4 About Iligorons * dcaifal 1Ameroia libtoc 'to 'a"' lOccllar,' bsl<le c~g~etod he jiltng ;yerit hc a0 t; flîaarof, aihe, 1 atwen Cà ý's, Stewart Paneli;bi hr yqc èr fce cdardent rc'eflot wvanting atlnrer5 f ttc court ta a ebormoing Engish girl, a grcat Irishle ader who aifirron that Miss Rîîoisell, te 'whrn hc li ultimatoly ttc jiltitsg a,,tà .bet tiizyg tht bccamie cngagect. He fist met iz- coold have tas~4'~f >i avs Ruascl i t Wieobadtn in comnan y L ondo» Tt-BitA. A bappy aottrred sit1i, ber toncle and ant te Diîka 13Wif wOuld abably, have »gevciiýüd 'nd D1wclîccaof O-. and iarck, p4me~tr pltc tca~-mo1de ns nret cf big tender fod toatse. ~ mness for the blonde cf unual *As a yoring miar-iitýl brother, E',r. bca.tty.i John H. Pncnell1,tell&s. nsl T. Ps'q The. engagement, towee, *sat Ma-aîe-the jIthpolitician fell aone reto-n Off. and, tosa Who in lova se th a pretty Wscklosv girl have tudied thc life of iquarck as- of gond family, Nvitb aboiie h bnt- cerfthait bils Russel]., recogsizicg cd a great deal ; tut tlise affair came tlic tiffereces ln thir life and sa- ta nthieg, andi Parnecl rernaînerd tiona, ttrcw Bismark evar. Proof teartfrce. mual 1 bcvisited.Pis -incf tisseeni te bc faricd .by tIse 1810, cnd there met a Young Ame- fact tilatBsimarck tot tise bIscea ce bheircan, to whom hle becamo e*i- engagement [malch tô tecrt, and fer gaged a on lmes e ry mlaecbolyt They partcd for a time, se te go ccd deprcsoed. te Ramie and lie tc reture ta Iré- lond, and ntimaleit ttlc girl wrote LOST 1-- tN'ARCTIjC BLLZA sayinglcg shesanrttiieg ta Amer-ZAI). ica withot mcationieg anytisn ) TnlrotWt er"le about asncengagemenet. Pacrnell- " edroô é e bared ber lu Amcrica, and tthee- ' lies Mis Exjîcricnce., gacem eet seeieelte bc r0eecd, Tise four lirandrosi livesthtat bave ahen Mis-s W- suddeely told hlm teen lest in polar *expeditions Mark élie sece ct gicg teciaery 'hlm, the danger cf travel ced aven cf "mslkilg ftle excuse tht lhe 55'e existence te the aretie. Even iwbcn onlv me Iish gentleman, aittaut the explorer tak e t greatest pro. attfficient meanustW marry, nitlî ce catiüin, lie mnysflcd tiumocf nsd- namne ia publie, and that cite. ceaid dccii cenfrosîted sitîs anexpcctèe cot marr y oe withetît a grecai pccifle 'n A Teederfoot witb pulic emm." Penn" -Mr. George Borap relates This dumlfondeît 'Cbarlcy.' se experiecc ia îlî i5 a-ho, after tryiiîg is test t e rte, thi psniisiity. yilu iïucds ler te marry him, gave up theN boart-hreaking job. Te ditract lusw Earli' in te msrniag sce set Off l ttouglits Parnecll wltlttc dog-sledges ta get came d hocco tbat ste bcd cittand coclîod - PLUNGERO INTO POLITICS, six miles frie tte mole igloo.. Oid vitb abat result- te c'rld keos Panîblpcb looked at tte cty cnd naidw Ho nover met te lady again, bot. it wasild peobatly bIais' efoce xsecf according te ttc' aîtiJity mention etîracd. On receling ttc cache, cd, assttir Aniberican lbeicesn la oveticod that te wind wcas gro- in later yccco proeuosed to Clole, lially isici, and as soue as ttc th whos lcft Paris ta escmpe Itet. sîelges scre legded, ive imply ftré 1f T is cematie epicode of politicol bales le tîte air in a sid attcmpt se lite clIs te md the jilti-ig of ttc te meach the igîqo before thc fury th well baon Uielat palitiolm, Mr. cf the store cbcasld I hrst. th Henry Chaplin, 'veto yoncs cgc was ,Tisa sky hcamc.eoare and more si enegagod ta Laidy ý,Flaonce Pagct, ca vecast, lte wmd inçremoed ie via- ji d &îi ra former Lord Angle- lence, cnd sent thse 0sçw nudding ai c, ecfthc loveliet wmîne le' ty in a mad, blindilg ~th -agii ofsedety; -le facet, se vas ce tad me cecdeýt sec tee' ycr, t 'ets t Pocket Veage6' ihead, et still w m e snd forwRrdc..1-1 secton. ilvsymerafuec is1 posed te tte visita af thasa' di; butocs ef disea. ,Anea-icsofe pacts an this sibject tas rcea bren puhliklied lei England, iii ae it la shows tîsat infections mnav ýmoin active epon flics mhioh 'I tenu expoed teathemn-ccd t habibts tîn expose these contint -fer froinfotir te tee dcya. idiis of ttc distance ta wtict ln tin esai- t'dîspcrsed tY flics giton by reedent. ins-ecstigaticiep J'ostuiek, acar-Norsyei, Eogla atero il iras Iiastnd tîsat mat flics teavolldearly aîacilefraDm ectoriotîs refuse heap tb't set cs their trcedieg grend. As long as tte fly, mcc te iely ci ce cenoyicg cciii there mac littIe chaneî 1fflist eieerW deffort for itasappress nymîtds ge lpas- meces thiat thc re an ipossible case cf thc filtli Ian tins bee' ha- cclv foc nverai L*wbether a sinigle t ome ban' tried. tantiy foc an e- Ul SANCE e, cnd siace ana * ecough files teý *f c' salle square,t aily must Cn-op- i biat wmu mst,. pilan wticb 'chah.l: - Why notput tise Ucla Jnait Nam tlsat it la ccsvioted oft bcbg ttc bearoc cf al manner ef germa of disnace, its exterminaticn han te- 'orne ttc moat urgent next step te- card cloanly living. Hew te do thic is ttcesirotIons. THE MAIN FEATURE en eOur solution cf this prahiese le the pont bsa he e*cinven1ti ,on, .of ly eceen, sitwito e hut pur- cIlves' linprison, i-Iile mc jeld ta he enemy ilndicputed pnealnc theout-of-doors. Thenw'e hIave de- vited othier diagrecable a ueesBor- ci, like tanglefoot paper and 'fiy ns metings, eeon e esssost acîîtg t1cnsknh knem mIxrae m ere. Of turf pluigeise crscieg mcciii'bu ~icourse 1 did't. Wc "werc lOlst ine51 oser knowiu. Inder ttc pietext cf jtt, ice-plain, mith te sind bloieg * shsoppig et 'a Certoila mel-kenow a gaie. This would't'have bacci goA sunt Su empurusa tm inte Wst-Eed, Lady bcd bcd the men net Ieft thicr e Paget saikeel rasnt anc dece and sowne-eiven ut ttc igloo. They earut aIanottr.wtec e ite me tCstampeel ost c fein blocks Of sccm wmi- th gheOr fret, stood therm on theur i2TIATONL SO, 0pf lais icd. lcîer, ]et tc 00ose mccc temn, M. oVear or two Iter fate gave and mecc n as1ceps. Otalplin is revenge. His I triec tht name tting, but gave Lessûîî IX..Ifpû and siscor- horse, Hermit. won ttc Drby R at p, becatine my feet acre ne bit- t NI6,18.Gle eaormons odds-oontetbisig like cIt tecly cold tlîat 1I sa afrajel tey'd iy at ,11.Gle te î-amd Lard Hastings wos eîiccd. freeze. I dîîg ttce now aut fcom > Tet, Mail. 6, 1. Ho dued eely four Yeacn ater is ceder a sledge, ced stayed there c mastic msreg2z., antI is idose, foc a sie. tinli ond I mss beisg Versa i. Tate téend-Ttcextar- abs cftccovrds maccievij Sic George defted le, ad after sema trouble tatien wicio folawin ac criticise Ciîotsvsîsd. clvi> die e cona oogd e riglece suioc o f Phaccîmir religion' cnd ae ins- cgc. It n'as eoaîetlîcgliemlve i o on y olta O 0to tneupate eesiy4f ePn mears bfre M. Chaplin recoveeed o igm olttgtet-toc pn eeons sn ro tIeto.cdttanaciedpcco, and îy ta ce tomacis cme in religion froc fraontnato. t Lady Flocence leveeoîî-Goc, i- contact wit thtt iron runner cftt isnpasgemy edivided inte ter aftie proscri ledgo. Oh, hem celd 1h felt! ttcec parts, as folie-tes;- Vers"n 1-4,1 DUTR F SUTHRLAND. Tison I got upancd did a war- devted teaclmeggiving; verses 5-lb5,,. DUE0 STE~LN. dance te toep worm Panitahtute rayer, ced verses 16-t8, te tant-j Ttc itecy o!fIîow Ctaries Dickens enasled eut etfblasaev-oand Ing. mes ijiltoc is pacicîîiorli intcrent- me marceed tact and forth tetween Rigtteousnecc,-Alietgiving, prayi-< ing. Wbee hoe mon eightaen Dickens 1 ttc sicdgcn. e r, and fnting mccc ccnspsouocsi tocante ccqiaineld svhittns i.tree Ater Vtacîve heurs, dariug ohet elements la igîteousnessasceunder- îasigbters e! Georgeilco1olc ept fraie freezing hi practiniang stûod by tte Jecag. Lombard Street isseter. iWitt anc lalistteticn cnd iyicg down elîisd To taie e-0t), ta tie a spectacle cftem. Maria (ttceiginal cf the leelge. haating my feet toge- ta;, tat is. te mate an ostentationts Dora in -Dcvid Cupiècfield' '. sebo Uer. itis my face bsrled i- c tri- isplcy, Ttc word uned boice is tise1 cas a 3'cor is senior, lic iasneditçe- settaure, I decided IVd iavsoto ave Groeck'ord froîn which tise word ],' fr11 la love. and Maria flinteel a decent igloo or freeze. Qýoisio- theatre in derivcd. Jecus ln arnc- ws'th tixntvey desperately. But tise ycbn, blocks bcd blawe dowe, aed ing agaicît lesinceca play-acting je love-iesting cf tte fsutur- coveliot i yeiîed We hum, "Gct upand buiid rceigioe, n'as est treotecl sony scriouosy, toc ce igloo "' Hamard witt yaar Fatter wbc la te mas eût cocsidereel by cn ea ti20a lie snoke Pcnltpais. and me in heaven-This la gcantd niy te n ligible pcoty, and ees Maia stamiped eut bocts et snow four tîsase mtao ara contrite ce humblec ierselif sîlpted as attitude cf feet bytwto,' ced tv puttieg np a le spirit. amitocti tolérance, donuble rom bloctiodt enactk.s.- S ound net a tritmpct'-Tisace For trcee yeacv tIse'sltair ent Thon ay seomscoes acd rilqe secved le a C[rëek, phrase, meaeniig tu ~a ce, and thon Dicketnto recliedt that agi, trutn tW Ioli up bloets of sceo .pay oes ae ip,> me1 l bila cno nivas Iscplcso.M laelfor a natf-c pooc chlcter, h1:h tet- smoderti mllcîuicl Haglish is ebc- le vain altthe girl lîoss caprices brlm oe a naso-esc"eto o' m sr, maddoeed ccd ladeesi hm alter-jbiocot, ccd ty teeping up c constant Hypoc ite llaly, piay-act- ncttat,,yfoc. as a mtter i, tact, 4p1kp yfe yociet a n hs Macla ileoducil nos a militaI cheamp I stcmp I sl4e tm et oct, or pretenders; thail;tsu * coquîette, Tteed cf it ail mseac aria. At tinsc Id aven atoze, c misseeandI et epson tise staget * npl Iht îed et icliip it, I beotie an admirîng audiene. le sv lytt hpsntn ovate."Fer nenst- i ýLickiIy, aer caverai heurs, ttc both Mttliew ccd Luke tisa pitte0t suearti cci lcie,-Foet nen s micd tood up enaugis ses liat e in fcquectiy appiied te tise Phersi- other. ULItimatelv Moarioa etssell -cIstece our mcv. We loit no tsme bes was macniel bu Henn inLisin- in ledggieg ttc ciedgen ot of tise Rave ceceied--Tiatt R 0"infull." he, sol4te ieosutthe atisdctIgot unden ss'y mtb te Tîey liavt thercîcre snu famIler ce- agaa tissie ba ou'esîts ilu se'iiit"'.,t operol. It din't halte un c"gt'ltn>or cemard t,) expeat. on bis vouttttîl iseal. Mv.W ctee ri19tc> gel lu camp, bon mc feund -. j'et sut ttc loft tend tuum- werote tao lier eltI lover, tut icîeî,-the ma:onuigioo culy cight hundred - i-;eîc uirviasriti.fot ot' froîn' diii est case ta recewa a otrre p1)n - ortIs 00>01 ' blocgaze t! oîlîscnbut troualtbe to dene wiassI ts cil aucetlicîi i feqsect recclîcetin o1it la yatr benWMr, Witbrifaitc. and tîot h- osrandtticio cp u i lebi li. otwss-t e a s îthc Lt iosi an tur e m nom roane nýj Ths>î,ld ges rstou tlo tft heliii. e. esptnetiîo plamiacîstise incur in '»ns-taýn lie a 'uPt ca si. Rme-isatoc prayer arrlvad. e tlifurmii mig ihn oh -n sigreo es Kî.c thesvn m.,tisei elaisrate deat eas- tcn J0ý birFti e boue-c'he - He reocive. Thl e poin-te uh; 't' cossierd rcecgelhioe r tairi, arices,'tisi ;J lien a d tealhesc pulace- rage teir ai gv I au ti rth r, te ti . cce m rthe hprîvt %he men 4 jefot uper par . tt 811 iess ýO tie bage aI e 1n f bat stes tir avoratinévtmiosa l and tt -smeomhsu thgcsis oe î r'a tisxW'atiei that nlaeuti f ot cin. Ti "u e isîn- .omimac .A pair. 1mcuy te by &ùîg-ý /1> exPrae s h e oùgh t0tthc' A of Godsa ciode mesin ilë 10;:Thy kissgdoms-C7ýunpat'a.in- treductory paragrapisa 0f» jiiiandt thd'ahtl'mbcg iesaoc, il. Our dciiy bread-Tse sitatea cance miich oenptyzieal eeýda for the day emanet.' - . M Bcieg ius net iesote tmpttiss -Geaid kes net t.ompt man te cvi1 (Jantes I. 13), tut lie daeS permit triais te come, cgee ahi (Hais. 4. 15), Tise petitiasi hec. is fer streig-th te everceme the cvii cute. Mcny early Iceannegipti, tisoagis mitis cunsdcrabie variation, ittd Me -tisn point tisa morde, Fer tislnè la tekgdmadtise power andthe. glory, forevec. Ament. 16. Whseuo /c tat- Jescustalocu to lDgranteethbie comcptiaoscc cfbhie fouiewceswlvtb many of tise ouatoin ary rîligiocîn observances. î 0Ofa sasi eountecance-Hypceitb- mcally se. Tisa Pianisecs a fctée tmice ia tise mcek (Liste 1R. 12). .Disfigure thein faces - Faoe andt islecd mccc bt nwcîse d'dmn- kempt. lis indicative ofthtie'serionus- acs -f tise meod lenmisicis lhefast- îng mas pertormel., Tise mtoi 'at- tire cf tise anc tisa fcicg wale harmocy mitis bis facial appeer- cee. Tiseir romard-lu thia case tisé niera, notice of tiseir tciiomsl' 'ala mwitis or initisout cemmendatmse, ai «tise camie ight te. ' i7. Acclet tisy beau-As if faor<a glatI festival, By tfiss .i4kia ehacgicg tise inenner l' insicast-t ing mac te te perforimed, Jesuctea- tutily <tocs amay vishthtie prcO 'in its aIder Jawsish teri,- mIwîhtit thc cutmcarel izten rfeeling hast ils Ihirtorie chare U a public obsoreanei and- u formnaihy. r is. But ut tb'Fa-lter i sertJs elbasîz . et Inp p !ctetlceleaut!,cte l t i iorec gise ns atob aaftont * the aaai lif tit.1 lS,,afr .as-,i toie.t'Il ti ves cf eotIlo, stAifceýoslÙe i, ils nature it e s4 bc claetetis am rI1lifted mis ly al4cve tise ceu-Seeking ostatleort >V -4e of Faced ecommuniono wo-tist& PAT AG>AM,. .' 'I imite,i Sri 3er ij andasnk Cd ff mïurase