Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 30 May 1912, p. 5

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l'ÂGE rffl OBITUARY. Flowers and Siirubs. beocfitof Ilosvers, Sebrulo., etc. Shali we hve o biildagaisi' flEAtTH OP II-. RAiN es, wo have ocietios for Ille bat- , Q tTW . 'Plis death seeurrid ea, Tues(kay, tornneit o! the toiva, but wLa'o think- mocraille of Chas. E, Ravisi, at i fiig particuiariy o! aur ,IlortiluturSi XEM'I MUSI{QKA TRAIN home- thtre, in fils 5Sih)-car. The Noviuty. Tbicy encoqurae us td Nso Iar Toronto 10.15 a. ai., ai s fbils detica waa, pürbapaý, fot Clirlitù[n Qpî ;ta plant 1ffOwors, dCail3-, cexQupe;Susday, via GRAND aaleapecd, as Mr. Ravis bla~'b« ui shrUibs, ptc.,' ta ierrp 1111\Svo ire! y TItCNIs AILWAh' SYSTI'E . 'Ibils coniset ictifilshomie for a yuar wifb mowsarn! holiges rlpr."All of traiarries usbtifsaWhart 1,.40 P. i ervfe trouble. :For a nuiber 'o! whirh 'la a greaiat al'ste te, the as, akilsg direti con'section wib Yeatsalie Wa" lnthüiscilice o! tht 5'wo:" A t a surface.glincb thtse i t- steaisor tot al points' on .ýu4ýlioita GIrandi'Truck us station agent' ai LQL'Oittftiiîs .h u S Ierr csO!lOuî 1 tns. .A brasdne'w.train, canilai- Wiithy J'onctioni, flt abouta. year fuiatn second tfîoaght places tîjiii as ""' piýggage Car, Vestibule, Coach- ugo bd'ifoutid IL iecessary to givo Sp Cisc tows'is. Strangers cjisug .ir5ets4ý y1arIor4ijfîét Car is apecated bi oitoiowing taiihiui a-Ahi, tliat's tilt pint, mhat do p 1iusce reaurta!aa- 1iîiev Ibat fiie bIc. Raviilias ast they aay ?1-Do they svaï, aroeit their otattahl ricoii à the insi intereatý- fiera aile to.go about ton, being iawls 'anti iowera .iit lOvely-; Or, iigrosuState lukoba, Wharf, whltb confises! ta bhig hanse. A laierai arr- "Say,, Iry're careies anad 51aeily..'O ta' flie vorigiun l'. tiosa y o! the fat- Vice ivas ld ll t lifr ýlaie reidlice 1 as t ua. ye'r ane fini ias, ih maet' famcld ua lbyaje.'lie train Wdneutiay eeiaiîî,asti hisl, nonýPg. rare, arciige in&fli llkd iitb 1f6w>'- relisarigit t& the ',tide o! ifs steamer tir romiains mare takes for iteraient rsi; saue tho)ughlies chldt, (for wss, ei lulioiî ui: igha i nsi Le. Campbî'levilfe, tintarMilieu. SMr. tas hardi1 11115k of a matareti boy iianvlii for >e a§sengers. itetaru jRavis as a nmeoihusr afthe ?reaby- or girl daing Ibhis)' pluced and de- issnfiletini la matiw ititrain feuv- ierlas churehi, asti mai witieiy knowastroyed iit.,'Phis yeur tie haroe eàrtb aîig IliCoklea-Warf 11.16 s.m. iniiy, aid ettrmei. Îlie laves a sorrawlÜg trtciies ius barres lare toîrarda nt.ue xcept Sandsy, arriving Torbato 3:10 mitom tia laahtraTia atiianis eys.Case alter rase os re- lp Ci. Tnîîisi ,tickets ai reduteti Ethel, sud Iîrece sons, Claresce, l'os o O~~ferl i rates art nom ail sale ta Mastoaaro- anti borne, b sieurn hfus oas. i fhe ptti 1 sar ea h oitb gbrts, goodi for stop avec ai aiy famly liase the ticepest sympathy - p luck 1il We are urgod to aktae tiirii point anti gond ta retara mniii Nov. the camauity. out testes, ta givo tie publie tie 30th, 1912. DEATII Di?. MiS, HUIGO. At thiehomîe if ber daightcr, (iCorgeR iodil, 11h concesson, Wl Tamia.,hfi, ira. Ifugo, passoti a as nMoiîilay ai the ugeofaiS2 DQceasot ivas aasiter of iiirs. Blo0w, oai thia iawn,, asdti hoier Me, api'l. 'raiord, oni itîsma Tir fuCerlCsiservice, scilei ias oin %ediesday iiierîîiiots as CICCti'd iy fiv. 6fR. SCexsCCCiti. lerniCCCCCt itoliplawin oliasrî11avi Rimce. prchasiag the. Bus froua Mrt. Wm. Newrport, we bave taeored vush a very large paroa asti vu,0 véele egiving tbe pi goo service.. AU ortier. for ieaming, furmit moving, crcage of Ireigisi ram plessurs parties, etc, ;&race oui' very bea stgtn$fos. Firsi-clasa llvery la coasection Mrs. away earn - co- FOR ' I fa- .'STYLE le M EN SERVICE ne O 'Lveey pair backedop, by the maker" JOHN PEEL Whutby, Ont. t.J Us----e ----- age ublie Itt. for D.lv. 'Thlnk It Over - WRY do we work for the boni peuple in town? WHY do eu-ztorners tomte for masy miles ta ortier footw«ao WHY do nhsety.nine oniso very huseet! e forc sefameoiseno.a ooki WHY do sue do more anti liers worle thun our coaspetitors ? There'.s aReason. R. a. QIJINTON - Whitby. Whitby's Oniy Repair $hop; Ortisopedio Boots Our Speaiy. 1i 1i- . - - - . - . - - o_- - - - - - -_- - - - - -I- 20 daien Ladies' Tan Cottont Hase, se5.mtésa 1 looi, ail sires, 2 pair for 25C, at W.G. waters'. A full lise of ladie' white Nuhucn puasp ad houte ai Peel's sboe stor. Ur. -Fred Rtogers, visa vasih Boy- -mauffl vat eek, la autisosity for thie patellhi tisat tise dasilions iliore am~ abont lire timon as piost- ful as tu Ibis sefgisisachot. Fred' souvenirs to all wbo attend the "Lawqueiet" denmonstrallon ai J. MdInyreg,,oni Tbatatiay, May 80.1Bc sure anti corne. John R. Saits,. visa fives 3 hauses nariS of the. Jumctloes Station, en, Byrmu Street, la stav ready la laine orleta for the bisslding of bousu, skUand& sootlng puisl. Qail and se satople. Nov meady. Alt er six c'etock &my day. A liazebail teain respresentiag WiIt- by Wini conlestin lahe toûtliaOelt tu tie lad ai Port' Ferry on Moisday. Poir New Perfetin 011 Stoves ais Invest prlis go 10 GO. M. Rice. 10t dm. Ladies' White anti Blackr ýLIaI <litre, 201 mues long, reguiar pile 3k. per pair. Satiutda, .10D 1, ssniy Mc. nt W.G. .Walltes', Ur. iieorge ESey, tise Toms Em- gluSe4 has ion orsa dores mna ai vock où the. vatesllonls am]i seheetrie lgbt, ypitern of lise tovn. At preu3ni tho ta <a. large dessaisi for installa- lime ofsevce. lot itiust SPEIAL4,aies ifee Lisle o bse in ar b, Sabd wh4iite. Sis 81 to i0. Regulgr prio 35c. per pair- Rat. mrdal, Jsve 1, We are oftcmli 4 War -lot Si, la sy one ititor or aize or asemi;i ati! G, aisr' A rtsl maderteaspices of tie May ot Club ,illibegira lay Mm Grm tao, A,.i'V.. and Ulmi Kabmee Lowe. in thie CorfleU 4 i*Ie* Ât*lflls 150. 1 Whio bas bis suossior huSie lie,bli 'smade applsications to tise Water, andi Uigis Commissioners for the ilsta- ltion of a watet service. Mr. Mé- Laten hes ofieredta 10pay thse l>ws $500 tuvards tise cost ,of eutending tise vatet pipes as far vesi' as is, residensce, ant i vii alo alee voter service amousiing t'O 850 a loir. Thsis viii ho as excllent ohporiu»ii'y fot tise towu tae, ntend lis system &ai a loW cnse1t, anti doubioes 'a number ai the teidens i latiieuçt part of tise tovs, wvieS iii ho teaeled by tise nv pipes, eaaid ho idueed te histal s watet service. la tieit homes. .5i'iest r.palring la tlWsaiSf., W. Tihe date of Prof. Dsxbury's teillai st tb. Onarion Laies1 Voilege bas beesi elsagedt ta Saturday. evealag, Jane 8, snd as Prof. Puxbury liai te, leave by the928 pas- ltrain golssg mast, t viilho neo esary 10 begtii thse prograse abouit 1 o1cioek. i"ulIer parifulats liter. Specl 2 yard ends ef Ribbon, 6 ines vwide, 10 sisades W eltent f4om Worth a20c. yard. Sais prie., 2 for 25C. aist .G Walers'. BIG BUNGWALOW ON 13ASE LINE. Nov LatSitise evbuilIding ustier ereellan lsy theovenut eon ,lte Draper lares for tise iospitlit#s ai. vancti no taras te determ #at proportions and archtecturi . ar- acter, itlai.laking os tise pieaue« & p- peatan(* of a hwllglov.XIt lu sais ta . ill be 0xb5 et, eta single alory at eniirely of vooneliselocailom la la the orelsir im amed"lily te tise wesisvîrd o! tie."Draper !urssbouse. Pience poste are aiready distibuteti alossg lb.esnsamy ,placla viiere lev fencing la requirei. 'The sigltin chi watet maies bave also liea delilvetd andi laying -ls tu 6e hegun forthiiu& li dieai tstyles ciet - dooss toe , oces ron &9 logmi prloszat ao ..IL Ris.'. 6s Ositers lfor site Wlita larse91s- làx deparset4<Ire tii e ut.of mi. btaciem nad ssery quit i wasa . A.. LRMs. 'Iiholson 8S z1 do.r isCiSiy, uU5O2Z' services as nàas i l, a.as. asti 7 p. Mommieg SuJet- 1'Wbat andt 'Pares," or 'I flperlay in tise ltvelsg SubIect-..Tise 'Hlarvest."ý or "Tht Endfth sfe World.' lie sue o omCre toilae S. S. nti Adui Classes ai a pas. andi hrisg assother vils you, iteaeashor the Rpvsortb 1Lague on Tsestiay eveuing 'Sise aseeiing VIII, bel ib e bande al the ChliîtiaEn- deavor Cosmtinliee. Ail veiroase. IDONIT F096ET IUS WehandlethIeJNC;ER anid il iJgve you the right Ptlce WC also hanij IISIGN CANIERAS and.- SU PPU S fthe best on, the Market. ýDeveioping and finishins tor Amateurs, catefJIdy donc. The Dent Supplies AI, way 0o-n ubad. GE . 1.' - U P. WATSON<_MEt&AFFIN 50 0Green St. Brick bonse,8 r5oassnù4 a, , iscloset anti basin, furaislnetint barulsooti, largo coular, laassdry andt sba, electi lilgisi- li, open pluasilsg, hli ater beatisg, besutifuf crnber lot, large rolny bars, everytisg -in goou ,'condition, gond Byo t Idbrick, de. $3800 enroosbath, cleset aud basnn, open piaasbtag, hot air iseailar, isehstnte of repale, beautil- fui enrner loi, 'Tins. ýo Pundu Si., largebrc pair: iii ail sndera ronvonlences, 3 acre loi,,-Imoe eiebd, fine gardons, large niable anouot buildings. Ciseap. $6oFmtissettCge large cor- 7 rOmn l exellntcondiion, good barn,.fine ardeufruit la T isinhcap. j oo Framie housemon$loue. etrpfomdaoa gond Buite garden, fruit, goti aile, vorycentral, gooti value. $600 Byron St, brick anti rougis aibos,#racinlgond contion.isa ood gardon. Ciseap. B L IaQ LTS. $400 Byon S., quarteere milotail ldnrseli. Seat location. 850 Byroi S., 60do aio. Shade irees. 8250 ByronS4 corner lot, j% ace.. $160 Beach, Ciintai D.. WATSON MAlVIN phonea . MO6ede 253 North 56d84 just the[ thIig for a rai*ny day l'houê 1jobby Salors at IRE IM PI OWIJL stock st.lum& Agesi nt rtise Ontarlo Wlmd M. 8180 gsomlias engm andth .e qeare Gesteti Magnot Creaem Separalor. lnsNo 5relence. MONUMENTS otf l ulgnuud bitul llept là Stok Durable, Neat and Fashionable Our Spring Stock is now complete. We have a, fulll une of Men's, Wo- men's and Children's fine and heavy goods of the very latest designs. A cali solicited. A pleasure to show goods. PEEL S.HOE &LEGOINO cou Brock- Street, South. Whithy..Ostaria Stfi on hand6A rowed SEED BARLEY. fi~ ~ ~ ~ ~~orpL viipy e e l i à~e~/% e i, a muitiettC. vroile asti lus er at o-ura. ALFALFA, the most productive and profitabi 1lnm't lie ualI dby ata. V do set MsPIoy t".is eAmqmtilyva t clover, Seced pute and of highesi qualiîy. akt do asa he filats i5 ' jilet. RED- CLOVER, No. î Government Standard 10 Per cul a âi, Il y.wlll er&iy Rave ly pstcbaaing Item na. TJMOTJIY, No. i Government Standard. A Cali 3011it.d. GARDEN SEEDS, in bulk and in packets. ffftt~ilIrallie~ J SEED POTATOES, early and late 'Parietica. Offce anti Works OppWoai Standard Bank, Why, Ont J8s0a..csisLCdyai.a. "Bcranton Coal" la Our apeeiaity BECAUSE Supemior la aiher Goal. Qualiiy ia the higeat. Preparation ha the boul. Glenn, Ptighi and Dry. grate, Egg, Stove antd Nul. li oom't rosi any moreihan allier good 'Coal. Deliv.ry aaisfaeory sea!proMpt. E. R. BLOW 1 W. B. PRIMO LE & 00, WHITBY ONTA~RIO W* J. H. Richardson[ BROCK -%T. LEA DINVG BOOK, . J$TA T, FIeadquae'ters for Ail Lines 74 &o hou! 8uppliee ]PHONE 37- Aul Prim bcaive?îo.v uaÀ"" ble variety o dfor purity. w

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