Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 5 Sep 1912, p. 7

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Dus M for- hm," ohé .ad- pbows V'ery-polîte, ,hlm, and he iseý 't4. exprdsion."ý hungry one seldom Ihad noticed him. ip fe" h. aid, timidly, Iwere, te talc, hîm a lit1- tsi tewed beef we shal have U r, '¶she le stillinluthé 1.D-on't talc. it yourself ; it b 1. awkward for beth o Mise charlotte meekly obey-. nd sent 'Iup by tii. shabby ser- ,girl a woat s&voryI littie. sup- tJùluckily -theirl Ira Bport liy, and bier loud abrupt at the 4doiluitsif jrriao m. B hosaid, 3ok lie,"said Thus' all -the'f rst- 5,M8,000; pro- ithly se- n ' plece on and carpets 0;ap- k Iediulue leiteo 01 ,entral in ude M4icalho Jil. ' Hf V.e Y, IIkp - -x by - gtlwe "j'eztr'-tseér. Misafue's couipli- -ments, aud she' bçge yu acoept1 'IVj," sud she thrtst the. tray at him1 4î, "with W derisive griin. - H~ave-the goodueèse ta talc. that- ,down agaip,<-aaîd&Fricfinf l&a.fit et uu'reasouning an ger. ' «lIl pt-be ~,treated like yeur mistress'a pet êthq1~ing lu hie. manner eowed- tegrl. - ýbe beat &ahsety retreat, su.ad was planning iiew ale could 'mali t eat the despisec-supper wheu at the foot o u - saieshe met Miss ' Charlotte, and Il jcvas uipped lu the -bud. f i't ne useeMiss,'ewnt otuch iV'," h.explained,; ""e vas seaugry as could lie, aùd--eays"e 'Také it àwayil ,net lie.treated lik& yeur mîstrefa's pet 'dcdg,' ays - 'e. Sa, hein> frightenedi -lraui- ss-Charlotte -1ýoekeâ treubled, Ùse i, when asusual , s 'â>ip Ïu ug etf ýbot ,',ater, e ûëË?ý and .,u omfortable, n 'arr 4aWk was more timùid than .48ve. 'o*liver, ah, had scsroely "*i:owuthlug é n the fIteor when cam4sôàdsethasty Ifoot- a&te»e lun tiie reou, sud Frithioff -lggopon thie door.ý ' '{ lbeg your pardon" h. said. iYu ineaut, oý1,k Msr, ukt th)s 'girl *as ýruàej'2ÀÏY sre 'my temp.'r. I sak' your -lrgive- À am- se sarry:- iie, girl -vas > -u, Mise Charlotte' eaid. "I ff ibII, had bron'git it myseif. You 'see- Aitaavu ushie w'ay: we al t'hoMght you iooking se peorly, sud ewç !,ieîe heviug the. beet £pr supper, ene- we,,thugiit penbape 1you migit £dit au very 'goodaf yen," ho ..4tpuchodby the - kiunucos. "I regm V"Iwhat 1eaid, but' you muet maÎýpalovauce fer a bad-temper- Is.that tii. 1 a8ioo Vii V'piased ~ieCslto rÛ't keepe iV cooler," lie said, "'and 1 eau -get tiirough more Mie ÃŽglàuced at tiie-tbaensd auwttit v a-ver.dwith p&per6. udbeow '14l"eyou 'isi>8o' 0aBsemucli -wOrl atter being busy ail day ?"- mii ~ad. IVseemsA te me-,that - yWiure net -looking well." "Iei nothing but headache," lie .a4-"And" hs -W-rkÀ-1s 'tiie'9iy - ple4guri I,,haia 'u-tise w'rd."ý ~-'eafràid trom- your loeks lhtyU hsA a bard lite," mie said, -41in bot. liard eutwardly,.- As avwrk gees iV is easy 1ùà, ut i &deal e Of, 10..1 Y ;_ tned hà iid- tii. soùnd' 'hbof& in;the road, a Wild' g tu d.ese« izehmfor Vthe u in e ait of hie lit, lu -mP ay, ad e! .oIe!fierce rebe.1- dÃ",,,gainet hie - fate voke once lu i he at, aud made hlm à1te ly ~ t a rage on the î*-&jest provocation., 14 -day lie.vas seit for ta Mr.- Bnla-el pivte- roux; *he was. quit' velW.Onçthat bis manuer. 4ev,14oROY lheag'>Vliewhmnho iked, bad--Ïfeu ndisagrêk h ilu the.ex- tz anô sd* the tuougÏttcrossed liii 'a -mndthle vas gcinï-mo receivè n to, teleave. - Mr Bouitace vas itting atbis writibg-Vable, the, s4uliglit feli oný Sis te, refiued face, lighted up -1Ià ~ st ansd trini beard, aud -adt>-b.le kindly, gr*y eyes brighter 'tiian-4,vet. '!Iaîtd, àfe w_ vends .Yh~ou,, Falcl," he saLd."V -wrWJT eeus to-me ViiaV'yO4t II" 'T4ýien iooking vehi lâtelyand * ýPI~pght penhape you lm!btt.*Iý mi.a..Yt'ur, holidav at enea lnstWd that .1 shal d6o- irêt' "«Wculd you neat do' W home ,Comeé, think o!it) give you thýr4e weeks, if Y40 ego Bergen." 1,Thlue. you >.ho aid;,i effort; "'but I eau, net go9 "oelme can4idiy,i .qe&tion o! expense-: that, .Ycu le",.aàidMt. Bonifac." for you withl an bacc t6ý 153 ýit itii 'Because, d gladly. must re- 1& great lilnk -vou d rest." i you . dn' ituiof, -I ~ at1 r kine! ozly finds among Buiglieiimen?' "'Poàsibly; but living lu ouri cli-ý mante,*,yen vould do vell te tqllov our halWlts. Cerne, lét me persuiade yon to joliseclb.You 1O4ýk -ta me as if younueeded peater vari- "I vil thlunk aboit '-t 'forjînext year; but just uôv I;haSevork for Herr Sivertsen ounsAi4 vbiàh I ca't ptasidee,"a friie. ?'Well, th eu# thin'ge Bmnüet gl: on as -Vley are for tle*Ilt,;>' ,sid Mr. tonïitadee; "9bu1ý a least, yen eau'.brnug your transýsting ýdow1i te, Royau- Tree House, and epend:ycei lioliday» WAtW'. thef " ha b ly tt 0- dieght- Ande!ti interview seemed sèmxe- l>ov tehavedon. ihîm,-good,. for 'during the next fev daye lià vas liss irritable, sud found bls vork 'in coneequence I-ss inkeome.; '~CHAPTE$ XVI. But the, change fer the - btter did net last long, for Fujthof was with- out the motive ...hh"makes drudgeny divine." ýkud .thole *as na -deyniug tliat't4 - vork 1he iiad' -to do vas real drndgeny. -About Vthe mlddl o f Ju ythe Bouifac'es veut dom4 te Deva siire for their usual suminer iidoida&, sud Frithiof ' touud thiatas oria predlcted, Mn. Hornoer' maeohim- soif ioest. disagreealle, and ý neyer lest 'a chance of interfering. A miseenisle-lookiug 1dog uuluckily niade its way inta' the siiop oe mor~ugadisturbd . X. Bornier i l hie ssnctum. - *h&t Wethe ineàu!ng et this l?" i. exclaiune;d;- bearinig dovu, upon 'Fniibiof ."Cau youit noVkeep stray cure o.ff -tiie premiSes f Jus't nov to, with - iy4rgph1 ja & lit Ai e ledrove.--sud, licUtà!%,dog tde i'deer. Nov tiser.la one -tskwbh-no Norsei-nan ftolerate. for amo- ment, sud that le s y.sort et cruel:' t.3~ aîj FI in uhie fury, has"tem oyed'--'ta the -employer, I su f rin tha ine Mr. Horuer's He -v-s sitiug a.t-'hie - de.k- e moriugaddig up Ëa clumn-vhich had been :tvlee iu'lterrupted, su1 d vhich had * ltiiree tinîes ýcine te a diflerent result, wieu -once - agaiu Vhe swing-door *a 'puehed oç:-en aud a' tshsdav f alii' - acroseis - couut-boolc varued lm nithat' the custoinen had, con; e, te 'tli e aong Tii.cuetomÉer,.w4s evidéùtly an It!alian. He vas- yàuug."g-tIetrik-- îugiy hanfeouie. B-ýaide hlm was la bright-eyed boy '-W'bô loçked uP curiously at tWse Norsemàn, ae tiough- vemodening ,ho* ou suéh 'a àun. '-.'au ~e could vear àyuo a nlou on ae NvFrithiofvi.aq*,uit.l in . - h-unoýr t dislike any one, more espe à 'Myainu whoIras yug , iftpnc crýt ve,.Êimthe instant týýe.i irdik- Iffi 'avoice, liei jltteu -sabk te rpiain'I '~~~an 'Ma cined 'to giüiàbIe at 'the trouble which? lhe ý search'.involved, now threk._,.lbimse1f inta it heart and' soul,' and was as pleased as his eus- tomer when after some littlo time lie chanced ta find the sang. 'Kthousand thanks," said the Italian,. warmly. "I arn delighted te get.hold -f Vhs; it is for a firiend who- lias lng- wanted ta- hear it again, but~ who1 was. only able ta write down htii rot part of the air." Ani-h eomp.r.dwlth -the print- ed sang the littl i. blof manuscript wih.had sholwn -ta Frithiof.* "New waeit'ely a happy fluke Thatmadeyou think -of Xnlght's ."I kuow- another cf hie songs, -and: theuglit this bore a sort of lilreness te it," said Frithiot. - Ylouknow mueh marer of English m1usic than I do, incet likely," said are ak foreignér." "Yea,"1'replied_ Frithiof; -"11aum fko I have only been liere krnine months, but ta ti7- &nd- learn ajlittie abbout. tiieiusie i. -the ouly 'iutoresting part of Vhs work." The strauger!:6-B jimpathe.tie in- sighi s9hôweàd.buxù 'much of the weadýness, and .disconten't, -n BelnrWei which, lay bénoatji tiese word. <'Ah, yes,'" he said,411 supmpose botii work aud countyeem fiat and 'duli *after yqur ýif. amang the, fjords and- mountains. I kunow -well enough the.depressalu cf-one's firet year' îna u.w cilate. But cour- ,age! tiie wrst will paso. ,I'have 'growu te Io'ye thia Éngland which, ouoe I, detested.-'ý lt je the -airlessuess of Lônden which d.presees: one," laid poor F a'"-Obling up i'certain1y Vér r- a13 sorry to, have, given you 80 muecltrouble ii0* tpg ù tuïs song for me as well talc. twihus,- ~Ewe are going -home" (To be continued.> LIVING PLANTS IN S10K BOOM Cut Flowers Tee Depressing te Patients. In tiiese day. of suggestive thera- peutios physiciaus wil11 seme day forbid, halring eut flowers iu the. slck-reom. They wither quickly, and as they droop f rom day ta day the, patient wha a been at death's door, takes from their brief aud passing 'beauty'a suggestion of the iuetability* d hi-s own life. The. inetaphor wiIl inevitably &uggest iteelf t6 a man who lis been siek and more readily stili ta a womn w-ho le ,avalescing., Xhedroop-, iug flower la 11ke my-l11h. Oulya littie wiiile ta live.' lunstead cf cut floeTs a grawing plant should b-e placed beside the patient. The auggestion it conveyg let -the reversO. IV ýiymbolizes growt.h, robu.stness, Mù1ure strength. Phyuical, as well as psychological lawe, make the substitution of gro*-; ingplants for eut fiowers desirable.- Ti.eut flow'ers fills the. roem with a s"ivkly oôdor, an odor eloquent of d«cay, - weakness, death. The air bi 6om4eýé 'evy. iVs 'proportion of b&nd tbe growving plant purifies the. tir inm the room by.attractiug what riogen ïii081a5, which is te plants whiat oxygen Ti te humaus. Z, cr. . 1 t. uk cfCu Ihiàe ovei head withçuta scriap ef pap>et or. & - .wor&- hmauether, I el"They ive -the- psintion e"io Ierybattalion*- -under- - bis' cm- I~ ~~ p X*i.L>uo rp le. lee's the m' et u aÏ-tMet ýWi.-ýll 1,robi4 en-+fa mily to pay fer; anotér mai',*dr"k. THE CAVE-IN. V1ýj& .er-$ief.t eenefina-a Ceai Ming. The :«Pit boss" inspeeted cur. "rocux" in Mine Thirty4ýhree. "PBoys," he said, "iyou'll have ta, get eut cf here; this roin le gg to cave." "Gidt anotiier ron-for us,- JcJxn? iskod niy 'buddy." "Net tili Friday." "'Then weli stay liere." "It's your.lookout. But.if yeu Io-se the iren the eompany will, take it out of your psy cheeka." B y 'liron" lie ueant thei. rails and tools. - Our wage was suxall enôugii witii- out paying auy cf it eut. "HIlad't we better geV the irou ontl" I ask-ý ed, wiien the pit boss vas out o! ",fieep &cel, kid. Wlieu mii. be- ,ns W 'worlc' we'll leave," replied, my buddy. That. afternoon, wheu I put lu the, .9euViti 9g" befare the. blant,,the ceai shattel ied1k. glass. W. fired the blast,.aud'left, the mi4ne'. The nbxt morning wo found the. foorvo'vered with white flakes cf soapgtone.- "iWhat cau ses :that?" 1 asked. "llaom's wotkiug," replied -my buddy. I ,learued that wheu a roemi "wrs"the piessure from above causes the -fine flakes of -stone bbi break off and fail. Whule léading a' car. htii.moruing, I learned anotlher mnauner lun vhich a room wprks. Beside, my head, -se ne ar that ;l î csedme te stert; ae Irant notei as of a pluoeked violin tring I listened. 1 romu all over the rou came similar- sounds, miugled wiVh tho .cr.aking ofthtii."prps." It vwas emmna, sinister.- That a.ttrnoocù the, pit$oss look- ed lu. "You -lelle*,%iiad better get- eut cf hs. '"Dcyou ùwaut te goet smabiied under toua of rock?"' "I'm taking my chance,"'remàark-- ed-niy- buddy.. CiSç am IV"I ecir,ii 0 mkan41Y. ReH turued ou his he"I.ad walked eut, "She's goed for anothet- day,". my buddy remarked, as we loft that eveuiug. -Re was mistaken; in the mornina it W 1s evideut, even te me, that tue cave-ln was imminent. - The *,*tooe- was wiiite with the tone Enow 1; the:' props en4pped and groaned u'ndi the pressure. ,My buddy glanced at the. top. "F111 that box," lie7 cmmanded, "vile I geV Vth. tools eut." I pushed the. car Up to thi "ace and set at work. Boom!1 boom! boom!1 cameç a eouud like distant ar- tillery, mingled witii thç bre'akinË cf prope sud the eraekie ofthe seld ceai vein. Rivtilets cof wter oozed eut sud flowed down the valus.,1I finished filling the, car, and pushedà it into the eutry. "Grab a bottaux pick sud begin teariug up that track!" ehoWted my buddy above the, noise. I. rau inte tth. room and franti- eally tare up tii. iron rails vhle li earried theux out sud tossed -th.ir inte tiie .ntry as if they' were steve Ail this time-the canneuading had growu nearer; Vthe flakes of stone were falliug lu a aboyer; the. props wtre screamiug with tiie immense weigiit that vas settliug dowu uper them. I attacked the. isat pair of rails. A groan as of some expiriuf - mouster.breke upen imy ear. jut t ii.bla'ek chaism. The. eutrY a waà filed with duet; dust va f giid i lteo ur clothiug.; Our-fac wè ver lastered with it. - e Tiepi os aeruuning up, - sd he haBw' Usgave àa uri ii o t r1eief. ÃŽ1S&-you-blesséd idiote did ge Y -outl" h. qald. "Thii4rtë eu~tthdi -qça&et chopper or 'CfOP-tneimn une-Ç ly-in- aehopping boôwL.' - Cover the t onnaise 1e6- e it the, preper conl oiàtency" fospreadinm« Trm'he ritsfrom the buttered bi'ead'"and Put i 'u Ebstintial lIve?'cf the fl ling. Delicious -,Sandwiches.-One and One-haif Cupfuls of i4ht brown su-1 gar, scaInt teàspoonful-,,of, butter, three-fourithB.,upfu-of, water, one- haif peuùd of ihredded_,ooauut oénehaif pound of chopped fig>,- one-, haif, cupful-off-chopped walnuts, whole wheýat bread.. Bail Mie- ugar, 'bufeýr, and w-ter' together until they, form aà thický syrup. Tben re-, moôýve from t*-e fiie ' and add the C - ceanuùt, h gs n'the nuts. Stir imlU creamy and -pour into a but- *iWd dish.. When cooQh-ýpres4; be- 2Chioken 8aedwichiaè. -'-LefLcIàrer roasted or boied cbicken, creaum te saftn;, PW oZbuùtW" ià#l ud' ,epper, % ttr4 it~bed Mince, up the, chieken and put itin- ta a'saucepan*.vith',a' u-fiint ereàam (Or' gravy, if; ihere ' ai jat haud) tauogften.-it. Then âdd a good sized piee cf butter and a seasoning of pe3 .er and at. Put é6verthe fire tepheat, worlking the nmixtâre o o stantlv uiitil? ii resembles a pastèý- plate sud" *lien cool ween thin eliees ot the PINEAPPLE -REOIPES. Cainn ed PiuîeaPple-Iu ýpreparIug pîineapples for cauulng- I have -al- vaywstried-tekeep. Vthe slieesviiole ,and, round, ýand iV Ias net an' easy task until, this year. Thon- i bit upon tuis expedient: I 'lkèd tii, pineapýples firet and pared avay the, outaide -.with a shairp- kufe. -As .I began upen thse first one,'i' coeur- red te -m e tiat iV veule!, le a great heip'if Iiiad regular factory teole vWitU-Cvhlelf te doe- .work. Thew came - the thougliht: Why net use the d'ougliut enter?1 No mooner'said than acue l'1 vas morie thsan pleas- edl vith thé- répuit. fex.doubting econoinilat May B.ây, 'Whenoe thie wasto 1" 1 anever'that tVie ovme.-_ thod-eabled me ta. turn -dut round, Ries '- ) thie-epres removed- '- -z cMdthe wste toa müïîninun.'. That notlilug lie'lest,I triimm.d avay lie tougli riud'frein the- seraps left, bythe cutter, Separ- atiug tiie good bits 'Iroin Vii.bad, sud made -of tii... marmalade. I -8git hve rn theni throUgh Viie netgInder and canned themn sep- arat.ly.I - mcoe.tii,. marmaw~e Pineapple -amaae- nsd" a hait pineapples grocuud fine, or tue equivaIent-.t ground pineapple made frein tli4 craps I hiave spokený 1.f. Four cupftils:et dried niiubarb;- pnlp f-et*ueorange .and hall the rne, .gnouud fine. * Pulp and, hall tii-,greund -rlnd et eue lemon ;,oue- hllf cuptuül et aliende, branched asud .ground; six cuptuls cf sugar . Mlx ail the ingredfients eýxcept the nuts inta a mass, bruising se littie as poeelble, sud cook until they are a tiik, - elan conserve; take tram the steve, stir lu the nuts, sud peur luto glases 'yolled in hot vater. .Wieu they -are eold eover.,vitii mel- t.dt paraffi.-Mrs. D. J. G. THE BEST KIN" 0F CELLAR., The storeýrocux fer food msy be tiie tiny closet of the. flat dveiier lu a clty or tie cellar cf the village on tarin hou e,. In the hast case it et. ten has a commercial as vehi as a' houiehole! value, ince it keeps frnuits sud vegetabies lu good con-, dition- until manketed, -as veli as until they are needed for Vie homne table; but-inany case it ehould b. cool, dry, dlean aud regulanly'airýd. IV may be veli ta clesonibe a cel- Ian that ia badly buiht aud careles- ly kept in order ta see vhat should' b. ex-acly opposite conditions. Such a cellan may be dug in vet.grounds, vithaut sufficient drainage of the ,subgoil; iV may even ho iu contact ,With open sewers or drains, v*hi-eh, have been pnoved lu certain cases ta couVain specific organisme cap- able et, produciug disease. iu many eisestheIi.,eelhar bulit against au -earth we.ll le not pro- tected tram dampuese by -a layer. ai mosture-prO.pf cernent,. ane! 7the water may stand lu drops ou-ita surface. Again, it-fnai- hé dug .tç euohan exrtent belo*ev i.surfacb etý the. groune! that the wnosare wbolhy inadequate for lighting and! ventilationi. - It may baiie au earthen fonr, or eue et badly matched boards impas- sible 1te këecleau. It.vil piobai-' ly have- a muaty amell, proot Posu-r ive2 that mnold planta, are there zýd read e tak any fruitan eg, -tables that -ar4 etored cu its siielv;es- or lita-idirtyl bina.- 1Ifs. lu additio, Vo tus laultv. con-' nto .daipuoll)ess rising nto the the hoise , Therema met a bsd - is appefizil- 9:gto kuei cames f ron utensils asi Persoual eseential in good -houm mÉalutaina maïtteras s anid the - sIhould 4be -"Fçoda Vaught au< Vihe -marksý vould go Dot only co dàitions te iug. -lIn xýanut methode t -pue largQ? tion - vas4 force that hie hauds 'after leavi - whate-ver. The runý bath, off e over oldj will have, -the. iaud bathed at Vhis resu] bisiste4 Eyry , eughing2 euciis nec4 iug teo iu al di four crS or eeugh le abuund viierevez or servet ëd tiié M tfatier. "'Neye: ike that iaa thie chue! s < "Ail r eau have - &ç,.and4i .ë def - B KITOHfflN mù broullerie aboutit.' ' o t o lebserve4, "Tsroubridge' syaLord-l cdisii l"-Ees of flayor, talkçs1f -utting hiiin ItWe' t ste,! but, a 1lAkof 'wha pù )fli-us U-t5 i . a"o Id býe îuteieé's"-. e & omaxfor hé lu 'inwh any caeer"thl bear cofnement to auyco n a ack po cl'eanhuesa"i ,18 a4partizan; hsh a i mehodthe ~i dreadful disordr.ax 1e~nin xe~ our. vr eauneme an afficer ' m ke.pr~ n~avrs to Tiies -are .xtraordin Ër t ?'hi~ et uar usuelitures' upon tiie greatest guu "d-l su British avy ever producel Tii. aohiadscarooly mo' îzxudl hyginia uru eudugs utie in january, 1801: hygeni s ro-iixl ', "Nelson vas very Io* .wien0iih exlmle.he stfirat eume liere, Vthe day 'beor, y n2ene raly10fo1wed. -tr'day;appeéared sud acted as df ud rings àare carriers u. uad doule me an-injury' and felt- n." h proor.- way of appreheneive' that î,Wa;s aeqiiaînted> ,e ha a i erio uly with it.- Po r man, hé ils devoured D. nd I'i "he- kif wn ças trung -witii tubbon"s,!,meda1s.iJ-1 ai te re C vý ,he -sturec, adyet preteuded! 'that lie infectie' bi.atf smci ad, wisiied to-avoid tiie houer ýnd cereý; tii, foodasa rýe dieguat- mouiés lie everyviiere me;t -with - ienster- Some food uponý the'road." - le are c1eair -iu their Nelson writes in bis private cr au are .ur litchen. lu respoexdeuce coucerning thus very >bakery,t wher'e informa- inter,ýiew with St. Vint:"h Io,-llected ýtheî rule ileilu Eari received me vith mu"h appar--- veryeni loyéîsiial1 wasii eut cardiality." The tac would ing -rtr iug olie eroom appear tû b.' that St. VÃŽiacent vas g IVt~ranypurobeannolred at Nelsoii's popularity and I-V coul&-net pardon Nelson fer brlug- ing apj[ 1k. 4hoshoer ng a action agaiuat hlm. -St. ViO1fii_ s 1 a gr'et mpr 1em .cent,1 Vhbugls a great officer, -vas a thoe f ~siu. ewvludiçîv ansd lie nover seeme etheuce teril)sudng.refit ta hi vquite,'forgiven bis fermer- I subo maute fir eurpasink"hlm ln &sin unill theî bands are gkarY7~ ' lait' lu- Ieau* ýater, but "Tlimso-criticisme lent s'ome sup- 1 -' is ea4fly acecamplieiied port toa th, rumor eurrenV"in 1804;) tap.ý 'e -ailbrush-1 .n4 driÉ el mas it and greatest ' r .mustjiave their place éommand, thà.St. Vincent thought heu, À -1theýi .usemuet- ot re$alliug him sud iisd d ràtted ou- be reéread or cake ieldrvie hneeq u nd afte* werk iàa ahsoil-menti remoe4hmfrmti,Âdi ne wilF i dmit ,that tiiere rtexerc içgrat car, lu 'ahnd Su ziug ii erever - - DAILING PETEe.- Bayse' y a 5-iî,b. aunçy'> "rco a itn'l bes heu n 61e"recalls Th a aermnenshie irieut asehsvu hat ' tud1ï. - hard 'at vork on týxe tollc' iri f s ehmay.b throwau w na 'aounroii wlýeu a vux-, ieetiousé r a d~istanceor ettor isaýucd. fie *WB àaVal. muscâlar voman, and- #hen Vthe m feej a violent sueeze- rninlter &eta:chair toi êr, slip ugh 'or ee_èze ilà oé eh g._îou' àra mr..-- 3enA s, ain't n le th'us-oommxunic'ted 3yeil?" le l isdent,,that _here 11n-l'e ele ntreason for 1éaution. "Wimye yuI ep ebro larly 1.8 tua. esseutiat marrylu' .quple e t~ ers,-at food le tprepared expoçM orcib~muhaet ~ ORAL SUASION. ~nu5t iaveoatmosl," said -force aàuything -eon a child I-" interpoised uncle, vie rues. 'Alirsys give Vie ght," ai tte.-"Nov, e au liave oatmoial. or yenu a clip on tiieijw4.. Whicii ~iM tnok !ostmJegU tbvly.na wee m-- - , - 't" - "Pêter '#impe an 1, Eliz Brovn,"éiudthe venan, "anùd .««Are you, indeed 1"-aai4 Vhs min-- leVer-, "I tiionglt I ne. mbered- se.îng your'face befere, 1u- "Yes,", luterrýiupte4 t itsitor. "I'ui. ler, al il riht, -au' .1 thougit as ,ow I'eugiit ta dnop in au' tell yeu tiat Peter's escaped V A 'gues«s le equal Vo lent i£yo6u bappen Vo1 judg- ftei. - z .1

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