Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 8 Aug 1912, p. 2

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rouble. 'The am ent i. rovedib like tee foll4'N ."JFor sease ,I---wa on trie v6rgpofo!& bre&.howî One dzy a frendywho vas linashe ber te try, Dr. Williams' Pink Pi!l Without very much .hop tht ti4 -Pille vcnld prove suoceuoful whej çtber mediclues had siled, w4 !iverthelessgot Ler *auiipply. -1 £,fw wookii vo ooulâ eeo a decde« <hange, and got six more boxe« 'By the tinie thosev-'ere uéed mothei va amotit well, "and sue Jc-ept or tLking tue Pilla for s.a - ab.rt tins Ip nger, sud waa oompletely ouved. lh. fa ..now 'abealfhy sud etrïon8 Woman Sid 'luneyer bothered vit] ber, temach in a ah y 4 hpi this' mti4émsutýwviiibring rel!ef to *therý auflerera." . Wby oxperimo»nt with- medklù 4A dcubtfýq1 value, viien yen have szhpsiive eVideuce 0f t e o -86 1 fel th, .ug 4h. use cf Drî..Wil. USIm '. P ýËk -'1Fi? 8cM bd y ai moedemi. delors- or by mail at 50 Oente a b x or-six- boie.for $2,50 * hem: Ti î Dr. Williams' XMedicine * Ce., .Bro4ville, Ont. JLr MOON THE CAUSE 0OP BAIN.- A nov insaince cf au-pposed cou- neoticoftise. moon vwitisrainfali -ehaima the support of highhy solon- aùffe uho>rity. Heay rainsare-t r - 851 to àccur in Sauts Afnias st lu. tervai. of j!uu'i e esan sd -tis p.niod ooJ4xides witis the lunar, cy- cle. c f maximum -uorth sud qoufh * declinstlcota. E. E. lil 1f i rector cf tisaNatal Observat*r>', findesau xplsustion f51 tise m.oau &ttrsctioný The -tiseor>' is tisai>s permaxient oloud -belt, iledrawu r -alongby tise mi suad thaf 9a tise Moon feari its iartiseat point norVis tise inuscf'clou-ciais made teimi- plnge on the nieuntains in Natal,, giieexfflsiva rainfali. Pee-vlsh, ýpahe, reeftleas, as ely> cildmeu -ove their condition to worms. Mothér Graves' Worm E?-' tormins-for will elieve tsei n sd When a- maiCiadovu and eut his frieud a s-téon uup gud- 5w&y.. Miniedda Linimeni. Guru lphtherîa. ý-A TRTTLY P'AMED ONE. Mm. Rigley-""he ese a ma-n .vitis a faineun ancestot." Mr. Rigby-"Thse-man vho de- ~creed thtisi>cses suld b evd vijti apple pie.1 APoveêrful )Medicine.-The ba ngpropertiý6 1 six essential ci] areconcnt,,at suinever>' botf le c D)r. Thoma-sý - Ecleef rie 01ý, formin oeeof tise moot beneficiai liniment <ver -ffered tof he use of ma-n Tisausauda ca-n testify a-n ta its peu -rii a tlllaying pain, andminu>'thou oande inoe caux certif>' tisa-ftise ow«e thèir heaîth -te if. Ifs Wonder fui Power is neot -expressd b>'It, NO HOLIDAYS. Puncher Pete--«What's your un, ele -coin', fie-me days, menu>'i", h on-H' lyiu' 'round vhex hoeir'ftadin' isosses an-c visc hoe'& fradin' liesses he's lyiu' jiua Crammlng dowu Il-chouen J664 ,and naaing baok bo work. loués straight te dys- ~p .r Habit muci a "i Arrny fxed hi tise. DI"JTii peasautry, huaâ Ojreuert te thse- asti. nJthée purpoS o IdlIN r ,6ndowed'witis a pmopety senav kn 4>us. te The &tory'muna tuai> -nl 102Co 1.mac MeCarthy>, the. lord- cf Csstý ,g Biatue', oeluded 'au armlust h' vitis Os-mev, tue Lord -rcsideut,.<ý 0 Çondition of surrendeAug, tiifori o ros, te tise Englisi gariisou;b1 vhenv :r isefulfimeni>. cfd-', spledges wa -dernanded, he inventé 6s sos mootis sud plausible,-eicus *for dola>', till Oamew bec>sie ,th. * laghing stock cf Eliza.b.tis's Mà 1isteri.. r'blarne>" became a byvord andwýaj > used te dencte a _off, inslnuahni aud d4ceýitful manner cf spooci." SIf luonid tisaI Queen - Elizabeti lerelf *as theo firef t tôuetis Tise refereùcôé authomitien thui describe -tbe sirtue -tisi> Icliva th4 kieslng c6f thé,ise toÃŽe Dr. Brè*vet's . Diefiô6nary -e: Phaeand , - pai," "W1 oeve -<e hsshall. i. e Wpeosuade te. auything. P- Wieelr's "Famuliar ýAllusioni" "The.power of, lmparting'to any u vho kioees it a fluent,,-pirsuasove sund 'net o-ver honseb longue"$:'ý Fermer sud Heni-ey'~lsùg Div. speech, or sêvder, grosflttr Dixon'a "Dictionar>' of Tdieenat Phrase": 'tTo, b. fuil of 'ai>m sud persuasiio language."#eltr Treucsh.M John 'o 's "Phrases! sud Naines": " 1Suave seehes u- ton-ced.oufly, ta gain tim. Lloyd'. "Eucyclopedic Diction- S&7 t": "mo~s onnls fa> fering Trias speech, des*gned ïte put fixe person or audience addreseed in' g8 humer, and thsug furtset au>' ù Cteriot obièct - vhich tuhe omater May isave lu view." , THE VIRTUES 0F THE STONE are immiotslzed lu Mlllken'm "Groves cf Bisrn,>," visicis cou- tains tuis verso added b>'- Father Prout of "Relies" famo: - Tiser, lsa's to-ne fisheY --That whçever kisses, 1 ho neyer misss ?o grcv eboquent. Dcn't hope to hinder hisu Or te bewilder hilu, Sure h's a pligrini From tise fia-ne>' Ston,. 'iifd 01 net2od cf v eiey yar Samuel Lôver ha.- also vtitten abeut tise Bia.rue> Stco., Tise -b.. ku-ovu verse lu: - 'r 0, Say', vonîci you fln-cthls Bm a8 "Bis-rue>"? sm Theore'«a s.castis nof fat frein Kil- Ou-tise top eofm#9vs-l - 1(But take eate you clon" fs-Il) -Theme's a, atone tisa>contalus al 9 tua is-muare>. iLike tise ulignet lt-s influence, sucis T Tia:attraction t giv'e a al it touchés; if youkbu it,,tue>' Say, Prom, thit bles4sed day, r«- s ,wkr-ýuýla wt The, exact poýitîon or fhe Stan. lu a-net-ler matter!of-C'onsicerable dWs 1 pute, a-nd tfie dwubt zIkinucix tee ré- munerafive te be diitWeed df. : Tise general npoition is tus-t th ie tone is tbh=iofxeci - irone te tiseparapet Pt tie largo squa-ro tev.er <vixicis uséd t e b. tue donjon -or keep of the icastie) mrne fooet frein thse-top. _ This, no doube, i. tise atouè,tlat Mr-. Cisurchhil kisued, sud lu order -o t dose ouIt 1. uéeosaamyi"telie on- - cr baek over tise -imueiviaaticn:"1 Othera mai ntiiu tisai> tua ila snet the. #toue ai> alJj but tsa-t, tiserigist Ubatne lé11 an a-tise greu. fa-r there lou0 eiecord'ée! umoact -avinli-draivnattntion .tei.-dan-i gr of promiscuouu escoaulation sgucb Bls-mney invit a, es- énriene omis- Duigtise 14b teveu yearu the YdlliUW- lpopulatiosn'of T<aw R'nSoth 1 - n Uttaewithn aaew .pouer. '~ ' T ei . Ru e i a n < u hi d ý3 0 ,y O i n specle "oin -board.- The Téaher'a Unîmnt ci el"c, 4ain' wevs aise ber ovner- whe ., sends c[man ded 150,000 for. alivng t i 36 Columbu valusble cargo, enid, afte r ome1 ~~ litigation in the, Russian.curte, h. ~~ was awarded 75,00. Under tii &award e4wh of the crew, -of whom i there ver, six, -teck 3,500 ef1 the *sum aliewed., This vas eue i tle Aupther big bau1 as ma&.b>-a; anail Spanisis tramnp. ýFhe riescitnd an Lný1Iîsh catle-siip. naed the -B akinig, whicbh isd on board <on 'tons f cable ires, an< beame dis- âbld lu n id-ocau .throgh the Smasbing of er steing-gear. The Spaniis tramp" teed the arking Iitc o S ehmptçn; the -c*ners cof tie La Mantaà subequonti>' sent lu s little bill fr $25,000 te the cvne- ers cf tise Bsrkring, wlsiol was paid. Eaeh cf thesecré-wrecelved $1500. - Scmnetirnes'tii. captain of a rescu- ing steamier goe o thie rescue of *a diésbléd iship te make a bargain with tise,,captain. cf the latter thata certain, sum nU -13.paid: hlmn-T-or Iis avner-in the W&y -cf salvage -money, and amuchb iggeraum--la semetiînes, &SecuTed lutus v;ay by. *;. resicuîng ship -tissu v ould beo avarded ber ovnu, offêi end erevlu-our. in o 'héothe. issx4 if an agreement of thi#or lun viiicb thîe captai» cf tii. disa.bled sip bas no, ciice -but to aocopt it May b. set asido if -the.matter- cames intocourt. This vat do ue s u e y as a e vison tue captain cf 'a , German steamer demasnded $20.000framtfie- captain cof an Enghinli steamer, uamed,, tii. Rle. which had grouuded ou s reef near Aden ' In tiie Red Ses. The Eagle bs"c be-eut on tise reef for three daysf, aud if vas certain that, if she remained there sather day, she vould be- Came- a total wreck. Sho vas carry- iug eilver speocie te, the.value ofP $500, viswicli fact, viien if bocaux. knovn to the captain cf the Gerinan É steamer, madle hlm deuxand the.119i eum of $20.000 for gettiug the 'l %.gle off tho. reef and toving her to Aden.. Litigation ensued ever tise motter subsequently, and the, Germn tramp vans warded ex.actly hxalf thse sum her captnin had.ferood the cap- tle rt- n_ M Germuan "Ambasao t Greg FPAMILY YWNT., L' K<ansas Mm uSaYs Ofe.1deE "Cf. h been ,used ilu ou] ÃŽ, famiiy cf eleven--father, mother fivýe sous sud leur 'daughistersIf -thr>years. i arntii. edeet ofth bos a hae aiwysbeen onsid. '.0f oerord thes e unt cf thi,&fam il>'. as d à eIooutiuued to drunk 1$ for year4 Ùtutil I1grev te be a man, azid thor 1 found I bail stoMach traubi e, nom. vous, headaches, poor circulation, vas unable te do a full daym vork, took Medicine for fuis, that, amc tise otiser tbing, vithout tih& les benefit. Iu fac>I oui>' veigised 11e vison I was 28. ";Then I chauged from coffee-to PoÊtum, being the. firsi> oue in Our fau4ly te do so. I nctioed, as did tise 'kit cf tise fanniiy, that I vas siir-ely gaiutug isttengts and, fleah. Sitiy after i vas vislting my cousin, viio sald, 'Ycu loakao mucs 'beiter-you'ro getting fat.' "At broalrfamthie vife .psssed me a cup'of coffee, as sise kuew I vas alvays suci a oofee drinke-r, but I said, 'lia, thank you.' 11'Wisat!P said My cousin, 'you quit coffée IWhat.de you drink?' " 'Postum,' I said, 'or vs-fer, and 1 arn veli.' Tlxey dld, not knovw what Pestuni vas, but Dx>' cousin bad sfomacis trouble aud oouid net sieep at, night f rom drinking ceffée tht.. times a day. He vas glad te les-rn about Pastvm but said he nover ,knev cofeée hurt auyone." (Tes le jut a injurions as coffee bee.auso if contains caffoine, the same drug found lu coffeo.) "Alter un-dersfauding my condi- tion snd boy I got veli ho knev vbat te do for himmelf. He discov ered Vha>t çoffee vas thsé cause-cf hlm trouble as he nover used tobacco or auytising ýelse cf the -kind. You 'should see tue change iu hum novw. W. -bath .be-iève f lxsfif persona vho suifer f ram coifee drinkiug *Would <top sud usé Postum tii.>' eould build back ta he.aifh and happi- ness. -aine ,given b>'Canadian Postum GCo., Windsor. Ont. "Tbere's a meàsse." Read tise l1ittle .bôok, "Thse Road te Well- Ever read the above lettert A nov one appeare trorn time to tinie. They ore genuIne,-true, and full et humais Interest. ORICIX 0F GLOVES. Trisced Bock t. tie Time, of Atùon In Anelent Egypt. The,,otigin of -giovei le traeed to thse fliÏie ef Amein of the tventy-flrst dyilasty by M. Darossy 4n A receut arkicle iu the. Egyptian Review. gitteus are auieug the~ dressa a-c- oefsamies fouud vith the mumunies, Mo p ries, tesse a tigfrS 'latpr * For a&n added tasty touoh te olunoheon, *Pienio,- -or, garden- 1p artyi6hig~a exiI the'se fine fiavoreid, -carefully- Paeked, ,delicjous "'KIIIQ OSCAXI»RINS Put Up [in Bani tary Pacwkae,, b ithOM' FrOWm Your ru TýadéIaupVIled by John- W. DâNGER TIi THÏE DS Nei> re 'you shave ca-t y oy -ogte.edge oôf tise razor. If appearu toe b.a perfteotly tags- ln;bt 100k s-t Il under sa micro- -<cape, sud'yau viii see that ut ils o-l>' rougis sud je ~ed'like s flue- toothed es-v. lit me arnsy 'a dish aooms ,te promeut ,a perfectl>' amaeti, unismoken surface&, Thxtougis a microscope, kovever, yeu vil-I ue tisa> If is mes-il>' rougis aud jagged 1ke &. fine-ioth.d sav. Iu tise saie vs-y s diseexus té prouen> a per- f-ecti>'- smcofthuubroken l-urface. Tismougis a microscope, iso*ever, you yulýses multitude of fln>' cracks, liffle holevs in tihe surface, snd minute fia-vs viere a bit >'as been c4ipped. Tisefis-vs are tise home sud incubator cf diésef gerins. A chippe c e ino, ouiY' Oue- hundredtis cf au inchissquare,« viii harberminu> hundreda of typlxaid baihi. Craýcks lu dishes et glasses tisa> s-te se large as to be visible fa tise uuassaisted eye' hanbor fhon- sanda cof ail kinds, cf germe. Orna- meutatian ounfixe hanches of cufler>' provides fixe sanie breerding greunde, sud this is visy it la btter1 le have oui>' perfectl>' plain kuives, h forks sud spQGns. Disesse ge>rme r live tht9ugli anytiig exoopt poi-& sons or 9long imxmersnion un boliing ' vafer. '1tI y are nai> mucis distur-il- ed b>' fre«ing. "Yen," sali tise determiued-iook- ing veman; "I mighf manage to hand yau s bite toe et if yon'W ;;sa-v sud chsop a gond pile of sfovo-,wood sud bring lu s feir buckets of va-fer sud chop tise veede ouf cf tise gar- den anclfix up fise fence'* "Lady,"1 repi&I Meancel.Ing Mike, "I'u cul>' a hungry wayfar- er. I ai't yer isnsbaud." for the twelve months ending May 3ist last, 317,460,537 lbs. of tea vere imported inte London-. Corus and varts disappear when treatèd with Holloway'es Corn Cure -POP WINTERS' WTT. Coi. Finecxt-"If 1 vore a-Il tise medala T wonu yen couldu't nee my shirt front." OF' Pop Wint;ârs-'<1hen, MIoneI, yen ougister puit thoini modale on tofcÈrsttie last fte' week:"t. tinV cf U ieEAget BADgreEt T f se, remember these fact&a-Zam- Buk lu b>' far tise most wvidel>' used balux lu Caiiada! >Wisy bas if be- came se popular? Becs-use if ies notes, cures akin cliseasses, anc <oas wh-iclcaimed for if. Why netlet it isesi your more?% Re.nembert thaf Zam-Buclus at tise lame tirnohealing, seetising, sad anfiseptie. Rille poison instanfi>', aud ail sarmful genms. -lf isa uit- able alike for recent injuries sud diseses, sud for chrenie sores, ul- cors, etc. - Test hoy cliffoment sud supc-niom Zam-Buk resu>' is. AU - dtuggisf, an-c atomes afstO5c, box. JUe s-lB'oZaxs-Buk Saap. Relievos snbutu an-c provents freckles. WV1en yen are effered auytsing' -c -c i M narda Lniment Cur es lt@mp@. SIMPLE HOME REMEDIE-S. etrange r ln Tovn-"'Say, vat's good te take for acoî<Iî" .Nativo-"'O, quinine and whis- key, or quinine and brandy, or qui- nine and ru-n, or*quinine and git-- a-nd. nay-yôu .want Wte hacareful abo>ut.tise quinine-it'e paverfulý Cucunibers snd -melons a-me "for- biciden fruit" fa ma-ny persons se canstîtufe< tisa-tfixe leaat indui- gence is folioved by attacka of cholera, -cyaeuItemy, griping, etc. Theso prseus are not avare-tisa> tise>' ca-n indnlg" to- their he&rf', content 'if) tise>'...ave on -banc! ýs- bot tie of Dr. J.-D. Keflog'sl Dysen- tory Cordial, s mdici -t v iii give. immediae.l w, u-ales ure cure oer al-smnrcmpans EVERYONE ', ns.TATE Xr Ir-Seudiosg ..ý...Whien IT vas lco èus" -vtii th iYoung Sou4ý-t'x .cldou'î -ses Fi Mihard*a Liniment <..Limlted. . entlemen,-In June 98, 1 had my hand Ïbàd wrist bitten anu badlly mangl.d by a viclous horse. I au ered grenuj for sev- erai days and the th cutw refuaed-to heal until your age t gave ie a* botie of MINARD'S LINI NT. whioli 1 began uslng. The effeot as magiecal; in five- hourii the pain had ceaaed and in two weeks the wound_@ h d, completoIy healed and my hand afid were as wel as ever. rotatruly, MI bi wl t>. .,AD B EN sCROHIN(Y The Canbali n1-'"Se. lier., 'lat wa th t disiiy u aeryedup to ne ab- lunch" Tii. <,e0k"stew lcycist, your Caunub al ng-<'X tasted, very. Co-WIli, hoe s sorohing rheu we a sgUi> flà your majes- ' MOUn Yeu !Evai s mai Sav MaurinuE liyo F¶.m.d> Beilod pot4oescou, * ITW do as ho ýPIem-s .powvert" *'X "M iii po an.iwored. 9"1' corne out hyar -The Mo-etdcl, cierge acourse table Pille vit! saut -consequel whiîe visol>'efl 4greesisie.- Ncý purgings folový Bande cof vomeî ;isem eau testifý fore, strongly rt - IMP TICAL. "Bhis lever>' 1 ber-Iluinser chari- t-les." sa-id oee. 'man. "Yens" ansvted thé,etiser,- «'iberal, but no; alwsys practical. alamm cloche te 1f rics te aid suifer- 10., -hiag O ur" atruot In COWs. fBI <ER. nter Itdat mewel - 'O 1" ask4 Uncle Epis- wer's aO rigisi," ha ýGu vaut ltr 00 9*PLVYKNOCKER ~n -mess ro dis noeeOfm ýO 9>vo."9 <marmd-os br De1icýfe Womeu. lro slte 'WoCan eau un- WM 01 IUI-.TOT >f Parme ee'a, Vege- out fear of uuples- Kla. U'. V Z a mes. Ths ir action,* RCuT mfvi~ lid and viei ps-iat - Pr...rv. - Beaufflf their usé,a hu UmlomiBoklssa on AppUcatioz visa ave useci -JAMES LANCIGMIII A *., Lmlted *Tise>' re, there- &87% tbauri TOlozi comme n4ete va- rlepae u position$ as fast au vS casü Dpepare tbéin. Ràll*ay Offflals m«dS»e ont Scoool. NOw la thxe Urne ta m ake sr. Tafgesenafor~P1I'itdié.Free'Bock- Xo. 18 çXplalns. Dmlî lut, Toronto. n aro. My-iSCEPRULAEU. wlo T BK lImNRUSEýPLANTS, 5î- NERTU(OU, LUMPS. -te. la ternaI ,. an.derternal. .oured -withont 9l*bôoW borne trentrnenj. -Writeu efort too late. Dr. Beliman modjl o, Limite4, Oollinogwood.' ont. 6 ! TON S ALE glUARATEED. Wf ou US5!. Wotke. 9 Espanadte; Toronto. C ABELADV-ANoECD pop»AppOVED) I' Paentable 'Inventions. Patenta pro. cured, bought, 901d and developeul. Write for freebooklet. The international Patent Syndicat., 8BU Bathurst St., Toroto. DVEING! "CLEANINO! brib rey b., untdyour work te the, eBIINAmMRCAN DINO llCG00, L4 or Lo aget laYonrtean, or "nddime. * Untral . Tornto. Otawa, ubec. «Ihe buyrsgyour PÃŽÃ"A tnritîon havzxig an TTO MGL C.E.rOY, -Mkér IEPà E.arie aer *Sesside Boat-deî' Yen cail tho honni Tiser. lsu't agiai be ha-c." Landlady-"ýWeI ns> late 'usband' serges-nf of marine The -Pih Tisa-t Wben, a-fter oeoh meal iseale opprese fulues nd pais-u- he suiferi f rou viii per-sia if Il b Patmelee's Vegeti ver>' bout nedÃŽiluen taken te bring mol a-mo spcily corn f if h yppî ax quâlifies lunfisia yoiicied for b>' leg candidate for aofice gette eut Westtc: cause; "Are yen -ý swivered th is uulr 8 'V.' - "T've béeu sul, the lamt ton yearm.' 'Marine View 7' seaofe the ses te you !sco, air. ee vas sa metireci ian-c 'e vas very t e' thaf vin- Brings Relief.- ts partaken cf as- db>' feehiugp of iln the atuinxacis, yspepoiaà vhicis n n ot closlt vitis. bie FuPise- are fixeî --t-ha-ti ca-n be ef. 'These pilla aunded ta deal ,d their. sterling i'tspecti, can be oe cf 'Usors. Qur hnabas â;a 'yy said a n.,ju fra- oer sister ,in.tise oing, tu support !ppose 50," .an-. omev hat v- w n- ipprtlng hlmi for , î m 4a~~uoof Watur prou Collai. - - mrm.jt. Anit to e, ie, WLy Tu£ AEUNGTON 00.a» ot1ur. Ail « Oamuk4 LdL st«orordirect S se- P A vEffuc o 2C 00W OOMFORT.. Io guaranteed te kemp Fies. oflur Catti~ - W2.00 PBER GALLOIN Dilut4 w1th 4 pallous Of VaLt. Write for a gallon nov S.- TEMACLARIE IMPERIAL CutatSE Co.. Lie., WOODSTOON. O«Tante, So@Mfra-The Sapbm anulacturlng c., TWO CRUF R 8-8.1 OLEVELAND 0. 00Tons) #rem New ' oit. log D > MAND ECURSIONS T E OFTIONAL'I1T Dihas w DuraUs 110 Day. Eacio - o0 6Oj R ** ~ .md L or - 6nH"saaUp.AiJçanc. canada )UJND, TO SUCCEEu., laUt-"Arei'f yeu tise-' bey l in hem. a vêek s-go 1", a-t-"'îYes, sir- sr-" hought so.And tîeIlyu thn that 1-vanted Mer Who 'w . Aurà MSUnY Ofthe fleldepracti eufroni the far nera' je for the Présent y lre,-Boissevaid i a he-re wa»no storm on iud the .àrlà Of Friday -est -coMsuplain flthose- prtage there veto tya no h~ al.AtMorristiie Fashlin Dresa ,is inost alIswii W# asdthre là, mci at3ae that not only ýeve evpry indiividual flgue ~edi Black and mrolêt dru er eptiçn an tepçnon wear lu az ahi a4je, and vo 'note it'p talretas an4 satin coÉtu wi$Iu-the bla.ck o-tii ori lorrinde a b Ous f Ir ,ch4rm>eupç and guipure veiled with rblair nllo fltting aoomp4ïznent. Te mauve foulard v ploited vith uccSs, asi niei oaticstume cf bla p crp e ibe.atm Acharmingm-nôel cf wltlï boit COnuhg in'_ l -made of exqlsite \lalcke Dcru embroidèry. This-. bandj form oèn either s coat fronts, wvhule ztiie ticn lsar'ranged-in vide 1 thxe pearl-shaped aleeves a littie va>' below the el THE SUmmER It May b., of heavyb and cf' any clr tesir sho6uld4be inèd lth ae or pale bine,i and laven. *lsh with à Éning cf the whichver co or le gu 'lining of the" se eful shbouldvo-ver the, buttons ton tii. coat front and tr lar -and- cuffs. - --Pogee la. also a stron-i for ,the. dres sy separat * vraP. Any cf the- seasoî are goodàma.de u l ts the iilng iMay, bb. c'f Bati liù coatrast, the uiateria l1 iining, serving-as facinýg f, lar and cuifs.. Throw tie of black satin ing-of iight blue, rose; -pa or ý lavender are designed dregsy evenîng, frocke.. The evening ý wrap of- h i-atili showu and vil b. Thwoman of limite - eould- flot b. -tempted b~ linen frSeks. Thoy are n~ -inveetment when gowns n vbe feu- Ini number -rB~oLute to lade, *J S.'hile -they posaess ail theil glory they caainot -b. t i nd va rited by oolored- cr &e1t, as the whit~e outfit Cà is the imperishable- be4t that. even the inexpen ~vé kncwn- as sailcloth , w>î bought fo r about 30 Cènt eau be -made to look aa the average ýcolored linen. 'venturlng Upon cotumes cloth aliould, hOwvs, t - uranos doubly sure, se matermIl has. been e ml fore.-it je madle up. * you have an black onyx ermba»d met vi wear it. ~1 again f asha A large,, baud'looko'smafll a black bracélet, "and ane r- Ierredhad Ottawa's Regular A despàteh Ircm Ott&. The Ottava, thoid epida tinues.th gpew. Au festasof water havte Bhêwfl noconta, for ton <lays or mcorç, thi -cases whieh àpparently W, in developing. 'Tho cit-y- are. full ànd an emergency. , L. jas ee~oened, lUt evez h 3ave oocurred to date. j is ncNw made that the -ity ~~0 "N«PuvES UOF ONTARIO TORONTO 1 l frèw IZO BOSS FOR Rim. ý st. Antoine, P. ià.

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