Daily Times-Gazette (Whitby, ON), 24 Jun 1955, p. 12

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THIS TROWEL WAS USED 100 YEARS AGO Durlnag Whitby's Centoesniai week, Ontario County wiil also cecebrate ils 1Oth birthday, whilch là especialiy a ppropriate since Whitby le also t he Couniy Town. One ofthtie relies nf the founding 9f Ontario Ccuety ln the trowei. shown above Ie the bande of W". Augustus. Whithy Tusm trowcli lathe ocne which %asused in the iaying cf the rornersioc of the present ccueiY building 100 yearit ago il wil be on dis play during the Whitby Cen- tennial. -Ttmes-Gaette Staff Photo Catholic Women's League Organized In Whitby 1939 By M. 1. FO Y Federal Governmeel against the The Catholir Womenis League of! enactmnt cf new Laws makigî Canada was orgai e saN- 1divorce casier te Canada a n d ticeal Counclic athoiic Wcnien againat Ant-Chrttlan propaganda Ie 1921 and was granted Federallce the National neework of the Incorporation le December 1923. publlcly oweed and financed Cana- becamti affiliated wilh the lnter-i-dine Broadcasting Corporation national Union cf Catholic Womien's Protested on vartous occasions lu Leagues, cow known as Worid tihe Pres againsi publiîahng lurid Unioe cf Catholic Women'a Orlgan-1 details in thse maiters cf divorce. lations, wtth a memberehip c 36 social vire acd birth cuetrol etc million te 120 organizatices. estab- Petitioned thie Governmneet again'st Ilshed ln 66 countries. the admission mbt Canada of Tihe Cathoile Womnen'q Leag ue cf foreige tabioids. immortal filma & Canada li under the epecial pat snia'-ious tterature le 195.1 the Na ronau o f Hie Eminence J a m e & tional Director and the National Card inal M~cGuigan DD, and wag Prcsideni appeared hefore the spe mandated hy the Canadian Caiho- cial committee cf thse Sent of lic Conference cf the lerarclîy Canada aed presented a brie! on ln 1948, has been alngularly biens- the eubject of salacicus aed asi- ed and commecded on numercus lar publications The CWL. bas pub- occanions by our Sovereige Pont- Iished ince 1921 an official ne- Iffe Pope Plus XI and Pope Plus tional ,Matariee. "The Canadian xIX'. League', thse Interest cf reli- Thse League la Canada la or gan- gion, cltizecslslp educatioc and the lzed on four leveis. National. Pro- home. Contrîbute financialiy each vineial Diocesan and Local groupe. year to the Sisters cf Service for cach ltaving a Spiritual Director their Borne Mission and IMMIGRA* and an Executive Commitîe 10 lion work. In 199 pledged the sum perfcrm the duties of administra- cf $25.000 to Our Ladyas Mission- tion. Tise Loague ie active in 9 aiesfe or sla foreig ission p rovinces, 43 Diceemes ansd la 1400 Field. Avmrd a yearly National ol~ pariais upîta vils a member. Seholarsbip of 11.000 fSu youM ship of cver 100.000. Women ta study Social Sciae.. Il The object of the beague la ta a CanadîaUeiveruity Contribute u nite Cnt h ile Women cf aur Coun- acnually te the Hciy Fathers Char- h-y Ie a bond cf fellowshlp for Ity Fusd. Organized mcd maintain- the promotion of relilus and le- cd thrcugh Canada active Wp., Ser- ¶cIsieal interest, social and pat- vires CommIttece to caver&ili types, roework and ta particular to cf services.Ties. samm commit- promoe t tue Ideals cf Callit> tee& are Sow givtng pettetlmme r- fie Family 1fe.,ta further the vice la mmny filds of ctitiaabp cause of CMtolle Eduration on ail ORcIANIZID rî 1M ievels, 10 encourage and dire-t th. heLoai Unit of thse Catisolk formation cf commiltees throu b tWiliy aS out Canada te tudy and ppîy 'L Wcmense Le«»u,ofWiblàt bost methode cf eding relilgîu Jorgn te s ed 51 ie. Mnita cf and civie bel p to immigrant groupa, orgWbîîbypM s.e tre pouf cf oui own Faits, le promote r <fPrt d I By as-t theftI re e-- ciel iarmoey, te seek 1h. better- etad e t Steir f- ment cf Catholle social action and ,-tai7 This la tise officiai Womm's 10 stimulae effort In ail liv-es ùf Orgmaiiton ofSi. John@ Catiselir vvomen's verk. to id le thse culi- Chuitis. Tise members are alMims vallon cf sacerdotal and rlllosready amsd vIlagta givem"Y ty" vncatlons by famlly prayer and <01 sevie. tistay mbW e eeff fri- cîber means.m th ie Clnrei. lise iicboo and lis A glance.e te record cf lewisof Witby lb.iMeIague vota lu aciievement ince organiatlon 35assiassd la variaisu stadig coin vearseago shows tisattise Catholle mille«s M SprItual rIlitMhlpý Women's League of Canadi was memberthip) eduemt"o. Seuils mc represuented et five World Coa. Welfarf.esscea 011V kde. m gresses of Catisolic Women me- dis Televilulcýanmd films. Speial lng In Reome. Thse preseetation cf a cosumittees aue set V;for- spectal Spirituel Boquet cf prayer and a "ais. Rnv. Fatiser fliey le tisei puri ofGl ehsIoiesPope Spiritual Director amdthse P.-cint Plus XI. on tise oceasion cf bis incumtiht otihe office of Pretideet sacerdotal Golden Jubile.. On tlà Mmi L. Rian. TIseL*«gu Me- occasion of her Coronation aàS8iri- to te '<FSr cd And Cetadaà. tuai Bequel of prayer. te implo Tise Caille WoemmsLague cii trous Aimigity Ccd Pece. and Cana*. Wbttby Unit. eet e1Ml roperlty f or Canada. the Cem.n. tltatiosu Md cordial ooidisîs l moniwealth mnd tise World. vas te, l Whllby 014 GislC mmd Beys i preaented te ber Grarieus Majesty on tis t ie occasion of osai Centis- Queoc Elizabeth Il. Petitioeed lthe ary csdetrallo. Following Wau, Red Cross lit&&& £ q&&M&l8à A thse beginnissgof tseWm- 93,leWhitby Branciof thtie i<oýd Cross &ôelety was formed. Theu late bMr. Graydon Goodfeiiow. wvag aîpoieted pretildeit, Ai euCO- tinued in tbat capacity Mtilhie endt cf tise war 1945. Tise Town Cowsc't very generously suppiied vosk- roome, vits heal and elevtric powe- er provided,& mis toeroom. fta1 cd vils alscives for eatetrai etc. dicîs of Port Whitby, Wo)men'a C> Operatîve Guild, Lveansg i-ach cf RPM Cross, Ontario IMita Col- lege, Almosd's, Kait Group. Vil- by. Tihe work roosma vasotsened Ive tinys a wecis, moming and ef- tertima gropa. Tise. different or- gaiztaticas, gave senei-eîsly sof their ture nemd talents, thi-ougi out lise war. Work iron chala-ma. M. I13, Goode* work s-ocm vic-"isaiman. MIn, Wmats te; erary. Mêtss.F Goodfeliow; tteuar,. Miss E 4 Mcelamd; -convei.u-. smWatts, Ms-a C.Eram"Ms.n. cRaltes MidBird me miau Pi . Mm tyre, mm . osma. MMn.Cib- mM-. I.Bl.M.Casue Mi.ArmoI.Ms alîl.Ms -ilolman. Emeis er r rae Blow. Port W 4,V ons vont er, M"e sPmtein" abould be wadsrahashtà% «Mis vas agraeded i. Mcltntmrewuva msatcdpi-edea Mr%. l, aGoode. cats-mnanet the Woose's Vois Caotasii mme WAiIA. vkire casasmme AWhiute seream-y Un. 1) Vio- mo. trers; msT a. &PM Maay et beip frwsm -oinw u- Qut.for hasputal pbme. ci as pyjama.. bwwadet *cumg mc pillm tt. mm*we lo w of cha"i-p m m b Codisehfm bceqss-envogOt m erta mce e coi- w lem aet c.m n ommil vemna bom geva. bath me, boomfW * n - 11".Im t& o atm d là»ltesuVO'.b po doitase vol.m ves 90 .. t TEE DANDY TIME4AzEV, Ti4hU, hue N, US CENTENNIA TO. CONGiRATULATIONS WHITBY *1~ ~ FRON.a.a. As ont of Whltbyý's newest Industriel citlietis, we et Dunlop ore very- proud indeed, thot w. are going ta play en important port in thé eontinuinq growth end pmosperlty ef a greet Canadien cern- munity. The future I. before us oll ... enid whot a promlstlg futur. lele1fSo ta> the. yountl people of Whitby te wh@m th. future belons..enud t. tii... not s. yun WhoIshave mode Iftai possible.. CONGRATULATIONS ON WHITeSYSCINTRNIIAI ViAy ebcurches Io Credi ,oeof thi ianrment yeî opeising On Rienew ad Bgstry Off ibarney genE Nqon. Dana 1 J" additiol .the fînest 1la tble Registryv Oshawa and and' tills a a pparent for i l bufit d lb. original than a centi the Town of ated. It liq o terest that former cit oid horne te In 1929 an --albuilding,i been remhode Ing cf a put oral office fiee, typing luxury. was dUd not findi qure. That tradition of durable- cor BUGE BU In the y, War II the office imcec tations, and but feel w croise that not been bi Itlàa-placi and le apipr çL the staff iu Roblin and Ontario Cou ters and m * places. In t building ailc thse expecte the City ô( 1e( Whitby and loua ,Muiec the county- of- work ari ad ýtoragt lated iftl tned, -laiei square feot wôuld b. ro Office addil } use tie cri - $ or

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