Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 30 May 1912, p. 2

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oi9r in )h pr<oud,t 4gracell valuticone aud qu 5ittg15- H-ôl, is~iigeo.'Two tabitëSpOOi j;. ~ ~~~turcs. Then rnotbing would - To, n vrlais.jl fcco w uluso ik Fritlsiof muet lplaiv te thet ntsotot intsii0 mWtO'tùBcfccn wocpua o ik violn, lte iriei Blnch veue-DrainS and dry ,tbioroeughly, bruosb tNr tableepisoDfule of sugas-. t teerot! ater toseli Bryanche vluomer ith mêslte& butter ted l oôi uttiil ecpit s f o! lisspater anid a incht~ de-Ccsvoslev,'and old and youug browrned ou both idles. Tretisfes- o!fsit. fxteconug'xa! - jind eril inth cunrydanre te, a hot platter on whicb bhas bee sait togothor; add ±ise boilieg Water TH ONa, 1îd tmteetiing aesed ou nilpourei a eup of rOt or white gradually ; wheio smooth boil flore tearapdlyta ts los. I -vs asaute, slip in oveti au instanttVt re- minutes; add two cuipfuso il aerne iesic omtlaoo lived on in htt afid serve. tcslded. and hout with an eggba- Crril' noesy; the merry dancers, Fricassed Veal-Select a lighIt or or chocolate stick until frotisy. th indly adod.Oovlci i:sheulder or fore-quartero o1 aigC e-e ullo tiug nelir the doar 1sbld watcllisg Simmer till tender, tisen tut iii reflet and six cupfule o! cold water. thete, h exrsin f itt piecot suitahlel for eerving, tait anid, Put ecifet in cheeseclotis bag. Tic,- ~ ~~~g-~ ~P1iff risbleje errFaik'eface a he ppe ieso in fleur ansd alla*isg s-tom for. cfeeta~l. N sat viibesioin Hr a, tise rt at brown on a griddle. Serve b hoistlded caffte pot, caver 1 IV L~ IVJUUU picturcsitueatie f idau toast, oitis a gralvy anede flr00 witb rtold vaber and boil 10i minutes. Swanlîild, the radiat lanty of liquor in wiitiveai was ceoked. Remaove hog, lot stand tee intsl ______________lllas>)cht Morgant, the unlouded Can11ned Peacis and LNut ,Salad - on bark of ranige, sud serve witis liappinese of Frithiof.. Select s large lif peacis for ëacli isot milk, sugo.r and croe. OR - URIOUS MYT R X L I . TIse Ueneiug liad dont bher good, Pereon. Let stand tiirtY minuites s OR M STRVEX LANE . ils informality, its licarty, unafféct- Ie s little Froualisdressing, draaie clhappineta and intrrimient mad!e and f511 entest itis cioppe.d Çg, THEECLEAN HOIJSE. as it etaug rotrattr an atserdatos or prunes iited With a lttie doucais udco lleest ett ot rote pill ibcsopdc eel cetiste have tried te h4 CHAPTEIt1I.(en ) md a description eho iss'on ce tes-e tiscre vsas a lglit hjoý.Suie show tets, plae ou letttîcol eave impresi upontiemdsftseen Ai engis ise p e tie msunren of celolnetlosgettisse ad s'bjis andtserve. oral publie tise netestity of Ieping Pl Ataient the tcsop, o ahem - it - ceueld ov oreheda os-t t ise wrd Lemon Rice Puidding-Ont a ad tise homo as f ee f rot egrnis as h1 taic picflic ed mi esusutlit. "a strong man front tise Norths tae eso ntgtsi httont-balf cupe rire, thrcet oupe milk, poteible. --'ri ' Coter tsaid Sigrid ta Cecil Lsght-lackeol, titis cyciof dsts-feeling that some trouble isung oves' on gIssio td ininoe.blfle- lede se bes tyeg ouing r Boiae yuat utàda eue gray."tise Falck fuuily, andl tiat idolen mouont-ball clip. uger Mxi rcdt iet etoeso le Beifce "-u stl ue aela ru 8n lîaNorwegian pans . rdor giveu, p our in buittcea pudl- Tistrefere, wo siould tako t r tane te tise carn. Let ut drag up I was5 t loe-eorts having siooé bs-e urtet!sominierothet!iu diah, set in peu of bot watar precautieonini turnteo e goutebt tth gri nt eot! otfitou tht ep tbught to lierseif; a love ta bc ieritablt serpent. Esen ats u t- lwytiIfso nts -Tseabmotteran tise aote at "redtofiiso,"tsebga,è e cthe- t Filîe c ter. Serve botor cold With cnrs-tnt vite t ot ned gie l terbrinmmisy fes riu! rutritho, h ea of ue vriFihofCe jlyawriggem.Ec ebroi Tiscy toori laugiansd panting temonts pue,. met anpsd made hi bow hefoee is, ~ auce. wrîggre si ebro tis iitta o tsecaruviouer secret liseS fer a littIe vlaie. lber off.Happines tsent in is P us es-Su .OefXste tis emily ontagos sber- tt ste ainwas t!eieeited, tise mers-y you les my fath'isestje nebre, ttlstdi ts ar fbsquerters segas-, eue-quartes- peund n isessrdofcnainsd fa roicca of tisesest of ther partyfSeat- and--' vor.addit rei pi-ttabsdriai aprirots,, tiss-eotableeperreosmayhogre4tly chseled ingm t e logs ueback ta tiiese. tt mewrite te ite andin - seadnoertapioca, otit-Slu5t! cep cnrs-sts, It je an impestiiit a ae h I)oyenuotisik a a-e ls-edhie ressent," exclaimet! Fritisiof: ubeÎotse ~n stiséisan incarnation o!fet raia aIt, eue quarte-, iemo sts-icy ats urs-s-y. Tb .ud flui riattarera, te Nrrerions "Na, ne,, do pot -esita- Came! efet content. Tbey taliret! ofono-sischopiteecienmsottbe enae-fen t stsi eny raI id ityna- t!tligliifi ,or -e-te Eeglant! in Octahes- anSUDttNos-gegian -'books, andt!ber jutas-est epoonI lemon juiier, twc clercs. Saak Oas-peSa3,.draptriea, and Paperedt tiim tar elgtf b e mc1fs-it oves- eigt iu tise Waltes-. lunasals, long coniederai- a menace ta bmyoîîsself s tisaS ill ha mu n is countr-y sottedt!te pleasee h. o-n -dl ieaio u!tpibeci, ollhaet odispensai 1 Soeoelling in lber mser o-uclird I"MisaS ot wait se long?" said "Io au ealygtEdlss e entasmer goutly tili betis as-o vitb. and!tasain !es he oeit, ~ at pcaset! Sigeid. Sh a ist!Fritisiof, Iis fart rlouding- rnltocsý u es ooit, doue. Tisen treeton, ado taittnt! Vos-y few famý il bv.ts - u- grawnteSolite this i iiet Esgl'ssh "it ionîr a fot veeke; papalise sait! "Yen eblflodîs-a!Alex-tonton juste adcili -age te runeiti- ornes upoit t Bani girl. soIInt b i]oelitthn0eeyC- Ours-et Jelly Ssuce-Boil one tas-y hasts; tlarefore tise îovolY Once more Fritimi'and! Blanîche)ieilhowyfhoetiLontio.nEeyuander Itiellanda bota, andt! i n'-cepoh granulatet! sugar and! one- draperis-Is ad upholsterd fus-nO- -ace eftalmieon isanv fet Lada, els ns-igiug ail day in my iseat!, tsup opo aasetsoa trrntrormi. veelf ln.knoss. Don'tlais se suxieus; 1 do te will maiso Sigrit! say it te us, fotird uo nutes; ' dt!outhtOtirri A stur ctain. - osei e - And ,'o uniut seally go os Mon- nt isneavyens- face; it isi't happy; for 1 only istior ths es-orst". o! ur sut e;lR4 foutaean t ns .tiseeatil os- cndtrou e ta totfI das i' asiset!Fritiif, titis a sigh. roistes-e noves- meant te ha grave- Tisen as tise naltz came ta au nd fcrat tnt! omash e"1iflo ôdcvot hefl "Hu'she sait!, gltncing upam t As for papaile au malte bite dotsx- 1it laibs- en tai ls sister tWho sauce halls agaîn, ed ltwo table- ues 'lt reaindeuahnbp- hst qîely, "I hart ber e ry actly visaS I lite; yeod nel m t as standiug titis Roy xsears-tise sPotons oldeo re t se. aî, aevr od tie fors4o torl bre ns tru5s-ciasee te vou, Ite sss-t; tahi- faid tisat lie will ntcset aaasGkeso-ise OSnyrlne!frb oisTires wasna-cing liel Piano.roest t rs Js Ie okaoa trc pditai coolrè4 petatatës, tgo table- -Woeasn, tea acertin extet, ktep sua P 'a jo b g 1Yeu Conte 1 1 have,- mid etut un te okawa tuku wil bc glati te get sid of me thougli ta yeu sud 3'ettyen deuht me" tt s ssilted osbttpools .- Saur, tbret iard-ecket! the homo ~gerouproof1. Iere as-e a poi ruî! S plie t tlime "Doubt van 1, ie criet!. "-es- Banheeggs, tva cupe nelk, 0one tablçtpioti! ugetea-eii ma l-v I tustyonhefre Il isegoslt! ayî1 bave tiseplessure oahtibis Ëùénly nin 0'-son eeteeon ibelpful: "Hoyau t! et!-uc thigsaIt, ifytitel eet tabtwey dace l) b sbuttes-, nue-cend1 .Salndow- tadraperiesterone Wiftw dapailsBi tise-th lie raclaiuaet! "Yen kuios-yen tise, I must they." - ing tant. -. ppr. oa- gr-n- u h tet must tuer rliat tuentt!sys isaveo "How 1 love you for aayîng , i tyu utIans iai 'tg-iites ram ytýisaeei,+ lcutme"dice anid ad-r an usshlievable hemail Sem.cun ' riai Blanche, cliugiisg teabch repliai. "Too tiret! fo-as- syln huttes- il "'Aftos-ail, t belitre I sisout! do bim. "Teo tinis that yen vis ae- msol cisgb , as s.-olig--ease.hwiaia hottes- if 1 trusti ta my tîpon- se st-oisg shoult! sydtsaSte i5tl o- e.kiSigat!agreriofatiuilc irsbn stock t"And larghisigly suie hagan It teenis tondes-fn>. Butiudeae r du oohsor oSMt uld bc fseqently Se epring don etise rougisdescet, indeet!, you needt stdont me4 1 is ns-xg Ciis. Let~i~-e-ao , - a little prend ofhber are grace tnt! lave yen titis my whole iseset. I kegen sp tr! u Ji sIiisiiti agliv nt alitî gat t bffle lave -you as I neyer thosgiaft i 5't5 auhty littîs aister.eh potsto ricrs ndt! tast ie for a fer minuts. Bible ta lae."gymsevsoSrve t »Unll - - - y cutý CO,> W HICO %te sy Ora "v e cbah s' oiteu as Fribhief, isurs-ying alter ber. Tuien, CHAPTER IV. lysil Mr-gau, reoeiuissg-bis. tousin 1n T .. it 's tUetO ho oabW -Tiecsrtt a- "e-e!"Ttrtst fvste"tî E lT~e aiÏZtS-epý riesuionli vitlî a stîfflet!cry, ce sps-nsg for- Floas-cet. 'I bave heu poîitto ta Mats nge g -p-oseibplea tacdt taroacuîr ber, for tht alpesi- _-"Wt vert ieginniug su tient tise littIe bourgeoise tut! it bas rost fs-taiscol t aer Wbe Pr'O Xfeco ugcases are sir stock lat! sippd on a stase, tnt!soeteaccident isat bappenedte tame eotiling. It isalays htst un a beill if soitwatar Ca r vs- 'ery be,,thseinlham abhe asass-lling ditets te aep in- yu"si!Sgi!,vs ta!t- place lite tiis te ho on goat tes-tee ed, it sistuldt!asltie 1~ee lessa kl rine. Hlieue maaget ut le noes-ring aS the doos-ef Sthe tel. nith eorsy eue. We tsali nover Isseke tise tasvitiswas-bav a s le WhisteSue t phoe e sa nder- relizem'..ut ivia e sentet!u to et! "Ant! sa it dit!,"sait! Blanit, ho liisely tacrnte arrosa tisepeo- beau long on the lis-e snunes-sng0,rfui iouelo , antd Rwould 4 ta liiinu ruu'a ndituie nextinguîiugholangbing. I SintI ahoult! bave pIe ogain ; tise acquaintane ig 1 mt thtaSbas bhan tire ioilot!. Tht t!îfi, ters-to exoat eamforta>o- baies iras risot lic wa-s neruing os broten nrneet if it ladn'S been litely ta bas-o us." naturel saesatien of te- tis s wtiout oe, R is t breedrta of ise grass ouîur tuausor tisrecofeeS for yens- hsotses-. It ras ailSue Ris tords tes-t pesfectly truc., dcaw-u f by long continuod soat- *ws .Tprvnthteac- f s-e tise 'lae r ciff-li ide wtisfaut Of tuistreacîsesous aipenstockuat iaSrioîîtly astos-tet! gatsosieg ng, andt ie basdises ohe ti e tt tain extaut, au antieépttc slield Blancb in luusla e-es. birh pla.red me faîte." of different nationalitios tonît! nov s suos-eteaiby tise évaporation tlitt siault! lotplacet! over tise mo, th- "As-e s-a'u luari "' ulie etionedt, Ast! thon, witb a sympatlietit or again ustet, ted yet thete dàa itales p 1?lace. Tise more rapidly tise piare.* A goret idea vauld lot fer hrailîasls - litue greîsp of listeners, Blauche o! close întimacy v.'ro destined, te a Wste eapot.te buteirtie teabis ovu belioronheeietly W seave - e'-slu remlitol, tscmbieg gos-e a full acceunit e!fles- sas-ceginfluence les-oves', câlisfer rgeos- o lWin etise protso otonr ui'is ons e u!ueid abuae nil ecteaai -X i lrt tecape. for evil. tise lisae ofeh nein osrpoto o nenc ae.an . . twi - a- sluenla sisaa'uua a ndaaisilet!" "Ant! yoarose seally not hurt et Aililîrougis tht Sunday Blanchse 1 or sves ron, aa tt5spooso- iug lt- lfuet lau-- a lîlale flrtIaes-fs-oluai]?Net tee mucis shaison t a re as-tba!ept in bet!, fertnfhtàl'fr r. eurcutandoiin taas- Cibsbonas ld mot tlit, .ýdge. ~te doscerto-nigist " ccitemtent liad topSts- n p ou thtc fulovr. orO h ol.gwtr etd hyso aea %1-i t- a euare.aise ,ofrl, "Net a bit,'" ssid Blanche, tees--previeus nigbt, telle esitab tuf- Cvs ts epo n! î t sh egltcbte!hey tost!cavwe ni - ~ ~ ~ "n yo tably -- stut!tfreputiveone sevn ntiutast ,Q a rsieticlbthst leasincteesawt ast! lue s-l-s-a'aly asa oiglit me; rily. "n!yupoeet epSo oe!frm Suie offerts o! hrfIL dfo nt fTisesteaRevele usaites tise gno Yet nowrasat elii is l'ors- ou lo-ok yens-pestant costuenshoin wisvus It vas not tihi tthe Monday mas-i- eamber aboutl ho subject ta thia ar Lille lugrurd tnd! risit" --T amnftis ps-mug dons, vye n toni ing, juet beforte earrivai cf tise ils W , II tzeatteent after the dopastus-toc si uu'dhais-ait alL It puasiiset "S I dit!. I ont teate haste steateot, tisat Fritisiof oult! fint! eyyQU ' tacS vititer-.1 .1 III, as-I fer fiiiitiag 1a-';' d gat naint! tress. then,-'anet!Sigrit! sais tht onnartunityfu.>1 irsih h e b5d W* éiU Obldree i thn using a penii sui0I s- ot.eu. ocsae I cuuoltut"' i ptairs, appeeaig atnhfr naintyit!.bYvla oeen it titis tise mac Tit Slu s -iîup asdt teatoff1lber lia, loIng in a simply tende drt stirt, tbs-eugistht little gardon, otaisiis- T Sla a MOMIE DY% habt abenît! ho broreOif possible ru-aharick li-rdises-Oee-t!hais- I white setres ant! chemisette.,ont! Iy te tatehis ls-tht steamer front Ithat ANYIE Tise daisges o!froitagion is préeemt- "If iilva1iiaigluf alwuys ses-s-rset! bedice, sioily embroideret! in 'hoenaunt! by tise fiag-ataff, but case use ai by îabeling tise peedit vitis tac v it csla-tlid, O'0u.,Bla-che, I geldt! lier ieautifuil hiri- as worso tley ouly linoges-et!ther o miiones't seinte. Tis ia'b e dnt 1,vc -a, 1 Ilusa-voa]î'-Will yuî d'aSti n tva long plaite dasn lots- hartk,oto, glancing anxiously do-en tisepsin srpo arO h tri , --urs -rf to sec f' andth ie ruostumeo sultet! ber te per-- fjord -Ies-e ie tise distante couît! s,,, or pasttng s nts- aeson tis Al ia uan-tsuie sas ros- fection. Tîsere folloeet!a tes--v abceie vîoebuc pr.Wtpnoro utndts.ntil nt lllý Ia auai set cacas moMkra asuippes- in tise tepcudence vises-oal On tise fusthos- sioo! thet tusnt! fiiui '-f ie-.u'-iIe u t just pîam ier nîcols ses-csset!. S heis e-sy one dam antong tuie trees tut! busise -muai un a~ - tt!osrnedth e ieotal salon, tise 'as a littît sielterai Béat. IL wtt lol I lwas trlasturi -elltie tables tut! chairs tes-e iastiîy tises-e that they speat theis- lest Mo- fil- puuset! eoîte. and! dancing begau. mente, thare thot Blauche listeedI1dgeel ALL f lees TÏrau. a '0wfe!;la is sia-eg as-m Hr-Fut ~o -ie!cnet-- tehie cages-rd ho vetiss-eD wvjE ' KINDS s-,,ti !laias ua]l s ku-,s-uher cour onute sîju littîr figure ie thethiat tise againse ttehint vait tilt CZ of GoodI a - a' - iuf,aal ibrougis bes- iîaire-cre-t!dres vilse aoften Ortobos-, aS tiesasme tinte gisisg 1 th thsa SAMI!Ds0, _________________________________________hion suris hope sudecouragteentt8F ' sedi _________________________________ 48 must sus-ely iave satisfiet! tht T a iu asiee argy. Ure d cmreei MoJfsul IDSrS Yoùal 0 r .r racan 0,r saerear i iat iiey du c t ais asut of r0uaots--aasg ent!reseîuudet! a' ybi.7 vt' -- a ~i -art or ervous rysteu. 25c. a box. amosg tise tauitans. O&ZAN land SIMPIA te usJe. - tle Il isecauing te ot kfer me. teasiis i.,, ,a .oe - - Th tirss-s-aI goat!-byo. On ithé uaiet~Iil-kce~ seai btnet-"6 ~~AndICI I ht lif"-t!a lovely, 8glat1i suitsno jr ev~,U~ VA~1I> faeete Sahi - N %W 'S' Ht foo sa, JORLARCE MANUFA!CTURINC COMPANY<Tlecusiosd) MOE J. Al ABIRDS' OEMETERY. kt!:"DicIe tni dfEeecenthe " yon luisitof a!tis C St 50 55 s-. ~~~~~~~~~At tiseiealtis reses-lu cf lf.otlt. osrsii. rui asa msu trtsamesSii lt 'ëu - iea;',t iloetuee Y.s uie-fotr reli us tness ofthosierntcem,.eiosy, Limite a s laito Srstasl' surd ae s strutois t eff" saffle tratafratoa stock. In Geentan , itea quaint bs-d' coten- auycei eniemstuee a CidutS snares o #n iiti t tt acs sn e ttcelis rne . a-l - vt ientas-e ah bey tise.patienta cielat tito ni ees-èý,'lh cftetnta-s..-it often hep- ~rtt~ieeiiu"sUe .re urstCO-et of th .ganitaium. auc5ly tetcte dX th --- --- J- tl *ý zîàziîr irdsof it 1l'àa libl= CXuie- imtyou li ore ro aer ose guiatee isi ed6 e et, aal nJn 8 tvriie usanu-!tc, hu!! ta pfoaeý! eailpatafuifparticuuisrs. Prasarrei s ttekholsiis- sa StbaseiUe l o isieis en CamU secsstock, sas elowst-15 te oses îstok pays a lassmut. tise presatreispays 3Opa t S.fa MMsUtte thse l<opa use saaed, sr 10 p st la5 *IL, I erîie ganetth gIeswiodows udrriiled. tish s ~t er these bisde in tht itti. O mtry and eei,,y bird bat it- gr1e-a1r7C et! with a ,onuentt of aome tint!, toretimiiel evele a littit cr055 il ps-o-, 'rided ta mark the spOt. DBEADFUL. 'iWhateves- jethe seatter with Fi- do V, -"Oh, iesnt it basrd t 1gave iln tG the lauasdrcss teorg "ds.set tarched lim" of tise ttajl goit! o Spe"t of ths.' sredtise llites Empire suPPliel tnelily ity jperrest. " "igi a t Wa 4~ Whichisbis~ mistaking tht expression tif a man wlisse farm Ça i ,sprosperous as'h e ra. the size of a place tsat cunis nist, tsar its atual ýrthat "w ell-kpt," thrifiy appearance; thse appeau tck, and wel-iled barn, sud comfortble. tsntei il improv menta Co furth r in giviug a far t is Eincrete la The Ideal Mater'ia etÉ. It in neat. isitsmong ists wti tu ssrrouig isiat Oas ljured biy tirs. frons. wind sr liglstniag.. y-apeall iak tsiclS t stroner. resressair-firrt eomt IIt t tst. 5New tmprovssse th 1qu expeasa Usais would tbb reesslrnit e esii s 14 d st ch ne ho lie

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