Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 15 Aug 1912, p. 3

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tbO bitter end, I prophe,&a oiled Oheet Off the, bI6ttinig-y.p Rloy.. "Yop'l nee. ou drew ,up the bid, ep-;g to jtj that anything 810 u -Just efàouih suxnsiii,, aWtho eu le ron c>therâ,' iýou rplu*r' airs, ýmanY People h i Wlhat a strange, girl' she l," " nbefoire they knew01, thie thought to lbimsel "ê' #aiik'and 4 iad ecil, "ib.t aftr-. Out-spoken as818 y, dyrt îwi;h abe.ný appeiytýéd--Vëtée- iP'~thinkIIý"- they Can" ail aort6-co 'Iittlé,'Uüév, 'totch4s maryDreo~naW~~~ ~., .<~. ~ ~ te~'tabout lher. S'id oudlez i c'c>DJ.' itr rI' abOUt pain .'vam thy"did taire tO QËO àbther eei-V.ithiof. - "Torti IBalholm Ln eýe i.. l-e i4jer'ons' and e..Then, iftItaW1t1t*&iédlléc*tn w 'e s ain o tei eand slis faWèr t >f~wilwodr o began to 'wo*'ogT ., fi-aubsulahrar Sivertsen's msnusoi t. ,1ý : ý _ herss and ýwear tii.eeso-called osý The next'imor aihsnowv lif~ e ~equal worM 1» Pi's n û _ gan, he Vured hia bacir en the et "1suppose it is that ,w-e are so anlddclierately' ia-d hia 'dow& lry 01low,'te realize pain that w-. ward '0 1 "te ooa -ade- 't actuali j >w-hidh ùeveihelosâ meant an up- ;Poî 0d ~1w nt to :ard,:»op n _he3adderof honestki luncoifortable," replied Fr-1 h oto ~u b wéudhve - - <,~.patronîzed -au - rehange1forthçý "Tha.t sounàs hi'i'bi selfih" 1-sa-keofo!showi4g o f iS ow-iiaSiperioiý igt- Most things coeround to sel-affability, unluo ly ç 'nto eý 41ness w-heuà you trace them out." in eh shoÉ a goo ,,da.-uri tha 't 'm,ýgoing to maire tea, Roy,"fi*twec-adloiwhédr- s Mrs. Bo6nifaèe, laying dow-n 1er oelved a Iar -sl.a-e o0£ his -notice. - - tin, "andyen ad-bettz~ so-wFrithiof'5s native cour'tesy borehl rr Falck lis reom. , hope you,'îî up thr-euhà agood ., but àât lst --'fn come and spend Sunday with spregothbtt fMman us ", aif added, with a kindly adet à ieifectiy pparint'ito .1ce at 'the Norwegiau. teumptuous. little ian -tie--h. the. eveuîug tboy ha-c musie. deired tW have 'as little to de with ,Bo aqd Ceci both Sung well; thei; hii fa -possible, .-thàt James <Hý- - voles were -bot at-ail out cof the uer's bland- pàtionage s peédily - con moh, but ne - pains lad been chauged te active dislike. impa ed. on their ttaining, and'Fr1.- - Wllt induced 'otx to.choose that '~thi4fXliked the. comfertable inforÈnial Falck 'nu Bm'th'a place 1" h. aaicI va, 'ii w-lich'tiiy sung eun th-n, to Mr. Boniface, -in 4'grunibliuig- aftelr another, treatiug Mm .entirelytnI-- -- a n4e R -te £ml." i awa friend, of- Ity's,"ya 4d now it la your tuien," saic thé re5Pýy "Whàt i. ft th:t.ýYOU - î Aùtlta i.~ eliyt r-ov8 vety efficient.?, àenti ye.u on.,approval. Pei~Aps rir -Ohý, yea; 'Oh e has lig,-witsabout -î *o1rn -uld try,ît;" - -7 - hlm, perla-ps rather 4oo much 'ge, (h,ý do you play thei violin ?-, but 1 can't-stand thé. ridieuleus airas *sa-id r. fleniface; "tlat'la cpital tloý felliow givegshlmlf.- Oýder hlmi TYou' 1 find t iu my atudy cupboardi to, do aulythlug and he'Ill do it- as Ceci; stay, lere'a the key." îu at3st U hle wez m-sel r i pr; etedtht h >wasani ievant, 'eld&s-48for tetn utte u !patie a1 t hlm lu a- friendly Way 'ie - W 55 1sib le , h e ýS a ,s ta- -o ffi h - as if el a& ince 'h. lad toucled hs ie 1- e aCosùý» Lin, hich lad'been left behiud uweeaCessLseao!-lYri Nsorw-y but- whe iiho actually sa-w-bgaw-tut pnyebla the 4ati lie eeun't reaist it, and 'w:~ -zh la en4ed lu Ils playlng y. . lsai l a vory r iserved. fellow-Il accom animent fer- the rest o!f . .Boifc; an ouini evni~g -remember thattueià "ork'la pro- ,ni Boif-c, -te a fibably distaateful te hlm. Yen -eee t Tc Çec;il the leurs seenied to fle hha-a been accustomcèd te >avr Inary r'ound o! tidying up th r -m different position."ai c men treoyle, acin, "Why, lis father w-as nothiug but came.ud too by erw-athiu a sh ierdantw .weut bank- ai he-r b - ght fa-ce witl motherly con- rupt." - cW fi m~t."But eut -in Norway merclants ýB "Priyer-time, darlng," ah. saiçi, rnrmaImehglyta wih -as the seata- ca-me te au eud;."aud nkmcior igl à it aic sm. 'Baturday uîght we musth't u .e9ds 10h* -aok1$e f . vWyold family."h Le 1Iàt"We "iTes o'clook alr-ea-dy 1" aIe-ex "W l, really 1 neyer expected te q > daime 1-; "1I iad no idea it w-as - hear - sudh a Radical. as you speak la-e! wît îmi~w-l yu lvo up'for old !amily a-ndil thiat non- _ late hert -- B, ouha e se,"s-i ames Horner. d"But -I fi "Th(ý Evening Hym"' said Mr. sec you are determined te befrieud h, Bonifacie- and Frithiof wonderin thia felow, s5 it's ne good my sa-y- ji a- 1tti w-at -as oin ~ inging anything againat it. I lope you iebedielitly tock the place aBigned- ma-y find lim a-il you expect. For di hi, -s IW-Witî soie astonisiime u y part I consider lii a meet un- ki that 4ur- white-capped maid-ser- aprensivn ycaun man; fhce'sauai vanta lad come into the drawi-ng- gresensa-otu fceadtu --rom and were sitting near the bearing that I doun't -like at ail. A a piano, and thit Mr. Bonifa-ce w-a-a daugercus' IeadstrOug soi-t'cf cha-r- fo, Lurin~oV~ th baes f abigacter, end net lu thé lea-at fit for Lt Bùrie. I he. easofa ig-te position ,ouhaive gis-en hMm." ç< "I vwill lift _up mine eyes untie With w-iicl sweeping coudemni- ail 'he lus6 frin whence cometil my t4n r Hrerlftte om, a-nd cc ýb, e read Mr'. Bonifa-ce. And a-s Roy, w-ho lad kept a politie silence gu iewen~ on-, the beautiful oic! poem throughout the scene,' threw- dow-u wtl it~ tender rea-suring cadenc- lis pen** and wet into. a subdued fit fossm ýhow tbouched Frithiof, go cf laugîter. that w1ýen tley a3too.d up te sing "You sîould se thein together, g, Gl6ryl te- Thee,rniy God, tihis father, it's as good as a- play,-" le ulght," he did net ca-vil at each excla-lmed. "Falcir puts on 'lis ti lin. as ýIe would havé dou. a littile grand air. and is orushiu--gly polit. w-hile before, but stood listening the moment Cousin James pute in ri 1 reveren4ly, conacioui cf a vague de- an appearance, and that netties hiuià ge d sre for ýsomîetling in which h. 'felt a-nd le beoomes ipore and more yul- ý lima.! ~o.be lckin. gara-uc fussy, and so tÉey go poir-c! "I wiê4h I couic! b. like these pe- ing ea-ch other uP worse and wor..yo l,'he, thougtto hiniseif, kucel- eVery minute." '1 ln>fr e first tume for years. "It's yery foolish, cf Falck," said eld And t iuglhe did Qot, hear a Mr. Boniface. '1if I. neans te get 1 word of the prayer, and couic! not on in-hif., le wilI have te lea-ru theasa laoneatly have Joined iu it if le lad art of rising aboy. sudh paltry an- wa Isard, hi5 mnd was full of a long- noyances as airs of patronage an<t E In whic he could net explain. manners-that-jar ci hl." 1-1u- l wedas 1much to Ceci! the Meauw-hile, dow-u below- Lu the thE zSxt day[Iwheu, altier breakfast, tîey ahcp;' Frithio:1 lad forgotten lis la-st th glanced W,-%h'aa.#. -rfraenone -..JaesHorerrauc s.a ed o ate:ýunday w-heu how-as tily crossing -the wid. ý o4d- lea-'dlug littie; hé ued te ha-vs a. Suuday te diee durcI, h 9luda ette pain, whi hI ca-euneo quit. régula-r- view ýo! tire' pavement lu'- front of a ly when e-lwere startiug te chWpel, Mr. Morgan,'a bouse; dirtyj--ittie so tIa-t hcould uita-yat liom.." -, tr.t hildi-en -aegefcswer j 'T knp yOuw-La-l 'ýthink 'eý &clntered a u1 il, raiJigp - andb ub . l g inner tW tay - thom en imrerýinajds w th eraimb 9 t rs ui -, wyper about you, air l 'le,, Frihio, uet-bcause-ýthe old man ,made t1iat' remarir about-an unequa -rdropped a sixpence înto'.the 0Outgtretciied palm. "-- - - - "God ble-say!ou, sir!". aid the Likreone iin - nightmnare, lie reacdi- ed the-chuvrýhdoor. ,The organ w-asà cr4phing 6~ uiatmrl th:r-w-aB , a,,ort., ofsubdued hm cf 0agr ptiývipotiôn from ,the "Ae yýu -a ,friendof tii. bride, "heu thé. aideé &W f o pae sir., Tii.in idd lal. l es-rvà for frends ?'". "equîeà,I tocir th' e plae assigncd hiMand-waîtied 1'-t did,-flot S0 real ta -h!îm the crow-âýdchurch, ti.- hh prn people;'ailthat, An icy numbneoas cxet ve hm aïiost apa1linâ feèlin' 1ü sItin "Thii s- Iié dy'lng-" h.-t'hougît'taé' h$imself. And ýtiien, béca>iae i o'ongregatieu -stood' up, _-h. é dreagged himself to s eet. iiareh$à change -îo, a hymn. reached hlm distitly- Then suddenly h. cuglit sigît of tIie fac e which lad piore than once whlch had lùred hinm on àqcruely.' -a oly £or a momenti. 8h., =ansd black darkuesàs see tfierè outw-ardly cilm, and just lire anidifferent a-pet4toir. Yet -through ý-ltii, wlifisperihg and the. §ubdued ni e>f th.gra ongregatoii- -- ie c'ould hear 1a.nche's çlear vqice., "I' wil al- rays, trust you," sho lad said -te himon-Munkeggen. So* h. heard her. ans wer "'I wil" te another question. 'Afteýr that, prayers and hymnaS seemed ail mixed 'up lu a wid con-, lsion. NOW, and tIen, bet*een the àeads of the. cr6ývd, le caugît a- Vision of aasllii whitýý,robed figureo ýnd presently,-Meudelasolin!' "Wed- Ëng Marel" was struck up, and he cnew that shè would paso down the~ isie once more, Would ber face b. 5rned in lis direction?' Yes; for tlittie child scattered flowers be- bre ber, and se glaneed round at1 twith a happy, satisfied cmile. As1 ý>r "Frithiof, le just stood there pas- dvely, and no ou.e watching, hlm1 euId have known of the. fierce an- ruish thiat-w-rung-his heàrt*' -(Te lbc continued.)t WISE SAYINGS. Ma-y a ina-n'a -boat friendi are hose w-ho irnow hlm lea-at. -Virtue is its ow-n rew-ard a-sic a-ny a man w-le sticks te tthe rigît ýts ieft. ýWlen a ba-nk selecits a runuer ib es not alw-aya pick eut a fa-st >ung ina-n. Someblunes a man ca-n utiiize hia' iistakes as a by-product, o! experi- No'm inans a hoý,eless foiol as long l e laan'V beed, foo'led tihe sa-me ,y tw-ice. Somne of us are ao uuiucky tlat ast as w-o feel w-e are gettlng te e top tiIe bottemù drops ont -ci inga. It ie the cemmon lot e! ma- nnt get au uncomwýon W. ' - Sôme people w-ou'V even Ieud ieir moral* support vw-tlout cîarg- ig interest for it. Eveu' w-en -they have nothieg te sme peopue dou't seem a-ble te it satisaactorily. - Practiéê ma-ie$ perfect. he more ,ut a man fin& 1 thIe more expert be 8msa-t it./ There's s differeuco -betw-een b,- g usoful -and! inS uâed. Thle feliow 'tiat shoots off ies Even tu'e high flyer bas te corne )wu ta ea-rth soo4ner or jaitei.- ['le tronblew-ith a god bit. o! ormi îa tlIa-t i lbadI làin ued cf- somb petple gel sW acustoied 10. kingX' outîhe brîght aide, tua-t Vhey î't stetii. other aide a-t &H. 3.aifly -la only qkln deep A gl.l Ayeteetî jLke peassd b dulb as au oyMtor ' - r~i - afyP ýJr and -tai] a d ,uto 1ar o vew-p and- use as requfred. -- Pickled 'WâlnntW-Mike a& brine witIý one gallon of2 water -end three pounda 'sait.. Pirick theý,young *&IL nuts and PLS, them in thé. brine. L eavê ;.them lunthis -for, nine daysï é' chÙn9ing the brine ,-evei.Y tàree diaYÉ. Aiter tb4e--inth day plae 1themon a ryl i.sun.tQ di7, when -they wil turu black. 1 Plae them in'lari'when quite'dry.' Boil one quaet of' vinegar: With -one ounce wlole blaek pepper-, oe-half ounce > alspice, .,one ounce bruiaec ginger for 10 nutes Strain and add. t to thie walnuts., Tie down ready, for use in winter. Chutuey.-Take. oue pound..-ese -olý .»pple, gosebe-rriea, tomatoesi, 'a 14nçn9n m"chinex addonaéquart of -vinegar, tlvo.pouds sugar,,. ee. quarter,poýund, -sait, one ouxioe -gin- -ger, tw9,, 9puliS - garlie aei- one- quarter ouncqe red; pepper ;,plape -l napan sudiibo4' for an hour bottle .and U"» . Orabrapplea maire .Canining Tematoes.-Ècald- a.nd ýremovue the. skias --f roý mthe toma-ý toes, ML out,-th.;c6re and-lard celinlind.kettie ,.-and.-.:brins. A* fitnd thinintheêCauneryanàd -pro-, sterlizthe rublera;aaild. before eeali g,ýQe, jara-imm sng4hezn luA) ,,'iinwateri -ieveruse-a -jar that cannoiý beh4eriMetic1y> seale_- -Remoye theatoms;. cut in pieces,_ put in,,prserving kettle, nearly oover *itli cold ç%ater; .oook. very,,sloiwly unti appleas are tender. Pour-in- to a hot jelly bag, and drain ther- ýouÈhly, but do ngtot queeze. Mea- sure the juice, sllow one -Pound of sugar to *every pint of juive. BoLl 'tii. jules for hall an'hour; add the suar hich hasr been heated on a platterina the ovsn; stir until theè sugar la zdisso1ved; boil for oight minutes or until it jelies. Skim when-necessary. Pour the jelly in- te glasses; let stand until firm And pour mêlted paraffin over the- top of each glass; then cover with paper cover. Keep ail jellies inx a cool1, dry, darir place. esc.9, ML1% d eo ceapçci5.aày &ii4 the wÉite',:' le'a'ri fat ae.if tii. tavor' or color of bôtii are" not. Aa tle- f aotýry tii. proces myIF e rePéat- ëd several tidesY >' Aothermeàtlod. ,Whch Uoften- recoiýiueded .isa- to oe;ok a, numiber' 'o!--lioeýof raw PO- tato le, the,' bOiIig fat. -e , ' - 'When an à het .Uaed, --fat l amal- -quantitie. umy,- be eaaiiy keptý sweet lor.oooking.,purposesi If lard i.-rendered at-home, lu qtiaantity- sufficient for 'IoDg tm,-i~sol b.,,kept covered- lu :t.ins,.or,:ea.rthen j4rs, in ocoofl, dry place, ,eaï in---a callar.NDor storeroom.,. -- IfA - ùsual 'ý1cômbiua-tiou - c f' pca ed çon crea or -lettc. 'In the- 1eU-ý tre , ô!, the .riee ~ t a m u i ~ o hpickled're4 beetà' andc!spriukl the. rw-li.w-ith clopped -olives' before ,a-ddlngAtii. ompletii&-toucl ýo! a Or-,turù.ieut littl e ýý,olda co! cod -boiled apinadliupencresa ,or lettuce, - ecOrating- uitI suces1 é .q 1ard-boiedý Wliere - lettue. -a-Ion. lai a-th-bad vary :the dressalng, ustead ço!thie principal inugreiet. ,c .ýn.omiefor the sauce hl-! a c-up of, criea-n, the, yohks cf tw-o egges, a dozen capers and. -four teaspocufula cf >terragon viegr. à tthoroughly'4û,& pour .over te lettuce, tosslug. tîe latter , >w-itbi afork te Dlix ile saucethr- oi1ghly,-tîrqugh.--- -4sa-lad ' tha-te peu folk, w-ill re-; - oe uatnza at mrle.belng. p&rtiaf teoniôn-ris ma-de lu ,ýthis w--y alf'1a dozen sw-oet green -pep- pers, wlth the. seeds removed iu tii. -usaua - Wayi;.-g4 q<me Jarge. er.mu- oa-iIq, U-H ofthese -m ine-ed. Lie, by5 'p'asng tlim trough saieat choipper.- - Âdd sa-lt, pepper, F renchl ititard, ýa cup 9f olive oil 'a- h juice cf eue lemo- n, in- which a eue- Incii piece of preserved ginger laa >been miuc.d very fine. Serve ou lettuce, very cc!d.. he b9sis e! msny a tasty sai1ad J'a cream chee,eue recoe' applyig te it being as follow - Ch -->p very fiue some olives and green pepp,,rs;, combine w-ith the cheese, usîrîg enougl creain te arrive at an agree. able sinoothuess, and serve on cre'ss or lettuco wlici has been dipped lu French dressing. Or chopped olives"and pickles can le stlrred lute, the che-ese ln the. raie w-a-y. USINO UP FATS. A Gerxman'merdhant,' resident lu -Moscow, bas, left »aIl lis fortune, Fats' that are denivod frein ,Ile I amouuting te half amllion, te al cooklng cf bac-on, lamr, chicken, blos. <>f -h;iseînployç' w-ho zlave bef 'a-nd otlor meats sIould b. served' under.-hLm. forfive y'eai-s or kept, eacI in its ow-n reèeptacle, te JmoCre. 'Tlelr portions are to b. le usec! for differeni, purposes. reckoued pu VIhe basis of th*o first Home rendenLng o! both 8uet andc annual w-agc multilpIed by the leaf la-rd has its aedvautage,, j- number. of yea-rs they have been lu cause tIe produot La geuerally au- lia service. Those w-ho lave w-ork- perior tew-lat can le bcugît fer cf for the' a-rinlots Vlhan a-v. years the sa-me price. reoes-ve a joint , aum o! $50,0w0, le i o-èd*vded according t BotI suet ami leaf lard require w-a-gosa-uc! lenkth of service. the .ookipg in order te loosen the fa-t staiff lave decid.d te organize -VIe from tIc teugler membrane thà business iuleritéd by thein into a holds it. For this purpose theina- joint stock cômnpauy.- terial La cut inlu mall ipoes auc covered w-ith w-a-er and a-llowec!te - cook siow-ly for some turne until ne ()ver à pence!o! eleven cousecu- nor.w-atr rma-is. ive yeans befe.re the, Titanic disas- A botter metlod 'for muet - la that ter vessels o! the White Star Conm- used> by (lenman housewives, W-ho, pa-ny ca-rrLed 2-jJ79;ý594 passengeos, -ooncifilze 'On butter by tii. Use c!and thI otal bas o! lives wa-s two. CXpOfi Vamoun- ~,i4yd. lin. hou pai hi cro' cost 'butl terl greal- cia-m long 'ehur< iv n e- ceusuuyec-at the festiy- a-uc! tieir isoleempenseconsiste »Me CI ' P" o! p an , ddisheis ithe nieetstores - uthet- r.,h4 thîàrmer, agls li grain- bluya l-1w1e6 ro4s n )r innh ecr thie w lg - aebeen ha-rd a wr. a-t the, i fqr the peracu as 'w-&I ' as~ the r e, w- c st o hr e, -gther iwt a Of- _young Jiprs", a- cliuple of J d a-pair o! heep, ivaria- corin &:,.part -'et>hèr iarriage L. Bidlaloruaments are net mns, s. lu Norw-ay. - llxoDàu. -asa t, girl w eart -a - 'm p e o! Omyrtie iwith -Ier national rne-'-V&rying w-tl thiIstrict, lIways clsrmlug--and 'peo!of ,a.re carèfully cherishiýd - by hauda througi tie.loigïWin- 'n ,autic!pa-jlcu cof 1tie, great t - >e ad , oteu n .ly-'carve d; 4Ilda-her -eedly r, »'fILe- 1odelock- on - -'he w-ddiug i ig al theguest.s, neëtat ýthe- of the bride- .dniving a-p in S-asic!when île la ready .the prýoession tats for 'thé - heéd4 by tw-o outrder%, - ar on ni :g -tihe, baiei 'u -t0e r four bxiaas in- ýana îî 'be y c u e '0ec i a e te r - --WORTH TRYINai. -- .déterminied 'endeayor t-Ã" do oue's- b.at, au esrnest desire té, scatter, -flw-ers instead of thorus, - o- ma-k. 'other people &, little.betteër .bi, a- -ititie lappler, becaus ef ogur exis«- t-ence-these a re 1thé. only 'recipes- for real hapieeàa. One etl. manifold- dutiesof the -Pariscie! cf Police - Iste care ol thie.city's dcks, ô! w-ii.there are soe 75. Tûiflal te w-loinle outrusted the 'w-indiung and iegula.. tion of tlese docks receiv-es-2e&oente -' - year euh. Zè la appeinted for tIree - ~. I. k >CTRA YéOld Suga rèt CAADA 'THErewest th ng fIsugar £ an7d*the b4f-.1s- -this 5-Pound Seï1ed Pýackage - of Extra Granulated. ln ti½s carton 5' pounds ful welght of -Canada's fine-st sugar cornes. to you fresh frorn the Refinery, and absolutely free frorn anytairit 'or Irnpurity. Ask your Grocer for the Aéa 5-Pound -Package. CANADA SUGAR' REFINING COMPANY, LIM11~ED, MOf4TREAL. WLiC-i nd' of do«syour waggo J)DES tIe u-mad you use p JUdangerous -wooden culver srandy lina-ced ofrepair a a-wýaycn-rly? Or isi 'ri4 af -places by usoderui, evenlaating culvi CULVERTS 0F CoI whicl uot enly can'noteS b a-craly grow stronger, with age m Every farier ow-sIt te bif moucy he pays for zest-axesbeaen tage. -, As a ratepuyer, he ia euntifded te canabe ma&s wth tmat ue. Whe ?u% nd tbs roIad edexed'aabMe, mncon@mvssce bot nuy mie bé oza tbthudb. used to make etr It wME psy you -ad cybody 'eein.la <maaCernent Comnpa. cul 1r » that, are con- d ofien w-asled Sya-cross due 1ev w , ts? BEuld-your t CRETE cd awa-y, but ' use. tehuit t imthei r - j md I -j T'E are - 4- 4 -i - -I 1 11 b and 1 1- h C( lm ul e(

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