Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 5 Sep 1912, p. 4

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al Xc90rm, and -fer. W51gRAÏ.tbbcÇ 'cf Whtby had pric n~bruî set, 'W'- *- oiÇthe report oi jueÇ i.uprman on setteto ua ùanirmouS2W "aopt diby tii.Couaei et ii.Tow ciWh2tbythea'. beiu'i more tLun two-àhrd of ait tue-memýben *-trmlproeut -àd vo"uïthelicfoir; AmDWHERuaS ail pf the uaid .work descrîbed in ache4ule ý*A", $5 58o.ooi were pertoraued undemý thé ý sUaW Loca, uImprovemeut 1»y*Lamsw wf0hiit vai Provided iitha40 pfi2t of the cost U Constructioo tt .Saisidewalks ShOUlI be provldeid ad bornel by 'the 1Munîci. paity andtlat6o per cent ci the uau cost of construction abotz1d bc borne ýbj local asuesmeuî upos the lands - obe n~çfited Umeçby, * AliD.WHZRUAS tim chedule-here.tc atP"~ed mtaked "A"' showi thie streeu or p arns oetstreie soW, whîcich W &ide *aks ha*been Iaid,_& ' olI aiss& * --meut of tbae'roperies .oiedacr log tbUic last reviscd, assihot roll, the nuember' of est frontage, --the total Colt cf such ,ioprovemàeiit tho amOulil to boborne iby. the. Corporation, tLe amoudt to bct' borne by theos owuers býeIcfitcd, anta u.saf a moung to bc , W ty Ar, i paid.by 113e owuers fOu ieut erI -- order 1cp4y lb.coi th . saî improve. mentt he. id twenty year.s beiug the estimated life- of! id improveenis as ihowà by-he repori-of tue Chairman on stréts an3d improveuiubs of the Council ef the iaid 'Town cof Whitby, au& alter due report cfý the commtete on stieets pornnsas to 1, he.-cout ofthe sai vorW 'ffpectively, snd as to- theý &"bhumeutt 10 bumAd in respect of the srne, aud alter duéà-eevùsýou of h &somsment made. by the' Court of Re-ý * -'viion hld under propei -notice to ail *cqncerued; AND WEuAS no Petition by any ci the 2owucrs 61 the -lots lhable 1o, be speclly asscusd for suchÙ work lias J>èmu presented te the Councfil of thp Iowu o Whitby pot to proceed wi'ththe, iork, AN» WRERzAs the I aid ,îum .of $5500bai becu raised 4y -way--of ý*i;4iiry loan sud îthe said severé sidbwalki baye -beeu paid for by the, proçeçds of siçit *M kW» Wantà.s the probable lite cf the sd idewalki is tweaty-yearu fromn the date'of the issue of1 thèse debenture Ab WlizRzAÀ t lb , ecessary asud *emqeiat tgo mise the suinofý$5,58o.oo, 4.eng the asuiunt of the' debt in t*uded to bbl created by- this By-Law, te Psy 1h. colt of- such imparotements by the issue 'of debçtum, by .,that amount. bearing interestat- peS 5 et pr, m iutupayable, aeuuallyt lric ui» $2,613 3 ls to be borne ythc Muuiela Pallty andIbe balance of 1$2,pS59.19 by, -theowuers beupfite.d. e bcaidsum eof $5â8o tohuiuterest tý b. pyale, tweuty couseçutivesnual Paymenbs Cmetneclng v4th the ]Oe 19 13, and eiîdfifjwtÉ tbei.ye.ar 1932# sud t. h11 payable oit each anniversury o! the Pas- siug ofttifs -By-LaW, sud _to lsÈue abiwh debenturcs éo thàit the sggregate amount. t> pàpable ftorpincipal an4 interit lu auy ~oiie ptà1ciýh' yesrs shah ,be' us, aiealy as ~* ol~~ ~ ad trm ;u - Aiîi>" U<S tôtf>r',uàpurpo e il wil be -neessary duirln each year -ai the tweuty years to rsebysuv1 iptt ate on, ati è'raleaepr.$I of'the muuicipality liab to10bw ta1 o such Purpeses the smm - ip $21970. t. Spay. that.part of the . me' debt sud in- e ryt t@ beboxrne bv the said Corporation ai d býý1y UnÙî1suw<al rat, ou thepoe- IIs -beaefited-tbecsumDof*171.85 te pay ýEVANS Punmp Manufacturer 2 8bp sud, KàepldamC@.DmdasStreeet WHITRY The. âne la foir a g - gj and, otiier'cloge pUPses, tha other )5 _Coïspblidïted- M îicpalAct Of 1903; r--TaIER ti Pf ucialt- fthe gýn ' Ïpf Wbibby enact as flos- rSaidiSced &e W, sad'fW' siWIUbe resid.ïpart oftbs By-Law. a. or the.purpcseotfraisluthesald S, suis o! $5,58o.oo twenty dbbentures 4 cf tbe. -Corporation of the Town etf SWhltby al 'md. tëtbbcti« bLai O muatcf 5,ço.oii the whole. ln um of sot lesu-than *;6 c> an sd' the a~ saffe shall bc isuedoqu bbc Tvénty Fifth daY o! November, r913, ach o1 said debcnturm a.l ~lb. dabed au tbb sday of bhc issue thereof, sud shalh ýbe 4, payable on, -,tem' wenty-fith day _ci il Noelcpbcr la esch ycar fer hweaty ,g years, v*.j'u in c é-ycar <'1933 sudilu thc ucat cumng s1 çsev-nieteen -yesrs. 3.Such debeturc« ahsfl.besr iater- Sest at 2ve pc rment per anuas paabl 4 'cy leW each., ad ,evgry yeardurg tl bbc currnyof. bbc îaid debentures sud ' sbsll-baye sttaced tathein co ousfr 01 the psylpeu.Othe ic ai interct,sud thie oW4ai debenturesshaU b. ue odje stucb - anuter ibat Uic, aggregate amanut pay de able for. prlucIW., sd intemet inrspc Iý te i-debt sa anyo'né ea e uch per-* iodohwebyyer s Il o quaas ncàrly as, bf't. wlbi payable for 0 principal anduterest duriug.uy 0c. tbc à saut yëa', ss foresd, aishobwn le Sched. ule,- "~o u 8yLav. Thi e ùt -of,_ eïcii;-aànuàl- psymen4 of -principal ansd: intereat being 8k47.75-- \Each cf isaid debentur.s shahl be 4igneceby* thel 1 Mayerof thquiid Corporation, or soute t othêr pêson autherized by law te sige bbc saine, sud by thie frcasirc,-and thie IClrsb-ghll.aflx thc Seato' te said *Corporation tereto. The Midcoupons'# shah h ined by thec Mayor snd bbc rerecr-sud theio nid i dbentures sund'coupons suaI be payable gat t'aeiffice oi- Uic Treasurier fthbbc aid iC-orporation et' the. Townucil Whltby, 1-4-.' 7h. 'Mayor and Tréasuyr rof-the r bedt Corpordtiqn are -héreby -;authorizéd. t. npgïootiati' sud Ïadi nid debieutu es heey auUilýýzed tobc jssued sud te use the procecds,.thcreof iii symiet of sid debt, sud for io a'tbç> purpob. or purposesw aietr 5--For the plrpese, cf paymngthe saddebeetures tsiie.shall bemised and beld in addition toaUl othsr rates, taxes sud 191..suinach year of tie said peuio cf tWéuty ycars on the - vbdle rateable propcfrty of the ~ià4 To*wa _d Whiltby- lable hob. rated loi' tii- saine by -auii sniàispocial rate -tiirefor "4 sui suAi- cicnt to pay -the ald su 'i- $2q9 7o, s part of saut ém»oef 441.75 requtred to bcj>a&"ainually 50 retire the CoXpoCr- ilions portion o uddbu..aab annual special-rate on theq ieal prop.rty of, the own.er benefited by sald improv- ments, as set cnt in Sclis"144"'helmto, àceôrding te thé frontagc tbhreo-asum sufficient tia thebbcsum 'of $a38.oS, balance «t e sad *um -oef 4«7.75 a aforcsid$ by.w"y 'of a, Loch! Improve- meut tam lu respect -of sucb isiprove- mente, vhich ipeelal ritepshall b. ainualy iaserted la the. Cllector'À Rôlt andcolîcaedinthe s wn ay anoter rates in ltheane., 6. Duriog the. twenty years cern- mcncing. with tpiL3, te above rmentionect. wnrsprOperty assessed for the. sali! îb"t as a Local Improvement ehaH lb. exemüpt from geucral tages fer similar. improvement - ,te -i.amouet o:40X ther-eof ouly. Thîs By-Lav sbâll cone ibteo force, on, Ui fuI asigb~ereof.'1--: _ - Psse inop.u .ounil, te~s z9hbday' 01fAugust, 312. Towii l~rk.Mayor, SCHEDULE"A",REFERRED TO IN - THE h ANNEXED ÈY-L AW NO. 82e or THIE TOWN- OF WHIT11Y. s~commencig on $te Seuthsieé et Front Street viiere it i1tersecls the East limit of Broc.k Streel thcniWe aleng thc North side o!ffront S treet te Uic East side oet Dnier n Street# prcduciog 1.'200 feet liable for assetsuimut and 1,322 fe:by tAie':1owv 2. Cemmcniùg n ie,ýSionti aide o! Fiast Street-the cdistanc.- o! 394 feet ô luches, prcàducing.477 teeb h-ýlable for asseusmeut sud 3331. tet -bY. thcTown. 3. Commencing on Gilbert -Street wliere fî is iutersected by thbc Vuas ide et ReYnohldi Street,, thencd N" hialeng the Eait bide of -1' Rqnods-Street te tic North side et Dundas S5trcee, produc-î 2,844 test hable 1fo, usseupmeut -sud 2,398 fetedbythe-tbiu. 4- Cômrcuig c»PR asStreet1 vicie itiîs ifitersected- by the LesF.t aide ot Fine Streot,- thence North' along tbe East aide et Pine Stibet- t .;th North aide et Mgry Street, prodaciug 3,-55feet hiable for assmsmel sujd 3,37 féel by thé Town.- 5.Conmemniegon thée Nrth aide cf Dundas Street .wbèrc l -it ntersecta thé East ideàot.K-eufStireet th tle North' side 'of Mary..Street, -pýodui&èng'1,674 lct if able for assacu men sund î,cýo by' thc Te".- -6. Comiescîeg on Uic Eès skie et Green Street'et the-' lntcriïectleu 'o!ice à& tl ade ot ýDunlop -StrçeÇ thieuce West slong ic hëNorth ,idet-1 Dunlp Street ço the EAst- aide etfKing -Street, producing 2;588,- fêet hable fat assen- ment sud 2.39by UiceTovu-â 7.. Commenicing. 'ou She West ide et Berocli Sréà At tU7ic aercti o e i Xortlisïdecf -Coîboine'Strèeci, theuce West ilong Uic Nort4-side of'Coiborue Street tà the. Eastultde>. tfKing- Stimet, pduiing È,36UeÏ hblefer asses- meut sud 224 fot by the Tousn. S. -Couimencng on thi- est 4d aiGre7uSte-,wherc ltu luteiscb th tc i c i ?1 M GI abong t4Ow esr$ide of 3racx . Sreer -te tue soitb aide ofjoua Street, produclng i,jp8 feet li.hi for asessmcnt and 872 test hythe tovu. Byron Strout wberÏ lit intericts îbe- uorth $ideofe!Mary Sbreeatten .ce west- Ïà'ang ho nomrth aide.o! Marystrecute theyestë side of Centre Street produc- luj4g fethal-for assessient snd 665 Mct by the Tovu. 13.Commencing on tbc east aide of rokSt. Wbcre ib is intersected bythe ýsou 'bb ide et -Dunlop Street, theuce soudi ýleng the cqsb s"ieoetBrock St. te thie south aide ut Qilbert Street, -Pro- 'ducing M7 y eet lhable for asesument and 57 1 feet by, bbc Town.' 14 '- *mmnci.ou tu! estmIide .ol Brook StresS wbere itis intersected by the North i4e o! St.jobhn Street, Ibeuce. squth along thr %we si.-le of Brock St -tte- mi( sauî ititc Irent &rect, pro- dcp yfeet habje .for 'gimesiment sud 599 fert by the Town. 15. ,ncn'u,~on tlb. »erth sie et Dundas Stréet *bere lt Is intcrsectcd by the -*ut side -of Centre Street, thence nertb on -thewe'vet idce!fCentre Street tte Aeorth slde ef Mary Street, pro- ducing 1,548 feet- liable -f or -assessnin sud 1,232 feet by bbc Tôwuà 16, Cemmencing On -thc vest side of Brock Strpot lwbcreit*Intçriecbth le nortb aside of 1.)nniop 4trçe t tnce sonth along thc West sf4. of Bhock Street tote honatb -side of Ontarie Street, produCing- i, gy- feet hable for assesument.sud s,o6s (eet by tue Toyu. 7.Cotmmuiug on, tceWest aide' ofByron St icet Wbore tlba,.,itrsce -ythe south side ofS St John Street, thence along thc wmit side, ôt mByren1 Streeýto-the south side of Trent' Street,, producnf 99 itlfable for asseimeut and 5o uèt by the Tpwa. -- 19.. Commienpisg . U011 tW 9 ile *tofnYTÏSteiéi-ere lb- is ijeétregted by the. uouth aide of!St.Joh t, bhp* btI loegSsbe - east uide o!ôf Byron so#-p 5dc 2g1ixféeet hable for qusess-eu t 4d -Wetbythe SCH~DLE "W URIIFRRDTO 1X THE> WI 'THIN 4TTACHED IBY-tAW.- yv -lot &M 1913$70 1914--.270-56 1915 -261.70ý 1936 .352.f0 1957, 3203 19198 :9,33-37 1919e 12. 60 190> 30.30- 1921 198.4à 392 1 85-.96 »323 172.87 1924 144.7Q )[926 13,9-J4 1927_ 1136,3, 1928 -96-92 199 79.38- ][930 60.96 PIuIlplhs Ses Total $16 8115 0,.4$447-15. - 17719 8-86 " -..à -9.30', 1-.35 9.77 - 326.151,31.31 137-41 -11.97 " ;49.33 13-47 " 361-79 53.09 " 274,,, 13.74 "- 288.63I 14-43 338:OS1515 -334-'31216.7o 350-83 17.54' 368r37 18.42 fi 0- i9.3 j20-31 The above il s truc Cepy et a Dy- Law >usac by the'MmnicipaJl c4uncîl of tbe rovu -of Wltutby 01o-.bte.fnipgteilb 44y îfAugumt. 4.) 19î';. *- -Anc4 al persns are bereby required eo take notice that suy ene -disirous et Lpphylng te have such -By-Law, or any part -thereof, ->quashed, nmuât make .bis application for that purpose to bbc High Court et justice vithia tbree menthe next, aiter tbc publication--cf. this notice once s week for thrce successive vecks in tce: pew paper called thc Wbitby Gagctte, or be viii b. toq hate te be bear4j tliat behall. Vbltb ,Jesxrlp# wum, nn Augmt,;944. Town Cherk. À quiet vadding vus seewized au Tbursday afiernoon 10at, 5the. boii cf the bridesparent,Ha.aMd Ms JÉWght, wben - uboir daughtorý, Mary Xargart, vas unitod lumarige te jaumeu Nelson (Jre.nlw, of tih aie ahoro. Tiie ceremouy--ws erormed lu -110 ~POWCO aihimmeiate relatives ,by tii. goy W,' #ore. Atter partak- ing o1 ii.wod&ng- SlWpw . rand Mi, ~a lietsof ou .tbp pv0fflq train for Toronto sud other vooeer po, te, rateZ4 -homon. aturqMay PIOVÎiGus to tim d.parmrfa et i.4 tivéa loi thé football teaàt- mot nietiMe homo and prmsute d hlm viii s 'clul' bag à a e mmeuto cftber apprecie- tien of iiis -interest linShow biualf. &Iter a 1ev vords bV 2eév. D.E. Joyhn. ston, i@ignimîthe iipurpose oS their vislit, ithe preseutation vas made uby (Fred Kàirby. Tii. cleub lias lest- a true supporter Ilu tii. eý son -cfkTr. Green. season occurred bers -on Tonday after- nenlast,. viien muai dàmgo vus Sained -by Henry Haigli; cf 5di Green- 1WPP4 Foe; lw#m13iqb"a vw" st4cle ie y; pieteci ithin -a moétu.,' 14 you.,cliudren aré subjebwt f at'. $akokae roup, wstch for thé i# ý~ pmboarsenee. -iGve CIIii'1va ' Cohh eiudy as soon e. -the 4aa, varde off. For sl by ail dea Mr. J. R.. H. Jury was elected Plresi-- dont 'ofiSbe Causdlan Pbarnmutîcal ÂAs0cition et the' annual meeting lu Vancouver, B.C. o Mr. W. L. Mellory donated$2 fo prizos for a touruament lield by the Bowinenville Bowling Club. One of our worthy townsmen, iàeut. F. H. Morris, 46th Begiment, Durlim lam Put Bowmaouviile lu the himelighl, an.9u brought more hiouqr to himepll with bis riflp. At theo annual mneptingý cf th e Ontario gifle AssWtatipn, bglci iu Toronto lait weok, Lient. Morris proved hiniseif to b. the. best matkg- mnan et the nioet b>' capturing the Militia Aggregste,. with 3W2 pointseout 019 posblo*,400, Tlo îldels h# bighiet 4gegatO scores lu the- City' et Toropfo, Osier, Duke- ai- Cornwall Sud Yprk, Bankers, Tait-Bramy snd -maakenzle mtchbes. In. getting 'lIras Place lié wius the. M.R.A. agilver mutai aud badge sund 825 iumoney. He aise won , the gold medal in Ci-ty cf Toron- to mtai Asprevicus 0.R.A. records for bîg screswerer-bmolcen ibis year, ieéut. - Mrds lu deserving cf > - great r -h fe is victoryV, as lie shaS ~prpidy pMve tiah ,beip 1 wosys àmaug the grat -'daze. > lied b. roQubWodwitb sik boaulacbe fer .about,Ê,ri eyears. when iii. begsu. taking Chamberlain'» Tablets. h.- bau_ tsi. wobôttles oS them -su.ad lby ave .cëured ber. Siok lipedache in causeci bya.dierdred stoumc for whi~i ~bop ~1pare.,especially lu- pmid. êry5 ýep,90pt'vU iu The. town vil! ï,ioty issue0 SOya, deluèpigres p proile 1%o -o.. m t e 'Dis d epzsiisibi iereat t pWr c.ent waiimp»a-bendeot s Tni. Osrenale tiné .Co - ae tie f.- On Wednesday -atteruecu lest Miss Editb James, cf Skis tewu, was mar- Srioc tQi Wgr? C frr,qf îSean l Cal. -1p 'The0 cLaughhin factGVY 1le-'t e b.ex- y9ma by the a-edjo»-l" buil4j '100 x 6 les. m The - merchiants '1of shaiswd tve igreod to continue te close their 15e'o.busiÏnessé' on Tlusday after- icone during thewliole month, of Sep- tember. Duriug'-thie rifle matches lield lu T,- <>i recently Major, Dillon catabliali- dano Canadien reord- for 200 yfOd sàLoîtin7g, ,making' 12 straigli t eyesil ei.bl' eye et Suis FIJg ie 0 luches «,*.dinuioter.-- Scut Mw. vas recsnted at the Boyr 1cu reie et Toronto Exhibition P4 Wolpesdey last by forty-five boy. I (>I#il pnd ,E*piro, Aug.30.1, h.lP een appoluted .,by-'thé Bail. iau comsnui:nity preuilent of ste Kich- àel'. Collego .sqmoicod;ia office the 2ev. .Falther Powell, whio wag con- utrained- by iH.-health teoelinqula a- tive- duties of president about- a year .g a Pd a p ij rpsîgnRd. bng uoIý #leV. Father Hayew.vas c$gpo dot yhe brp. t ahol eprly with cont@Émpnraq y e ftlesW4ig the atudent body 2 ev,' Fatlier XO, ]Brady i. erninently -lkted -f or the.di- rcction cf St. >.!Icaej's Colege, sud his appointsnent wiil b. recelved witÈ hearty approbationû among Catholios througliout Canada and the. United States. Born at Whitby, Ont., Frather Mc-' Brady was educated in Toronto . ad Motreal, psxd in PFrance, wliere 1 he took a distinguiehp- courmse ip.g e. ie -aud Frencligt, e» affiiAtad c loge of the Tniversi±y of Paris lu An- Wom-in .Must avo - help at UtIis fhe WoWid aVIoi4ý exte m trvousnes, TI. reai1y, sepror remedy or bm 1mev» tI4è worl oer and*teîted &hogh tiee geneation-is, BIEECHAMmo FIL thie- milk baing hipd Tuéw (o in addition t, te ii micrs thie farni sluPPoring io large bord of tOOcipaI and téaJi.sexpected 4b0ït fdt t> prime î~sil~read - for hie butchier. Tihe -meai- will go te vtrîôasl publie institutions. lt in thme intention cf Prof. Todd; ,to keep s - largo bord on rime luin ail wtnter. Tfis viii help to provide @W' Plc>flint for tue tweuty-llv. oto thaieenov linS.zuporosybuligs p doe avay witli th. ecepslty e1,,'*t th licing sent back to Toreot. Although the benfilcial result cf the etitdour treetimteat ithod tSebe fl lowed ai t #w -Whitby 4sylui ja fl ho 1411yaarent' iraltheIü.luwï,in are ccmpleted sud-Ui. syteni. -i '.. eraticu, seme cf the. patients emplcy- ed' ut getting ±hin go ready for nuild-- iug opergtiomna nxigpring are-show-- img anked mental lmprovect.> Une caseW. rePorted oeu0acerung là Patient *Io lied not apokea Sfoe , ix mnontIis ile u.the . QuesuStresSt ASYlum-e at.erde"garous eharae- tiristie u'ià . -ins uS. fortuustïo. 110' wes emve tethp, f4=u 4 îgveÇslthu latoi upiè4îdco by-- a4awseru4g a chnc sluttoný Siàe thm en han les pparently rocover- ct entirely freon ii mabidttuun, etf 1 rod, sud tehkà quito free>.. elrewiara'and i .a 4,lu 4ddres:f imlj y&Col Toledo. Qbftoi a e1sllstf7h1aei enkpahu Rev. James Watt, Whiolims becs spendng part cf bis, -veceilu et 5h, lieme of bis- cousin, Tirs. Jon. - Kean, - lias returned te bis-charge at Carl- po n ù o t . -% v in- fme on 11daYýb :r*sumo p eçhnliQl, dutiesin t14at city. COUNTY 0F P TTRIO. 1. WHITBY--Clerï asB. L. Mac.- K~ci4, Apru -a, IMay2, Juami, July8, Spta, ntie No.., OSHAWA-CIestk, lu L. Naaiom 5, -Apm i- ,lIy 3,1p 7,Jly Sept 4, ct. , Nv. IL.000s. , Jan. 149 1913. (*reeswood-Jan. 17, aci , a 6. J»17 5, Sp. Nov.- Ilsja. là, 1oi3. 8.POflT PER -Cek W.D- bain, Port Ferry-Jeu. 18, mai.7, iay 7, July 81 sept. ,eNjot. 199 t. 'UXBRIDGE-.Clenk, . J. Mcci., 3. OCANNINGTON - Cèr,-G SDIIi, CuulgtoJs.1,a. 47 a 5, Týey 25, et 9 ,Nv 21, Jua9,18 E 'j Goî 96, 'o, r~tu I -Clark, Jas. M is-.Jaa. -10, Mardi Su tnday' vi Ta.Jas lu Torontôbo -'ORT.WH1Ty.- î r . Iparents s ort- it Sleep, of Toronto, spent Smuth, bas ýbe.» vm'itipg ifor the paistweek.11 4PPUIL FOR R ASVEST-j Fm.-. r i AU. iveiiSuaS Mr. >UiWe .pphicstion for kilcumiss f ti Roy- fpwu et Whitby, -,to a, th "5.city Of Te- thes id application 1et lurgent , >apel Wh eiesderea hy-the Board -eofLi- ceuse lomissio uers fort, i.licenis for~~~~ ~ sdlinlfml-dsrict et Southi Ontario, te b. held tand.TrunirB. iAy liailn th. Trewn-'Hail, Town ef Wiitby, i twe, more -farm labor, 'on Wedhedday, Sept.: 18, -et th. heur ôon 4th sud'of eievenm o'clock am.AHlpersou Mc- tcrested -vil gover# tliomslvoa «. des. -Lceue lnpecor~ S.Ont. not beyond 'Mssacod,. Daedc a Whit4y, 3rd Sept. 1912 A if oemt mil. t.> Wini- Canadian,- Pa.ciSc Raiiway o.te destination an a. TIi formraaloag Home Seekeu's. Excumis ,k Pacifie psy thé nixi- To Manlt4 a tecwb.@WfA, ber4,-ge*»sUw- d is l an elloUet August a11h dami 1puh liii17â Mfg Mnu Spvisjt 14o sGoO far #0dayqq eStevrs alle.M a ay Pein$ OIicsg muau ttrAo- mht #10M t b. w f sf-s a ows 00 route, bià TourIstTI.ts ob ll piss1en l a Wimùpi-Saskttoou- oUittrips _ Montroal.Que g sd and- *Îk sdfulli Informatioà, ca oagent., dfsPciI1'on EB.)$* ouson, toffl agent for express, tice sud telegrap h- Once opposite Ptan- lard Beuk, 1Whtby, Qgýt A y Sc Peri ini the- cther day-wam nery-sgi4d lhe-diddnt1 ofine-found just.,w.hâ hasyou cati." - uaoeimî, Bnd-1terrui dm1,-porte. WriCwUu T*1TOFp sudEi~sAgunt§ *bltby, Ostade. peop ep. ?.O.Box "OpnomIUD?oin& . îted some ijce know, we kep t- We've got it ini boxes, pads anci tables, ;on BY arc 1,and«it il -tee, coula, 1 tieë chýap àt stabîhity .A varié.ty -of Vase.% ail si[veî; silve mounted A solid .silver 1 DPish. A*olid %silver Fru *or Pie Knife. khI1i me: Calc Ail l4nàd eegri -7. aul lots fé- More >xewse:eO bi~y WCe T -tsept. ltAe homecf ir.lobk Ti # i, .As thi w bea' I *0l l.mbers endeevn 3 pairtuiit& ro aleQ. roq WHAt! P1tLN1- HÂ - vhre es.alire net .Bliud -River' in -a-si vh4icL ea yalmn gg m-on lest diùnm P aulin ant Alire gdrai ste'uiy vosl"st w *4 mwutçtiIte apte. ' ü re in their dwellilug ïùaaged tùe gsi ut4 k1 ýbdl bur4ned that ho latoe.ýýwhmils the other' Lamies. Thme Sireui cf Binxd River, wrote « -lhe 414ùj"Ti bUi by tva bhlors -Wb sai u'they-v-er liOg fiti i- e, se n Wben one of thein aip the alan» Aie was bau diai! zlc,aýnd-the-- burui*d t6d9eth int chieS -of - thë ire depa ougbt -tô know ýala Th ZýuJ-Âvesà 85.~~~ Jom Z'-Pot Ai&Y -84- 6th,- at lussel _T rémewsnbhoes i JÉrok are. FrO4 Tie er.hre ïèen4te peper ed Ou thçimner. We-Jtjve put jute ooi1~it f boxed -Pii -i-- - i vL9,0 O NIAl TORONTO Won1 J. l Rchrde Booksellor anh /hae Wl-IT - - -ýrF.ký ýE.

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