Daily Times-Gazette (Whitby, ON), 24 Oct 1952, p. 3

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9 . 4 F 1~ cmoug i.noth mn six-cubtc-ySi'd from an 1.500 rial cablêi'ay-I5 withîn the nuit of thse 3EO0 for the project S orne 2,00.,00 il lie uaed. 0,000 hors.pqer doubleti later -if wiil lic 250 .teet tIglng acros tIse -ren empioyed *i t the cMiP bUilt Fjte. The othera te Tisai district. roli1 naw ta more ans 1 ail three chil- e r I y wei-t"o.o Shim Doiig Chul. oî'ke<i more .than se-boy wtth an :lIvc up ecoutgh to âchool. hose husaid waa or at the Univer- is a gî'aduate of .Iity. ARTERS is, Japanese-buUlt as now sharea bera of the f11iM lie war might b. itwty. Bue sayo: e,( of wsitwerc, di on ciliiawilC, shte'ts. It makes foi-table 1t0 b§ &0 di at thé' N'ores",e lie girl Who 100k§ U.j.K.R.A. cOin. a high-stTIoQil C ther a istn% e1d ah Tolstoy's "War Id1 aètors had their emorizeti ln tbre etr inferior Eng- able to actit lout are not belng palu risteaci, t.N.).R.A. a solIoharghilp tuni in. Producer-direc- aiso hopes taLe*k rk for ,Hava.nIoo" n rices îîbtedly certain ele- >etition, suci auas e- not.saew, liaVe taken lance, and ti Iavo e of Cailaias corn- ita '1turri baclithe the purpose of the. 1 1-o elimaiifute my imîght forbld price ,d whlch wua ta th* tI Whatever prIe ýs possible shouli lie vi-ttc f cit that It ,WS b niany o!fUtheC- aider "the new 0015' of Montreal, I1s ,i-discusslOfl. aak#d d : 1 flatonaryT perliB itiss mon agremi 10 - lown- as an...M"t*l5 ture, wouid tsIbe ecomîbines àaiiV ýralti: *If bsie i a situation 2w*s5. uiscurs thi edOQs'2 o thoni." bint, )pot in eacpea-lenotm mai ativancemnent.-- tTANT POSI uimentsry &aaîltlit Ditbine, In Orici nents, a»e: lister ClaxtoI, TVMaa Chevrier, 3 8 &e1 t tit, Finance bLaililtS urces Minitér Wb- If Minister La 4-lt- er Prudham,o viIISe r Harris, FIsh5*Wl 'a i nd oice r ltt r. Te Ilth Nwsa ir aMs-hw ary -asistants oM i!Ob der of thir a@APOUW %iath ( Ottawa WÇ#> ici) Labo lddieaex'W USlONAUqth A. Lnteb- ave; -, nor .0. L Counc il Learns î j COULD CHECK IT FOR SIZE Thse Duke of Edinburgh lA shown atimirîng a reput-a of Liai coronation cros n thalt will ix' piaced on thi c had or hls -.%Ifet at.the coronation next Junt-. The croin IN on diapijsy at tic model enrîcmrrng exhibition, openeti by the- Duke aituth- New Royal H-orticuIiurai Hall in London. Englinti. Central Presâ Cunadian I National President To Visit Local Jaycees %ger Fluiîî dt. National Preti Mtent o! Uiec Canadiail Junir Uh.ni ber o! Commerce, %Il vsit the lWhy Lights SioItr The Meeting e« memberaof lb.reply vas to«elvSd COnilto Oshava Public Utilties Commi- its communICatIOnS Desliasg vith 5fVP Pil sica vitb s- delegation fros» city mairqusta fhig4t.1i couni hast nlvht reauhtet iD ha fleve pomntedti out SCOuriliia better understanding on thse part asked for flW ew te lo- *eli of thse delegatlon au ta why ata-cet pis-ced an King strt t to the llghting badt ltbeen extended to rnCi oliis He Po Outba bee newiy bulît uP areas anti better farmilands vitlasny Open Spacei, UlhUun instaiied on tmre Itreeta. He feit other sections Of U tI iy TIse paoblema cntronting the icla vere beavily lisait p vire commission versexpmlained cliii much more deserviIl 0f attuitlc the resuit that thse delegation nlis attention vas dMOIai otÏ; egreedti 1nogOover its long lIaI of request for bettes higbtint ae requesta for ligIsta anti ilglit nmd Eulalie Avenue beIweD VUi*d aet up aILiaMi v itbpority rating Roati anti j,& Salie Avenue. la tIbs ma a guide for the commisson. cotiection he said the commIso As5ur-nce vas given by the vas fs-ced with the polm" .Commission tIsatthe joboftins! .poles ovaietiby thc HydrC being lins tbe new type IIhtIng vouition Uic street. Whliicthe Cofiani- bec Proceedeti vith On Coîborne sion usedtheUi Hydro toelfr i Street Est.l Agne, Street anti ). paver Uines il coulti not place ligut vision Strecet nortii to Jarvis Stet standards on Qiem i vllout eiugty lu s- number Of instances cSnct negotiatlons. in Uic put blia keti for Uic erec- In the insCe of Veter-m e.M lion of hIgiirs anti in olbers l as.. Lt. Bhraeve.explatiieti sUne las4 ed for a report frorn Uic commigs- beb run &long Bloor Street East. $dosien Oithe tinstallation of îîging, TIse commission couldt PtOige s -lI certain ares-s. APiarently tic clear lUne f rani tcerit),cligifleer commission ;aà flot tooc ear as cho ha&théf jnJ asy. unde thée ta what s-as capecteti of îî In tUicmt, s tea were pover i09Sare -wav Of s report . riti.due ta th@totego. Arounti 14 trees ha-iltf orne commission's summer netcs ne oui andi one man vas bôidinti<01. HAMPTON Homne and Sehool 1952 Officers Are Installed by Mm. Woodlock i ORN1 Mr. anti Lrs. Bob Sms-hes. Usa- Cora-w'apade.at i mony. Mimses Isobe andi Betty HAMPTO>N - The Octaber ma-et- Smales, Toronto. were vctikefld gn of the Home anti ScIsool Associ- guesta of Ibeir parents Lir.s&d aion s-as helti a theic chool vith Mr.Jas. Smahes. Mn. Jack Macn-b intriUi chair NMrs. Master Lamne Tink anti Mis Tom Woodhock. pasi presîdenl. In- Diane Tlnk. Salins. visltedtiheir staliedtheUi nec officers as folios-s: cens-lus. Douglas andi carolyn Dev- prewident, Jack MLinnali, Ist vice- l Oshawa Jaycf-t-h on <çov 93 presideflt. Henry Adama. 2nc vice- Mr .dM ism. Tomn Wray visited Mr. Funrfliuuth i anirîuld reaident, Al f Rndie. lsecret.ary, Mr. and Mrs .Jackson Wray. Osb- rimeintr i Jnicr iiitiirnb.* oruani- us.BueCiaike s.sskt..nt Serre- awa. on Sunday.1 taLonhaîni unv OIff'tan,. .Mrs. akMac-nab. trc'asurer, Mr. andi Mru. Bert Stevensa vii Ini 1947. In 195t, Ilvhwcîne preK- iMis Harold Balson. corrt"xponding ed her sister a.nd huaband Mir.an dent of Lthe Altwrta reg ion, uss -ret.rY, Mr:% WiIfrld Smsir, mrim- Mrs. Wîi Hart at Plmerston on homne province. attl'tVfi ulbcrip coIIvCIIC, i EHawes; Sunday andti sio cailet on frienda Made Natàonal Vie-pra'sdt "-'ilch coI1veflef. Prs.'rm West- Qiere 1%e Oshawat Junlir Cirnner Iake; plariiut, Mrs. Lewis Truil. Misses Sardra a&M Carol J"hf plas abl rrptof fo t~e oan~ ~< ~ The Junior R.ed Cross La ta pro- stan are viaiUn8« their aunt &MI Who ia noted az n lectni>,es vide a program vith the fili board uncle, Mir. &Wic!Mrs. Roy McDO>I ma and communtty chest worker. pituri, each mojntS. A short aId. Bowmanvifle. liela l8otheoriinftor ofthrprogram wua glven. T'he Male LMra. Storie of Orono la vit balir Aberta anti-rate campaign. I theocart-et onad ia.coupertf Ma-s. r.daobetsm n "stamnpede city' hé là deeply Ln- voaI eeUn n r.Br.M& oua teratd n înigrnî euemntPayne eeiertatried with piano 1Mr. and Lira. Simon McCoy and sMd rehablltation. a.s weî i as wri- munie. Anotiier interestingftenture Plin. Carnie Havkey, Tyrone. ver@ MUg. He submltted the prize-win- o h etn a heMeet-vstr ii . E. H. Cle. Bilna slory on "Gettiniz the Most tion 0f Pins te the 1962 grad ais r. P. GÎilmUanSmlhs la D. 'Out of Your Life Insurance". ln a chas: Dsviti Couttà, Arthur Jarn- la a guest aofL1&s. W. J_ Rantion. cntent in which Insurance men «.Fred Chandler. Norman Dry. HOME 91901& HOSPITAL e*vere aakedti t participate. &M. m Beverly Smale. 1Mn. Tom Woodok lias returned Whie l Ohaw, M. lumr- aaspent ln playlng bingoaller in Prreaalng favormb!Y aler lier feit and members from the Junior. Iile uch whwa saerved. The at- recent operatlon. rouindlng districtâ wlll tour the Gen- tedne vssod. Meetigs vil The old vesiher me t fmty at. I b. held on Ute second TueadY orf mer i U» poil few iaBY& eral Motorsplant. mROGER FLUMERFEZL? *ah nthftSn w oundmiroSbave not beenveu? mmchi ppreclate, On Thursday night. a meeting >,ý cai Bt emcb meetig. e4, * vMle.b» f ai vifl le helti ln the Gennsha Hotel gsIpof aym wMAI NONYbu &Z" tst<' , lis Ito- Pk,, Oieo lly RoS», vhere the larve Quet. and later jmteftalnmen&ii .2a5iskseOrgaaltu .w 1 vas~w veli Btfl.dsa bOGum «. Ganelhf lha COURTICE ~~ Mals uaule tcu M tné Or iâ oua M Mai ad tak.vere quat. von patral.S pec»«W servift Bt zNa m M a> si. Aflernoan teas, wu »Yed. Pro. dai sveslng. ceeda vere$. a«.Re. 0. iD. Emjwey vas ises Stwits Feature Initiation M.adMr.Abr cU ia e tfteset Taktý 0f New CGIT Members ien ere onSatrday. wvix> veo Enakilen occupiedith pu» MR&. C. W. T11IPffON vas lai charge of Mra .CeciliAdami, Mr and i Li . Harlti Tult vWt- BiiclaiTbaakonttera sevie vi Correspondettlandi opencti by aînM« gHymn 373, cd MUrsad Lias. Cunntgliajmand 1be beld hmreon 8ubdmy sftruoo COURTICE - The Courtice Js sUnitediBY ThY Ome" Mr- andi Lra. AIan Graham. àa! mex eaiL. u. . H.A. àMefls d COlT girls met nt the church on0 MlaSlOnarY fstory waa given by Fenelan Talla durtag th. e &- Osawaa vill b.e t preacher aMi Wednesday. October 15. hie nie<4; Mr& Carl Down andi chose a endi lira. A. A. MorknfleycfD manvMl lag openeti with a recreational pe-,her tapie. »Mislonarlea in Alites" Lir. andi iU-. Einier Wiliamaoa viii b. ptuent solols. Speelalmugae riod intacharge of Mm. Clarence jA duel vwu gIven by Lira R. Bat- and NMissMary lKelb. Throato. by our choir uni es' lai éub Penfounti. berandMis Phylliii Adams, A I-iatod nt fSas» Ds'eWa ae nday. of Mn. Jlm Smales. The Initiation ceremony of new vote Of thankas u tn<icred 10_______ ________________________ snembers was carricti out ad heMis Cari Down. Lia-s Barber a&t following girls were receiveti as Mi"s Phytha Adain, for asisti PINE LE new miembers. Dorothy Burtch. with Uic- meeting Thse meetins Metty Penwright 1BeverleyvBur- lised iwlUi Benedittin andth le S u 1à gens, Na.ncy Brown andi Marloric comniitture in charge serveti lunch, C~ L Ana Qatchell. Initiation ofnI Orla vcwg iaci %%.M~5 niembera anti officers showed pa- 1Oum ahorivas helti lni iiotioi'~ f 4d e i r d n tience, perserverance andi cour- Mr, William Oeaa-tng anti hi& bride. ndTQ .k 1 ý &go by the stunts- given ta tiiefn. b iaYHisoia eebr ax Sc100I Ouith n arirtors Hall Lisny love- b m~~~ Thse work whieiî the girls are in- lita re rrecised and0ti oih A c un d to h jl~uI terested ln la on a scrnpbook tc be extended many th""k.aan ntihvit. UU M af amt to a hospital. The "Pr<-nd- -, alt ît îminld nctbr*s' i shlp Ciacie" wtu matie andi aI' homeîru e tàbuilding ti in s P. IL 1 Îamgmlg sr joined in uinging "Taps." cOmmun1îtCs ve l smsia t miail The Courtice W.A. group held ti L udySioi et ii » PJ< LETb 'm t ,g4 ~ regular mcnthly meeting Thurg. vas ccil attendeti on Sutlday axuhi- vIgItflrslth %&MiRe sud Mss ies. valibrusa hboit 0 day evening at I8 p ni aiCourtîce lnirsalo evcning service s-it 7p tiHîanUey r & i sadM us.Jouas-Itb. worus'ad u Churoh. Thse meeting opened weuh Annversary servites on &ubday.as-». aiiaua it sudMa-a Uig asse'18M a-n ma'%l thse W. thIeme sang. 'Let Uic Otîber 26. will bc in charge 01 s-combe TSOnto. ii. and Unr. t» A)M muy ihag y Beautyof Jeaus Be Been ln Me"-. Re rolsrad Binon ai 7 pm-i*.,G. IIuWyU. WSnisT yi. AJna'r eU followod by Hymn 400. "hiîght the Wcclnesda>-. (kiober 2q9 stauna l Mte su Lam-Un esmittr.y giSomme OsCIay GOod Pight with All Thy Mghi" searve at 4 p tmi. s-ii bh the 51>24i5.jmisud "IU*bW. Ura'. a Lr.iuNi.Oss. Roil cal anti minutes of 1iasasti turkey supper. cd an..L . sSiMM. AhPa'5 f h mbis h u meeting were adoptetiau reand. foi> Relative, f ienda anti nej#hatll>r o tle. sMiWWhw lovai by reporta of the treasurer Of LUr.-George Barbier aBS' i5P m nia usi tMi.Onl&S fw andi aber commîtteca. Thse Scrlp-, ta hear the îrouiod s-a of hlm re.Lire Graham Prum ad Ut, . m f oS 4il e= tua-e resdinu vastaken Irom 1tisrning home fmos» amultn l M rlas' a p maoiiiMam ef Us M g . Emphestalis 4: 1-fi anti Romans 12 ptal on tiaturiiay, Oc'tber- Li miMb«T U*isêM "4. Thse memblers vere remindeiM i anti LUr#. A, WIIiU sJad&Lia-Mr cd si*v yPs-ll ersmeet M b tbee.Q.~ bs.P of the turkey supper ta lie lelti and I Mn stpiln Jeffrey aud mn s&W ban. A J l Mp nWe . 4IW51Wb U 4 OaSh&aapaesbytery Ib sdny. or- Os-rn> Ms-pic 0a-oe apw«eat i. tu ~M 1 <hbeau eucma tober 30. te lic helti ni Grernun~od %t-kepnd ti Sii eatives o ar.Sa ('Uit cbo1la abIUI o ui!l b Zior4iw9b Tois being MSSaIcnarPrognamnia p&ibu. a MWuMWmevpieluvma~~t S . 1%provide pro«-ein for th e »& t m L tet B*W Mice Damage tas-Pr,lon *lii b. pfflfvil t ffl Du4U tbas. of lb. via'. la oflibmius&Wfer taoaisb.lsa. oIllera mse In Orchards MMM urm Bl" Daac.- U" alatlb. nv U" u m" <i~a~ r.uaei a age Wbr hurei . gW," mes C"î!bU fa e aachs f fl tant, fkl gvitea- j lare mabs lat sssmf' ifi <locin. __ tohes la orofhaÀrss t «e8GU@s btat, Muée »*kwS p0f s.r anb. ie Q 4e aas~ iilsitacku istaA api. é M be ut" ,ov b« aIfm0o c en * 0l o>uld be taks ». avure« J sa- Do droepIsesai lwsMaot.gu- lAies 4mma t*Mmrs«Mlt O1IIam ial <f II!Uai * OU5Ws mo M vs tu, mt1%b TUwE --- --- --- -- VOL. il-No. 249 DA1LY.'TIMES&*GAZEr &"ém %a m m d moi# *mm ih."M- OSHAWA-WHoiTBV, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24. 1952 Advocaite Equtable More Protection Fo Fire Hydrants As aà "Resit« dsusins e- 1 eartb chile tIsé operstion nuls cm Iveen members of theOshawaIotiiers a litbeen liadly damageti Public Utiities Commission an t rouagh the use cf improper memtbers o! ciIy counicil hast niglat. crenches. In vas augresieci Iis -b'cty coUnc la the ors-r futuâr. miieht have been donc b>' cantr-. MllYiier aller or amend ti Isly' !tors andi builtiera. The hetter suu- ,l& Io provid, for thse adequktÀe!gesteti morc contrai aven unau- PrOtection a g a i n astiillegai Inti thorizeti use o! hydrants andtheUi wI'Oaiun us e fre hytirants. 'Ne use o! proper vienches COaMitori vili continue ta soi-y- Emphasîzing that it carricti opt Ice the byclaanta.a regular check o! Uic hydrants, The discuson arosc ont of commission officiais decharedti ie>' lOter frum btheie nraaasa o f- weulti net unticrake ta police llicm fle!ice i ont tbat durlng the asu tatlàlatUcjob of Uic police standardita on estiOUs thla sum- dtepartment. mer severai erlas ncndtions bati The commission -vIii tiemanti a been encoulnterecI. spectflc report tram the fia-e ms-r- Tise letter staledti at conalder- ahal office as ta the location cf s-la diffiCulty bat been experienc- hydrauits fount itmproper condi- ei a-inaovig Uic caps frn m everai tion. *A~m 1L1 ~oe - - - -- - - .. - . ~ u g-ui~~~~ More Levy. Protection. Plan Scii'd Antiq6âate-d Members of the Oshawa Publie Utilitieà Commission ladI nlght urgred the niemibers of the City Council delegatlon to give serlous consideration 10 a change in the method ci evying on houiseholders for fire protection. While nothinig can lie donc by this year's councl, il was suggested that ac- tion lie taken early in 1953. Georse P. Shreve, commiasior manager.ta-, -ast s-hUicend of boo<kwork for boUl lIse lty &MitAis laut year b.e comaeosln forward- commission. ed s- communlcatIo asktag for a Il voultib. necesaaiy tbalter revialon but nothîng deftitehadlegition, but bhe somer tIse Ie vas placed on an sasumeat bul corne of it. go urgeti tIsaIt rtuise hesooner tbe rater syatem vouiti of thes Iicrmmang captaIliuon of e pi«W don àasound bhasts,'lk ilydranta an;dti Ivo--rien. cliii specîi Aid. Wesley Povers, clisirman 0f'lb. vater-onlca sam. acton va-ecles hall tO e llet ID. It he iboard of vorks. commenteti Do shouiti nMtb. deisyed. Vas emaDhiba d itbs-t suchi a onD- Peinlassîon ta use hydrants lis-t Under lIse sysiem paesently la dition vwouitislow up Uic firemen been given by his dcpartrncnt: vogue a flat charge la maie liy s&W tnght result li a ainail flrcvhle Uic commission streased Ilt the commisson upon the muasici- s-aumlng serlous proportions. 'diti not ili te b. piaced in theUicps-liyfor eacb bydrant. Il vw« Oblier hydang.a hati been fountiý position of pasaing out pea-itia for Otrese ti a lire Protection SIould OOvered airnoat t te .nasal.itIs their use. ie aacýasti s-ainai cach houa.- bolier, uhether Pa-r~yo vner0" S renter M anttI eimarie>' shoWlt Plairam.rthlrough ils liuilIng system. The Ct Break own S. u~u~jeS asacasment roll voulti b. used a tIse basil for lthe p"a. OnIUnder thse pa-esent systes» nany 0f$10 Gift Choi Honorsry OUM»e lai lire ProtectionvAIlle ovn«s&am, ToChestFund President were escping vith a pUrle DOM.j lnanl a I ent .orov#cf lb. .lI A biemkgWov09et b. objectve sud Ou TourdaY evenan, aller Choir, ha alunder lbe n». pisis hm thb. 1a q of thec 16 agenoies pz. reheara-sl. membera cf lb.heaWor -vould b. les u &gp flctoo1d u MW&vting li hleu962Oshamcom. c of àt. Oe' Qch aa*h-,ý muach ff Csiaboya tIsaioft ree.d la lie recoyto ho10150à S 5clal te. dollan s eta-butod. 1 lbZ e haut, and to prwSrt a psm'Ung git smo&aaaa vich go Io tii. variu te l prealdezt, Don Clark. Pair.i aueçàuan s lue" iClarkbu awnli am Rcoyal! kI £-Mj aeilsu Natiomal lmt, e b. ieavlag Oshaws- la a tee daM. a for -91be w ..lin.i. 27 The PI'eSesiIatblowvasMA&by CM"j j om un O=WaMiChetrmau ison II IU OM uScOUts Pr«*Ut*stMr. Clark buboom .adou of__é bu lI&adidb. (josiiea &.n ............aS (tssm» Br a i .... .1A am Whitbr Weltam *Cueal m AdmfhlraomW PubMWtt Tonl làI ScfOrtIe.vlg. ut. Ns . ore.aei lb.sourec*am el.id chai 10 CaOMoeo aiUn. Bee miS lavai« g» obaUS te tb. aIim hr ~ ~* r County Relic Te Ai. meWA002W « *6 ilAIl@ SM County Oeaa h bm b Ihieveek M a TUFy inuttw b e Ga0th". bliby0.c ma v =49oM ibe rW asa %M. cfpaM&&bv rais o'~>noim. O om ~~t a 0»s~I fou "M. mouimaa »= o vl.osd d *9 nom-.- iptIw ovea >wardUnio ISlA<C> d eImi 1u et amdmi sala ti re 1was long s"zce put. lMr. 8hreve nid, when the vater Ilys. tem could allord b Play around. It ahould pay Its own way. At present the. commissIon la Dot gt- tin the reenue It should for 1fr. ProtectIon. Revenue vu belng At Pre4unt the eommiaaicn la r- celvlng about S %»r cent of the cma 01 water. exoluilie «f tr- mgs eat*. for fin, protet iontlre. &* it aboulte b. reeekvtag a much larger amUuit a- vaU the case J» Mr. Shieepowutd ut hIL~ eh»»an ge An .aylm «ai lev permJl « hydrentsbeing pub li vhen fiausm olaid!Wb hveum Z«emo thelb. .0.fer l. the e d>. bug a vmt de.ofet b. vork la dees todmy. 19:voulimmnm Prttm b ina e CARS WASHED WHILE] SPEUDIMCAt 1 4, m ai as» ta. h 4 e Ba

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