Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 12 Sep 1912, p. 3

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,wrý d-4 10£a.1'J. ussr.y nu oz AWJiP fui1 10 m ini sut himngé li.dreary 'litti. ýýUC e9 g fae it hurri.dn e om uid etU oadte _êk» ,wrtched littie sOt O ; puI d'iheh&to wr ti. open winork, at. he huedegofdiy. father, who open a But ~trjqnp paused outaide a public- e w'l't t veridc h s trength.; Aviolenshvru !'Wit or -etho. L ti. ark" ft seied -lm' Work was e on ML aidtfoe the cin theiviug , 'ger 11possible; hecoeuld enly sgtagger -aad t th cild gi»mg i a7tote i.bed,, with that terrible con- 4,Y-n the. directioli. aionanesa col1beiug utterly and 4D&'u the littie fellow. went on -oh.-: hopàesslv beatén, wbicl te a man "eutiy, until, o!. *at te.tom ers141la so bard to e a caught .sightofazse nier g- -. Later -ou, , wlen the summer twi- barw ou whiih cool grený lea've, ligit deopened'ý into ni giit, and ho and ripe réd stra~wberries ',wère oould no -long. make ont the. bar- ton ptingi diap1ayed. Frithiof in b on, aud Vthe u4ippingi aud the fit- Ïirda p tosBe. yhst voul miliar inountauas, lie buùried hi.2 happeu, bbut notfdug h.sppeued It acs i the ppîlow aud sobbed aloud, 'ail,9 t#p- cbild just atood-there patf-i- j folon miaeny 4wMch, aven in *Utli- eer hem Paraisemust)ihave wnUnghsie - -"]ave you ee atd hi 'ther's heanéàt. t aaid F'ithiie drawiug neator. * * * C Thé. tbey ahookiiis hsad abyly. Itoy B<iuifa-c came back trom De-" "Woldyo 1k.te~"voush ire the. foilowiug day, his holu- Stillh id-not spsa.k, but s look day beM& by a week on. ,of rapturo dawned Lu thewistful::.Rwôo'nt 0o'cf Mns. Ho- cbld eyr'.a e was .v.ry, '1-ixpeonnyworth," sid Fnlehiol reasont y freituai te the, ositermnonger; to sgin gsd, relati ue >isited te tbe ,ýchild te follow, hé led the. on goiug, o' 0 Me ,te aee Who- w.ay intce the, park, satdoiriîon then _they 'cou d ' of-anyiuse. tii, neareast- seat,- put'-the baskgt ef Like mauy other buainees men -ho -6trawbenniesdewn beéÏd, hilm, sud nelieved the. -mouotony cf huail glauced - ut hut littier companion. -work by. always' keeping two or "Thene, uow sit dewui by me sud tire. hobbies in haud. The mania- enio shin" b aid. for* eoll.ctiug had always been. on- 'Anithe -cilud neeedno ,seôond'eoour&gW at Rowan 'Tree Rouse,. bidding, but began te 'qUt.witiian sud Just nov 1otany 'ai his-ken- 'sagen deliglit whieh waI pleasant est delight. Re was eontentedly Y 'fEat, toel>' aid tfie. ili,,point- 'of hua returu, viien James Berner 3n' tO, hoeibasket.*','- ' . ' - ' 'loed Lu,-thé pro8pective legaoy 'Andi ' Frit-liof, -te '-please him, Making Jin more than ever !uy àmilsd and* -tok -two or tire. ud, PomPOU, ' atnawennla. '"Ahs' you' have cerne back; - 'There, ther aef~you, ta'& Il igit!1" lierexclaimed. 1I .L...Je/ai."De eù 1k. them'top had hied' you would have -coins "Y.., said tii. oilld emphar-omund te us. Howaer, no matter' caly; sudI lke au. I don't kuow that thon, i. uthu "Wiy do you 1k. met1" pecial te siay, sud'-o! course tis' 'I was tired, sud you was .klnd sciew lis use-- My vife very te me, sud these la rosi jsmmy !"1- much."l But a! ton thi.s ferve'n'tlittle speech "1Abh ,"' sl lo, mws kp heaidne more. Tiien-before long tical lu ilis heant co?, hearta- about tii, father reappeareci, auci.tii. lit- the. deptli ef let. grief. ."Weé wereï tli ellow with one siiy uod--o! the serryto heèar about t" head rail off, leoking back wistfully «"W. go doivu 'tii. firat-tiiing te- eyery now and tiien at tii. stran- nierrow, " said James Horuoer, -"sud gen who wouId 16 nemembered'by. sadl, e! course, t , o.They aay - hlm te h vemy end o! bis 1f.. tiiero lane oo reco vey. Tii. uext day, aometbiug happen- "iBy the 'bye;"' said:Mn. 'Horner, ed wlÏicj addedtii, Isat" drops.te "I havé just remembered..M 'tel P'ntiiiof's'cup o0! misemy, - ancimnade you thaï> provoking !elle'mWFalk, 'if , verfl-ow. _-The. trdu-bleî o! *thé neVer' tumned.up te-day. He nev.mr pasf, year, and thie lonelineas.*ud Aveu' h4d the graWe-te s.nd word » poverty whiciih. b.hd borne had tiiat ho waatt coming. gradualhy broken clown bis iiealth, "O! course ho muat hé 11," aaiîd andi theme'- ame te hlm now a re- Rey, h-coking disturbed. "He je the - 'elatlop yhich proved the, final hast felow te, stay away if ho coulci Ilew. ,Ha waa dinlng at'his usual poaslbly :keep up. W. Ail thougbt *atàurant. Toc tirect to est much, i loeking il11 ;be!oro w, -left." ho hsd' taken' up a bit o! one 'o!-"'I- don't know about iles, the 'Society papers which seme eue said James Hoxnuer,' puttiug on hia - h!t'-thore, sud hua ýeye feul on ee at; "but h. -certaiuly has tii. worst W m tiioso detestabie paragraphe tempeor I've ever comne acroas. If, wbacb- pander to the very lewest was extremecly , awkward wlthout -tuites o! the. public_ No actual hlm to-day, for àlready we. are siert uiume 'ias given, buft every oeeoe handa.." - - kàhowi-n" auytbing about her. coul d "Tbareeau hardTy b uch do- mot fail te es that Blanche Romi- ing," said Roy. "'London looka - aux was the womau referred te. liii. a dosent. Hewevom, o! course,- ITii.meat nevolting insinuations, l'Il look up Falck. I dan. say heell-, the' moat conteimptible gogsip, end- b. ah igiit l, to-xuorow." od 'ith -tii. words, "An interesting But ha hici scamcthy settiod hlm- >dIivorcercase-znay soon be oxpect- oeilf down comfortably toe uswenk ëd-y- * after James HRuier's we-come de- Frithiof greir deadly white. Feel- partune wheu the, thought o! .Fmi- lig aick gnd gîddy, hé madle bis thief cAma te trô'ubie him. __ wsy aleug Oxford Street, noticing Like moetpoople, Bey iras sel- notbing, wahking like a man in -a fisii. Wiii aneffort h. tore him- -deani. Just lu front o! Buzzard'a self away frein bis beloved opeci- -s victoria was waiting, aý remsrk- mnaus, sud @et. off briskly for Vaux- -sibIy good-loekiug man s3tood ou the- hall, uhere, atter sein. difficulty, -pavement talking te> its ccýUpant. b.ho uud the, litthe aide stretAu -Fithie!- woulil bave passed by wltb- wmmdi, amng dozc eso!,otems pre- -eut eobserving thein b.d not" a fa- ciaely 1k. it, .was the bouse cf the, iîianý voice stamthed hlm lute keen tliree Miss Tutneurs. -CouISCieuauess. H. booked up hast- A litti, withore4-up ladï' epeuod ' iI._y and saw Lady Romiaux-not tii the6 doorte hlm, suad replîed urv- - Dlsuci h<>hohad won lus hear n çushy to*bla quostion,.ý* - '>iowa,~fn 'helips -that had once i"Mr. Daok-i.'iIlý" ah. said. 9%e èo preouedi te -iii' ore a bard seema very !elverish; but he was- MUck e! defiance, sud the. oyee that ,1k. ifoeel 'fieme a ia eÇ&Ïnausred huii acl-iiw au ex- came te Eungiaud, 'and if, passed off -presision 'that- confiriqed. ouly tooAin a day-or twe."ý »wIl ' thé,story h. had just read. "C14an I Seo hlm?" uaid-Boy. . di ~ h9AArd hem give a hittl, artifi- '.,Weil, .- doemn';t liii, be'ng dis- tE éla iugh lu micii thene mas net turbed at al," uai4 Miss Charlotte. a] -even tii, giiost, e! menimeut, sud '<He'll handly lot me inaide the Pl after- that if, aeemed as if a great ro>om. But if yo>u ouki ist se. sr. c -lbud' iiad descended on hlm. Hoehi, I siiould're.¶ziy . be glad. Yen moved on meohanicshly, but if, was milI f udge better if ha .hould seoa cl 'Qhief1y -by àsosrt e! instinct -that ha the. doctor or not.'". touud hut wsy back te. tii. siop. "Thank - yen, I1i1 go pth .b3 "9Go&I beaveus, Mr. Falek! hem Don't-let me> trouble yen.' di fi- yen are lookitg t"l ,xôlaimed the. "It La noise ho sftema te mind m kî -bead 'maxi'au hio glanosd At hum. imuoii,"ld Mia"harlotte. "8), c. "I' joed tbiu'g Mn. Robent il If yeu il find yur ma-y up alone, Pr 1m hack agalu âoon. -If I'm net perhape t would- b. best.If la the,'gc yry much miaté.ken, he'll put you fRmst door y ou comn e t itthe top of Co luto the 'doot 'a hand." ,lu-gto the ."Sp0 '" i t la cmlkytèh ot mes- Rey w-ont up quistl.y, fleud tlO d- timr,»-saiciPrithief,-sud as if anxb- dot as; noLiuly as h. âou1d, eud e oua te put anend ,te . ouvere-- ent lu. ien. ho,,turnec amay te his desk i " l hjaM WC Iint cempi *Md4 bgan tcr write, tbeugh- each 0gan, » amian imritabl, voice.from à wond cit hb-i a p ainful offert, and, the, bed. ."#Tii. ilgbtut fooistop à l mend to e'b.draggWedout o!fun tenuro.'5 ;by sheen fonce. At 'tea-timne hswwau- i< 'I ut1o.'4W li to a*k »Wevyu '-èned eut in the. streatf, vucely wro, "Iasl Rsm euha>b hiave "rYou M tiii errible pain.,$ dYlea, y..; i if' 1k. abaud o! h< iron," meauqd poor F'nithof, The auddenly sarting up in wild exciti ment, ,"There'. Blanché 1 Vtherê Blanche!1 Letx»,go te ber 1I ot lm go! 1I will ses ber once more--on] Rey with.-soine difficulty held bui down, aud after awhil.e he' seeme te coeete himself. "Was I talli ing n onsense?" h. said. "It's horrid feeling flot being ahi, t coutrol one's self. If I go craz -you can just let me die, pleasi Life'a bad enougli now, an<l woul be, intoierable then. Tien. she i agaiu 1 She'.siliHng at me. oli .Blanche 1 you did caie once. Coin back 1 Oom, back 1 7:lecan't 1ev You .au I 'k1ve L But it's ne use-n- use r. she àe worse than dea. tell , yD 1-Isaw'it "in that »cura& paper, aud i awi uherlown fac Wl>.one. might have kn-own 1 A] womeu ur, lus i!V' And then b. feli into inooher-en tauk, chiefliY twegian. (To b. contlu.d.) MES. WAR'S HOBY. Mns. Humnphrey Ward do., net, ferget the. daims .ofsocial agmvie lu ber efforts to. frustrato tii. de- aigus' Die! iiuffragettes. Tiiere il' ýne otiier eluinent - oman. writer quite '-asactive -s'satof o '¶l:obenb Elsn in»lu'ryin.g t ameolt iibad lto!the on iment ci hem pbilsntbropic enen- gies, arefocussed ou the Passinore EdwardsS ettlement in', the -weat central district of Louïdon,, wiers, îwlng. te her initiatIve, la vacation achool z bas ?eu enopoued, fer 'châl- dron wbo would 'otherwise -have te spond- their holidays in -the streets,. "Over'a thouesnd sciel'ara unse in IaiIy atteéndance, although tboy are not coinpeI.éd te attend., Thei.e rieshing depanture, rmý,qedinry sýholIastic routine accountsfor t «à pressure at the, Pasamere E4dwa*ds Scheôl. Wheu wsàthn euditne Permif, a mixed.. dais 'asses- [on tuition lu basket-mkàking on theé 14rge lawn -at-the sean ci the. Set- flemnent. Tii. childnen' wonk witii happy *pplication, sud if, is diffi- Mr@. Humphrey Ward. 'uit.te rieognize ini them the- ip- 'oarlous youngsters who turn the back streets into a pandemniçium during «the vacation weeks. Then Lher. is a woodwork class for boys, nd a mixed ar -t classa, where the pupilsa paint flowers frein natural. qpecimens taken frein the, garden. Bat- by far the most popular- ,Ialss* -is thé story-telling class. Stories of old romance are recited ýy the tea'cher, and this section lispisys, more than any other, the rey note of the work, which is re- ,reative ocpto. The' more )raetical, aide, of ta"ition la not for- eotteni for 'boys are shewný how to ,bble boots, and girls are taugit. ceoking and housewifery, while lancing and drill are also provid- id for both bo6ys and girls. Befor, the vacation uschool breaks Lp Mrs. Humphrýey Ward invites ie parents to, à Parente' D*y, rhen upeofimens o!1ithe achool wark lerabie, sé- that ' the ' poon vý-il1 k. tarnd l ie.in, the mixture,. Put 01 ue large spooufià of shortenîiag- ômeàt fryiug», will do-nto your.cup, ifil it with bot îwater, a<d ou. tea- sBpoonful <4 soda, sudmiithorough- eiy with the flebur siMmss. Add- eue weli-bea.ten - gasd bake îîn gr..ae paa..alolyh.ig ery -sharp kni. e em ,ove --tihé peeling f roin two d ~jp uub'er_,1c't e ut1baves, an soop eut the. seeds. Chop them rather coarsely 'and drain fôr twenty-four heurs lu a jelly-bag. Put the 'pomace left after the. water has dripped out into a large bowl; add, four medium sized onions peeled and chopped with five tableapoonfuts of mustard seed. Mix aIl well together with a large woodeln epoon and cover with the' best eider vinegar. As the. pickle swelîs after standing soins hours, -add more vinegar. The piokie ashould hé veli covered.- Put Iuto, airtight, jars, seal and keep -lu a dark, cool place.. Molasses. Chocolat. Chips.--Oue quart of molase, bs/if a cupful of white sugar, an even cuplul of grated chocolate, bal! a cupful ef vinegar, a tablespoonful of butter, one.teaspoonful -o! bakiug soda. Pour the vanegar iipou the. grated chocolat. aud the, sugar and let it stand; at the aide of the. range wh.rs, it wiil dissolve 8lowly. It sbouid ýnet get hot. When thes augar - i meltsd turn into the molasses -and cook, witbout cover,» aetirriug f rom, -thi. bottom ofteu until if, spins a thread -frei the top of a speon. Now stir in the butter and the. sodaý the latter dissoLved in bot water. FÉlavor -with. vanilla te taste aud pour eut upon buttered. platters to hardeu. A. it forma, eut into chips or bar. with-a buttered kuife. ,Quince Marmalad.-Pare, quar- ter and core, firin, ripe quinees sund cnt into waah pieso.' Weigh thesu nd, 1 llôw an equal quàntity o! s u- - gar. Pu-th. fruit intoa porcelain 11usd keëttie, with,* bareiy -è»eough- water te cover it. *Cook asi owly un- tii =the.fruit in tender and tranalu- cent. Skim freqùèutly. Take out tii. lfruit.,witb. a perforated skimnnir and spread upon diRhes. Now add the, ýsugar tte .ater iu-which-the fruit was boiled. 'Briug te a fast biiand remove the. cu.' Drop lnu, ,thé qtuuce. Bell steadily fifteen, minutes after tii. bubble han fairly, hégun; remove the fire and, put ixito small jars or jehly gîsaks that bave been rolled in hot waterte pre- ,-vent , breaking. Ou-t the quinceu lutô smail bits of uni!o>rm eizesud put up lu -'tumblers. as tii.. syrup makes a firi j.ly about the. fruit. When you ws~ use lt-, dip the, tumbi.r, inte bol water, and.- the contçnta will turn eut in'a s8-4d Salmon 'LIoaf.--One eau sajinon. Pour off ihe liqdid, pick eut the -boue-s and 'skin-sud mix smeothly. Add four teaspoonfuls melteci but- ter, eue-bal! cup' fine i*led crack- ers, sud se-ason witii pepper sud aît sud a. littie grate-d onien. Beat thre., eggs thoroughly sud add, tte . ixture. Stèam iu a ro>und eau eue heur sud a quarter. AI- ways ti., a éloth ou the. under.cever etftth. ateamer te absonb the bouda, cf watcr. Wiien ready te use lay the rol en a platter, garnisb wltii par.sley,,and serve ilu suces mith tp- mate sauce. Celd 'salmon les!, madle the day before uing, clan b. reheated- aud is excellent. Tomate Sause for Salmon Loas.- Bell one plut o! can.d tomateesl with ee cup o! mater sud several slices cf enion, a-ccorciug te taste. Aftem cooking ten or fiteen min- utes, rb threougb a aieve, pulp sud 'ail. exoept 'seeds. Ble-xd a large tableepoonful o! butter with fleur in a fryvin'g-pau, add the. tomate fuie sund make a creaniuike sauce. Seal sou ireleook thoreughly sud serve het lu a gravy boul. Neyer allow meat to remain in paper, O'r.in the kitchen, or it wi11 .quickly become tainted. Ceal tfiat la kept in a dryi airy place will buirn much longer than that which is kent in'a close cellar with no ventilation. Before cooking sage soak it in cold' water for an hour, and then pour away the water. Next simmer the sago in stock or milk s/s desired. Rýd coioring for oooking may b. easily and cheaply obtained by pouring boiling water over basf,- root .whieh bas been choppe fine. Strain before use. Rais, the kitchezi table on bricks, if it ie used for cooking only,' for in thi. way many back aches wiii be saved. It le net the standing sa xnuch as the. stooping wbich is se, tiring in oooking. Black felt hâte may b. renovated by sponging with- ammonia and boiiing, water in equai quartti. »Whesi ry, brush, well th&stf bruah. Orust for roiv-poiy' pudding . e 'macle thns: Put bIto a basin eueýI pouxid of flour, one teaspooenflu of baking powmdeor, anid a pinoh ,cf sit.- Ch op six un e s of ouet aud add t e I I ( I I I I f i t ,Plàoeà.on the stove to-b<olwlâfrthe food, lu co6okingi, tbe: odc>r. yl be abaorbed by tii. *inegýar sd *pces The akin ocf poultryis frequ,&ntly 'verY dirty when brought firom ms- ket,. sud fo*w1ý sh,6uld net, eiily b. waahed, but 4 rùbbed-'with a so1f' brush a'nd warm water, in whieh- -a téaapoonful of baking sgod"li.as been dikWoved. Such treatmenti ewil prevent the disagrecable "hfen-' njy" taste oftgn uotice.bl, in oook- ed poultry. *TILEPHONE Tw-SVR No &eed teo MIfl the LMe a Who bas nt, whenuouingtbe 1t phone, been aaked t. "Hold theéy o lins a moment, pleas -And howý.rok of.teu bas net the "moeneut been': matter cf mintites - -a hn In order te prevet thu5 waste of-téü' tirne, a '«telephone turne-savez1' ha Lk been iuvcuted by Mn. 11, Waymouth É 6 France, a member of a firm o! coun.d sulting mnctor engineers, st D udl y o --e mi, House, Southamptn Streot, Ln. ii. r ne lsdevice consista of a sound. cm magnifying trumnpet cf .flattened pitu~ bom, siiar te, certain types of iflo. entu tor borne, behind. which iâ a plat. mile a ferin adapted te saupport the, tele- broad Phone receiver. feet<, Ou reoeîv ng or m a.king a a li on " W "hold the lin, a moment," the.tuer, n inatead o! "holding of," snorely greati drops tii. receiver ou tbe pistforEà 1 CnIU of the "tizne-êaver,'" %hereby ifet,à ýtMatiCally tides lut . positioin, aoiid with the. earpiece, agaluat the. siaill end o! the. trumpet. The. user' is -te b tiien f ree, té go on wlth hi. werk Wig until a trunipet toilas im"*that. 1the6 ft person at tii. tbor end iàÙ~eakin -'. -hlack ,Conversatio-e,au beoariéd.'oà ie by using tue' loud-speaking trumpet -ti. affording the. acvautage <of leaving the, user's lands free for the- pur-poses .of - uruing- up refer- seS, or tl'gusdown a meesage from dtaion-kr the. receiver îmay-- be llft.d of the instr ument sud" ûinadl ýtii ordin.ary wsy. Tiie ,,u-paig telephone's -"1vCoce" le- imilar te that o!fsa "gramapiion, sud it, h tins jossible for tii. user cf eue of tii.. inetru- meuts t. move some- littIe way, frein the, '-eepho'ue sud yt- hea.r wiien the éeraon aisthe Qther pd >of tii.e A 7t d du 1i twee -andý TOO PRAIL o-LA-8T "9Soyou ve be toff your, su-ý' gagement with Mise Smaite 1" &k- ed the inquisiti;ve friend. His lctm sook i& ead. "Ne b.repliedi,IIdidn't' break-i-t off.." j 'ÀOh, then she broke it of1 "~No," answerecl the youpg.man, enjoying hus friend's growing.won- der. "But it is broken off, isn't it?" persisted the. curious ene. " iOh, yes lx" explained the young nan gently. "8h., told me whàt her dressmaker's yearly bill1Was, ýnd I pld lier what MY income waa. E'en our engagement gently dis-, solved." c I z i B 'J s fa d. o!' tri. <listauce -from .'th,. thé. suinmii thièi .lentire-i Pred 'b' tu emaffl~ Pl- insuch mrderas, à!rectt aebe- - te bavei I t 4 ,a 1 p i ctu r e q u e a n d ew e - Loui e lie' at au elevation P&et a îxs ah ut iid'on eëvery recksn~w-appd bigbs ga picture o!fperfect-peeso. te Mn Ed*'ard Wympor ham red ifte L ake Qeshinen, lu, riaud, butissid itwsmr leque: sud- admoemgf- ,nvironmeut .It-iaabout-a' *hl lt hnd a hait ling-sund a hal! Mile wiue is ~eptslaover20 laier ethw olj h. boulder-cov- lhir 5beginel-te forefront 6! thé. lence 'the le > until Wreach-ý' te whçre it le vsauches f rom c! ofenormous the unner end le! -thi e lu the elouds- le situl- ated amd<-tg seie fthe,'wldeet beauty. On the-side, ike'uéntiels, stand Mounts Wbyte sud !iiblock, 5grîm sud silent, sud the irregular- 'paka, 'muuuig back, tel o! gneat sud,ý terrible emuptien i4 that day of uphevaIl lan bacýk intMý mîSty egés of tii. eantii'B infancy. - A littie way cown the. valleySature amiles, not broadiy, but, noue tth. lessweetiy, fer br.' e ameng the, messes are feund the forget-me-nots,, the wood anemoue, the, bluebells o! the. Scotk tish Highlands, thefern, the- Alpine .edelweiss(the' bridal flower. e!f- the Swiss Moutaiueer), sud the 'boa: t4ci~ that neminda the- sonàsu ad daugters of bonnie- Scotlùd 'of. their native bulls. It 18 an à1pine garden, 'sud the .té.ual' hilîeseem. worthy guardiana o! tuis spot ef Te aany people are lq foget and. frgive-fer. a LPackage ý'Grýcer' foi t Portsumouthin lathe most atrougly IIII1t ortifie plae-iluEngland. --IUUIUUU diip <The m, e ndidate on hile ynrshoes. ~'a ii z»is. liquid and paste combined. ;Z4'i DARK HORSE iaiparties in the Um At>rHUAVFÇq 0F ONTARNO Mau was se.;, rhe test )Id, ffli4il Il - IfOUSEROLD IRINTS. 10%.

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