Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 12 Sep 1912, p. 6

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raitee cf-a govermnentanit lthat they are,,abosese5..; Mr m aso i-es-ua hrie Ohas. Lapi m; t,èe Boules, que *make -Bo mucli money that it would, Ms:-B4ye ',a OWn Tablej, reteappear &a fortunei1 A«o.mauy .6youlh' bout Me lcne. a,, Mthfl i 1, nthée 0W Land, tay odnT her, little? ozies and I' slways -keep Bits. - J tbM ini the liuse." The. Tabletst A Young girl, who.» ou' Mith e *sold'by medicine dealers or by rsthall ci hem ,teeno, iad an el-. PilI. t 25 cents sa:box from ii.dçr iie uto.nlyc h AJrWilliams' Medicine Co., Brook-e. P. X'-w in i the abbreviation for JMwe flý 'the. Caflidian Pacific Railw'ay0com- -- bOliT KILL fIDES-Thei. O.P. R. -have lately ID 0VT 14UISPIDRS. built apac$ous offices i-n Yictois, - ~B. O., and the nubroÎheir ena- Noceuse It lithe Natural, Euemy et ployes. grows lamgem every' day. the pli@ Thougli it in saà tii4t this-cempany - dees net pay verymy xih for their Thse deaclly character of the cors- help, it isa& factViiat thii Young monhou. fy las ein5IRIY 9- frl , wltlit knowiedge -of steno- monstratedi but, i-t,- rather curi-. graphy or typewmîting, il a eening 0115 that iOiOflOG lbas neglected the $40 a flonth as an office- irL bygleieulo suanitary qualities cf CAO~FRÂL thie cowmmn spider. CAcl O u The. fly ipreadi tyhold,- choiera, il may b. news ta Engliali read- -Ifntile --pamalysia, ,tubéeulkosis, ors that the . moof fdwelling-hous- aind other, Vae4es. Tii.spider la es ln Western Canada are eovemed .*à. netural -enemy of the. ly and wth shinglea. -Theso, are made cf ecn.equlpntly tii. friend of,.humai- cedar-w<éod whieh la stili plentiful - cler -het he sidrheme, and they do service as ilates, It s4eînis »,oer-ttesie only tliey do net -lait q '8t0s long. - uhoul'iâ. s nouraged i-n the vioin- TÈere aré new -80 meny houais be- lty ofthte boiuge sud even within ing built in V'ictoria aud',vicini-ty the hou.,- wheme it is not a p<iitiye that shingltng lias become -quit. a nuinanéé. This point la made by a. specialty,, chielly for Young men.1 French icientiflo -writer, Dr. Jules Now, after nome >ractie4, aouthC Henrivaux i-n L'a Nature.wloisoeit quick 4 nimbl e The natives cf certain parts f may ern, $5 a dy, and soeties Mexio have long reocgnized the- more. -value cf spiders ase a pirotection There are other waye . in which t; againet the fiy pest. The Mexiçan Young boys ýmake an lionest penny -1 -goes i-to the Woods and picks out even during their- schocl-days. Be- u a nugt cf a certain social spider fore sohool they may deliver the.t, known'te siince as Coonothelee. mcraing paper, and thus earn $3 aa This spider iasaall and- thickset, weýk -and a fter sohool runîng or- very industrious and speads- a ran~ds or delivering parcels, selllng Z çmeat a1ýûndance cf stronjç fly-catcli- or carryiug some daily papom, inl4 îng -Webs all arouind him. He builds the means for a boy ta buy bis owu In the he-anches cf the. eak tree. clothes. The Mexican pulIls ocg a twig Then.-loek et the. opportuniities bearing a neat el these spiders and for young- girls without 1any- s5pecial ai then snets it up i-n thé. roca whichi educetion or experience. Tliey just -hée wishes feed frona flies.. tart eût ta do for thesuselves and The spiders are deèan and ham- save a.,few dollars. Th4me are les. They keep te the vzLc«nity_ of stores or cfficeu 'ler. where even 1'. --their twig and do net spread al sucli girls are i-n damand, ànd the 2C over the îrocm. 'It is a lesson in in- ileast pay . they will receive will be dustry te wetch thena work. $25 e >month. 111t may happýn t1hat il Net only does thiu spider destroy the . riglit tling may piot tgmýL p abt t t'ihe flues, but lie bringà an assisfint once for e stranger lu ths nntry. -.witlI.lima to 'help to do the job in a A-, per"on muet have- time 1ýo how complt.eand cleanly manner. Ts h ati rs, -eie au. be'meliéd ion and asistant l ie a emaîIl hard-shelled de1lonest work.; Thia doný, there 'bétIé 01theCeGleoptora feaily, Whio inaio--mere trouble' in flnding ena- G 1i-ies wit the- spider, - oceupyiuýg ploymen u.lvingincmot 1 wlaat mnay be- calle7d the ser-vant!s GODP F q , quarte1is lu the lowçr part of teVis. AY-FR NURSES. - emelie -There-n*a anotiier-kind cf..werk, 8 When a kbecoes e msedi whicli is very rehilgueiative in- thia the. web, the. spider us eut and Sountry, sud thet ,e'nursiing. There' b: *feastae Jipon its blood. 'After fila. 'are in Victoria tîwolarge hliospitaeb spider hes quit. fnished bis'-meel, where Young girs -mey train for,, a -'the 4betle stepe fom-ward and me- nursing.. Botli inti-tution-l iiav aspectf ully 'clear&, away the, remains., some Engjýiigirls: i-n',trainm*g,& and i The ýbeetle eats upý ail Vii. remain- durmng ihat time, tley pay thena, ing ,soIt parts cf the fiy. Thi. few, encugli te ,keep tiiemselVe Once d eees le cannot eat ho xtliriôws iu- they are ltraiued'tnurses they are' a tea hamben constructed.-specially Paid '$20 la week for- prefeéssienal 1i for the pprpose in the.bottemof werk. 0f eoursel, ths profession is thie nest. flore the hlardest- parts pretty mucli like thàt of à physicien are slowly devoured by smaller in- or a lawyer... RBeuinxgs arp some- a secte thaWt ôcupythis chamnber. times hard,. but as, accu as tliey ho- fj1,' It Testifes. for It>elf.-Dr. Tho- -mnas' Eclectric Oul neede -no testi- Snnial of its powers otiher then iW sleIl. Whoever tiries it for.eoughs or clds, -for cuts or contueions, for aprains-or hurma, for pains in the lim.bs-or body, well know thet the medicine p roves itscif anc d sn tuer&4ntee. This shows why ths Ili. s an genemal'ue Excluding~ Siberia, China is the largeot empire in Asie. Mlnard'a-Lnmmnt RetIevs Nouralia.& "l'e , wiet's 'an inscruteble - eamilel" "I-sthe, kind, My son, yormother lied on her face-tis xorning wben I told hem business might keep me: eut -late to-night." Curd of Shinglês - and Eczrna By C"iura Soap sand Olisuen. Chiest !Raw, Bedcing and hchy. "' 1 us$ want ho say a geed word for Outi. ours Boap snd Olinmaut. lu Novambon, 19Mo, r1imad viat the dectos aoil shîngles su ad ocsansa, My chest wu arw sud beedlng and'itcmy, Iwae-ttwsyasfliuir. h wss netse biS lunlime aummar. In September It gel worpe. 1 baS tha be&t doctors tnoaulug ime, but d me no' gocd, sud 1 wasa ai rua Sowu linealti. Iu Novembar. 1010, It get verse again. I seut ho yen týr sample cake « Cuticura SBORD. Yoen it te me sud 1 - o elWý béx et Cutlcura Olulmant. I-have usad -Wo boeusud ou lhim nee It bas eured vie o! ablugles and ectagia. 1 am de. ilheml lth liem anS de teSplesso e hlllk I hava e ihlng1Ibave Condeclu ehu ûs~ne be auffarlni 1ddhp th& âhem viiido as I Id, adc1îm sreoet V Sketresuits. I amnrcmnsdu ietie qxperlauce." <SgnS)J.H..Jrvs,7 a 8t., 1iugu$cnOnt..Mas 011.- P ore ar thana iaeratmon CuticuraSosi, sd çu'ticura. Olumeênt havea Blonded t1h. Ils ,4meut econoelcaltemnt for fs onu tm Reyscammn. j W.' a Co coine known sud have'som asucces these girls are cnabledte star- s bank -aScount sud feel quit. inde- pendent. Other very lucrative empîcymeuts are plumhing, carpauteriug, plais. tering, pai-nting, g4rdeuing, brick- laying, and -stone-cuttiug. -Af i-em t-he ucceesary eppreutice work if is very easy for a men workiug et any of i-he ahove irades toearn four or five dollars per day. BUYING REAL ESTATE. At pmqent th e best-pa.yiug occci- paiis sehing mreal estate. As the besutiful cimate of Victoria sud suroundings - hecemes more widehy kncwn tbera is a greet l-in- flux of population liera, sud i-le de--, mend Îdm land sud bouses groWs apace. Withiu -the. lest i-wo yeams values have increased a thoueand percent., sud 'al hi 1ose whe laad ever se ithe real estate. ta scîl in -Victoria 'have ecently become -pos- sessed of suieli fortunes. Que more source of revenue rmc- main§ te ha menti-oued, sud thet 1-P fish. Fi-sh is elwaye more or lesinin demaud, and tlie supply luni-ho. ocean is elmost inexheu'stible. Sel-C mon, for instance, cen ha caughti almosi- et any i-me-cf i-ho year, but i-he Indiens sud hahf-bmeeds are flac chie! fishermen cf- ths couutry. However, i-bei-does not -preveni- i-ha two fsah markai-s conductcd by. white ypcple f rom -doing a thriving business.- *A RADIUM PALACE. -Will- Be Opencd in Paris, France, in Otober, 1913. A radium palace is being built in Paris, and will be.formally opcned- by the Minister of Public Instruc- tion.'in October of next yegr. The palace will cost $80,000 te, build end will consiet cf three email pavilions, joined tth , One Wil1 be ikixadium laboretory in -whit Mme. Cùre- wiil expera- ment. Another wi . belong to the« Pasteur Insie f r xer1en81 plirposes; while th, third, .which às te- b. between-thé ther two i. be- ing built as a greet safe. witi1 walls. cflad, and every possible precau- oie ag 'i-nt burglary. l Inlis- pa- vilion theme will never be leus than eeverel Rundred thou.sands of pounda' worth -of radium stored, and there mey often b. naucli more. Oocesionelly wemznéet a. girlý who is so fond cf inuacthet ah. nover triea t~o play thiepianô.' VI À OOD CON-VER1T gold Food thse True RosI ta The peînicicueliabit smeper. kna siilhave of relying on neuse- um druga te i:elieve steaach-rou- le, keepa up i-h. patent medicine usi-nessand lielps keep up i-ho Smy ef! dyspeptice. Indigestion-dyspepsie--is eaused >y what is put iuto tue stomaca in he way e! improper food, the ki-nd iai- so i-axea-tueestmeugtl of i-h. Âgestive corgaes, tiiey- are açtuaikv iippIed-.s - ' - . " 1.^ I » , - Whi-thi- ssi-ate-. ireaclied, i-ome- mi- i-o tônic i-s hi-kiug whipping a ircd -herse, with a b-g lomd. Every dditional effort he mekes, under LO lash diainishes lais' power, te iove tihe load. Tmy helping thle st6ach hy leav- ig off heavy, greasy. indigestible )od aud take on Grape-Nuts - ghat. easily digcstad, -fu-l cf xengta for nerves and hrain, i-n very grain of it. Thcre's no waste f inie nom eneuigy wiien Grepe- luts is fihe food. "I aa an enthusimitic user of rape-Nuts and. cousider if su ideal >d'>P wri-cs a XMaine man: «'I lied nervous dyspepsie, and as ahi u dowu sud my -food smed ta, do me but littie gccd. -cm reading an advertisement I ced Grape-Nuts food, and, siter few weaks' steady use of if, felt eetjy improved. - "Am much stronger, net nerv- s now, sud cen do môme wemk tliout feeling so timed, aud amn Mter every wey. "I relisli Grape-Nuts hes- witli eam and use four heaping tea- coufuls as i-he cereal part cf a ~el. I amn sure flacre are thon- eds cf persous with stamaca ouhle who would ho henefited hy ug Grape-Nuts. - Nauxe given by ,nadian Poatum Co., Windsor, t. Read the little book, "Tii. ad te, Weilville," in pkgs. rhere's a reason." »ver read the abovea bIter? A new oe -cars from lime te lime. They are ipins, tram, and fali et haman Intest. ,l foi lig evo of Ni seE Fr trI oui wi mel tre me tRo "'i api Ron NO CHANCE. "I undarstend you're saving your suoney now 1" "Thaet's right. Ecenomylai-lase road te ealth. Yeu'll be ni-ch sorne day if you keep on." "No chqmuca. I wou't b. able i-o keep on. T'm jus-saviug up te get marri-ad. " BD. TWO FisE -WIiTH O-NE BOOK. Ou, Bel SwaIIowed Anothei.Wlt-a -Blook Inutiti Body.* LR&M, M THE WAY TO WIN. About tbe, -only way te gef things .onaÈ gycnr ,way- is a long hai-the agiittheir gciug- the ether wey. No oee eed fear duilera or auy asummer complai-nt if i-ley have a bottle o! Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dy- sentery Cordial ready fer use. ut corrects slhooseness cf flac bowele pro-mptly 'sud causesa a ealtliy sud naturel action. Tis i-s a medicine ddapted for i-h. young sud old, richa and poor an sud arpidly -be- coming tue most popuhar medicine. for clichera, dysantery, ai-c., in i-le market. 0f au egg, thla sbunuen ousti- i-nies fourteen par ceuf. cf the. whole. MInard's LItment Cures Dandrilll. 0F COURSE. "WIt a great talker hoeis 1 Dn yen suppose that all ho says is cor- rect?2" "No; i-iai-'s why ho tahksisqs Loy Cohenlat Rates te Pacifie Coast via Chicago eut North Western Ry., Sept. 25th te Oct. loth from. aii peints lu Canada ho Las Angeles, San Francisco, Pordland, Seattle, Victoria, Vanceuver, Hoelçua. Butta. Missoula, Kahlapehi. Pocatoilo, Hampe, Sait Lake City, Ogdeu. crans Jet., etc. Through Tourlut shoaperu anS free reclining chair cava tron-'Cicago. Variable routes. Libaral stop-cvors. Fer information write or oeil ou B. Hl: Bon- naett. Generel Agent. 46 longe St., Torohxto. Penny postage has heen eatab- lisiied b-etween Austrie and Egypt. Mtniard's Ltniment fer satee*varywtaere. "Wehhl, old aport, how do yeu feel? l'y. just esten a bowl cf cx- i-ail soup andi feel bully." "I'ive juai- eten a plate cf hasland fled luke everytlaing." Whether i-le cern be cf old cm new growta, it muai- yicld te Hiol- loway's Corn Cure, i-he smplesi- sud hast cure effered te i-ha public. - NOT CRAZY. "Do you think that Oscar.pro- pesed te, me meraly on eccount cf My mouey? "lWell, yen kuow, my dean, lac NA- DRU-ICO Ruby. Rose Cold Cream A tollet delight, with the exquisite fragrance cf f resh roses. I t pré- serves the most delicate corn- plexlon--egainst sun, wlnd and dusi, and keeps handbabad-arns sofi and smooth. Splendid for sore lis; Trylit-you'l çertsiniy appreciate it. ln 25Se. opal glssjast yoiir druat'a. 186 NATIONAL Oflua AND CHEMICAL GO. 1 0Ol CANADA. SLi'0D. -oronto,- WHAT I8 THE USE?1 Il a man -suceecla by aeting on y'our adviee he -feeds tuha he would biave aocted as ho did wlthout being, sdývisedpy yen, sud i-f ha ales b.- ~~ause ~ t< -h-eg.ce eleed your ad- vie h.blàee yen fer not making. ft sfrôngor i-han yen did. So wbi-'s Faultless ini Preparation.-Un- like any other stcmeoh regulator, IParmelee'a Vegetable P-ille are the resuit of .long study ouf vegeteble compounds calculated to adimulate the stcniachic funcfions andmain- tain tihem et the normal condition. Years of use have proved their faultiess chara.cter and 'esteblished their excellent reput.aticn. And this reputetion they have inaintain- e& foryears and will continue to mainitain, for these pilla inust al- ways stand st~ the head of the list of standard jireparationis. '<Did you go away on a vacation to forget your troubles?2" CYe.s," replied the man who does not cere for outdoor lite. "There is noth- ing that makes you forge old trou- bles like going out and picking up a lot cf new cnes." Minard's Liniment GJo., Limited. Dear lrs.-Ii had a Blaading Tumrnc my face for a long time and trîed a nnm- bar cf remedies withot e ny gocd results. I was advlsed tc try MINÂRDS LINI- MENT, and after uaing severai botties It made a compDieta cure, and it healéd ail up and diaoppeared altogethar. DAVID HENDERSON. Belleisie Station. Rings Co., N. B.. Sept. 17, 1904. i "«Thet dog of yourn flew ai- me i-hia morning, and bit me on the leg, and I now -notify yen that I iufend te shoot itý the firsi time I sec it." "The, 409 is net med. " '"Mad 1 1 knew he'as net mad. - What's he geV ta, be mad abouti It's me thai' mad" Impuni-las of i-la Blond Ceuni-ar- acied.-Iuspuniiieq ia'inthe biood corne troua defecta li- ha action of the iver. They are reveaied by pimplas and unsighi-iy blotches on fuie skin. They must- be i-reated inwerdly, and for thia purpose there is no more effective compound te lie uaed i-han Parmnelee's Vege- t-abhe- Pille. Tlaey aci- direcfhy ou i-ha liver and by seftîng up heahi-hy proesses have a beneAicial a ffect upen-ho blond, se thet impumities ara elimiuated. SOMETHINO NEW. "'I wish I cculd do somei-ling that wOuhId b. abseiutely uew-some- tiiing thet ne man hed ever doune bhefore," sàM tfue sad-faced million- aire. In ta iel yen how te do if," mre- plied tla.philosopher.- "Hw? elm, man, aud I wilh mekeîit worth your whaihe," "LIoek back oear, your car eer, fn u oi jét how mucla cf your suc- casa ws due -te yeur own gei-u 1. - - j-- - - - Fur home. mulatd' tg bei Z Lsreu=Sna - mie - lIN'WILD AàRA B. T.hriuhmg Aveature .f Au Engili Evangeflit. i HOIR. Laiid, ft -21 ès-o't 'neering, "rk, 8eya tatwhen fi was amozigat the' Bedouin Ara-be between Kerek and the, ordan, hi wae invclved'in -the, terrible massa cre which ocourmed ayer gole December. *At thet time ho was ii Kerair, which is 100 miles east à Jerusalem., dnd the Areb-a cf the whole district ranged thenselveî againat tue -Turks. A night atta-ck toek& place, an< .800 soldiers were'orgenized te repel thena, but ne fewiér than 200 offier@, the.ir wives, and childrn were maasacred by lthe wild Arabe, wh< had been geaded to a stete of mad- nese by the oppression of the Turks. Mr. Forder, with hie wife anc some Americans, were in the cita, del, and when this was captured, efter 12 dayas' siege, they antici- peted the woret. There we-re four ladies and five gentlemen in the. par- ty, and thes. were the only cnes saved frorn the maddned. besiegers. The reasen for this was that Mr. Forder was well known ase a "mecl- ci-ne man," more so than as an evangeliet. f Afterwerde the smaîllParty left Kerak for safety. They were et- tacked several times by nomedic bribes, and one of these insi.sted upon a member cf the Party going bo'their camp. Lcooking et hie wif e, and imagining it, would be thlaset time h. would soe her, the evangel- .st eaid, 11I will go there." Whilst the Arabe thought he was aound asleep he cverheerd a plan for th-enatoei1 hiûa. They intended to take the Party te an-i&olated- spot and there shoot them on the follow- ing day. However, as h. knew the locality h. got away and went fur- hàem south. Fe>rtunately they struck a f riend- [y Arab chieftain who ioaned them 20 soldions as an .escort, and.after a-strenuous non-etop journey of 17 Îours, tbey airived in eafety &t bbir deetination.1 qw iy. "I Uvnuiise." fiOh, yen do, d* y< >1 souted 414 exasperatôcl .judge., "Pay -WlI me, sUr, Iiow long- yog have 4 , c e p I r I > -O "ùin4ent t huer," wa betaikiÀ nga snleti Auer fnZa-usign-, aliedoten-a wound ra di>isury eh nrenty.sn wasn th disaoyory cf esot kfill~ tluingi As soon as anthi ski ayefam-Bu sap hed mate a' wcundor soreych in a urylu fouunds filaZaz-Bukde e'kl Thoaen. Ascc as Zam-Buk i isapplied -o ac n re, oa deu, r ski-nc dae sei-tstops tethsari-ng. Thiat i-s imiy cidren haryes -cli fnim enda cf Za-Buk ssr;to Aain..Ahs iaccuyasZam-Buk i- appred te emanecn te iae part, e fil. elLebenathMrthemhkn' f 101 belw ismuAvsecMre cf caldupon thle Zam-Buk Co.. su told thena that for over tweni-yfive- years he had been a martyr tioec. zema. His; hande weme at one ime aeceovemed wîtli acres that lie md ta, sleep in gloves. Four years age' Zam-Buk was iutrcdueed i-c 1a, and in a few mon-hu i- cure. hlm. -To-day---over three years aftor his cure cf a diseQý se. li ld -for, twe nty- fivo years-Iie à sstill cured. AUl druggists selI Zam-Buk at: ôOc, box, or- we will seud free trial, box -if you moued itus advertisiement- aud- a le. stamxp (te pay returu T LEORAPR ain i hatid u Agents' work iiiiai its detaiIý are imc ud laho cour e tTanfgincln d ite1Iho Central T 'legraph School. 2 Ger. rard St. %Io ront' ).Correspond- enoae itiL T 'J.Johnston, Prie. > WH. :baý, Proaldent. A t!- Dust di nfetar:tsweeping Pqw der, iii& life pre- 'I36Ver becqkpae it kils alI diseasei germa. u[rlr1oors 4lan; *iar- pe*~ bright; hom fr" and ev,ýet. NO d1 wl4ie w eeî Askl your De ier tokIt bcLarei! ImpeMai Chose Do. Sole astributors for Ontario TE Si PHO NFC. CO., Llmlted, Montresil jhas 3,363 miles of :rail- Îich 899 are coui-rdfied by ian twelv-e different com- ithrs h ave eaaop i-o cm Graves!' Worm Eu-aer- eause 'ît lies rchieved nos cf:I sufferiug and Iheelthy. Ireiand Il waye, of w, no fewe r-t panies.- Manym bhess Mo-t ainatar, i-ha liile made i-hem ili posaes-+ions. -- - MInerds Ltn -"Tlais bei cus,ramÈ "Don't Pei very oh-en- Plied ti-lhi gai-s dron once." ýnaent -Gurepý Burns, Etc. ch bois maâthee. danger- kd tahe timid bather. Yphe gef- drowned here d N, madana " ce- e gar. "N«o one ever ed herý more i-heu Constl ia an eneml underie aud mule -t Il leada te fréquent ca neglecî itisý Indian - Ra Constigatic ve etabeï your heaiti, t dri&- FARM8 FOR SALé. H. W. DAWSON, Ninsty Coiborne St., Toront. 0 VER FIPTY GOOD IPOE Parms In. Manitoba, Saskatchewan a nd Alberta t right prices on easy terns F RUIT FAIllISINH TIlTS BEAT FRUIT Fdistrict of Ontario. Al aizes at right p1'ices. lP YOU WANT TO BUT OR SELL A H. tork, grain cf dairv farin cons-uit na. H.W. DAWSON, Toronto. H. W. DAWSON, Toronto.. 0. o. 66-ru'rY &Â'RES IN MIDDLE- NL sez GCounty, sou dcay lbain;-g ood buildings;ý telephone in hansee rur al ma delivery; owner anxions 10 sei. . Western Real Eftate. London. Ont.* MALE -HELP WANTED. yOU CAN 'EASILY ÉARXI $60 TO $75 Y mont'hly after' attending here six montha. We teach railway station work for Canadien Railways. Free Book 18 ex- plains work and wages. Dominion Sichool Railroading. Toronto. H Ay £ND FARM SCÂLEK . Wýlipzn»s j ASsiW rks, 9 spande, Toonto. A-NCE.-TUMORS. 'LUMPS,. ste.l. ternel -sud eXternal. cured .stbout Pain by aur bome treatment. Write us bafore toc late. Dr. Belirnan Mfedical Ca. -limiteil.Collinitwocd. Ont.- je T0111SCALE GUÂRANTEED. Wilson-. Seile Wcrks. S Esplanade. Toronto. S ALÂRIED POSITION &W,&ITs CON- ký patent business man wbo -eau lnrest 81,000 ln profitable going manufacturing business. Manager, e01 Kant'Building. Toe ronto. GL Â~~rSTONE$. wXEDNEY AND BIM. Lumbago and kîndred alments pcsitiivaly cured writh the nZew German Remedv, "SBano1;.' price $1.50. Aniother new remedy -for DiabetesMeliitus, and sure cure', is "Sancl's Antl:-Dlabetes." Price $2.00 tram drugglsts or direct. The Sanol, Manufao- turing Gombany ot Canada. Lini- Winnipeg, lMen. -FEATFIER DYEINQ CI@% adCurling sud Md glowes ctaanud. M muin be hasent by post, le par o& The best place 19.- fw BRITISH AMEUICAN DYEINC C0. Ma -AL F BR r xV]m ORNIOBOTÉI saupis Msd flookieta on Applcation paioi AM*LANCMUîIU"- O., 1LlMited -witi eth è,camp. T Ili ahmaSre .ocs' thZe strcsgest Conýstitutibn ______________________ se mast vigôrous beaulah i-ndasûonbon si;- OINS ENO ROOT WANTEO sud isl' c f Ihe mout L ADCLIAE u cf appndicitis. Ta IDAN UTIAE sicw suicideDrMrs' - >Pise_ posltiv..Iy cure WIEFOIR 'IE n. Tucyl are enîiraly - 1 cempohati on sud do ni*o-l We.yFORb GOFFATT knogipe rers-OR JLLIA, ONT. '~Egypt has 14412 -mires Of Si-aie I ~ PUi r raiiways. -- > A singýular catc-c eemsje. .m- munieated te tth. Loudon Field by on oufe its readers. 'Sp'iiyp- Ithy is due the. u.lucky creature. Who, once hocked and twice *Swal- lowed,, had more than hi..suer. of misadventure. At Woodlands, near te Invercer- gi-fl, a lad of fiwelve yeae and sny- self amused curselvea sctting aide Unes in a awamp oreek, baiting a 9-mell triangle hook with rabbit- fleala tied on witla a fiue flax fibre. Que eveniug my litti. friend eried iu excitement, "Oh, do coin ee! V've got a w-lopper!1" On going, I found a heavy eol (ut subsequeutly weighed seyen and oeequarter pouuds) on the hune, and on pulling it oui- W"at-onislied'at the. way in wh-ch 1Icfund it secured. Tii. lino was t.ied to a fiax-bu-sh, and theuce I foumd it enfler.d fthe eel'a moisi-l, came out again at the gili, and again, with hook and hait, disap- peered dt>wn the ee'le gullet. -I carried itfies if was up te the home. stead, aud lu the. presenice -o! host and faui-ly opened if, and found ln-à si-de- a small ;W about twelvs te ei-ghteen luches.lonrg. wi-tlthe iiook. and bait i-n ita belly. This litfle chap lied firet swallow-à ed the -hoock and bait, nert wa - swallcwed -hy the big sel, tiienc erawled *out th'rcugh the. gel, aud wasa e seond turne swellowed by the big felew, who, in the ffarce strug-- gle thatfofllowed, lied drawn - the. locp se tiglat as ta pull hum h.ad and neck inte a curve, and iied aotually tom Vii. gQI fhrough for an inch. On two0 or tuire other occasions 1- have fouud tliat a amali .el that has ewallowed the bai-t, and been in turu - swallowet¶ by a big e.l, has- crempt tlarough and hung outaide they gil0 cf 'hi-scapter; - but ths *là-tiie ft!rOWIlwd îr uu O0NTARIC TORONTO MISCELLANEOU& Indeed, tvs~sr t cToi te Ialo- lgthe- Eu¶liali tashion. tn he' Prinomseworeb m a d e ut a m o t i u h eir f st As, b t - i ud , I is f r cfl a t io n bsMaesetys suhisut4 theA ime alvt The.omsîcun asgr l aneof sauxà br fep semer w t] b e SD - 1w aaa for Royalty, ni Pyne and a. nuc b o f Thre -as nore f o f the other funclione Royal par-ty. .8tw star- garden PaitY orge Club, b O bu . w i h w a s a -and - a terrif a thi avept and dreuc'edth the club like a iryoung occasion the ie sow aenthualiasm, ilu the, b s p k o at e s o l of bis a dresse s, I d aiughabouty ct ano te haJ-able ta wlthycraprios anj mr suceesom.' ~waa brok1inrrTrno dég.diic-e d dames Gatliîdrai. buk, il'is not- U.d1mOu vy temple ba *beu mâd statue a- wel :5s5-tihe ion of a cathédral, b -- to naught, ,O ua ýof l inte way -In tbp ,, e pa sare net f&eaa malter tafeaihp - - -- because nmany- of -thei 'he -aine famles. for a r e sa u r r o u e d i l It - would bha-difficimt la- Prpmyspaakmng. athedral of -Toronto.- b e t i s e s e a t Î, t a i It bas been -litti -As stated. il la uearly thea.siteavynsutii eu upper Howlamd Aven the centreof, polpilah b u t , le o- y z r ln -o f fice that ha. eun .or eastern, wlng. ànd.u -4 Iis sinel section viti ii ed ni, iu primitive sty datedi.the cougregatlon. axpian -hie - etraordi means. e uetig f t h e c a t h e rilr aw a y : b e y e n î e r p m ent, Soema s i h tIf be au ýaIated Bis op f J quicklvy havé -mi e the -Ity. Tey baoet thir succes h -he u ai a e t H, owver. ýan energtic < he direction cf Blsbop > gaing with the. fins vivé5. nS havei nqde pro5rsa tat the..or beau aid for-the south buing The céremony by tha Dukq ef Conn hoped i-hat snch bliaiy dcv an early relizatie layeS Ideal. IRE RUIS AMTR Altbegh il lain more sine lToron-to's big ffre. thni that mai the reahing*lie tity ,by* w - Station is à Viekw of th ngrlY ruine lyiug botweau thlie B y. This u lct j pying eue-of thé moi the city. ling nir î years.-tells the try oSe twean'Toreuto and tha ie us. : I m mi ediately - et tien. the railways och situation to lay cdaim tey ,wauld for 'a ew The city,-con lter ide. _o oppotn omaia m ways. wh'bicl b heir d nSoperaticus.hep -~ ed lie! natural cboulSdo sometimn g vi - T t re saIt w as a - _7 railway iuid-eiavat a via du t ig b n ug street passage tao r-unI disturbad tte watr matters arisln, cti o anS d unloër mmadiw lieu ,to imer Dominiion wblci,, afteryears of- 91ln yadiis appt I 'n a d 5 t as d m a n e o u s th e r a ilw y Éy r udave sucéed lu mater n. Iu vie* fý -> It. vould be u niw ise t e u fiither Selaying -pos era, v as îthihthy h the eud of timir tther. -nazI yar'ir exhibiiai- tevu tho scene eo des streat Wihi be replaced- construction ou then tack leaticri work. 'ralway' has no prfos ' h o r o -a e b a t î i h' i e v cf writing tbe Canadia prtetir iai itiiil fFm, Black Powdui. e 8l1-4don TwitSLI finish, Ieft Bafrel rut ftoc sale at $gur dealer, ùf he dees not carry these writ dircmcon and see them at our store. Aceýio subStitute, Uic LION ARMS GO&, brand is the best at I StLarece Blvd MOMTREAL. ffnisbed - his- ýnd starte tot ndin , Timers [t as 1George W'ho brolielu in Duke anid Du c"er', an -va so ver ftilt procedîn ichear.- AI 'LADIES 1 OB OBSER me. h Duches Pu asP 1

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