Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 4 Apr 1912, p. 4

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posec of aJ. artigles of evoer -1 perh;pps) ueeçd p nerchants have qik t' apprç.- the fact. So fl îa this ,the case the seluing of meain bulk will soon b ROSE TEA reaches Eavor, -strength anid pr ii- sealcd in air-tight i-dusand. u REMD IROSE is a blend of 'the best Indian and, -Ti. ormet' assures - generous .strength .and- *iImess--4he- latter tbatçeoax!ig, delicate flaor, "Q ÇAlties for jz1. ed Rose, Tea is famcd, 4k 'Yoiý.Gocer for the 40c. packqge'-of Red' F£nRer'ând you'1LUet better Tea-Tea that spends farthier-f or thé, same money. You .want "Good " Tea-well, "Red Rose ITowna-Concil 1 1Y-LAW FOe QUARTER. MILL PÀSSED *Tü SUPPORT FREE-' LIBRARY. t the meting o!founcil ou Mon- 4a igil X1ee'uiJacJk.sen uroduceci a Uylaw provîdipg for th1e levy o! a fimlU-rate, or 1OMO,_ owards ,lth xàslntenamceo!f1the Free Library in ~There Were puesent in th1e Couil Çhambcr '-qie a umber o! intereat- id peçtators, neluding sèveral temr- lenuso!. wLui.brary Board. lu. flatenmnaI ce moved in Smmdient. thai bthe blank mthetcby- .wbe > MWin with the sum of846u. g ayor Dowuey pleaded for 11e full 1rant o! 1400l. -Hle aaid il it was not tndohe LIbrary B3oard -could comu- putbà Council to grant il, andi why iut tâe t4w>1 1 liat expense ? ' Ho eter !rom Walter R. Nursey, isetor o!f Public Libraries fer On- 4iro, who sald 1ho believec - a by-law tor i-nùllwould be ilUegal. Théb May- 4r oqiainoci laiaIlwas necessars L-uat lie Counil make application 10 1- 4r Carnegie for-.lte gif t eofmooy for Tea às Good Tea" The Couuty Council* would nol enter- tain suci a proposition.. Mr. Jackson sali Mr Barclay, Chairman of 111e Board, b.d tld him ina lie Ceuncil Chamber, Ihat he (Mr. ;Barlay) di net think the Reove coulci get the guarantee, sand liat 1e binsel! was not*in laver o! il, but that _the Mayor bnci wrtten-Mr. Carnegie malfing the suiggestion." He thon -tolci of having gene tlue Couty Treasurer andi asked i hm tue withold 1the grantof ýl50 made' by coilnly Council toe 1.Whtby Car-; negie Library tilt Counili could res- Oind Itla uJune next. Ho dîi not knew thatu application te C;arnegie, must be made Ibrougli Counceil. Mayor Downey produceti and rend a batch o! correspealdece which , basi passOd betweeu himacif and Mr. Uar- negie in referemoe-t.e the gif t co money for a building, aud sai-c positivuly tai these cemmunicatiins b.d been, reaci te -Council and haci boomlun1.1e Clerk's-baulds ever since.; .Mr. Jackson rien said 4the iCoutucil haci neyer been asked for a resolutiin guaranteexng the support ofl lie l- brary. He was prepared thon andi thero te support a resolutlon asking Mr. Carnegie fer a grant of i4,600, of "!amudie,"Bay "Shah lie lire And -Io, -an~'àDswetcomiesto ethe 11I arnthe ucsurrectiOn sud-the. The, glorious, sunlight kilds an enipty tomb: The risen 'Lord 'displg the grave a dark goom, Anid Nature joins with gladsmin tt .- gue toSin& In jubilant hosanauiha of -the apring,> The saine grand truth o!' victory over Theii.i-boud lds -bave fecl- he And -1I, the tomba areo opeued, and fair flowets, Whose,,sed-, 'long bld In duâts eht 'ours, Corne forth !rorn mystery, and gloorn, anmd nlght, WIth per!umced lpa rejoloing in the. 'i U)Iler*, on -'upecay. Mu. n~ ie.Jas.. BoutteF ' lave om ýSat"idy evesýing for Wnalpeg, where -tbey vill resde ID future.. moitl euijya>Ieerenlng 10a 4à friendia i ;- ir er"arve Faum," on w deday tyening. IM T. Mole bas been unable t0 attend ýscôoit on aMcunt o!f m t, ta*k of. nh"atlom.- lght Auci oflerlug incemBe !rem hheïr bearta Actuaf-Starvaiien. - o gold,1 Rlch as th1e g1uIs o!fthe Wise meu o! FACTS ABOUT' INDIGESTION olci, AND 1T 'lELIEF THAT To the same Ring and Lord Who lived - SIIOULD INTEREST YOU. anmd dcid Aithough iridigestion anmd dysPepai Who 10 redeoin 1the world ws 5cruel- arç sq prevalçnt, moat people do not iled, "thoroungiay uiùcerstand 'their cause. sud Andi now, "'Alive torever more" lie cure. There is no reason WhY -mIost stands ipeople shoulci j. 't est anythîing they An.d bedkons us-with nail-prints inu eM tii te>. viii only cliew it care-ý His hand- !ully anmd thoýroughly. 'Many actÙuly To rise with Hlm, above 111e i'ath o! starve then$elves int sickiiOS sin, ,9through !ear ofeating every good- Aind thus, 10'.r death, the, victury - te honing, 'good-ýmellift& , samd good-tâst-: Nvin. -ing food, beýau9ft il 4oelînot agueO ROSS JOHNSTON. witii uienq. WhitbyOnt. 'e bet thllig- o do is to lityour- self 10 digest lamy go food. ieAU n -Sale We belleve eea elwo ypeog QonW. ire se' co4fident o! this tact liaI Co F -we guaraulce samd promUe 10 upply Four Oood Firme, Parm Stock, Farm îthe Azedlciue !rec o! àll coat tb eveuy- Implements, Farm Produce and one Who wiîll ruse it, -Who la mot per- Ilousehold Furaihure. 11ectly satisfi4 wlththé result8 whioh -O - lit produces. 1 We exact no promlse5o' Tuesday aiiWodnesday, Apri la16h 'an pu noone underaly Oblsat0 and lflb, lois. irer. W. arQ locateci rigbt here, and cf 'properiy belungiug ib tihe tate of our reputatio ir bould be 'suffilcient as- Tweedie Brothiers urancè of thu, genulueness of,!u On the south hlai! o! lot 29 and th.e We want eiýryoue troubled with' soutil hall of lot 32, 3rd uohcessiom o! Indigestion or; dyspepàia in amy lorm Whitby Township. to corne 1 oOur store anmd buy a box ,$ait; culrnenclug at 10 o'clock. o! Rexaui Dy,-sppis. TablaIs. -Ta FARM STOCK. Ubm nhome aý,- ïIve 'thém a rease- 107 cattît, li herses,'S pipi & a lare able trial, accordimg t10-directions. aumber QIi arin implemeula, buggies Then, il net sýtistled, corne to us anmd andi haxness'aud tbols. get your moniéy back. They are vory FAIUM PRODUC"'. pleasant 10 taike; liey aid 10- sootise A quantity of hay, barley, oats, tii. Irritable - ;stomnach, to strengthe etc. and inivgoraté lte digestive organe. i-OUSEiHOLI) FURNITURE. land 10 Promote a healthy aud naturai A large quantity e! household fIurmi- bowel act>ion,ithus1 lesding to perfect turc. andi bealtÉy àlgestion -andi assimila- e, Umai> U-&ui(i, saa mai CLÂVJ wutcn q#4u ou c u u pervmini i.,ul iwuld have le grre lte necessary half a -miii on our assessmnt. 1irPARU. LANDS. tien.t gilarante. o! support bcelre lte gillu would willingly wiitdraw every re-1 Three ef the leur valunble farina A 25c. pac4p f e aial Dyspepsia ;Woud ho. made. mark hoe haci over made -to get týhis forming tite estate will b. offereci fer ITablets luruishes 15 days' treatmeut. 'Reevo ako si htîhyhc mle qareci up., sale on lie 16111 e! April eaI ilo'clock11La ordinury c4ses tiis lasuffiolet 10 gever haci a single statement f!tbm The Mayor said th1e eîay lu appîy- oparcel No. o t171hioaf i - am , duea odeute In moe coriià ý'ireglo lu roi renc e f lte library iug for tue glît was partîy iluth Iparclok. 4o u 7ho p i I caeýs ofry ratiii.iituo cose, building. No communicat'ion [rom hope oW getîiugçý more money. It wss i coi 1 teoa r ld ee oe ue a se- Mr. aci verbeenbreghtuthogittlita 16000 eul net~ 1A1M No. 1. Thte Homiestead,. veity o!111 rul.Fra ae M.Carnegiehdlo ee rultthuh ht$600 dntb compOei'o! lot 29, 3rd concesion,i we have two larger sizes whlOh se11 -bfore bthe Ceuncil. The Council iiad emeugit. Wiiiuy Twnslpf o never béom aske4 te make application Mr -Rihadsnthon said the Tewn ' 20ars jmls Scsm 10. Rmmex~ ~lo r. Crnego. . saci.:"i hve olicter aci olc himprivlethe ~centre of Whitby, 111e Couuty tnobtain. Rexall Remedies lu Ibis * nover ralseci my voice againsl 11e es- tcommunlly oof any aI our store- TTowe aiteeto TangeLihay 1.haigo!aohrpro,'ïerc is a gooci slorey and a hall Rexahi Store.! A. H. Ajlin, druggist. *tbihmn bfaCreieLb y ite Llbrary oard coulei not gel u brick dwellilng house wit.h trame kit.- îWhllby." 1"1i tay ltaI 1Iwaflt t10 500cout !rem1the Town Council. Andciyet- chou; large hip roof bara with atone A RARE TREAT. '1he. w111 o! 1he people carried out. I ho gave a wrltten opinion te te stables, besides f ramne stables anmd TeDienFllwipPyra-U wil now or heroaltor voe to 10t1e lim- Council directly opposite te that. Trvnhee D(od elsu eerpo ic keu pla entltl Ours Mut- :1 fr hesupot ! Crngi ~ Mr. Barclay, belng 1present, was -lailing creoir sud 18 acroa of haidwood i ualtFriensic " hall e mu bràry.T' Hi claimeci that $230 'was Tiis s 1F1e Mss ar - amle or l. Ltiray Barcitits y ar.1ked te speak. Ho said i 1e cd net timber. Soil first-class.eaî.dt:scbiaIu TieConi hc mt~wanîte argue 1t1e malter. He had 'FARM No. 2. 165 acres e! lot No. Bngughs1 onation Iowards t11ei Boar hal wy -uci ete ljbraY-always worked ia lie best laberests 30 ina bie 3rd concession, ndjoiiing -asea !11 reLbay o a oii.fe!the town. To-merrow xnermlng, 11e farm No. . tu th1e west. Gooci atome asiîî sfîow IlteLbayBadhdwanid te'ao Lrcec ysai po ur appreciatoio e r1ti.Lbay eadadIwould, liâtute yte Library heuse andi stohe kitchen, traime barn, gerosiby bý psickiug bhc music, hall« r 1e fàir 'nitt Ceunclituey coulci havelBoard, issue a -mandamus unless iervngstcsadtbl.10 ces vengo the ebrauel accopteci the.*-mill. Tue resolution diigsesadsals 0sr h vnn fteetranet * seul'- 1toitis Ceuncil by lte Librar 1430 was granteci. Be o standing timber, principally' hard -_____________ Boad puliaec ml wck ~ Mr. Baleins asked il!th1e mein- wood. Viell andi cistern simd noe doagrd p.cel 11edBoard whioh st bers o! Coundil thought-il wise Vo lu- f ailing streain on tit armn. j He dldu' oliheBr. t ihe erd toi.cur lte oxpense ef an appeal leto he FARM NO. 3. Lot 29,.lun111e 41h Heecosa ldam evnt. - .fsr nrtite!earBNoardil a B R"' 1I e thisù 1e threatened mandamu courts. -Thete lwu weuld have te psy concession, 200 acres. Is lte nezt -agaînst' Coune41. Hoe itopoititey would not, He thon referreci le lie Mr. Richtardson proposoci that te go0à grazing simd stock farm. Rip ro-da. appearance before th1e ('ounty (:oupctl Council ' ssdci .brary Board eac11br iitaoewiîs10oe rau- ~ O FN 'In Janusiry g deput-ation [roin the- eltoose a nitan te' lay lileir respertve rush0i la $»Drs«uiiul ~i j~ mrugyftte"osMus eL LlraryBadwic asdfo n positionts before sn outsàde and un- hardwood timber, good quanity o!,f rated firat-cim sby "sbegus guarantee" for Mr. Carnegie. biased lawyer, bot to'alyide by his pine and cedar suifable [Or ieuce sud t Flue lusurano0Com- - Teyasiec Vte nucilt-rgantec decision. i building îurposcs. A -gooci well sud - ponles. î-wll not Ignit te 1the Llbrary $300 per year, and th1e This met wilh ne encouragement. a good spring. ,'l'his f arin la titree j rom aparts or burnlng - Llbrary Poard would'return te 1the The voe being taken, there were miles !rom' the CeunI>' Town. 'bra end um an "Y CounÇil -a gunraule ital bhey would. for lte ameudmeut, lte Mayor, Bale- FR O-4 2arso o 1 uyabidn.Md not be askeci for more -than .$50 a year - man anti Bassett. For th1e originalaulieott > crsolt:32a lu3Prnn Oes -~ ~ _____- mtio, bte RevenudMesus.Rict- 3rd concession, -immedisilel>' veat o!f - - eDws, crus ardeon, Collins- sud Bakçer. Iarm No. 2. Good i 1 storey rough- - -sud in matUraiSit.. t rh oui' comitee rportpresnt-cast bouse and kibehen ; large barunou ~wm ci as itefoîowig -with clone stables, underueslh ; dr- W y otbe wemi e a h olwn 9 - ~~~~Ing bouse,, pig-pen aud peultry hou-- g~eilm, IoL Jon srREETS good wellb sud cisteru sand a livec i,. and U -O É Jh MacCarl, werk .... 1...12.00 streain crosses part - of! Ibsfa. r zCe VYhEy. r-Frank Mayne, work--------....165 which is 21, miles frein Town of Wit- MR Dc. rWhën 'w.k 1snd -mm dw DIR. CA. (Joodfellow, printing ... 22.00 by. Smnnl-. quanlit>' o! standing Iim- je Osh~YU8~a . SCHAS8 NERVE FOOD Will Robt. Plaskett, work-......9.18 er and a'.sinaul orchaïd. h@ip'y.u back te h.slth, P.O. box rent-------------......200 Parcel s 1, 2-'suad 4 are wel l euceci, hlhewtoi ao! two veum Ifwb. Municipal World-..... 1.00 gooci soul, draineci, andi in a high satul anda -have-Piersutub. - h Sret ommitfee recommenci- of cultivables. Ms. >. BtOti, 'ObUrgOI1.WWh5 d that RoeI. Paseketî be engaged-at - TERMS AND CONpITIONS. NoI't111191 altwoi Mtwreovoeng ron lybold fsu$10 per week, te starl whern neecled wuealtb. la a.- W. UV sigt by fercinu. - Purchaser te ..sign agreement for l.L.~s r au w do *u-, wrk. A tr'-uM it Mr. Bateman put thfougit a by-law priase sud' mai»a dposiLo! 0 pe teait y'deforAwnter-etcent. of purcitase mono>', and pay Milsage ma OHEI 'B NIVE-OD sMd toM works extensions. enuivbtiltrI>dashmaep ibatIl b.Bldlii * ounil ajourud.ne halflte purchase monoy; balance Maitobat S àskaohina Alberta - l,ýO .Cuélajore.t e b.secureci by sIalulor>' moulgagole____ wltb pewer of sale simd insuramotic HOTIUTUALSCIETY lause 'payable ilu lire.- equal ers<t hII~TII~OFFEING RIZE~ anuai aymembs witub interest at lire Th anue pjI8 U -- 6iurfborn l&ssairea sorkinl libersthilitw q pro ybave thé lOugua oille. Thre'w ugh 11e lbealto! Mr. johnrpeu cou.. Farina viii ho oflerec euh- 1h. pai rie Dma - thea -- â jai «nuaattrbut. lii». telb,* B. Lailtaw, 'o!fte, Grange, WMtty, jecbte oa. reserve bld. Vendors r.- A990lii i OhaaVe Jeave Fothe lb orticultural Society is enabled serre 1t1e igbtte oadil te iole osetrriuoboswisr &MlMgfa pporisu. mie. la tft sbort 10 mpui vm, « ueoffer prîzesfor lte beat kept lawns' tal boeIhdao!sle or e-lo. montila oq uiý a et andi gardons, ot tlii value of $5, $4, Furîher pârliculars adcoitns 500 IEJO TAD lam ziesvsaeu , ad 3,adb.vinereof the"' liraI priz. en ho haci on. application 10 o»enIbIs ya z.rSf5ll ow bsndLn. ME< 54UP~5 ~UEW'. _ __- '-- -- ~ m.......... i 1 trtR Car-] -eUl - IO9INSa em oe ay jir mn 'n , ..11 b-c -, mlaise 'recelrlng a silver mcd-ai. menn1UIr1LU '.uve.î The conditions- whichwyul appeau pouation, Truo ae Ihp d ;» alorvi .s ragda blgauctlomeer, -Oshava, or 10 4.E. -Pars- IAtue prisavIii h a a 0 mu 'el VuosâSokitor, Wuhy. et oOUroltC I . Lu = at I12 o'clock aoc. Ji. K.. GordoÈ., w4oý sýuùnw "lUAI with her daughter in .,Nortb ',Bày, As eery I.wt p#eumnia. Her ýphysie- ian holda out no tope 'of-reoovery. WG. Watrs'&eired a shipmmt. of eleven çaaes f >f o prius goodu !rom Glaagov, Scotiauci, t-hlm wok. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Iný the matter o! the Estal. o!f-Jêhn Tveedlead, David Twcedlo, hot lateofe!thé.'Township o! Wbltbyï Notice in bereby ,giron, puralsil 10 I Geoo V. Chap. 26o Sec.. 550 entitiedi "1Tii. Truste ýAdI," 1liaI ait 1persona baflng "aÙ n against ul beetato o! the-e.d John Tweedle, wha dled on or about tbe 2Srd day io! AMrI, 1M0, and against the estate o! lixe m«l David Tweedle, wboi sd, on of aboUt lii. 151h day e! FebruM, A.D.,192 are roquireito eh bypouil, prepal4, or deliver 1 11e Trato Geééua TrusatéCorporatin,Toronto, liead-i mlnatrbor o!tueabore çate, n or before thé-Stà'day of!]"Y, 1912, their. mres,, .acdrsmes 'and desoitp tions, and a f ull statenient o! ýpartie- ulars of thhir .clainis, and hhe nature o! the security,. if amy, held, by them, duly certfedî,- ad that alt1er thoe-ai" day th1e admninstrators- wMl procoed -tb distribute theassts o!f1the de. ceaseci amomg Ithe parties eullhled êereto, harIng regard. only tb the di*ms 91 vbiciitb*eý' shal .thén'bave' ntie lisaL mtb able -for ii. proceeds. o! lb. estiteés-or asstofo lhe nild John Tw eedle id lDavid Tweedle so distrlbuted te azy -peusou o! viiose daim - lte said administra- tors had mot nolice at .1th. lime o! Uié distibution, JNO. E. FAREWELL, Solleitor. The Toronto Gmmral -Trusta Corpora- tlon, the Admilnstrators. "Soranton £'oal" liq-our peeialty BEO-AUSE Superior ho other Goal. Quality le the higeat. Prepa.râtion i. the bit. Clean, i'right and Dry. Grate, Egg, Ptove and Nut. Lt doosn't cost any more than other good coal.- Delivery satiafaetory and prompt. E. R, BLOW- Telephone 9 & 9b. WHITUY,ONIr ~pinkMilis FLOUR: CREAM-BUNS BREAD AND CAKE MAKV.RS VRER FEED:.. BRAN WELLAND PERD FLOUR JUIIBO ?RED FLOUR OATS OAT CHOF COIN, CRACKED Mii:]D CR0? Fued Wholemale ini Ton Lots. CALWELL'S-8 -00 W EA Camattiaf4rb.V5Salvap" Spet ire eyes. e if DEATS £g part of WMTH -At Whlitby, on Suaday. g js:by. 47 -years.and 7 inonths. - jear1y GIRANT-At "B9roadflel.d," <>n Tues- day, April 2nd M 1, .hdi TwOO4IO-, wId9I*o! th. 1810 Job - Orant, la -ber . 5th- «year. 'Fanerai ýo-ay- (ThuMsay"), a 2.30- 0t'O A4 union cemeý.ry._ Ontatio PuicJ oksAt TAKE NOTICE sh at the udiézciq-, id1 bas 'mpropria4ed'under tte provis ions o! the . Publ$oWorks Act, ntOn-ý ti.ALL, AN1PSINGULAR 1~m cortalnparcels or. tractao! 'land and promise stua _Iylng andi being -in the -Townslp o! Whlhby in tii. Coua-' ty of- Ontarlo, nd composed -of FIRSTLY :T i outh pÏrt 'o!lot; Noù. 28 in 1. st Co incelo 1o!tii. TownhIp o! WI4ty,",and UOw lorm- He ard'sBus8Lino Sfabe '4rch theg ibm -Bus Liue from Iqr. -Wm., N'ewort, w.have becs Lsvor~t vhh avery la&rge:i patrelnage iud - -"refa egivlng the . publie AU orleus.,tqr tamng frture mvgeartgeo o!relhtvamsfor pioum, partie0o, etc., il recovo rvery bout atui Phneo14o. 39 MONUMENTS of &M Dus3III d laterlal kept la Stock ht VM ipsy you t ecau at Our wonks a" Inspeet for yourseU. Dos'i be miulel by agenti, We do Dot omploy them, coesquetly we eau snd do a11ev l.aagentes commleuiom, 10 par coul, wblcb you vIiicegtabdly maie by'purcbaslg from um. A Cil Souci' ci Office and Wosks Opposite Standard Bankt, Wbltby, Ont. FORDIFF BROS. aSue,.o bCody Ec PRAOTIOAL UNDERTAKERS P.. Chargesa Modeuute.-CEn j -A nne Stroet;.0o1-the liy -kqy Stret ma4on heor 14 the! ri- of Way ô! hO Grand Trunk I4Way - 5CONDLY -1'art of the South pr oLLot No. 27, l the saici FiraI 01 imon, nov Part 0otthe Town o! tycontiing by admeasuremeut ij f .ces more or less, more partie- ullyd.scribed 4as ollows :.Boundeci ou the South: by th1e roaaowaua in ýrosit of thé sald, Firat Conceuio; ouWest by Centre Stret ;on the t: by Byron Street andi on the No h 'by tiil ',r;ght of way o!1Ithe Gr , Ihruk Railway ; the sali landsa -e g requred.,by tiie Government o! ti.province o!' Ontario as a -portion o!bf site for a propoéêHsla, for the - lisaney -and a Plan sand de- . ion o! o ! he -said paroels Of havé -been de&posÏted in the Betryciofice, forthe County of. On- io o >n,_ ho l4th day of!- Marclh, 101, p u ant to ýthe'ProvWOU .6f Sec. ý18 o! PublitlWorks, Act. D, TAKt NOTICE that every !e 'having; amy daim o! compensa-. tcby -reasSofo!such ekpropriation m t!yiethesame inthe oMCBofthe Mnd rsg i lbïïu"six. moulus o!flthe maili 141h da o!'March,1912. D ted, at Toronto t1Mi 20h day o! Mi h1912. - Minister of pýuW or 1811eyBrus. Undwoetakud OEmlms Whitby, Phone 99. Raglan, W. H. Brent, agent. Oshawa, Phones 47 and 215. Cails by day or nigbt pronîpt1y ttended to. Charges moderate. AMSULENCE Il CONECTON Et.Wu E VANSi '*M Punip Manufacturer Sbip an sd Keilden, Dundas Street Thra doors west o! Wkitby louse. W. are PrOPared bt in WWood or Ir pumpa -on sort notice, algo attend to ail klnds of e Agent f!or the Ontario Wlnd MUUlh alzo gasolimo enginu«snd lb. squfre Geored Magnet Cream Separator. PM1ne, Ne. 50 reuideuce. w- w w to take ti ho suit ýyour1 v-.requirernents. -W folks are sure w Gasse,,andi wîs eyou willft to find ôut wl a fot the chillri W.need attendio W W-. W W SW.1 y-U7- ILocalI?ï - à AU the cloth used in pro- dug- ing i.; hippeà from our Enalish Depctat Bradford where ai the finest woollens are m 1de. The patterns are selected by Mr. Leeds Nelson, the res- idenI buyer, who buys direct f rom the milta. saving the whoJesaler's profits. e make, these- fi ne gd7ods int blothing at Our work- sh ps in Montreal,'Canada o yo r measpre in 7 days.- oo Selling- Agents in Can- ad, -S TE-Wecleano,,pressand T pair -ýll .clobhing sold by uV ah special rates. - e are now -selling Blue's Mr We rbetter Suits for boys, ma -to..order in any- style. AURICI MURPHY_ - TAILOR, Nov Euteer Ties aI Gel an electiciroi do theii.roning quick] leUy. For sale- by As the. Gýverameu lie-tfarin o~ C. 'D._' tbing must esolci a luh o!ApUl -ims per.fcýtandi rmunshoe « bte_ i ant Legg4ug Ceý_ New sàto:k Là CiUidreu's F{en-Angle Th* reguinmeeti4 b. helci aI the home on-t 4onsd~, aler aI 3 o'clock. A -Sp gràm v-iU b- Ã" gtvem . towm are co7dially i New Tap ~ry -and t oct from lte mk Scollanci. Prucos1I Dunu.Mc3bllau, IL candidate",o. h tâe >CanadisuLacros~ SHOES. EvýerytIn up tothemlfule laà coul. 'discount 'i M Tenwtl-.-a chul4ueu'u - Boots, - -at.PeeI'sSc, eCe" Bee L1 Bir k 's Board lias prohlbie4 comMlon drlmkin qup maesad, furltur Easy Ï -appi>'. Fur. -u Yo urf You W wnhM, day.ý The Miss -~ 'r t N 1 - 'IL AL ý

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