iioavyy; - - .4 " t'i uffragette belong to, tis type. Her manner e! thoight ,and feeling la ego-central. "Tise iil4reession of a irant o!irwe- -.manliness hi revoiv0d everywhere -in London. 010, pare, for instance, twoe theatr!ea,4,performances,'tIse cii-e in 'Parie and bhe-othér in Lon-ý -,don.--, In London d&nçing-and bal- lot are -serelY gym:naSt&c exercisesi cormplçtely lackin in wrny charaeter and tomineuo grace. e «~The Englheh idea -o! beauty la * that of a liottieii '.Madonna-.' ,No f al, ripe forma- are aimcd at, but the ~ttainmnt of tise etÉ&aibit lin., - Tii. und;ev'elpd gr etise ideal of tise Englüeis irman,- who ircars- - shonr whité akirta at 50. Thse li- bonstype is neyer scen-.- -- "thtis ideal muche! cise-1eftýsal' toctbeuffcien -foodon ÃŽheparto-- thoe 1giùJ girls. is no-doubt dire. I gai hpe ie imnpr esin tint -Masiy e!. t1 es girls -id nctet-sire mar- riage,- gr at least wishod te put it of, As 1loý'1suposibe.,- "useobisr type, tIsé dclli, wisch* wo viery seldem seéeee eqi 'ia ttin-e and undevýleiep'a. i8h se - 50'med- te m-e like a pretty play- thing." younr choir isiug, at-lise op> ýsevQr&l o! tise prisoners eh- moà bfie ground tisaI il was'î ~ied in tlbnir Sentences."- WI4sn Hijlo*a.y's Cornu-Cure 1-19. appliéd te a- cern or mar t klr tIe 0eoa nd- 111e callo6ity cames --out wi th6ut injuny te tise flesis. ThE' target la neyer la cking 'if a man ýias.moue-y te threw at tIse birds, Minardsa Liniment Curas Dlphtherla. When a man begins to pay as Much attention Ié a dine as h. for- menly did le a dollari'a a sigu ho is.gottîng niais. Smothens uho -know the vir-- tues oý, Mobher Già ves' Worm Ex- termiinior always have lb at hand, becausé ltproves il's valuo. - Yen xeoty have eebioed that "higis 1iyers" nover display -wingu. UladLnimont Cures Colds, Etc. and no- otis h e r a t-bas beenfouid that o"idel zinC - MaY bha substituted- for ""hi ýla4 in paint- France waa thelfirst country, in 1909, -o a.ze the ne-- Cesit, o!-e-forc*îg -tho usëof tis innueY-1us substitute.- The.law Viser passed 'States -that afber, 1914 the. use of whiite le-ad in al paais shaii be aisah.clned. the. lasI two., yeans have seen tise pasu*ng o! simiil-ar bils iItaly Ge,,rmny and Bel- gium. -Statistice as te pçncentage o!f lead woeýr-rs irseh-vo in 1the past'been vsjiims te thse' poison are to hand, but space wil kt -permit setting them -do-wn-S- ce it tht the. perentags,iwith-out.preeauîià n. an methods-cf tre.atmoxt, are 'ter- niTbly hikh..~ -- Mny-7éf-Vhe'symptoma- of arseni-i cal poieoning are identical - vvithi those- o! !ead, but the poison itsoif ia'rven mer-e însiious tisan lcad, inucing_.teu4,orary paralysis !,or -ýmenthe'. rhe arsenic poison i agl.ven off in umnes or exista in fine dust, -,and is always pÈreet amnug-work- '",ers, inutrzenie -mines -or tIse. whG a engage« in preparing arieni' ~fer use iu th earta for theý dyehng, of Wall PZpeor, and fab ries and for' tise curipg ofcf inn. 4 l- Dr. Ala.n -Staxi, visehas, milIeu nthSmiec tStates thet h. la perasonahly'-.acquainbed with euee -case - of anseniical' pcîsouig', netý amen tIse Workers, but -among tiie -out' de pubbîcowuch was 'direcvly tr&able te mal pýap&. 'Ta 1899& wîde&pnuad epîdenueo! aof rà eiïla poisoning -oecurred Min Euýi1an4l -wich. iras Irsaced tletbze beer manu-: factured -in -Saifejrd and, Mancbs- ter. - This -eer was, breve by tis a ad of - "INVERtSE STJGAIV' orglucose, a ul,anei-thepre-. pýaration of wmmci sulphunie acid îs used. Tis a"id. iras bise source ý the arsentc, lb liaving -een,-made', £ rom arsenic ,aipyrites in.stead ) fi-c-m iren- Pyrites. Examinatidu. eShowéd tsaItii.e gluc 1ose eontained Ifour parts cf arsenic b - 16>000, parte, and ltaItishe beer vontained f rem 0. 14 te, 0. 28 grains o!fa.rà e-nsus a.cid te tise gallon. -H-undrede o! persons ivere.affeet-! ed, many behng paralyzed for: nionths. Tise use o!, glucose Wn irhich arsenic can b. found, should b. preavenledbity iaw. There iseven danger to tii. iearers e! furs, ne- searches having uhoiru tha tVier. I are semetlmeés as many as 170 graine cf arsenic tle ie quare yard; th b-e !ound in .sucis matenials. -Mercurial poisoning ha rampant amaong those employed in tsiau facture ofbarometens and--th-mc- metene, in -tI sepanation 'co! gold andl silver frein vanoius, ores ,byý rùieanecf -an amalgam in which mer-- cuny is used; in tise manufacture ef, incandescent lamps, irier. meneur-- al Jpuniýps are used te cause a vac- uumn;. n procosees cf gilding and. bronzing and in - tise silverng o! mînnors. - Pisospisorous poisoning amongîtho maker-m of matches -has boen1 more eften alluded te Visan tise otisers; it even nejeices lu a vernacular naine cf its own-phossy ýaw. Tis is a disgusting'disease in which tIse jair eventuà ally hecomes by th1e rot- tiig, cf tise jaw boues -pulpy,. ir- mobile mass. Another effeet iai fnagility o! thse-long bones 'tisnough . wisih spontaneous fractures- may eccur f rom musculan effort enly. - SAWDUST FOR DYNAMI*E MEUTAN» KUa - - Tise faihy man, mIseo ocasî ailly Cutiaraindulges in -home ,carpenterng, !IY Cj#twrio knoms full meli Isow snwdust see me Prize Baby le work into every crevice, . dn rriz!,BJ to ne' -elthýs ýnd tomake itsel!- Mv.S Ote a geenr nneisahce.. But, despised L« for my bà iad fhugi S aduet may be, lb la a by-, d a.e sof ciauy ind. produet uliniany uses. Usod as-an MnOw sanlut bW- b-sorbent for -nitro-glycenine, I for. 0 -n producea dynamuite. - Used wuth ln piomw"ouuilo Cl ay, nd burned, it produces a fine-ý ~cetee. h precf brick tsa aks eolent Bêfl a WS 1. ae sud very durable-materiaî for build- rh".'tp, #a ed bylso 0 0ork., ,Sairduagt rixed mwits S Som hbnble-bhndinà g matenial aud ~,Ccsspresséd imaks splendid rnonld- aft heUmoçw nsd- imittîIn carvnga, -hist Wa00ikd'yg tfl if uzjnglcd- iS Pà rtland cemecnt «it- 0 BâMà , produces à ampst lating, , aterial, Wý»oId - f d rfleOora, -ll1ow majIls tisaIen-e ~si~a r*~' desirea te inamkei scufd-p,e fr WM proof againel fr.osb,L-mey -b. pked p aWi. mth sa\vdust, and' as - a matenlal for - I Protectifig!ragil ariie in,-tran- ~~ , ~ ait- tien-e is -nthiug botte..Ç~r i I. ODI F&.SAOÃœ'S . E, E. ýe OaUSed By ' -Vthdra-waÃŽ of B16»4~ e rdui -the'Rà n O-All hergn o-tle. rest in, souà i -B Yo thr . The heartilas an in-' Y'wrao>r es. be*ween -ea«hoh - bined act ofo-onîraction and expsà ný sien and,'ise leginning ef a fresî 'i at. Between ë_a-h expiration of !the lungs and bthe suceeding inspira- ' lion then. la à -peniod of -repo se. ~ Pysolgitehave-alcula'ted -that the heart repotes dning oe-fout>- e! tise liuïe.,- Certai n cfthe olher Sorgaus., uspend biseir. actieity. i part dunî.ng es1epe tV1Yd physiglc.. gista suppoesdtIsaI-t sleep : was ..caused by eue pres$ul,,oc! bise -blood on tis.-brahn. But m erwnphysio. logy, witis-a tendenji,- to regard the brain as tise -origiis- of ail force and of al functions Of!*the-body, inolines to the yiew Iliat sieep uséd b a wibhdrawal o>i blood,- f rom te brain. A couioustrait l'aa hiýarked inen of large -braiii--.#sjat o! sleeping at wiil. I36naar'e used tg, bhrow Ihiniself on the ground and g t eieep withiýn, &space O! bwo, minutes. Pbitt was -a sound'siepa:>r andà slept, 1night aiter niglit in ýthe Rouge -cf Commos,' hiic hiecolleagues- watchec he debate *and rou.sed him te i was. necessany tisaI h. ýWIsul4seac WHt WEI WASH WITH. On ofac tise feir - inventions isat< are net.aýscrited te fore-igu ingenu- ily is tisaI commnnhebusehold. anti- Id., t , sa b sad'tIsaItise san- vient Enitons irere tIse-finit, makers of &oap, sud thal4lie ioiganis, irIe-n tIsey -onqucrcd thWiaÉisiaffd tedis bhe invention hack aXain withs liionste Its'IY. - Mot o f iriat 'wewash iith is made fmcm fat, but à broad Ihein -are nalural setps. - Iere lu lie 8oa.p-roet o! Spai'thse - aap-berry- -of Chii, -and tIse -iark -of! lie I'eru-, vian soap.-tree.,'At a ittlé- town in México, ýeap- actually..lakes 'the place o-fcoppen- coinagetIn lu-an- obisof parrb - o-f 'Ise mse Souths Mnà eïiean-.Pepub1ic the-lnbabita.nts eat soap,"fiudiîng much 'iouriabm-ent therein. TIse Frencli ternifer soa.p, "aveuby lIse way, owve& ite cýri- gi- n -to er f Savona, in -FnaÙco, w-be.vaut quantibies of the -matenial irere formerly manu- ROW MANY 0F us Fail-te Seleet Food Natuire De mands te Warid Of fAilments 1 s- A Ky. lady, speaking about'food, says: £1I wait accustomed te eating ail kînde oc rdinany food until, for some reason, indigeStion and nerv- oui prostration set iu. "After I had run demg seriously zey attention iras called te 1he ne- cessitY O! Seme . change- in my dl-et, and I, discontinued my, ordinary breakfast amid began usling Grape- Nuls mt a good qua-ntty o! ricis "na few daya more'niy.condition changed in a remarkable way, and I began to have a-sbr-en#th1 that I liad neyer been Possessed of befere, a vigor- of body and a poise o! mmnd that amazed- me. It was entirely new in. my experience. "My former atbacks -ef indiges- tion had been accompanied by heat flashes, and mauy times rny condi- lion,-was distiressing with- blind ,apeils -of dizziness, rush of bleod to the head and- neuralgic patins in the choit. " Sino. using Grape-Nuts alone- for breà kfast I have been free from bliese troubles, excepb at - limes when I have iudulged lu rich, gseasy foode ini quantitbç, then I would b. wyarnèed by a pain under the left ehoulder blade, and unless I heeded -the warning thse oid trouble would corne baek, but when I finally got tojekn.w where these troubles ori- ginabed Ireburnc,,d *b my -Grape- Nuts and crea:m and bise pain and cisturbance ie!t very quhvkly.. "I amn now in prime -healt,'h ag a resuit o! my use o! Gralie-Nuts.'"- Name given by Canadian Postým. 0106.1 Windsor, Ont. ,"There's a reason," Xand- ib le ex- plaiined in the lîttie bock, "The Road1 te Wellvilie," in pkgs. Ever read the aboya latter? A new ona appaara from tima to timé. -They are genuins, true, and fuillof human lntere9t.e JOHN AND JEANNIE. l John: sud !eaînnie mwent for a walk on-e evaning. After iralking -for some lime in, silence- John ventured le nemà ark:'."Jeannie,your'eyeës are- lik. diamend." JeanniîÉ-'Ig tIsaI sp, YJhn?»" John-l'Jeannie, your neck ie like, a sman' S." Y'- - Janni6-"« Is that se, John 7" (Another pause->.,.- -lJoIn-"«Jeannie, yenr.. -t-isare like 1 h. s'tar.. - -J Joaui-om do yen mà aie -tisat ýout.4on I cau quit.unud.rstand rny ýuek heing 11ke, a swsxi's and groi Oùeu, .or -he eugton» aatiuted,,u 'thoe-çlves la thkat of plnng-dïà Wn. j21 h chimnéyl ;orevnhùi: ky . ld., baking chidre'n way'anid re 'plaeing them wtkiJwiteh:1ike babes, ~lih are, heeoe al Tise rural parts ot Eurâpe, as 'welJ as Asia, fairly 'teem wibh stil] * iingering seuperstitîon's net' a V-1 leuss Ëbsurd than tIsat Ùst mention. ed.- In ssany_ Irish districts imphi- cit belle! isstill give unto thé, exis- tence of a hausse., or f emaie spirit o! tIse Iousehoid. Anothen bupernatural: 'being in ireland i. Chericanne, who r eveais -hhnisel! te, moxtbals as a wrinkled Old man and leaÃœs. those whom h.e favors te, find hidden breasures. A -lese beneflent spirit je tisat -cf Phiooka, -a flerce de-mon, who hur- Àries, is' victime te destruction ace.bogs and over yawning p1re- cipices. Pisooka tabcesmany shapes, acSr<ing to tIse superstition, but mcdl 'ofben appears, as an cagle or a 1laek herse. , Iu Seobland tIse belle! lu lKelpie, and ;Brownie, et - lingera -in remote Highlanýd,£astneases, and there are eran-socluded-districts in Engr- 'lad, unk' in. ignorance, where pea- saut may :be found who are con-ý vinced-thaft --misfortùne-workdng ýwitcle- etill live and work .their, nialignant spelis. . I is lees thian 40, yearw ago -that a. poor. oid Frencis- in an English villa-g. because ho. waa aupetdcf --witciscraft. -To Ibis day many a Devoenehire man -and wQinnbelieve in'tihe influoe eo! the evil eye and wvill religieuely sliun, a person whe je thought tle pocss iss cula, deformity. !Pe-risape o al countîies Iltaly le tlie*m&t-nif& w"ý-it i-auperstition in ail ils. stran ge and imaginative varîeties. ialans believe in thse evili eye. They have & faIs. spinit, wisich is given te praoctical jokes on poor mortals, and a darker huis- goblin, bise Fata Morgana, who draws youths -beneatstise waves of tIse Straite of Messina bu drowzï l. ' There ïs a certain -walniit tzee Isear Ben'evenibtc, in Itaiy, 4round whicistsewitçIscs are said- te gatiser on. certair nigisîs; and manyt a pen- sant o! tise Campagna -believes that the- .*itcises assemrble on midium- Mer nigIsti amid tise ruins of tise Roman Forum, where they turu thescielves into Isuge black cati. As -on. Éroceeds eu-st tise supereti- bhons of 1the ignorant thhcken and rnultiply: ,India isful-l o! super- naitural traditions and fantasies. A good rtory is bold o! 'a certain gallant Cereniel. Tise inspection o! a crack rifle corps mnicis lie cern- manded passed -off salis! aetorily; bIer. mere ne complainte, and tIse regiment iras evidently in good or- der. "But." said tise inipectingi General, (i am bound be 1.11 Vou, Colonel B--, tisat rinors - have reacised me o! -gambling being car- ried on extçnsively among youn offi- "TisaI may have be-en the case," said tise Colonel,. "soine meOnthe agq, but I can assure you tisat ,nothing of thse kind ie in vogue noir, -because l'y. mon ahi lIse ready mon- ey lu tIse- regiment, and I would net shlow any garnbling o.n credit." 4 Ils Vintue Cannot be Deecibed.- No on. can explain tise subtle poirer tisat Dr. Thsomas' Eclectnie Ou pes- sesses. - The, originator iras hirnseif sunprised by lise monderful quali-ý ties that hie compound poseessed. Tisat lie was- tIse benefactar of Isu- manity le uhomu by lise myriads 111mb nise in praise e! Ihis monder-j its iltIshaI it le prized as a house- fuId Ou.ci Sefml eevery oeer ALWAYS SOME DRAWBACK. - e'He married the prettiest girl le "Noir Ie's, kicking becauso -she cçau't ook."'. _as a rema ils ewuer's inte 1~ when we con sidr tatit r'equlrës tnl asin-gle settinà g fran-Inde-- nit per!ormancIé of &Ill tIse.pre- cs-e tasks. - Tis device,- which bas bennamed ï *by its-inventer, Mn. Appoùleot, las described as follows: - "T ise deyic e in, aue*. i ell, fer 20 seconds atI lp.m, lighte a LlasP automà bically hetweëen 6- and'. a pm.and finally werks au c.- tnic' motor.om Mond&ye -and Tues-T days frosu 9 te 10 pm . Th s ap plications -are sufficient te sh-ow the aim of tii, iventon'. "is.dverse, fusicbieùsare c ,emplished by sighographa wivsch ar-e set aIt the houra chôbsen, fox tIse workinu o! tise apparâtuB and-w*hhch gxe openated- b'y lIe -heur-iand, es pecially madle f r this-p r e . movabl about an- axis- flxed t6 ~ nod that, le part- o!fa ring turning about i-e axhi e!ofiseoiands, but havhng no relation wi-bh il. We may -thus change:- ils place -on th. dial witheuî. iufluen-oing the clockworlc. tise mvble, disk, made of-seveal, su-pernimposed plates - having caech ispciiusbears i three ring- shape peubernces. arnanged- (thèse~ are kept on ýlse, plate by ý a . etrlsre-w; ong, recives. -111e impâct, f the hodurhand '-attise mo-' ment cf ils pasSage, - and closing 'the circuit of -the belly for exaimple. If thê circu-ito bu b kept - closed for some time-«* kw minutes or a férw hours--two signo*- graphe are ulsed, one te c los»e the circuit'and the other pointing to the heur when bthe serrvioe is tb end, bu ýbreak it. "The signographs may-ýe hourly, dail, weekly or univeraL. Inth. hourly signograph two of the iv-ory r!ngs ciametrically opposed are colored red, the othersbeing white.. Thcy are se arrânged that thé whit.eues are on a radiù.s or!'btc Jial, the point o! thie signograph being at the hour at which the--ap- paratus is to work. When thse hour- hand passes- it aots on the white ripg and! turne lt, signograph. The icircuit iis made and then broken af- ter a period of lime that varies ac- oordiug t te way the devi6e .19 set. If it is desired that thse signograph shall not 'work, the red rings are piaced radially."-Lite-rary Digest. "Wlhen-- dos your husband flnd time te do ail hie reading 1" "lUsuaily irien I1irant te bell hum smebhin:g imnportant."1 Mns. Gabb-"'Yes, my daughter appeans ta have married very hap- puly. Rer Isushand bas not mealtis, il omut be'adtnitted,.,but -ho ias fnmily." Mns. Gadd-"Yeis, I iseard h.oiras a idoirer mith six' ciildren."- Dr. J. D., Kellogg 's Dysientery CPordial is prcpared from druge knv--iNn te tIse profession, as thon- eughly neliable for tise cureofo choi- e ra, dysentery, dianniioea, griping pains and summer complaints. t las iseen used successfully by medi- cal practitioners for a number o! years mith grati!ying reenits. If suffening - frein any summen com- plaint il- is just -bIse medicine tisat wili cure you. Try. a bottle. It Self-made men ao metirnes need a lot of alterations. Mlnard's Liniment Clrs Distemper. - t as at a chnrlty dinner. A :careleesmaiter spilî a plate of soup ove n eeO! tise clergymen- presenb. "Whnb." le be-gan.- Then ne- mnem-bering lumueilf ha t-urned toi Isis -neigh-bon ,and asked-"eWül, some lay7nan kinà dly- Bay a feir or.apprbpia te tIse cca-, mien?" I Diseovers iD tuese los posa many val-ua'ie, isad passed eut -Net onyy je ovonisaulingsu eesn'- disn erous"fu4L TIse. nelude -E of miuiaLu<treS bauties, wir' Grand '-DueIs 8bnrelitz,lias h -When 1h. 'accu serted -out-and provide .-a muec' Sien buo n-e4 UlnarU'e nCur.sCarzt là in -windsor Oasg- are - several un- ba)veo noV been sort- ng day King 11k- )Alexandlr , uin ted on i.le traic suions,- diseovering wonks of art which Jo livini' mcmory. c assfyihgler pre- varies iXpn -many oen, ieroiDwnaccoUnt ~splendiê- ollection Enîneiteeh çentury ber,-aunt, tlIs-e e of' M ecklenbung- ped lir budentiy. nulations have been tabûlited, tiseyw*il' ft thé naioal mu-' tIse. chiokensi iup -on. overt a- ar brdas S3mali b'ut Vegetable PlUs are éfctive i qualîties as- a troubles are 1 and - tliey are evcryihene b3 what n sale and are. TIsey nee~ tIse.acquainle tis'e. vo may are presented tien on tise mai NOTHI] -Firstl Newsb( an' lick isim."l Second N-ew tiser. I've get, an' that's 'encul, Finît Newsm malter wid yeri give yer any ni Minards L!nimer Genflemen,--ji LINIMNT on m3m, for yearsand foi accidents' of life equal. - I wonld n6t sta Lt, if it ost a dc -ri 1 CI Bobs. "Btorke," Si >y a re y en p a l in - - - - -v d -COlor a and: fi C L A E U i t onr h. ronad " A ANDPARM SCLE&. Wlpzen" W he-n tise '-aut-oists - S a e or s9E s an e.T o n . ley'll lhink -bhey IHt I'G UxDR.Lvupa, -etc-. ][0: V'II settle fer $'10 pain- b î- ôM ramn Wllhoni L - b5fcre too late. -Dr. ]elîmna edicai s.1 LImlted. COUinwo t oten.-P rmel e's TON C E U A2T D, Wl n' 6S cale Waorks. 9 F4spjanade. Toîrbnto. are Smal, but they - - -- a ctio n . T h e ir fin e [ ('OX IO U )T D P1P S - T E D orrector o ! stem ach O t rîte, Ch as" e b cM ILn~ k u Ilwn te -thousands n e c neocnstant demand OLANINQLDIS bisou. irise now W LKI 1 OI G UI NO UI sim ple r em edy they OA L, I dNs fO! ly0 0 - our Ienca -r su i ry l I ne introduction t ts pr-oa yen omu 1 iith -tIeni, but te Montreal, Toronto,, Otawa andeb . net know them bhey s lhe best prepara- Me. A61 IV l21 -CXÇ ' ýket for disordens o!fROST Proteot --Pr,-easurve -Beeutlfy [G WORSE.« SnmaMî and Bookiets on Aipllcatlon ýy (urging Isis cisum JAMES. LANGMUÃœIR' & <10., imte a q i t t e r - i G o o n I 1 8 7 5 1 a t h us s t r e e hT et N t o boy-"II won't, nei- ..., two black eyes noir, ,¶ -"Well, wat'sde Gq on in; he can't jr*~~ Cous. If. W. DAWSON, ?Elnéty> Coiborie 8tiat L'IGHT -TR01UA-nD DOLLÂRs wILT . , bhuy ,beautiful -bundrË.d acres li NorthxumbeÈ.îand-Connty, Incinding Stock and Implempent.,ThereTtla tbe e tooki 4 hoimes, 10 cows, etc. T'hl i la a napt and ilan ba had onýe&y terme. -Posesson - . once. G ,OOD AZB ! IN LINCOLN. WELLAND.. Hlto6n, P el, York,' Dârh i, oril. timberland, Princee Edward ountfes a# reasonable. osles. LByTA SASATHEWANANlD F u P~aR e-tLL IZES.IN TRI-' H. W, DAW3ONJýýToèontà . _A~HIPWANTrO erePare- theza. Rà iliwiy officiais lendorse Our SehooL 110w je .tbe Mine b nmake a&r' rangeme <nts -fr Fal - studies. -ree Book No.18 eplain. Dominâon Sciooi aîlroad- G~ OD TIN&1ITHB WAIITED-STEADY * ,work. A. B.- Orinpby,, Limited, To. ronto. W MmeI-i WELL KK0wt AI *V ordeit ho se. deaing ex luesively ._l Women'is wearing apparel.* local- represen., tatives to fake -resfrom ;Catalogue. State occlUDJofl and experiene..APPir'. ire- .cn -le?" -1 tt Co., Limited- h ave ueed' MINARD'S vessei-aed ie my famiiy the every day iiisud; I consider it ha,§ ne ~ton a voyage without ilar a batis. PT. P. R. DESJARDIN. -Anüdre, Kameurska. MeAndreus lise Cisemist; (aI 21 Ia.m.)-Tw.o pe n'orbh cf bicarbo-' Inate of soda fr bise wifé-s indiges- tion at this tii e c' -nigist, irisen n. glass o! hel j aber du>es just fas re-el!1 Thanks for bthe advice; li ne botser ye after ail. Good- nigit." A Standard Medicine.-Parme- lee's Vegetabl Pille, compounded of entlrely. v,,getableý substancesi kueiru bu have a revivifying and sa- hutary effect u, )n thse digestive or- gane, Ihavo thr ugjs years of use at- tsined --60e mi eut a position Ihat they rank- as stanIdard' medicine. Thse aiIing s h uld re nembe-r Ihhs., inpei tsrcomposition, theýy can be- assimi 'ted b5y litheireake6t stemaoh-'and re'certà in fo have a liesitis! nsd-agn eeable effect on lise:sluggish, gestive ga. I RAVE LE NED FROM FIDO. Tv -keep cle - - To sirat the T v- e r n al b e f r . ta s t î n g -Tv- go- lu ou of-btise rm. To "-speak" misèn I want things.- Wo kia.wwh n a mà aster, -appears.- Te sSet an ncmy-and ýkéep dis-. taneo.- -Tu" rejiaaem W hai-tj even boues. WITU COOPIE S LY KNOCKER. WM. PER Z qp -ky d"i-rtis LM OPI EfW -]TOROTO 00W OOM FORTII là guaranted te kop Flis off tvour Cattli 12.00 PER GALLON Diletà with 4 gallong cf water. - Write for a. gallon now to THE MACLAREN IMPERIAL CHEESE CO... LTD., WOODSTOCK. NTARI. eole Mfr-TbeSaho ?anUactirin9GOo.. Ià mltdMonbreal. HROW IT W-AS MANAGED. «CDid you. take the col<l plunges your, doctor ordered?'" -<'Yes.; I didn't think I'd have the nerve, but I manaiged it." "Bouglit myself acanoe.,. By -failing; to de things-yo0udon'yt lieto'do you wili neyer acoomiplià l výery much. A despatch f rein Rochi4 many, -sayE: - he;xpiOij damp. atd coal _dut - on1 mornin_&ip théeI.r-aine~ ihO coa1ielin hithe vil Gerthe, fou'r miles freim - _ eost the Iivns o! 10à mine'S. -inà g to the officiai report. ers, were severely and twexi si'.ghtlv- injUred. Dezth-lý tically inustantaneots in aj SThe caus~e 4)f tbeexPlosi-on yet beeu deflnitely ascerbai1 it -is-thoughit that a biast- abig Pdeket. of gsÃTh anct ai a nfght."i j TORONTO 'I OF 1 l' 1 1. 1 EALT 9 T insdîease is marked b hneriiPflon -of 'smali, liard. ,tat resènibie6 ordinar'y Coi JOù the -body the eruptiou o, a..well-markeci Une, on i e> nly. The -cèases- in whichýil a-cross both 'sides- o! ýhe~ - abdomen ape extrernely- rart frmthe side, the une of .snggests a beli, wi.enà ce t11e fie name o! .the 'disease- 111'zstrte on-e- ýLatin,,.îhE f (reek, for gir dle% - Théii disease begins with.a feig c!i iness, u£uà lly any defliite "symýptomi.-, ythe neuralgic painÇ&pj 'fWðe eruption. There' lever with moûre or ihsini and isome cases faint bin'e speýts aliozig the Une ýwheret abberistie 'eruption ià to ap SAftêi thiree or ieur daySt 4 butopeso quite sîrdden severe ;-uning ta.in. - The ar¶ quite' firin and, hard toucli. The fluid is clearlor ifh in color, and aftr the ej ~has lasted a few days,:lbi c-rusts form. .These Iafl oë three -or four days, and 1 $f.sooth, slightly reddis-hi,5 The pain may, pers ist for So after 111e eruption lias, disap The eruption i ototn c1etb mtiay affect 1e ah the faceé, or other parts of 1th 'Itl is- belie-ved that à hingiej resuit of an -inflammÉation -o!i the nerves < ust alter it lea spinal canal, and that -the e appeýars along the course-o! fecbèd. nerve.- There is l1111 by way o! treatnîeht. The may bç ..covered witli Some f ointment, and if the pain severe,, a. hot-water bag cloths xnay 11e applied. Whil tack is, at its height, -care s -talen >b protect' the bhlii the friction o! - clothing, ,aà m&y best 11e accomnilished bj ing- aday- or twolii bcd., The,. disease is -not seri0'us, eauises a great -deal of disq anid e.ven!. f ,suffering, and lime:s l lias a disagreeable recurring without a.ny a] cause.--Youth' s Conipanion. LITTLEIULES-OEF REX Leaà rm the value-of water. nature's restorer. Bathe-'da drink--water rnan'yetimés-da Court-the ,sunlight. A gel afraid ýo! the -sun as a ýmu ri a policeman. Shut-eut liý you shut but healtli.é Bi Do not overeat. W i * good appetite when- 'nos should be sighing forý aU one. Dyspepsia follows7 -Neveiýdread fresh air.'l ou cvd- the day--when a ;ss to be shunned. ý-A:stud or an indeor life is equally dk Den't be lazy. TheélaZY lacks-energy to keep -in geod iis'tomucli trouble toEe eà t propërlyv, ,eveni- totake. health precaution& ( ~Donf ecal üôo inuch mea~ way lies -rà biuniatsf gui -cid. O .e need n tr'ae 1 1 . rT.RiT!18 ITI. ý PUT A STOP TO IT. SNE KNEW.