Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 1 Aug 1912, p. 5

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soue paero ailul, fonce on'aiuday nighl t - nli posa8ceaI coniii Crete ti. gariden~p -- mawn an~d baut A variety o graceful *Vases, al il ver;,orgiaàss 8itver flOUnted. - A 'ljid"silver Bon-Bon. Asolid silvex Fruit Spooný dr Pie Knife. A tbeautiful Fern Pot ý.A.-handsome:Cake Plate.' Ail h;sjicl engraved, -ký,Our Stock ovetfiows thft $5,00 (ehve lots foÏ lesesand Sfor mOre. AIso ani ~c tensive, une :.0 Cut JJ.el- Optician hItby - Oatrio Local Happerai Ri. L.' &rdin Party in Town August bIh. Jetff-ly B Oso!tIi Kingston we. !th Me town, areisporling lieW 4no. Park, .Rend, Teuans 'wasted for uaiway - construc- tion. Long job. Cook's Camp? two miles ýw to hy. lieiîrve Auguat - Stl for the R. -C. <Crd4i iParty~. Goot! progranu of Sipoi-. -andti i-alteniiance. Auy old kini-of a Bill'is a- gôooi -rédwhîn 'oxg eediea- watch. Soi- Buts8ett'a va*.cl fora '1 Bffl. Mr. -Dan ]MeKeazie,' o! H1aliburteni, sent. A box cf- biauutiful trout to some M! his; fiieni in'Whitby tis w eek. A tu'11l ias o!ladIs'whitp -Nubuck pm umil boots .£1 POl'm sho. store.I No - steuin p! Pic weerul1' uiane o iies 'in nepairing at B~ . Webster Las oiti bis huck- business 'te Walter Nicholson, :ering, who took possession lait For. Nev Perfectfxa 011 Stoyos at io.we&¶ prisn, go la -Geo. M. RcU.. j GARDE N PARTY. - h 'Iix ladies o! St. Jôhinon (R.C) îparty in te Park on Thurs'day, Aug- IItm Wtin odter-apa ac; Tho ýdental' office -of Dr. E. ,W. Binsou viIl! bu cioseti froua Axgut il1 1, -whihi br. Sibson in on a vacation;.- Friday îvuning. Auguat- 1, f<M y!rtlx grirden party,- te' b - 44 o thv hpautiful lnwn e! -F. W. -"lie )ri?,, li4s for the Oshava Fair' ltre mmoli >t, xînd a copy mny b. pf:q_ elit*--d,, by nny one desiingifrmIh - StI.Ildxtry, Mu.r1. N. Sinclair, Osb-1 -ftwa. Thp1i761urg Band! Excursion, t-o To- 1-ilio aoInd Niagnra Falla, advouhtised t-o he lield on Wednesday, Auùuat 7,- - hfln',poRtpoxjd idliiFrit!ay, Aulg- ilmt, 9. - - LaRt nev. -Perfora -Saturday, Mima O live 'laugliter cf iMu.,anti Mi lbh, wns unitet! li mar'ai gn emp, o! Oshawa. te bpk plnoe in ia= B.Tigb., fô-rnaly4 fx lug t-hoe -ione,. ?f* gineas motive powOr, Presses.  haln h.p. »110, r li opération on the. lypeettg W. have lb. bout eleola. Si unsemod one çafoi da A Ries. Nias Wharton g o f Ilargarit Ectoni ELé,<> of. ru citations allite gàwdee>~t urday on Mr. Bareaysav. To purcaes" Iom -.ofinot hle, olvss or olght roomsm Bt.ed w4h for m o t tla~. rivs.1 te ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t- zes.AO, Iy1 P. Mo R0fer OvicT 0'day_ ý4m-o Tickets .good going oail lu' ai prd, 4th, and OUi Augu-. God ~return tilt Âuguet Gt1h, icui aietatio-n n--- a C Saingr toandi ail, r<uired' 'ich. at your lolinï. at.Stophenaon'@,, Whi -by. Se..his other advt. ,in Ibis. éape r Iatranizo 'the gardo n P'ryoM îBarday'slawn op Sntr&y eloc nas and reeaicroan with-oiher lgo> R3t aimeltal Band ini allen ýna Iecreasa extra, ît GooV nminle aI th. gardon partir oe Saturday'. Mr. W.,ÇC, Ruttan, Pl pu -C Àrtixur.Blightl Eq wi 'Mu. 1kinson v iffiý -PauiedbY Mu..--Oeo. Whi tel iw t: 1 mûouth- ougan, and Mu. Reade!iom w il convulse the audience ýby.lais renrm of COMie selectio ni. 'Ouinýojo lb attractios t6%IL.gardon vWili b. musical 'solecetion.3,,by 1fr. an( lira. Richrdso, o! Toronto. After an ilness from vhooinl eough Of over 4 Month4r dura ion Ivan, the 3 month's, Old child of i IMa andi lira.'D. S.Craýdorth, sn atway on Monday last.. The h ùioua loch- p lace on Th)ursqday te Ulcàr Cemetery.. Pcv. Dr."Mraham con pet id the- serviée. Thxe pai bearer re 4 little- bôys, Masters Lorne Ravn, John Sa;wdon nd John- and Ge'rg Robertson.- THE TABERNACLE. Sundsy, Augulst 4tli. S. S. at 9.45, a.m. Quarterly- service -at Il a.li.-Su$jeet -Going te tea With Joins" Ther- Love' Feast and * FeUilwëip Evenig -servce -7 e',cloc l-ubject "«Christ*'16son"-- Tihé Trustee Board viii nmte t the nov pareonagýeta 7p.m in .7 ovin- ing, Augut -2nd, andai 8p.a.hlîu will be a joint meeting utO th.,Quarter-, ]y Board and!-the, Tuusteè Board,. Dr. FL. Warren vau calot- yoatéuq,a aflernoon ,la attend, Ilie - JOW ish chiltiron vIe Lad bien slujhll7 injxiret by ,keig llirown eut oe!-abuggy. 'Th. buggy was let standingin-u.-nevr yard, near 'the miah tn~ h. .Lfld-ý rea gel in. Theh orso startpd nd turnedth te buggy arounti, u lii andt!hrowing il. occupants nt ME. ma. TYNER INJUlIR. Boy. Mu: 'Tynei, reor e ot îe Ang- lican dhurcIes o! PoteryaiCo- umbus, v as hoe.Victim oet.aserion accident 'lait veel. Sona. my ruy omudodslb.-uirumntaneq o! tLe- ,ciieunt>-but îi, appeau. lfiat u.Tyer vas- walking dûn îLeraillvatra#k, near Port Ferry,:anti was innk bja- train. A vory. md calp veonn a~ fracture of-thLe akul is saitd t- el injur-i7 suatained. At laat report lr TynQer8 condition vas saidt! ô b. é n - METHODIST S. S. PIONIO. Tii. SuadaY cdboqiol .the Nethot!iui Taberniacle boldIt lsannuel"piinio Heytienom Park o onaa f lerneon last. The- latte wras vi.7y rougÉ, WMhh-prevenW e ' b.enjoyin,_nt of -boýtingbut- garpo andi rmoe helti, anda _vouy plealsant- aiternoëms vas ýspnI. About ,Ivo linndr&l <4*ý-I hendoti, oonveyanee-'gefng -provido d im: batnt vaggoeus anid, -utomobiles. Fôkl- lowing 1.-a lst o! priz. vlnnera 'iii th*i racsp , $prizes 'in 'alI blxn9given .Bep' 16:anti inderp, 220 yards --G, Wbil4ld, W." Ehfisc>n, A.7Wilson. %BoyO. 12àanctone,100 yards- A. .wilsoni . hldeCaul, GMBrantoen7 1mP..wi- O- Ï&. omàw.s SM ..sa..dý oral oventa j4 as fGUIewp: .:wa,, u!ng ck oraae ll7, an d r-hl borne, l~iAlnr ctaea ô.siguation, 5QP'ý imple no' T4rf. i d u d e r. . » a e l - -' ad H a Ü É T o w n a o n T u ed a jý a n d g o ai y h é w i l b n o e ig h th B i ý à ' I- i d a a p o s i t i o n - a r v e l e r f o l i J 5 B i O a h e d a r e s w t h e " < 12 -nl nter-Pred; -JulSir f. C., ad o m e jd Ii nii h w I.~and it uéte a lp h B a e m a n . - M fgsl a t wC k -b a b o n a g o o th e l o g a Girls, 12 adnndr Llaj Ro- u 01e FlitI n1 aeoed isix avil b.dibadeofad341,A ai li> ~ ~ ~ ~ - Athee H w-y.All., wbre h. vi radelx filr Gira, 15 aid uner1uouece [>az- Mu a d us. J.E. Diaoy wse sAi L ad uar o h-anidcup. Ti. PJ@u andh companies esint Ihu . TOi son, ~~139d LilirRi had. r te ow himan vi ng M n ay o f ai a y, ( n i o -i J tea G i l , v r 5 P i s i e S a e y o t e o a i i u s i i o rs a o h e1r La o t4y' Wisn.Bane, h vssudnl a, aùlh.iae Maoin k , 4h. mo i o s a n d- il u tta- F o n W . . R u - w iî h a p n li s i . Eg e o a n0 4nt u s a s i e o f i c t hel i àO .M . Do n rncipal o! iib rci . re Gal'. e nua t) , t w i n ty con »en T he104 b.i Grs , Bo at Jepï5 nd n d boe blw ni Seol, vl Ius o- W . Ii. woa s 1 0it! a ou - A i W ils o n, T m'.7 w o l ? o y , i v a îi g a I 1 . oou iM . g a y,î e M l a n dl o b u s - o u *a x i s u Breai um , en » Ra , W s S nth. us.h o W e@ la uecoverin and Mat. ajo yr ogB i ea, iLijx R uIlanutt fro m l t W th ap p em i iou s o er li taBik.eno ce sa . e o t n _ Standng Pend nmp,15 atand- ie itu tiiàa ti'i o i ni. th.ro -E. an , W. o wn.epicià êý,.20im)I éýwl .o H i, na m ladR a daul ,M ajoranck:u"doelong ai I n t , a PuHo bie sareun lae aU On ber 34phar ilo f au go ou it y,~sne ns O e M s s L o a n , 'o m g e S o lu t i s vI sI t i g b i v e y o h e n i . ,i Oi. a t pw r e td s i u t . . Si e G r a Bri -- nHo'. ina i res o n p a i re . on ngl m y o . o e act verdi cf'ab h. M u o . uaa sedS n d y l s f u a f e h l e s g o ,G e n a l , ut h t l h î I e n . I o a eutWId -Peur3,. -w n s th U Bat-W«ings iu' rig l aound ouranize gd o Bu Wrn.- aMeriou mpadaa buaninmads-a tnp W.. nlaeidod-ulistnh FROPRflS FOR ALI Dlivee >~-i Pelobo o-xps aei. h eu sli Moeent or- in . 'CS~intre's tabe oo' a n' ed iBn Sthe WITY E.ro o è,:Cto o u Mu. ant Mu.. ak r a e v siîng s- n a dend reandn' hi t~. M aoit r l o ng, as Ia m ooin Misa ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ R A.PqOe i iitn ib Ti anjl 7 m 4w o î êir CO'uli f empartm Divison tl- - ý? Iin iii Morea fI fl ora , B t we arotusoith paRlo 'er v a d h 5 7 eu v u n a 9 7 ipive-, been oWidt.ngta ofroeus. 1 f . H r x o d e , o T n v n d . u s e o t hm t e g h çn U l m - a san ~ a c I n . Mr.tW-0.ovdrsed ' e li, foug PmàyDte ho, hex iat lseo! D Rurta Al espfe, o entreton, ds s ypp' I-i ntiP'àood..svei OO u5 or nod- ab lrt Procr ln fmlyl5 ,n hA s sa lu ,~~~ lrnfe eo.snt iat othe y-oahltji Ic~- htie owdeu , t- aovny MIts. ?o li, rayon, is - Wo're-ge*tin'aho u our EX) N H RE P R , WUT Y L'paronta. Mu. anti ~~~~ ,~ ~ ~ Since se r ot er beau m re bue iulei l ori i s lai ji li4nW.Lnu, Of Lndaay, ýha. 1fr.. Hall anddaughter, 'of ýToroto, en visiin et 1Mr. Alex. Whitelaw's. MuY. W. Cooper, of Oshawa, f omkrly ciW iy was in town on SUnday. Miss Ogden, of Oshnkwa,,opme Sun- day with liersiuter, lira. Fercy D@*Wy. Mir. Wm"-Ayres has returned fromia holiday among the Thousand lslanda. lira. George -Store, and two obild- ren are visiting liher sIster, lira. Lou Mr. W. A. and Miess krn-.Menderson, aPent a week with friends in Good- tvood.' XMsaPrice, - "of Toro>nto, uqegit te week end -with lirs., T. W. Ros and 1fr.. Aimer' Worfolk, -or, Toronito, spent Sunday at the home of hii fath- or here. lira. J. W. Dunn lias returned home after n viit with iriends in' Prince Albert. 1Mr. Skinner and family will oeoupy the house recently vacated by lirs. Waram.1 Misé Nellie V. 'Stedman, of- Weoton, apent S8undayý at the home of Mre J. Mré.. ]E Jeffrey, of Orono, spent the -weçk -end with-Mr. and-Mus. M,, L. jennings.i Miss-Veda Lukue left.on Tuesday for a two 'v"k' hçlidey wiVli friends in Brantford. Messra. Arthiir Kean -and Vergues Ferguson are holidaying ini town witi. their parents. Mis Mary Gilpin.,' of Toronto, is visiting aI the home of lier umidi, Sherif Paxton. M 'saý Nellie Lyrnde, of Toronto, spent Sunday witli -Mr.1 and Mra., Ferry Johneton. ira.' Norman',Noiter, of Toronto, li - ben visiting.lier parents, Shariff and Mrs1 Paxton. ira. 'Smith and, daugliter, of!lli- buook' are' visiting aI îLe homiof Ers. W. a. Walter». TED Ma Baya she thinils he's goin' le pep. Andi]Pa unys, "elitl lime- nhe way he's using.uea t antig- la er a. cri M*j 1 doà't klnov vhat th.menb a But Ilion'. ene ibing 1 knowî The houai iM simPly-upuide .dovn inesimien gel lber beau 1 -June Li*ppincott'a. 5aic1h. boginning of 1h. season lthe iaying of the sanitary -severs Las beeýi going on quit. fait. Ovor 4,500 fée$ have no far bien dom. on Prince, Division, Agnes, Elgin, MeGuegor, AI. bert, Eldon and! Quîbec streite. AndI a stormn sewer lias hein bouit on Shai- cSe treel. Oving to the diffic-ulty o! gellingý vater tle cotaijalstueets in lown il-ý -lias beeadeterminid te ou houa. On Tuesda.y King street east, th îL aca-, dam roati, vas ouled, and! on Wednos- day allernoon Simece olueleut-h from Avenue streel, and Wednesda' aflernoon Si oatreet north o! Alexandra- vire Iriatedti h. same way. Good résulte in dust laying are ex. 'Pietdfrom îLhe-process. Miscelaineous AdvertS. WANME. Byeptebrlait, vomnte do gin- ora 'ouivok.SmaU famny, gooa vages. Apply Mus. A. A. Atinson, whitiby. LOST. 'At Heydenshoro Park, on Tuedya goltI looket ; ipiiaki W. C. R.oians Rçvard on roture la Gazete office. - Gôod team jpt v>rk houa is;*right eut o! bard work;-puice riglit. Muîï- grove,. cari Cook's Camp, 2 miles- West o! Whitby. Betveen1 Whitby aid Mu. Wm. Bow-- menus. rosidmnce - i -4th Concssion, black ler hand bage, contalning a I)a il, quaùtily o! m oney anti golI- Notice in hereby gSiveýi-t haàt a ou%. tiOst eopy o! thLe original plam, profile andi bokok f roence sbosdnï -the nW' jDABA' U> -A1 uoemt. and a DSIi, vorandi wl ta est ide on seuIland w-ei Ynnat aI. kitchen asen -eel Wi T. C . W H T J LD D. -WATSONMGAVI $5000 GrenSat eri8 O5 8 basin, finishet 'in h rtiood! ag ceilar, lannduy andi tubs, olêctuic lighit- ing, open lumbling, bot vater heati'g, corner lot, ide ýdrive, 'fine large -barn, beset-Co« dtion, .terns ar n o $ 3 8 0 0 B yh n S t , o d b ric k , d e - Clos«.etùid,.,'sn ba-'-- airbeýin arg Ftnf-.It, -ryn cn- $ 60ô Byron. St., ---pair -rm $3 houesmoyenrmoins, in goot! atate o! repair,_ gbot!ellars, nice simet! lots, 'goot i grtens, centaly le- cateti, veuyeàsy'ýterns, $3 00Dudas St., brick lieuse, IP3,0-O'argeroomsi, oellar full ied, Lot air ýheating, bath, closet 'anti bisn,- hre arelot, gooti gard4n, stable id'eut buildinguin goot! ropalir, fni orchïardi, tora. $16 6ooFrame ottage, sixmon lot, gooti garden, fruit, very central. -L en u, -framùe ue $1 75 7roo, frnace,. fie larg lot5 .gÏood gardon, out buildings,, fruit, large anti umal, central., $1350 rePaksuinner Ishoti vith'Goorgia auïd Whité- Fine, tvo largo "Veradabu, -Cioset-ant! wood- shedi, boutlocation; fine lot,-5o-ix 13o, $6 oByron St,-briclcad sut! i gardon, goot.i pir, ternis. - ,- - P - ULIGLOTS.- $50B'ron -tXacre lot, bu - building mte la towa,fruit anti beautiful ihade .fcee , geeti $154) Buock .St. ,-gooti, building lot,' double frontage, cbeap. Summet cottage at Heydnshere--pvk >fuishet! it!rdy fior occ upation, PEI .Wi.1 prudent Several ateai 0of have- te~ 114. thickl ring VMii deova vx )frmly n It i1 percentag ~ooru 3nior to other Goal. ity le the'. higeejt. saion stest î, Bri,ghit and Dry. ~Egg -Stove and, sut. t-eat iany moreithsn ot] 1atisfaetory and pomP ~ur are ailu ckiS. -Pow t - ee lin of oM plete.w fine and heavy goQd& cail solicited.., pleas-ire .to s h'ow goods. - Broc &rt,-ovgh WhbyOâtario -- FRITJARS1YY- h cherrëis and Baipberuiea no-w elaiming the attention cf -the bouBe-wifep* reliabie seal tight -F.ruit Jas are a d eeè8fty_ atèpshave beèen made te .-àubatitute a olamap pressure ru- Ohmta cxew for holding down- the glass cover but they ned out unsatiifactorY. -The improved Gem, whiüch fa made- hensd thicker glas than the ordinary, kint!, is the' boit sud iare a ful liainecfrthesç jars anti vesu abër i IeSs of th ordsupry-rina. rubbou Prig9about double mieo te làinyrig.Màerte F.pressre upen titis thick yielding wItnao r a air tiglit.Ateth fruit fiasu.cooled, the ring coulti be ~v t o tany dan ger tte th e fruit. T he I uel -vo lt l e at li heJ lily. .,.Ono-ouldtiun the-Jar apside do'n orig L Holti the'Jar. d attaqb an olght pouf d w igîî te .glasstopan' ti i v pîIdne t.p li >ect thesç jars and --thes. spoialaiu-tightî -igs. - expeivýé andi annoyigte can up-frait éauefully anti later -fid that a spai)ed b c-ueo! defective uealing-jars.-- B .PRINGLE& O~ W R--------------- 1- 1~ 1' lùw we kept hat'she wante& of~ simpl yn, but of and work,- J4n. r- I L 1 R-EAL ESTATE.'

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