Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 5 Sep 1912, p. 1

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~I8<I4~ md Opttclau~ E. HALL w Wlultby. O~esolth wlagc Ofice firg 'door we IMouicy Qtorney sud me, 'Whitby. ,kolvýe age. Lt. *Consiste partments. for' 'the inuu served. Ti aie; -the st et of the :!g Loane UiCaty giedby his fr*en fiat kStj ô ~ensvepartisanshIýp Is'Ë th- ~ i any 'cse r. I-reland was e itwl o i p ed- g9en- vestigation befotëactiontw vas gotten as .Sécretar-yOf' Star deélares that Mr. J'amr aàte Ho, C t eweVais eposbl oWtedsi >tic tank ýwas installed- and i n s igani 6canüt' to- represn peration for the. past seven Sond"We now nothinga rysnleand 'inexnsivý-éýe. right tliinki ng' -pe ;rs ou _is~ consti.icted' in three com- 7Governmnentofficlsâon- pett, szt-'hold -thc ew conepptileand unworthy.<( o unt who, are t bet e bonored iih aseat ht rtmnt éeS ' the-, scw- At thegatheri19of presii lehë sewage in' an aji-,*ih o Pe.Day the dismfissal. hours, s'nd any -sewAge much somment. Lt imrob~ ütintas the -elect, "M srad and streniouS will. b te 'inithe, tank for,,mx* unwarranted dismnissaîht the, aùu'zing.i'part, of the sulit ,li Mr. I-relad being. 1s fl-*se'~pdbeuei~en~ odhave a salutaryegfect iii ýbtli i '4ixt o-hurs genwMe t: is now*a. -andà is i -ir agishl Ltl--baseiless-ru'- >d to ~pbi u kn'T North. rthurs,-M.P., who ding liüke Parry' .th -,but ta any sof dismissig ,ges, màust appear ýt'the Exhibition the 'of-ec a tatso wide- tbject icn to- this if i t- does_'not rè-1 to 'ofice, itn'lay ses. *ngin O i*a -5- 0005oÉi-deuii40 i~upeUedte .drug~itf'tlié 9!gree. upon a meaiure -,--of-, 6r - les. than aUlf4D-. fi1ý"5U com»pared, with otheër Iins- .f ý nemfe. Hereufteerin accýordanè'.11 thaconclusion,. all4ihe drue'jst&im Oriffi ywijl- dose proinptI> at 'S ýck. each eein,.saurclay exè e4.. The drug . tor es ' will> also reu CLOSED.ÂLL DÂY SU 3YS '-" Sion being maddr o cisof" , , when' *druâ,s aud nI«d-ines wili"b plied in Ùecesîary 'mises, j» answ cal~-by, telephone. -WY.- Ca>'un t e publie- heartîly 'ndConsistel secazuoiigus in -this rteasonable Everything:.is n ow ed for the ,biggert Oshawa rair y iet -hel d. -The managgr and directoiehave ben foýr Bolne day. cQmleting detàils. -Thte enties have. corne in -great numbere The--attractionsa adverýtised annufcE tibii. Two.-'bands lhave' 1een, raiÀiifg foàon weeks ,and will botIr bave g00d .brigh in usic...The ,trotLers ,/4re -alreî%dy coming 'and -- getting 't0 !?itioor suand..- ils.wer.andof ',filtration beds i.ist -Fortersi surée or G:Robb, whit- *ntledbdges, septic < - at convenieËt aont.sd, 4 -. NÙ VALUATOR:"" tp. Arrangeumetocanb. made lor B&li and Ind4menet phono.. W WIBYu, ONT. C4Wi'.Builder and Contractor. flnemunand esijuates furnished. Re;ýî~rs, Alterations--and Jobbing. ' 5oit tephenson!@ ...Px)4 WIITOY phsone 149 Imuèr o f Martiage. L"eu Corner drugstore. whithy No Wipeoiemsr«uaured. Chronlc, arc advlsed That the 1>li Tiersin-a Shaw's-Schoolt; ,T-e'onrb, h now open sud that 'Students will be admittcd any 061 ù 'da unil Dec. aoth- -ora - , .s.usinegs, Shorthandl Ci vil- erviCeý, or Telegraphy. the nelw c'atalogue just issued is intereiting fIn its detilu and lu maledlircou rçquest. Write for - 'acopytWHSa, rsiet aRdUlem.. oeUpsdls.Tet 1~oNYMNTS Dha&8pudliatoeIaIlopi laStock oemt, wWl& YD.Iri eu.y byr pirchaauln froixiv&L A Ceilcti o&. cea"' WoeIs Ixtumr'S md 'Supplie$,.alsoi UYMWuit Us Cali us at oi _oS Qo8~ lhawa. ?PhooeMS. 'old mnethods ofsanitàtc " scwers Coldb& ai down and connected up With- homes and- places of business, sudthus »y degrees, the'towp rculd -be covered-at least -the cÏetrlsu mr -icl populated porýtion. It mhight 'be well forWhiby to -keep tI'is scheme if. min4 for coîfsiderafion -when a sewcerage system' cornes within the realm, af practical politics. Preidet af '.lef t, ear mustt buru good-and lot, if there is auytbIàng un the saying that we pepeae criticizngan the lef t ear uras. I ,P 1o 'aonc bj. ,Lte, pres and -.people of '-Creat Britain aud Canadâ that' Congress. and the - Presi- dent are blamed, -bue: the, better class of, journils in the United States àold them up to obloquy for their violation of ýtplain and distinct agreemeuat. The San Francisco, Argonqaut, in a -scathiug art- icle, quotes this clause from the Claytou-Bul.wer treaty, whicl clause was :not revoked. by the later Hay-Paunéefote treaty: "The goveruménts of the United States anîd ,Great Britain hereby declare, that neither -'Vue anc nor the other will evçr obtain or maintain' for it- self any exclusive coutrol' over the - said slip car?-* al ; greeing tha-t. neither will ever erect or ma~in- tain any fortifications commauding -the samie orÏin the vicinity thereof, or occûpy, or-, ortify, or col-, onize, or assume,- or exercse, any, Dominiop ia- ver Nicaragua, Costa Ricae, the -Mosquiito' caasto or any part of Central' Americal,;-'nor will elther 'n ace. use'of auiy protection whîch either ýafords.,orni1a afford, or an y -alliance whiich either 'ka, r Ma pose aIerectint . or,-"rnaintaiuing any sudt,-,ù sâe rpepe fort ili- çationsi or oôf occu.pying,.Iortifying. ",or c oloniziig, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, the Mosquito coast, or any- part' of Central America., or of assurning or eXerý. cisîng dominion, 'tver tc ame; nor w-ýillthc Unit- cd, States orGetBrti take, advantage of any intumacy, or use any allian4ce, connection, or influ- eneé -tisÂ"t cither- may possess, çith'.an y stt'feor goverument through wlose ýterritory- the sâid-ýcanal. may -pass, for the purposé 'Of acqu ir .ug o r ho4d- ing, directly',or ýindirectly, -_' for the citizeus- or sub-ý jects of tI*e âne, -any,-rights or, advautages iu re-_ go.rd ta. counieaece or- navigation t hrough the' said' canal,.wvhichshah no beoffered on the-,sanie terms ta r-tise citizens ýor,,si4bjects of.the'otler.>' 1 Anather hcacà erument *xe-t P-" Sound. - hoehands are impure f r du cir-a' -'weat rom tIc ~ e -1rète drie and whose' Wa g0phav on, theirfl oore or bottoms the -fiagmenta-' oif table manuré and-:street 'dirt from ,their ehioes-as they' ~alk *e- i7 T'-his4'5a.nate hich necÊ:édsim miate aàetn.WI* teqMOJ.-iiaulusinÈi lm9elf wit héhe "<Roosters 'and, "Swtting te ilieÏs),"7 the' baker is delivering, da ily,- thousauds oi germs, inta every home. UioralComment Major Sam Sharpe,M4.is declined appoint- ment 'to the 'JtIdýeshivaiant in this County: The position 'of Police Magistrate is stili vacant in Oshawa. Lt seems to take longer to fil vacancies- cadsed by death than by dismissal. 1YU61é 8ihov -and 'à good ,-oveln train' erice, on ie,h4 -N'orth lpaàsen- feum ~ ~ Pa ea ohm ah ght, as the F>ort Per frain wiIl . as tfirorn Osh- EL"' at six' 'each 'dgy. >tice is* hereby -given that in Court behel)4, pursuant to. the Ontar-& Ige Of the .County Cýurt of the Inty of Ontar'io, at the. ýcouneil m, Brookljn , on- the -2Gth4 day. of, )tmber, 1912, at feu ýo'élock' am., bear and deterusine comnplaint'oô :r -and omissionsiii theVoe. of the MuniciPalitY ao- the Town-ý of Whitby forý 1912. -:'- teýl the, 2ufd lIay. cf Sept.,192 Cl'erk Whitby T~ .No Wl! Vote: Judà Coui roor] Sept to hg error * >1 4 tu a hip At the luncleon tendered last Friday ta the Vis- Dal itingý pressmen by the management of the. Canadi- pap National 'Exhibition, Col. Hugh Clark was one of-- the- speakers. The Col. is the wit af bath tue Press Association and the House.- 1He told a good-P story at theý expense, of the Globe. In referring ta -the fact -that theprcss af to-day did not possess I as much influenceas iu times gone by, hée told the following 'story, of the days wlen th'e party paper- was. believed -as implici:lr as the Bible. Ln a cer- tain Scotch Preshyterian- church where,-a precentor-Wl and tuning fork took the place of an organ, iL V was noised that lesson helps were being used in,5 the Suuday -ScIool. The meenister took, occasion from the pulpit- ta warn lis people against thec useý of sudh literature lin these words: The Bible was- k good enough for aur -fathers, and thec B1ible is good enaugh for us,' *and^ I warn you against the use:ofý-- ahl worldlyleeterature in -the Sunday Scîool, even His 'Honor -Judge Mcntyreis ai the opinion that the public schoolppl, l h ilr omjpr ticula ly , have . t oo -- m auy subje ta o stud . R littIle da ug 4« Of-: ten years lad -twelve -ubet a study- beforÈe 2th é'n jidsmmerolidays, andon -re Lurùng -ýto shO- ou- T Iuesday of this- week' 1er- books were 50 ý.numerous that she was mlot able- t ta arY them -ah- His Houai behieves, that if the' subjects were fewerthé puil wopld b6cfome moreé pf IniutluSOme of -tlïém at- leat' -s th LI numbr Lhy'hae t6dealwith- prficiency in any one subjeçt is - well mg h imp ossible.: T here éma'y- e agood 'denl lu is Honors Contnion, u hs Who 'aredevotinig their ,live-s ta teaig oudb mare comp*eteit w decdti s onttan-tis Who dû o nt rnke-.,-a stu"dy of- educational .m"'atters. Howeve, i Ioors observation- leads Inn"ta' tiktat - maiY puils -wlo are foréed' to leave- .shool'at" thé eid ;c>f --the -public -'ol. urse, or even wïith aà yegr or two 1p tise igh Sc ool, aie, nôt'luauyone sù4ect SuffiisWficie icieutand, aCurtetoispireeither -tl'mselves" ý-,or others] wvs_t n cfidçnce. iWhethwer tIc'fauli ^lies.with tb« e accountitcaiàewjoi Weulial. peaued to hm -Dp ~ nia% mawr iwcas~~ LUI Nu $76O Secure Prompi your coa ta-nd carc eeprices. tion given -to 1 AlCoa;l weghd Stk of coa on all orders. -J. -ex c ARCHIVES 0F ONTARIOI L Direct iandling.' Goal 4- - -~>1-. -- -M -Mi

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