Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 29 Aug 1912, p. 2

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Tablsss are soIdbi nor by man jst 2U mThe, Dr. William'a Bzockvnlô ,Ont.. 'I .wau have tiiesu fl di snd féremnost, i oàG9 1lriY~ yuminci .-T. water will boer yen up.; l t lafe and eruggle thst lnva.niaMy se a par _tatb botoÀ. The b w.ey fiequiuýe confidencee th make.tfor couragesud fun ia -,- squar. eandreasoabl t tj ulace. Wadeýout- until your -ahou 9=em. e cIvie, squat a little e <et yo iseif çýet ail over. "Don't1 the leataton aftaid, vaif êlitt wa te4 <et luto. your noie aa doeut a little, furtiier ui tiyen are up o yur ohîm, an DOW Y' tocs vili be in. t. les'y the bot m ot thé pool.. Do not b 'Y'- Tiishove you that you are lttEL ýh ter thon tii.w'ater. - Nei 'ljft yeu chest sud with the! musce <t>yu -- stoimacii breatheý deop stretcb oui arms eut t. ferm thi letter, Toft yo'rseef,' stif ou yexý backbonésud holow yourbick-.i thcughýýý uddenly ,yen vere a vr TOur toeb' bave 10cme xZn sr face uýo 'Lean.your head iea f reely seAf ar sa you eau keepluî Yeu mutl - shut. - .Lie back wit a l>oute coonfidence, andIthere Yo' -'are 'float ug. KXeep- yur backbonc 'etifgetly paddle wth yqui M OnI, ndYeu are ewimm.-i Make 't. 4 ard the shore, cf course. Tientjy all"'over again; TWe time kich wîthyour teetvery-<Bn6 tlv;', rre g str"kes might tinmn yeî ovradfrigiteni youLýKeep pur balne dpractice to r re t - n 9 e e*ttigta. yn ilh learing ethe '"V" stioke. ' Kick out- until-xh legs aine 11k. t4e-let te r Vsa t them togethei. 1ke the blades of, a pair oftscicsrs<hicI gives -a àîrng drive ahead), then 'drsw tii. up sidewlelike a&tr" and kick preïste tly " out aegan '1ýji.u try srkiug'your legs go 'a Il you weîe jciimblig up staïrs. AI- vasîr'eunmbei tii. vater will be&r .,,yeu up-4id thie great.sui onl "diffclty, bout s miu 81 i Ne par ~n shouici go- tien home- witicut s tbottle of- Dr. J. D, Kel- legg's Dy eutery Cordial* in -t1ýeir 'possessioni as change of water, ,C'okling," imte, etc., frequently -bringaeon fumm'er complaint, and tiiere lu nôth ini like beiug esdy 'wii su rmedy at handi whfrl eftervthnes saves great auffeiig sud trequ Dntly valuable- lives. Tuhs OCordial -lis gained for itieit s. widospreadreutation for afford- Ingprompt nlief fron ail summor complaintà. -Soin. weorPen. wofid rather -be grafctul tiau gacicus-.- Mi1naioea inimýent 01*., Gai-gm: in Cons. If, duriufg courtii% a Youug min telle -a girl that iie' unwortiy of; hem mihe doea't belee, i t- any more thun ,he.1meaus itW TornroMan Cured of IholFable hch 'i RYCUdmOaS+aau cCutkulROntmei nura Snp and Olulment.- Fonr r Sve yearo 1»1 w lnPort Artihur, and 1- a ataî ýce"àainlyWaeIntolerable uheaca,- ' etchlngwuvas dclpally at Uglts bde. went 'te bed. The thlghs mmre%»U ooelu ffeted. - "I vet ti two doctora about I, and Mdie ilers tbsa eue îemedy. I 1awunegining ie iiktcompint vas incurabl, hen I d9 t - ffm tou l h_ eliy Àkes de t S2 feMMt1 u igag The fiw w -'"so -gîeéMth"t it da *back-irm-bal)A thM twere drlp nmdôwn the pipe, &udtJie isf tà Sesoaping gas coul .ometimes e'Ieard two6 or three miles' awae., > d'O dlnot lee.s e - a.ny a4 -th> nà di.e at* le*igth t "peÏ1104 to-, bau -don the effort. e Th iext, ye6r' they caie ba.oI Shop -té find thé' ga. ,rUit. ou .énoug to sl"1hmt eu mdborîng. But whe«,*eth ad ciean.q ' out the. hol, and driiled only -ée ~~furtiier tb ga scALPe re 00 0mmecedwit ï",ýinenatyýth& e' Again they vere ftoroed,.t<> atp. Tih tapped. nd enzough kef i S ud édgive the party fuel and 11g-h an emake a&l the team jàee -for a twenty-five horsepowel bOier duri2ng the eeen'eaty ad tey' èyÈwetBore one came id burning. .Local report ha. itthal ft hmbwen .bunning -coi4inuoualy, b extinguiihed'now afikitiien dtgripg ~the pait do-zon year"s and're-U gted Sby oettlerà, aad'Paesers-by. Tât the es gas flow is ulidimiahed, -however, is quit. certain', for tiire i.4-,flame h' nearly 1fifty.-feet high and of -.ver. ir substaptial circumiferenoe., IiiJan- Suary laat o.parteyof returning sur- eyor. amaped, oh a bitterly cold nI. h t et te <as well, whose r-c-heerful flarne warmed thei.*-in- -k ter atm.klpbere for rnany ýj&rds g&round 'tiit thsy slept comfoztably î ntthéopen. u 'GAS, V -IL, TAR AND COAL. Ol 'Tii. Athabaska River, ini whome ir vitý> thua effusivo gags supply 36 fôuîad,' ià one of 'the-,gros-t #ater- aysofd hnew North.The, Peaso adMackenizie ivers make up wihit a trio-'tha.t;>mesuan - st everytlin-s'to the- indu&tial-future 'of the" North-'Weît,'and umong thiodpo"iàsisthe, tact tha.t Cfor'-instance, in the Athabasos dia. trict,'a tract déf à hundred thousaud square miles that ià saturàted with petroleum. The. Pelic&gai s wU v, which may b. Ioeated -on & good M& m O f Oanàad à -t a point ou the. Athabaaca lUvor,' cùm. twe mn- dred miles iqorth <if Edmonton, was the undiitinioal 'reault-cf an t tempt to -tep thé- underground oil suppy, nd.nuznerous, other bor- inga Zhave bèeen'madle at ,varlous other poit throughout 'tue. die- tri 1T:. xistence cof petroleum ilu 'imbi6nsei 'quantitie. has been thus, abndantly -proven;, thougli w-hetiier ornot. it is of uniformly high grade le inot' yet '40 f ully cer- tain. 1This is one of the wenders- of the1 new North. 'Wha.t was once sup-1 posed to be à wIlderness,'without. induotrial v la"i fow aeen to- have many poa.ibilltiea, and this j underground -suppiy cf petroleim is one of the. béat of.- them- Its ex- planation lie.*iiidden wybaki the ages of the. past , whou ýthe must have been oome inightyearth m0ve ments going on in'tlioee orth- cmr parts. The'thing no* is not so Mue? to exrpiain it as' to '<et A.t it. Until the railrcads get into the cuntry hre le neMossub,8lity cf dcveiopingthe. resource, and mean- hle, thre is & tremendous amount of good illuminant àndl'uel going t6 waste. The. Pelican <as ireil là suppoe to be the largeàt in thea world, and it gives*ue indication etf rununug out. Durin-g the past.yearP it waa noticed f or the first titne that a amail drops ef tar vwere being biowna D CAPTURE THE 8S.UPPLY. But if the- i,-whc lie nher, merehanta-bi, cfthtilproducts, ca-n be. eaciied euiy -thirongi -èucl uncontrol-làble - volumes' et-gais, it stiui -remains te flu a a y o!fgttiug at it. T-ho report t. the. Géolog ical nu rel mgard" t<'>t-h-e élIcan veil recommend.d tua-t a. ne bore at-h tucdepth, of, 8fee,- meth frit large gai vein vas eucounteed, "shieulci b. at leàt 't-en. luches. lu dianeter; then it weuTdlie possible- te reduce the caaing four on five' turnes, giviug ýthat iuany 'différent fiues et pipe -th be used in getting by tues. <as veine." Some suci- method ciI-Ùl'ndoibtédly ie* triedi soon, for tue iioped-for railroa<!sý aro nov headin'g lu -th>t' direction.! Thre epectacular eutertaiument cf &a: gia-ut -gai velI blazing' high snd,- fuin-sly le veiry îut.mesting, but it. le toc, vastefUl o! na-ural resouresf tic -ne purpome te b, long- tolemable,1 even -lu the nov aund uexplolted1 Canadian Northi. à SCeai, oil, 'ýind < as are thbe thmeei voëndemýrlches of that tan corn er oet the Empire. It bas been euppomedi tô yleld chiefly_ fura sud peits, but1 -theee. otier-.products re -quit. 'a-s 'native-and tam more" valu able. Thet -violo -north .1la-nd above tii. presout lins of' rail - fl,- àrgQof Uteia1 ed 4.ILI7 u6çXAV ODUO DO oxc, Dow vi the. undeiround gaa tanks.of tii. d -Canadian. North ýtapped and ýppd, àe0 ï prýooy <- WRITE, OAK EXHIU,$ÉD.- , pruce Bsp.dly SplalgEi la Canadian Ceoperage. .0 Althobugii elm still leàds amc n g dtiie woodaï used for a818.k cooperage, 'spruce is rapidly âupPlanting it. In the, -total eutput, cf barrels in the kt Doýminion isat year, tiere were e used, acoording to fgures compiled 't by theFrsryBac o.h e partmeut of the. Interior, 80,01ê,000 pieces oft-..u, in Stave s, headinga >r and hcops, as a.gainst 37,704,000 pieces ot spruco. There were, how- 6 ever, ever 11,000,00 more sprue a taves and 9,000,00o fewer elin bstaves reported.for 1911 than for 1910. Iu time, elm will probabiy ibe used oniy for hoope, as it leS the g beàt wood forithe purpose, the. sup- Iply le fa.st diminiaiiing, and ether -BPècies can be used to advauta.ge for staves-snd headings. The, ulti- enate substitute for elun will proba.- bly 4 iebrch, whici i'omparatively *plentifuL . . i,- Olaek cooperage le cf vastiy -rester lmportancje thau tight cop- o rage in Canada. Tlizis l because thé' majority of Canacian produots ireo of a xough snd dry* nature, siech as lime; potatoes,' apples, dry fieh, flour, coreals, etc., an<lbeêaune Canadian woods are besi suited, to éascr ooperage. t White oak, the. cnly wood whiohP can be us, ed for containers cf alc- hello liquida, lia. 'beeu. pracitically b exiiaust.d in Canadian woodiands, In.1911 eoi1y 2,7M100 - 'oak -Stavea 61 <wèe e ut;_ whfl&' 7,2'93,Q~O were lun- 0 pçrted.V A rougi estimat. on thé part of b, the Ferestry 'Brauoh' Ics tii. a miÈimum ameunt of mateeial ueed ý3 in the'manufacture cf al clasies-cf*M ooperage as 62,U%3190 board feet, te Mmde Up as tollowa - taves9 29,367,- el 714 feet; -heading,- 24,466,66W fe.t, and hoopa, 62;3530190 foot. In OÂ Lr THE WÂY OUT. bauge 'o! FoodI Bronght Soccesa aud Happinesa. An ambitions but delicate girl, atter failiug to, go througii school on- account of norvoususs sud liy- itemia, tound lu Grape-Nuti tii. oniy tiig that aeemed to builci her up sud tumnlsh hem the. peso. cf health. _ "From, iufancyl'> hoeys, "I have not been streug. Beiug ambi- ticus t. learu at auy coît I finally got 'te thé Rigli Sciioci but socu hai tic abandon my itudies on sa- count ot nerveni prostration sud hystemia. "9My food did net agree, vlth me, I grev thin sund despondent. I could net enjoy th ii.implest, social affair for I ifrdcontty from ,uervousness ln epite oet M1 sortseto "'This wretched- -condition cou- tlnued untul I was twenty-five,<when E hoecame iuterested lu the' letteri of tilise wiio.had cases 11k.- mine and vie were getting.veli by' est- ug Grape-Nuts..- "I haci littie taitii but probred abox sud atter tii. finit diili I hx. >erienced a peculiar satisfiéd ' feel- ing that I liac ncvem gaine' frinm any crdinary , food. I asiet sud rested hobtter tihat niglit, sud' luina tew days began. to grow stronger. "I had a'uew feeling of ý,Peaoe .ud remtfulnos. lu à ew veeka, tô ny great jey, tiie heaàdachies. sud 2ervousuces aiett me sud lite ho-s ame:rght aiffhopeul. -I ne- lîned m'y s'tudies sud later -taugit c en -'menthe with case-et courseo_ isiug Grape-Nuts every day. lt ilet: low four yeas since I began tà. use Irape-Nuts,' I anthe nistresa cf- s kppy home, ancithe olci weaknesî C, Las nover 'returned." Nane, given' b v Canadian Postum Co., Windsor, )ut. "Thère's a reason" Read-tiie ittle. beokr, -"The Reaci tcv-'Well- d [11le," lu pkgî. Ever read thé above lette A new ens f Ppeats from tinté to time. They ais eluine, trus, and full ef human intârssL c LEÉCTURES FOR BRIDE!iJ "Lectures 'fer Brides" i~ti ans ofet i latest -course started. y the -Viennes. (Austris) UsBtitu- on, fer' popular inetructien, known Bthe -Umania, and now v;vried Il ever the. city. The lectures viii ver suoli subjecti a. housekep- L, cookiug, hy'gieue, elempntaÎy . bysoiolegyr, ,anAd tii. ec'ame of 'bhil- oen. :'T.hô4gi màinly intended-tor oae vie-- aiee a1îiýt tobe, or- have - et, en, zmarried, 'ail .girl. over - eveutecu. viii be admltte. The #1evi last for eýight ets Lere being lectures ou t1Fo-'veu- & a swèek. .A imaîl teels chagei ýrthe course, but thé poom c*n b.. 7,775 P~~ v' av ne ne e al. th ji 00 tic seD k ai ât a- br ke il kt rýp n 9 d p ýu- 15 8I4n wa.e-ropl ho vas net,;.-tie-n7. bail about à!ùn in " Sk. But the pose ' and presntly the, ýwith tii. pitol lc -Yure Dot -suppoed--t6 b. eh",iu Seýrcee ù, nal.banzi door" L Ti.prinoe-.bursf into I.ughter, 'PO SMAN'S DISHROXEI lu vhich hi.- scaudalized totorsud I apolgetie host P~eutly loined. T7hosn of leue ose "Give me a litte- restt und an- Coupon PrIzes Stolen, otiier triai, sudj I wiii promise not Tho nüds cf pictûre- -Po te We>bblé"tilil-you.have fiuilhiid y were , tc>ieu Jýby a: postine pistol hand,'.ad thé'rne od ~ av eie<4t~m uaturedIy, sud lie epti hiword neC6!b- à oa Tii. atudio le - one: in -whicii bine-a'~su tameous French painter, Decamps, land) eia.-Thre accusei once worked, 'and possbiy," s liiiJl poe uly M Amiemican suecessor',pointed euot,- ga or' -rie-Poa, Omce) sa that lu wblich iiad ocurred - anotiisr'dwre 'itte ,ad v-eture,.witli royalty. Ib is v ? '2 'P stcar- s v m t.P àâ-prieon rth-hi~e, i-pou on the tp er u a viitor hwn ta~the thefte. h paused oue,day, hefore going ni, -to ong'n o lie-vsrtepo inquireffMonsieur 'Decamps ver. ea g-o. Accused 1did uc> lu. Reciing azuaffirmative, rely. eia- ad n 1 ho as ut tamrting- up, the itairstiiett ad iter:h as moe7cb wiien the,,-.oocierge -aled atter - i o'etpiict ne postc-ardé or he 'w " A a e n t e a o u t v l i t i n M e - a z y to . i i v e r 't h e u u, s ud . t o c "A*yonaie abotvistin Mo - - i e tead. Mn. Wood, ,qieur Decam-=»pa, penhape -you will be l r i, .th~Jat -iuquiî 6e kinci as 1ô carry up -tues. tro u er o mpexc e-n ti ers tibat Ihave juat bmuîled."'. ag1eunii6 ipreaC When, -afew mometts later, t Large u an d x~ !pated: bell- etftth. studio rang, 1).ca -- tb aau fr m i pri z opeued 'the -door, -su' fouud'on thé icuponhb e p mmas pmt.i threhluL i irifrlncsud paron, thécou e, h ad entod toft -D uk . o ! Orleasns, h u oA i e,. tmmôue, who, à 1.bb roe The Ju ho many t e u .precuedsell h. Iolected. (Laughton', hlm with liii ewy rû.edtru-Loidîisaicithat, he thoni seË& aai - : ENG"LANDg XNUSE cLun. Rias Shows and -Qi vs ,P kizs 9 Tbiat Brng$8 e Engio.ud. hm a Nst»J Éusl (u club,. whieh 'ha. been lu eài&tkbi for seveuteen yce. -Atter tii,l h ad atarted Lady Decies became succeseful exhibitor, of jrize, mi and .presented tii. club with a ceu] The club owes its existence to a di sire to promoe the breediug an exiiibiting of faucy mieaud t. dl fine preeisely the. true, type e mlici It urges the. adoption of such typ on breedersud judges as the. on] recognized-ý standard by whIIich mie are toc ho judged. Usually there are about a hu-m dred members. Tiie aunual sut scripion is payable in advauoe, bu aImost nominal iu amount. Ithi arranged by the. clib that an an nual club show shall take place ii addition t. the two cup ishowe. Th,4 greataninuai show -exhibitaeover 40> .rice aud the Woodiwis cup, 'o: rathiierWoodiwiis bowi, Worth £Vi 10s., la offered. Fourteen ether cups are offerec by tii. club for competition, sayi -the Lady's Pictoriai, iucluding ti £8 88. Qoronation Challenge, cup, These trophies do net beçorne th( sole' property cf the winners, bul ýare given up when- required foi forthcoming show,, lun addition te the cups, certificates and medalE biiere -are emaîl money prizci ofeéred. "A oor as a dhurcii mouse" hm b.ne= proverbial, 'yôt aristocrate oubside the. ohurch, are, sometimes aoldifor £7. This vas the. puce-air- id :,for: ,Dutçh mask mousê. Would-be breederi of mi]c. need not >0 dilscuragèd, hevever, at 50, high a. figr, for it: i. nusua, sud quite i odpaie, cf, elf-colored spee' mnu fit toe w,,ca eauhobought for ten shiffinigusudýà a gccd pair eau even b. -bcugiit a-t Ève shillings. Rasked varleties are more expen- ivas, tiey. are more difficuit to Dbtaiu. Que pound or £1llos. le a Fair price for a thoroughiy <ccd >utch or "broken" exhibit. There are ne zslack times in the. uainescf mous. keeping, though be average lite of, a pet mouse le unly oue year.- Therm are zôe lesu éau tweuty varieties recognized, cf' :ncy mice, which suggest a liberal clucatiCn to the student of coler )rdiug sud heredity. A mouse is-ches maturlty abt' the age et ires aud'& lhaift t.four months, Sd sheds its firat coat at tien eeke old, aud its next Cosat Mthree monthi old, aud &gain at tii. age et ix montha;. As may b. uudged fro>m the. shows id prises coffered, - s mouse ha.s its >iuts. The meuse iiould. be in ug9th froin seven- to eight inches rom top of noie, tc end et tail, with ng11, dIean -he., net too fine or olnted at the nese; the eyes ehoulci elarge, boid and promirnut, the -ra la.rge sud tulip shaped, free 'm creases, carried ereot, wîtii lety ot width between thein. The body should be long sud alim, trise arcied over loin sud racy in 'pear&nuce, the tail, wiiici sheuld 3froc from kinks, should come elii out of the. batik, sud be, tuick the. rcolsund graduaIly tapering ke s whlp lash t. a fine end, the ngtiiP being equal t., that et the Ouse's body. The. coatishould b.' îrt, perfectly smooth, flossy sud Bek to, the.band. VERY NATMUAL. "Ms. Speude eSays they have s harder tino thun they uscd t., try- -ing t-c live on tieim inoom4b." "That's naturai euough--Spe.ude ha-s haci hie salaeërnerea.mcd."y Oue, cf tkI,'connoneit complainte Of infants -is >voimi, sud tue Most effective application for thlen is Mother Graves' Worm Extermina- Don't vait. for thing t-o corne t-c YOU Until yen are tiie cld te enjoy tiheui. WHEY SUE WANTED ONE. 'I vish 1I hac a baby brother, mamma," ma-id 4-yeam-old Maggie. "Wh4y, dear, viiat, do yeu waut eue for?" "I vaut hlm t. viieein my p-er- ambulator." - -"But you have- -sevemal. doea." "V'«ea, but they are> alwasîgi>ttiug broken viien the peraninlator tips- Au Easy Pilh te Taire.-Some per-, sons have repuguance te pille b.- cause of their uauseating taste. Parmeiee's Vegetable Pille 'ar-e 5 iirepared as te maire then a-gree- abi. t. the meat tastidions. Tii. neet delicate can taire them witli- out feeling the.'revuhsion tuat toi- ovse ttakiug of ordiarý pille. This is eue reason tor thi. popular-, ity et tiiese celebratcd pille, but the. nain, reason je t-hein higli> tonical quallty as a nedicine -for tic sto- nachi. It wouldu't taire long for most people t. tell iat ýthcy thinir et -e-n. - - miai-do Liniment Cures' bistemper. HINTS, FOR .KO«U8KEEPERS, Dou'-t tiirov youn coffeo- .greunda !way._-Dry-theiü sud kepthem 'fer, tie u's.e-f bomrowýiug neighboo.', ? u u u g ma - , l o u i - u o n a , 1r ei hot, shovel' WIil;:do waiy vit-itu >dof eftoaco u-youn parlers. - .etn thoehde mn ae-- -W hen - that h. sary.'th' on havý hà, work~ of tight tmcnbied simple 'i' Corn Cui TWEJ Mr. Poe ried, tw4 t'ought-~ Mrs. Pt -John ( togetie~, r. aui a itund kt id <oui ot secî by iii posta], Oft lacsl Id#e i b b vai- a case 4e-i Ileptémana, ýhe -knew that if wasIeýe iong-c'ontinued theft.- The vos sn-feced toe tweW~e rid lâbor. z.n:- l druuk ho torgeýts as ne sense. niment Cures CodI4 Ete. nienseiica! -and unneces, - g a vacation aeno wien,à 'have -haci yours the othýr sista ou iaving hi, while t.- stick around sud do rcamdby:the presue Sots, -but*nneoeue need h with -then lon9 'when â reeyas -Hfoilo>way is rle availabie. ITY WONQYEARS. ~k-"We have beon mari ty' :yesrs ao44 weve' k (scolig)-"cWhat 1'. ruickly)-"'Life'a battlem j'rial - cert fy th at I ha e se jnmuluMY familiy fou onsier t th beilinime lt et. I haie found it excellent (Siged) -W. a. PINEO. i"MMddieton. N. S. ~YLE HUBBY LIKES. !rtly wu discusiug the' ion vii yeng ady' 1 .'sBy yeur huebanci wa 8j hese clingiug. gowua, j iles eue t.-Cling t. m ë Liée yea-u." le Muet'Act -HBalthily." limenit. the.first -came o man ise to mee that the 1 [peuàn su uhy perform' unctions. Parnele.'s ilsare se -aompounded! ingredients iu tihemý tweh&solèly sud theyý best bMedicineavi Iuce. 'halthy actien of' inded there is no dîgestiv« otgaus a 1W B ETTER. -" earýd-,your hue-' [e door As ho vent eut. 1 i do that V" gnind--"Oi, yee; but meful- net te. mia-m it as a'"oot pia. ti. n ee4 , Iich mo tte>-n 1 mer.and on th s M arJ4e Woodlanài TUE 8si Mm. -Shi latett tahi ODài- fend o!f Ma-e?" "ogYes ; -hel fr &bout j Tii. Bove -Iu Most a the medicial bovehe are iug thair Vegetabl*ele tilat ceirtaiî a-ct ou tue' are the veî tble te ,pr ôther- spéc -kepngt4i heel itfl a c Neigier band'aAm-t Dec. he oit Mia. -Stuc* lie cores lu.îf *,-UA&atî- 114 IUUïiz PAIES FORi SALE H.l 'Weý DAWSON, Hinsty Ooîberne st, Toront. ýO VER PIM -- GOOD IMPROVE». ,:,na arm tuManitoba, Saskatchewan 8EMMBEST P~I itou WN OEJ OR BELL A etok. grain of dairy farm consuit me. H. W.- DAWSOH,ý Toronto.. of. W, DAWsGN, roronto.- NUPMBER . SPLENDID PRVUn Avegetabie.-grazing and grain tajzn? in Western Ontarîo. Send for our eata. logue, sent free to any address. The 'Western RalEst&at,Londôn, Ont.. UL LPWANTIED.- a e pla ed in positions as Is.st as n prepare them. Riwa ficase 's 'Our School. Now le the tiie: to makr. rangement! for Fali 'studies. Fiee> No. 18 explains. Domninion fichool -R ing. -Toronto. MISCELLAMEOU& NE]gY TAND PÂtm OALES. Wfl"nes -~ A OE& TUNCRSLUXMpa. te. I. . , - o a na d t e mn aL : o r d w t o u b -gM by aur bôaine teatueut Write usf . or tolate. Dr.-Bellimasn -'edicami Co LfteCliwood. Ont -,ONA90-LE etARÂýNTEED. Wilson* 6 TOle worimi 9 1nspiauae. Toronto. ÂIED PO1iiOiN ÂWAITS 00K- uete tbusiniess méan who' tisainvest 8100 u gongmaufaIîn Men's8tsft" BRITISH -ABEIIICAM BYNIN CRUOSOTU3 P1rotesot - preme.,w. - neoautify Sampli.a Md emekints.».auPiplieation iAMÈS LAIIGUIR &"ce,., Llmltod 1511 BIkuit trie, ORONTO /-i d âm- Delielous-wholesome-no- sosies--no -bo.ne-pac#ked.% lu purest Oiv*e On. KIGOSCAR SARDINES, disinfeçtaut s-Weopiug po'dem, l &a lite-pue- - server bcauàe it kihis aFl , es.~rms. Floje den; 'c. ".' pets 'brigt. em fresh And sweet. No du.t ile aweepiug. Âsk yeur Dealer for-1t;- lois ,dlstributurs for Ontario ME SAPIg M r. CO., L1Irnited b Ls on- J- powe.rs, e-tua-tca-n 'litèr luto inan ho- okedueàs, ,ec toth.e le Middle for ma-ny -cDf 1,0 acquire Loui pI'w- - ,dieaded. umsn_ be- -Tii.- M.ratures M. 4. a, i.briÉ7ht, fresh7-c look -of 'yonth trasted curjousi, liair. She iwas il ' ad.abiith, ch izig about coie nsd se n *riglit minutee Askevold, kii~' face;- owîng t. t * lessness,'.looked Iebrg'S new if mug t sit down What do yqu 11 do -the tking £f "No, ne;_ yo« - cbuld; sit dowu udIwill tack chat. Whzt "mn '~patches, beueàth "Oh,'it is not ~j Bcause yOu' acsmething. Thi 11 o t t ii saiud ÇSiÉ yeural.t endencj Yurenember1 oould slep be '"And -jocUfpet' your -brain -abou * "Partly," sa.id -down and speakiz sec it was lin t chance of becon: -t. dd, of steppi which would hilv - help the. otherâ, -net corne up toý happinesa I 't chance " Afid se littie'z tiornng, nç 'ame, xnotherly; 'oôld la4 -hcasé. "Cii"said have pu-ly one._' gîve youn--be t ideal.'>' ie uuattainabe. "Pe nhapSe an lielpeil.-But' fy niageteb/ih true. Haîfte ce re M pe4pl yust wiiat they. cý * cepted -this man' lie wronging srl capable of loving "Then you Mpa have higher- idea saine in thig-as-il sud what you',ha' shut your cars to ing bùt.false aý '-and listen to thée heart.- Depend n. ~able te do 'tam moi Swanhild if yenU self than yen- wo' as a rich i'omlari SgWwas sile] "Thank yen," t "I'see 'thungs M -now; h1ast i#ight < things thýreugh«- -lJ-spectaç-1e asu_ b~le veiy so1-i Fru Askevold li "That le quit. ~""Thc' mlrrages scheming relative - srng enougiat-ii sunn ticý., always, cf ler lite shenim - . aes a w Pm wrd cf praL -ap niug -of -our camni iu our -hearts witl glow cf encourae ùes wbich it fin wbile the. appisu - lidea off us 11k-s batik. .Tii. little ahowxî in daýyâa of lered _wenzrieal ing- days et picsp gotten. l t vas ( rd at in. her ccli ped-'round-in au- Sie was rZnng 0 ter she ha4lIast r TAIR TORONTO s C) - 1 c Every tennis om hall player, every viMiner, every caneei t, every ma rvoumnu',wio loves cutdeor lite' id exemcie,-ehe6uld keep a box et am-Buk handy. Zam-Bukla a pureiy-'herbai pré- aration, vrhicii, ausoou as applledý cet,'- ruises, humus,' 'spiains, âit-ors, etc., sets up iiighIy befi-1 ýai eperations. Fimat,' iti antlop- cprepertied' render the. wound i. tien aill' danger fren blood Disouiug. Next, it. aopbhiuïg pmq- irties -reliete sud es the pain. hen itsIricli, herbai ýbains peu.- ate thbetUme, sud-set up'the von-' itul proceas-6f healiug. Baî,bed mie scratches,.insect stinga, skin »,sese-all are quickly cured 'by m-Buk. Al dnuggistc sud stores. i. Zam-Buk Sosp aise; 25c. per

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