Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 15 Aug 1912, p. 5

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of, -Di*shin At af ofy 0fgraceful' ~'ss ilveî-or gass tlycr m ,ored 91 -A id silver Bon-Bon A Uc! d silver Fruit SppOn ýr Pie Knife. A.. leautilâul Fern Pot. A -blàndsôme Cake Plate. Ail hand engraved, Our Stock Ovferlows witli .Weëd din IOfîf t-s Jeweiert Optician Wty * Otauio. À- commercial trav .1er onterod a railwaycarriar. ao4t utDi coure zonet fromn a aumber of his acquaint- auncs whç> wurc ther. before him. 'I'iioy, 1 bad drink with -thom and la them, and- Itiigy offered him the. bottîs. lie ro- fuuled. 'They pressed - him to drink, ai l ~aa. heir ulciatioaa, jeers j and muckitîg laught.er lied nu effect upua hiai. What haitmada him sud- deiy thuis.tara abutaliner ? they asi,- ed,1 and io totd them as followa *Yesterda3 I wae in Chicago& Down on South Clark Streeti a customer of mine keeps a pàwn siiop ia coniiec- -tion with, his other buitins.-1 called oun hm; aad whîle 1. wu@ thora - a y auung bien of not mxore than 26, wéar- Lu# tbroadbaro clothes, ad Jooking as- Lard as il ha had not - eoe a sober day> for a month, camé in with a iW. tie -package ia his hand. TremLlingly * hli unwrappadit, and handoi' 'thé article to the pwabro'kor, ueying, ivè ne ten, cents. Ând, boys, what do you think -ii wa? À pair ut bebfsbuhoe; littie thinge with' the buttons - .)Uly a - trille _uolled, au if they bnci been wurti once or twlce. "'Where-,did yuu got thee ' auked tý6 paWnbroker. - 'Got -aem homo replied the * '~ nan who 1had an intelligent face and the manner oi a gentleman, despite hie nad condition!. My-my wile bought thein fur out boby. Givo - me tan cents for'xi; 1 waat a drink! "'You lied btter, take those beok to your wife. l'hi baby will neod them', said the pawnbroker. " 'No eh. 'woxit, becaumie e's clead. She's lyingat home now ; died lasil night.' "dAs lie sid this the pour fellow *broko -down,. boîred hie head on -h show came and cried lik..a child. Boye/' esaid eth travalar, "you can laugh if you planse, -but. J-I have -a babýy' ot my own et home-, and 1V11 ney er drink another drop." Thon ho * .got up enuh i we i nto another car. Rim cuinpanions glanced &t each otherin silence.'* No- ope . -laughed, 1hebottie d iappeared, and rmon eacb' was -sit- ting in e, sent hy hheî.qtlf reading ,a newspaper.-The -Spectator. - * $ ILca Hapoteii Dontforget the ilummage-Saleà e W. -G. Wltors' Albgu4t17 to 31.i Poison fly papéïr in 5 and, ]Oc. pack- ~ages, sticky, 4 shoots for lie. et' J. E Willis>, druggieit iîd uptiein. STRAYED. Tro tIid promises of Mr. Go. Tipp, '"r lot 's, cdu.6, Piokarlng, a roa hefer, 2Yearit -old. Owner.may have eani by pOvIng property> and- palIM9g« pensas. reuJarauI £M. W.~. and iltey'ren Iiveély. Ly we 6 %, Torono ped b>' Mr. Br,%dUey whia ii n7 lea=.,west of the tQwn. The div bad lait the. teem standing 'on th origl Giuy oiay- - lcornera' wlile hbuwent it7oedu Mu .W.Rs asba i 1 store. $oinathisg eao taai fieXk*.T. m W.eon h bà ktt awey thoy weit. N Io d4intige W"sM. ~ o eae eIi ua doue. Ms ars fOsaa-nh us 7_. * of, Miss Efliott thie weok. No. adysuos fu l'0pe1 g t Monse Burkliolde >W"' ini -t.own on, M. W. Colline' eues sto,. - Monday calllng on -friands. - '. -Kv.Churdi-of Oolbovrne, wag in 60 omiiets fo few daye ,lest week. ors, lengîths 1j te 3 yards. only. Rt@. - Irre. Robert end . M. Eugene ý'Niôool uler price. 60e. ,81 Per 'Yard. 'Ruai- son - are on a iit te DotroDit.., mage sale prich 29-. et. W. G. W4jters' Miss oaStewato ont i holidayingwith bar parent.. hors., DONATION .1r0 FIREME. IMs egeCrn !Ohwl ts Àt he agilarmeeting eoftii. ire- iixg er -sirr.. X-. C. eatc3i. mon lwld ou- Auguet 7th, the. following. Mis" i~gttJvv !Trae communication from Mr. John'ý Rie. apent Suiùday qt *6 bome(et Mvr. (eu. Seiear ltii. 0. L. C. w'ae reeve&Kat !eu4 read, i~M.Wli W. JMissX, Vllislett on Wedneiday W. »a, J. re LurigaEde', ovning for e v.sit with friae li Dea si,-Je ire on 2tht01 u e 192'Iam'instructed "te sond you a > m .'ad iMm. E. Colwill and. son, ceck -for 480, te b. divlded 101. fol-<>Toronto,' isied'athe1hom t we; To Pire 8t0theeboulêl_, of losTiî4,Fr Brigade$0, MsSulvn -e."Ch of the mnan who ste3Yed all - nlght The Misses Scott were In Toronto 15 ' thli week attendingthe,wiboleselemifl- j - ~~~JOHN 11E' nei pnig j Avoe f belc WSPBS~t~ ir.-Deïiagby' and dàughier, Miss, vote- ofthwis wa P-âse[ o t et- t, cf' Montreal, airer gueseba cBard ofDireetora e Oof C.and'M arF G E en. Ji.4e Sertary waa inetructed toà feir- MesWri ght 9 1 th g1 iia Toonoholipitel undérgoing oan r marne t , '~ tion for appeiidicitie. Chiffon Mot9r Voile with birder, e-- isT'e,.o eriad Ms , ular. Pice. 1100.eech., Rumnia Iýawrence, of*Totviid ter <sal price.490.W h Walters'. ' arents liere"-this week., J - Mr. Mowat whohaejbeon bàr, tenà7- A W1illi o f ladies' white Nubaisccr etteRYal oelfo ure oas pumpe and,* bootset fPee's 1Shoe l Iàii. - eek for Teiront. Btor. -M~.HeicldStoenon, of Mmi- Mea'e $12 two p * suiton, visRed Ids 'siter, Mru.- A. Ban-' 81.90 et W. Ci. piecoauteeiioto -del, et tii.Whitby House. -4... Mv. ; cheiiloft on Satuirday -f.John Ard epent 'a tew daya et li o Rmlowheire bo.-will spend Oronib recentiy and bxought hume with A*11bide weèk -with hbis parente. liaia tiî u ine 'aPeckled trout. . 1]ev>.1 R. W. i-,Allen and Mi. Allen -4-- * * hAve returned home ae two weoks' Our big g miner sale left us with a holiday Wib n nenear Oila lot of rMan te uofair 1indi.; ' they 11v, Dr.: gare returnied to Whitby no miked ettHI l'owWr 'ti clear them lest Wed>eday-'aftera two, monthe' Out betore oîîr l"nglis;h goudsa arrivé, vieiltu England and the. continent. Core in and look them over. 'W. G. Ms uaMuo n isMre Waltere'.Catheairt, of Toronto, were gueati cf- - RUNAWAY.. 'Mrs. C. A. Goodfe llow over Suuiday. On Wednesday afternoon a runawy Mr. George Caminon andi Mre. Bd- occurred along Byron . Street "oth wards, of Toront'o, wevo gueste o! their. Mr. E. W. Evens had driven ina e ein- H13Wisn es Ok glebuggy down to Mr. j.11. jameg' Mir. J. J. Sullivan, ot Boston, and residence. Whlile about utie h.Mr. Jeri'y Sullivan, ut Oilla, woe horse bu a post bthe anirmal. sudclenly visitors et the Whitby Rouse laest dashed awey, and ran up to Dundes weelc. 1. Mre. Goldrmng hla envst street. It turuoci West a e corgnerlis eeviit but almnoat vaù n ie the Gazette. îng -ber daugliler, Mre. A. Southwell, Chrosilcle winidow. The horme uwerved returned to ber home. la Toronto' lest just enougli to clear 'a post, which the wfflk. front wheel uf the buggy Etruck, over-: Master Athol Erskine and Thlelma turning the rig.- The animal- then Ersklfe retum~edlant. week fromn Mon- broke away anîd rian-home. Tne bug- treal where they have been. for. nearly gy -as onIy slightly" damaàed- andi Y"i the harneuSr uoken ia eeverai places. *Mir. and Mie. (eorge Fequette and - Mu. Frances Paquette, uf ToroÃŽto,.vin- *Double told cliiffon'motor veiling' in ited witlî Mr.- and MrÉ. I. Paquette, [Black. Brown, Bine, and White. , Rg- Sr., this week. ular puice "ffr. per yard. Rummage Misses Mary' and Eva .Wilson, 'Who sale prics' 29c.-at W.G. Walters'. lave been viiting. their auI, *Mre. J. E. Willis, raturneli bu their home. in 'Perth on Wednesdey. Automobile' Accident. ,11ev. M. E. Sexeniith and Imm-inly aire away un vacation. 11ev. Bruce Muni- SB>' the overturaing ut au automo- or in aùpplying the Tabernacle PiilPit di bile into a ditch 'onuilhe. Kingston in the paetoi-'e absence. . . te Roed, about a mile and e balt- weat et Mr. and Mra. 'J. Richards and twQ the town. on Wednresd ' atteno où, daughterýs, Who have spent a montli fivé occupante ut the car, were lhrown ina cottage et Heydenshore, retuirned eut, andi two et least. sgriouly la- te thejr home, iu Toronto on Tuesday. Whtyateddthem. One uttheJB.RS ' -waO getee austeined, a fracture tW.pço4 ôSïf Ite~u. theanie and the -other was mvrelyI 'eiusliod about the chest. l'h. extentf c ôf'-t,.einju*ies: coud noit be aertainea tM 4At0lcs 4d gc 't , h q tim e : t w tin g , bù t i l "t i e- iU JI 'h V e. - p6rtad thit 4hle condition'le inii *k"è . e(n-b chéol that las grÇat t-puIatfozL for givin.auperlor lit alre thoreugbly prepored. Write fur c àlogue.- Op en ail yer. ; ntter any iUn Cor. Venge sud clearance bre O.,i 3 and il remé tswl ber of yards -in each pi S eial 60ends of dres gooda Skal engths;IdtQ 3 ýi tiar 6oc. to $4j,00 'peTyd.> ILsumiee al rrcç,,per yci sra principal IY09 hd -a photograph of e_'Your great, great grand-, 'father.? -0f -Course you:, canit bayebeause there wasn tt.any -photography l .ýthoâe.days. But.your, g reat, greýat-grandchildren, caù have photographs.'of you. . And youowe- some- tng ko postert-Y. "arnteu1r Supllie alwaya onz Developia< and Priatag- for Amteurs. STUDIO, ,'Thon'*l : aRoason Those lî mbs that pain-and ache il the hel, 1nstep or ankie, that' painful calous, irritated bunion or your back ache, ilijiCondition Is hrought on by high heels, much walking or standing on b7ard floors or walks. The trouble by wearing a pair of our Orthopedic Boots or Shoes. ,Cripples and. Deformed Work a specialty. R, H. QUIN TON Whitby's Only. Repair Shop - Brock St. South Misceilaneous Adverts. F0OR SALE. whitby Methýdi9t Pareonage, Byron St., brick house, toi rouais, three plece bath, ýdividod collar, electrie Lghting,* new furnace, large lot, aide drive aid gooci barn. For price and terme me@ orwrite to LOUIS F. RICH- AMDON' Wliitby. LOST. A grey' short coat, between the Col- lego and the station. Will the finder kin -dly leave the coat at the Post office. GOOD PARI! WARTED. Good farm wanted, io irent or puir- Chae, 50 roir 100 acres, nëar Whitby or oshawa. 'Apply at Gazette Office. FoRr SALE .BY TENDER. fin BRo'lnn Street, 2 lots. traine JutCOnsdr.W 1. for over twenàty.five 'àa Men"s Hard and Sofî Hats, regu.lar $1,56 to .$2. 50 Ru.mmage Sale Price i-oo samPles Mens Silk Finished <briggan 'ghirts, only in blacki' brown*,,pink, pale bine -and ge of each colo-r, worth 75CÀ Sale Price ai>- 0Rurnâg,-'ag e Price s a- ~ od.dairs' of Ladies' ,Cc tan, -tns D :&,,A and Bias rtwo. rgIrvleôc 0~ lot b ï dot al sizes- inom *43 m ~age: Sale ?rice On 'accoiunt of 8o m ~.cmp1 theyýy .a nysop Saturday ni it Wedlnesd4ay evenigs durin g-the aie, ýt:o , e>de rin' et sale of thelseas REAL ESTATE. b.WATSON MlEGAFFIN. 5 G0 0 en St. Brick bouse, 8 borne, bath, jeloet, and -psin, finished in hardiood, large ceilar. laundu>' and tubs, electrie liglit- ing, open plurnbiagt hot water-heating, corner lot, 'side drive,' fine large barný% best'condition, terme arrange&li $ 38o Byron St., selid brick, de- Stached, t'en roomei bath,- ,,çlosct and basin, open plunibing, hot- air heating, large conner lot, very'ea- tral, ternis.- B yren St., pair-jrame f -hoùso ven roorne, in gooâd stateocf repair, good cellauis, nice- sized jetai good gardons, centraîl>' le- ,,cated,, ver>'easy terùis. Dundas St., brick lieuse, 35 0large roomo, coller full sized, hot air heating, bath, cleset and basin, threc acre lot, gooci gardon, !.table' and out buildings la good repair, -fne orchard, ternis; 0- 600 Frame Cottage, six roems .91 la geod condition, cerner eot, g6od gardon, fruit, ver>' central. Ke nt - st., tramne bouse, $ '-75 7roomi, urnace, fine large- lot, good gar4c-oet -buildings,. fruit large an m nal, central. Heydnshore Park, summer $1 5 cottage, built last year, fia- ished with- Georgia and White Piiue, two large verandahs, -doset and woed- sh, best location, fine lot, 50 X i150, Pa rt cash.- 66 ~Bron Si, brick and rough qp 0 casbouse, 5 roumeo , ellas- garden, good repair, terras. - $500 BUILDING LOTS. , Byron . St., % acre lot, 4bea building site fl town, fruit 'and beautiful shade trocs,- good -value. Brock St., - good build.ing lot, deublle froniage, clieajp. -Ã" TLET Summer cottage et- Heydnsboire Park, turnished and ready,(or occupation. D. WTSON MEGAFFINu TOOTO' Adelai'de 253 Phones * North 584 Ev.s'thlut l el -oEstato:. r :0fIeIFP H8 * Why'Wt xc ei T W. have the iuost 'odru iMos't practical- aud the lzest Jquipped 00c1 ool JR iàër- ntriv.-he- cour es-are Disney rs thorouügh'and façinatiki ' An reiy Ca.nadian,. Dine lse ree frtetaninget the. mbitious; oung people Of our çountry. W iby --h q ar s âcai' Grad e T.-stui inWhît M Phneent, agent. artucrkIl.Ak d, a nt grRaglan, W dent. Theyare:our b- adverti4ment Oshawa, Phones 47 and25 HomeStuy ousesCails by day or night promiptly C. R. Brower, A. H.1 SpDtton, AMBULENCE IN CONNECTIOU Principal f Prcdn Dourable, .Neat and Fashioal Our SF ring Stock --is now-' complýete, We 'have a fuIt uine- of Men's,9 Wo.' men 'si and Ghild're-n's fine and heavy goods .- of th e very- latest' designis. A cati soicitéd. A pleaç ure to show goo:ds PFft -S O &LGNOCGR -. Brock reçt 30Svth, WhitLy, Otaio --FI4T1JARS!!- - 'With-C riB 6 Raspherries now elaimîng the attenine h prdntiou8e-lwif< ereliable' seal tighf .Fruitio anofesthe, Seealatmpts a h been made te uaiueaeappesr n stea o!th~metal, s ew fürlholding déwn ltb. ,glass cuvrbtte have turned ciut'.un tisfaçtory., The impr-O#e4'-Ge.M, whieh i md Of emeother and thi )er glames than the ordiUlany ind, the, bout and mast reliablejatron he mark~et..- -We have a Luli'l thé thickness 1 f' thé rmn&uýwill male the-j te moved i'thout any down firmly.: > one c firmly and attach.an -MIL. Inspeci theso ja ibber ring about'double - i'pàn tuis thick -yieldin g - cled,9 -tbè ii ng -could'be' Dp oudesilhi" dit w6plcl net and- later fSud Un ARCHIVES 0F O-NTARIOI

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