Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 5 Sep 1912, p. 2

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iinly way fo ton. up the uervesIo tlirough the 'bIo0ftDr. Williamî Pink Pille are 'a direct ner"vo tnic * béeauee by enric~h ând buiid U: thé kVood, 'and it is through -the * blood that the. nerves are fed Under their tbule influéence nenv 'C uinse, ivth aIl -ifs -attendant «vile, isappear, and the wçrr 'ied êufferer 'again rnjoys he4lth &Pd -' trength. Proof of the value' cl Dr. Williamns' P1iuk Pis in nerv- eus Ïroubles lu giren by Mrs. .Lar -' cheving', Lundui, Mati1 -who laya:.-' I was att with nerî- eus trouble which almôst d1roVe me *o distràctiqn. It 'wouid b. aimes fmpousiblefçt.wordt tf0 describe my ~- éonditl& 'The. leait thing woul< startle mi-,and b lave Rme trembling for ant heur.'I a nervous-bead- aches, and . elept very, bàdly >a' *appetite grew poor bnd Ia.i real- ]y a physical 'wredt.I- hfd been. te several doetiresud had taken many different medicines, but with- 6ut Any behefît, ýTheu I read of a case imilar cured -by the' use af Dr.. Williams' Pink- Pilla, and I ýsent foi a dozen 1ý0Xes, full1y believ. ing. it would taie at least thal maiiy tep cure me. Yoi ean juge of m y gratitude,, -however, *lien 1 .,.fouud that alter uging -only hali'a dozen boxes I was again enjoying the iiest af health, aud have ince ftenained well and atrong. I used« flcrminde'r f the Pilla among my:,cÉldren when they seemed out 'of sorts, and have'lio und them at ail times te lie the very best of family niedi cines." »You can get Dr. Williams, Pink Pilla through any dealer in medi- cille or liT mail'at 5o cenîts a box or six boxee fior $2.5'0 from Tlhe ir. Williams, Medicine Coq, Brockville, Ont. RELIGION IN, JAPAN. Signifleant Conferene Recentl]' Reid la Tohie. r7pon thiivtation cf- the Minis- $p 9 oms Affai s anwitli the ~4et½~Y~eaIof -the. membera of 04 Jaï>nege Oabnit, a nference 'of . presntati"W, of ý Shito, Budd- hiàrm. and- Chr.imtiinityr wu reoently hekiln Takio. Ail the thirteen 4 Shinto séets were-reèpreeented, &à well as ýtwen ty or ,bore ,Bud4hlut Seets. The seven Oh4stians, amougr whom was the- 1Rev Dr., Motoda, headmaster cf; St. P .ul' ollee, Tekio, represent li. ap ea, the i.' ongtegatinaists, .Eîpial-, ~na. tlhe Oreir Chuvch, the Metho- -'-formed Clurclies, >andl the Roman, Oathoiice.? The Minîter c-f HomeO .kffal!s, i welcoiing'the confer-_ on e, -expr.aeedappreciation of wliat'hah",d beeni 'don, elu the pa' 1h.'repreisntatives poft t1é dIfferent peopleand. bettel,- ôra cndi- $ 'lion.." Hé h4pW ora continu- auce ôl, suei effort-in the future, &Wd h4d asked for tue conference u 'ôrder that-therse migit lie a liet- ter uuderstanding :betwe.u tue G-overumental ,and 'religicus forces ato.theendlo be aiumed af. The aset battie on -Engiilih oil *a. foughui at Jersey, the largeet cf the Channel Islauds, in 1781. Unie,., wormislie expelled tram the s.stem, no child eau lie beal- - h.Mother, Graves,, Worm ,Erter- nituator 'a the, best" Medicne extant t4,deitrtoy. tVoijflS- 4 Ifyou, -or someone deA îoare, suffering the mng" burnn, slecp-des ing torments of êczeui other cruel skiù eri Qwith 'its embarrasing sightly dîsfiguremewnt; il ]have tried ail manne treatment, 7o'niatter harsh, ta no avail, anid àUl but -,given up hop cure, write to-day'for eral saýmpe of Cuticura and OM*,tmetit.' Thouç of skin-tortured suiff frômifancy 'to age, found thaf the, first N bath wvith- Cutîcura cp e entle *applicatial Ciicura,'<Qintment iiýant relief, permit "~4uep, 4proýve 'a~s,_trina.- sped Cu' Lt uthira ," J ar to le -largely 'donon credit.' But the P leng 'cf .mouey iudiiiidualiye withou' tseeurity, withouý l nt9reâî juat as-a ~oa l accommodatijon betWeen friendu, imkaone of the most it Uunbuoiuslîflë, and emoralizing 0a d practices. d At- ùret these ans are repaid f conscieutiousîy. Then'tlie time gle - by_ sud the, borrower l lo-about artefundiug. 'Mtfe-r a w1hile lie.row 0 a&ocetomed ta asking, lo&se i ý- shain., gets Callous to tic ,tlought a et uat-payment, .sud thus drifts ;t no the habit et petty borrowing. 4Now i t is perhaps a quarter, or a hlal-dollar, or some other trifling 9 -au that & 1'der would lie per. -fectly wil l give lu- a good ýt causie, «j-ef4,a real emergeney, withouth e cf returu. But there C.the suspicion thst the MID ï s not reaily ueeded, sa;v4 for some- self-indulgence,. ' The average man.- will heaitate & bout glving lu ths way wheu lie feels' tha t. tle nnouey is91goiug for fdriuh« sud that 18 why organized Ecliarity hlis 'corne tabe 50 generally supp<rted lu these times. It ia an admirable check againet the im- proveidence that expresses itaelt in shittless, dishopest, petty borrow-, ç For a man who le eut of tuuds-and 5out ci work, and who has a fanily rta support, there is always a liberal çteelinug on the. part, of everybody. But the Mn au vho la cantini'ualy "panhaudling," wbo is asking old frieuda or casjual acquaintanôes 'or strangera for "bcans.,' deserves 'so 'consideration., H. is thé- victiml ot a habit that lieoomes firtly fixed; His moral. fibre lias. deteriorated. -There may 'be -a cure for him:if the cause-'cf hie laxInelsscan "b. reaciè aud oorrected. $ut lendiug l'-bim' mohey-wliichia.polit. method '6f puttiug it--d<ea' hlme no, 'good! -"d-d ia sîmply a waste cfo nd ha,twcee better ppied to ta~i charita- ble -work. TMITEE N-YEABSO -Uinlacky.Nu'mber for Dakota - The question whe4ther the. puMit ber -"13",,la really more unlucéky tlhat any othcîr. uimber h'à9u,1ev6r. Wieeù entiiely àettl.d. -- A 80. Dakota womùazn te hr ooffee, found a way ' tà break iÉh. "uuiïick4. pell." IJ.'a lajuif as i- jurlous as coffee beeause'ýit conptais ,Oàîrèiùe, theduMlcof, . write.: "(For thirteen years, I"have been a nervous wreek, frin ctwý,iking, caof- -f., M lier st'mabheart-in tacy'whcle y»tem beiug actu- "Laat ya .was cou ed -ta zuy bdfor,.six jucnthu/ F11 P-'Wy it9 dawued on müe ;that.caffe.eaused the 'trouble. zThon XI b1eSan nsiug Postu minstead cf coffe., but *'with little faith, se My mmnd was lin.euch a condition tuat"--È1hardly - ,kuew what, ta do uext. "Extreme nervobuaneÏos and tail- iug eyesight caused nue 'te lise al courage. lu about 'ýtwo 'woèks alter I quit' coffee anablegan ýta use Pos- tuai, I was able ta -read and !my head tet cleaï. I'-arn improvIug &Ul the time and I wilhbe a etrong, well womntiet. - 11" have.:faoled, more ,'than' euen person with a délouou.cup cof 'POs- 1t-1Miff.Mr. ti, ..4,nt- te lruowý ALLAI- Ià 1624 lieCity*' of,. Bremen! îto. b.1sght sud put away a barrel of- 18.- or Rosenwein, wliloh -wasueven lieu >iono Considcred lthe noblest sud fineal cf ail the Rine Wine. -The. barrel Uri- coent $50.Whatthie wiue 'la Worth SYOtl new- reckoniug the ceaI -of cam- er of pound- interèsI for Ilireé. centuries, how lias be6en made tic subjeci et 'van-, ha eoui fantastica calcula4 nn.. - ,- hav isl only upon r~ re occasons ,. Of thal -lie officiais oft riemeu- permit ~ p> the drawing, cf what l -cn4i4erec4 Soa. éliecity's cgreatéat caure. About P fifty tbottîca 'of the -wp la islotI in oa.dS the. bar-rei, sud even.,that la neo 'erers, longer abuolutely the. original 1624. lav 18drawu it ila replaced fro nee of wtarmth 1h. twelve -aposle"-the twelveë Soap barrels in tie ralliakeiler,, which n of centalu inýte nexl eldesl -wne nu big G.ermany. big Thc lait,-consideyxable witiidrawal rest -'f rom ,,thc b&4Nel WauakinAuguet, thei 824,: when-l wejive ballei; et thé, ad precieus Jiuid were. sent - " Gei r rd on lhe occasion of hie seventy-fith Ad- brldy Aet clA plomat laa. man ;whoknows wien il ns wise to ho ignorant. 19etY b6 - deécr'W«5 - thé edcampa.- iton cf izmliMj ga.a uu4ei'thec '~ion o- of ium amigsamwhiàhý Pr~lita tted thé carbon, lu the tOifi: ýf( black côsýi, de, it '.emcd, -of di mna'but 'dieuweeuto ýmall quantity ta prmi o!anly- ais. Dr. von Botô 'dtemîed ta plitalu a& great4r quautity by uak- ing diamonda grew On-simte substance. Ile Scieutifla Americax<aays - h. P-laced 50 grama at '1À percu;a~ dium amalgaun lu a long--- testlug ýulie sud coated the, upper layèr. iWith a dilutcd water-glaas SsolutiLOli, kver 'which h. akprea~d amorphoûsa dàiamaond- powder.: Tin tube was. kcpt et a, temperature of! 100. de- gr'es centigrade ina water bath, rfne whcha slow current of mois- mdiluiatïug gas waa intro- duced. Tic am'algam was allowed te give off its miercury vapor for anc mnth, whcu very littie black car- bet o ha~d >eep eeparatoe4 ut on theý layer-ca'vered àt lmodpowder - mauy particlea dtfihigh brilliancy w-ere fcund. The. contents- af the tu-le were boiled iu a platinum crucible with e. mixture -cf flucrioansd sulphuria acide. Tic microscope revealed that tue- amorphouas powder lad becu eeuverted into brilliant crys- ~.,truc diamonds,-till too amaîl, ioweéver, toa show of analyais. nu. 8SINEY IJTMXJ" - Presidentet tie Brillih-Board o!' Trade. - PEARLS 0F TRUTH. Moat mecn I ask littie f rom; I try -la. render them muci-,,sud ta, expeot -othing uin ,returu, sud I gel vedy Il1 eut et t hé bargain .-Feuelow. Be not saisfied-'witi . siperficial. vlew- of tthinga, but penirate'iuho their matter sud fort aund tue eud tlicy werc made. for.-Mîarcua Aure-- 1A good man does ual aflen make a good husliand. IHo is apt te lie iuorislu love witli bis pluly, or hie Ohurci, or even aitract, than ho i eWilh hiawife.--Corr& Harris. Silence neyer thows itself te se great advsutage as wlei.i la de lh. repiy ta caluznmy ajn'd detsma- tion, provided, Ihat we glve no just occasion for thiieni-Addison. - Thre -neyer- had been s case iu tic wor W7 whakre !s'édoîM hadbeen give to ea pléere (sd 'e proved a complet, antidote ha uigo.. lry sud intolerance. - Lloyd4 George. Tii. distribution cf the. profitset' luduslry la net fair, sud tiere will lie 'ne permanent solution cf the* question, no satisfactary- settle-, -ment. unhil labor -shares in the pro-, fits.-Mr. Andrew Carnegie. "I want voi ta remember that 1 got my money by liard work." "-I' thouglit it *as lefI liy your uncle." "«Sa il was, but I bcd liard, work gettiug it away frcm tie iawyers." -Sefl corne *are difficuit te eradi- este, but Hollcway's Corn Cure. will drsw theni eut paiulessly. "I oflen spend thé entire nigh't lu my library."- "I didn'l know yen were eucli a great reader. ""I'mý not. But anc cf my bookeases is a folding lied!" Queene'town, Ireland, was for- merly known as "The Cave of Cork,"- but when the late QUeýn Victoria paid a visit thc're, lu 1849~, il changed its name. in , t i; Ae-; 2 osbq a ' t M. f . e<>ntinttd- cncentrati on oc>tf mental power.'- A> patieni. once' adscrilied iten'mental, statýe Py sayifi that. -lier,.e"mild -teck tig4t hold e& au idea sud juet would uýt.jet 'g*." -An' Unwilooc eta tate by its direc6tinfluetice over lienerves' leaduug'te the-gli nd cela is actually able ta modify the natural and- min-. eral secretiona à&' ta reauît-inuhe production of substances. Every nerve cei sèndid ts mes- sage of Ple&sure or d.iapleasurç ta the bralu, whence il in distributed Ilirouglout - the body: Througb nerve sud eliemnical messagesthe. ovèrworkcd muscles produce bodily. weariness and mental drcweine'ss. Tic bile ceils as the. penalty o! their abuse, may j'aundice tue lbody sud p roduce an acute attack of indiges- tion.* The influencee cf the mmmd over breathing la showu liy the expieri- eue cof tue astnujahic patient, wvho waa awakeued iu his rocm in the middle of the night, attacked with a fît cf ;suffocation. H. made an urgent appesi ho bis nurse te open, wide th~jdw. T-h.nurse in hke excilcmeuV Axfd ,i-. the, darknéss -ré-' Plied that she was utiable ta open the wiudow, whereupon the patient sxclai-med, "Bre-ak the glass! Break il!" Immediately the nurse seized a àhair aud'sent i1h crashing hrougi the glassi fet icsupposed wlndow, aud inotantly the patient began ta brsthe more easily and subse- 4ueutly1 remarked",that lie thought h,6 would have -smothered.te d.atli ha&-,the nurse net pr4mptly liroken lie.window'. Ail went w4ll until by the likht ot carly dawu il was dis- ovrdthat the windows were ail securèiy faeteued down; the nurse îadotuly broken the door ot a large. --Mental wr neyer kilîs.. Mental work plus- worry is highly injurions, 'w,,]ile 1 mental work,. plus wcôrry, >lus insamnia, represents a combi- nation whici will 'q-uickly deslropy thcheati cf mind aud liocl,ý. ' Train thic nd- -le lhink poai thougints. Fer luatan le, l saying ta ycurselt al lii.e "The noise cf tiose childreu will drive me erazy," eek la calm yonw nerves and control -your mmnid li thiuking like tuis: "The-innocent noise ot those 11h11. oxes will net drive me erazy; it wo't hurt me at, Prayer lu the moiitpowerful sud effectuai worry remover wilh which we are acqusiuted. Tiat tan or womau who lias iearued ta pray wlti chldlike siilcerity, literslly talking le sud cc>nmuning witl tins Heavenly Father, la lu possession Of the. great secret whcreby lie or ash. eau cast, ail their care upon Ood, knowing that He. caretn for us. A clear oons6ience is a great step toward barricad-ing the mind agaluat the outrance et werry. -Nearly ail infante arc more or less tsubject -tô diarrees sud suai complaints whule teetig sud as this periad a! their ives la tb. test critical, -mohers. should bo le without s a tl].of Dr. J. D.Kel- logg's Dyseutery 'Cordial. This medicine is a specific for suecomer- plaints.-and i. liiglily spoken of by lias. whe have used il. The pro- prietars dlaim il will cure any case et choiera or summer complaint. -You can't offend s iomely wý tan liy telling lier sic isn't. 'Minards Liniment Rellevos ISuralgla. COLD-BLOODED. The Boes--"Why do you wauî moresalary 2" .Assistant-' I amt thiuking o! gel- -ting married.", Thé Boss-"'Hu'h! If ycu're such a fool as tiat I am paying you toc inudl naw." Always Servicealle. -Most pille las. Iheir properlies with age. Net' se with Psrmelee's Vegetable Pilîs. .The publ mass is'e0 compouucled thal hheir strenghsud effective. ~'ess . a preserved aud 1he pilla van 'je- carried sunywierc withiut tear. -W. losiugtlieir pelency. This la - a ùpaity tht. few pil >la passeas. 8cm. ile -ac teir pwebut ual 80 'rtiParmelce's. Tiey will main-' 1 tain their treshuesosud potency fiir ~a long tinte. or forîain" " es or, heu e oe.ue yn rdc ie day betare la oùr'mester eay I wae 'te ride hO- ,day2 "Ho said, You was te, ride a, o> Li', nime t fer - a lé 1w)VUie hiad rea-eed hii~ôc etïWood,etiewt$ 'By théeaide 'ot-the biod ou tho f900r them ae r ca f a candi. 'ç*hich, ha. -drippéd. - That êoofirmned uy ides thât theman whe held tic liglit iu hisekrilithaud -had the.'instru- ment cf crime lu' lis'làkf. -, '» "ý The.-microsape:eliewpÀ- ed'n lia the-canidle wae one cf thoo.p eu tactured in Sicily. L reoollccted tilbon collectiôn 'OU camdles, 'w-hi côôntain speeimenns fom eyer.y part of tii. worlàd,. In thlnklng wlio culd- have tts.d à Si oiliàaù cantdIs I 1con- cluded - h ho n ,t lie nit-have, juet ar- rived front Siclly. ,Tho microscowpe- aise, eiowèé'd two imalreddisi lhairs lu t.candia'grésse, musah haire, unidoubtcdlyî,-'aà thcSeëo! th4 beard are quit. different.; Themi- derer after the crime b.d. probsbly hwitedor ittn he m stache with- oiii.bingswae f whàt lie wae do-' The docter's reaeoniug was cou- firmed- by the immnedià;te arrest of one Foforrazzo, a, passeuger, on tie Donna Mfaria. The dctorhauded- hlm a pi»,ee of 4paper w-hicbli e took in hi. ldt hand, which was'wound-' ed.L , The oeudle-eind waa- tound -int bis pooket sud h. cofeesed to the. crîma. The Friend of Ail Sufferers. - Like to "gthe shadow of a:rock in,,& weary land" is 'Dr. Thomas'- Eclec- trio 011 to ail those Who ,'suifer pain. It holàs out hope-t6 every- ,one and ;rqà1izes it -by e8tillinpg suf- fering everywhere. It is- a fini- ment that hasthe blessing of hali a continent. - It is on sale ever-' where, and can lie'foundý whérever enquîred for. It aëa 'hucl- wddngand the church was bandsomély decora.ted With fiowe, the ait eing laden witli their fragrance. ittIe Loi. exvlIaimed in an audible whisper : "Oh, mamma, doesn't it srnell aw- fui solema in lier." .8t. Isidore, P. 'Q.. Âugf. 18. 1904. Minard'a Liniment Coa.. Aiite&d; Gentlemen-I bave' trequeut.ly, ued MINÂRD'S LINIMENT anud nIso préeribee it-for my patient» iwaya wth ±he mont, C~ rtlfyng results, sud i. consider it the t &Ii.round Liniment entant. Yrours truiyr, DR. JOB. AUG. SIROIS. A DARK BEGINNINU. Little Ethil etudied the face of the littie negress intently.- "What makes you so black, Cin- dy 1" she finally asked. - "Hali," said Cindy, "you'd b. blaek, too, if you wa.s born at- mid- night' in a dark rcm1 and had a black father aud black inamma." It is-Wise te- Prevent Disorder. -Mauy causes lead ta disorders of the stomacli and feware free'f rcM'ý themn. At -the fitst mani.festation that the sto>macli and liver -are not perlorming their functions, a course of Parmelee's Vegetable .Pis should b. tried, and it wili bc found that the digestive- organe wifl speedily resu-me healthy- action. Laxatives and sedatives are se blended in these pille that no other' preparation oould bc so, effectite as they. Phoenix Park, Dublin, has an. area <ýf 2,000 acres. Mifnards ,Linimeont, Cures D'urns, Uta., PROV ES, IT. Weldn .ý "l<iea.m Plo- automo0iil »anar"Y- o!hi& 'çoredi-, s' - - - ~&ee coin eo md-tse A-ccep ntaubsw n ew. - . - - , t WLD ID OI ILTIVATID ýW. CRAWWGPFT I ,n oer epurp SMK.gTArI P lSO ROUI Engins., s,, Shlpfrud,5.rs ee nvenled, 'SiLDo New: aud-Soecond4'. hand, A"for hain ses.-' TANKS AN- S oisei for,5rs on Meta yTes TEPiRGT .,Burný ordinaryý ligltit U1 night for" &ctcent." J'. A. 158.Lawrene OMMTR AL aIlveia es sgeme fresh l '4s.! sbrglit; houin duat wlij if weeg Rleirfér t arial 8CemW Co. Sited s fer Ontario P00. lmted M~AN-OF MJINT SUPPERS. Court Bali-Con edy of a 8m Il Ger- manýCapital' An amuain.8 tory of àn ibcident at a masked b il given dt the capi- tal of one o lee ma&11çr German principalities i. being t<.ld in Ber- lin, writes 'the feriin corfrespondent of the London Jaily Maàil. In one of thrO'oms! of -the court a f&uffet ha.d b -en -se t out, and the, attendants the$'e econ came to re-' mark the unusially active appetite of one guest, du ly masked "and cloak, ,-Who onsunied emtraordi- narily large qi antiiè of the more expensive de]l'cacie.s'and wine&. After eeverali 4inutes of 'vigorous eating he Wo 4d lave the buffet e.nd jiapeiamong the throng of dancers. Soo4, however, h.e would be back againj bie appetite appar- ently -ase eron a v~~ After the fo rth visî4 at shêrt in- tervalà of thi hungry ies h liead ýwaiter c lied thé: attention of the. master -of eremoniesl, Who wait- ed at 'the bu 't until the masked stranger once more returned. He waa again ser cd with a full sup- ply of food ai d wine, and as lie turnèd- away aa poiitely asked to ishow ,his mvi tion Cad At this 0o conf uàion was n'- ticéd in hxie be ring, ,,a,,d -the imaster of ceremon.ies request4bd him, týQre- move hils maUs and cloak. To t aatonishrnent-.cf- the'lservantà e' the'amuseme t,,cf thio'guegte the:' was revealed.lie ehame!aced figuire cf one, cf the olIdiersof tii.guard- onp dutyin- t e-h&l %elôw., Théè guards, had fuda.sae<oiq ly in g n the Il and tliey hldben putting it on on fe h ther, during the-ev uiug,, so as to b. abrI ta go boldly i te, the beliomsaud' ôo amuse.d itthe'àtà'ry was th~e Grand Duket"' hat h.r.efused to ai.-r low -tii. g y ïoldçlt<er. P es 0distibu ticE S-APHàOI 0,8 ai, 'îCo.,,SUDsthebet ïng the Huiating'Bye MNTREAL F ÀRi ',FOR SALIE. M., W. :DAWSONJ 1 Nlnety Coiborne et,, ('h VER P~T OD DPOE Parms 'in > anîtoba, Slakatohewan and. Aerta at ight pries- on easy termu. F If. W.- DAWSON#-, Toronto. two acres orchard; buildings0god ezohauge fo r.ytown or vluae w- .per.'y or forlkrger larm.,'-The- Westse' RUIT FARMS le TRifli BE8T FRUIT- district of Ontario. Ail soizes at rtgbt MAU W ELP WANTED!. - 19 BARN TEE"STTO1 11 J work and earn- fmwlrwmoney man a ýany other trade. We - nalife .for -mi $c.. aae Works, 9. Esplanade. Toronto." ~Jternay ,and'iïtêroïl. ci, red withoub cafnbyor hm tetmu.Write-~ee- fëétolte. Dr. Beilmîn Medidel Ooý Lfmited. 'Colllngoroa.' ont 0 Tlq4CAE-GUÂRÀÂNiTEED. Wiuo j-- QALARIED POSITON àAWAITS>00)!. $00 uproalftable 'po"in anufa6turingr business. Manm.geri,6Oi nt Bnlldiiit,,To. routo. ~ DYEINQ' $end partlcularm by Do* ed mrss50s GuId Med-l6t A ealx23,Msya I The sos 'of filçpbieth.é AMtON Inslet on Urne 6'OTTO HIGEL" samples a4 Ioklur.uon Appliiost ,JAME8 1.AfMUIR &,Ce., unmîod 187F UUmuu Bt TONÃ"NTO Nil the I i uN 't poor chp .to eud haié.wf AOt Aakitt-~" go.uh. sicic bu StrangeR-.-<'No,. DbuteI arn. - Mlar' Lnmas t Cues and 4 Jruf boru before or Tie,-' ae~ make týhatoti H iff.yHarthe 'I'e been,.rading the papet»,'and1 1 fflethe epreagree that y'heN next-ceunturythe .wimznin w*il' 1 do'alt e iek -des-- stand sa -_ beasts devour 'the rest. c ,lte vîctinus -ad Pharisees. f-s heep not liaviug mark lutroduces this', previcus ta, thefe-edin thou6and (6. 34). A cia' cf--the religio lie ehereinw weré bliud,-leaders (Màtt.- 15. 14). Ina iuutiou which wo mu1l tude te find i 4he'-Xingdom, thy 'tions which hiijered 23. 1)-and iimpoi "grievousi tobeibu 37. The harvest-T galuéred -into thé,Kin ei -t toi the pre"-ous cordiug ta Luke, the. aiea aoddressed ta tit 38. Pray ye therefor the harvemt-The 'Ivi challengel tpothe ýtwel volunteers. L 1. i. t-wclve discip becu ýchoscu earlyd oud-,preaching -tour( Luke 6. -12-19). Mat ates them here for th -Gave. hem authori cation Gai 'he conùtinu 2. Twelve -- aposties 'changes. the titihbel uew commissIon. 'Ptinie they .-had 4tW, Sc, f;who laL 1er, rCephas,'wa w an Araâmana -u "th. rock," which Simon -the'Arst til (Johnu1. 42Xý Aridrew-W co ro Jesus (John 1. -54 isosy -of the M Johù-The '<bld Who, -with Audrew, .Ji -»ciple of!-Johni the Bat S 3.* PhîJp-Like -Sin~ drew, - he'was anativ. (Jôhn 1.ý4_4>. flaïthoiomew--Prol thanael 'iCanîa ef Gi 45,; 21.2) ' ' Thomae-Called - iu the res-urrection 25). Matthew the puli 'day- e nïs Calc"L '2._ 14) sud- Luke (5. mon sud Saul, *wheu discip1eherTcCeived t MJthew-," ivhich gîfî-uf Je-hovali'." -Ré ..f the, Gospel whicI nalge. Jà*ies the son of Called'James "the lei 40). Heis net-ta bIl James'-the brother cof Thaddaeus - hearty." -Ei. 'also liseus, ivhich meane name #as'Judas, floeau- t af4e working. 9. Purses-Or, gird.l Pro-ided with pocket tics Weré.-to' providt the simplcst-equiplle] -en the. re w--rd' o! tl supply their simple 1 10. Twb codts-'Shî Shoes-They' were' the coaràer sandals -,Iess preteniticus sud ed tïàtrael. (Luke è ii. Search ont whq thy-Those -who .wO1I imessage kindly and ap1osties'ý vitit as -a-fa 12.' Sainte it-Witf saàlutation, "Peace (John 20. 91). - 14. ' Shake- off the leet-Tne dust et bei vas considered un Ilew, Whio wiped f 'mi ONTARUOi TORONTO i - -# 1 Il 1 i

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