Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 15 Aug 1912, p. 7

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Iliamabrg. Mfeetings- whl time at tiiose d ,esed vo LTH '0 MEN- hoseme n endors@ nakean. res Bock RoSIlronS. -STEÀDY itsd. T. N MAM4 sively la witont Write us I.NTEED. lES'-' 5Tri i., ateton RDOTO I.. plish i 'i - Th is edvo- IDon't feol hat alî the mecicine bottiee -There ar SUINGLES. times for druge, but< many more Tiii sese mared yleeretimes wiien aa,~ living -and reard, 4erll1pains, aSanied by foMh'oere. ekn CerupOn of amil, 'hard blisters IIIRTONfGRS tiit re mbIe ordinary cold sores.FIUE. On the y the eruption occuirs ~ i te e et Io~ Three- aY rWll. ked lime, on -one-side Menthe TThau Tear, Âgo. oy. e cases in which it passes avrogs th sldès cf the chest or A despatoh from- Ottawa says: boieare,,uxtremely rare. -,Seen During the tiee inhnt1ii-zkpril 1 Ir oui th side the -lino of blisters to June 30, 'cf tii. urrent fiscal Èu ggests a belt,ý whence the -scienti- year 175,341 immigrants -arr >ived in fie ýnamn of- the disease-zona or Canada. Of this-4imber 121,998 zoustor, le one, Lat!5 the other arrivod at ocean ports and 53,343 Qreek, f -r girdie. f romn theUnited States..'These fig -Thè diî8ease begins with a genoral ures show an incre ase.of fif teeii per feelin& f iliness, usually Without cent. as- compared with thàse for amy dèfiite syniiptoms. Occasion-1 the' correspondiiig nmonths <cd lait *9Wy the neuralgic pains appear -be- fiscal ycarý which vere 109,31e. at fdre th~e 1oruption.,. There je ôine ocean'ports -and 43,802- fromà tho lever *itý more'or leas indigestion, United States, ýmaking a total for. and il, .' cases f aint blue or pink the ihiee monthes, April Uýto Jnune spots alý g the lin. where the char- 30,ý 1911,' of 1ý3,118. During the W4eri eruption in to appear. month of June -this year tiiere wr After ' re or four days the erup- .45,8818 1a.irivaàis, 32,140 of them hav- tion Co s out quite suddenly, with ing beeiü -atocean ports and 13,748 eevere rning pain.. 'The blisters f romi the UnIiited States, W à gàifst -are{ quitý firin- - and hard 1W. tii 40,008 fer- ün'e 'last year~; 27,973 of touci. the fiuidý-is elear or yellow- whom were at oceiku Pîorts àùdý 12,4' ish in orad alter the eruption 08 from\ tlie United 'Stats has las a few dy brownish - 'cruets mfo -- ' These [al «off, atter ETOS %i"ýToO FJIEELY. thre o'0four days, and leàve -a smooth!,tlghtly reddish surface. Sýiakç-uqP in St. John Police FeIree, The. pain May peruist for some time alter the eruption has disappe&lred, A :~tîfomS. - ôhecru i _ moet ofteon nthe ,_ " ,c rôiS.JoIn, N~ ., het, bu myaffect thé- abdomen, a;ss: The St-. John policeo.fre-, h the fao~~~~ r ~other parts of the biody. u o eea hk-p cd Lt ris blieved that shinge#is tiie ng to H R cLlan Cnrns resit f In ifimnitio ofonecfsioner -cf Public Safety. A. prisei- aven nheerch+se theitle:vn jitet altrhargle"-ith 'drunkennew nd' apas long the -course -of the af wune by -a beatrng on t1îe.blead' fected "ne"o. There is litie- o do with batons thatf sever&1'; .titçýiea by- way ýf treatment- -Tii.blisters hi!t optijhSintl~,- ii '-lraybocvoed ithomesoo hin Laring before îhe Magi5rateon and f th is-voryFriday morning i th- Crmsin _l7v: r t ho-,iatrpan or ho t said tii. city w-iould -b. Iliab1oe for clothe mapr h applied. While an at- dxaeadh neddto, z4ak tack ia ~ite height,, qare ehould bo ioog ivsiain talon -to protect the- blisters f rom- the Erictiýn of clothing, and this GERNAN CRUISER 18 F48ST. may best )e accomnplished by spend-- img a da~ orý two in* bec!. -Wcnt Over Measured Mile at-Spocti The' dieranseisnotsericus, but, it of 89 Kuots an Heur., causes a 7greatdeaicof discomfort, ÀdsacifotDni s.s andi evei of suffering, ýaid some- The- German turbine cruisuer Goe- timà it -4as a disag-reoable- way cfbo wicwalucieata- vocurring' -without any apparent burg in March last year, on Wed- eause-~ utiis Companion. nesday underwemt a speed test over LITTL RULE80F HEALTH. a measuréd mile here, and is re- I~ITL~ RLESported to haye devýelope4 a speçd, Lear3 l he-value o! water. t la cf 32 knotis. At hèr prevfous trial nature's jestorer. Bathe daily, and on May 1& se e made 30 knots. She drink wal er many times 'daily. in the speedicet ship in* the German Court t i sunlight. A gorm ha as navy.- a! raid of, ho, sun as a' murderer cf a policemlan. Shut eut light and WL ~P0 oMN yvu shut c)t health.- Do 1net overeat, We sigii for a Auto Company Coming te Start lu good appetite when =mo f us rnfr. should - b sighing for a moderato one. Dyýpepîia follo-ws close on ;A despatcii froxu Branitford. says: gorging:- Negotiations have'been concluded Neyer dread fresh air. We Laye, bore for tiie establishment cf :the, .outlived the day when -a draught K]eeton Automobile Comnpany, wýith 9Ws to' be[ shunned. A stuffy room a c4Pital stock cf1 $200,000. -. The or an in4cor life je equally diegrace- firm'is a brancii o! the Keeton 'En- fui. Il - gifle Company o! New York. t will Don't 4~e lazy. The lazy porion omploy 250 lies, and operations hiýcks energy to keep in gooýd he.-lth; wil ho commeénced imimediately in iis toc ýnuch trouble to exorcise: the old Barber& Ellis -facto1r on tat propérIy, ýeven to take proe Elgin street. bealth -procait ions. ------~ 'Don't cait 4>o inuch ieat. 'Phat way lie nheum atlism, gout and uric PE~Y0 EEALS acid. Oniý need. mot ho a vegotarian, Unusualiy Large Vild, Expcted In but remeiber ther-e are no gre'ator Western Ontario. bloo& .purifiers than groons and un-- starchy vegetables. 'A despatch from London, Ont., .Exercise. Yoaido innî.ot ect ea"s: 1. B. Whaie, Middlesex ing ta the iofficiai report. Two oth- Vo tho pit mouth ogéther ýwith tihe ers wrere severely and twenty-thïree' villagers. Tiie rescue oroe ~whîch riigIitly injured. Death was prirc- did snch'go>od work at the f ticaily- instantaneous in -ail çaes.- the :Freneh mine disaster at.Co, Tiie.cause"o! the explôsion Las ot r4iorS, - near. tonis, on March 10, yet heon définiWey aseertained, but 1908,Wbhenm 1,230 miniera wvere kiied, it fi thouglîit that a blast reached à iv4hé mo early inî the'aftemnioon,, big pockèet- ,of gai, Tii. day shift bt re 'inabe toonetïate tii. -of 650 Men Lad juet deacendEýd"intýo gakis, g te -ire D,~~U the. -wojrkinàs and were distribting -the- eoigaies is. $225 to lb.;- lions, 13 ta 14ç;- duckiings. 16 to 17c. Live poultry, about 2o lowor than the Potatoes-Oý-anadian, now, $1.25 ta 8$1.50 per bushel. Raeon-Long elear, 13 1-2 ta 14c ernb.. lu case lots. -Pork-Bhiort eut, M2.50 ta $25, do., mess, *5-to $21.- Hams-Mo4dium te Ilght, 17 1-2 taý 18oex heavýy,- 16.1-2 ta 17c; rouo., 13 to' 13 12ae'- breakfast bacon, 18 ta 1812e bahe 2 Sie21. Lardr-Tierces, Llc;- tuba, 13 1-4c; panbs. Kantreal, -ÂnÉ; 13.-Oata- Canadlan -West- ern, No. Z,'45 ta 45 1-U ;'do-, No 3, 44 tq. 441-2q; extra No. 1 feed5, *Bamey-i Mantaba feed. 63 ta 64e. PorMnt ba Spernig wheat patents. Bruts, *$5.W; do., seonds, $5.0; -strong baker.',i- 5.10;-Win'i ten eatents, choice.- *55; traiwht rollers.1, 84J5to$4.90. do.. bats,*225 to $LM 0R 36115 o*ts--Earrels, $ 5.05; baga; 90 Ibo-, 8240.1 Bran-822; gÏhorti. $26;, nuhldlingoo, 427.4 m-ouillse, M téW $M. Hay-No. 2, per tan, car lots,. $16 >ta*417. Ohees5-Finest Wsst.- orna;114t138; ftuest'Baaterna 121-2 to 1274Se. Button-OChoesat-cneumery, 26 1-4 to 261-2c- seconds,.- 26 ta 26 1-4c., Eggs-ge- lectod, 28 ta 29;'No. 2, stock, 21 ta 22c. Po- tatees-Per bag, car lots, *1-60, LIE TOOKIMARKETS. - v' 66 er 1Ã"Iba., eows from -3.50 ta $5. 1evý good bulle. re ffered,- and oný the oommon mun the pricé rngod tram *$2.60 ta $3-M. *Sue solS- fSIly steady at 4e 'a pouxid and laxnbs -Drou ht 4e for coin. mons and 61-2o for- ôgao. Hotsa- wsro aàbout 75o lower than a-week ago. seisets selling at *8.50 per 1900lb., dialyes bought from $3 to *10 sncb. z>.1< Woronto. Aug. LI--Cattle - ý eiportons, choies, *7.25 ta *7.50; huila,, *4.50 Vo *S55 oc"v. $5 -te $5.60. $7.e--hoc , *7ta 87.35;-,medni, $6 ta 86.75; cowsa, $5 to ,*5... 60. Olves-steady. **7.50 taé85.Sohr -Steadly. $5 te i35Sheep-Light oe.s *t 84.25 te $4.75; heavy, $5 ta *4.50; oping 1UabsataI85 ta *6.50. -Hotu-Belecti, *8.15 L.b., ailS$88-60 te 8JUS5fed and watered. :ilNPED STATES MARKETS. MlnneaDolis, -A.ug. 13. - Wheat-Sgept., 913" to 91-12c:1 Dec., -Ma: May. %634c; No.- 1 bard, *1,0374e; No. 1 Nonthern, *1.03 34c; No. 2 do., *1.0134 ýt *$1.01748.'No- 3 rel- lwon,72e; No. 3 white cats, 3i ta 39e. Ne. n. '63 1-2 to'64c. Iran, $19 ta *U9.50. 111our-Leadinz local patents inu wood. f. o- ., .inneapolis, $5' to $SM3; other- Dat. estig, >4.75 ta 1$5,; Brugt leUrt. *3.50, to $1. 75f second chears, *2.40 ta *2.70. luth, Aug. 13--Whea-t--lo. 1 bard, *1-- 04 34; No., 1 Nrctherp. aId, *1.03348; No. 2 Nant3ir. aid. 81.01 U-; Aug.. No. 1 Nortb- ena 94-Se Set.,92549 bld; Dec., 93o bld, FOR THREATENING TO SHOOT. rou% Itallan-Gete Three Years lu Pealteutlary. A despatch f nom Berlin, Ontario, ieys - Frank Melir, a young Italien mason, was sentenced' Vo tiiree yoars in Kingîton Penitentiany Ly ?wIagitmteý Weir on Tiiursday morning aften pleadimg guilty otLe change. o! threatening Vo shoot 8em2- geant Graiser of the local police fqrcî, moan Preston. H. tmied Vo escape arneet aften steehing $80, a bicycle and a -revolver from a fol- low-boamder two weeks ego. Wien Le was -overtaken Ly the.police offi- cer' Main pulled a Ioaded revolver -and pointed it st P.C. Graison, who quickly pulled ont hie firearin aind hie pnisener surondered with- eut firing a âiot. AN AMBUjLANCE 'RUNAWAY.~ Herse Plunged Inte Deep Ditci and Hurt a -Sick Main. A despatei from Halifax, N.S., enys: A unique runaway occurred on Thursday nigit. IV was the am- bula nce o! Vie Milita-ny Hospital bringi*ng an injured main fromn the armories Vo tie hoipital. The horse stanted off aV a terrifie puce as soon Ès thei patient vas pIe-ced lunViie wagon and LolVed for heu! ai mils. Finally tii animal dasiied tiiodgh, a gate leeding into the citadel 'sud plunged into a ditci soven fe deep witi Vie injuned main, vicie knec' cap was dislocatid. Thern. vene in tic ambulance at Vie turne hree at- endants, and MlI escaped vlthout serions injumy. BAIN WAS PROVIDENTIAL. Werkmen Quit Few Heurs Before a Building Collapsed. A despatai from Moutreal sys: Tii. rein on Thursday* afternoon 'vas responsuie for Vie escape 'cf mamy- vorkmen wheu a tiinee-story Tbuilding in course.o! construction on Mount Rèyal -Avenue coUjapsed. A fev hours Lefore tii. crunblÏng of Vhs structure thirty workmea quit vorkfor Vthe afternçen cving Vo the hnclemency cf tie weatLer. BRITI SU TRADE RETUENS. Shpwed, Ineoase for July Deeplte Recent Strike. Ad depateh from London ay: -Tii. Board ,o! 'Traide returns,* for 'July are significant ian th-fVe k~sp th~rom W1~innipeg say : Tbé.Ã"rOp- report on :Wéeneday« cov oriiàitii. hree Pralie rvics e Mosiigretying, tlW'fpature being Vhsremrk~blepi4réoe made in the lai.t- feo l ee,.Tbe -gramin l filling wllh1ei-bLarIiy ,iiarve st liai started at, most points.. Faîl whoat in Alberta ie' lairgely in shock, and the. dIld fieldso! sprhng wiieat -are a ,rçà cu. a.rvesting will 'Le gnrlfrein "A Ãœuut- 12th Vo 22nd, ther isth being"tie date givon when ti.mjbrity c'f points -*will com- mence:-Lt îmeans tint wiVh aver- agi harvest weatiier thegrçait bulk o! the crop will be of contra-ct grade. Siiould',tIe West produce two inn- clred'million buels o! hard wheat,, as ther, seoma every pobabiity if' will, it meane that hs season's crop c'! Western Canada will b. Viii dominating factor i he Viiworldis markets.- -THE PEAT INDUSTRY. Mines Deiamtm.ent WiIl Leave it te Pnivate Enterprlse. A despatch fromu Ottawa. says: Theé Mines liranci o! the Govemu- j ment D-epartmQnt of Mines on Wd, n eday announced tiiet its 'domon- istration cf 1ýhe commercial poasi-1 bilities o! peat .as a fuel iu Cana-ma 1ad bien sucoessfully e onîpleted, sund Vt' iienceforth thie activitiee? of Vthe brandi would be aiptlied IDý anotiier direction, pnobably the eccc-I momie production and testing cfOl feconcerning whivh the dopant- ment- alreadyhas a 'min Inil. West. Tii. poat industry ini Canl- a-de will now "become a, ma4Vt.i, of privato enterpnisi. - Theme are tiwo big plante undàer construýction, àne #t Alfred, Ont., and e notiier, ait Farmx, Que., wiich are expectoci Vo supply Ottaweaind Moiteal a.nd possibly 'otier cities with cheap fuel. Their cepacity ha about 30,000 tons per year. ELECTRI'CITY ÈOE 0F HUNGEIR Currents lu "igh.Frequeacy" te -Take' Plae e ofFood. A despatcii fro'm Paris, France, seys: flungor is shortly to ho abol- isiiod by eiectmicity. Such is the pro>plecy of Professor Begonie, wio hais explained -tii.metiiod Vo Vii. Congreis o! Vhe Society for tie &d- va-noom.ent o! Science, now lun, ses- sien at Nimes. Bergo-nie recalled "Vie expeniments o! Professer Ber- thelot, who claimed that within a genenation steaks and otiier !eods woulcl ho neplaced by -emal pilîs containing the necessary ciiemical constituent. Vo 'sustain li!0. Ber- gonie added that wiait cheniistry Lsd noV accomplisied eiectricity' will aciiieve throngh "higii fre- quency treatinent." Therefore we may shortly ho ordering fiv'e olectrie cunrents et intervels o! seven sec- onds instead o! soup. COLINTERFEIT BILLS. Crude Faikee et $1 and $2 Notes Have Bien Cinouateil. A despatei f nom Toronto says: Countorfeits of Canadian -Goveru- ment one-dollar and - tvo-dollar notes have bien put in circulation in Toronto sud Hamilton. Tii. police lÉave cone across ai few of the Lad bills, aud are on the look- ont for mnore o!fViiem, aind !om'VLose viio a-no seùdmiug uLein ont. Oniy a -liv are as yet kuovu Vo have heien put lu Toronto, but it hais been leemued that quite s mumber hakve mnade them aippearence in Hamil- ton. The his are very easy o! de-ý týeetion-. Tiiey are phiotogra-phe o! Viii originale on paper o! a muai moi'î inferior quality Vian Vhe true notes. Tii greens and blaieki on thie étchingi are mot o! the Same strong tou es as those o! the origin-' ala, but- appean washy, especialy the greens. FIFTY CHRISTIANS KRITLE00 Turks Massaoe-rd' Ctizen uRate- chara -Market- Place. A despatch f nom AVion-s, Greece, gays: -A regular massacre iaistiigý seven hours foiloved Vhs La-mb-ex-' p losion wliîch occurnýed:l iÏi. ma-r- ket place -o! Katscana, ' ffty miles soutmivut a Usup, ,Eura-pean: Thr-; key, on Fniday, aecording Vocli- able nomtoirel-d;in.N fewer ,tia en fty Chnbitians ýwere, kilied asnd tvo hundred'seiouely! wouaded 1by the iuifuïiated Tuxkil- vho, auspocted thexu o!faig u- mitted the ha-mbr oirag@ by.,viih abqut fifty persons . ore -,kiiled or injured. 'A 4,despatei f rom RXiol, ,Germany, sapys: The five English, yachtsm en ;Whp 'were -arroeted;'dn 'ÀugVi-4it,âf Ecker n!oerde, in- Schies*hg-Hoi- stein, ontii. -charge eo! ýieÉpion7ge, were releaÈed odu TlufrBdy.- T1hèyi aeeSueed o! takingjKphuitographs of.iipo9tant points along tVii, bar- bérs - and cead-- hn b hem4 Whôwil ped~some money; in tr ing eut a cure for cancer'. foin lby an oIdj Irishmjnn, Flion, ntýý Otwas -appointëd -4Jcrporatiôniý 'Counsel f,Te 'Qt t-asiayo -A na&tuiral gaaexplosion a ee ingtoxi wrecked, a large house bune bulit - for C ann Cmpany cem- J. H.rreo1,on ý anager pf the Mday-Mnfcûig-C' brancii in Winniýog/- ,aà Idllod by a street cari - - The. Montrea;l Harbor -. Commià- sioners will- Vitafllbegin- buh1di ng' 'their mew elevatome,- each cf 2;500,- 0001'usiiels capaeity. - - - ý-, ý Lake ando e an going-vesgels, *Hl b. required4-o have whrele's oqýuip-ý ment as-.result;,cf Viii -rosent. In- ternational Congréss; - Dr. David.,Robértaïon, Ilegistrair- oci Halton, and, some -yearÈ ago its- representative in the. Legiolatur., diod àuddenly atkN.elàon ,B; .-C' Alan -Wiillamýs,_, sven-yçar-ýold son o! John Wiiams,. physoal i- struetor ;at .Rley f-,clo; ge wa drowned in T welve Mile, Croek. monumeqt ,,ta-,. 'r,. J R4 odier,' founder-fi. the. Trades and Lab'or Concil ha that î y. h' id w *ortii cf Cob alt sveiwas' uhp~ 0o1n Eriday b the TutniWf the Bank -edt 'Englad-7o h mned, hntd Bnts ins.- Police Sergeant, AbrahamNaelý a momber -o! -tii Windsor 'arefor twentyr-shx yenra, and -disthnpished for bmavery, lish en p'4te Provmiàlaîdetective.:- Two suffragettes ,were seîtnted Vo'fivo ,yeairnphanmntina ýDubln court.' - Sixy'M.P'eand a numbjer, o! Peer'swtnsesed-Vii. military eero- planes i lgto Slsu li en Thursday. 1Mr. Asquithii annoumced tht -a committee would ho appointed 'tQ hnquhre into tiie atrocitios in the Peruvian rubbe'r districts. The Master c! ,Elibanki Chie! Liberai Wiiip, -Iaa'.Lbenraised'tOie th *e Peerage- and reeigneId Lis seat in Vii, Rouie o! Coramons. The Unioniît candidateSir John Rendles, wae returned ifor - North, weat, Manchestér, r'icnemed, vacant by tiie resignetion -6f the. Liberal UNITEe STATES, President' Taft vetood the- wool taiff *bull.- Seéventeon Detroit Aldermeu Lave been arrestod on chaerges of hrib- ery. - Governor, Woodrow Wilson .ac- cepted- the Democratie nomination for Vhe ?residency.:..- Col. «Tiieodome Rooseveit was nominatod fer the. Presidency ait the. Progressive National, Convçntion at CLiçagp. The U. S. Sopate passed tiie Panama Canal ,bil, 'rotaining the provision exoémpting American vos- sels from Vtous. Two U. S. bàttlesiiips, tiie Ne- 'braska and 'Connecticut, met with serions mishapi4' during tiie fooet manoeuvres on Fr;iday. TLe United' States ;'Sn.ate ap- provýed o! tiie ouse provision 'for control o!fVii. Panamùa Cabai by thie President o! the -United States. GENE-RAL President Leconte o! Haiti was killed in an explosion and fiir'ait »te 'Palace. a touci <1 buttons, 1 -vaists haq I Q!ksetE' tii. bu-st -girdie Under 'tiens, ski- ing> mnac ichine; w tinely co djra-ped c a 'va-y asE -Broadtà mtei sudii -edgimgscr comiug asl - jWORK Dlstrfbu A desp1, he g r. t4e Vthe 65,&1 fdîý citai ari ',ab is fière- IN PRSSOS îe fasjhipa-ble-ideep ol gijrd es are--pta-e tii. ve-yste -are bea utifly id -,a -co4M&IVai oore. àf the uàe*1l ong, dresa e -Seton a long ahihulder hodices lare often outlined cof strss or nhines4è Pn pla1-ts ate useodone- naàrro*w.oulline is me- ýe -._ bak dresses c!blaekChina colla-e nd ufs e ofwhîtoý et. ' Lk cuffi o lacofr-ile fin g. eleeves -areoeofii gcAfithe..new lfashions. the: entartest suîie bolng have-. lancy - vesta, oftea irately. - go vïhmannishVa-iiored. sinictly mannish -stylo, buttons. - and siiadow laces cor- oone-cf Vhu'prèttiest',ef-' ehîrte o! ýwhite satin are the -summer suite o! geor ratine, c harmeuse sti-eet drosses Sin many formmi; alâo Vhe a-muions. antities of metal embroi- _an ,rctbe moreelabor- Il suits. minge 'a the -'hape cf'- nde, clanau7&f r n hn Prs are otno mniee 'Seeî n luPàis. UBU3ly raped, nearly -Vo, the knees îtra.igbt 'blow. t iaored -vaists in: white; f lor appearis in girdies, V0Vi aiI~c1lr, D )ak mo white tnimmingi o! china sil forcnéede !iteo rdelicately inted. if ~é-lmi~'its ae.i en- 'em Cèrovux a-Ïd> brim iib s1' di .fiait canac 1ul, sesuskiix, Viù eàew icha qngr- n.thé dreàsior' suitfr i mson. k-- - - ~RS G WVT.N 0'0& . d la Ontion wNith jt-h f xrom Essen ,.'Cemmn n. r kmù Loi,! ý »iey lived. in lieuses ail thoir lives and, gpoke 'good IEniglnli.'. But In ai Vi, unidrod boys"un:that chool net oeewas lovdo veill ab Ciieer- fnul Éelart." 'limil la a funny ÊÉ]me for a boy,' Anabel- hac!f rgzotten toý pout ,by ÀI-bét Wilson, huthé, wag so lisp .yj se ,n and'ý oblî'ging; . th.ey ful Héà# nt, H.smiled wheitvn'Ie spake; and' l oo6ke.d-as hippy as'& king wlienihée could "do a favorl' cliàiies," ventiirc Annabel,' "end tUat linade ýit e~. 1-1 "My 'deairt,-'L"e iiad notiiing' but éhances. .Theoteechers, matronesu d pupils woe' ayngai -da long, :Go ne ere, -Cheeful Heartï,' - or, 'Wiee's Cheerful Hlear ')dlereaily like 'it?" the quee. thon 'ýs 'askid ratherýý sbyly, hoe- cause' An-nabel was. tbumnking. - " ifru could judge .by Ls apy- face, ho- did. .-Remember -.that he, vas poor, end'had- ne homè o -visit, ,nô, -parents-/ito. love hhzh; ne-bàY brothier Vo pet. But uhs black eyes- sparkled, is red-browtî face' shone and iae'ierry laugh-bubb-led ail' thé time. Sé"H's'Vths, moit unselfisi boy I éeer" metI' ii teaciien eaid té me. 'ýW. Vook 'huim in-'hee becanse h.e neeod 'ubut i. lias, tund' -Ih -tables, for we ail need - im.' I mu.it b. nice Vo, have people;.feel that 'vay toward' eue,,rnnitn't it,ý Annabel?1, 'The uittle.Igih4 .noddedL BLe did noV f1eel-like talking juist tho-n.- Unci e Louis had one Viiing more - Vo say. "«Annabel, ilf -Cheerful Heant vai ready toao ii muci for otie.rs- wien hh ac! sa little .himei, wiit do you think about Vhe children Who have good times and iappy. homes,- and yît beiia,ý disagneeabîy and; in a wayV o make Vie Indiane name -f tThey ouglit te Le ashamed, - Uncle Louis. I'mý.-goinglVo Vny Voe- hi a- Cheir! niif Riant, t06 - Youtii's Couipanion. - HYD)RO IS GR»OWDG. Mr. Beci Pnediets Call for 50,M0 iiers-po>emluim. - A despatci f rom Toronto saýye,; That Vie, Hydro Elictiic Comnu- 'sien wihl hodistnhbutîng Letweon 40,000end 50,000 iionse-powîn'inVie .Xri*gar,ý zone bkr-theiend' of1913,.hi th pnediction o! Hon'. Ada-n Bock.- .Iiid.te paît monthlbe. consumpton - - o! power 'by Viii munjàipalties ha-y-- îng contracte vý.iVii -Viiicommission' vas over two anda hLaI times great- er Vian a year privions. - The iiigii est loa.d duing l'Xniy -vas 24,286' 7iorse-power, Çcmpai.â vith 9,737' for J-uly, 1911.ý Tord'nto ieiped'. Vh Votai a-long lin great s'tyle', Vie mai rnmiloadâ' h9ne.increasing !rom 'L 528 Vo10,154. - G..R lIeved »téo ho Pling1ng r--millien-BuShiel ttucture.- A detpateih froifi sotm a' Ys WOç ~,0,000-busbiel ýeàatonrAo' Le eret#ed ii Montreal- -are nov in conmsre iof preparationi IV is believed tiait VbiGrand Truuk - ie back 'o! Vihe prejeet. 'The eleva. faîl o! 1913. ~ MA~tNWI1 BUIIIqED.-- Twep.ty jo-e,~Rnrd' Pigea rn. a, wide STii*" leË Same ol ine. .Evening witii a lit E iskirta' imý ,serve4.'. - sîlk 'have4 orý blki mast hoce made -np made',seýi --Veste Vc Wuie '.are with7" bont4 Chantil) -bine&l m'ai fectî o!' t Manil ,wbmn Wit 'whiite ser "'Serge o: denies 4p; &Ve newf Fur, tri namrow hb ,already s~ caesac plaisai they-Url sud, f al-k On seiný 1 men 1:_L -1, 9

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