Daily Times-Gazette (Whitby, ON), 24 Jun 1955, p. 8

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ONE 0F WHITY# S BUSY STREETS IN THE BUSINESS -SECTION k Street souti. look- r. Tht Street la anc of lic eornmuatys leadtng business 1 there. as wiel as the toisa hall f rawub experlen"cd. parkingbai M the "Four corn- towaa bullest aui nny <cdthe. estabihments are tl e b.fStiui and thec Publir l'ti1itvBuilding been at a premitun. SInce t1he ila-it var and the- gr,-it Timea-Gaxcîte Staff Photie Whitby Community Arena Triumph 0f Fai*th and Vision bu cati ga stol c mm in sui se Et bo e fil i 't ti soi-en class roams viti »m»wme tcachssHilîcreul Public EChool the newscistructure. bas been ta use for only a fev year- but Il la bursting aItie aeams vltb pupls. A new seven-room -addition lu nov under construction. mud vifl be Opcn tuis mil. Furthrmora. lie school bwSi-t lait year purchased I- ae- fd. va Bnr tht - gu th:, Tb-- wi- tw do-_- roi~ wh- lni hri In wli -- 3rc- prt » tai île tie Mc Ta, ai yel wl f in- plI, wa Pr( bef pet rîctorianvnc Dr e f N r e June 4. The'ca pun out ai con- Convii lvier h-ai and WilliamHurd, 31, of Smilt Ste. Marie, rcceivcd fatal Injuies. Millcr's record af lrafic f.ca kSce Ran A Hospital Hiere 0f NathCar feneu, rcad in court Tucsday, in. Irarfory-c yers te Vctoians prt.tmq ur ludd acarcicîssdriving convie. !duof Narmoe byasu tc VariIan a art-nenuse, M-ru. Ethel NORTH BAY (CF> - George Ion, a spceding conviction, one' lo aie Nurs nbaucma d onMarMn.ller, l9-year-old Northi Bny ci-c- charge af driving wlhhoul a licence it on v in laWblty. u lteamn or- Tic centeanlial year ofilcers are- Iricia. recently was flned $500 and and thret' af faillng ta produce a msation vilci durlng liaI 41 ionorary president. lIra. S. Eru. couts or lirce monlishIn jail on1 a licence, as wcll as two ather minor es hmu beau appreciated. ai- kitie; president, Mns. Evans, lut careleus drivlag charge In connec- îraffic iaw infractions, a11 mince amoi periape ual fully under- vlct-preaident. Mns. Gi.fford; 2ad lion vili mn accident liaI klilaèd 1950. en ythe cîlizens. In Its pro- vlce-preaident. Mru. Beatan:. 3rd a pausenger in bis car. Ht' lait is rom 0 pro-natal and natal cm-e, vice-presîdent. Mns. BaisaIt; re- drlving licence for ane year, Wlade nursiag veil baby. clinica cardlng secretary. Mes. Rosa; cor- Miller admltted drlving at 50 ta Under a new law, ail biliboardu Md assistance 6a periodical'X-ray reSPOading secretary. Mns. Ever- 53 miles an boue around a sharp along Norweglan highwayr, Must nias, the Victorlan order, it ecil treasui-er, lIra. Oscar Moore. curve about four miles lt-rn baie b. remnaved by the end of 1955. in# t hamdmlltcd covers a vide OU, a r-eryimportant ont, Iadeed td one vieli bas endemvoured to ep Pace vili lie gravai af lie Th Ode Meda raB inPresenting theeee AMlaW as president. It wus spcn- oied bY tha Whitiy Women's la- Itte hi.. vla 5 tesecond aldesl iranc in lahli warld. )NCE 1908MHOPIAL d a amail hopital la Inte former r-sa*s residenca on Dundas Street vest. sudliater to a larga trame ed bY Mu. WMlI. Auigbvaya mpraved and transportation___________ ne"id ùmprareti. making it eau- er t a li te Oshawa Hospital, ComedoesamolWdrfl= ;M it usC more difficult ta carry t o"S I M the arnall baipital bera. and it U R N E vas dlsontinucd. C UAmoaco cA dmiri E Taday, as uer-ar belot, #'Wbtby r-tCommander end ira i ~ .um r seeds lie VON. Regular inapte- dl«csiurcafea cgaan onu11 aM maoda of tec ildren of dcft i wucrewmh e TIRES [ive Public mdan c one Parate matila RE ciaos, antd as a resuiltmany *9Caus.adar 00fr7.a cealti dafectionx.. ucà au badl M-tifa-4ltoemazacsrd tr-r teti and numeroua atiers iranlmutva, oma-, wham tend es latatatd. antIadvlca givea ta mati- . bseai Pctty Whou Wedtl< hi frut Md guardians. via. hen pumia q» l leemtd nccesarY, are dlrected1 - f91Admimiet ony o tvaea67-1 c fe without dclay tht famîily 67 racft a"d Houard marras- 701 doctor. Tis, levabuable vork. fully i*. blavauta, bon wveu ad le »Mo..i #*Mill pasinet recognisd iv the' achool boa-rdas. 7l; - teB ar i Ileali, lie rounicil, efke the uchoat teaciiers, and others..IICihle G OR91111111 o.. ms.. s.. .florae FP.ff MOutliY reparla ai VON vork arae__________ Publlsbed ta lie Daly Tlmeu-Gaz- ette, alutohlé annual report which!,p rfr 04PN A îummarlzcsthe. ork co tic yeme. SO liat etatistlcs eaI lis lina scceemm v Iuai Motu n Mdexpectant malien. - , ma"y 09ihem baare bcd reason- - to the town o ao blesthe VON. vile atiers TR A TiUP IYL who have iad careful sud akiltut, Whlîby on thîs the oc>- aedilda cire Iu tumes ni ickne,ýs.,i1 cnow ai and appt-octe the serv-. casilofl of 1îf., i1OOîh 6DNA W.HIY iccs of thc -lady vith tic lamp."'16DNA .WI8 la tis entennilîyear, Wituy Birthdoy. h -M 36 la proud af thc Vtctortaa Orde*r waici today employa ont full-timt. nme. Misa Joann ubq. R.N.. and WHUTBY SPECIAL CENTENNIAL O V ER MEAGHER'S MAKE THIS SPECIAL OFFER- TOI ANY DONAmFIDE WHITBY CITIZEN A ~IOO00 REDUCTION ON THE FOLLOWING RCA VICTOR 1955 TV MODELS.. 21 TC 142ÀÂ "SOUTHIRIDGg' - 21 TC 242 . "FRERMONT" OR 24 TC 14S 'BYSTANDIR#" Yo.'IIhé h S... 3, MO0N TH'S FR[[ SERVICE and -PARTS and 1 FULL GUARANTEE ON NIE PICTURE TUBE!1 ICAVICTOR ,SOTNRIDOE9 M6 IER 2Z1TV On iWitbyu finest achieve-' held there and athers have been agreed ta submit t thé rat.epayen, port whirh the Rlnk Boiard prr'8vlat 1Wli uiii mOtaiiMyau augvatbok.abya agnt tafb.Why a asenttcd to the' Courct not long ag i in the suruth West part of the iowh the tawn the Whitby Community ORGlLPRMTRoan 1the uum of SW0X, for a ton- 'nt the end oi a full easen's opera - i hee r o tcstf Area, whIeh stands toda as a R-IALFOOESycar period. The bylaw wau en- tion W'iti &Il obligations met thrre teachers., and there wiIl be mort u7ymbol af a great comznunIty ef-i1Perhape oaa shboul.d digireas ere ldo-,<fand teetii.cîipns can be!'was a ubtanît1 am rount on the uhen the' achool belis ring in Sp.h fort made possible by tae enter- to give more detalla of the erlY lI ausured thot witb à cont.lnuance ofi rtght side of thé' Ieger, and ex tember of tht. year. The. supervs pise, fatth and vision of Uioae hlstary ai tiie arena por>cct- The'the. present good management the tenîton of the canteen ta contem- iniz principal la Mr. EtrIe Fair- wbo aw Wils need and wenî ail out original group who transiatced their 1 lan *-Ilbc patd off in good time plated mari. ta mea that It was accomnplilhed fatth tn a new arena action ronm- it may furtiier be poiated out that' Menibers of the Board tnday arc TIIl, F.pAIXI? COL it wu usparked by the Idea In Its prised Francis J. Mclntyre. Judge when the rînk berainie the. prop- Fr-ancis J McIntyre. Judge j early otages of a few prominent FJKMeRne. Norman Ir%%In. l)av-, ert ni the Town of Whtby it auto- MrCrea, Normaîn lm-in. St. Berna rd* SeI mate Scbaol citisena wbo wcre able toenlqid ud, C ro i-matically watt frelleaoftaxes, an- Jrn-t>. Or», rMoore. DoontAtd a i ret rga the individuel and collective efforts. Mallon, Mayor Han-y Jetnnothr great conatdci-ation. Wilsoin, si 1t' Martin. (;<idn trattoniin lits hlstory, and the. tru- ai mn. oda, iebuidig ndA. C. Morrtaon, end D A. Wilson. 'Ri e MAIG OETMMotion ad .N. McFwen sec 1<telle are now canfroated wlth the eta equlpmnent are tee gnzcd by PLA NED TINANCING lit Wei aaiost eicouagti Te- - rYt'ai3' Iitk ni ercting a Second schoel. Uts basoldko,-abr nc A îrtf -pan. ~-- -__________-- for whic-b plana are now underway. ,pi the fineut ta b.found tn tawsAir i rsmolney unedterai» <~ -The. prescat ve flsubstanttiel stnsc. ci Whtby*a mze and larger. It13in the' arena. but after a great of- ma~IIDuIIieL ii4~ ldt ue tIn u» 0 . vaî'w e'er 'ac a building that cau and la being 'for t hati been made &long tti Wl Béé A ubl A ndBAA S M pju e aispèc cbg usad. Uaedfor cornmufity Ppurpsesaillin. h was found tiut < ol the-ye (trout m Apthe t.wscrowo léa Whd b- ~oymrrud sti.tw gOUimpossible ta raeiethet mouint t h itsprt hoil u balvd.- Ita value *111 become mare real ac rqlcdi asas oiaG ow n it o n w>oas eece l' àbellvas, taed. cd about that ime that this plan c o l Gr w n W ih Tn EA.RLY DINK IlIITORT wau abandoned and the publie reçted as a misaion. mdmInlater Mout people are f amillar witi subscriptbon plan suboUtutad. Tht Si J. H. ORXISTON ee4d prier ta tiat erectil p cd by Si. GregrY& la Oshbawa. The Ut. hislary ai lhe aId skating nlnk. rtnk coubd b. madle a publicetment Ou cd thei.bet tbaromteai fposit ta thé. Far*well faj-m at.f test aor" waa e«M et lie heh known for yemru mu BurDsu' Mena, tog and vested ia lie Town af Whltby's grovth tn lie cntury In Harrnol . ait oi Oshawa, Wbt- 'on thteprpttty 00wowmed whlch etood on télite it fathle Whtby.mraklngaà grant of $10.000thpublic sebaal sytet». viii mn by Tawn ubt atschool on Kea" PY ed Twist. thu moth 011 preseot structure. For years mtld possible train the Provincial Gcv- cm= =mt today of 9111, Dst m 5stt-n 1838 at a site donattd by imw u»M »i a dh ew U.v winters made lilsoparaltinl Iesscmeat. The Couaci vms op. carda abtainable es-calthat liea iu' 5u«. ~,Hmy vi.j ieeédneuPA *u profitable Until th. lime tarrlved proached &" ag&lp e uiaptaa tIret mebqol. a fraei e n ure..Mr va s jDOw tethle remrs lt Illaj wbca the. avuer dectded ta louse and Iater a Oublie meeting wus crecfrd et Part WhItby «M o'at f a l<wi and intertiu SlrY. mnrt Ut Tis dsclton causcd nend ai callcd wbea it was wianiàmotaly theBc t.John*s cibur d cZe.- sucicola have blt bouft ea kgl! iiSU.t regret te skating and hockey(Ans. cndoratd. That menIthat tdici e tcd aireindellîni doste, and. today. ______________ pw«e ularly the' chldren. for Whit who had bmugit stock inthet .pro1- 7lin Kt "Ru. k. Mamel frwtim.; the" wa-e 1h. public sochool Dfor long years hadt bcn known e<-t nov became voluatary sub- a miiter hb or fatmy yeare, îLast -car the. nid Whilîby I,>itrtct IRITEUEPEOON auo a goad hockey town and Il vas iacrtbcri. Tht grant vaobained. ita apapeo tgvcaetaIbtoi.Outarlo Ii Scliciol on tb0rne Q-Ireet lTh. Britshboa4acd t-aM I rcalized tiat vithout an aretia greatly assisti1 n thelictan las Ladien' Collegie, Tebruary. 1961. was, tarorporated in tIo publie 1054 APProved plansfor 2.70a thîngu wouid b. pnetty dead ofaithe. rink. aM Inter lteCouard1 saya liaI titis ehl lent probahly ,.clwot syastrn. èmddlng inothef faiorlcs, a record yearly figure. &round tie aid town the licwnter -------- ___ months. Imo telic tture t ltits Urne tapp.d lie1&Iby Ktinen~ Gai. deterndned thate the arenal would Doe closa. and timt a de, iannitned effort should b. made ta retain il for the towa as a going concern. Accordingty the Club, to tic ,deligit oai4a1 citizen&, pur- oiaaed t hle building and proceeded ta mako extensive repaire-ao tai Members of lie Club apenl many long houts of lhe day glving irely resuil lâiaiL vas again Pluccd In operalion. However, a group aifcIllions had thc Idc& thet the. solution te Whitby'u arena problem vas a ncw building witi artificial tee . Tii.> an artiftctat ire plant in the oI#i î structure, whlch, il muai hea d- rnitted, had been grcatly improv- cd by lic Kînsmen. At a _public meeting cald by, Mayor Harry Jermyn, the nec w arena Idea previalcd. anti firn I then things bw an to mmoe WithI no tnont-y - a niait grou;t ,ugned a' J X O F C contrat-t to remove the' nId arena I mated c'ait ofIII00,000, plans uv- Ing bean rrepared and .ubmlttcd b the Wison Lumber C'ompany., CiCanngo. heod iit I ay1PICKERING OFFICE be noted, waa solti tu x rlnkmnadedPO#1 CER G 36 group I àsaltiplaece nmar Chats- Worth, near Owen ind. and Il< won eroctcd ther.e.,nla eid snd wo i fllopraio *1rztW,-WHITBY OFFICE ivtaer oerta Ilatwa BUYS RINI PROM KIN&LMN PHONI Mo 84171 Tie nid rtnk wa, purchased hy the ncw Arcua Board froni the Kinsmen Club, whitci auaireédyilU W pointed out. awncd the pr'operty.,: againat which vms a mortgg.ï The Arema Board matie an ai-o- Ment with tht Kinamea te pur- 1 chase lic building for the. amouet ai tie mortgage againat it. amctie Kinamen ltu uturnetiover ta the Board li ils annoeta vilci ver. o g a u a i n eonalderablce. lwas a fine coin nunity geslwa ace th paroth e end Kinsmen. adto laem goes miaci crodit fo« what thay diW hinke1 possibla lhe nev and modemo ami a hlchwvas eined la Jan LT LONATU VALUALU Whes uA re» OBIllhIMd a tllé?I: Dai.Te"NO A gT4 ma ie.pantof lie riai pm1m"ty whichla bc d twaed for mmmyl Yomr. At lie aIfl bopesing àa Niovamiber of 164 Ur. Trsu fer.~ MallY prea.at.d tic dee te lie ro t t.Riq Warshp UMywu -q b ù wriait bu jmi Mà-*e W*â&<Wd Viau obu «ésr. dy1 -Ë. Lb. - TMs 0f"rG.dFor C.ihaldWÙIc O.Iyf r: Iwo là l-oci log moittlitrot NOTE Danda Publie Mi OndC aels in educati Tb@. ce vas oh Thc la ciani ln no c, day, bi In Whl, a libra but ali. Rer. A in à c 1926 or Churcli fera to vice& I pr-for i on whi waiE 1 caunty' vraIe: lie libi Il vas Whitby the Me thc Pu ESTAI Lateî vers 1 public by, aw cd by Girlsj ofai ai rary s Streetm lhe Ai and.O counîl daecidi by Aç YEÂR

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