Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 4 Apr 1912, p. 8

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SorSt lartU01WStd l UPKUE. lACE uraaiey< m« 111s rSEII.for v r cmO Tuea nghbat.' AUrortel U Ia Wml er s ls-w -a good time. àrT lui:. -~ S .T Baysldeoismi, bave zeattéh a.G1l" >11m ~ioia ~exuuioa nuî nmgbe A. lez tAe S. 0. T. boum" from t .Hoia il ai mnIrTw1Yftr S Columubus.- o MrGorg;Grll:laabe to eba,j mpoEut- he reculed qon TbUrsday aght. 'et SUI«MISY 81. d nioes smcraifor Mr. Perrin Bradley.Î .poadlot . ~jW0,js ft eer SM«.iii et s îde uuuEwt Mr. Thomias Osborne hnbei rne lit. Ch"s. Býddy BeyToot I C~Ud~e WCOk çghoe gru ng isEQre. -tor aak. W. nshhl coribisuoct« rte lm A S mmsuote. iib home alter ylultIn lrliids la , urnte of wril b ,owlae10 bouller. d7r..à tbeeveuus and due ________________________________________________ . alimenta cwas tm Port Ferry b in, Il. train, ndla he rmary eau"onmmmi,. gven <ellut.B.rbCuWsTiedf 0e ________________________________________ rclyl'W -m ioisud mucus. Dfau < Ca __________________________________________________your o w nuulr admai uWl lescape oI4es tiboudle pluAama thse@y«e=. Tumolas rie __________________________o 55 f the 9ilments 10 who0. 10tb og-Ro-cd tpiu _______________________________________ f]ÉonSoe>sulIJO. (Jontiptio. 4 iml k 00 uir aý . __î__ romos ed li -p repiatloW Z yiYeLa vey imleth.g bt ik 1v ul«ulIez to maple yrup, m'skin EA ST WHITBYI COUNCIL. imple tigu t -M ai h o Boio"ub an spr __ OOflBOIUCUCO5.Nature o~ ,~ a pleaiàent to,~tk.I a ospr s se11enasatu r idem Ca, $Qïr.. , ïcroup '- *tt bootg Council met thilday. Reeve (111. Gh ap Ca h ri lensTableti are giv= t ie t coai gld1>1 *Il 4ilers.-m45 tord ian t hir.Iutes za i UI. lidcatlon, muehch iottess and sU r Jobhnlb 01t01 B.UIA adbpted. rCo'umu4lctoiaw4re rea ~In~ may be avolded. Sold,,ai a' ' e îwmletf ~d8u ou a~ G.Tr.R., liCOUS. Iowm aad, FOR - - Noa 6cota. L c4wnr,- F. Chapple., C. E.; .E Ftusch, Seymnour 1'owar co.,id Ibo BALSAM. Mon« Bâick Dsndrnf ue Clirk of a. Towns-bipo!argos J!... oeus. ope, O &OY15t IIAN GUAIÂNJ~L Mr.LoSt ovk, edtaa.council 50 mb X WMeur and lis. Wamnamker,- and A. Il. tALUNNlit. Stocks, sat e oe 3go-t fig aI W. R. 1r'içons, prior to tlieir AGE 1FO AIR.~ cmitiso heIoeo orIv re e for the Nortb-WesL. .MI jpltoeseso iwypouxid number of the farmerg um %ith- DeÎtroy h adu!~rs~~keesand fonce vîewers. B-law, AT, THiE-i- oùt the. necessary help for tlk -tzm- ouly knowa wa;y'$ rdct aJuti be ie e rld mier. aid PAR1SIAeSE4naujut1 ednf Saul ine oo b" ti te. rgideni tht wll-clsrb heeivnbraeis :e'umt ndli VîtrJmisnod aeueDsndruff causes faUing bt barid terosdral. Havng ougt pt ri<gle and Manning, -Hard.' 'ay- WUkin, who -bas btta n ji lhÉMnt Is houato',spîy IIwDublin, - i4toi.BoSme- -ware business, of Brookliv1 Ihveprcaedaxvr <iog f a shipaient of stock le Bue- lit, lester "cd vigor to the hait. 1gto.Uqs8ud f ~~~~~~~nom Ayres, la expected bn h hùweýàk ASNSAPIEcontas*but 50 PtoeSrto~Pr op on large quantity of Al Y2_9, haïd.,steel wure, -wzih Fred. NuIt, wbo ioft for lte wepIt unaI lihie-ahL -AIU'i a M ad , 0rzptzqto aI ie ;4on okadaP repared to meet aicmeios 0 Gb~lB iS ati i drIgiD.Ohe llu r.m 82KO010$W, wçm b i le ,inhlis linme. 1k foliowi is or list -for, uicl eý eluto.--jed1 aasdazff tpelnIi.MKnlmo-so oig l uq kI J@IsjlhLlntoii bas engaged wltls bpr. or scalpi toli, 6omoney bsck. Limyuta b oiws sn A~ftpepi oOsaa owavle, Ao.MOeln fra b1mab# -gr wt b Abr ai so on wirO f.tmS e pald wbos eretel: leg t o a bisfrthe T bifiW. î Hogirl AIethe MoKeazbe, Jils.o èItezaaneryrthr omw- .evozybottle. it us a moîtdlgt àJ Pi$e0g, WhtMyte, o . ',g. -- 9 l1y ýr 1drul' Wray, L. G. Drew ail,Arthur Nosidl .~nbur, i . 1' ., -or G N J an Ewrd adfaXànaiadtbtfi.èisvgoapa. et 15c. per rod; and Wm. Hobb% ,Jas. rçe e. go Wmb timoiz s defamilat iarc* Qat v mi i igaiiis theWray, G.1D. Conent and A. E. Grass îba ee,50 lu. blgh al No. 9 sttl wlre lIBys i6è ii. &parn 31C piar TtidxilWeeui- - A I lisai n, te tse ofPARISIAN e 5.ptrI i Do tcsa 5[..............g .. .. .. .-Jones hmspurchased a~1-SAGE, but, lîlooke nse sow. M e o.Cril té 6 be hroit --fromnW. Thompuoio!ub rwt la>t 6. ver64 a1.buMr...Stocks, becomded hbY UM -> 48 9 . içiv.-EMa .J... mouat recelved la male A few trou bhre attuusded ta. cote- o,60 Church rtiord,' Coma," ' ttwas impountied a"dsol. Prices on othfer styles of farm fencin.g,, .laWn i"iml sale at Broughem on Ér10. .jeus &. fenices, poultry and hog fence, gâtes and ailý fence Mstuab Rogers AUD.,t.Mr liKe.zle, secosilol by Mrt. 4:uplisalso sample lock and site of wire, furnish- wCk ae~__ Sm A DLEY.Clford, moyd Ihal the amummit Sio___ mrsà o drarol«ieu e e ccepted, mI thet ed on applicatioh. Order early as prices may The as. 1 froe tly oflaie. MW! dit b ta sesorhop ila.Bueo!00 ..:a'-"TMl> Icalt ash * 'b Adu It Bible m0 6DIMoved by lir. Cliffordo o"conddl bY li9u Teey:tlwor d -coaumopled oftmtéMr. Socs;that the !dllowlug PBc"d chane. ash-orcheue mst ccopan orer...~ . F ~ ~ ~>U~ ~<The Indepsd~Mt Telephone Co. bai ad Bridges accouaIs lte paï: Geo. Muo hu bsreturned e e1 hmei I Will erect any of this fence in and around Brook-- Easvi1e. ~hm nplaed - pboneu inMeurs. LitenfltFouad, $10.95 ; Wm., Jewell, 146; Rus- lin at 5C per rod extra. ,Stretchers suppiied at 25C W. H. Jouies intends movîî nd. RegiaIllo wh a es or- Dns, 84. 0; Jos. Grosir..01.5 per day. Inde pendent or Bell -phones. ~Iri115Wo which b. bas leased for a lte- £of ai inez r u asie, bas re-on- Albert Lott, 8.76. Rugi MOLeaN4 gaged ith Meurs. Gatbrie. pzintflg, U4.0; Robert Beath, meilséy Wei a J= a mkb *John Puckrin ptirisod à, ooo.oo. Mino Wcl ai JOleS iO Ilu lica! rou Wm. SithlbM.P. <otîilaoume eeono- - [rn ah J o ne ns*es r:-olecingbersJhnSphnon 'dimdli. yneli o the coufl d, Mned961k, 1 on95 the inronrySoes iesiety.lnfrJb tposo oe 1 isday, April lot, et 10 o'clock. Brooklin s aOntario.némsaerahd eetteMBay a. PUFriday nlght ahnouncing the déath- Lame bboulder ianewariy siways due TownURV shi, le o0;lits. Muzray, of 'Voronho. ts orimasmoa.uso, TwsbpCr. _______________________________Murr.y bmWd lved IMÈretater part o!quli&ly ylelds 10 the (tee mppic&tion A AOT CKBO. ber . fjuil .otthFAVRITi00K DOX -~ - br <'f~ la ~'~~of Chamberlani Linfrnent. -for saie Tie new. revfsed editios o!ci Ns ¶$ie Gazette an d Çhonîole lias a week- ty o! Glen Major, but; vent b 1Tor- by alait r.a ir&tFrnrm550 tean-di ilh-iaW k onto letail 1tomMsie vIi ber ams isMle olillUcru -ly cireulationof 1,600 coiei * $. repot 09ibe ud~~~eltoaI eya.j mem emie 1a11i -Pdà i-b"00. The rSIs l auji %- atheI ternb-oughly btol teopu vils 1I0 ba-l dm-ei'ye ot. mIOt n.m cuc vsnm pr .u nsocu ronde ad damp weaton theal. - tm for b . ousvr ot, myDo Iý .Mr.-MUckay and lati y uivu - oreShmaoo, am, ugFl N4 rr sCI lhès P r Iisweek, Aô->No Calvse hohmeoubt. tcceerysotie*Sle w.u beïàung ey a housebold. l u d nCamada b Ail kinds of light and dark cljtigseml rdyI1Yhve made maiy tfriends whO,1ÀSTAT19EET OF ACTS BACK- kth. Mussort Book Co., Torouto,pré dresses, <cathera. glove rayhueedatce s efoy[WÎil be,,gorry ho set thom lbave. IB YASRN URNE.~o vso n ojhl-atce a edyed orcleaned. I o àoîn £couple of strob.m, dath OI I _A______________E 8k ftngput on. Atrigre-l!ping and repairing o hjkids.1 , P 't wting sud other close range çurpobes, the other. for. long range. - 9 E;FRACTIN«j c rTlciAI. - 19Toge St.. TO RONTO single fare for round trip. minimum charge twenîy.live -cents, between ail statins in Canada. Good geicg- April 4- 5, 6, 7, Stis. Returu huit ApriU scth, i91:. -TO - Western eanaita via Chicage- ý1April ý2nd, i 6th aud 301h and overy_ second Tuesday thereatter cmiil Sept. l7th inclusive. Winnipeg and return $34.O&J Edmon-ton and return $42,M1) Tickets poil for 6o -days. Prepor- tîonate rates téo-otherp loints luin a- . toba. S .asliatehema.s. and Alberta. dïite -S via Ss nia d Nortbcé'riIiv galon omany. - - 9 af dtesOi.aeto où sale every Tuesday hI luth -md- Town A gent fer Exproqs, Tickàed s Toiegraph Office,: opposie, Standarý. Bank, Wbitby, Ont.-- pli"s ip lb 111o ' hîbby, Iwilib. pleâa> lishve lt publie ..lI and, Be.k me. -I ilin pr. red 10gve;embImïtes on aIl kintde pfeiqolerioal. auipplies aid WiýiDg.-and guarntge prompt and efficient voiS. eci rmy pMr- es vesrequiringwork done. J4B. PBERRIN - lteD i -j- - -- .-- ---- imp-ckiti UeP.lI. Nirougislb. @'i lheirat furmY. WIfITBY EARKETS' *Wb àw dom.purbu.-..81000 10 ii» !Mm%.poewM...... ....... 0.8tab0.90 DsrI.y......... .... .....80100.8M iviftte0.950 0.85 Pu9b ... -...... .0.850 f aie,.k.w .. .....0.m 10070 O31irwmt.......O 0.« b 0-70 fhl Obovw.... ......1ê00 1. 1.00 FLOUR A" MVED. Choppsd W& , wt.. ....La t lbO Beau.p*ou.. .8.88Ms 1.9 MEAT. POULTRY AN»DD .WJCE.- Dt,p pe wt....- .... 10.0010 11.00 *Ca1t4 Sv, wmet ..... s».5015 11.11e., poi lb...: .... .. 0010.00 i _mmý400 te.a- 110% , ii.... . .......-..M 1, 9.081 11.0% 8t*uami fa. ._ .0 t100 nu% - - s . f.... .0 omd, Par i...U ..ý..... 0.i10o0.18 Tiper- Moej -; 0181 .é0:20 Apt. P S.. . ......6-18.00o Nay, pa ï&...... .........OPi.i .o WouI !S*...+..8.11 te 0.12 Tei et. ms ... Ué 1to 0.0 cSn'fix it Up se ii vyul look like Wm. Day, vl0ltilst, vas ibere - wkRerail Orol are unsurpamble &Mai luI ment1ogied datelb.thé, u new. We donIt iit a imaîl the <oeds ; tbe ZVon qurtete >Juoe-SnidtlI otr~ s !eileeItr.ll rsa eIurbb b . job, euth r.N ale byfexcelled th"nslveu -lt& thÉir see-.fclà aldicoprosW aalm>se Im d etbraoga yotte ur wheel' nçols fixing, ZMos ; Miss Boulaicnriuh and o bgmyreoneu ies . i a! oiosetIbl:heeo r îu e o1 tmLJAedYTOUto: o be air>co Peim Mh7tle tbrec W 10e which will surprise you byi ta mederateness. Hurry Up jobs a specîalty. 1 l.a olgboic -wkkou bluai lbe ouimaeuteadsanot lMie hablýamo -OPJIBN BVESNIFUGS xCr'h Unioysu. ýrm"O oiýtl'M - co I mahI; The "41, i.. J.ht. - so l dstrlbutto baampeso New and Seeond Rend WheeIs Fer Sale -J0SB.SA -TeCLete Wlnter, y 2ableteseit, 11%m.'2 l1sIiytme!ne aeba lo balipet a Meut fProtblo ai3" , lM. MReall 'MHz.4IL DIs Iur- ZGlf y, -N.]. ~oOub . -à, oyle.vda. WtM,-- . mbpy ypt11,.101 :Te l!idlf t lu -eues o!r rhumt.issarelWiefrom s -SALIR Ns 'may lie obinolby- ppybg c (rà Oabsrlaln'oL4ftmsu.,- Sol by ai&U, ropprt b15r0~45 .0,-con. 1, B at omeo'clocl OSHAA CA - irve,, s tbie OBAACRB4NS MADE Mr er. s - PIPIRCE BLAÂZE.auloe. Oshava, Match' _29-At 3 y.m- à0 ___ lista mernit ire-lritoko ot'-n Le rai- bia ot thse Ohv .ivy' puy. tb. banni er.t tally4 ii7 stroyel, bcgoebr vitis ie, cnatmbs _____ iaoudlg Io arge Pseuv vis one amuan pausnge cir, onol (rimi isse -e!tthe coMPany ujchiU*Car bais,. 'but a bld iieMpîe -EX mm.is vblb. no doubt. edotheb.o!- nie-bidn rm Iviurcius. The' it, roc! o!t tie-buinmg, bovevo, çaugit pdl tir, aud ismoesmt.led atIze lo'dpin- SPSl Z 1 meaI giowlng a. bù 1I,*ing viil vat fl %N2, 3 vwhlch, t.ogebher vilS -Im toke, da- S M d cloim a.buIIng.- l- ire orgimabel trois a imil oal î4c laoo!taieRO pasiele rs. Thse loule estmatel t ai misent 150. TieCompany; -WinlTUR immmdlaloly rebuilîl unI have 4ev, modezm au omutrusw ot ne NO And-,that you may profit by .nia mi Lt p rop sU-~zr &I. urnei%- . Il.In lV W WIUIJ fl1n ApKII 10 , 192-Aucio o! D.-'G. (3amero, loà 'tue , Wfb.Sale Gb!prnMent bas»boug»l Ci -fàrm. -Ja.Bisbop, mscilen muni amd 1, ata. PJAom,uu. Idu .mua fuinus yf-,l y m L'osW The n afr ed., îI 0 Ncr 'f - .-.---- -..-~ - 4 -t- F. E. LUKE9 Meney o. oey te Le Aion ce imrnediateiy ut Barister, Etc.'M ey, ofMarrna Li -Ofc-smithas BI ck, î-,D ITâ W. AiDAMS, lni du SIreel, dum Terrace, Byron S., AUT Jas. Bishop,Os a" ïonez. Succ te Foi teria and da5sap ~.Robb, Whitby. LlCENSED U' AND V LU AllI kids of Sp te. Angm sàles at the Gaze ef Terms reasonate iBell and'. ndep !ez nter, Bu der - Plans drawn an ei Reépairs, AIte Op#posite- tel Box 467- W T"' tnuer of M_ ru9 corer EASTj frein April 9 meW Summer Terin M I,.oppor u1iy ý -1ti1 Un. Iuflue and service, W Free Catalo e- Write Centra ursu Toronto, Yen and W. FI. Shaw, resu Ws ,baveOtheO' - dICBI and theiet for lbe truinluS b PIOplo f OencU* t ur mar a re uceufl.- 4a det th re nom 4 ENTBYB K

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