Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 30 May 1912, p. 7

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T'hq question of the entry ofithe UJPPEININIIS 'Il0IAJJLOVER *ing 'in the isiands which resider it Canada, the Empire and thea Worisl cured from soine source. Thcre are os '-t. ~ "-~Ctwo atr tvsOpen to tise people Eyes. of the islande, cither to throw in CANADA. ±lsir lot with Canada, bheomiang > oi ne of thé provinces of the Domnin- Plans for the new barriesna -s.ion, or te niegotiate with sorne TorotCo vilt be pattere iatr r i s 1 country a reciprocul trade arrange- tish modois. tiseraIn regard, to the latter, Sarnia. Ministerial AmuiascL( are nlytam coutris wtisbas passed an resointion against which any arrangement nf the kind iflrryingL divoreed persasos. culd bie made, tise Domenivin cf *W. J. Kcrst, a piont office cierk,. tCanada and Cise United States. bas beau arrested at Vaneaouvér, Tise liaama Islands produce chergod with tiseft of registered RINsG CHRIISTIAN X. OF gonds for whicis theiscot a market mSail. DEN ~ in jebotis Canadla and tise IUnitel t is nsw 'tatocl hat Mr. Maya' who as 42 yeara ld. He bas two States, whiile Canada and tcitjceegssor walit ba chosen f rom Éons. United States produce gouda s iet aiuong he present Grand Tronk sonsthe peuple af the IBahamasniust ,fficiai staff. _________________________naoesnrily impact. Mon. Robert Rtoges. Minister of Thse entry of the Bahsamas into the Lot crior, lbas decided hat tha( confederation wotild remove ail Ciao civs o f Sikhs onw in Canada trade barriers in the wsy of!eus- may romain, but luis is flot ta ho a toms daties botween Canada and precodent. the ilanda, andl nsiild, thierv-lo r, Miss Lise inSteca n as ffataiiy ii- t. afford tise relief for ishicli tise 1laC'jired, and Miss Jennie Wintrain, tac are lookinsg, 0f course, a rei- of Toronto, aas badly hurt hy ho- procal rado arrangement wlth ing throama ino an open ellar by Canada would ta a large extent an automo)bile on Friday. serve tise sanie piiepose, but hre City postmasters have heen wracn- la Chia difforenee, hat in the case ad Cc prevent certain business cfngtiatioos af Chia nature bosses in atîer plaees seoding their t-isUnited States 'influesnceavons d na- city mail hy express Cc ho posted in tîirally intrude itself, for it censlie the city limita, thon saving une cent ~-.taken for gcanted hat tise Ameri- in pontage On each. c 'ans woîld nt lune tise passible ad- vantage of a rado alliance cf Chu- GREAT BLITAIN. kisud witbout a tcuggle. Cunen- TIse Britinis Mousoaf Communs -Rtu ions might bhoffeted ahich it has adjouicned. aould ha difficuittCc rsist., Were, Ts srk1 c ihtrr1u h t," hoaeve, tse ahaas a hcone Tîsamea may stop ail work un the t/-~ part af Canada, heco wauld net London docs. 'tof oslybe ceeomof rad heivens Tise Welsh esal minera ace dis- t--t he ilande and Cis cousntry, bat satiafied aiti tise minimuîm aage QUEEN ALEX MMN teDmno aol lohosne eixeel hy the district huards. DENM 1111, obligatian Cc pravide means of SrJusWcieh-da h tranporatios letaessn i seatgrant De Beers Diamund Syndicate, amo ia a sîster cf thse German Atlantie ports and tise suggeste tas dead ia Landon. Crow erince. added territory, snmetliiog Whieb it r. anîicted hc ul __________________is possible Cthe United States migbt Ms akirtadhrcl as cneesia i cnnetinsleaguen avare enteneed Cco ins CUINE$E PREMIER SIIOT. offer mosthscoimpeisionnina nd asnonse - iitis nny rado arrangement with in cntscfipirscy trai.ases CeansIsEmpties Revolver Whlle 0(11-that cuntry. and as Teof ngliroscfC mman. elal la Dling.- As- the situation stands,and siThebcngcomstCeoue ofy Ce cfn A denpatch f rom Pekin aeaya airt eadupied n h indthe Laber and Nationalint memt- moteerclief eitiser from L'an- ei While Prhsident Yusans Si iai waa adaci-th Unted States; from bes, ed d hat inslond cf in- dining with membors cf he Cabi- Canada aittier Crcsgh contedera- croasse g tisa price aof tho Flouse net , Governars of provinces and tien or hv means ocf a cecipracal dinoor from 25 to 30 cents, Chat a leading Cimseo officiais, on Friday, tende arrsangement, anal from the neceetsary aaving couid ha effactad Chang Ping Lin, 'a disgruntlad Uiited States hrouagi the latter, by omitting saets f rom tise mens. office neker, lribed thoe ttahea sînlosabaoute neessîty sosld - ansd entored tise hait flourisising 4 force the ilanders loto renuncia- UNITED STATES. revolver. Ile fired &overai shots tion cf the Britiýb connection and The United States aarohip Ner point blassk at Tang ISao Yi, tisatise ailying of hir politicai as wali braaka amnt agronnd in Cisc Missis- Premsier, wheni ho hlasnod for bia as hir trada intorests iitis hose sippi on Fridit.y. faflure Cc gt the plitical Promo, o!f the United States.. ChnW.Mpiga airi tie haisa acgin. Rs sas vas Tise question, therefure, hecomes under suspicion et Boston in eon- bad andsai the abuitai went aild. Oeaof Imperial conceru. Canada neetio wîtb tihe murder of Mes. Aftei, is ammunition was exhaunt- ia hia matter eeald render a grant Jewar, a Montreal widow. Ad Chang, was overpowared hy the service te tise empirael'y ither ad- - attends-ntsi and taken.l te mjil. mitting the Bahamas into confadar- atien, or by entering inCa sncb a GENEICAL. SEEKJIABIOR N JAES hN. rado arrangement with the Peoplie Rosa will spend $251 ,000,00 on i -of tihe islande as aili give heni re- a naval phip building programma. 1Prof. Ellei te Examlinatise Mentis0f lie! f rom hir préent susatisfac- Tise German Reichstag pansed tise )Ioose River, tory conditions. The cntry cf Cisc third eeading of tise army and nany A deepa tai from Tarante enys: islassds into confedleratieo would bis. Proessr Sdoe C.Ell, o Ota-sttîn matters oece ansd for ail, Angry scenas teck placeants wa, amise expioring axpedition s-braros a rado arrangement night German Reichstag folluwing a So- hrougi tise James Bay district lait ne in tise end prove agatisfacteswF, cialiot atteek on tise Kaiser. sommer upoat thse poplar miscon- andrnigist resuit in doing whiat it Presidént Gamez, in a puhiiobed ception hat the hay aas absoltely is desirelshould neut ha dace, tiscows tatesaent, seaks to mininsiza tise aithout natural hachera for neago- theBhmsoto tise arma of tise gravity cf tise Cuhan revoit. ingvesel, wllitis tatd, United States.- It is bcped. there- A Bareelona detective wai stais- n5rhb h voses aili haodhasent f.ea ht the Dominion Goveen- lbcd te dentis hy two anarchisisa nortshy OtaiseTamiskay m is- mnd tshah gise tisa hast possible abo iehatried tCc net a compaîs- sionthi yer t mak anexhus-attention te whiatovar advances un ion. nothiv yep r te mn akbor aieus-tise direction cf confaderetion niny ttaiy's renennad eperations un tise .osbecisannels, anid tise tides at , h0Md y the peupfle cf tisa Babla- Aagenan li ane tirred up tise isthie tofteM oeRvr mas-Neison Daiiy News. poarers to furtiser efforts te end tise ti. mei f ie - oseRier war, as Itniy bats nsow entered tise l lk n a flTT(%Q ifQ doininof tise Triple, Alliance. seis, il lis reporte, s .l ( o c Igit fags uif l n otsf SPECIALIST IN LIES. Adespateis from Mentre- sas: A despatels freiniOtaasy:Pot.--o a onlTnSpr Accii oopiocaleprtise ontraîdFins' capital canes are sinder consid- S've. ouel s onitossthetunargesamn- ora ison at prenanit hy tise Miisittr Ton differeot indi cf lies base ingt aovioso un Cand a i i- f Justice, aviichis istise largent nain-been diacone.rcu, diegnusesi and an- said hat plans are being prepared ber of any niontis of tiii-pat tino alyzesihy lDr . Allen Mîohert, pro- for tise erection, of a bsuildinsg hat veurs- Tise exeeatiosiu are srise- fennue of sooioiuigy in tise University seul cuver an ontîre block. Tii-c site duîad to ake pinco e iii-ien Jiafli IoutChiciago, alt-c observation i-- ia abousttt 0foot in aidtb and 55a and Jîsso 27. Al iirecaes are un tei-diisg oer ma'iy osottîS. Tise foot in lcngtis. Retini-en tino and tise Weist. One exceuri ta i t ake dîiorent kinda cf lie-cahoelinhracter- Ciree mitiçni dollars is saici Cc ha place oit Juine i liaisbossu psstposoed izis asa foilowsa: invelved inthie puraisase ufthtie iand pending tise s-oeidrrsiiof et Mn iTise faistesy or tairy taie lie; ite and tise erection of tise building. C' J. I)ohs,-ty. suisbtsa netbldaaing'urious or hoastissg lie; tise de- _________ Cise Couansigîs tisofarts. tesîsive lie;Cishesrote lie! tisaswhite GREAT GOL» RU'SH. ..- 4.-- or perniis-ibie lie; tise Society le; - NEWV PIESIDEN\T 01 G.T.i. tise busini-ns lie;I isc profeassosal Prespeeito lis Mails Dissetîse ris-i - lie.; tise art lie; the aduistrtive le. Northa of Masaey. E. J. Chambserin Suceesstho Laie -Tiso fantasy or fairy taie lie," A deêpach rom11ýrethBaýsay: C.ItL Has. aid Protoosor Ruben, "ia Clit dnter oth ronhi s in . C.1iliiiy. Nsaisiestisa aey ycsng chld invnta foiiewing diacoveries J gi andsi dsp o Lonlon set--a: It frioso is or baer own imagination. un is rsgis s-Ii e S a t - insasyasncuseed tiare flThisbas prnctically o, moral quai copiner i heron ie f*Se acis trWay hat 1hMo JIsa cpiv Chaoni lenin very yossng elilsren. aey bttinon ah po rancth erlin, aire-presiient ansi genaral 'Tise nain-glorioni ce hoantiuse Of tise ('P.R., Pisasp'vusir remaner fet li-Granid Trank Pari-, 'eIsebood ls that hy annela tise celsd nanied Tenedair. Popetrsae i ailwvot, hlas heen appointed 4,rnntanstiy rxaggeretestissitaie tiokia li er-' isu brs c tsepre-uiis-o of tise Grand Trunk Raill or ho han donc. seene ot thi lat-t excitenielit, env utfCansde, te sisccel ('hsall.Tise defesaive lio amossg cliii aviiels estails a ioiisele drive susrti if -. Rais. was isued ta tise TitansicIdi-en s laindisred l'y fear. sf Ment-v ts ihu-t-y Lake, hea L-a itCr. Mc. Cisamblerlis lies aiso "Tise eroir lie 'a hat as iiris s esc': us sui- s,./~ ifar/ue isle us-s eected a maiir ofthtie GrasndCill'y one wa vi s s sea 5' a-a tise n d'seTrstik iboard et direel-era. vie Mr.i tuer frons puis îtls5 0555 rlîiI-;IEs~SOIIiIID. Ha-a. _____ * itstssnwiiislie liii- suos i,)mmitted. _____ '-IVT VIS. i Tis ie îsle s i'iui>toId hy One I"tii itis lm t 5 1 lsoShoas < v e ' oncnisuustss -uisreiigisist 's tiotiuitiliil0dtil. /sui l odals Were .tstsrélesl t'un', 5ICisOiousd i i ii iding tils" A et,ý- ititc risesLondon ad- aig Aui-, . triitsisi.' s , lfý"tsi u t cs-ilst Ti- k4r- 's',s si ofs/. he icauwo iî uitssrusîls : - Tliie tsC lssulemeet nsi/ f tisir is-ilis-, ;r.'-cc Cr biss 1a o aas 0pe r ioliA edo'sate l ftrocs1,,,nss,)usisaa: bl!,t isssl o se 5in;5c15 etei r.I l'y tiehe lnd JQuersnSmittise: AS tireliteiiiit;usustslFlans-r Suas 'Tii'- 1e i., s- a Cl iussiit- gruusissel ,t îielsea I1-ial o-saon Tlistr's.eiy CusiadgaiisuAstoralin tfrin's aint sîssîsu ,ui I.-ui- sssi 'Nedrs-slis ii-i-si5wis in a tenu acwre ns ardeci hlueis'rlsin-s iiticýti utisa e l.irýf.1sss tl nltsisIss i-5s55'ilii/f1: are. st-ît i t llIesI:tssm et large oss/<I ossîlFia otise s/lsurîu.s.l cis-sui1 u'- - aitisP 5s/-. . usfriinisst-lui-bst rusietion "sifCiissiirTtîc Es - rtlfs-r iy uisgli isu ls-i iat- r. clu-sa iig % 55g si -hisine grossis feste'pre-so-d ge-es satis-ltuis i/siit ire a s i 'ls- ssesos ' orcitids î/iei %a utJ et a milîlisn iadmirable arransgemnents ict tis exTihissa i s iesi, lsutln c st pissle dollars. hiits. ias turissos hokus. t-la f ss»Y ana- ----farjuand -J a tlýt spafid nw aleitsy lOCHG ONJ\ EGGLE. SAtLE 0F 1IUDiSON BAY i ND atu Asai i-plndu el "Om er gise.Gartie "Tise monst imgeioas and ona cf "Oni bea ouîitsd OerT Mlios'tise moat commone est&II îles la tise "Bv o s-la bout Mand" Worth l)tmp"ed or 5. modern adalterative lier,-Uhichs ce- "5Ne. Wisat las i . asked Mandas A despatei f rom Edmonton sits in maaking oleomargarine for bosoni friand. witis g/ece MSs, sava - Preperty Cc tise tot*l batter, cotteneeed cil for olive cil, "Bisa tock Prieiss engagement- value cf $2,560,65t0 had haro soUini ced toC for vine a.nd weod aicoisel ring bacC te tis e iuel/rs tol'o tise portion ut tise udonceIrsy ce- for wiiskey." 'ealsad. Oh, posur sil- serve receutit- tiscuavs on1tise mer- "Well, tbt'snoi/smo -" sneitri-d Cet up to 3 ,'clock 'Wedneesay at- tise other. "Iaas-a sdus tisa." t ternoun. Ln Etlmuten atone tisa. A license radactian ceampaige iill niYest bat tise juassee retuse c saisie cf tise lots sold is 81,800,86. a bea sts.rted in Londone, Ont. givo it bacC Cu bar. R-' sia/deg e- Itotai et 486 lats havisg hem tis-1. Naever eagge-rate t-usr fassltsu gie uada't paid fust it :" pondofuto cdite. yonr friends viii At tend tu Chat. 0O FIVE CAPITAL CASES. fk-

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