Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 8 Aug 1912, p. 7

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'i and n the ader. ' - dfthe zouici 1that and rate. o the bout have lit part enlir ;but Mins- - and tring 'pe fMy plain thae 5 ral: 1h, * scold oreor 'fdge iore-- d to'.> u nd- *i.ther -aide, -T1le eaeu The recnotaù- 'c for 1 dan 1 thoe ofZthelake,> about OpPosite b rou lt agint g 10Lo 37n .hop'jtacu~ qal.Màtthew eauu ait a sanitary.stae o h (.24). brouglit 'on 14s dine..., -drew -fi M.The ui(hioü-.Oih the helms- -the judge tii. renark tia th là #Môn, &seat 6 ention of the th finit cae of tii. ort thxtê <~U*Ièbi and otieriîve<> cind before thei- courts,.a ciates the 'careful tir oSeiMark8 London Ansvera. e. eaoe,, b. Omo -8j.Ér?»ê. Oopj up atiterVý ~uiuzled. . *ddes.esthe M e l a.tbough «speakinà'i toe an ui ',.Thé> Greek :voi'd carlnit b LnOt OBly the meaning that -the a BIirring ha s0a ahould "become quiet, but aise oued 'a -Chemit for 1.ooupensal; that ie hould. romaiù e<, for the'damages -done by ar sp A great'caI,-ýf.In -Contrant with ýhair-dye whieh tii hemi P«it .he great ventor, had guarantee<J îoi 40.~ Rave ye not yet faith 1-iiuis bis custorner's haiian endurl 4Uf!tiOn eeema to indi<,ate the pnin- browu.- What it .reallyý did 'was, iPali esson which the incidenâtis' turn liii haïr a curions bla inten4èd te teaci. -In view of al, tinge, with patchet of steeî-grg 'the precedÎng piiraQ]ea it vould Tii hemeè- fee e mem t*ia theaeinen, who"had been Proieby ,eupplyin i indignâ fntima&telY assoctated with Jesua, cstmr with any reoognjzednioa should have been conM&nt of. hie of dye -ho wish.ed- or the rosI of1 Pover and dispoeition, te careýfor Hfie.. But an action 'foiloved,.a heyet the incidient disclose. a -the> piebaldý traveler secured $4 w*cefùulIack Of faith.- The nstartled in d'a Ma gq . appeal tb Ihek leeeping Master -be- One 'of, the funniest cases eç @PeaJms the dist'rust wbich poossuedý broughtit a court of law W them when confronted 'with danger. outelyitt: hich tickled ail Ai 'The stilling.cf lhe stdnm 1i1 one tilia towards the end of iast, ce *moré incident added to the lngliaI ry AYoung -Sydney _businE Of miracles which were -denignd Wcrnan had rniied aaco r inspire the disciples with a constantCr è t 9 bohr. rai faith in Jeans as the rnaster of eVery cofée..'The brother foend the t uit~tin.feet Yexêtreey unweicorne, ai 41. Feared exceedingly-Àt Aîfirgt when ho realized who was respc on aemont cf'their aanger, later sibie for. bis. fading interest bcneo! the mysterious power strobng. ý drink, hie vas ungratel whiech Jesue exercised, enough to iii. bis' sister, .for dai - lven the wind and -the sea obey ages for cIlonsequent lia.. bim-Recorded:in al thre <-tbinat." .BUt an,.uneymphe tic Gospe, indicaîjng the rnarked 'jury'tc the. siiter's sidé. frpesinmade, that not eonîy oçy easao.Momphi, n vere disease-and dernopsubject to Bôutbern 81.1.., - ppointed a IM Jeas;s but the natural elements as as lbe chef, Iibrarian of' the <ci1 veli. library; The 'SundaY.,after ler al ~ .Graenes.-Luke 8. 26 gives POinrnnta 4e0in cergyman z Ibtis. rendering, while Matthew 8. fer,,ed te ber inone'zf hie,-prayoz" 98 eds Gadarenes. The.city 'Ger- wtha oe tuaI Blie mrniht'oblai sa, crX .K4r", frorn whichthet>roper sgbiiig grace to make lier 'worthy . couin - lbrae e Asdeniveci, vasl ierc-ffce, "'The. vell-rnnîg vin atuatd en teastern uaide of th@ vas niinterproted by the lady,,ai rlake, bout.midway frein north to' ai»1sverèdý by an acàtion, claimiz» souîh,ê and about a mile from the ftig thousaind doiIats? damagea., pqit&e- ls farroW and'.stieep, drop- oiaiM fodr thé. meamoàunit, tiins ping abrupty frein thb.ihigi _abe-a steamship onan o nmn !andte b. a,te .r'a-e e er oit after ber witbout ien rmi there àa another heap of ruine de- sien. Thei. pla;intif, a! Mehiga signt~d 'v he mrnenain. ~ belle, ornplainocj that ber Ran proper monn. Gadarenea,) on tie vas beîng ýbr6ught intodisrèpnt Other ban&cornes from Gactara, a The jury- gave lier "Ilf the mni Citysix'-niles sontbeast of thlb.lke 1she asked for. URer getting $2,50 and sonlh c -f the ' Hierernar or- Yr- i damages can eaz-ily b.e under mnuk gorge. Gadara vas fortifé-le tod vboe tl de h. n iu n 1cient limes and vas' one of tiiý dvertiments issued by th4 the Pt;-fecPal, cit"s cf Dec-.polis.copn' : 9Cmpare verse 20. Because cof its " ii, h aving been thor. iimportance it vall known More coughly oczubbed, paintid an~d ne vidiel.v'3outside of Paleatine blian fittod,- viii b6reifterpoke bel va. Gersa, and this fact may hiave forelyni at i.'ak ui led toa -Ii, substitut,,ncf Gad&- fralseaot. renes for Gerasenisbymrn a- A -casetht rouaed great' interega cient 4'p1 te. When vo rommneber I eklcrls svI sage ho w dteu lthemanuscripsA cfour 'dea' cf Sanusenebt, asanacio -Gospels wene coPied and recopied brought a good,,many yeanw aïegoby during the many cnuiepeeia surgeon it a Lôndon hoapital, 1h.ir*nie o.pcnriing, tiion- against a colle agne for litom c 1der i in hat more copvist's' errera ofanerAdso.darvst i tie kldd than aetually do occur ire aJi ae. h aint srg n.ýt fouàd i thgling undor chlorofom, vWasl being 2. ospls.held dowu. Juil en the lighls -inMak'&rawd kech9utThe pati ntfél f h Tomba-Cave. in the- limestone su'd the junior surgeon -leant over clffein the vicinity cf Gersa. ifter hini. The operator feît an ear A' man-Math"~. mentions -tva. 'inhi. hand, "nd thinking lie uight Luke, hovover, rmentions 1onlyoe e e nîhroprniy h Itisne improbable that thpre were »tient being so abnornialiy reat- bye -of. wvici.one va» the ie.frcer leua; made oea awift, neat sai. andnac t dai spokearnan. The operation vas suocessful, but Ïnclan sirit-Coanpare Leason the ear v as the wrong man'a 1 tText. d4i"Ieafer March 10 for note 4But the case' iad liardly been ~smou'ao vau cf course fi~uaie "PIE IODIO~j t aasthOugi he sa.ld. "I feel thon gh 1 vere posessed of aP VM N fheuandevili."PLAN" ,0- 10 Out of the counlry-Luke 8. '1 e&d. "into the abYss." The for the -Purthasecf ,em<m;'?feare.d being driven izto stoc6ks and bonda. en, iule the poesessed man ared he would be -driven £rorn hi. Tii.- Bookl-et. shovi tov ylumarnong lie lombs. yru cia ,create capitalý lK Ro gave them îeave - . thrbugth a 0mainoti ir 8. 22 records that Jeans gavo ýsa'Vinp. Zî suc .sh-low7 eecOrnmand, "Depart.9P Tiere. howv lies. &Wmiare n e intim ation , b v v r ia hc e a d l w t e ey ve. cemandof te ,th ii aevailalble for useatI any timo ifrequined. ILsgGhM nton ie-shrdlu dîn u- W tet%ý luttwo tho uaand._.Aa esti- Wie t netin lad by tie terror-stricien hie eprzeî 14 In 1he cily-Gernsa THE--MITOPOL!TAN t 1.In -bis fgt nmN.longer SII ITSAGNY a trolled bydernons. tTey wei"e. afëtid-Of tho y- on. ov'm vie vercamoe ' %.thé i.MTUA .»clnd, tito tkem iow it aurn ring, Btco ai* ey. 'ni- ant Lire hlm and' mer nk e!- md on- ini km- ,of ty e- lu nd4 - J ri t e.n n DO tg it r- tf im S Yd 0 < hi r ei yo foi ha Fa kinI I~ fiSE JOIE, Dora had read 'until ber ached, se she tessed ber- book 1h'. couvi, poired lieanouldel lpson tic grate, until they sent a utIle oheery blàze, leaued bad ber, big oaaopy chair and yawnel -"Tis--beashîy,-vesîher i. en« te 4amupeaï' he spirits o! - an mie agid "ZneO-and sô-coidA dâmnpoemuetnuit nWbefo6ré lbe.ý te4ietle' least ornfortabié. 0O ii 1 00111d go- ont. .That atu doctor von't lot ne bucige !romn house, untîh il olearg, sud it 1< as.if il neyer ýv4onld dean. Thsr hai drenoiued everytblnunl , iloyers and sabmub hock aei f ti vcul-d neyer naise thoir poor h« agaiu. "If Mande voud Only ce hoe1!Only 3,o'clock; mho yviii b. hem, until 0. doivesaRlvemy veito e iidep dent aud liv'. in a fiat vithY( deareal girl- frieud,; but it's rnig stnpid tebe lefb sien. ail day wv iran.If oul somnolbiug voi FiappeU 1 If morne one wonid 0c wsilI I eievea velcorne t supid old bachelor, Eiv'ood Etc wh iio i th le nexî fiat. Grm cohd tbuig thongh in1i. " Gooduema I There'. liheU! it's only soine- nice-bnt I iuppc ie gmohe Cery boy. Wyde aggeanmvr -i? Tiime, it again. - I shah '-have te 'anaver - Dors rau devu lie tîns, g) bo bave any .break lu lie déad menobuny o! lie day. tOpeuiug' lb. street deer, ah. w en!ronted by a hall, handaci trger, -isob'onzed face 'a 1nd bdplaiuiy a stery of ci oorle I'n.tlu tilrpics. '<odafterneon--er--can yc eli me if Mr. BEn is at home?"-' nquired aislie conrteonsly renov da hbat, wvii'.tie nain feu hanlit4 Ialh on hie snnbuned bnci A spirit !fniuocie!, o! adventuri ihzed Dora. #;No; my hnsband is Bot in, -6 ongh I expeel linmeon."o 8h. hesitated-aud se did th trager. Tien : "Istiiere- an iessage I «au give Mr. BEn," s] nid. "'Tiank: yen. I mearcely knem% ,on see, I bave juil roturued froi ouli Amrnei. I am- sure yo, ave hoard ycur busband speairc we-my nane.is Grant Luray. El >od sud I vere chuina in our col 1g. <Isys. Before -I sailsd frein R wrote uimte expecl ne Ibis veél ut he ovidently basnet reievem tY bIter, or ho wenld lave loi nu cf ine. I'onol seoen Elvea or ten yeans. Wel, I suppose « id better caîl back agaiu." BH nusod as he looked ah Dorashsand g lu tie dorvs&y. ý'tsa borrid aflernoon," Ob. '-od liaI yotung lady, vii'.ho ivun cyes daueed as lhey looke- -aigt into hie bine -<oie. 8hr oilated saimomnt, tien said, dP amely: . - 'Porhaps yen vould lfké te coni sund vait for Elvood. Re shoulc hom e seon." ? 'I siould be glad te; yen don" vo icw 'homrid ii luotide."y Sho led lie vyober 11111e ait tg-roon sdand=tedhlm to lak' Bchair she hmd jusl 'yacated. Shr d ddoue's d-aring îiing' and va, ghtened, but reiolved to'ca---ry it rongi sornehcv,. The-. mi- vs ieutly a , gentleman, sud any- pg ism'a relief *Wieoe 'a kely. 'I1'1 av!uIly g0M ofo o! yen le lai v ou m nie .Iis,,Mrs. Beuo,"' I- v v liad tii. oc forts of-a hene. Yery tactfuiiy '-Dora kcpt lie oenrý y8rAtion on' ralrad ,building andl bIs hiu afoireigâ land. Tiu lpýed by;tle Ive vere onjoxng iemslvesirnrensely, au eemýeo b krget-liaI lhey Lad net been PrôperIY introdnced. Tbe itl o onthbemantel chimed ifivo aidIDor -staa.zte ohon feet lu s parnc .How conld ai. expiain lie stranger'Prffeone teMande I 1 Mande vas 8e atraight.laeed. 8h. would ber oeed gneved at iDora'. behavior.' Seeing hr comfusion, the itrange 1r taroes,, heid <eut bis band, -saying : "My dear 'girl, I have lic thanir yen 1fora deligilful afternoon--ndi.. nov must go over to Elweod'a ap)artminets,. for I amn sure lie cx- "Wou mev 1" Yslammered Dora. > *"YeaaftenlI-had been in this charming-noom aë.litti. vwhile. I must hverung the vroag belf Sick -àthoant for ber foily, Dora aaired, "Wbat musI yen have. lionglit e! me?1 1 vas nid todo, sucli a lhing, -but I 'vas se ioneiy. I--ean yon ever-" But sic conid net continue bocause of tie lump in ber throat,. "g~y deain chld, Ivo heurs ago I envied El-wOed, ven I *thougit Yen belonàed ,te hu; I envl.ed hi 'as, 1 lad nôt: 1tionÜghtit i, yesibie to6 envy an>' man; sud nuv 1 piîy hum for- hvig -misd uch a vif, as yen; but I arn gla yen are not hi. vwife, tee."0 Dora bso4a e- ctoqed lie' dee*r oftly aft1er -hlm, and thon, vceAk frorntheexc4tem;ent, mie aak' ihte th, chair, ie 'lad occupicd. vas, âànet many- ionlis, later vien Grant ýLnray sisked Elwood Faî vas Dors. Princes.-Henry Of Battenberg, i a- ýPrinces, 'Chnistian of -Scbiesvig- H9, AUNTED BY Si. Holstein, the Duke and Ducheas o' Iut Wellington, Ithe Bai and Countesa' IThese Figures -Pursiie London Man o! Portsmnonh, tii, Marquis of ron Home and Abroadé Bath ad Lord Abrdare vre ho Harry W. Deovnshire in a letter aiong tic., vie> throgd te sun- cd-eleLne1<nl~)Tre lit cathiedmal, but the greatest o!f rdt te Lononys:lid ie n vmere lie five men teo moithle "Dniaga esayneee: Arcibisiop o! Canterbury paid tri- seventeen yearna in lie umetropole bTh nis sermon.oiid h ri !Oï have lived at aix different address- Thsemo goife1hban es in the West End o! London bear- of the archiect sd engineer who i- ing -the mumber 31. Five o! Iese ad panned the om, and tie addrèsses I approahed ithot diver vie bhad lived fr ir -hurs a auy preconoeived inteution cf doiug dayreugl six ong uytens in of iy se and oeeof 11cm by design. Fourdaiescrygonti.vir! ho o! my intimaI,' friende re aIdee underpinniug tie foundations liaI addresscs in tewn, oaci iionse-being ver, ainking m inote bcd e! peat. W.a No. 31. Five ollior frienda live in WTe .. n andt' lie cl-orfytheo« 'm residoncea in London exaetly oppo- 1eete Iîebodo i 'e M site ouses beaing te number ai Bihp Ryle and Déan Furneaux, O! "If my taxicai siould be bold np saved fer Engiand tie 'gloricus Ira-_ ~-by, cengested traffie my vehicle h*as iin !WnhetrCterl jtures without numiber stoppeci ex- "Il inigit-,have been by luis o acly opposite a, No. 31. Whikle in," said te Arbbisop, "la k, strolling around s West End square beaulifûl but rnelaucholy muin but 3d recently rny attention vas attracted for lie snpreemâ couraàge sud pro- idte onofo! hieï ouses by roason o! its fonnd skiiuio! tics, vie have dene )d original dcsign, and upen Sp- Ibis womk.. Iu pilci damkuessa a I* prchgilfroernSetion I sclid bed o! cencrete vas laid by a 1 *discovered il bore tlie uniber 31. single diver, 80 tint te-day the 'a S "Leaving the enclosure a&tithe cathedral mugit be said le stand, on9 London Aerodreme lasI $a.hurday amn-rnado--rock, and be firrner on1 te, valk aroud le grounda witb a is bas, tiail ever vas befor.. Tfriend vo vere suddenly attraeted "Wlien- lie -am of Wyirehamn rby Hanil'a remanrable exhibition aud De Lucy sud other vorthies are Il of fiyiug. I led the way b oeeoe mentioned," ho said, tieY viii - tie nunerons sligtly raised fot- have -te be coupled iti- lie usies J rails vihich border lie encloure, o! Ryle sd F1tmne'ax, o! Thoras .an vi n w st ppe ba k a ain on G raham Jackson, tie architect, of J ted he rn nd vo boli b served in en rancis Ccx, te engneer, aud o! A both re icnxu ber h 31. e itwilliam Robert Walker, lie vork- w "1 a.tended an eveung -fumenin g diver." a'sicdrt ime g at vîci over 3W If ee could have ceered ini le gu st v re pr se t nd Ih dse dim 'religious plate, the people L iuaerelu ecland thocivs vouid have cried theirbarnage te i No. 31. 1 may state tînt ual a sin- th diver. Re ai standing ters gIF oin. i bidn u i uuobhusively-a -bumiy, broad- sý friend vwho as itib nie ad vie houldeed'figure in a froc coas, d abc rnp nie me te H ou an rno ~ w it i a silk 1-ml inu is hand, bl i - ni thboe No. 31 occurrences, and is i g lk r a s h ob y v e h asonsimenî as as sinee sd Achbshop praised, him te le King profund as-rMy an. - i and Queen. "on Thursday cf he present THE DIVERS'SsTORY. week,iluthic cloair-roorn o! a certain West End bouse vhici v as crovd- Later ho vas presented te' hbeir ed tt e rpletien witi veddiug M4jesties viti the chera, sud lhe guests, the man servant tendered King taiked te hum. for a few Mni- me a dise -No. 31 in exchage for my cus. liat and stick and I refused il. I "I canldn't stop My bitisies," vas determined te atempt .tie beak 'Mr. Walker- said o me- aftervards.' lihe s peh a!- Ibis' irritating and,,le, looked moreuncomforha.ble,îu ghotly No. 31 vhicb purses me iss hi hal than in his diver's hel- everyvee sd upon ocasion." I nmet. nay conclude these experienecým by - "'Te King asked me lov many nentioning i at theentrance 1te my yesns I'd been ah work, sud I toi4- lb vilel I daily visit faces a No. hm. Ivè been vorking. six boum 31."~ -- a dy for sïï ye sn, sud soietim es il vwas soven day. a veoir. I ceuld- NÈeW GOVERXIIIENT BUILDING n't êy oy many hèoasns o! tons o f concrete -I liste laid urion lite Magi#cent Structure -fer, Exhibitg cathéedral., Nlow it'm al over, and - at Çanadlan NationaL Itiu ti h bs ruds'nn The new goverârncnt -buildingi e x lf, n Ieltati.vr the Cauadian Natio aàl Ehibition a vot w ti d in " 19 bing ashed tb .coüiplectiobn, nd iii b rady for the yer's Pair.- Il ' vifil cait #1oo, of vuch-i Do..- Tbere z. notiiing. purer tlinhou- IÀNwfo sA i AEm KI Gs T AL]K IT HI A Div EUi Win. Robent waIkeoe Worke six Uours a D ay -fer Six Yearm Laylag Coacreto. 7 If et.,Sv n.-i-celd oaly' look açîrç3_- lie centuries * - lIe bspac clou. caîhedral lII asiil ani in lb. early -day. of' histoôry hi veud hvesee aKing and Queei 4f Eughland seated on giided thmones ia lbh. 3vbite 'bcauty of tlb- navee givinngthànli. because Wiacbemteý CaîhdralIsa een sàaved by lie iugeninity Of ,Malif réintic disaslem aud. miin t hal'ýhr"eiiuocjt- seven yeans Npo, write. a Landau carres Hnevoulà hlave seon lie, Klng(, ne in llerobe.s ad crie tint muigi vwofe. iuWincester in- lie <Isys whea liey" carne thither te bi crovned, but ila lue dresi c!fined- 'ernit, a grey frcir coat, and ha- endor gloves sud a yul. 'carnation: la 'bis bultolnhlohe. SThe ýQucen mat by bhis siae in di coldreai o! soff malteniai, pal- terned vith i liewerm, sud a lat -viti Paile -Pink ostniol featioeaSol on berfi ar Frein ibeir limones o! royal bine lbey looked bn a Yvaslcougregatiofi.- Arcbbisiýiops, bushopie and dean.i vere- lier. and tie 'inliglil treaming Ibrougi lie Slained-glass vindovi penciId lhe -won'e dresse. vhhred sud bIne.- )rin Lt nup in e4," upid te rain 'the ilxey Bads net rour hty lien -Id nly biât o*n, npy mse la dliy M' u, bnft cannô as xsuexo espoe i s itia- a4 e 'c1k on Sunda3y mornng% te -ighI- " a sd * Ï n s ; In -P r i c e. - I n d e od . I a p pe r i t elii . m o '. - W i mq u - h o 5 e p i S u 5 t qo aeikijhî *ti h m ol usî-u d O-Yard and thon ent.ln- j_ e n omne of -l. pnlceoquotel aet-pna. to - -Rotae olc ' ul1s' M't viià apmmmar -as loy as sc.-of'm1901 t lm do no.W£pe d - - plIt as a dnck' bah.. te'àte. H - leot do muaooîai as-lootQS alderman, aud did woc4',wonk., o0lia aiffluent commuit. hni aaci asivsmnsbeÙ they arevas aunuced ho vW48euato m 1=c n exclitfug i and hm yleld lo smnsil. AUIpécule tlmouiht lt- oko.* But h. rau and ,B or vhlch lu .,quite tSmo. But tii. average vas »slTctéd. - ýThat was ln 189, vhen lio m when ho pute awar he mavingu ln-% vanQU.hed EB. B., Osier, nov 8ir Edmuni, 'bkkk'fm net golng ho - complainbeaume pîl. îtames atterward. ha va. electod. sud_ th e' la e n n Outii. Institution "1Int oeMayýor's chair te bocome Amems- wc4~ ho deposîts his mcsey, tbcugh,1 *Ood;. Ment Oommism;ener h hence t im trien n0lnoms. !f t Io exoltfnienough vhen fItrËàlvway. Reh'eu.H mar complain. hovever, tliaI-1Mn. Fleming lias hlad reverses; ho ln. n th4 rate lau toc loy, sud la that ho lbas vits them by fils ener" ansd bis daning, hi ovu reinedy lu hfes owu hauds-he can Re, vas caught, flnanclaliv ln the.land, b . odboom l the. uluetios and-oha n muffnéd ho buyi Inldustriel bonds ho tako. a deteat _astthe poils. But he-bas a zmhîlo-ýe ýce lnaameunt cf nlsk.. rarylag lun Pro. sopliicaî temporameut The ose ofetm po ion to lim oertaln or uucemt'aln char land' smash aro novw belng vived cut, ac o f te[-b ness. Bonidsc-f Co'mpan- tnlsslm usi eb uti ogu eul-jn~t#as -nocessanlSm cf lire; sucoluboruoo f ,0.» a yoar. ý.with an o0005" as th& 'bondscfthe.large, paoklnt.-co- n. l8000bnstr" l lut gare eneug ' -dtlie avorago man. 71!o -TEBASEBALL RPEpCTS. ne &y hlm for bi slgtly mnater rfsk sebné ps -cudrbybotter ra14t ieu theToronto Baseilub atruck of nterest. - if io- vants te -take s losser tfirn plac, in the Esternu Leagus thei m 6i » 4a iièmn se-llle dutilcroàkers saiS they had reach&hinIm ho ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~I du u tslaisee ulgi.mr Jndeed, before, 1h.e on olpoed beo cIle lum-lris1..ho eau uncluase tahe reen, money vers mad. hat the rLeafg -de sutures c Westeru lovus. vllch are vond- not Sfish one tlvc. tre.During 1.ýbr 401 gIltýe«o& ré1he loslug;streakasoZns tr h &iie l on h9sio% f ntina oareisalButwai directeS at manager "Jo." Ký elly. wf-antàa'-,£higlu oge.cf st , ~hsim e Sd motMmalatala dliilu. ans I de er nf moade "a-sud limat hime dd noply thiiInsaira-', Cit j bondé -bontus of-momlvaieqp me.ion n.eessarY tO- make hie tesm cf ail oPaille vould. in vnbspxvs.stars fet togetien. But lps 1may ted tii. If 4~i ii venu Ie barmuicipsase nut e n»el i tiDnrc i.mesn t mresent lime h- ouéidýas, sup-eoted Wh« eu t toam blses -at' jome after & a ?5stand A, m'cmvocS chance cf mak- vinning stï'eak en tii M~ad the. layens' I n amodest Profit lImonai -"an incresse xcuse le hhat lime Island grenaS,. here la" homarkèt valu o!ficieldings. asthoy not ouly' plsy, but Practîse suad lUts. I hovomer, h lueIa' sbecniatqrho oeauare Ssmp -anS mrIre Shem nheumat@lsm.-, b.siarep, And stand a tain' chance of Thon. lu's gmovlng feeling tha: ýprofisF ma lng A; profit If ho uses dîsonelion sud' oa bé- aceil I h.liI *svresu S Bot bny, on mangfin. AS tho present ben ae toc seniously by the . uevs- ti honghi I do, net -hhink chiaa vis, 'avonr, sud-thuouglh them,'bi 1h., nubW. à liii l tob,'Ka !thnaepi asl l-aiil rlwht., but atter ali ia hi n ']0- rett h" or,=- Cbielly a'commeil 'pr6oostIonbaseS di eÉor aIL ' -- ou buÉman 'ovtlmuiam.:And I lasralier'tee tif h. luinreslly Supera', su va te1 uiehte expect, every ioncf elgbt toans ns ea "ple"or:1cm. ail, 'l h s aîvays b. s en al' ner- en re . - n th tni fumarket Thon. hie A TAXPAYINGMONTEM. ceh& couare, about 1,000 tho1I«agaînit bis The lait wek cf jnlY la-luherestiuk to ns ng, anythln, batl.lier. o l* îava the Torcuto -taxpayen because ho is thon 9mm ue glad tO elfsiiome mlngr'-sIicks requfred, tâ -vay thé ftrt'it lstslint - or foÉ sal mcner.- If,'ho Weald - ratheir have the, ean'. ýtaxes. -Thei cher - <fustalmeuts lbe futur simares,-han him money hon.'. fait due ln-Beptember sud November ara. is hnc. . -Thoy dteu make nllieWaillspectimeli. A system 0-f peaitos>masure va insoles for boots thaS are tee ipr9pmpt paymntu, And fer tme-last fev bar .- It'a rairOpuî.hverr. 'diasbefono the fnal dateth. approac. os to thecCit1, TreeurM'a- -ont",. are - hronged vlth a steru and a nenthusi au- GE" ACQUAINTE- WITR TO)UR tic crcvd cf tbmiftty ratepayers. - NEIGULBORs. -Fînancelug ono-a becono a serf. villirun veil oven $9,0000, a aul- mach a" o are gnteel lu ippeanae s,,,beyoud the . nements fon the ondin. loj~n uirenmauner yon wvm ýbary actlvites of the govomansent for th. ve nSlunoneny bome 'LU'Four localitn. entine Provinceocf Ontari. om e, are vhe oua smo ivng samplea o ur en. tome cf the big items vhlch go te nus-k Peon ballet goods.iu, heoiiduieeaUîie, u usuanImpreosme total.. - sud ollabis mees«. Tii.satisfaction gît, laes Oeusra Debt charges......20156 cg teye,. hck vin$s' CtS .'.- .. 1308 clan, or l'lve, lacnes teusr tImdns raaion y, curts~- cEn r atr n yuml aemors licSchilos1,647,041 meLner fron ycnn avsare A ime thanvos High Scboolm........29141' drean of. besl4es a boul oetfrieuda. Technical Sceele.....9,1 Th l yuroporuntefor a pleaaàul, Bevarate Scimoolc.........8,10a prftbl n;Permanent business. AiL ospitala -125,00 dress, Th iiâ an,. Go., Dopt i.Mer. Board cf iHeailth.......22 m riii 9uflint. Toronbo. ont Isolation Homptil.....6756 g. ~~~Lav Departmnt.....- 3,5 RHE GOT HER ANSWER. Chharitable- Grants......49W L R~oadvaym ...........47,39 Th. mreare home wvia asscmvlihat a -Suov (3loanilug *... .- 55.. .664 bushý hu ld have' ne secrets Engineering Salariosc. .. 48,060 Street Cleaniug..... .... ..,3 ýfrom bis vif e, but lie husbaud vie Street. Watenug 619'13367 '&4op, thua viev of is marital obli- Maintenanceocf Stables 59.5e" - gati s ny ne hae tebecoo ~ Waterworks ...... . 408,M3 gisto BMaY ot opeto bcom a Firemen's Salaries."....314,700 Bnii Il cabine;t minister. Pire Rydrants (mater> 2 17,-%0 In hisa diary Lord -Broughtou Strict Ligbtinc .... 247.205- CityRai Maitennce 59,229 notes a passage belveen Lady Rol>' Arehltect'. Salaries. 42,5 sund ud.-Lord John Russell. -Lady . OfliciaI Salaries ...... - 150.056 Roland asked Lord John wiy Lord toai f i 900,0 xton. tres bas ti b. maiseS by direct txto.Tii valer. RIollanmd vas excluded fronu office. vonkaScdpantment. for exampln oide IfIyou must lcnow," ssid Lord ueanly *1,QW.OO.0revenue. Ti.stmeet-.raîf. John etwil wa oolvan. uderits agreement nov ren il is -because ne man y l Is almios' anotlier .51.000000 annualîy., AcI ir a-Cabinet vith a porion Liecuses-contrîbuteover *200,N00. The as- vioe vifs opens aIl is lettons." hibition May mielS a proSit cf *60,000 But- when alal the sources cf revenue hat. en exhausted there romains a ',substautial We aIl],-regrét niany Ihinga ve sun cf *6.286963 te be ralsed b, taxes. havet drneandonl a-fewW-eTbf. la taIseS oun an assgessneatcf *3u&. h a v e . I a s a d c l e O 5 9 8 ,1 4 5 . e d u c e d t e v a % t h el Ie n d î m d u a l - Pays Ibis méass&bat a nan viti pro. Aralell-«'Al te ..nicst mn Prty associeS aI *5.000 bas te Put-up é95.. Ara ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~5 =la"h h ics na vI vti lis local improvenuts ter e'n cbe - mnried."- Amomu-"I *iàevalk, pavements, etc.. brin' bis uo't suppose- tiey vere, alvgys taxes to e ons tiis ¶0.,~~ ueo Tîy jat eencaUglit anualîeb cimarges.. heciîy'a debI lhas lay .ud taned 1" nched -large proportions Th. -mran SdebI stands aI *43.000.00, reSuceS, bv cashm 81O00.and inmestm'nt o f *9.000.000ho a, net arucunt of *33.000,000 Offsettiu3g tbf. lu part lathe tact that thee proporlyovued bu' the city is vorth aI liait *20.000000 Nevonhless. il came as sonueting or- a mImock -tC mv ycîtizens ho icara that tie Myon nd le Cily Treauurer'baS taheS 'o1 eli 5,000,000 more bonds.-lu Eng. O ulatva Prferre 8$oo SMI1LE MHEN YOUC. M nS- odME'n.br u i tsn suÀo&mas #- à% Ào% a-

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