QUEER , ONG: KONG CUISTOM N PAINO o IASI .0 ~~l - WIIIN'SWOB.[VER NtEDEUDHIE ~Cow-corfortlTe - . SWOK. N TEThe pocta ned etexeed the ___________ }EVER JUJLPFU L "BOY." tenus of *their lioenseu in Isi rta e BECÂIJSE )1JL. GOODINE USED alj tl'-thli, floor of the sceau In livq DODD'SKRIDN'EY P1LLS. precilus aoncs. Indeed, tlic state- P Ieople Froi nt eaot ;Evry Couna* - ment is almat periniisseble ini suber u rnedtoP f c i n A~ try la the World ire Found Dce ùd~e ei iv eprose, for m'y and many a trea-Fie Dcosielewudhvtesure-eship 1bas Iben to0t 2 e" u f MOUa te 'a In the iey. undergeo peratien, but DoddIs test began to go clomn to the sera in epFisof. ýy A pecul iarity -of the l:ongkong XdicyPilacnle br. sbpe conyi is the anomsale of tihemena w -î' nuuy last sontý hé Issteamahep yourCate adwmnsoccupations-acccsrd- Cetrl Rn<1)"TiYorsC.,Oceana was aunk by à a CuI1isieonoff aswoenaN. Centra 20 (Speia) -Theduc- Beachsy Head. Ten livses wore 105V, WRITE NVOW FOR Aone, even a neutaw:rEnglish ideas. Thse Ve tor saidi I.would have tu oudergo and fiyo million dollars in gold Con, PARTICU LARS T it5 il a dra iue lo Is ess~,;ey koau operation," Sa sajd Mie. , j;V. adancëd for the uses o! Vthse tostonth homeshcugrylhav eia bars sdts gooi !ii pae 3 Chinese goveresuent ýby Europcsn MaCLaren imperlal Cheesie Co.,t oe,'- cary holsei asvyoweighs rn smile<l as ahc, madle the remark, for bankers, went witis the wrck ta the Limiltait mil casi heout~r syo]sar ail nued of thedreanIe'joperaticu bottoin <d the Funglish Channel. WOODSTOCM, ONTARIO q B The muta ite cutePek. orhad vanisheid. Mis. Goodinc oaed * Aioiéther recent cmç îa that o! tlisc _______________ about 100 yards, 'a-heu they lay D0dd's Kidcy Pilla a-id is a eîî l iericaof the Ward Line, ranusod_______________ 'Y clown tisçir burden, go back, pickwosuan, Given ;n biYjef aud in lier 1> thse Admirai ýFarragutl, if y.feve VRU F40EA GO a~~~~~~ netlupcary the owu words, Mre. Goocine's experi- mlesoff Caps% Charles, May 12, WIKIS0F00EUSA . tirewt upgpcerythiso Vt tesi sasfclows :1911. sShe had on buard ceven hein- -She will flot hum the toast, and she test loai ou a few yards Ioniser, ri 1 sts scry iserabte wjtisKid dîiledrbs tif Vyboutssirtytdollas iaLi o rnely Simpleferill not burn her fingers either, if suad se on,iail eudr a btaig i n. 'yDiseuse sud unable ta do mysilverolbars ind soVisirThe thi- LatuestheNeiPefetClaie.ti it Ail tise brict-laying, ruad usend.ug, owxs work. Thse -ortue said I would t.standdlarsqasuecin. the ehip, cThelaborrs bouse vas o! viiy seue h e efcu Tatr I,coaling,. etc.. le donc equslb ,.have to undergo auuopocration. Ai--e e s selyiawnt ise ho Vs.ucio; n bil n 1 botis sexes, bot perbape ficVhsmet ter nssng tishxso odswVristotssdr u e rt1305 for V o labeycrs by Quens For toast or rat ths ennsothiler steve flnt is as I curieus siglit, writes Vise Hongkenjý 55dnY Pita I 'w5as Il' ho oer anddeep, and util Viere isEoume lus- cllege, Oxford, .ngland, wss quick sud as handy aeth le Newe énrrespossdent of!ftise vestmsusstee able te do My woilc This state- prosement in diviug devices, tise peotably o!mnaisonry, o! good tus- For. bofi Or broUl Perfection 011 Cook-ste've -tise QaZetteý is te sec a wousau aýtraininig Ment le tee, s, 5 oou ca sish-smuet maus e o! the cosuany ber, icuit only twieuty shillings, 1 ceaveniet steve fer cIl purposes. 'Y at an. osr or aitVise steerage of a prv by esqosirîug amoug my o!sreoaril wetstst tcwTcgoocla'sud chattels o!fscs a, -For fyo ae atts eerud a- sampan, niegistrs "th iseocas bod. laboror in i431, sys a writer lu hes -, if fihs boat te a very beavy on Dodcls Kedney Pillacue ctise Kid- Succeenful sok bus nover becs National Magazine, consiisted o! a Every dealer bus it. Hanslsomely finiseetin nickel, witis robinet Vf ivre of Vise ouen *111 worlc anoaý,r neya cured tsd-scays strain ail tise doue in tise uater at a deptie greneor difih, an aclze, a brase put, Vwo top, drop selves, towel recta, etc. Long chimneys, esameled t- ,y togeter, one.pulling ose ia-y sud ptsosns and other ceuses o! discamhn tisuonT e:udred aud eiglity-Vtwo Plates, two augers, an axe, tisece qeoise-blne. Made vesti 1. 2 andi 3 bumnen. Fece Cook-Book wits Vf the, othet'-peceing,-.whilc tel littlo (out of VIse btood, Thus Docld's f et. At tîsis deptis s gps-V h logged à atoot, rand a barroL. Tis e Cviysteve. Coo flouetaIse gisesnjeayene iending 5cet cor tL babyis pcrcléd on Vie btek of eact idues Pills are a nstural cure for. civer,. Angel Brosnarbe, rcovi-recd coususon People slept te a isuddle malece. iv sn sort o! cradle or pupoose ne- ail lKsdtey dsseases andl ait ilIts forty-five tisoussvd dollars in silvor on tise llor, witis or witisout etravi, T E IMPE RIL QIL COMPANY, lmlnted d rangement. - cansed tsy duseascel lçjdneys. hartl front Vise wreck o! the stoeuser sud coered tiseusselvis, if ýcold, WnteMnraS os tlfxsi r,1 OunVisaother .lsaud, op ou tise ----là kyro, sont off Cape Finit-rri witis thou loats sud outer cloVise. WnieMnra, on aia n 1 Peai,, wliseh is tise Ruropean settîs- Alexandeor Lambeit, a Bîritish Their ffood cousisted chieily of Qu- a ity Dtiision,, Toiret ment, eue ofteu socs a Chinese bey cianvc hc seurdsd grain, tise average allowauce Voa Is -allipg along sedately - if ty tVsanud dllais fronstishe servant bcisg tisirty-sex_ buaselea ~~L IT M 3sPUIIING A PERAMIIULATOR. f 1i 'c- XII., lu oua, huridrcd sud sixty-tvio cusao! beor or milt, isain soe Cile nie bseamupngaoh -a-ile tise English uurscmnaicl valtis cfoot o!f Water, off Les Plsn localilic-s Ircoi fisis sis<timaîl gume taniesneHi-AiChOnSneî, v mspty haudcd If bis &idlead su - ,~ Grand Canary. Anotiser Engliis 'acere accessible ta s favorod fovr, jperitteude operaVioss Of coorse ' P I masi Wl3eyard, bîougst cep twe but poaetiug vian severely delt ass ,ssoeednini s ~a , o $11 Iel tise bousewrels dcue y  h~uâredandl iftv tleousan1d Irs 'atis by Most laudlords..mt, uieukto l I" in ."susilie iens thse Hamiton itsat Guisus enr..ir1trI CTise uext point e thse -icry cosmso-, ' haîl, suk ieesisuudîcdanid ifty *---OOHMBCI.0.C5si 5 aoessgs essedn5.A j, olitan nature of tIsa place. Thsi' f ot o!- watcr, Ocff Letoua teef, lu A POSER FOR PA. wamuai forcibly borne Onin.tpon. me tise Ciisoa. F ARMS FOR SALE. 1.ieoisrdyslsnI's vralkine - 11Tise MedieOraeiuan spouge-tiisoîrs IV was. a duîl, 'aet ci sing, and anArm2alsican n aidsot er. Jus Y-' ty feet, and Ithe pearlei5sof sud Vrs vqiviD tie modsFterCttEGa Trit Tierois tIc os suts etsr selagodvasueieîdo udhts rilg tbsdet.ba l eSi frn f e aio-acupeo 0r R ,Ibss O sespa, a Paraco Vhs deor of ~twenty !ect bot tisey lis<-,snoappa- resdy repro-ed lber sevoral times - tJi î,.s In5îsboedCesr siss , tî~ic~,alpnt ilfloe -rata. InLu -sîor sud fortification for botisering hies witle uscless quos- Poit .11-* td mlensTerleIth.R- yvortinguase beys paseecl us, -rp -lecl cdm ale nV in.' a, swvrs-" "Oh, Tue edMM A..5 eaubc ut losa,, oiermeS. 5 s ses- oi gtand amoment Ltr rcsa etgo morsctisnasixty font undee aslsyossr motiser-, Honest, pss., tS naOtON 0. s..Ai esO r aie-isbkis' 'sit -te tis i iss Va tllly ose thit time.a, ,& F 000PARIN LINiietrCOtLNsWELL.AND. Teewich ofatiuBssnishnsaidnAttempsteaVoimpeove tho divers îAll rigbt, tViseonce. WcVï l t sebnl Iraions eel, o,-Durham, Norta- catrd'aioe o!teplc ar s ,-outfit to as te enable bhlm te descend W l fieensd c! the e antis vis Ynik. usotsu.Prrce%. utic lalosr'cepîc t artiser'below rtise suirface ses con, te corne, sud tise 'orld 'as de- LETBRACEA N uni, cc tisaL belle viltiia hiiecred JstauVily-xakln . J . ldn,:stroyed w______mn______ianAMnitbaansilage _r___i - ad o aid e b4-sv er u a-i eînsclIJ .Iasiu, 'ht%.~vs pl u 'LEiA 5S5ACE N st nreit - working fer Voe Britisis Adeirslty. aeeplane, where vroulc lie landaSs os~s mt ritatoualitice we isrprosented., Ibas seeeded filge tting.tvro naval isnsecm-loni MapleSanus 'u-srsZEsTs vrould be'isard-tename -a country bicVoaceti !troted enlie ame EAN _V__________________________ N TII 'abicis cold net praduce s Vtype o-5 es bl e ft e res nîse!Vie,W-HOMCE O-H.N.iaara TFruit ft r hre i depuis ais slittîs Guoci îlot, evsa .-W DASON Acontingent of the Baluchistan y pounida to tVie Away Witis Depeossionsd Mel- solors, ie isa -Infantry le hecr-e; w'save Sikhs po. --- - ancholy. -Ttese ivrecils are tish e eboesdatisut il4bî10b5insee esetINPERTHi C00Ulisber llücn niaDilg i Z,*?daar,reitsure that mates acecolpaslssent cil a dissidered ste ey ft 7 tanbricekabius5e;tgon iCci- S Cdnioi ,blnT- prsI!ý2_ç i1<1tfjijbý Maçb ans- teepid lisesud o>eeso 21" RajsI,1, ealres ondon.l oio vticee rresedniets te al vvbomi tiey u tou m avisit. Tlise sritasi pseelet va teFt.15 sRsiSALE. e, 4~stourana stst ombat tisom slasis iiParusels s st ot 1e a tsurichYU f e o ieRluiOnnnnpsoAlNd OrdEARLasoRs "ça-" lietes- feet o! VséeVîbte Pille, sviichll asirestore Pt-pea peuwt itsadWeYiiLamsTA.t. A5LYpAS?.; uy uf forcing VsDeyt!o ele !Viesoscs etitet Hl) lm $2.50filin.$500 es oi . 1'tM.ender, Poreossere san as .s1d bring relief. Tbey have proîedi>P t10 t7 5e,ileîd .OO 1 t 5ir pace-in îcpetý n'ille thVieir oefins nluttousands eof ENDIT&CGMsîa 1JS~ cass sd ilîl continue te geve Tse-1MAF HELS WANTED. ,a-hr nlreùnbradtè OT BE WITHOUT 1sftotie ufsrngvio ie'asenR eirrenut biiiod tlr,nncel, l~relislay ttspil~ns nuflb na gis Vouse tiseus. oet Oleterie sacndlNoshWept. Sis soan/h, assewisre ab lise -ensd oe ist oV ~BY'S OWN îTABLETS Be - pepl i1yo * nili n Sîbnl nd eh otI n oulevr estr4agà liniEssglisbmen. Be viser tisas otter PFolera rICfl" c. Fe.sook1.. pai If is tpv steeting'experilnce te 4 5lnoncioTl5LegrahEclTroto go shopping lu tise Chines. qosar- O6ne a moethor, isuososi aby'e -ca-,lentdo etst.....e..se Stors . The otetisiday a1-ofnsl ant- Own Tablets tise 'aotld noV hlie'aitis- asftr usard s d tek, ce eter. IVEys ouES-cWANTED-n on i i-ed a pise of blaçkwobcl !trnigtsre eut tissus. Tbey are tise unly medi- Nohlci a eul heLA- I 1lana a ecding presot sud ve ra-emie for little ues gsuranteed isy A man may sot kno'av hislbse t 0 it qîltelit I iî , nus,, ehi a but le UB&JIY as hTHÀendPAR5! 5CALES. 'atiese. Itacestsor tieo!flise more likely - a Goieruiment aualyst te ho free friendes ae, btleusal a is ciously daitt> ppettziîsg Ss, erbe - l/,eies,,le o,,,, g4otpso fssd i, ad Àiterviewed tise -fioni ibose opiates sud otiser tares- escudos spotted. Antd nutaîtious -ICIN G 1 CERiTUMOSs.LUMeat. sin. -roprietens. ,- -lui druge fone n so-catîed curtIs - OO R uiîisi c ts iianc ticei rno.eloedt.Wrio TIse>' btrsy noesaÉeenes 3tae seI, ting mixtures. Cenceruing tIesous There rare 98 tevus lu tise United bfr onlie r. punisse idcne Ceý. buet )5uf1 lovly af souitl7 at tiait Mca. J. C. Wood, Usdervrood, Oui., Ringdom-iscîudiug London as ose Ceugisi in tise co.d, deep waters Liailoit. CeIlisea-ond. Ose> vreeendout pipes éretsiuisg -oee eys11 ]laie ntsnd ' Babys Ovru distiict-abich have a Population of Narway, and packed in te- iO SCALE GUARANTOSEiL 500.uiis tusli lucs o tosacoor eriapi ~ ,, ..Tabietsfor tise'last foUr yeart sud exceeding 50,000. wortds iiggest factory, cisey epiu and allea y-osa istpull shout - '- oulel fot -bis 'itiout thisn, s, 15a-resan absolutely suafe food. -te articles el1oasd for sale- as A W1A>KIG SUIT FOR COOLE bia-i-sfeudtheu heneiciat eerye hà LYurlIsVledGae AosRr u ombnaie, hoycaseuE3 -tis as yen p es-t saves fileraD ,tisseeI blave giien tisenmta my littîs Whuo e nees - eeterig.FC iaro lreor nfouend atlceese ddi i T1 troubla. Sosse of thons -peat pre.Tissmsuist sit ia macle et RiesOrles.- Tise Tahletsare sold by Fisa-Acit e ,uinî lit'r forit l uii w on dd- 2 LLlm:R ui .I-à +ieally no Englietu. but iisey usually deVis. Tht <Itway casoastesesmedicine dealers or, hy mail ai U wa.ey Esa ul.ss eiaisds. laue- tion te tise lunch basket.Prne Prs-, isuoty 'have oa amatisn 'abs hmas-bolscdu. 'astis twolaigs buttons; tinsilar bu cnat- o celents Wa.m'oiesee aer5sueiec5siMt TyCt ocasdilie eite s aiseso iiiots ctted rat Qucen't (lellege boe,a tVnousa alee ire decorate the Iccu o. icuîlOt ise t In oO. ui btiFlec-le. 'isKlOOSA iidccsipuE LNMIS&CGLiitt lag nel-susse bnys esleevrs and" kr' ThrisesbroSd a", 1.n1 f, ' s-ud ;;o esa.seSuIll~e. 00 pecr 1 1 jBathurst iStreett TORONTO largeTa In 0 Vfbls0bool r rsel ekiet.lisetiuse asae itAspiis Tset. Oe 1oS 50. mse e1i.8e 6es'o 0 icinoc-s--eleOs________tante.________________Of bat¶beaca as l i he moeîwl-ytln. -1bldve<an ire- urmne Eye RemedyCoa.Chlois@ guesestes uiS da i/och-on- -Tise more yeno agi e oe-u __ taI-Dl,~ ~~~ ed Perin.jte, ai ee e e monde lethargie hsesopkcepscr leecemet: ANl AIPROPRILtTE TIYMN. portant question te ast yooî. MyrtIe ofettus beoici-e broad or toast. Tise Heartofa Piano la the yen lestl yen are lsoring hlm V craiesrfssn - -OIe, Ot'aad, this is se steddenl InluNevSouths WaIet, Australie, aithIntes ane s. Actions. Inust on the A cTtin roes o! ofdismnitylIOsvrald-WisaV I 'ant te tuov lea rey perses taking part le a strite PRONI VOUR COCER AsetFOR ,dea-ti, sud siammor apologies ivtlcis Who 'as sjseueing Vise sumeni nu iis isre lai ae haie you'sud your isehblhe to a penalty o! 05,00, ore -"ING OSCAR'--essBR ANDSADINE$a ' T O H G noV gce at yo aceut, ce I'oWil'thlc et-liis Highssla'ares isîitcd - otiser cecided-for eue vreddiug î tu imprisonnmont for Vao iieonthes. Tai-OsTTid ~O AtiG ca0 sy t apie h llnt ts-o!t te lo- I IIN W. 5iCKLC A ORS5NINO. Piano ctonl lasse ut Iste oui" cal mittger. Worms sap thest srengths and un- Ttoîîghis tyVyears a-go ti- re Ilesilis. Canada. liensap aveyo thettie &iseMetyo- Wien tise tise for tise coreusesy cerusine fVle viVsity e! ciildies. Only if ty miles o! raivay lu SouVsFEtEhD EN liearied tshy bais tseaatiioue uobisgo- -ast lOiS aEsa IeNei deis. Ho deesiat thisit any- arsots ns anetfi e--Strecigtheisthnsy unitîg Motiser Africa, ihere arse at tlie pinsefli -- - - Ciea5¶ uling sudi0- lecees o.a v s, tise- godosrn's Iceked IPItend gregatieure ousgssg 5a paraphrase Graves' Worm ExterusinatoIr te time clgist tlsoussud miles lu tIse a lnb.n yPItl z l'à -tee mutelstrentls t ltiser uons avoreel iu Sncbloccasioss. driv-e eut tise parasites. Union a! South Af rira alose. TBRITINUIOS IE S Meî isAROEI CO "Let us,' is bel "inig fi-ss h"~ --Are ycciiguing shrosd tsisua-BITSN MRCA IYICC. A""'aiel y-e sn T s smu Y'oîre eosid verse: cAs ,at tise A truîc friend je a poisonnvilielis- A Simple and (isnsp Mi-diciuc - mer,"' ______________ -H, tisinkisa IV ighklte as wvroîî, secolne rs:'s" rkin close icus to yoîsr troubles. A simpcle, ctesp sIsd cff/ostiit- ustedi- - ce-ut tll. Eveis-ftnie me get tbusnd hie asistà uis canuall go 5C50 riei smten t>Ieilei.tise Titasic on aur selsdc and edc- t' fle.To hie consternation, ise congre- M rdsLnisnt usad 115Physiolana. Tisere 0is notMedicne a c efofectiven a cdle te go out usest tisis yeir, a trains teesîsi,.gatien gigeted audîily. Aftserad - regailator o! theo digestive nystetît as rolis off thc truck sousIsciee, and -- THEs NEXT 5110F sskiiig tise lerit w'aat leh heeldons Stu-I knov, Afred, 1I!lave ses Pernîllees- Vegetablte Pilîn. Tiscy gvodnessos evi s al wc ilîldo." ARTS,Ts 5#oae Yen Casl at you llcd a mare 'aide- NviODg, that fsactiouary recptedfat. M-l. rany is resupli-. Visy are clivpa hr _________________ DUCTO, usrbSasbc svrste m,ian. -chargeh, vt>bas 1iiYon muest ,tnew, professeor. telfiigidý)lylIideed? Pensa-ps yeeIl coVo got anyvriere, tend tiseir TiEOLOGY. crrspond5sance. usitd -uelv ia secsssttr a-ei paksu e-telinc-in-_hy r!t-intilesiiudl en Iecr- butC atusg55edes saI thsing." sud reote yes vOs as eiîIldenle isis Vensvbaane 1'1 ilý,euseneil Ics.-;Il --et -mdisec. ~~5c I ~~tiiia- eislelu-e-vtir, e cion Onge ~~is~eC M Rumm - Zni utg Suierss ýZ_______.___..... n ccc ; - 1 nhlPst, cc HUMRGA EIA Ufiut fntsayng it. al up hecýav5s hs vas co igî" 4lSUE the12ofO/crajum 50ff:5l55i5Ass"