Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 15 Aug 1912, p. 1

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ugt ,was Orillia'a- U-xbridge hasa lady rel estate dealer,.WlàId to4> dvd sdlluçg Athi&basoa Landing Prp'perti, shehait- "nespopli ing p1rsonally inspccted'same. .-ti~tv l~t, à éstimate-d tiiat -the C. P.R. double-track- 1ilg oeraion n inluprogres bet#ee CagaryThe time a!id Vaâncouver will cost ovefility milli*ous o!syte o dollars. . thattim TCoOwla Jesaprmn C .Haeadbathli on R. ufr.nmes ýbpf the cto l e andhac reSigned, and nornùinâîioh f I thei -pinceS of froi was held on'Monday .*pool. Were - * * *its more é have yet tc Visitors comment -n the marked contrast be- better conti tween the sober Atherley of two or three years systern. W] ago, wheua liquor shop flourished there,, - underdedtos the protion of, the Licence CoymmissiouerT ortoo fardistg N ortit Ontri.-Orillia Paeket. fold. and enn W,, ad--ô ProfessionLal .Carde Mr, HE. Wi1oujlhby Laird, Once editor and pro- LEÂLprietor of the Coboug Seutinel-Star, efltimates _____________________hi$ Ioss in the Regia cyclone at *'125,000. In a . JNO. E; FAREWELL, K. <3. Bmristèr, County Crown Attorney and -C6unity Solicitor. Ofiie soutla wing Court Ilouse, Whitby. A. E. CHRISTIAN berriotsrî Solioter, Nota" Puablic. Etc. Ï. Office'first door west of the Post Office. Money W Loin. MAMES IIUJTLEDGE, Ba"rster,, Etc. Money to Loin on easy ternis. 'ô ffice immediately south'Royal Higel, Wliitby, Ont. 6. VOIINO SMITH9 L. L. Barrister, Ktc.r, Money toolaa. Issuet of arriage Lkcenses. iOffice-Sinith's Block,-Whithy, Ont. DE~NTAL W. ADÂNS, DeatisI,. Ofie, D1s- TurcB""on.0t.; W1tby. Phone AuCTIONBiRs - AUCTIONEER jas. Bishopr Oshawa, Licenbed Auc tioneer. Successor to L. Fairbanks F'or terni! and dates apply te self or ta G. Robb, Whfl'by. LlÇENSEI) AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR. Ail -kincis of sales prompily att-mded -o. Arrangements can be mnade for iales at the Gazette office Ternis reasonable. El11l ud lîdepeudent phones. *WI5ITBY, Owi. sis HOWELL JAMES Carpenter, Builer and Contractor. Plans drawn and estiinates furnlished. Repaira, Alteraions and Jobbing. OPpoulie -Stepbensonois Box 467 WIIITuY Phone 14ç Ouck, RIddaII & Taylor .Çarpenters, - Builders, Contractors and Cabinetinakers. 'Plans drawn and estimates given. Repairs to properties and furniture re- Sceive prompt attention. Ei 2 or cIo Geo. Davey, Whitby. Byron St. Ilarriage Lluensea. Initier of Mer-niage Lé *née Corner drugstore, Whitty No Wlluesseu rçquire.. Educatio n Pays- Look about you and see how trained braims win btter salaries than trainéd muscles.. 'e trai outil mou ud wwsuto use.their brains ibusiness. They succeed. Why not you ? Will you w.rite for a copy of our ne-w catalogue? It will inter- est y ou ifyo want to get ahead- FPaîlterm frtom iAug. 25th. Address Shaw'$ Sehools, Toronto, Ont. W. I H 11mwPres., Vont@eà corn",dSte. MONUJMEN TS ofiàD&algua.d latoulailekpt ln Stock I* Wil psy lyou to eaul sIou. works s*d-inhpet for-Fourmel. DOW'1 b.elel by agents. W. do st 847t eoyIasn oseetly we eau sud do shoôw thee pts .commisslonp 10 pet oMt, W"lcbyou vil ertalnly @av*, by purcbssb& roinus. A CalE .SollCIt d. - -0" an sd. Wok waY it serves, hlm right. If he had stuck jou.rahisui le neyer would have hacj one.ter o! that. amount tô, lose.-Orillia Packet. The Toledo Plade says "you néver sec a hobi skirt at a prayýer sietiug." The Toronto S1 adds, nror ilt1 4a aeui skirt either."' And the Bo manville Review says, itmght causqut much i atouissment to Seée thé editors- o! these piers at a prayer meeting as eâhier of the skirtE to ble. iar as pa-> -The IBoaverton Exprescj says: "small Qommun.ý tieS ike , Beaverton cannot afford to divide'nt politicaI camps in municipa afar. h r lia Paieket-adds "nor 1-rgpal affairse Thor Thse inteoduction of party politicaý into municipal go-Vemment is' almost invariably prejuïdicial to -public interest." * * e * * ~ Osawa has dceided - to enter upai 1o1o tiucmaigu ndt submit a by-Iaw to tihe ratepayers at tise January elections". East Whit,. by is expected to folI'ow suit. At a meeting seld in Whitby last apriug a MoCtion wasQ carried, to the efeet- that if Oshawa and East Whithy de- cided' on a campaigIn, Whitby should do so also. As yet we have heard o! no mnovo havlng been nigde here. Oshlawa's working consmittee in- cludes -the names o!f lumerous proineut citizens. In the Pcersdii 0T Pollfce Magi.strate Clark Ã"rillia has a most efficient ofioer. His ,entt-ees -have been so stiff' that lawbrea.king in that town lis: become decidedly uhpÇopular. The magistr-itctha,; no sympathy with' violaters o! the local -Dtion law. Offences are not condoned and light senten- ces, as in many pliceq, imposed-qpnteqees which in reality amount to only a licence fée. On tise contrary His Worship he inl the deterrent in- - fluence Of punishment, and there!ore he metes out Sterrt justiee.- Laet week he sent,-nced oue Lalone, who had been., drunk and fighting on the Istea mer Islay on the way !rom Barrie, to six mouths iu the Central Prison. To a pal who clsed profane languagEn a!ter tise trial, and was g,- immediately brought ÃŽnto court,. tho sentêee was one month in thse coumty~ gaol. r id jThse Port 'Hope Tim-es,ç says: "Another Port j LýJe 9ri ns uiu ea astray by a Cobourg mran Spruce continues to hold its -place as the most 4 an snw i le rv.She was seventeen important of. Canadian pulp woods. là 1911, years of age, ând he w as a moral leper who according to a receut bulletin of the Forestry should be, given a PPnitt«ntiarv, terni with a copi- Branch of the department of the Interior, over ous dose of the' cat-o'-YnÏne-tai,-; Such Iives as four fifths o! the wood consumed in the pulp hems will' be ruined as- long as parents perm-it industry W'as of this species. Balsam fir, hem- maiens o! tender .e1ars-to roam our streets- at lock and poplar together made UP twenty per wiIl, where they are the, prey of every beguiler. cent o! the total cousumption. The Provincle of Too many y9Uflg men are weoming !rom CobaugQebci stili at thé hèa !te rvnesi h to, Port Hlope, almaost. every night, for no good pulp industry, consumiug 58 per cent of the purpose, and the seoner some deeieive action is total pulpwood eut. -Ontario used in 1911 near- takeon the better. Girls are too prone to take up ly one third, and New Brunswick, Nova Seotia with straugers/' and Britishi Columbia 4together consumed ap- Mauy parents in Whtby seem slow to learn proximately one fl!teenth'of the total.' the lçsson that Young girls are not likely to be Balsani fir is coming more generally into use benefited,. but rather harmed, by being allowed as a pulp wood.- h has been found that up to to roam the streets at ail hours and in ail sorts !orty per cent of! this species can be used with of company. -Youth naturally cannot see the spruce to produce good paper. As a result bal- danger,- and just loves to be out and in coni- sn iri o ot 64 e do 9cns pany.- Parents, however, have sufficient sa iri ow wrh 64 prcrdo 9 et e per ýrcord more than inu 1910. Spruce is worth ience of life to be aware of its dangers and pif. *6.47, an increase of 42 cents per cord over 1910.1 falls. The mechanical process, from which the bulk of * * *- C ews paper stock is made, continues to be the The paid display advertising carried in the main source o! supply.with 60.4 per coent. of. the three Orilia -newspapers last week totalled 9,132 total Canadian product. The sulphite procees iuches, or an-avêrage. of 1,044 inches lu Pa&h pa- eonsumed nearly oue-third and the remainder,. Per. The advertisiang for each measured Up a.p- (pearly- eight per cent.) was manufactured by t~he proxixnately in this way :-Packpt, 1,024 iuches ; soda prooess., This last is the maithod by which New Leter 1.48 nchs;Times., 1,060 inches. ýkrafit paper, now co inig, largely into use;« is This was only .the display advertising, besides- a int.de. good niany locals and reading noties. The The manufacue fsw-tnill refuse into pl 0azette and- Chroujele Iast week, oni the hoe ~ eu uCnd uig the past year. It is print side; carrieni . only'*250 inches o! paid dis- estimated that eftemtra hhgoes to play advertisïng. It is easy to s ec that' Whitby waste lu the woods.' and mils of the Domîncn business people arM not strong believers in the were -made. into pulp the product would be gvreat- benefits Of "advertislug and that Orilitbusines er in amnount than' at present made froni the reg- people areý. Wib 5 uhs rla312l- lro It is becomi tary coudit4g contaminait evil Way and linuinary mo a plan-of a drainage OPE the corpora-, ado pted.ù that advani so alteredt 4y thse time, sent knowled es o fiew oýpay thse shot foi Lribute thse cost' - bitby is not yet m", and dollars for"'ei ýant fsture a truk riections--ruade to i iug increasiugiy su M Lons 'Muet go. ls cd air from open- cI -impair the pubhifi ove it miglit be wàre sewèrage systei, xerations both pdivi tion miglit be govt On -the other hand4 Mcrng .saniiary-,sQ the systeni o! sou- we are ready. tQ d9le and facilitieg. >i~-Wih -anq- .. ~VerIty-cus a ine lhe.Jniversi.ty Clee (ri i'ses~ tn-ienta-1h scia lteof the M iàelùde'dents. Rër &trtexpeien ce in ïechiý - as t eeCoulegte . chool 1 1 G irI, o }ikas re:tô tie QI? esaactin--of enior 5mitres8-of' the pujÈ is w o dIsonible for all that. pertained jtoi JpIlile:ý.,hé i'ay-tc Ilhes: lt thalt lth. As have ir tait ~Ifl Thse action o! thse Town C nmeeting in refusiný to grap quest of thse Assistant Provil diversion o! the route O!fisctl fInsane, meane-a lbs o! aibêui' u'r7 *4 thse corpox-ation. Thceileeve - 1 e, u o! Couneil wiso folloived V thouglit they -were- doiug sou4àt ' ,-thàt Qousmeasd:theni to fisreap"',-- r to thse urgent and reasonable request of theOn tario Goverument, and- thereby,, have entai1ýd a Ions o! about $200 (nov $125 as, estimated by Mayor Downey), for the Mayor bas reeeived a ite- quet from the Assistant Secretary to lay tise main west 'on Victoria street to the point agrepd upon. Mr. Armstrong (the Assist. Sec.) wheu addressing tise Council, told -theni that, in the event o! their refusal to grant his request he would ask that the agreenment to continue the ma¶u west be cýrried out. The Reeve probably considered that the gentleman was joking, and that when liefound the Couneil unwilling, ise would acxept the situ-ation and ther-eby save the -eown the-cost o!'the- 1601) ft. of, main. Evia.entiyr the Goverument is-.iot in the frame o! mind to be triflod with, and where thev encounter stub- bornness, can show the same spirit. Mr. Arm- strong expressed tise hope that_-the actîon o! the Council was nota sample of thse treatment tise Govermient might expert in thse !utùre, apd nany of our citizens wiIl voire tise sarne senti- ment. SpueLeada but BaIsam'Fir j: Muci Used for PuIp. tmg peopje.~ ~tu1n-ted on Il fttted Lv fthomle- I-t'fie,,- on' 8 *evarqbe - B --are given the, namesw of bhave 1 lassed ôon-at - a-t paperés recired» foroi- laâtioôn and 'l'ive'-obtined 7 n, T Tiéy haveé, thereforiý 11 $ it- more the~ ire Pa per..- granted' Parti al1 matriýulation 'under the regulation. In group D. are given the nameào -f those who have writteù upon pany number of matrjeulation papersi les than the eight required for partial ma- triculation, and Who have Obtajned 40 Per cent. on ench of the papers upon which thty- have written, but who have not, obtaincd partial matricula- tion, as in the case of those in groupe 1B. and C. ONTARIO. Group A-J. Bo -ddy,. S. Crawforth, G. J. Henrv, J.F-. Hooey, H. James, D. A. Jones, G. V. LongfieId, E. D. Lnw, M. W. Malyon.. M. V. MOCullOch, L. N. MeLean, N. A. Orchard, M.E. Sa-vage, H. Stainton, R. M. Strong. Grôup B--C. Dyknes, Hl. M. McCrim- monl, C. H. Iilton., V. Reid, M. W. Rowlànd, F. J. Wilson. Group C-H1. C. Arnott, C. B.. Bell, Il. F. 0-ivens, J, C. Johnson, C. E. Klemmer, M.' . Mitchell, C. M. Stal- ker, J. À. T 1a, . Turahuli. Group. D-HI.Hl. Boyd, W.H1. Gould, R. A. Hawkes, F. W. Hawkins, H. J. Hird, N. M. Tueker. ~ Direct froi No screen NUt $796( Secure yoi Prompt ar OnIy, i Ail coal w< Stock of C ~JeHe ORNER HARDWARE WIiJTBX: ['IL I i - - -I Tliruer's Cc - -f - .50 for Reg. -50e. ORNER HARDWARE i o ~~<~iM ]KI Tcustomer ii vaious parts 1' ~ ~ md tc sericesof dii, bank of ~ ~ ~~~~b * 1Ceu I sssace in coliec- igdrafts, etc. W HIT1BY BRANCH C. A. M Clelln,, anager. usées ah. t OWmaUTilI~rOOkJID (C. A. McClellan.5Ianuger~.~wcaetlo. Oye... Cuhawa (J. P . ana, Manage.). Pickerzag mmd l'awi oery. £ ýM Mnesto consumers', bins. îings or loss in handling.- Clas 'Anthracite Goal- A(JG ST DELIYI3RY ) S Ve'$7e40 Pea $Q.20 Il Delivered. ir coal 0oW at these prices. id careffil attention given to ail orders. Bsst G ados of 'Coal Hauidled. eighed t- market scales. mal on 1 and at office. DO- WHI WNEY&CO. 0Y OTRI a ~~%5 *hiIIf~ ~ ~LI~A F~I~ 8 eWhursday, i;Abohtei-pure and- ôf, the. finest qualitye ALLSPICE GINGER CLOVE&S MACE ~PEPPE-RS Etc -ý Mké.d-P.ickJing-Spic-ý Plekel and CatSýup bottie corks. BottingWax CGem Rings J.E. WILLIS Druïgglst and- 0Pticlan MEDICAL HALL ~rockSt. w WhItby. ,rl j s i i Lu ý 1 ..L 15 FI - * . 1 àk Ci TBX- . . ........

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