fà tact 1usd alm aen O7ina, pase« paas bu1lis s-rétied nigt o! benIlili da ocm Chiina, At cked Hlavail, f Sxicar ceagi, 'a nqeriba andtbe,) asti aven, lond" ich, vitcx- sive ere disceveréd. eml aimost roun La&ntiecoueat o! iag about tise or uitnents absoli a r i I. ~ees4? té avieri a a >ppar4and 'whei egue on the mainl- offcerb on- all thehirma 9! r I~l1 p<tshae a liveliood, »thei suddelW, % hu s, nôt withoutý . îy apparent raen.t& personasixmâgshoAls of _fish again becameregulà i rt& et jet h4 d ÃŽjgvisitors. These4,aat:ÃŽeW" eastý te exiMt, but as r. anchoy has been partiot4rly plE4. whicharo tii. ciief tiful. 'Iany a --Zuy'der Zee fisho Âgs. . War -on: the man hai mle bis livizÃ, for tfie lared, and medical whole year during the. anehevy sa& tin ou ~uat ii a sphich laitu £rom ui1 ~eighi that the rat shousId ~sT. n smuçh a 1JO iri than. thpt tihe ty- (#400o) worth have beeni known te be be anniihii&ted. Thse taken ln a single day. 7 plague-im'fected i'at Formne4y ie m ethod iorfcapturiûÈ rt~ ~ ~ ~ ~~1 mgtb fOh hao.acovy oonaisate'd- In td cissas. to à il-a ' 'Stching a normusnet witb ýt aà the rats haine teciganermu ~he ontient m amali nimeshes -between vo&at th otinti iu 10Tinet tQ#Chýd thse e xltn Qlce it got a foot-,To b et ose a nit~ more wind,.there Was 7the bettýr &TEST SCOUILGE pleased were -the fishermeii.- Thoy ouià téd tliat in thee U.lled on'foýr a.*hile and then wheii plague hbaskilled the, net was lifted il oontained thoÃœ- ý,Opeeple a.year. sands of silvery fishes. Later cýs aýit dést ' yd- ýionê. they- prelerred .týfiuh -wth statioi, - eP"lation ô!: the ary nets,4becaue mieah could pacWhin b oillbe caught lu. that way." Bach sherl- d the tenth cen- mans places Isewn naets lu e-tertaiù 3nysterioum resuonpatofÃŽeaera,,ýh! Ws ,dormant until pr !-hça ni~trah~ it cornes te secwhether 'hhey ba" go,*P weitra-been -filed "w'thtb; fish. ,Oertain!.Ãr mace n etr ~more,.fish are ,c"ight,,lun,.tMs way, lp 'the 1Oréfan b ut tiere is aise 0 .erisIkýf ahe&vy Egypt, and or4 ý_the 'Whole Medi- 1oss8in nets, wbhich are often damn- 1It inaded RUS- ageci because dl the busy trafflo lu g *eouud through the Zuyder Zee. Seo many boats 'are* .wc*her- detroyi ,ng sailing about there -Ébat -it îs 11 t had coine direct Possible for thein always te aveid bird -plague, army the nets, *whici are everyWhero 'unci locgment,,in Such anchovy nets costs as much as5 bated p art o! 'tise lO0flrini ($400 with ail their fit- p peared inSot ins scre, and thres-- The anchovy isa a emali.Ifiis, the. n itself from Noir- full grown!specimen- being onily- -f- erai plague cases teen centimetrea (5.9 inches). long. Thua tthe disease The back of tiifias is'bluish suýd. ci te wold,~he ~0*under parts are white',- glistea- >North Amersea k.ilei ly portfon cf four ing ieîlerin tisé sunsbins. iely free fs-cmit. WHAT THE PLAGUE IS. Modem science' lisdividedth ie digeabito t iree van elfes, lu the - Imubnie. forr tise trouble makes ite appearance is tise lympisatie glands of tise gfoin, vis&e.il causes aveul- ing aud reduess, producin-g a bubo. Wisee te diseusae remains lunlte -glands il la c;lied ,bubenle plague, ývlilèh la lby !artbe écommoesal fOrs, but. nthe Us1least cleadiy, bavleg a Mor- - aliIy-çefouhay5Q per,çeut. The nei-t oer i -Wete~ptîcaémic, a.ndis pro- duoed '*hwjtIe germa work.,éemi vay tbrongbih' blond toe evry part o! the body. Tise sortality -o! tise îs$icaemid 1plagne s, 9 1per cent. Tish s.it-fre o! al lai - tisé pneumonie, frein vh 'imisia-rdhy a-ny -.-'victinms recover., Ilvas -Ibis form Of ~the cissas. tisat devaatated Norths- ena hina lait" yean ,aed tise y be!ore., Somellunes ail tisroe forxns of tho.plagise ar'eseon'lulte same e pidemi . , tihe germ being identic5,h iùýaii case.. Tise pneumoeie fosrm - -ray hoe heckeci by carçfuily isolat- lùg tise patients, sincq il le cein- Mu4nicated. througis tiscr drisd spu- - hum, as ila tisecaèe vitis tubercnie- RESEJRVOIRS 0F PLAGE. Tisé, terri bieacous-giung viicis -Cühina received laÈt yeas - iaexkpli- able by.tise fa-et tisaI in tise-tas-bsk- Rugn, a large rodent about tise suce o! à bans, thâ, plagne ,exista in -- ,,Cirônie frs. Tise mediums cf cas- meunication belveen tise tarbagsn', - ô-o auy iufected rat ansd a'huma-n be- lng in ite fies. Ail ro-dent, are iw- feated vithh fle as, and-the li.hsast bas the plagne 1tise fleà g cars-y mii- ' lions o! -tisebéctéria witis them. Wbou a rat succumba to tise plague --- the geie- heave tise cold Boady and - seek a-noliser vwarm-bhooded crea- titre. 'If il bappens te b. man tise -di ease is dir-eîtly cornuunicated. z: a s-nIe, tise fies travels frein lte -tarbagan te 'lie counIs-y rat,- sud fronsîhe country-at te liese ubur- ---- ban,_and flnally te lise city rit, b.- lng equally mI home vîltistbfernail. Thus il approaches ilslisuman vie- t ite gsaduaily. *One. bite fs-cm an r-infeet-le ies asufficient t cern- municate tise piagus. - -CURES FORTHE DISEASE. -1h requis-eWsuaualiy f sos Ivo teo sven dapa fer tisegens te incuba-te i its isuman homt, aftc viici death'i. ikehy teo occur in f rom five te ten day-s. Fo tnsei sscitai scieuce hau providecl u vils a cu-a- t ive sérum;, sud vils' apreventivs. -TII. fermes- intise disc&.ry oi Yen- Uin a Frenchs scienlist. It la somie- elieg -like -a dip-hitiseris antitoxine and- i! taken early enongis, greatly inuptovea rtise'chancsfe secoves-y. Thé préven'tive- waa prepas-ed by HAMNn, tiseEnglis Lba-des-foie- glat..and oasiels o!flise dead germié of!fplaie- ýt lagiven in Ivo closes, 'in' teci bertah tise skie,-anci im- part$ ves-yjtigh -esistané te Iisth plague frsru i muisor . F t.sl te ho aai4, toc, tisaI in civilizecl cýnt-iestise disease is by ne means dj>adli asu eluevisere; but il -la ingferous endougis te cause tise Most ¶ ,"rtrse ,re- cton ebetaken nt the. pneaent ltime to preveet ils croîisg th isexasrovats-etciso!fa- tq~r epqyating Costa Rica fsostise OFFICIAL: TOBACCO TESTERS. Mien Who Barn Living- by Smoking - Ail Day. k u tise Fnens6hMinistry. o! Fin- -ance tises-e Ma aclam - o!f.officiai vies activlty la litle ku'own te tise enter venld., TheBse'men à re tise o«- ficlal itobacce "testera, 'ancltisey pa1saa 1udgnt ou- evsry kind o! t-ba-oco Tiey cousiet o! a oirman - sud' five assistauts, isud fro m mnorniug te. vulg tley hve uthiug to, do but azndke - cigars, cigarette sund.- -pipes, lu onclerto arrive' at-an esti- inate o! thse differejitkinds cs te bacco submitted to tisens. Il-iu not only tise producîs of hborne indnslry tisat. cen befiore tieze feor judgrnent, but b iarn' - iga- ees tbatear-s sold I'- leFrance bave ïaise - te m!ake thsrir appea te -tise d-ecision of tiseir palate, a;the pleasutest part cf teliy.a's ork cornes vien il fails e sh -lo' t têst the bigi prioed Ha Cgare sold by tise State. cion Tise officiais vite - edentais. uis. cifficult sud reapousible dnty are ex-inspectons of tobecco Manfac- tories, vite bave paqoed.*a certain number o!fyeare lu tise 8taieli ser- vice and have, gisen proof 01 hemr capabihily for Ibis peculiar kind o!, work. Ticin by'no mca-na ligit uljsly consisas in smoking fnorn 9 lu the ,ornieg te 5 in lise. evening, - Âad veny elter it i la1>y ne mes.- tise bout kinde o ftobacco vili visicit tisey bave to ceai.. Tise injuriÃŽons inflnenc! o! - hua tebacce debtucis, viiutproduces dryn eso!'tise mouluth âIbroat, an~d might eaaiiy 1usd te ni9etine poisoning, on- deavor te combat by drnking 9 . t quentitis c!bla-ck "coffise, iiici acta a-s an antidote te lise effectsof lise nicotine ffebibed. And, il is only- black offestisa-t reudens 'il possible fortem te dialingu4si Lel Iveen andi estimate ths vaine ý o! lie vas-fous kinds cf slrong tebacco.- Tise danger rue by lise.,aIia-nt officiais ca-n Lest be gsuged --by ne- memberng tise bigisly poièoeCue chas-racter. of nicotine, as býougbî eut- especiaily by tise oxperience o! a Crçatian ln tise -Crimean war, who, ou findipg a anake iunav11" knocked tise bevi off- ies ciiouis andipuge ie ec fiet . ils mentit, vitis. - tise resuit tisaI il 1.11 ceaclaI ihis feet, as sîif as a.pi 01e!iron. I ~ a. -- '-. LOG IUT AUROW,. - - Ege ot flPii-Tnist."o vfas-do eu.~ p" " Y m e " - ? g e 0 1 1 l e u f r o s K i lm r n - o c k t6 e b e r s t asesys '713i ' ycae-,el St :-"ïIl'lb.aot yiuie ronis - ý- I'mtisinkiug." -' ny tisousa-ecio! tise -va-g.- Tourslt-"'ýcur miseee a -biti popul#tion in Vise Uniited -longabonl-,ier," i forty-twe sea-ru ess..tisa-n Bd-"Aye, mfon,thbey'-re iag, - - . but heyre-ger ,>naorw sud ee - opemIug, s ununown i sue cOis- L6 -tituition. hýheO abinet to-day xules 'the couumtr'y, but 3it *baà é* no legal Sstatua. -It w"" uot-uý, sm m or'tweive years ao that %ls-te Word, , Coèwnet" apeýare d, Ce the notice paper or-other-oficial document. -e --A, Cabinet Minieter, takes ,tue damie oath tisaI evely Privy Coun- P* ciller takes, '-te. b. a- tr eancl failliful servant iint e 9KinË'ý Majeaty, as Cee- o!his Maleîty's 4> Privy.O'uneili "and t ' "keep -se- >cret,4ail maittera comxnitted, and re- 'vealeci tintey-ou or tutat shall be ytreated secrýetly lu CeunciL." The i enirebodyo! iiPrivy Council 15s * upsed, te ad iv iheSovereigu on kffaire o!f state'; but'te Lbe madle a ?rivy 'Ceuneîllor twà -d&y la ps-asti. ca ly an emptyhno.It lis re- -garded' -a-hiigli compliment but! if a Privy Cunciiori-xêam - B ber o!. Vis Cabinet --le hears ne- secrets and per!orma ne. officiai functions. k SECRET COMMI¶TEE. AIl theeoncýtive and ,oiiticai -tsÃŽnctiôons o! Prive Ceuûncillors ba4ve paesed iste thse banda o!those o! D t1hem i *o !erm tise Cabinet, whieh, à i really -a secret- consmittes o!Cithse « illectively ýru. tise coun$ry seno loýng as tisej remain,-ini office.' "Bt" sSdnaey -IQOW wrltes Il' an article l--its Londen- Daily -à i «ail, "act o! Pa.rîibament ever oouid« nOS bu a serteci or d.fended; -11,1 any ourt cf law. They are due teD description, 'accident and eue- -"Tecbnically tise-Cabinet as a Caà binet cari do nothing. It cannot ëýeenwrite a bIleter -or issue -a sigis- eUI order. It hbas not in'deed thse means ô! coing s,nofor it dos no keep a clerk -or *, typevriter, it bas x~o-ofic, ur bs itauy, meney. -wharewi te oýbny a sheet cf note- paper. The mostip<>werful'aid'uim- portant commillsee luthe woeldI-l -vithout a staff, a, secretar>', a sai, a: minute book or a fixed location. ,"Wben a Cabinet Coipucil *sitsiti baýs no-agendafi befo'reitt, neýor bas i# any record o! ýwhat: waa clone'à ait s laet meeting. « No one keepas the minutes, -and i V la till deemecl a littie oentt etiquette- for any Xfinister to take & note c! tise pro- iiýedirig% or incleed te write any- thlng aItiste meetings -at ail. -"Tu- facItishe Cabinet Council ie still treatsd as if il were nothinge more than a casual private consul- tation b-etween a !Mw o! tise Privvy Counciloers. It beara the traces of itÉ ancestry, for il was bore over - tise-dinner table. IN'QUEEN ANNEIS FIME. "It originatecUin lise reige cf Qusen Anune in -those fameus Satur- day dinnersaI twisich a select group of tise Privy' Conil assembled te discuas tise affaira :of tiheir parly without tise pres 'ence cf the. Qusen andi o! coileagues wbae p-resenc .e was net desired. Tise Cabinet bas always kept te tise tradition. It la -a- secret cornunttee o! goverumfent sud a secret committueecf tise domi-' nant party -in Pariameut, andi wisere the ee function begies andi the other ends no one can say. "Aill ts members are coilectiveiy respousible for th -e acta cf eue o!, them; but there are ne means of- kuowing what thê,decisions e! thse Cabinet are at any ruinýent tul IÃey are embodied iu action,- or-,how many .f the Ministers ray dissent. from the opinion o! the majorily, or,-hetsor indeeccitil s the majori-ty o(ra minority that realIly directs tise Policy." The recent Promotion c1 Sir Rn-, Cumulative Profarroad slook AIVES-HOLDEN, IVICREADY LUMITED {Oarr ying a Bonus of 40% G-ommon Stock). Prlçe and full particulars wiIl be giadly forwarded on request. CANAA SCURTIE COR9OATION LD Montroal 'Torontto, London, Eue. - - - ~k~Q- - n Il 1' 1 , eaehace; a" n cAMèr to ireiip- en Iîthe. bottzn,'Iand:eapecillt: id .make thé,.'naii hiJg sr ecUr, the walls of t1e, g9varesme tims ei~re~ iybrà aceï. the< pace indthe centre cot thew shoê le olten cover»d ove*e with Tawious ' inds o! :1isets te protect ýbe fr9g foiiurY. The atioely -Whiôhý has been adopted -by the oy ai tablée ý, k the ieeri>iati into whidhý stifF bristies have« been driven. Thisa ýs an &dditional pe entive gairUîsipping. When -the ground fi covered with snow a spe- cial icw plate is inserted in i ite'r It ilis Cu tom.ary to use special nails with long hea<1s in aahn the elhces te the hoof. When -the1 long-h-eaded nais are used, it la -.Possible to drive themn in and te ex- tract them without taking out 'the1] ropie. These 'nails, which arec driven *.be-tween *the outer uide of10 the groove andýthe tarred repe, aise Ibip to hold in the rope. The tar-reci rope wears d*wn - simultaneouslyb with the, rest:of- the Ehoe, and it is only oni rare 0 1casions-thâ4 the rope must be *ithdrawn and new insert-e M.: This ciienge ean be made with-ô out, renioving thé sime. The &ver-t a&ge life of a rope horseshoe i six te eight week&.ý The a dvan4*ges and dleà Avan- târges of the rPe shoes cati be sum- marized 'asfoow -danae-i They are li-gqit>:and comfortable for the Ii<reeý«;, they,.,help to prevent t silipyning;thy bek iconcussion anc daen the - sound i of the. hoop.-f Dis.acivantages-The driving of the a naîls requires more care. the blacek- r Smith must have in stock a, largerU quantlty cf shees of varous iehapeu c and., size.Great care has toe ,, taken in the preparation of rope v horsge siiocano6t teo'erheat the îiron 't nor to hammer it >ývhen toc cold b' etherwise' l willl crack on the an- t vil.I In addiîtion .te h plain". tarred reps ho,ârseshees tiiêrýe are shees in t which rope interwoven with wire' rn ',ti woed, rubber, copper, wirework . rush, etc., is used. These arem heavier, somewhat more expensive, and less practical than the plain ti repe.shoes, and tlherefore have not k become se well establluhed. t di KEEPING THE LIGHT. 'w ti A Brave Woma'n at Bird Rock tb ta To tise long rs-cio brave sud dc- veted seuls vise have clone tiseir duty lu circnrnstances se isard as te çall for real iseroism, tise nameýof Mrs.-PeIen Borqus, must be added. Que day, durng a stenm, ber bus- baud, tise keeper of lte Bird- Rock Ligiiouse ce tise Nova Scolie ceast, siipped aund feul inte- Vise ua, Iu spits ! on erf ranîic efforts te save him tisenfertenale man vus -dvned, Aflen ber final bural o! gris!, Ms-a. Borqjue, began tbo ralize ber terri- ble Situation. Bshe andi iem baby were alene iu th isestaof! tie ses; ase couid expect neoiselp fromtet usas-est bouse, fuily nine miles avay; lte ligitituse supply vessel ci-me te Bird Rock cely four limes a'year. But deeper tissu hon grief andi icuelineas vas tisemnseo!fs-e- aponsibility tsaI carne t e es; ne malter v-bel happeneti, tise ligist minst continue le bus-n. Day a-fIes- day site tended tbe [igist ansd soundec tise fog-isignal. gShe p'raýyedttitishe s-m.vault abatç and allow ber tesa-atoit a fev- nome-fta' rsa. But tise vînininy sovec tise fies-ces- anci lte og set- t1ed clown ieavir Visa-e ever. Il s-us tisévossIsterr n e ars. For Ove days.sud nigistaaise did net sieep a vink. There vas food in pleely, but Mrns. Bonque, bcd no tinte te ccii ilt. T'he bitter vfnd drove Ilisougi tise s-allsand cisilled issr oteïone. Niigist sud day, even vison asé cravieti up mb tiste toeu, ase îugged ber littie baby in ber arme. ['bers vas ne otse- ay le wisich to keep lte chilci vasrn. Fîuaily se became so exba-neted thaI sisu fe.aru& te isave tise lover il ai1lst site migitt nol be able te 'sture . Po- tva tiys se stayeti lies-c by lise liglit, alrnoet, in a' stu- por, only s-cusing nov a-ad- thon te ceci lise. ilgisIor seupd lise füg- mes-n. -On tise eleventis day, Ms-s. Bes-que- eav a shup ie tise dist4ece. Sob- bing viths-rehief sud jQy, site telleci bhe. ligistiouse, bell. But Visesii cept on ils course, and lte agouiz- Ing foar tisat the nmen ountise vesse 1 tigh ist, etbas-seizéd ber. Bute-, ionlng aill ber remiaining sti'eeg-ts ee tlied tise bel'l a;gain. Tison1 at iast, Sb.e ua-v -lii. hip put aboult.sud anse levard' the lIghtisouse, and nove tsa-t ase vasnde rteodl WilS s sois o! joy, ase sanis ex. iaustéd te tise fber. Il lu sa-id tisaI ;e goverrnent viilgive tise brave 'oan a ie!.pension. - - Il ti p bi ti k( in ki 'h 'Il w sais Grel<~ritiiinisas .5 batlle,- ahiaGomfy 3,Fra nce. 21, Sand ment. toq, la etn s-c~~i~ taklg. ATemlskamlfni 0sAYlÇ - Ontario', Bai1way 1 irlvatecr waÈ~ at tise disposai fof..rw-sud gfp eOrument ornOiais ai varion, points wer lnetructed te look after tise oomforto cf tise' party. Tise growinginteregijntiJeh iterland fl furtiser evldeeced by the Toronto Board et Tiradoe ,second- expédition mac -Il - le force., - YACHTING RAS FEW CONVERTS. -Witis international yachst races gti To- tonte aud at,-Cicago'e. t rot Week lin Augfusi seee-"tiseclimax le thse seauon's Interest Ileyacisýing. For Rme reason or otisur -ahig oanet incèrease le- Pe- pulanity hoît..'Tiser. 11u doubtl«so,-Muohi more monsy,- nvented:le plaasure boat» ln Toronto tisse ever Ibuer. but-tisati-ba- CanOseer-90li a wbie sme million. tire -takeà ,it'--lute bis hisd'te pend ise;-0 M0 on 'a, atearn yabt. -aend Mpenqlve motcr boata aisoare, ncraieg î, lnumbér. But in tise oîd«faiionud dingiys and cuise sailins craft Wisee ery man workà foi bis passage, ltise Jae-nt mucis- sd*f6licè Peslbly accldeeiu; baye isuld pepuiarltty le chseck. An amateur lens a &lbo&t in oembînatîce as. onue ver sues, snd'tisa ôwiccsnai fatalupsut tis ai apees awayo reBle lu l a loi of salborats buirsg put- on tise mariset,'iad »maks,. a lot cf etiser pee- pie decide te ýfind . sport nme otiserý way. despîte tise maey esaturs] advaniages 9f. rered by Toroi4o'sbay. 1.; ý , TORONTO 5PEREAD5 WE5TWA3D. There 'aru usan; peo-pie living ws u asumber whien it waa .quit. an U ÀpMllou ta visit tise Humber river, >iehisIlown -n- to Lake (Ontario Rome five mile.- w*est cf tise foot'et Yoneustreet. ,lInstise oid -dayi *excuralce' boate ras treertise'barber te tise -Humber+ sons. TisaS was 'long bu. foe tise ]Bà nisis thé a~ uasd~ s ashé*et - n-o tisfe iHumber buildings secentiy dustrorudJ4y iré seuld talk, iliey êouid, -telli» - c i nïygay g-igace.wien, the murýry-makeru- troz'p.tise ,thson distant ciby arrlvud lu lbrce.- No*we u onite Le Itsîn reasceabie distance, cftise time. wien - tise wise ralley e! tise Humsbur front lia mouti up to Lamnbton Kills. iwo miles,-norts,ýriLU be takes inte tise litrlimita.; and at thse Ramne time will cora nuetise intervenlet ternItory, wilci Includea tIse seitierneni et Swansea and Runnymu'de; - Mr. Rome Smith,. one cf tise monit ar-aeoing arnd un-ý irgotie of tise gounger cîtizena, lias. wlth the bac-kïi t oa a yedicate. bougisi us, nearly ai tise pnopunty, on -botis batiks et, the river. Thé isîgis greund. on tise batis will make attractive resldential sites, corn- eanding as h dou eya cw f tise beauti. fii Humber Valley panorama, and of thé lake. A -rear mgo he offered te pregent bue oitr vit tise bed oethtie river and tise low-lying ground beaide I. Ru aitacsed certain conditions -vicis tbu aie au- beorlues balkeii at,but now the urne seemu ripe ton Toroniean nexi big annez- stien scisere te o ai-bregis. - Whu h doem tisersar tisai tbu autisorcf tise Ide& will stand'a good chance otet ong iet the millions ire aldas. ' - Onu co(3Mr. Home Smlths conditions vasý that th isedy vouid conatruot and mas- taie aý drîvevay>up tise Humber Valley'. rhis wul1,cenneci wististe se-vail and boulevard. visicsnme day. la laeisopud, wili ducorsie thse city's vaiertront trom th Exhibition grounds veatvard. and reuid previdu onuetoftise longest and meut. picturesque ciy driveways, te bu fou nyvisere le ts. world. Nov. Acting Mayer Cisurcis bas lmProved nm tise plan wîististe suggestion tisat at th mentis cf tise Humber a. eew City park misould bu stablished. Tise site, h. iys, *isoeld bu au large au Quee'.Park, risicis conisins 37 acres. Tise location la moellent. and if tise entire projeci la -orked ont Toronte wll have reason te » prend.e TORONTO'S PARX BYSTEX. Tis In tise season wisun tise Ciygutu seo fuit bunelit et la. breaiising spaces, ueen'u Park, wilc la srebabiy tse bous rnove becausuetoflis acoessibilty and tise icatlef tiserue lrtise Pariarnt buld. iga. la by ne meana tise largeat park ln se clit'. Tisat distinction talla te Higis ?ark le the wst end vus las .3M5 acres, à 1l in tiseir state et Raturai heuty. bis vas tise magnîficeet gîftte Toronto ftise latu Mr. Hovard-wso luneS 6n hé property and visose quaint ela real- encs, with monument neer by, keeps rron hi. memeory. t le net altogetise. atlsfactory te know tisat descendantseto se cîtyso benefecto- are net far removed rom povertyrffor tise propos-ty, if put on he mtarket nov, vould yluld a stupen.. ona Oum. Higis Park le traverseS 1»'aa netverk d rosdways, anSdisas been spolieS for aur citinn In recenirs-b>' tise ad- >on et moter, cars, wvicismake tise vinS- ng pats a iiirnare te tise mothurseto spetueus cisildree. T-hue tisre la- Esibîtien Park, viti ts 34acres, anS ('unir. Island Park vush 18 acres. Rivurdele Park wits its de. doping Zoohem become tise meut Inter. tlng spot le tiseCity for ciidreu. It ýas 100 acres. Tisue sre are ituralîr izees etfarnaller park itreae. Alexander lrk on Batisurst street, with la sesven ,ores, vs ormurly tise residencuetof8ai 9,lmr-Gy ,sk. sd .2edel-1-1 .ul re- moaiut a a ever.taiing monroe of Inter- te tis-te roungrer genus-at.iQh seSte tise rwn upu too. , EverY atternoon -sud Sun- ly Rives-dale ile csowdéd vutsuad cisildren sud -thiseh'guar4lanu. - Titere are mre. .tisaeventy py 1 - iu4sBi laEgy'pt.- Penluapu neons& eýen praetiaed Il ho preachecl,'but tsi-fa-it 'a- naI argumÈent 'againèn~teaiig ia-ny a-ýma- -ho ie h lex-I rience ilu-unable t'> raie ie i5 cet asquare ma-.- '- 'je verts but llttio Il atone uu8 Umeuot -i could: algectindustri vers. t PnIP - sud fire conM ýýcouc~vi lest sin l lant- culi gfet ans ibrougisIts bankeru Set for i,tsocuti iszoftise people penieu > à iepend -fon ouni bréMfsstfoodu viîm. or uy ths laritY -for, more lb yeara. -- - stock, or, even aise Asbesto vs, iolc fore vup'a large 51ý tise saruisolders-1 te trust tise vioe dends as -ineme. trousted as capital etë slniking tunS to large enôukhin le- i I. large, t-wo "pér -cou ,eS Iu dividensdeab<ls 'frei a tet' ea en COUI& bu ispeni -and to e butréated .- aaeunted -te gfe substantiel deprec vou1d. ibrongis from tise aleklnig bisrn-a bouti1 visOnt er l] ÃÜýtise,- tord te taise aur ,n'tise case er m courbe. -he nul.. tise lireetftise ave OnuO- sisould. - tiere tan pur cent cf i stock -evury -rear., - paratlveiy -eav on caution If ise mie videS hifpaya j course, anyone w WC 1e t lié - Interested . Bu- I yern m uai bst tisose psyieg -diviS te reara viii exs >füIf-e-,mntIf ai tise end cf 1 til vorking rou god. ]If. &aI CET ÂCQA4N D WTH NEIG IBOR8. ana h arimthe- e m lu inusirial cent im béisinesa. Pat rxe emipes cf pu.4 > se4 -rtaM tiseli, ppe bn,, a feW men.- ou e autîicommor pruenered of nmofc uS. le a- prcarloue mmnd Amnnaigarnated courue, vent - usbu- king fg culd ave -n la won a vlno amouetcftise dlvi art cshoisiS alvapi be >relaveat .1as if grove w&v-lf1 tse 1holding> t. à fue ie eev 1 *bebvod. Thnoa fou, pérî10et cenVt, b 1. - i .-p ib mpany vas il k ng 'fendl vontS have nito e ;ëi;7Àa vus-y alon' lis-.'value and Lnvestlng ýtise lcome deS amount te tisa Invesirne n ua fev ue, visere'tisé suer le- acaeikp vi os-us viile lis ýtis ver. t lu ck, If onu cannai a!. Chaudes vits ene' nleg stockestublu lu. of it le figureS oui tisai ige minel lu ten rearu. r, put by ai casi tise mine lu a cern- and a - greater pre- le eider,, alvsys pro. leni dividende. 0f bsure -non-dividend 1g lu sn gambIen sud .1n ibis mort ofting. rmlning stocks bur niedo, sud figure tisat et tise uupply oet ore. n y ega,-tse miné elu re 90 muci te tise .hsu aut dove rou If yen -aru guVnt eolrteens ln youn wuteomned ln ever wien Fou are sisoc perler tohiui.,g»ods. anS netlabie need whcis ours "eds under ae blii4tior for yen tiseema s-r timate trieneip gv clan. or paster, sud ora fe, bus Ses a -Tis. ln yens- opo- profitable andpure dress. e T bis e tsBu s-I Building, 'ere Ioln appeanance arnd menân, Yen wi1 b. orneleh yens-locelir. ig ve.rnptes toer tu- isnaboidI. esaltlas, Is. Tisé sisfaction ive, places tisemus asPuct, eutemr, anS la. re theis-est, phisyuI yen I vi mke more ipare - Ime tisen yen bsout cf triendu. unlty tes- e pleasant suent business. Ad- pi>' Co., Dupt 20. Mot- o. Ont. TWO FAN( ýUS BANDS. Are Comlng froin Engiand for tise Canadia-n Natimal Exhibition. Tvo fa-moue Lbb vwiii maise tise m, lise Cana-dise Ibis yeun somuts tnembered. TI Baud fs-os Buck~ Ibi-cio! Ibis 'fa banda brougist the Exibilion na-te -on tihe- mal tise Bes O ' TI loves-s of baud r Bsitaie's L>est bu sucis musical aIls- befèee éen bro le..ontinent. isrti eýda friEngland ~iaiattracticenat i allouai Exisibition 1 m long te Le re- e Scots -Gusirds i gbam Palace, the ous -brigade o! pie, viii alter- baud stand wits Barn,'vics ail music recognize as aBs baud. Tvc cîftous isave nover )gît- tegether on whti sfor. _________ Savel MNowy WE have i9éued a Bock- let describiiig ise I~d Ilf!Cpeaso "PERTI PAY for liehé risse 1f stocks sud-: bdi. -. DICAL ENT This Beokl rô ye ca-n c proteclec.i a-ne avaail any ltime Write te Depanimen nd thows1'ho-v li. for use st ifrequired. -ý~At- tise point c deatli-LIuke re- à . cxds tiat us "was dying." - d4.rongvd lIým-Crcow4.edjçies about buni. - i, Thse narrative la interrlspted à aI -this pciný- --by the, incident 'Of the d healing 01 Ithis.;ivman Xîh an is- Sus o! hiocqrd, verses 5t34 AI k lhou h 4Jîfrs'a se ws rgnt, iJeaus teck lime tc boiser Vhs failli I. eo- th'Ii oman vise teuched his ngarmeht; H*ws-er, - tise interrup- tlion las tii. literaryP value cf sus- taiuiug sud ointenei!yiug tihe inter- est lin tie main-narrative. - à 5.-'Whi ho i. y-t spake-Te 7thse voma n vihotoucbed is garmeut. - Wby troublet thon ?-This may ii represent a subtie, effort on th, part of Jairus's -aristocratie friencis ite have inoihiug -furtier te do witi- tie,- Galiiaean peasant., Il is more t i eiy, Ilowever,- tiat tise question vwas tisereault 'o!ftieir belieî- that the cbild waspat reetoration and' fuLtber tsoicitadtionwould cuse .Tesus useess trouble. 3.Net heediug lis, word--Or,. -overiearing. Jeans overbeard what vaa not addresa'ed ' te him aud paid rie attention-,tc It.--- Fear net, oniy believe-An sehr- tation toesteady, uuwavering faitb in the fae co! the' aparsntly greatex dfffiouity. -Herei à asin xmany ,otiex places, falti !ï repreéeuted as tise condition upon whlicb'themral 1 a to Le effeted., Iu otier instanc- es, suis au the heaiing of the vo- ina-n .vwi an issue of bloo& (verset 25-34)t Vhs condition ô! lihbealing la personal faith. Inu thiâ instance itje substantiai faith. "The. child le diad, sô tiat mse ha, nçe po wer te believe,'but tise'fatfie r'a failli lus- cepted aisauffiçieut ground, - for re- ste6ration-of her -i!.ý 37. Peter, sud James, sud John -Jeans' s innesr circle" of friezsds vise vers vils -isim at.tise ,trans- figuration (Mark 9. 2) andcl in GelS- sema-ne (14. 33). OnlyVthe, tire, dis- ciples vere laken, tliI tise tricteut aecrecy migit be, maintained con- eerning Ibis. unuaalmiral. - 1 haci been the habit e! Jeasa on nunserousoccaions.,te enjein sec-. recy ;n regard te ismiracles, bis object being te avoiti as muci a-s Possible tise unWelcom" n6toriety vieli hey prodnced. YIet i. de- slred tsat soes.o! the. disciples sboul1 bave tise benefit o! snch a 38. 'Weeplng and waiing greatiy -Thte lamentation e! tired-imeure- ers, tie number aud commotiobs of whicis -acl incr eased >-.te meet tise requirements of tise !amily's social standing. 39. Net dcac, but sleepeti-sieep was a coremon, symbol of deati. The statement did net'in any îeuse ýde- tract from tise reaiity cf deatis. Jesus uttered illuntise -censcicus- -nes that ho voulci raise liecisild te life agaisi. 40. Laughed him 10 scoru-Thi conduct cf the hired mourers, vto knev the girl te he deade % * Put them nail forth-Except the five mentioneci. 41. Talitha cumi-The actuai Ara- ni-e ends 'wisich Jesus spoke, meaning , "Maiden, arise." Re- cordeci oniy by Mark. 42. Straightway-Tbe return te hife wa.s effecteci instantly. 43. No man sioulid know--Thse report o! sucis a miracle. vouici 80 incrè&se ths epouiaritf Jesu-,- -t,- + ca THAT SHINING SUN. Thougis tise'sue is oves- ineîy- Ive sud a quarter million miles fs-ou liis cas-lis o! Tuss, a stro-se- mers hvet ugh salot a-bout it, For ,instance, wvo-wevo!fisa-t il fa composQd. - Itjla deecs-ibed as a liquid i ass, vsich i-s er±veioped jby a luio. stsshere. - Oves- tii almosPhore varins u -motals -a-nd Otheirnjtà alBs Ivî ouI ense vpors. Ma-ny attempts baire been sadeleo ernpley 1h. vast héa-î.6f. lihe sun &s 1 mtve pwr -Asestly as1890 a ,cestain iFrechne, ýby Isa"eMou- cisot, condts-sxted a býoiler'- .vWhicb valer migisl bo digstilled by! tise aid -o! OCd Sol. Ehgisî 'yeans laIes- au aipparatue va-,e nia-de by visic -tise oondenà ed raya e!flii. sun imigit Le useci le - orlr v-loua machines-y It ývas, sve ,afaiture. - Ina .1880 Mr: Moucliet otÙaliy drove a-s !englue by the aà idýcf tis un's ratye .coilected b4a misrr, but tis e ot of. vonkhisusinvention -s l.tec tempts havse4Qà aU uIe fto{ue lis ~4eýbt a practloable-apparatus vil! Ë*-~re'ys- te lteh-bitter e nce ber that anythiý - 'à laly -hard on othere, "er l them. before th e 1retY, " said. Cecii ard I can't. thiLnk hc 1Yoisc-peoplea ]slY care abougtp ta-noe,'>said- Frithj thlousairds of these b rets by a lipgérg tboUrg11 People kno* èo'tcrs; -_but takt Wmithin hearinoFt 'that Perzon will won. humnan being can.-be.-s Ia ste Wear these> * "Suppose- t 8 t very slow te realze' dOn't actually seût." "eu-pie don't rea, sto6p pain tili it maakes 811Y unlcQirfoitable," "That sound& borril "Most thingsý corne fishness wËhen you tra SI ' ,gong to makr Baici Mrs. Boniface, lay -nctting,'1' and- you had fllerr FalIck isusroom - - often corne and- spcnd Ws," she added-w glaýnce.at the INorwegi U RyA d Cecil bot -sti .volce8 were flot at ai c n r n, b u t n e p spared on theirý traini StiçfIked the cornfort- way fin -which they su alter another, treating &S one of the family. "And P nw it à isYourI Ceuafter awhilé. where-is that Arnat-i là aent.you on approval. P4 "Oh, - do you pfay isai4 Mr. Boniface'; ."t-i You' Il frnd it inrMy stud -Cecil; stay,-heresthe,- - Frithiof protested tI - - utterly .ùut f- practiÃŽe, weeke sine he lied tçuc lin, 'which--ha& lbeen lef Norwaýy; but when heze -the Amati iie -O,>kn' it errded Wn hiê playini accornpanirnent fior -the evening. -- To Cecil the$oqurs_ se1 and Mrs. Boni;ace, aft-E imary round of- lidyingt-- -came -and stood hy e her bright ra&é-i'th x-M tcntrent. - "Prayer-time, d-arling, as the sonataecà meteô an Rince its Saturday ni~h b. late."? "Ten o'clock alreadv, claimcd; "I hiad ne iÃŽdea late ! What h'yrn will- father 2 "ýThe Evening Hy-mn, y Bonifce; and Frithiof a little what was goin g iobedieiitly teck the- pIn im, * San, with -some -as- Lhat oir white--capped vants had core into .thi room- and were .Sitting piano, a-d that M. 11W, turning oi-er t-lie---eavès -Bible. q 1 wi-H J ;ft up mine the hlIls frrein whence'-,,c hej'read Mr. Bonif ce he went-,on, the beautil with- its tender reassurin - <Oh,'-' he rép1ied,-' that -sort of -thing' lnk whll o yu areout, I will'gý' maine tr'anslation 1- have i "I eg your.-paron,"'- ooicring crimsoÉ,. cII hant er I should not haese -But .there was neït tlu "The seirvices . predm 9ýh," saici Cei, -smiliù if-reognize-d the. boyishness; ra ; "Isuppose every- houh a stage o1 eing bc -seite bhats Sundïy Whez J.ittle ; ho, used te have a -pain *hich care on quitè ly when we wvers staà rting t( so that le could 54aY at hý5 41 know yen uil aul tbu ubockrng-sminer, 10 stay - 1*- V S UFýON TAf TORONTO TOUR 1 that'i -1-