mr. andi Mrs. A. G. Rooker &peut Sunday with Mrendes a nrillaý. WInD SPED8 PLANE LONDON (Rèitens)--Strng tati vintis yestsrday blew a GO-seat RrltlahOVerseasAlwYs' air liner nearly 3% hours aheati of is4 sobedUle On a fligbtfror a emuda to London, hIravmeliedat ian awerage peeti of 40 ciles an beur* ,,one 0! lbe. futest flts mr., ."Bsokeman att. 1 rMTtLE STATION Geue olo Work-Otilit Bnil 9. M. PERCY- Correspondent- MYRTLE STATION- A f air crovti gathereti for cliurch -andi Suntiay School on Bunday mornlng lutI wlen S. G. Saywell took bis Seripture reatiing fi-cm St. Math. 18:1-6. The choir sang, "In the Gardien." Mr. Saywefl gave an lnteresting account of the General Counsel of the Unitedi Chut-ch of Canada o! whlch Mr-. Saywell vas a delegate. Prospect Churchlà Isobserving ita Thank-offerlng next Sunday morn- lng anti eveninge.Ï FAIRFUUL GROP MEETING The Faithful Oroup viii meci ai the Percy home on Wednesday. October 29, ai 8 p.m. Please note change of- date. The nelitbbors- have flnlshed 6110 filllng. The cor-n vas a falrly gooci croP. The cold weather cf Sunday niglit anti Monday vas really like vintet-. PERSONALS Robin Nîcholason c. Whutby vas a Sunday guest at thc Ouf! home. Mr. anti Mrs. Roy MoClaret and failYvisteti Mr. anti Mn8.Ra- old McClaren of NevionviUfe on Suntiay. Mn. anti Mrs. Davidi Duchemin vialted Mr. andi Mis. D. Duchemin Sr., of Gravenbunst on Sunday. Several ladies attendetheUicMia. sionary thankof!ering ai Ashbun Church on Priday luit, Mr. anti Mn. Ted Carter. Bawk- atone: Mr. anti Mr&. Walter Mart- indale o! Caledonia vere Sunday viatmocf Mrt. andi Mn. A. Bycra anti family. Stanley Munt-ceof Kingaton visit- et ie istter anti ber buabanti. Mn. ant Mns. Roy McClaren on Saitur-ý day. Mr. anti Mr&. Charles Evans anti Mia. Leus Evans. Oshawa; Miss Nancy Laamina o! Toronto vere Suntiay guesta of Mr. -and Mn3. Oliver Lane. Mr. anti Mrs, Ralph Annan, Pickering: Mrs. MeNeely o! Brook- lin vers Sunday vltors o! Uic Pexey home. AUTUM CQLORINOÙ The trocs In Myrtle and tiWnty bye taken on their autumu sheen vcry qutckly durnngtlhe paut 1ev dimys anti juat nov present a lovely picture. MogN membera of thc W.A. ate teadedtheUicauumn Rally of h Western sectIon of Ui Womein Missionary Society cf Uic Oshava Protimytery ai Broolin on Wednes- day. SU. A. Parrintier aient Thura- dar ln Uxbrltige witb ber mother ant aider Mrs. fisier andi Mma Narolti Percy anti W. G. Atm.. Mtongbad a pleasant-business ttJ toiToronto on Tuesday. ýmrs. Oliyer Lane enteraasi w1#h Mma Penberthýi of Toronto~ to'- Blatie demonstration on Fr&Y, Octber 11 a pleasant evenlng w"S8 8pýnt, by ail present and dailitY. retrishmenta were served by -the Mrs. William Cook lias trested. bier home to a coat 0f palnt.' BURNING KISS PMODENA " Italy (AP)-Two new- lywedcs kissed themselves Into the hospital yesterday. The huabantCI waà repairing a short circuit when the wlfe gave hlm a screwdriver andi a kiss. Bis hanti toucheti the live wire. I Wo'vo a IqOOF :itVIRE 100K FOR 11415 *"ON %ON,#01 i» oIAufy IONTARIO MOTORSALES LTD.- 17 KING ST. WT-PIONE: 3-2251 DMN AMOTORS SALES & SERVICE SIELL GAS 01GL. AUH IE RDOORSAM *Lot tu-siu j t 1. 1 . 1 d6r

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